Meatballs with gravy. Very tasty recipes: with tomato sauce, with rice, in creamy sauce and like in kindergarten. How to cook meatballs with rice? Meatballs: recipe How to make homemade meatballs with rice

Bituminous materials 19.03.2022
Bituminous materials

Meatballs with gravy are delicious balls of minced meat stewed in a thick aromatic sauce. Do not confuse them with meatballs, there are several significant differences between them. Meatballs are most often cooked larger, because they are a separate full-fledged meat dish, for example, for dinner. Meatballs are fried or stewed in a pan, and can also be baked in the oven with or without sauce. Meatballs are boiled in broth, usually they complement some kind of dish, for example,.

There is a wide variety of delicious meatballs, mostly differing in additional ingredients. You can add onions and carrots to meatballs, you can put rice, meatballs with mushrooms or stuffed with vegetables that are wrapped in minced meat are delicious. Various sauces for meatballs can also be prepared and they will drastically affect the taste. Well, and most importantly, the meatballs themselves can be made from various types of meat. I don't want to see meatballs, but meatballs in a variety of preparations all take the main prize.

Of course, I won’t be able to cover all the options, but I will share many tasty ones with you.

Meatballs with sour cream tomato sauce

It seems to me right to start with simple and classic recipes. They are usually the most sought after and popular. We have become so accustomed to meatballs since childhood that we often look for recipes for their preparation that are very similar to those prepared by our mothers and grandmothers, as well as hardworking cooks in kindergarten. And all this is not just. By the way, I’ll clarify that meatballs can be prepared for children and they really like them, both in taste and in shape, and I don’t need to tell you how many kids love gravy. You can choose any side dish according to your taste, but now let's learn how to cook delicious meatballs with gravy.

For meatballs you will need:

  • minced meat - kg,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • onions - 1-2 pcs,
  • garlic - 1-2 pieces,
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons,
  • flour - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt, pepper and spices to taste.


1. For meatballs, you can use both ready-made minced meat, and wind it yourself from the selected meat. Choose from pork, beef, or a mix of the two minced meats. One of my tips is not to make the stuffing too lean, that is, completely without fat. A little fat in minced meat will make meatballs more juicy, and at the same time it will practically melt during heat treatment.

2. Finely chop the onion, especially if you are cooking for children. Adjust the quantity yourself, you can put one or two onions. The onion itself also helps to make the meatballs softer and juicier. Mix the onion with the minced meat in a large, handy bowl. Grind the garlic on a grater or with a knife, also add it to the minced meat.

3. Break one raw egg into a bowl of minced meat and stir. The egg will help to achieve good stickiness of minced meat so that future meatballs do not crumble when ready. Salt and pepper the minced meat to your liking.

4. Form even balls of medium size from the minced meat. Roll them in flour so that when frying they get a delicious golden crust, and all the meat juices are sealed inside. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the meatballs over medium heat from all sides until a light blush.

5. Cooking future gravy. This recipe is the easiest - mix tomato paste with sour cream, dilute with one glass of warm water.

6. Pour the meatballs in the pan with the resulting sauce, cover and simmer for fifteen minutes.

7. In the process of boiling, the gravy will acquire a richer red color due to the tomato sauce. After fifteen minutes, under the lid over medium heat, the meatballs will be ready and soaked in a delicious sauce.

Delicious meatballs with gravy are ready. The most versatile and easiest recipe. If you put cream instead of sour cream, then the taste will be more delicate and less sour. Serve with a hot side dish such as mashed potatoes, sprinkle with fresh herbs. Bon Appetit!

Tender meatballs with rice baked in gravy in the oven

Almost all of us have tried meatballs with rice, and many even know them under the name "Hedgehogs". They can also be cooked in a pan in a thick gravy, or you can bake them in the oven, which will only make them more tender, because there will be no withering frying in a pan, but only uniform heat from all sides. For the taste of the gravy, we will add onions and carrots to it.

You will need:

  • minced meat mixed - 600 grams,
  • boiled rice - 1 cup,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • onion - 2 pcs,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons,
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • flour - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt and black pepper to taste.


