Passage of the guild of thieves skyrim. Thieves Guild1 Skyrim nightingale walkthrough

For fitting and assembly work 19.03.2022
For fitting and assembly work

For the past two decades, the Thieves Guild has been doing terribly. At almost every turn, its members are plagued by failure, and their number is steadily declining. Rumor has it that a higher power sent a curse on the guild...

Look under every stone

The guild is based in Riften. I was brought there when, during the story mission " Diplomatic Immunity" I found an unusual gem. Exactly the same is in the shelter of the Dark Brotherhood, for example, and that's not all. With him, a task appeared in the Miscellaneous section. In Riften, I met Hammerhead, who immediately realized that the stone was stolen and offered to show it to Vex, the Guild's fence. But for this you need to become its full member. To do this, you need to talk with Brynjolf, the task will begin chance meeting.
When you are finally accepted into the Thieves Guild, Vex will tell you that there are "stones of Barenziah" that were stolen by one thief and distributed throughout Skyrim. Vex will only buy the full set, 24 pieces. A description of the location of each pebble can be found. And here is the map:

Also appeared, adding a marker for each stone. Search will become much easier!
After you find all 24 stones, Vex will send you to Torvald's Cave in search of the Crown of Barenziah. The number of fat trolls in the cave and the surrounding area rolls over. Falmer live in the depths of the cave. Go to Torvald's Cave - Void. From there to Torvald's Cave - Crossroads. Here you will immediately meet the ghost of a refugee from Morrowind, next to the skeleton of which lies a worn diary. There are three such diaries and skeletons, and you will most likely find the third before the second. The crown lies with the remains of the Dunmer caravan, guarded by a ghostly elf. Take the crown to Vex, it will appear on the bust, in the same place as all your other trophies.

For completing the task, you will receive an increased chance of finding gems! They are very convenient to sell, not to mention the ability to make expensive jewelry.

chance meeting
Actually joining the guild of thieves.
During the day, you will definitely find Brynjolf in the market in the Rift. Of course, he won't tell you just like that. While the entrepreneur is distracting attention, you must rob Madesi, take his ring and put it in a chest under Brand-Shei's shop. In the Russian version, by the way, everything is mixed up ... besides, I had a bug when Madesi himself had the ring, then the pointer showed me to steal it again from Madesi's box, and only then put it in Brand-Shey's chest, and then a copy of it in his pocket! In a word, complete abracadabra. Perhaps it happened because I was simultaneously completing the tasks "Cornered Rat" and "Chance Encounter".
P.S. you can see the arrest of Brand-Shei, who was already promptly reported to the guards.

Reliable roof

Brynjolf will be waiting for you at the Ragged Flask. He is impressed by your fighting, oddly enough, qualities. In order to finally be accepted into the guild, you will have to knock out a debt from three people, while not killing anyone.
Their names:

  • Helga
  • Bersi Honey Hand
  • Kirva

Enter into a dialogue, choose the option that says about the fight. You win, you say it again and that's it.
How ridiculous the local fisticuffs look...
Bring the money to Brynjolf.


Follow Brynjolf. Listen to his conversation with Mercer Frey. You are now officially accepted. You will be sent to Goldenglow Manor, you must burn three bee hives and loot the safe to remind you who is the boss here. You will also receive several tasks in the MISCELLANEOUS section, to familiarize yourself with the guild bonuses. You will be given branded armor, keep it! You can ask Vex about the secret passage to the estate through the sewer. The safe is in the basement of the house, you can steal the key if you want. In the owner's room, you can find the Bee Figurine, which Delvin Mallory will gladly buy, a task will appear in the Miscellaneous section.
Then go outside and set fire to exactly 3 beehives. They can also be quietly crawled through the collector.
You can return to Brynjolf.

