So that at the same time and the pace of the workout. Determination of students' functional readiness according to control tests. Chapter II. Purpose, objectives, methods and organization of the research

Plaster 27.09.2020

The content of the article:

Each athlete knows a large number of different exercises aimed at developing each of the muscle groups. Also, bodybuilders know that you can change the type of execution of all movements, which means focusing on the shortened, negative or positive phases. Experienced athletes also know that due to the lengthened negative phase (the weight drops for a longer time than its rise), more microtraumas can be inflicted on the muscle tissues.

Quite a lot of articles have been written about these things. However, much less attention has been paid to the questions of how high speed can affect tissue injury and energy exchange. At the same time, this is a very important topic. Today you will find out how bodybuilding and fitness exercise rates can help you meet your goals.

Powerlifters need to do the exercises very slowly to achieve their goals, while weightlifters do them at high speed. Bodybuilders need to maintain an average speed in order to achieve their goals. Thus, we can draw a simple conclusion: the maximum rate of mass gain directly depends on the speed of execution, as well as the type of exercise. Three types of strength movements can be distinguished:

  • Positive - the burden rises more slowly than it goes down;
  • Negative - the sports equipment descends more slowly in comparison with its rise;
  • Static - the weight is held without moving.
There is also a gradation of the pace of the exercise:
  • Fast - repetitions are performed without pauses for or 2 seconds;
  • Medium - it takes about two seconds to complete the replay;
  • Slow - there is a pause of a couple of seconds between repetitions, and the movement itself is performed in 3-4 seconds.
Athletes in strength training need to inflict microtraumas on the fibers of muscle tissue, which occurs due to a decrease in energy reserves in the muscles. This goal can be achieved through any of the above methods. This is the main reason for the absence consensus the most effective type and rate of exercise in bodybuilding and fitness.

For beginners, this is not very interesting, since at the beginning of their career, any training is a lot of stress on the muscles, which implies their development. But it becomes more and more difficult to do this over time, since it is necessary to constantly increase the energy consumption of tissues. The most popular way to achieve this goal is to increase the working weight of the sports equipment.

It should be noted that many athletes use it throughout their careers and do not attempt to find new ways. But some athletes know that energy expenditure also changes depending on the speed of exercise.

The pace of the negative phase in the exercise

Over the past 15 years, negative training has become very popular among athletes. Its essence lies in the delay in the process of lowering the projectile in comparison with the speed of its rise. For example, performing a biceps lift, an athlete lifts a sports equipment in less than a second, and then, slowly, controlling the speed, lowers it to its starting position in 2 or more seconds.

In addition, there are other ways of negative training used by professionals. Let's say that the working weight is so high that it is not possible to lift it on your own and a friend helps to lift the projectile. The weight is already lowered by the athlete. This contributes to a significant acceleration of muscle mass gain.

When performing negative approaches, the energy of the tissues is consumed and, as a result, they receive microtraumas, since there is not enough energy to uncouple the connected fibers of actin and myosin. Thanks to this, the muscles continue to contract and the fibers are torn, which is a microtrauma. When performing negative repetitions, the muscles perform tensile work, which contributes to the infliction of more microtraumas.

Also, an increase in the strength of ligaments and joints, which is a consequence of high loads, can be attributed to the positive aspects of negative training.

However, two disadvantages of the negative approach should also be noted - energy and speed. The slower you exercise, the slower your muscles will become. Thus, the muscles will not be able to show a high rate of contraction, which is necessary conditions achieving high results in many sports. It was also found that with negative training, energy is spent less efficiently than with positive training.

However, there is one technique that allows you to eliminate the disadvantages of negative approaches described above. The athlete needs to start performing the exercise using positive repetitions, thereby increasing energy expenditure, and in the final phase, begin to make negative movements, which will increase the number of microtrauma inflicted on the muscles.

Positive phase pace

There is a lot of information about the positive phase, but it is rather difficult to draw a useful conclusion. When comparing the positive and negative phases, it can be argued that in the first case, more energy and oxygen are expended. As many athletes know, these factors are critical to improving strength performance. Hence, positive repetitions can increase an athlete's strength. This applies equally to increased endurance.

It should also be noted that the central nervous system it is more involved when doing positive reps. This means that neuromuscular connections are most active with positive exercise performance. In turn, thanks to this, a larger number of motor units are connected to work, which also increases power indicators.