1. Scroll the meat through a meat grinder or take the prepared minced meat. Put it in a bowl and add finely chopped onion and garlic. We need the second onion for gravy. Break the egg in the same way. Salt and pepper. Stir the minced meat first with a spoon, and then with your hands, so it mixes best.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Mix sour cream and tomato paste in a separate bowl. Add two tablespoons of flour to them and stir until a smooth paste.

4. Pour cold boiled water into a glass and gradually pour it into the future sauce in a bowl. Pour a little and stir, then add more water and stir until all the water is gone.

Flour is needed in such a sauce to give density. It also gives rise to the very characteristic taste that we remember from childhood in the gravy that was served in the canteen of the kindergarten and school.

5. Heat up a frying pan with oil. Cut the second onion into small cubes. Sauté the onion in the oil until translucent, then add the grated carrots to the pan and sauté over medium heat until the carrots soften.

6. Now pour the prepared tomato-sour cream sauce into the pan with onions and carrots. Stir, add a little salt and let it simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Salt and pepper the future gravy to your taste. Such it will be in salinity in finished form.

7. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. Take a baking dish and start forming meatballs. To do this, slightly moisten your hands with water and roll balls of rather large size from minced meat. Put the finished meatballs in the form. When everything is blind, take a frying pan with gravy and pour the meatballs on top. If the sauce is not enough, then add a little water, it will mix with the sauce during the boiling process in the oven.

8. Put the meatballs with gravy in the oven and bake them for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Half an hour later, the meatballs are ready. Far cooks very quickly, and we already had rice ready. You will get very tender and tasty meatballs with fragrant thick gravy with onions and carrots. This is a very nutritious and satisfying lunch or dinner. Choose the garnish of your choice. Eat for health!

How to cook meatballs with gravy like in kindergarten

For those who are inexorably drawn by nostalgia to remember that very taste and cook meatballs like in kindergarten, I offer such a good and detailed video. It tells the process of making meatballs and all the ingredients needed for this. There is nothing complicated in such a recipe, and the cooks did not keep military secrets with him. Now it will be available to you. Cook the meatballs and don't forget the tender pasta.

Meatballs in creamy sauce baked with cheese

Not a single tomato gravy, meatballs with rice are excellent. The creamy sauce is no less beautiful, and if you add cheese to it, then you can’t drag it by the ears. I can say this for myself and my family, but I am almost sure that many will agree with me.

Cream is a delicate matter, so we will also bake meatballs in this sauce.

You will need:

  • minced meat - 600 grams,
  • rice - 100 grams,
  • cream 10% - 330 ml,
  • cheese - 100 grams,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • potato starch - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt and spices to taste.


1. Prepare minced meat from meat, put it in a bowl that is convenient for stirring. Add minced garlic, passed through a press or grated on a fine grater. Salt (about 0.5 teaspoon).

2. Boil rice until half cooked. Add it to the mince. Add 0.5-1 teaspoon of your favorite mild flavored spices. For example, Provence or Italian herbs work very well.

3. Stir the minced meat with your hands, it turns out more evenly than with a spoon or spatula due to the fact that the minced meat is quite thick and lumpy.

4. Slightly moisten your hands with water and roll into round large meatballs. Take a convenient deep baking dish and place future meatballs on the bottom. Buttering is not necessary, because we will cook them in sauce.

5. Stir the sauce in a separate bowl. To do this, pour cream into a bowl. Grate cheese, fine or coarse. Add cheese to cream, as well as spices and salt to taste. Pour a teaspoon of potato starch there, this is necessary to make the creamy sauce a little thicker. starch will not affect the taste at all. Mix everything well.

6. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the meatballs in the oven and bake for 20 minutes, during which time the meatballs will reach half-cooked.

7. Fill the meatballs with the gravy we prepared. Put the remaining cheese on the bottom (and it will settle) on top of each meatball so that it bakes with a beautiful golden crust.