Wrong honey
You need to meet Jarl Maven Black-Briar, most likely she hangs out in the Bee and Sting inn. She will send you to Whiterun, to an establishment called the Prancing Mare. Talk to Mallius Macius there. Now go to Honning's meadery near Whiterun and talk to its owner Sabjorn. He will hire you to exterminate the rats. Get down to the basement, you need to break through the underground passage. There will be not only skeevers, but also spiders, and a deranged alchemist named Heimlin. Plant the poison in the straw nest and move on to enter Honning's Brewery. Climb up and put the poison in the vat. Take the key near the door and get out. Report to Sabjorn on successful rat-baiting. Enjoy the spectacle. Talk to Mallius. Climb the stairs to the second floor and clean out Sabjorn's chest of drawers. You can also find a Honning Honey Decanter, which Delvin Mallory will gladly buy from you. Return to Maven to hand over the documents and receive a reward. Return to Brynjolf at the Thieves Guild.

Scoundrel's whim
Talk to Mercer Frey. He will direct you to a contact, and also offer to speak with Brynjolf.
In Solitude, talk to Gulum-Ei, who will most likely be in the Laughing Rat. Convince or bribe him. Then follow the Argonian to the East Empire Company warehouse on the wharf. Beware of the guards. You can climb up to the cabinets with shelves. If you look up near the ship on the rafters, you will see a house on a ledge. Inside there is an East Empire Company Nautical Chart that can be sold to Delvin Mallory. Gulum-Ai will enter the Salt Water Grotto. You can safely kill marauders, except for Gulum-Ai himself. He will tell you about the employer and give you the bill of sale for the Goldflower estate. Return to Mercer at the Thieves Guild. He will tell about Karlie.
P.S. The task will appear in the Miscellaneous section. You've kept your thieves' armor, haven't you?

Silence speaking
Mercer Frey will be waiting for you at the Snow Veil. After the conversation, go to the door. Mercer will open the lock. I had a bug - the lock did not open, and Mercer butted against the wall. The solution is to quickly move to the same location from the map. The number of draugrs and traps inside rolls over. At times, Mercer will give you hints. Toward the end of the first level, you can find a ship model on a pedestal that can be sold to Delvin. It will be about the same in the Sanctuary, and at the end you will learn the power word of the Disarmament shout. You will see the unexpected simplicity of opening the lock, which you yourself would not have opened without a claw in your life. Enjoy the spectacle!

Difficult answers
After the conversation, go to Winterhold and find Enthir. Alas, he cannot translate Gall's diary, since it is written in the rarest language - Falmer. You will need to travel to Markarth's Understone Keep towards Calcelmo. He will ask you to kill the spider Nimhe in the ruins of Nchuand-Zel. Along the way, a side quest will begin. The Lost Expedition. Then he will give you the key to the Dwemer Museum, right there, in the Understone Fortress. From there you will get to the laboratory of Kolselmo. You can use traps to your advantage. They are activated by valves and levers. In the room with the son of the magician Aincantar there is a Dwemer puzzle cube that can be sold to Delvin. Exit to the balcony of the wizard Markarth. There, use the Calcelmo Stone.
To copy the inscriptions, you need a roll of paper and charcoal, which abound in the room. Climb outside and return to the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold, Karliah and Enthir are already waiting for you. Enthir will be able to translate the diary, talk to him and Karliah in turn. As a reward, you will receive the Nightingale Blade.

The pursuit Travel to Riften at the Ragged Flask. Karliah will be waiting at the entrance, follow her to the Cistern. Watch the cut-scene, then talk to Brynjolf. He will send you to search Mercer Frey's estate.
He can also (additionally) talk about the ladder on the inside of the house. By the way, you can open it not only with a bow, but also with magic.
(Optional) You can ask Vex about Wald. She will tell about his debt to Maven Black-Briar. In the Miscellaneous section, a task will appear pointing to it. It turns out that Wald lost the Dual Feather, which is unique in its properties, when he swam across the lake. You need to get it out of there. Remember in Morrowind there was a task to get a ring from the bottom of a large puddle? So, compared to the inspection of Lake Honrik, it was mega simple. However, I also managed to find a pen, if you are too lazy to do it yourself, then here are the screenshots:

Return to Maven, she will give you documents about Wald's debt. Now he will gladly let you in and give you the key. And really, why kill people in vain? By the way, if he attacks you, a simple soothing spell (illusions) will help

One way or another, you end up in the Riftenveld estate. Marauders are waiting for you inside. Behind the "suspicious cabinet" is the passage you need. Look under your feet. On the table you will find Mercer's plan, as well as a bust of the Gray Fox, which can be sold to Delvin in the guild. And also in the window - hello from Oblivion! - glass sword of unique blue color "Cooler"! Return to Brynjolf.