Of course, the ideal development option for an athlete is to simultaneously increase strength and muscle mass. Thus, bodybuilders can achieve great results by temporarily balancing the inferior and overcoming phases. Every year the theoretical basis in bodybuilding is improving, and in the coming years, most athletes will know significantly more about the pace of exercise in bodybuilding and fitness.

For the pace of the exercise, see this video.

Functional readiness reflects the state of fitness of organs that provide oxygen transport and blood circulation (i.e. lungs, heart, respiratory and cardiovascular systems).

1. It is necessary that when performing physical exercise the work involved large muscle groups. Only then does the load on the lungs, heart and blood circulation give a training effect. The greatest effect Improving functional fitness can be achieved through running, long walking, skiing, cycling and swimming.

2. To improve functional readiness, the rate of exercise performance should be about 20% lower than the maximum (Hedman, 1999).

Physical perfection

Physical perfection- the historically formed idea of ​​the measure of health and the level of all-round physical fitness, which most optimally meet the requirements of labor, social, military activity and creative longevity of people [Ashmarin BM, 1988].

Each historical era its own understanding of the ideal of a physically perfect person is characteristic, since this ideal reflects the conditions of the economic and social life of people, their worldview.

Physical perfection indicators include:

  • health level;
  • physical fitness;
  • proportional physique;
  • rational technique;
  • physical education;
  • creative longevity.


- a type of activity aimed at sports results, including special training and interpersonal relationships.

Its definition appeared in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. The exact time and place of the origin of this term is still unknown. The word "sport" came to the Russian language from English (sport) - a free abbreviation of the original word disport - game, entertainment. Here is this fundamental principle english word and introduces a different interpretation, hence there are different interpretations of the term "sport".

In the foreign press, this concept is combined with "physical culture" in its health-improving and recreational (restorative) aspects. In the domestic popular periodicals and literature, on television and radio, physical culture and sports are interpreted in different ways, but sometimes they are identified.

Indeed, sport makes sense only as long as it plays the role of one of the most effective types of upbringing, as long as it is an integral and most effective part of the social and pedagogical system of preparing a person for effective activity. And in this capacity, it undoubtedly enters into the content of the concept of "physical culture".

In sports, as a part of physical culture, a person seeks to expand the boundaries of his capabilities, this is a huge world of emotions generated by successes and failures, the most popular spectacle, an effective means of educating and self-education of a person, there is a complex process of interpersonal relations in it. Sport is, in fact, a competitive activity and special preparation for it. He lives by certain rules and norms of behavior. It clearly shows the desire for victory, the achievement of high results, requiring the mobilization of the physical, mental and moral qualities of a person. Therefore, they often talk about the sports nature of people who successfully manifest themselves in competitions. Satisfying many human needs, sports become a physical and spiritual necessity.


Target: Determine the functional readiness of 1st year students on the control tests.


  • 1) Collect theoretical material.
  • 2) Calculate the ratio of height and weight by Kegle in April and November 2016.
  • 3) Determine the orthostatic test (beats / min), a one-stage functional test with squatting (%) according to Rufier's test in April and November 2016.
  • 4) Determine the breath holding on inspiration (Stange's test) and on expiration (Genchi's test) in April and November 2016.
  • 5) Analyze the results obtained, evaluate changes in the data obtained in dynamics.

Relevance: One of the main tasks of physical education at the university is to increase the level of physical fitness of students. For the majority of students, physical culture classes are not only the main, but often the only form of their physical improvement. Therefore, an exercise aimed at improving physical fitness, as well as appropriate control, should be given a more important role and more attention than is currently happening at training sessions on physical education at the university.

Theoretical part

One of the defining elements of the system of physical education in the student environment should be a research program that allows, through testing, to objectively assess the level of physical fitness of students, to carry out systematic training to increase the degree of their functional fitness, to monitor the dynamics of physical development.

Functional readiness.

Functional fitness reflects the state of fitness of organs that provide oxygen transport and blood circulation (i.e. lungs, heart, respiratory and cardiovascular systems).