8. Put the meatballs with gravy back in the oven and bake for another 20-25 minutes. The sauce will be reduced, and the cheese will be baked with a beautiful crust. Meatballs will be completely ready.

Serve hot meatballs in a creamy sauce with side dishes and vegetable salads. Bon Appetit!

Original meatballs with buckwheat - Greeks. Step by step video recipe

If you have tried meatballs with rice, but you are already a little tired of them, then it's time to bring something new to this wonderful dish. Add buckwheat instead of rice and you will get a new kind of delicious meatballs. Such mouth-watering meatballs are also prepared with a thick rich gravy in which they are baked.

The ingredients are quite familiar: minced meat, onion, egg, flour and tomato paste. Instead of rice boiled buckwheat. Add spices to your taste to make these meatballs spicy or spicy and delight the household with a novelty.

Cook meatballs with gravy often and don't forget to add variety to them by changing sauces and toppings. Do not forget delicious side dishes and salads, lunch should be nutritious and healthy. Health to you and good mood!

Minced meatballs - the simplest dish. The same minced meat can be used to prepare different types of meatballs, while the products themselves can be served with various side dishes and sauces. This is a universal dish, because they are prepared from any type of meat. And now more about how meatballs are prepared from minced meat.

We all come from childhood, so catering, which fed us in kindergartens, schools, student canteens, firmly stuck in our heads and taste preferences. Many still remember the distant taste of meatballs baked on a baking sheet, which were sticky, fragrant, in a light, but not at all tomato sauce, as usual. They seemed very tasty. We tried to find this classic recipe to remember that time.

Meatballs are made from minced meat, but they differ from cutlets in that they always contain a filler in the form of rice, vegetables or bread, they are shaped like balls and must be rolled in flour before frying or baking, but not breadcrumbs, as is done with cutlets. In addition, meatballs are usually cooked in sauce.

So, to cook classic minced meatballs with rice, you need an oven.

And the following products (given per serving):

  • cutlet meat (you can use beef, pork, mixed minced meat, as well as veal and lamb) - 105 g;
  • water - 12 g;
  • rice - 11 g;
  • onions - 29 g;
  • animal fat (can be replaced with vegetable oil) - 4 g;
  • flour - 8 g.

It is clear that if you are preparing for a family, then accordingly multiply the number of grams to the desired proportions.

Working process:

  1. Cut the onion, sauté in fat.
  2. Boil rice until half cooked. It is important to know that in this recipe and in all others, the rice is not washed after boiling in order to maintain its stickiness.
  3. Mix onion with rice, add minced meat from cutlet meat, salt, pepper, mix and form medium-sized balls, cutting at the rate of three meatballs per serving.
  4. Bread the balls with flour and place them on a greased baking sheet or a shallow frying pan in one row.
  5. Bake until half cooked, transfer to a saucepan and pour milk so that the minced hedgehogs are almost covered. Put on fire and simmer over low heat. You can leave them on a baking sheet, if it is small, pour milk over it and send it to the oven on a minimum fire. After extinguishing, turn off and leave for the milk to be absorbed. So hedgehogs will absorb the delicious creamy taste.

Many people called such meatballs - hedgehogs.

With rice - like in kindergarten

Another recipe is circulating on the Internet, which is also called meatballs from kindergarten. This variant is actually called meatballs with red sauce, and you can find it in a 1985 cookbook. The taste is really soft and pleasant. You can make meatballs according to this recipe both from one pork, and from mixed ground pork and beef.

Here's what's required:

  • 0.4 kg of finished minced meat;
  • one egg, onion;
  • a glass of rice;
  • salt and pepper.

For gravy:

  • a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • four tablespoons of flour;
  • spices and sugar.

Add finely chopped onion to the minced meat. Boil the rice so that it is half-cooked, cool and add it to the minced meat. Then put the onion, salt, pepper and other spices, break the egg. Mix and make meatballs.

