Air Ega. Yoga on strings is our discovery of the year! Muscle strength and endurance

Sealing 11.08.2020

Yoga in hammocks is developed in the USA and includes complexes effective exercises to stabilize the body's activity, relieve tension, improve blood circulation, restore metabolic processes and rejuvenate. Yoga technique is divided into 3 subspecies (classical aerial yoga, fly yoga, anti-gravity Pilates). It is necessary to master a set of exercises in stages, taking into account the recommendations of specialists and health restrictions.

What is the feature?

Yoga in the air on ribbons and canvases was invented by choreographer K. Harrison. The hammock was included in the complex of exercises by the specialist, then the Fly Yoga system was formed. Asanas in the complex are performed in a suspended position.

Support fabrics are made of durable fabrics that can withstand weights up to 160-200 kg. Hammocks are suspended from the ceiling on ropes. The sheets are a supporting device and relieve stress, reduce tension in the spine when performing techniques. Hammocks allow beginners to perform complex elements (headstand, stretches) in the first lessons.

In addition to classical yoga, the complex includes exercises from Pilates, acrobatic and health-improving gymnastics. More than 3000 positions, asanas have been adapted for execution on canvases. Exercises can be complicated for experienced athletes or simplified. Techniques can be combined with other types of sports exercises. The disadvantage of yoga on canvases is the need for special equipment; without preparation, the technique is difficult to perform at home. At the initial stage, instruction by experienced trainers is required.

Techniques are suitable for different age categories (both for children 7-8 years old and for pensioners). At the same time, the loads should be adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of the body and the level of preparedness. Older people should master the techniques gradually and with little effort. Classes for children are held in special groups, exercises help to improve the growth process, align posture, and stabilize hormonal levels.

In the absence of contraindications, exercises can be performed by pregnant women for short periods. Special techniques allow you to train muscles, improve the functioning of blood vessels and lungs. Cloths in the group are placed below the standard position above the floor. The load falls on the legs and arms, the abdomen is relaxed. Stretching the hip muscles improves fetal development. A set of exercises helps to reduce the load on the legs.

Classes for adults differ in the intensity of the exercises in accordance with the level of training. Some combinations include cardio exercises, complex asanas that require a lot of yoga experience.
Exercises are useful for people suffering from vegetative-vascular disease, working at a computer, leading a sedentary lifestyle. Techniques are recommended during the recovery period after illnesses and operations.

The benefits of aerial yoga

Benefits of regular yoga practice:

  • straightening and improving the spine, alignment of posture;
  • improving the safety of stretching exercises;
  • reduction of tension in the neck, lower back, pelvic region, back;
  • increased muscle elasticity;
  • giving the body plasticity;
  • improvement of brain circulation, increased concentration, improved memory;
  • stabilization of metabolic processes, elimination of toxic substances;
  • harmonization of the nervous system, removal of stress symptoms, sleep stabilization;
  • developing a sense of balance, improving body control skills when performing complex exercises;
  • improvement of blood circulation, stabilization of the cardiovascular system;
  • harmonization of the digestive system;
  • slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • development of plasticity and flexibility of the body;
  • elimination of pain in the back, neck, lower back;
  • strengthening the muscles of the body, increasing the tone of the body;
  • development of endurance, strengthening of the muscular frame;
  • harmonization of mood, creation of a positive mood;
  • improvement of complexion, cell renewal, body rejuvenation;
  • stabilization of the hormonal background;
  • increased joint mobility;
  • stabilization of the vestibular apparatus;
  • reduced load on the legs, no risk of developing varicose veins veins;
  • weight loss.

The advantage of this sport is the presence of special turns (decompression), which are done upside down. When hanging in asanas, the spinal column is stretched and lengthened, tensions and pains in the back and lower back disappear.

The mobility of the vertebral discs is restored, the posture is leveled. By improving blood circulation, efficiency improves, the body is cleansed of toxins, toxins, cells are renewed and saturated with useful microelements.

Flips in acroyoga help reduce swelling. With the regular performance of inverted asanas, the processes of cell renewal in the body are accelerated. Additionally, posture is leveled, so height can increase by 1-1.5 cm. Students learn the skills of feeling the body, maintaining balance in complex asana complexes.

A set of exercises on canvases is suitable for weight loss programs. Techniques contribute to the stabilization of metabolic processes in the body, accelerate metabolism and increase the rate of calorie burning. The average rate of calorie reduction for 1 hour of training is 600-650 kcal. The processes of burning body fat, which begin in training, continue for 24 hours. By adjusting the diet and eliminating high-calorie foods, reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet, a rapid weight loss is possible.