  • Ш It is necessary that when performing physical exercises, large muscle groups are involved in the work. Only then does the load on the lungs, heart and blood circulation give a training effect. The greatest effect in improving functional fitness can be achieved with the help of running, long walking, skiing, cycling and swimming.
  • Ш Many people in physical exercise prefer sports games that are more emotional. Badminton occupies a special place among sports games. When playing badminton, even a beginner very quickly reaches the pace needed to improve their "condition". The pace is of great importance in improving the functional state. The higher the pace, the better the training effect. However, an untrained person should exercise at a calm pace during the first weeks of training, increasing it gradually.
  • Ш To improve functional readiness, the rate of exercise performance should be about 20% lower than the maximum.

Functional preparation is a systematic, multifactorial process of managing the individual biological reserves of the human body using various means, methods of physical, technical, tactical and mental training. The purpose of functional training in sports is to expand the boundaries of functional adaptation, which allows to endure increased volumes of training and competitive loads without damage to health, while achieving high sportsmanship (Kudashova L.R., 2001).

The most accurate and complete concept of "functional readiness" in relation to sport reflects the following definition: "Functional readiness of athletes is a relatively steady state of the body, integrally determined by the level of development of key functions for this type of sports activity and their specialized properties, which directly or indirectly determine the effectiveness of competitive activity "(VS Mishchenko, 1990). The most comprehensive idea of ​​functional readiness can be obtained on the basis of its four-component structure, proposed by V.S. Fomin (1984). At the same time, functional readiness is considered as the level of coherence of the interaction of mental, neurodynamic, energy and motor components, organized by the cerebral cortex and aimed at achieving a given result, taking into account the specific type of physical activity and the stage of training of the student. Considering that the structure of the activity and its implementation are determined by the morphological and functional characteristics of the student's organism, it is quite obvious that in accordance with the components of the activity, the components of functional readiness for this activity should also be considered.

To assess the level of mental readiness, it is necessary to study at least three groups of characteristics - mental state in this moment(tension and other signs), professionally significant for a specific type of physical exercise mental qualities (perception, attention, forecasting and implementation of actions, speed and accuracy of reactions, etc.), as well as mental performance. Considering that cortical processes are a controlling and organizing component of sports activity, it is necessary to investigate the main neurodynamic characteristics - excitability, mobility, stability, etc. In this case, an important role is played by the assessment of the tension and stability of autonomic regulation, which gives an idea of ​​the emotional tension of the organism. In the study of the energy component of functional readiness, the main attention is paid to assessing the aerobic and anaerobic performance of the body. The study of the motor component of functional readiness, which is the object of teachers and trainers, provides for the study and assessment of professionally significant physical qualities (strength, speed, dexterity, flexibility, etc.) of the results of the control (standard) exercises, and in sports games, in addition, the game motor activity. It follows from the above scheme: it is impossible to judge the functional readiness of a student by studying and evaluating only one of its constituent components.

It is impossible to study the "global" characteristics of performance, endurance, energy output or capacity, make recommendations for the management of preparation and predictions of results based only on the determination of the lactic acid content in the blood taken from a finger, or on the basis of only the data of psychological tests or questionnaires. Based on the ideas about the functional system of P.K. Anokhin, for assessing the functional readiness of a student, it is not so much changes in individual indicators that are important, but the nature and closeness of interaction between the components of this readiness. This rule must be remembered both when planning training loads for beginners to go in for sports, and when researching big sports, when planning and correcting the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads of athletes who have come to the limit of human capabilities.

At present, the questions of the methodology of testing individual components of functional readiness, assessing their interaction and searching for integral characteristics of the effectiveness of the body's adaptation to large and near-limit training and competitive loads are acquiring special relevance. The level of functioning of individual components of sports activity varies significantly depending on its regime. This level, increasing already in the pre-start state, reaches a maximum in the process of performing a competitive load, and in conditions of relative rest it becomes minimal, characterizing the efficiency of physiological processes in the body. However, according to the nature and intensity of the functioning of individual components in these different conditions one can only roughly judge the functional reserves, that is, the preparedness of each component. This is due in some cases to the impossibility of measuring the majority of physiological functions and the unstable nature of the loads (for many reasons), and in other cases (at rest) - to their absence.