For the sauce, grate the tomatoes, put sour cream, spices, sugar in them, fry coarsely grated carrots in vegetable oil and pour the finished sauce into it. Add a little water, bring to a boil and dip the meatballs rolled in flour into the sauce. Simmer over low heat until done.

in tomato sauce

Probably the most popular way is with tomato. Any minced meat is suitable for him. You can take a ready-made semi-finished product. Blind the meatballs, sprinkle with flour, overcook in a pan. When one side is browned, turn over and fry the other side. Take out the products, and on the remaining fat from frying, put the onion and chopped carrots on a grater. Pour fried vegetables with tomato paste dissolved in water (one or two tablespoons of paste). Salt and pepper again, throw in the parsley and immerse the fried meatballs in this sauce. Simmer for 15 minutes.

Minced pork meatballs

The surest solution is to cook pork meatballs. Always soft, juicy products go well with mashed potatoes and other vegetable side dishes.

For 700 g of meat is taken:

  • a glass of half-cooked rice (some people add raw cereals). At the same time, meatballs need to be cooked longer in order for the rice to boil;
  • two bulbs;
  • carrot;
  • a couple of glasses of tomato juice;
  • frying oil;
  • 0.5 cups of sour cream;
  • spices.

Cooking like this:

  1. Turn the meat through the fine grate of the meat grinder, send the onion there as well.
  2. Add salt and pepper and other spices you like.
  3. Insert fig.
  4. Mix, arrange meatballs.
  5. Fry for a couple of minutes on both sides over high heat so that they acquire a beautiful crust, but remain raw inside.
  6. In a frying pan with the remaining oil, fry the carrots grated on a coarse grater and the second onion.
  7. Transfer to a fireproof form, sprinkle with fried onions and carrots.
  8. Pour in a mixture of tomato juice and spices, simmer until tender. Serve with sour cream.

How to cook ground beef?

Ground beef meatballs with rice are prepared in the same way as regular meatballs made from fatter pork. Lean beef needs gravy, so you can make it with sour cream and tomato paste. But there is another interesting recipe that uses white bread instead of rice. This dish is worth trying!

For 400 g of beef pulp, passed through a meat grinder, is taken:

  • a couple of pieces of stale wheat bread;
  • one or two cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g cream;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste or a little more homemade tomato;
  • flour, milk, salt and pepper to taste.

Minced meat is best done by passing the meat twice through a meat grinder. Then salt it, add half the cream, spices, crushed garlic and bread soaked in milk.

Knead and form meatballs. Each roll in flour, fry in oil or fat. Pour the tomato paste diluted in a glass of water into a pan with meatballs, pour in the rest of the cream and simmer for twenty minutes on the smallest fire. Sprinkle finished meatballs with dill or parsley.

Chicken meatballs with gravy

Minced chicken meatballs with gravy are perfect for a children's and dietary table. They are prepared from a ready-made semi-finished product or from self-twisted chicken breast.

Composition of products:

  • half a kilo of minced meat;
  • a glass of rice;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic and a couple of onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • spices;
  • flour for rolling.

In oil, fry first the onion, cut into half-rings, and then the garlic (the fire is small so that the garlic does not burn). Add overcooking to minced meat, rub garlic there, add spices and mix well.

Form meatballs with wet hands and roll in flour. While preparing the sauce, put them in the refrigerator. For the sauce, you can take tomato paste and flour fried in oil - this is a traditional red tomato sauce. And you can mix a little tomato paste with sour cream. Next, fry the meatballs a little and pour the sauce. Simmer for another ten minutes, and the dish is ready!

With sour cream sauce

Good meatballs and just under sour cream. In any way given here, cook minced meat, make meatballs and fry. By the way, in sour cream they will be equally tasty without frying, but there will be fewer calories.

Fill the balls with sour cream and sprinkle with a mixture of Italian herbs or dried parsley. Simmer until tender and serve with potato garnish.

Diet option for a couple

The dietary option eliminates the frying of meatballs, you also do not need to fry the onion, it is put in minced meat raw. And garlic is generally excluded. These meatballs can be given even to small children.