The revived triad
Talk to Karliah. Go to the meeting point at the standing stone. After the conversation, go to the Nightingale Hall. There you will need to use the Nightingale Armor Stone. Put on the kit you received and follow Karliah. It is impossible to refuse to take an oath - you will be doomed after death to guard the twilight tomb ... that's the perspective. Stand in the marked circle. After the initiation, talk to Karliah. As you may have guessed, Mercer Frey stole the Skeleton Key, Nocturnal's main artifact. Since you are now the Nightingale, his protection falls on your shoulders.

You need to go to Irkntand. By the way, the armor can already be removed. Outside you will meet bandits, and inside there will be Dwemer mechanisms. On the lift you will get to the Great Hall, where Karlia and Brynjolf are already waiting for you. They will follow you further to meet Mercer. When you get to the hall with a shiny ceiling, there will be a lever on the top left. The second one is on the opposite side. You need to pull them quickly, otherwise the gate will close. It's full of Falmers. The tower will collapse and you will have to climb up to continue the chase. In the next room there will be a Dwemer Centurion. You can just walk past if you can't win by force. In the next room there will already be doors to the Slave Pens.
Immediately you will find yourself in a torture chamber, from there to a corridor with fire traps and to the Falmer parking lot. From there you will reach the Sanctuary. Here, Mercer gouges out the eyes of a giant statue, after which he will attack you. Take the skeletal key and both Falmer eyes from his body, which can be sold to Delvin. The hall will quickly fill with water. Stones will collapse from above and open a passage to the Bronze Water cave. Talk to Karliah.

A little note about the Skeleton Key
According to the story, you must abandon this miracle and return the artifact to its place ... but is it worth it?
The Skeleton Key is essentially the "Eternal Lockpick" perk in the Hacking tree. To open it, you need to upgrade the hack to 100 and spend at least 6 perk points! Lockpicks stop breaking, and you put the worry about their number out of your head.
Now imagine this scenario: you quickly run through the Thieves Guild storyline until you get the Skeleton Key. Now you don't need to download Hack, absolutely!!! You save 6 perk points, a couple of hours of training and don't worry about the number of master keys!
If you want, you can save before completing the task. The Return of Twilight, go through it, watch the finale of a wonderful quest line, spit on the funny spells that are given at the end. And then load your save and continue playing with the Skeleton Key! This can be considered a slight cheat, but the decision is always yours.

The Return of Twilight To return the luck of the guild, you will have to participate in a special ritual test. Travel to the Twilight Sepulcher. You will be met by a ghostly nightingale guardian. In a conversation, you can learn about the diary of Nystrom, who failed to complete the Path of the Pilgrim, which you need to complete.
First test: battle with the ghosts of nightingales. Second test: do not step into the rays of light, keep to the shadows. Trial three: Pull the two rings on the sides of the statue. Test Four: You need to overcome the traps. For example, breaking the door lock on the left. Test fifth: Enter the Inner Sanctuary, jump down to find Anders' skeleton with a note. Walk around until a cutscene starts. Unlock Black Lake Castle. The Skeleton Key will disappear. Nocturnal herself will appear and deliver a heartfelt speech. It is not clear where Karliah will appear from. You will be offered three abilities (Talents in the magic section), standing on a certain circle on the floor:

  • Full moon: nightingale strife. Effect: Instantly absorbs 100 damage. enemy's health.
  • edge of the moon: Cloak of Shadows Nocturnal. Effect: When sneaking, you automatically become invisible for 120 seconds.
  • half moon:nightingale deception. Effect: People and creatures in the area of ​​the spell attack everyone in a row for 30 seconds.

Use the portal to exit the shrine. It will be possible to change the ability, if suddenly you intend to use them, in a day, returning to the sanctuary.