Studies conducted before and after training or competitive loads, for the same reasons, do not provide sufficient information content of physiological characteristics. In this regard, the principle of experimental testing of functional readiness is widely used in the practice of physiology and psychology of labor and sports. The subject performs a strictly dosed (standard) professionally significant mental or physical activity. Sufficiently accessible measurements of the quality of these loads fulfillment and physiological reactions allow indirectly, but quite objectively, to characterize the level of preparedness of the subject. When choosing standard test loads, a number of requirements must be observed: strict dosage and accuracy of measuring its parameters, adequacy to the measured functional properties and qualities, simplicity of the test load structure that does not require special training, portability and reliability of technical equipment that meet the field conditions of examination of those engaged in physical training. According to the structure of execution, two groups of standard loads are distinguished - mental and physical.

In the process of performing these loads, a variety of physiological functions are recorded - electrocardiogram, blood pressure, pulmonary ventilation and others. Among the most important criteria for the level of the physiological component of a person's functional readiness to perform physical activities, it should be noted:

the rate of restructuring of the activity of individual organs and systems of the body from the level of rest to the optimal working level and the speed of the return transition to the level of rest, which characterizes the good adaptation of the organism to physical activity;

the duration of keeping the working shifts of various functions at the optimal level, which determines the adaptation to the work of constant power;

the value of functional shifts with the same work, which can be used to assess the level of preparedness of a trainee for a more economical performance of the load;

correspondence of the restructuring of vegetative functions to the variable nature of work, which characterizes the adaptation to work with variable power;

a directly proportional relationship between the level of oxygen consumption, heart rate, minute volume of respiration, blood circulation and work power, which allows the use of various stress tests with the registration of these indicators to assess the body's performance.

Based on the comparison and analysis of physiological reactions indicators and the quality of the test load, the assessment and prediction of the capabilities of each of the four components of the athlete's functional readiness is carried out. The management of the body's functional readiness is of a complex nature and is based on the development of the necessary proper models that characterize the reserve physiological and bioenergetic capabilities of athletes.

Approaches and methods to assessing functional fitness. Functional readiness is assessed as high, medium or low in terms of the level of mental, physiological and bioenergetic reserves, the efficiency of their use, which is associated with the biological abilities of the body to mobilize, realize, restore and sustainably maintain physiological functions not only in one training session, but also at various stages. preparation. Control and assessment of functional readiness as a multifactorial system should be carried out in a comprehensive manner for all the main components, its components: motor (physical qualities that determine and limit workability); energy (anaerobic and aerobic performance); neurodynamic (sensorimotor parameters) and mental (perception, extrapolation, operational thinking, tactical thinking, volitional qualities, etc.).

An integrative indicator of an athlete's functional readiness is physical performance. This indicator is necessary and informative in an in-depth comprehensive examination (V.N.Shamardin, V.G.Savchenko, 1997). This is explained by the fact that trained persons show a direct dependence of technical and tactical skill (volume and quality of technical and tactical actions) on the level of physical working capacity. At present, the control of physical performance is carried out mainly only by the indicator of external mechanical work (V.L. Karpman et al., 1974; I. V. Aulik, 1979). At the same time, it is known that physical performance depends on a number of factors that determine and limit it (V.S.Mishchenko, 1980, 1990; S.N. Kuchkin, 1986; V.N. Artamonov, 1989). It is noted that working capacity is always ensured by the functioning of the same systems of the body, the same factors affect its level, but the role of these systems and factors is different depending on the sports specialization, the age of the student, etc. (I.A. M. Nevmyanov, 1978; V.S.Fomin, 1984; Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1988).

When organizing complex control, it is necessary to clearly understand which factors and particular indicators are of leading importance for ensuring high physical performance at various stages of training of those who go in for different sports specializations. The main structural elements of physical working capacity as a multifactorial system are the individual maximum power of the physiological functions, the economy of expenditure of energy and functional reserves of the body, the working range of the effective activity of physiological functions and the rate of metabolic processes (V.S.Mishchenko, 1980).