Contraindications for classes on canvases are damage to the musculoskeletal system, the recovery period after surgery. In some cases, exercises are contraindicated during pregnancy (for a long period), pressure changes (low, high), within 4-5 days after Botox injections. Exercises are not recommended for overwork, colds, fever.

To perform inverted asanas, it is required to withstand 3 hours after eating. Refrain from training during periods of menstruation. If dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations, arrhythmias occur, continuing to exercise can be harmful.

In addition to temporary restrictions, it is forbidden to perform exercises for the following diseases:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • weakened vessels of the eyeball;
  • cerebral thrombosis;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hard physical labor before training;
  • malfunctions of the hormonal system (thyroid disease);
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • glaucoma;
  • diseases of the circulatory system and heart;
  • the presence of injuries of the spine, cervical;
  • intervertebral hernia.

Experts recommend that if you have health problems, you should be examined and get recommendations from your doctor to prevent possible injuries. With an exacerbation of diseases, it is important to cancel exercises, techniques are not performed when taking a large number of drugs in postoperative period during the recovery of the body after injury. Classes are held 6-8 hours before going to the sauna, it is necessary to withstand 4 hours after the steam room before training.

How is the lesson going?

A standard lesson for beginners takes 1-1.5 hours. For training, you need clothing that is close to the body, not restricting movement. It is optimal to wear leggings, a top made of elastic fabric. No shoes are required for the exercise. Long curls must be removed with a hairpin. Jewelry is removed before classes for the safe execution of techniques.

The load for students is selected by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of physical fitness and health status. The specialist prepares a hammock according to the parameters of the students. It is necessary to warm up the body, adjust breathing, consistently increase the load on the muscles and joints. Optimal head rotation and torso tilt.

Canvas exercises begin with simple asanas on the floor. The weight is then transferred to the hammock. In a cycle of simple techniques, you can touch the floor with your foot. Then the body comes off the surface and asanas are performed only in the air.

It is recommended to start with small turns, limiting the time spent upside down. The complexity of the exercises and the duration of training are consistently increased. To get the effect of training, it is important to relax the body in asanas. After completing the main part of the training, relaxation techniques and breathing stabilization are performed. The lesson ends with the “Shavasana” pose.

Varieties of aerial yoga

3 varieties of yoga in hammocks have been developed:

  • classical exercises;
  • fly yoga for body recovery;
  • antigravity yoga.

The classical direction combines exercises from aerial gymnastics and yoga. Asanas are used, relaxation techniques, the mood of the body for relaxation or concentration of attention. With regular exercise, the work of the nervous system stabilizes, the endurance of the body increases.

In the anti-gravity direction, Pilates and aerial yoga techniques are combined. Techniques will help students to strengthen and form a beautiful muscle relief, straighten and improve the spine, give grace to the figure, and reduce excess weight. A variety of acroyoga helps to improve stretching, increase body flexibility, tone muscles, and strengthen the body. Special techniques help develop a sense of balance, relax, reduce tension in the body. After classes, there is no feeling of fatigue, because the complex is built by combining loads and relaxation.

In the recovery complex of exercises on canvases (fly yoga), simple techniques are combined. Based on the direction of the stretch, which has a positive effect on hip joints, spinal column, connective tissues.

The complex is often recommended when there are restrictions for intensive training and when recovering from operations, injuries. Complex asanas on fixed canvases are easier to perform, the load on the body is reduced. Training allows you to increase the mobility of the joints, perform complex stretches and even sit on the twine.

Techniques for the execution of elements also differ depending on the type of hammocks suspended from the ceiling on ropes. Cloths for performing exercises in the air come in 2 varieties:

  • canvas folded in 2 layers;
  • hammock with additional devices (handles, inserts, stirrups for fixing hands, etc.).

A set of exercises

The lesson begins with a warm-up, consisting of simple exercises:

  1. It is necessary to stand on the floor, take the edges of the panels and gently sway along with the hammock, maintaining balance.
  2. It is required to put a foot on the canvas, the second leg should rest on the floor. In a pose, you need to gently sway.
  3. You need to press your back against the hammock and, holding your hands, gently sway.
  4. A handstand is performed with a fixed position of the pelvic region in a hammock.
  5. The deflections on the canvases help eliminate the load on the lower back and cervical vertebrae, simplify the implementation of complex techniques.