And they are done like this:

  1. Pass 300 g of chicken or turkey fillet through a meat grinder, adding half an onion and half a carrot;
  2. knead the minced meat by adding salt;
  3. boil a quarter cup of rice until cooked and cool;
  4. mix with minced meat and add a little chopped parsley;
  5. make meatballs and place in a double boiler, after adding a bay leaf to the water;
  6. steam for a quarter of an hour.

If you don't have a double boiler, you can use a colander set on top of a pot of water that is boiling and covered with a lid.

In the meantime, prepare the sauce - blanch the tomato, remove the skin, finely chop. Put the tomato slices in a saucepan, add a little water. Salt. The sauce is ready. Pour them over steamed meatballs and serve.

With the addition of mushrooms

An original and unusually tasty version of meatballs with mushrooms will also decorate the festive table. They are prepared from ordinary minced meat with rice, but their dressing will be unusual.

For her, you will need mushrooms - the most fragrant and delicious, of course, forest ones, but you can take oyster mushrooms and champignons.

If the mushrooms are fresh, then they are pre-fried over high heat to enhance the taste and aroma.

If they are frozen, then they should also be fried. But dried mushrooms are pre-boiled, the broth is kept for the sauce, and the mushrooms themselves, after squeezing and cutting into strips, are fried. Mushrooms are laid out on top of fried meatballs, poured with mushroom broth and stewed, adding a little sour cream at the end.

Meatballs Italian recipe

You will also like a very unexpected and original recipe of Italian chefs.


  • 0.6 kg of ground beef;
  • 250 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • some parmesan cheese;
  • one lemon;
  • one egg;
  • bulb of medium size;
  • pine nuts - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • two-thirds of a glass of breading in the form of crackers;
  • a little olive oil;
  • mashed tomatoes - as much as you like, according to your taste;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • seasonings such as dried basil, parsley and black pepper.


  • a pound of mashed canned tomatoes;
  • 300 g chopped tomatoes;
  • 125 ml dry red wine;
  • balsamic vinegar and salt.


  1. Chop the parsley, garlic and onion.
  2. Wipe the curd.
  3. Remove lemon zest.
  4. A couple of st. Heat up a tablespoon of oil and fry the peeled nuts in it. Add onion, garlic and basil.
  5. Mix cottage cheese with minced meat, add parsley, breadcrumbs, egg, grated parmesan and lemon zest.
  6. After stirring, add more fried onions and nuts.
  7. Salt so that the minced meat is a little more salty than necessary.
  8. Send it to the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then take it out and make meatballs.
  9. For the sauce, take a pot with a wide bottom, put the tomatoes and heat them up, add wine and vinegar there, and then heat it up again, but do not boil.
  10. In a separate pan, fry the meatballs in a small amount of oil to brown on both sides. Put them in the tomato sauce with a slotted spoon. The meatballs immersed in the sauce should boil over low heat for another quarter of an hour.

Delicious fish meatballs

Fish meatballs are very tasty. Both river and sea fish will go, you just need to take either fillets or fish with a small number of bones. As usual, put salt, pepper, and rice into the minced meat. Do not put too much rice in fish meatballs, so as not to make them excessively dry and tough. They do not put onions, they are too fragrant and can clog the natural flavor of the fish. But a clove of garlic does not hurt, it will enhance the fish flavor.

Instead of onions, you can cut some green onion feathers, and add a handful of chopped dill or parsley.

The fried balls are put in a pan and poured with either sour cream or tomato sauce - both options are good.

with cabbage

Cabbage meatballs are more juicy, tender and light precisely due to vegetables. Be sure to try making them.


  • 750 minced meat;
  • 400 g chopped cabbage;
  • a glass of rice;
  • egg;
  • one carrot;
  • one bulb;
  • pepper, salt;
  • frying oil.