In the course of a long-term training of a trainee, an increase in the level of special working capacity is characterized by a linear relationship with a sports result. The dynamics of different functional indicators reveals different trends. For some functional indicators, which have a significant effect on improving the result only at the initial stage of training, a slowing rate of growth is characteristic. For other indicators, accelerated growth at the average skill level is typical, and then it slows down somewhat. The third group of functional indicators reveals accelerated growth and has a high correlation with sports results at the stage of superior mastery. Finally, some of the functional indicators increase relatively evenly and insignificantly as a result of the integral adaptive reaction of the organism (Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1988; SN Kuchkin, 1999). Efficiency is the ability of a person to effectively perform an activity (in the given parameters of time and specific conditions), accompanied by reversible functional changes in the body during the period of regulated rest. Performance is determined using direct and indirect indicators.

physical culture adaptation organism

Functional preparation

Physical functional training of an athlete.

The first and main question that every coach should ask himself is why am I doing this? What will this method give my athlete? How will this training help him achieve his goals?

However, not all coaches follow this rule. The technique is taken, and mainly because it is fashionable, others do it, etc. and forward - to blindly execute.

TRX loop workouts and functional training are what you can find in any fitness club. Western fighters are sure to train in CrossFit. No, of course, these techniques are good, but the catch is that not all martial arts will use such a range of loads (the main idea of ​​CrossFit is to be ready for anything.)


"Due to the specificity of the training adaptation, the exercises used should be as close as possible to the main sports exercises in terms of muscle coordination and physiological requirements." V.M. Zatsiorsky. "Science and Practice of Strength Training".

And now humanly. In any sport, different qualities must be combined: flexibility, coordination and absolute strength, cardiorespiratory and muscle endurance... So, if you compare a weightlifter and a cyclist. Both have hypertorphied quads of the legs, but the quality of the muscles differs: in a cyclist's legs they can withstand heavy loads of medium power, in a weightlifter they can show maximum strength in a short time. Therefore, the coach must take into account the specific specialization of the athlete when planning his trainings.

We need an analysis of the biomechanics of movements, the angles of application of our force, the types of muscle actions, and also the mechanisms of energy saving of the load (creatine phosphate, glycolytic, aerobic or mixed). And the better we investigate this question, the clearer it will become, "why are we doing this?"

However, specialization is extremely important for experienced athletes with a good athletic background. For beginners, it is better to maintain this base for 3-4 years of regular trainings. For example, in Soviet times, athletes up to 15-16 years old were trained for all disciplines: jumping with throwing, and sprint, stayer distances. From all this, they received a good foundation, and even the ability to determine a person's abilities for further specialization. And today, unfortunately, coaches prefer to specialize athletes on the go.


Perhaps, we should immediately distinguish between general and special physical training. The difference here is in the exercises chosen. And it is divided into two types:

1 Stimulation. This is a load on the muscles that carry the main sports load - squats with a barbell (for a sprinter)

2 Simulation. This is a recreation of a movement similar in mechanics, for example, pushing a sled in the starting position (also for a sprinter)

Modeling can be postponed until the moment you improve your skills, and sometimes until pre-competition training.

So, we have already found out that the main goal of physical training is to develop all the qualities of an athlete: strength of his muscles, maximum flexibility, coordination, the ability to perform high-tech movements with large amplitudes, and efficiency - as much work as possible, and even over a long period of time.

To achieve all this, there are many methods and trainings, but one article cannot be enough to describe them all, probably even a book.

Any experienced strength and functional coach will ask "how to develop strength?" for a particular sport, will advise you on the exercises of weightlifters: different seizures and jerks, snatches and squats, etc.

One cannot but agree with this. All of these exercises strengthen the “back chain,” which includes the extensors of the back and hips, and the ankle. This huge muscle group is central to power development. For these exercises, strength and speed are key - qualities required in every sport. So, for example, throwing a light tennis ball will not work using only force; speed of execution is also needed here.

Of course, coaches who do not work with weightlifting complexes will assure everyone of their danger. And the fact that when they are performed there is a high risk of injury, and therefore, in order to master them, vertebral and articular flexibility is needed. And, of course, everything will end with a phrase like: "We only need a bar and a platform from" Eleiko ", otherwise everything is useless".

Moreover, in CrossFit, they miraculously teach jerks and cuts on the chest in just two sessions.


Performing certain exercises or movements that you do automatically are called sports skills. And the more an athlete has such sports skills-habits, the easier it will be for him to master any new movement. And complex exercises will be easier to perform. If an athlete develops exactly those skills that are characteristic of his kind of sport, then he is isolated - the rest of his opportunities are limited to specialization. So, for example, an excellent champion boxer in dancing will look, to put it mildly, awkward, although he has athletic flexibility.