The standard exercise program for beginners includes a set of asanas such as:

  • baddha konsana;
  • Chakrasana;

Classical pose (“downward-facing dog”). A pose with the support of a hammock improves blood circulation, increases blood circulation in the brain, helps to start cell renewal processes, and evens out the tone of the face. The work of the digestive system improves, the activity of the intestines normalizes, the ankles and other muscles are stretched.

The performance of the asana on canvases differs from the classical performance in the ability to stretch the spine along its entire length and reduce the load on the intervertebral discs. In the classic exercise, it is more difficult to completely straighten your back in the asana. With the help of canvases, even beginners can stretch the spine, relax the neck, reduce the load on the cervical vertebrae.

Asana baddha konsana(Bound Angle Pose) has a beneficial effect on the pelvic area, lumbar, abdomen, genitourinary system. Regular exercise helps to reduce pain during menstruation, harmonizes the work of the hormonal system of women, the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. Asana can be performed during pregnancy if there are no contraindications. The technique involves spreading the hips to the sides and connecting the feet. The technique allows you to gently stretch the muscles, joints, even without long-term preparation, because the canvases reduce the load.

The asana is designed to gently stretch the back of the body. The technique allows you to reduce back pain, relax your neck, straighten your back.

When performing the pose on the floor, students focus on straightening the legs. When using the sheets, the legs in the asana are held by bindings, so all attention is paid to straightening the back and creating the correct position of the shoulders.

Adapted for performing asana in the air Chakrasana(bridge). This exercise helps to straighten the back, eliminate stoop, strengthens the muscles of the legs and arms. Performing asana allows you to increase the level of energy, increases blood flow to the cells of the body. Experts recommend starting to learn the technique after mastering simple exercises.

The legs and arms must be trained to support the weight of the body. The asana is not suitable for those who have problems with the lumbar region. When using a hammock, the lower back and pelvis are fixed on a plastic sheet that gently supports the back. Before performing the technique, stretching is mandatory, the loads increase gradually.

Asana helps to develop the flexibility and plasticity of the vertebral sections, improve the functioning of the digestive organs, and balance the hormonal background. With a rush of blood to the head, brain functions are activated, concentration of attention increases, memory improves, and the speed of thought processes increases.

However, it is necessary to master the technique on the floor gradually, since the upper vertebral section is involved in the exercise.

Asana (stand performed on the head) harmonizes the state of the nervous system, improves vision, concentration, and stabilizes the digestive system. With regular performance, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. It is important to take into account contraindications to performing an inverted asana. It is forbidden to use the equipment for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in the presence of hypertension, chronic inflammation of the ears, eyes, with displacement of the vertebrae.

Complex exercises in the air must be mastered under the guidance of an experienced instructor. In the future it is possible self improvement technician.

Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle. Due to the constant presence in one position, stagnation of blood circulation occurs. Not everyone sits correctly, and this causes the displacement of the vertebrae and after a while we acquire a curvature of the spine. It causes pain, discomfort, fatigue, headache, bad mood and other complications.

Unloading the spine, neck, pelvic region and sacrum with a constant sedentary lifestyle is simply necessary. Yoga in hammocks is a multifaceted form of fitness that helps relieve the entire spinal column.

With inverted poses in a hammock, there is no pressure on the spine, due to the weight of the body under the influence of gravity, the spine is stretched and lengthened. This improves posture and aids in musculoskeletal recovery. The intervertebral space increases, which allows the nerve cells to renew themselves, the mobility of the discs is restored, the spine becomes young and healthy.

Regular practice of inverted postures gives an incentive for renewal and self-regulation of all body systems - digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, reproductive, respiratory, vascular. The chapter on inverted postures describes many of the positive results of this practice.

Flexibility and agility

Many deflections with a hammock make it possible to make the spine flexible. With the help of special exercises, the muscles and tendons are gradually stretched and lengthened, it becomes possible to sit on the twine.

Working out in a hammock, you train your dexterity and mobility. In a hammock, you are forced to constantly balance and master new positions, including upside down. A constant change in the position of the body in relation to the ground, as well as a combination of static and dynamic postures, leads to the development of the vestibular apparatus, the ability to coordinate movements. This causes a state of lightness, there is a feeling of control over the body. There is a lot of strength and energy for Everyday life.