However, in order to be officially recognized as the head of the Thieves Guild, you need to complete the tasks of Delvin Mallory and Vex, who live in the Ragged Flask. It was possible to pass them much earlier, but they will be described here. Do not forget that you can take two assignments at the same time - from both employers.

Delvin Mallory:


You will need to quietly get close to the account book of a store in order to make changes there. It's enough to use it discreetly. Return to Delvin for your reward.


Standard pickpocketing: there is an object from which you need to steal some item from your pocket. Note that you will need a high level of pickpocketing. Bring the item to Delvin.

You are instructed to rob the whole city for a tidy sum! For example, scrolls are well valued, one can cover the entire amount. Return to Delvin.



Pretty commonplace burglary. You break into the right house and take the right thing, drag it to Vex.


You need to get into the house, leave the evidence in some chest. Return to Vex for money.


There is a house, and there are several valuable items in the house. You need to steal them all and bring Vex.


Breaking safes in shops. Enter the store, quietly break open the safe, take the task object from there and carry it to Vex. Requires high hacking skill.

There are also four quests that can be obtained by completing 5 minor quests in a specific city.
If the desired task did not drop out - reboot and take it again, they are absolutely random.
Also, after each of the tasks, a new merchant will appear in the "Rampant Flask".
And there is one more small task from the Miscellaneous section, which can be obtained from Tonilla, about helping the Khajiit caravans.
Summerset Shadows
After completing 5 small tasks in Windhelm, Delvin will give a special assignment about the newly appeared competitors. Travel to Windhelm and find Thorsten the Cruel Sea. He will tell about the tragic death of his daughter at the hands of the Altmer. Go to Niraniya, she trades in the market during the day. Glad that you won't kill her, she will betray Linwe and his band of marauders called the Summerset Shadows, who live in the Talking Hills Cave. There you will meet Summerset shadows and Linvi, from whose body you can remove the desired Fjotli silver pendant and unique leather armor. Return to Thorsten the Cruel Sea and return the amulet. Now Niranya will buy stolen goods from you.

"Picky Sload"

You need to complete 5 small tasks in Solitude. Delvin Mallory will send you to Solitude to talk to Erikur merchants. He will send you to the port to Sabina Nitt, who hangs out on the ship Red Wave. For "Balmor blue", the rarest contraband drug, she will demand 1500 gold. But you can also steal the key to the chest from her, dive under the pier and get the goods yourself. Or even without stealing the key, but simply by opening the lock. Go to the Fastidious Sload ship. Drop the Balmora Blue into the captain's chest. There is also one of Barenziah's stones in the captain's quarters! Return to Erikur.

Amnesty by hand
Complete 5 small tasks in whiterun.
Delvin Mallory will send you to Whiterun to speak with Olfrid the Battle Son. He wants to get his friend out of prison. To do this, you will have to steal one letter and correct the documents. Travel to Dragonreach and sneak into the Jarl's quarters, no big deal. Return to Olfrid for your reward.

Silver blank
After you complete 5 random minor tasks in Markarth, Delvin will send you to Jeweler Endon. A silver blank has been stolen from him, and he asks you... to steal it back. Travel to Pine Gate. In addition to the unusual silver blank, there is also one of Barenziah's stones. Also fans of diaries will not be disappointed with the history of this small gang of robbers. Bring an unusual silver blank to Endon and he will begin to cooperate with the guild, buying stolen goods from you. Also, a new merchant will appear in the "Rampant Flask".

After completing all four tasks in the cities, as well as the storyline, including the Return of Twilight, the final task will begin:

Change of leadership
Return to the guild and talk to Brynjolf. Then stand in the center of the room. After a short dialogue, talk to Brynjolf again. It remains only to get the armor of the head of the guild from Tonilla.

May the shadows cover you!

The Thieves Guild is not a very respected guild that completely spoils the reputation of the city of Riften just by its existence. Although the thieves guild has not been very popular lately and the thieves' affairs have not gone very well, despite the failures, they did not give up and collaborated with the more influential people of Skyrim. And, having joined the thieves, he returned them to their former glory.