And specifically a sports example. The jock has been training with barbells and dumbbells for years, and now he needs to lift a cobblestone, sand bag or, say, a heavy barrel higher. Believe me, he will be uncomfortable and will not show high results. And all because he is not used to practicing with such equipment.


Expand your body's physical readiness

Don't limit your inventory - experiment. Let sandbags and logs with barrels be used. Chains will also help here. Follow this principle and there will never be any surprises or inconveniences with new equipment.

Master new movements

It's also about ingenuity. Moreover, this advice is especially valuable for beginners. YOU are just building a base, and only then you will improve it. Exercises with your own weight will be beneficial. Just think if you can do gymnastic tricks? But it should be.

Use weightlifting movements to build strength

Master weightlifting exercises. Jerks, jerks, and cuts are very effective. And if done correctly, they are not at all dangerous.

Ask yourself a question

Whether you are a coach or an athlete, it doesn't matter. In any case, the main thing is to know the essence and ultimate goal of any technique used. As if the commandments for you should be the main aspects of your training. Always follow them.

Everybody lies

Every day there are more and more new miracle trainings, super trainers and other nonsense like championship lectures and books a la "A new kind of combat yoga with elements of salsa." And others, meanwhile, are gradually going out of fashion. Do not rush to get into the crowd of fans of this or that method. First, analyze it and come to a conclusion - is this training useful specifically for you or your wards.

There are a huge number of training systems, and each convinces that it is better than the others. But you can also say this: the most successful will be a program that you have not previously used. A great way to add variety to your workouts is to learn and apply the principle of varying the speed at which you exercise, known as the “Variation of Pace Principle”.

What does tempo mean?

From the very inception of bodybuilding, athletes began to use the concept of "pace" in their training. There were many opinions on this matter. Some suggested working at an explosive pace - lifting weights quickly and lowering them at high speed. Others, on the contrary, were convinced of the need for controlled slow movements. But it turned out that the most successful was the change in the pace with which the exercises were performed during the entire training cycle.

You lose a lot if you don't pay attention to the pace of your workouts. In order to reasonably talk about the tempo, a certain system of its designation must be adopted. It is convenient to indicate the tempo with four numbers (or three if the latter is not used). These numbers mean the following.

For example, the bench press tempo is 1234. This means:

It takes one second to lower the weight to the chest;

A pause will continue for two seconds, the weight will remain at the lowest point for this time;

For three seconds, you need to lift the weight up, that is, slower than usual, so that the movement takes at least three seconds;

A four-second pause at the top of the press.

Thus, one repetition will take 10 seconds. If your program provides for 3 sets of 12 repetitions, the entire exercise will take 3 x 12 x10 = 360 seconds, that is, you will perform all exercises for 6 minutes. You need to add rest time between sets and between exercises, and you can calculate the time of your workouts.

Than the pace helps you

Using tempo, you can adjust various parameters of your workout. The most important indicator is the time spent under load, when your muscles are loaded with a certain amount of work. An increase in this parameter requires the muscles to respond to loads - strength (neuroadaptation) and muscle volume (hypertrophy) increase. This parameter can be considered the main way of changing the load, but it depends primarily on the pace.

In one of the popular books, you can find recommendations for using the tempo. It is proposed to work at a pace of 301 - to lower the weight in three seconds, do not pause in the lower position and immediately begin an explosive upward movement. It - important point... The program is designed for 60 repetitions, so all muscles are energized for 240 seconds, or 4 minutes. If you do 3 sets of 12 reps at this pace, this will allow you to spend 36 x 4 = 144 seconds under tension, that is, you will be under tension for about 2 minutes. And it's not so bad that this is only half of the recommended time - everything determines the amount of work. By working with a heavier weight, you can spend less time under the load, get the same amount of work, or even increase it. So training has many factors, and everything needs to be considered.

Using the tempo allows you to understand why the muscle will fatigue more with 3 sets of 12 reps and working with medium weight than from very heavy weight with 2 sets and 4 reps. If you do 3 sets of 12 reps with an average weight, you can easily handle the pace of 211, which takes only 4 seconds for each repetition. If you do 2 heavy sets with 4 reps, you can perform the downward movement in the same 2 seconds and, without stopping at the bottom point, lift the weight as quickly as possible. The ascent may take 4 seconds, because the weight is very significant and the intensity is high. This results in a tempo of 204 with 6 seconds for each rep. 2 x 4 x 6 = 48 seconds energized. Even if you use a lot more weight at this pace, the time under load will take only a third of the time.