Injury prevention

The more the body masters new positions, the more quickly it adapts and reacts to sudden changes in body positions. In addition, the effect of improvements in coordination and control already described above leads to a decrease in the possibility of injury.

Muscle strength and endurance

When performing exercises in hammocks, not only the main large muscle groups are trained, but also stabilizing muscles, creating a harmonious muscular frame of the whole body. When performing exercises, various muscle groups simultaneously work, designed to maintain balance in a swinging hammock, maintain body weight, and turn on in a timely manner when the body position changes. What is very important, the load on muscular system always sufficient and tangible, but not excessive, as it is limited by the weight of the student.

Joint mobility

If the joint does not receive sufficient mobility in everyday life, this leads to its aging, and various degenerative processes. For joint youthfulness, a movement involving the full range of motion of the joints is essential. When performing asanas and exercises with the help of a hammock and in a hammock, the amplitude of movement of the joints is restored.

sexual activity

Our ability to connect to our own resources, liberation of the body, improved blood supply to the pelvic region, freeing the mind from habitual stereotypes, relieving stress and anxiety, learning to be in the present moment - leads to increased pleasure from sex.

Mental clarity, memory improvement

Our mind is constantly working. The need for correct choices, harmonious decisions, flexible control requires training in the focus of attention with the vision of truth, that is, the art of clarity of mind. Stepping out of your usual comfort zone, and the need to maintain balance, trains mental concentration. Overcoming fear, self-doubt, turning off the internal dialogue - these are the necessary aspects of yoga in the air, which leads to clarity and calmness of the mind, awakening the "sleeping" reserves of the brain. Constant movements of the body in space above the floor train not only fine motor skills, but also debug the entire mechanism of interaction between the nervous system and muscle reactions. This leads to an increase in useful brain activity and improved brain activity.

Mood boost

In inverted poses, we stimulate the pituitary gland, which in turn releases hormones. The level of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline begins to increase, and endorphins also begin to enter the bloodstream. These hormones affect feelings of well-being and help relieve anxiety and depression.

Swinging in a yoga hammock, flying above the ground, climbing and somersaulting in a hammock evokes the sensations experienced in childhood. Immediate emotions give a charge of healthy joy and carelessness.

Relaxation, stress relief

"Floating" (Floating) shavasana in a lulling hammock makes it possible to relax as much as possible. Measured swings of a hammock in a relaxation pose lead to a balance of the nervous system and a gentle immersion in relaxation. The additional use of aromatic oils and natural stones placed on the brow center enhances the healing effect of the floating shavasana.

Other relaxation poses that can only be done in a hammock, such as the Sloth Pose, the Fetus Pose, the Fish in the Water Pose, also have a number of benefits that lead to effective relaxation.

Opportunity to conduct classes with groups of different levels of training

Yoga in the air is suitable for an advanced group where there is a need for a sophisticated program. Also, yoga in the air can be done in a variant that is suitable for beginners and a moderately trained group. A soft program for pregnant women is also possible, using the low position of the hammock above the floor. In some rehabilitation centers, a yoga hammock is used for recovery and rehabilitation.

Increasingly, people are thinking about improving not only the body, but also the spirit. To cope with this task is beyond the power of traditional fitness. Yoga, on the other hand, includes techniques that allow you to achieve both external and internal beauty. Its variety Ї aerial yoga, or yoga in hammocks Ї consists of exercises performed on hanging ribbons.

What is aerial yoga

In another way, it is called anti-gravity, or aerial yoga. Under these names one phenomenon is hidden: the performance of asanas in the air. It is impossible to repeat them at home.

Some of the exercises performed during training have nothing to do with classical yoga. They are borrowed from acrobatics, Pilates and even aerial gymnastics.

The peculiarity of the technique is that each exercise is carried out in special hammocks suspended from the ceiling. In Russia, this trend appeared relatively recently, but many clubs and centers already offer training. Those who decide to try are usually satisfied with the results and their feelings during and after training.

When to do it

Most aerial yoga asanas are not feasible without a hammock. About three thousand positions are available only to those who practice yoga in the air. Many of them are a modified lightweight or complicated version of the traditional ones, but they have one thing in common: they reduce the load on the human spinal column. This happens due to the fact that the exercises in the air imitate the flight.