For gravy:

  • sour cream;
  • nutmeg;
  • salt;
  • tomato paste;
  • pepper and thyme.
  1. Chop cabbage, scroll through a meat grinder with minced meat and mix.
  2. Add spices and salt to minced meat.
  3. Chop onions and carrots and stew in oil, then add peppercorns, bay leaf, a little water and tomato paste. Boil.
  4. Put flour into sour cream and mix. Then add this mixture to the pan with carrots and onions. Boil.
  5. Roll up small meatballs from minced meat and dip them into the sauce.
  6. Simmer everything together until the meatballs are cooked under the lid.

Homemade meatballs in a slow cooker

It is very quick and easy to cook meatballs in a slow cooker. To do this, boil a glass of rice, discard. In the frying mode, fry the onion and grated carrots. In 700 g of minced meat (500 g of beef and 200 g of pork), put fried vegetables and add rice, spices, salt. Mix, roll into balls and place in a bowl. Then pour hot lightly salted water and add a little tomato paste. Simmer for 40 minutes.

Among the huge number of hot minced meat dishes, each of us has priorities. These are the dishes that are loved more than others, and which are difficult to refuse when you feel their fragrant smell. Meatballs belong to this group. Perfect in size, tender and, if a piece of the soul of the one who prepared them is invested in them, infinitely tasty, they have been walking with us through life since childhood. Even from kindergarten, meatballs are familiar to Soviet people. Any dining room had in its menu meat balls from different types of minced meat.

The main point in meatballs was and always will be minced meat. Therefore, it is important to choose the right meat if meatballs are planned, chicken if you are going to cook chicken, and fish, respectively, if you really want fish “balls”. You should not buy expensive meat - it's completely useless. For meatballs, you need to take meat of the first grade. It is cheaper, and, we must remember that minced meat is minced meat, and not steaks, which require only the highest grade, and nothing else. Any meat grinder can turn even the second grade you bought into the most tender mass.

With chicken and fish, things are easier. It makes no sense to use chicken breast, unless the meatballs are planned dietary. Legs, thighs - these are the ideal parts for minced chicken. Well, if we talk about fish, then it’s better to take at least two varieties of fish. From the one that is cheaper. With today's prices for a chilled product, it will be cheaper to make meatballs from beef tenderloin. Take any fish fillet that you like, and you can't go wrong. Well, and in order not to be mistaken at all, below are the best options for all occasions.

Meatballs with rice

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

Cooking process:

Chicken meatballs with rice

Meatballs are a tasty and satisfying dish, no one argues. But chicken "balls" are in no way inferior to them in taste. And if you add cheese to minced chicken, you get no less than a royal dish.

Cooking time - 60 minutes.

Calories per serving - 164.40 calories.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the legs, remove the meat from them. Freeze a little, then cut into small cubes. The bones can be left in the broth;
  2. Wash onions and carrots, process, peel and peel. Devide into two parts. Grind part of the carrot with a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Put the vegetables in a separate bowl;
  3. Rinse the parsley thoroughly, cut off the stems. Chop the greens and pour into a bowl with vegetables;
  4. Grind cheese with a coarse grater, pour over vegetables;
  5. Combine finely chopped chicken meat, chicken egg, rice, salt and pepper in a bowl with vegetables and herbs;
  6. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly to get a homogeneous minced meat;
  7. Cover the bowl with clingfilm and set aside.
  8. Onions and carrots, which remained intact, chop in the same way as the first parts. Spasserovat in vegetable oil in a saucepan. Remove from stove, set aside.
  9. Now back to minced meat. Hands should be rinsed in warm water and small meatballs should be formed from prepared minced meat, up to 5 cm in diameter;
  10. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry meatballs on it for two minutes on each side over moderate heat;
  11. We move the fried meatballs from the pan to a pan with thick walls. When all the chicken "balls" are fried and put in a saucepan, cover them with a lid and make a sauce - gravy;
  12. To prepare the sauce, put sour cream, tomato paste into the vegetable sauté and pour in water. Mix everything well and pour the sauce over meatballs in a saucepan;
  13. After that, move the pan to moderate heat and cook for about 25 minutes. If the sauce is boiling down, calmly add half a glass of boiled or mineral water without gas.