Controlling Other Parameters with Tempo

In addition to adjusting the amount of time you stay energized, tempo can control other parameters as well. It is known, for example, that at the negative stage of repetition, a large number of microtraumas may appear in the muscle tissue. Therefore, it is advisable to periodically include in the training process exercises in which the negative accentuated phase is performed for a longer time. This can be very helpful in increasing muscle mass... For example, after every 3-4 workouts, you can replace the usual pace at which you perform the exercises with 422, and even, if you are not afraid, with 613. When it takes 6 seconds to lower the load, the muscles get an unusual load for themselves, which contributes to the increase their hypertrophy.

Some people have weak points, for example, at the top or bottom of the bench. Having problems in the lower part of the bench, you can try to apply the 231 pace, that is, lower the weight in 2 seconds, rest for three seconds and lift the weight with an explosive movement. The formation of a pause in the lower part leads to an isometric load, when the muscles work, but do not perform movements, therefore, the load is unusual for them. This will allow you to increase the strength in your problem area of ​​the range of motion, which means, increase the weight lifted and get off the ground in the entire movement.

Practical use of tempo

In weight loss programs, tempo can be used to simultaneously promote muscle development. To do this, it is necessary to perform the first part of each approach at explosive speed, and the second, on the contrary, very slowly. This is the technique of John Schaeffer. The initial stage of movement allows you to use the resources of the whole organism, and therefore it is performed at an explosive pace. As a result, all physiological systems of the body begin to work for a specific muscle group. As a result, we achieve fat burning. And the subsequent slow repetitions tire the muscle and cause it to grow hypertrophied.

This method, like any other, is used only for a while, after which it is replaced by other methods of training. Thus, tempo is the most important tool in the development of training programs. It is not difficult to understand the principles of using tempo and practically use them in your workouts. You will like the result.

Why is pace so important

Knowing what tempo is and how to use it correctly is very important. It depends on the tempo with what effect the muscles will react to the load they receive. Our body contains mechanoreceptors, sensory endings of nerve fibers that provide a response to mechanical or any other deforming pressure that may occur during internal organs or appear from the outside. Mechanoreceptors are found in muscles and tendons, in ligaments and joints; they react to the speed of movement with which an action is performed, an exercise in this case. And the strength of muscle contraction is not so important as the speed with which the exercise is performed. Thus, choosing the right pace is much more important than choosing the right weight with which you are working.

Different tempos can be used for different goals that are expected to be achieved as a result of training.

  1. Strength training will require a fast pace, which can be described as 1020. You can also take advantage of the "stretch effect", which is a natural reaction not only of muscles, but also of connective tissues when they tend to return to a contracted state after being stretched. Due to the absence of a pause between lifting and lowering weights, at the top of the exercise, the body predominantly adapts to the neuromuscular level, which is characteristic of the opposite muscle connective tissues. Using a lot of weight, you should not perform too fast movements, but your main goal will be achieved at the maximum speed of all exercises.
  1. To increase muscle mass, a slow pace is more preferable, for example, 2041. Here, the longest stage is lowering the weight to the starting position. It is this stage that is responsible for building muscle mass. The longer the weight loss continues, the more microscopic cracks appear in your muscle tissues, which will cause the intensive muscle growth that occurs during the recovery period. Thanks to a second pause at the bottom of the exercise, the connective tissues have time to relax, while the "stretching effect" is destroyed, and the entire load is placed on the muscle tissues.
  1. To reduce excess weight, the best pace is 3110. At this pace, energy expenditure can be increased to maximum values, therefore, it begins to be insufficient, and the body begins the process of burning calories, which can continue up to 72 hours after the end of the workout. In this case, the most important and longest step is weight lifting. It is at this stage that the tension in the muscles increases to the maximum, which requires the expenditure of a significant amount of energy. Subsequently, the lack of energy is compensated by the expenditure of body fat. At the same time, you need to lower the weight rather quickly, which will increase your strength. Accordingly, it will be possible to quickly increase the weight with which you will be working.

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