With aerial yoga, you can:

  • improve blood circulation in the body;
  • develop strength and endurance;
  • increase the speed of the brain;
  • stretch and straighten the spine;
  • develop the flexibility of the body;
  • prevent heart disease;
  • normalize the functions of the digestive system;
  • relieve pain in the neck, lower back and back;
  • strengthen the muscular frame;
  • make the joints more mobile;
  • bring the body into shape and maintain its tone;
  • slow down the natural aging process;
  • get rid of depression;
  • relieve tension in stressful situations;
  • cheer up;
  • accelerate the production of endorphins;
  • bring the body and soul into a state of harmony and balance.

Frequent indication - back problems. But this kind of yoga is shown to almost everyone, because it can significantly improve not only the physical, but also the emotional state of a person.

It can be combined with other sports. Thanks to the improvement of the brain, positive changes occur in the coordination of movements, health becomes stronger, the figure is slimmer.

When to postpone training

Airborne contraindications:

  • the presence of a hernia;
  • untreated injuries affecting the musculoskeletal system;
  • bearing a child;
  • pressure problems;
  • history of glaucoma;
  • a small amount of time elapsed after surgery;
  • less than a week after injections of Botox or other means for rejuvenating the dermis.

Ignoring at least one contraindication can cause serious harm to health.

A large body weight is not an obstacle to aerial yoga. The hammocks used during classes are very durable and can withstand more than 150 kilograms. But you must strictly follow the instructions of the instructor.

Features of inverted positions

Each lesson is preceded by a series of activities. First, a hanging hammock is prepared so that it matches the parameters of the person involved in it. Then the trainer conducts a warm-up, during which the joints and muscles are warmed up. Only after that the training begins, which lasts about an hour. Each session ends with exercises to help you relax and normalize your breathing.

Aerial yoga differs from ordinary yoga in that it includes the so-called inverted positions, or decompression flips. During them, a person is on a hammock upside down. This helps to relieve tension from the spinal column, stretch it. The intervertebral space increases, the spine is stretched, because two factors act on them at once: the force of gravity and the person's own weight.

Regular exercise helps restore disc mobility, increase core flexibility and learn to feel your body. Practitioners of yoga in the air note that back pain either disappears altogether or becomes less intense. Yoga on special ropes has a good effect on posture. Often, after a lesson, a person’s height even increases from 0.5 to 1.5 cm.

Due to the fact that the body is in an inverted position, internal organs saturated with blood, cells are nourished and renewed. Blood enters the tissues of the head, activating brain and mental activity. The upside down position is uncharacteristic for a person, so during it the body uses reserve forces. As a result, there are positive changes in working capacity, memorization and speed of reactions. The person feels alert, notes the disappearance of drowsiness during the day.

What to wear to class

Many beginners are interested in what clothes to practice. The answer is simple: in one that does not restrict movement, but does not slip during physical activity.

The ideal combination is a top made of elastic fabric or a stretch T-shirt with leggings. Long hair should be pinned up or tied up during training. Remove jewelry and jewelry from hands and neck.

Training process

Often, people who have never practiced either aerial or regular yoga before are worried and embarrassed that they will not be able to perform the exercises. But there is nothing to worry about: the trainer will never offer beginners to do complex asanas, and the use of ribbons and a hammock will explain in detail.

In order for a beginner to appreciate all the benefits of yoga in a hammock, he needs to learn stretching and maintaining balance. This is what the first lessons are about. All positions are accompanied breathing exercises. Thanks to them, people relax and relieve stress by properly passing air through themselves.

At least three hours before training, it is forbidden to eat food. Performing asanas with a tightly packed stomach will lead to vomiting and even intestinal volvulus.

Has the meaning right choice places for training and coaching. A true professional will do everything so that everyone who comes to the training session will enjoy it and get the maximum benefit. He makes sure that no one falls off the hammock and does not damage the ligaments, does not dislocate the leg or arm, does not pinch the nerve endings or veins, which is important when the tape is used.

Aerial yoga Ї is not only a charge of vivacity and health, but also new impressions and emotions that will help color even the most gray everyday life.

A person spends a lot of time at the workplace, for example, sitting in the office at the computer. This mode of operation is not conducive to an active mobile lifestyle. On the contrary, due to passivity, there is hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck, back, stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Reduced blood flow greatly affects brain activity, which is undesirable for workers mental labor. Hence there is a natural need for physical activity, increased blood flow, unloading of the spine and neck. An excellent way out will be a modern direction - yoga in hammocks. His exercises stabilize all body systems.

What is another name for yoga in hammocks? You may come across titles such as fly (fly) yoga, aerial yoga or anti-gravity. Asanas require air space.