And so, in order to find the thieves guild, you need to go to Riften and help a man named Brynjolf and do the task that he gives. In order to join the guild, you need to steal the ring from the market and frame the dark elf, after which you will again talk to Brynjolf and he will offer to join the guild. The task is quite easy to complete. After that, he will offer us to go to the rat hole, and from there to get into the tavern called "Rampant Flask".

After that, we perform another simple task, go and by force or lie we get debts from those people who do not pay the guild for protection and go back and that's it, now Dovakin is a member of the thieves guild. In fact, the thieves guild quest line is very exciting, there is also theft, very rarely there are murders, and when completing exciting quests, we easily increase our stealth skills and get expensive things that can be sold in the very “Rampant Flask”.

The Thieves Guild is not engaged in murders, they leave such "dark deeds" to the dark brotherhood. Dovakin, completing non-linear quests that Vex and Delvin give out, returns the former glory of thieves. Gradually, various sellers come to the Ragged Flask, who will be happy to sell or buy stolen items from Dovakin.

Video walkthrough - Where to find the Thieves Guild in Skyrim

The quest for obtaining is also associated with the Thieves Guild, you can read more by clicking on the link.

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The Thieves Guild is an important organization in the world of Skyrim., which, as you already understood, is engaged in various thefts. Like most others, the thieves guild has its own line of quests, passing which you will not only see their line of work, but also personally contribute to many changes in the organization.

In this article, we will tell you, starting from joining the organization and ending with the last mission.

Joining the Thieves Guild:

To become a full member of the organization, you must go to Riften and find a Nord named Brynjolf in the square, who will give you a small Quest "First meeting". According to the assignment, you need to wait for the moment when Brynjolf starts to make a speech, and at that very moment you must make your way to Madesi's shop, steal the ring from the box and put it in the pocket of the distracted Brand-Shei.

After that, Brand-Shei will be imprisoned for theft for seven days, and you will get access to the Ragged Flagon tavern, which is the guild's base.

Having reached the tavern through the sewers filled with rats, you will meet Brynjolf again, who will give the last quest to join the guild.

For execution quest "Reliable roof" you must bypass three merchants in Riften and demand the payment of debts:

  1. To knock out a debt from Kirava from the Bee and Sting tavern, you first need to approach the Argonian standing next to her. After talking with the Argonian, you will understand that Kirava has a very important family, and just by mentioning relatives from Morrowind, she will immediately pay off the debt.
  2. Bersi at the Pawned Shrimp will only pay off her debt after a fistfight or if you break an urn that is dear to her.
  3. Helga will pay the debt only if you steal the vase and promise to smash it if you refuse.

Thereafter return to the guild hideout and tell about the completed task.

Quest: "Clarity"

So now you've become one of thieves guild members. Immediately after joining, you will receive a task "Clarity", in which you need to sneak into the estate, steal all the contents from the safe and set fire to three beehives. In order not to run into all the guards of the estate, you will have to make your way to the house secretly, through a secret hatch located in the northwestern part of the island.

After entering the house, go up to the second floor, steal the key and go down to the basement. Practically at the passage to the safe there will be the last guard who can be killed or sneaked with the help of an invisibility potion.

Thus, after completing all the instructions, you need to escape from the island and report to the guild about the completion of the task.

Quest: "The Wrong Honey"

Based on the stolen documents from the estate, the guild members began to realize that someone was trying hard to stop the organization's funding. But, unfortunately, the exact name is still unknown, and you need to complete an assignment from Maven Black-Briar, who owns the best mead in Skyrim.

During the conversation, Maven reveals that another meadery has appeared near Whiterun, which takes away all the customers from her.

Your task will be to poison the vat before the tasting itself and thereby help in the change of leadership in the meadery. At the moment, Sabjorn is running the meadery, and in order to get to the vat, you must pretend to be a rat fighter.

Having made your way to the honey factory, poison all the holes of the rats and, of course, the vat itself. As a result of the tasting, Sabjorn will be arrested, and Maven will take his place.