Fish meatballs with rice

It's time for the fish dishes. The first thing that comes to mind in this case is fish cakes, but you want something more original. This is where fish meatballs with rice come to the rescue.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calories per serving - 153.50 calories.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse rice thoroughly. Pour cold water and boil until tender over moderate heat until fully cooked;
  2. Punch the fish fillet in a blender or in a meat grinder;
  3. Process the onion, add to the blender bowl to the minced meat and break through with it until it is uniform, transfer to a bowl;
  4. In the same bowl, add boiled rice, salt and pepper. Mix until uniform;
  5. Heat up the oven to 180°Ϲ. Grease the prepared tray in which the meatballs will be baked with vegetable oil;
  6. Form small "balls" from the prepared minced meat. As they form, put them in a tray, without gaps between them;
  7. After all the meatballs are formed and placed in the tray, place it in the oven. Cook for a quarter of an hour;
  8. In parallel with baking the meatballs, peel the carrots and the remaining onion. Grate the carrots with a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Spasser vegetables in a saucepan in vegetable oil, adding tomato paste;
  9. Take the meatballs out of the oven. Move the sautéed vegetables over the meatballs and add water so that it almost covers the meatballs;
  10. Put the tray back in the oven and cook for another quarter of an hour;
  11. Serve ready-made "balls" hot, pouring vegetable sauce, with any side dish.

Let's cook meatballs in a slow cooker

Having a multicooker at your disposal in the kitchen, it would be completely wrong not to use it for cooking meatballs with rice.

Cooking time: 80 minutes.

Calories per serving: 240.73 calories.

Cooking process:

  1. Add boiled rice, half of the indicated norm of onion and garlic, salt and pepper to minced meat;
  2. Add sour cream, mix thoroughly until smooth. Form meatballs into balls with a diameter of 5 cm;
  3. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl. Set the mode "Frying / meat" and fry the meatballs for 5 minutes on both sides;
  4. During this time, punch nuts, peeled garlic and cilantro in a blender. Pour in the broth and stir thoroughly;
  5. Switch the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode. Pour the sauce into the bowl and cook for 10 minutes;
  6. Pour cream into the bowl, add hops - suneli, pepper and salt. Cook another 20 minutes;
  7. After the end of the cycle, remove the meatballs with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a deep bowl, pour the sauce obtained during the stewing process on top.

Meatballs are good because you can add almost all compatible products to minced meat. Meatballs with mushrooms, for example, are very good. Do not add a large amount of seasonings and spices. This is the option when you can simply ruin the final product. It will be a pity for the lost time and money gone nowhere.

Do not be lazy to scroll your stuffing. In this option, you are sure of what it will be made of, unlike purchased minced meat. It's a good idea to add some chicken skin to minced chicken. But in store-bought minced chicken, it is guaranteed that there will be skin in an amount that goes beyond all reasonable limits.

This is the case with any minced meat, we all know this. Therefore, take the time not to pay for bones, veins, skin, lard in various types of minced meat. Do-it-yourself food will always be tastier and, as a result, cheaper.

Laziness and reasonable economy are incompatible things.

How often we do not have enough time to cook delicious food due to the high pace of life - vanity, snacks on the run. Our step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you cook meatballs with rice, designed just for people who want to live in the rhythm of modern life. After all, no one has yet canceled eating tasty and healthy food, even for such busy people.

And yet, for sure, this photo recipe will appeal to young mothers who want to diversify their children's menu, because all the ingredients that make up the dish are healthy and nutritious. In addition, all the products that are used to make minced meatballs with rice are easily accessible and will surely be found in every housewife's house.

Calorie meatballs with rice

Calorie content and nutritional value of meatballs with rice are calculated per 100 grams of the finished dish.

The table below shows the approximate values ​​​​of BJU and kcal of meatballs with rice, prepared according to the classic recipe from minced meat. These figures can vary significantly, depending on the additional ingredients used.