Some of the exercises are borrowed from acrobatics, pilates, gymnastics. This is a kind of symbiosis of spiritual practice and sports.

The direction of anti-gravity differs from traditional yoga in that all asanas are performed in hammocks that are suspended from the ceiling. This is a relatively young trend in Russia, rapidly gaining popularity. Fly yoga practitioners report positive dynamics, reduced stress levels and improved physical fitness.

Benefit and harm

During classes, the practitioner is literally in flight. From this, an inspired feeling of lightness arises, the level of stress decreases. “Soaring” asanas help the body develop the flexibility of muscles and joints, give balance, help to feel the body better, reduce the load on the spine, tone the muscles. Despite the fact that the practitioner almost does not feel the usual fatigue from physical exertion, the muscles that have come into tone improve posture and figure in general.

What gives practice? Let us consider in more detail the changes in the body that occur due to yoga in the air:

  • a hammock serves as a tool for the correct distribution of weight in inverted asanas, that is, during the exercise, the spine does not compress under the pressure of the body, but rather stretches, which improves posture;
  • the elasticity of the whole body increases, the tendons become more elastic;
  • increased joint mobility;
  • the hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck, back, lower back, pelvic region goes away;
  • improves brain activity by increasing blood flow;
  • the work of the digestive tract is normalized;
  • the level of stress decreases, as swinging in a hammock evokes children's associations with a swing, there is a feeling of serenity, lightness;
  • the practitioner learns to look for the center of gravity, this teaches body control, balance is achieved at the physical and emotional levels;
  • non-standard approach to habitual actions opens up new resources of thinking, expands the boundaries of perception.

Practice can be harmful, only with an illiterate approach. It is important to find a good teacher and familiarize yourself with contraindications.


For aerial yoga exists a number of restrictions. These include periods of colds, especially those accompanied by elevated temperature, fatigue, menstruation.

Contraindicated for women who are on last dates pregnancy. During practice, pay attention to your well-being, if you notice dizziness, increased heart rate, sweating and shortness of breath, stop immediately.

There are a number of chronic diseases in which yoga in hammocks and performing inverted asanas is completely unacceptable. These include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • weak blood vessels in the eyes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diffuse changes in the thyroid gland;
  • displacement of the vertebral discs, other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

After you have studied all the pros and cons of anti-gravity, you can move on to finding a studio to attend classes.


For whom and for what is it suitable?

Fly yoga does not set age limits. The classes are attended by people of various age groups, from children school age to pensioners. Since the practice is under the supervision of a coach, the doors are open even for people diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The level of training also does not matter. You may be in great physical shape or you may be exercising for the first time.

For pregnant

For women who are carrying a child, many types of physical activity are prohibited, but the practice of yoga is an exception. It has a number of advantages and is considered the most suitable type of activity.

Benefits for the body of the expectant mother:

  1. Reduces swelling and the risk of varicose veins by reducing the load on the legs.
  2. Strengthens the spine, opens rib cage discomfort and pain disappear.
  3. The hip and pelvic muscles become softer, their elasticity contributes to better development baby.
  4. Heartburn, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms go away.
  5. Yoga in hammocks strengthens the body, increases endurance, and prepares the female body for childbirth.

For children

Proper development of a growing organism affects its further functioning. Anti-gravity yoga has a number of advantages due to a balanced load distribution, taking into account the characteristics and needs of a growing organism. Some of the useful results of the practice:

  • establishes a balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, increases concentration, stabilizes the emotional background;
  • provides the growing body with the proper level of flexibility, mobility;
  • the game form of classes provides good mood during and after training, inspires further visits.

For weight loss

Despite the intensity of the loads, fly yoga is not the most best view sports for rapid weight loss. Fat burning occurs, as a rule, with an increase in heart rate, this is facilitated by cardio training. Yoga in hammocks, on the contrary, lowers the heart rate, making it even and stable. In order to correct the figure, you will need to practice 2-3 times a week for an average of 45 minutes. To achieve visible results, it is important to combine the practice with a diet, meditation and cardio loads.


Before proceeding to the main set of exercises, it is necessary to do a warm-up, warm up the muscles and joints in order to avoid injury.

Several warm-up variations for beginners:

  1. Standing on the floor, grab the hammock with your hands, smoothly begin to swing the body along with it.
  2. The left foot remains on the floor, place the right foot on the cloth. From this position, slowly sway.

Then change legs, repeat the exercise.

  1. Sit with your back on a hammock, grab it with your hands, start swinging.
  2. Put your left foot on the canvas, right, swinging, bend and unbend at the knee. Repeat the exercises on the other side.
  3. Take a couple of steps away from the hammock, grab it with your hands, bend back. From this position, begin to swing.

Greek runner

Basic asanas

  1. Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana. Lying on your back on the cloth, try to touch the floor with your hands. While in this position, sway.
  2. Adho Mukha Apanasana. Standing on all fours, arch your back so that it rests on the hammock. Rock out of this position.
  3. Apanasana. Lying on the floor alternately with your right and left hand, try to reach the hammock. Next, hook the hammock with your feet, swing arching your back.
  4. "Greek Runner". Firmly grasp the cloth, put one foot on the hammock, tilt your body back and sway.
  5. Downward facing dog. Sit across the hammock on your stomach. Feet rest on the floor, arms extended forward. Swing while in this position.

These exercises are more for reference. To begin with, it is better to attend classes with an instructor in order to understand how to properly interact with a hammock.

Modern people are increasingly thinking about the perfection of their own body and spirit. It is they who leave reviews about yoga in hammocks, recommending this activity to both women and men, regardless of age. This direction is one of the most difficult, since it will take a lot of time and effort to learn elementary postures. The task set is beyond the power of classical fitness, but in the end you can get much more benefit from it.

What it is

Aerial yoga is otherwise referred to as anti-gravity yoga. The name hides one single phenomenon - performing asanas without touching the ground. It is problematic to repeat all the movements at home, since this requires special equipment and the help of other people, since in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bclassing, the likelihood of injury is very high.

Yoga in hammocks in Moscow and many other cities of Russia is actively practiced by people of different sex and age. Most of the poses have no resemblance to the classics, as they were originally borrowed from Pilates, acrobatics and

The main feature of the training is that it is carried out in special hammocks, which are attached to the ceiling, and practically reach the floor in length. In Russia, this trend was learned relatively recently, but today many centers and clubs invite to classes. Each person who has made the decision to go to training is satisfied with the results and sensations both during and after it.

When to start exercising

Fly yoga contains many asanas that cannot be performed without a special hammock. Their number reaches three thousand, which at first glance seems incredible. Experienced yogis who perform difficult elements in the air can easily take any position in a hammock, but beginners will have to work hard.

Some postures act as modifications to traditional yoga asanas. All of them are combined thanks to one principle - reducing the load on the spinal column. This is provided by simulating flight during classes.

The most common indication for training in hammocks is a problematic back. This is allowed to almost all people, as it can significantly improve the physical and emotional state of a person.

Yoga in the air can be easily combined with other sports. Improving the functioning of the brain will contribute to positive changes in the coordination of movements, the figure will become slimmer, and health will be much stronger.


Reviews about yoga in hammocks are usually positive. The reason for this is the incredible benefits of classes. Anti-gravity training allows you to:

  • straighten and stretch the spine;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • cheer up;
  • increase joint mobility;
  • develop the flexibility of the whole body;
  • improve endurance and strength;
  • eliminate depression;
  • relieve tension from stress;
  • bring the body into shape;
  • prevent diseases associated with the heart;
  • slow down aging;
  • accelerate the production of endorphins;
  • normalize digestion;
  • bring the body and soul to a state of balance and harmony.


Aerial yoga hammock is a suspension with mounts at the ends. Thanks to him, there is an opportunity to enjoy plenty of activities without gravity. On it you can easily relax, meditate and work out, working out various muscle groups.

Aerial yoga is impossible to practice without a special hammock. It is attached to the ceiling indoors or the branches of a tree if the training is carried out outdoors, so that the distance to the floor or the ground is at least half a meter. Many people who come to classes for the first time are afraid of falling, which is their big mistake. In fact, the hammock can withstand about 500 kg of weight. During the lesson, you can wind it around yourself, hang and perform other actions, indulging in relaxation.

Action on the body

Aerial yoga in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities of Russia is practiced by many women and even men. This is explained by the fact that in the process of training and after its completion, a person feels a real surge of strength and energy. In addition, each athlete is positively charged and ready for new challenges, although the asanas themselves are quite tiring.

During classes, women and men feel as if they are flying without gravity. Lowering the head down, blood circulation is accelerated, as a result of which the condition improves. skin. Many people even claim that anti-gravity yoga works better than anti-wrinkle creams. Moreover, they act as a natural prevention of gray hairs, improve memory and make you feel lighter than a fluff.