Minced meatballs with rice classic recipe

The main beauty of this meatball recipe is that the rice does not need to be pre-boiled. This saves a lot of time in the formation of the meatballs themselves. In the meantime, they are stewed (a little longer than ordinary meatballs), you can go about your business. It remains only to turn them off in time. In this recipe, we will use minced pork, but you can take pork and beef or chicken.


  • Minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • Rice - 0.2 cups;
  • Carrots - 1 medium;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Salt;
  • A mixture of peppers.

How to cook classic meatballs with rice and minced meat

We are starting to cook classic meatballs with home-style rice, such meatballs were often cooked by our mothers and grandmothers, and served on the table along with the most delicate mashed potatoes.

Step 1.

Rice should be thoroughly washed in cool water. Rinse until the water is very clear. Now you need to mix the minced meat with rice washed properly, salt a little and pepper.

Step 2

Cut the onion however you like. Someone likes small ones more, someone - cut into half rings or rings. It all depends on your taste and aesthetic preferences. We also chop the carrots (on a grater or with a knife). Now you need to fry the onion and carrots in a pan.

Step 3

We form our rice meatballs. We sculpt balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm and immediately lay them out on the prepared “pillow” of onions with carrots.

Step 4

Meatballs are almost ready. The point is small - pour boiled water into balls of minced meat in a pan, cover them with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for 50-55 minutes (depending on the diameter of the meatballs).

Step 5

The broth in which the meatballs are boiled with rice must be salted. Otherwise, the water will take all the salt from the meatballs, and they will remain unsalted. But don't overdo it with salt! In the end, it is better to add salt to a ready-made dish in a plate than to eat salted.

Side dish for meatballs with rice

You can serve juicy homemade meatballs with rice with any side dish. It can be potatoes (boiled, fried or mashed), any vegetables, buckwheat, regular pasta. It is not recommended to serve these meatballs with rice, as rice is part of the minced meat from which they are made.

Minced meatballs with rice (hedgehogs) - video recipe

This video recipe is different from the classic recipe above. It will help you quickly and easily cook juicy hedgehog meatballs with rice.

1. To cook meatballs with rice, it is important to choose the right meat for minced meat. The ideal option is homemade minced beef and pork moderately fatty. If you like more dietary dishes, then choose chicken or turkey.

2. To make the meatballs more juicy, add onions to the minced meat. It can be added both twisted and crushed.

3. So that the meatballs do not fall apart during cooking, add slightly boiled round rice, and it is best to pour the washed rice with boiling water for 10 minutes, then add to the minced meat.

4. Add a raw egg to the hedgehogs - this is one of the main components that hold the minced meat together.

Similar recipes:

I cook meatballs with rice with gravy very often. It doesn’t take much time to cook them, but while they are cooking, you can quickly prepare any side dish, and a full dinner or lunch is ready!

Another good thing about this recipe is that meatballs can be made and frozen, and, if necessary, taken out and cooked already with sauce.

Speaking of sauce, I always cook my favorite sauce with tomato paste and sour cream for meatballs.

Let's prepare all the products and start cooking minced meatballs with rice and gravy. The cooking time can be shortened if the rice is boiled ahead of time. If you have not done this, then it is with the preparation of rice that you need to start. Boil the rice in boiling salted water until cooked, see the rice cooking time on the packaging for it.

Put the minced meat in a bowl, add finely chopped onion.

Crack the egg into the minced meat and add salt and black pepper.

Finely chop the parsley with a knife and also put it in a bowl.

Put the boiled rice in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix well minced meat for meatballs.

From the minced meat we form meatballs, in size - a little larger than a walnut. Roll each meatball in flour.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meatballs for 4-5 minutes on each side. Then add tomato paste to the fried meatballs. Add 200 ml of boiling water.

Pour flour into sour cream and add 100 ml of water. Mix everything well together, this is necessary so that the flour does not form lumps when added to the gravy.

Pour the resulting mixture into the pan to the meatballs. Salt and pepper the sauce to taste. Simmer meatballs in gravy over low heat for 15 minutes.

Serve ready-made meatballs with rice and gravy in portions with mashed potatoes or fresh salad.

Bon Appetit!

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