Relief for the spine

Yoga in hammocks in Moscow is of interest to many office workers and people who daily experience back discomfort. Since the body is fully stretched and more flexible during exercise, the pressure on the spine is significantly reduced. In addition, the hammock keeps the entire body in the air, which helps to reduce the burden on the skeletal system, thereby almost completely relieving muscle tension. Based on this, we can say for sure that yoga in the air allows you to adjust the figure.

Yoga and weight loss

As mentioned above, fly yoga helps to speed up metabolic processes. This leads to a rapid decrease in body weight. According to many women, even despite the frequent consumption of sweets, air training helped them get rid of a few hated kilograms, moreover, in a short time.


Yoga in hammocks for weight loss has some contraindications. Experts strongly recommend postponing classes in such situations:

  • hernia;
  • history of glaucoma;
  • period of gestation;
  • if less than 7 days have passed since Botox injections;
  • pressure problems;
  • injuries associated with musculoskeletal system;
  • recent surgery.

Ignoring at least one of these points, there is a high probability of harm own health. Therefore, even despite the benefits of exercising, it is not worth the risk, because the deterioration can be very serious.

At the same time, a large weight is in no way an obstacle to the training process. Hammocks can withstand the weight of a person’s body, since the maximum load is 500 kg. But owners of excess weight should strictly follow the recommendations and instructions of the instructor, as damage to the joints or sprains is possible.


Aerial yoga involves the use of a hammock made of dense material. It holds quite a lot of weight. This device is quite elastic, so at first glance it seems that it will not be possible to use it as a stable support. In fact, it is possible for them to calmly wrap their body and hang upside down without fear of falling.

Any yoga studio in hammocks provides its clients with safety during classes. These shells are selected by professionals, and therefore are quite expensive.

Hammocks are adjustable, making them versatile yoga fixtures. Even a tall person can easily fit there. The projectile is attached from above with the help of climbing knots, and carabiners made of durable aluminum serve as additional fasteners.


Positive reviews yoga in hammocks is often indicated by the clothes in which it is allowed to come to classes. Everything is simple here - it should be as comfortable and free as possible. Clothing should in no case hinder movement or slip with any movement.

The ideal solution would be a top and leggings made of elastic fabric. Women should tie their hair during training so that they do not climb on their faces and do not cling to a hammock, and it is better to remove all jewelry from the neck and hands.

Training process

Aerial yoga in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Voronezh, Tyumen and other cities is no different. Each sports center has experienced instructors who provide comprehensive support to their clients. Beginners are often embarrassed because they have not previously done any sports at all, but experts help them get used to it as quickly as possible and suggest the correct technique for performing asanas.

Three hours before class, do not eat. This can lead to vomiting and intestinal volvulus, so the poses should not be performed with a full stomach.

Training is allowed no more than three days a week. Beginners recover for a very long time after the first classes, as their whole body hurts, so many of them go back to the gym only 7-8 days after the previous training.

Asanas for beginners

Yoga poses in hammocks for beginners are not very difficult. They are designed specifically for those people who have not previously dealt with fitness or sports in general. The complex for beginners contains several elementary asanas:

  1. Place the projectile slightly below the shoulder blades, bend your knees and clasp your feet behind your hands. Next, slowly move forward, standing on your toes and bending your back more. This option is great for beginners. As for the more experienced yogis, they can already lift their socks off the floor and hang completely in the air.
  2. Immediately after the previous asana, you should stand in the “child's pose”. To do this, you need to kneel, facing the hammock, grab it with both hands, put your ass on your heels and bend your lower back, leaning forward.
  3. The “Greek runner” exercise, beloved by many people, is done like this: bend one leg at the knee and place it on the projectile, pointing the toe to the floor, while the other leg must be moved back a little and rest on the floor. Then the body leans back, and straight arms are pulled up (you can make a “pistol”).
  4. Spread the hammock and lie on it so that the lower abdomen and thighs are on the support. Having adjusted the balance, you should take hold of the projectile with your hands and bend your lower back.

Perform each asana should be within 10 - 15 seconds. For beginners, this time is enough to feel the tension and stretching of the body well. Over time, the duration should be increased, but taking into account your own physical capabilities and internal sensations.

As you can see, these poses force a person to work out stretching of the whole body and strength. Although some people claim that training is more about strengthening muscles, in fact, they also develop flexibility.

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