To complete the quest, go up to the second floor and pick up another note regarding thieves guild.

Quest: "Reckless Design"

After reading the note, Brynjolf realizes that the traitor is inside the guild and sends you to Solitude, where you must extort information from an Argonian named Gulum-Ai. To blabber Gulum-Aya, you need to use bribery or persuasion.

After talking, Gulum-Ai will only tell you that there is one woman in the guild who hates Mercer.

Next, you need to follow Gulum-Ai and periodically kill all the guards. At the end, having taken the Argonian by surprise, he will immediately tell that this woman's name is Karliah and that she killed the former leader of the guild and is going to repeat the same with Mercer.

Quest: "Conversation in Silence"

After returning to the guild and telling all the information to Mercer, you go together to Snow Veil Monastery. Making your way through the dungeons you will reach a small room behind a stone door. Once you get there, you will immediately get an arrow in the back and fall in a semi-conscious state. It turned out that the traitor was not Karliah, but Mercer, and it was he who killed the former head and stole the entire budget of the guild.

Next, you will receive a strong blow with a knife and almost find yourself on the verge of death. At the last moment, Karliah will heal you and tell you that you can prove Mercer's guilt only by reading his journal, written in an incomprehensible language. To unravel the incomprehensible language, Karliah gives you another quest.

Quest: "Difficult Answers"

In this quest, you need to go to Markarth to Kalcelmo (on a tip from Enthir from the tavern in Winterhold), who is the only one who can translate this journal.

But after talking with Calcelmo, he will refuse to translate and provide you with the necessary dictionary. You can find the dictionary only in the museum and to get there you need to find the key. In the museum, you need to go through all the security and find the Kalcelmo tower, where the dictionary we need will lie.

Quest: "Pursuit"

After telling everything to Brynjolf, you will go to Mercer's house, the path to which will be blocked by his personal guard Vlad.

Having dealt with Vlad, lower the drawbridge and go into the house.

Quest: "The Reborn Triad"

In this small task, you and Brynjolf will join the Nightingale organization, receiving at the same time the light armor of the same name.

Quest: "Blinding"

Traveling to the ruins of Irkngthand, you, Brynjolf and Karliah must stop Mercer and prevent him from stealing the Falmer's eyes. On the way to Mercer, there will be a large number of Falmer on your way, having dealt with them, you will reach your intended goal. You will have to fight Mercer alone, as he will cast spells on Brynjolf and Karliah, forcing them to fight each other.

The difficulty of fighting Mercer is that he will be invisible. To defeat him, use the scrolls or simply pinch him in the corner, chopping him with a sword. After you take all the items from Mercer, the room will begin to flood with water.

The main thing is not to panic, just wait until part of the wall collapses and swim towards it.

Quest: "Darkness Returns"

In the last task, you must return the Nocturnal key that Mercer stole. To return the key, you must pass the following tests:

  1. At the beginning, you will be attacked by several ghosts, killing them is quite simple.
  2. Next, you need to go along the corridor, stepping only on the dark areas of the floor.
  3. In the last test, pull both chains behind the torches, as a result of which the door will open for you.

After passing through the passage, you will fall down, where you can put the key in place. As a reward for returning, Nocturnal grants you one of three abilities:

Invisibility for 120 seconds,

Drain 100 health from an enemy

Forcing your enemies to fight each other for 30 seconds.

In the future, you will be able to choose one of three abilities, but only once a day.

Summing up:

Now you know the whole process of passing the skyrim thieves guild. Of course, these tasks do not end there, and you will be able to receive additional quests. After all, the guild is in decline, and you, as one of the leaders, must return it to its former glory.

The passage of the game Skyrim allows you to play different roles: the defender of the weak and the real villain and thief. The Thieves Guild will just help to fully experience the last specified role.

How to join the thieves guild?

This brotherhood differs from others in that you cannot join it just like that, through the right NPC. To enter, you will have to pass two tests. Go to Riften and find Brynjolf. For example, he may be in a tavern. At a meeting, he will start a conversation and begin to persuade him to complete the "deal"

chance meeting

Here you will need to rob some merchant, and make another guilty. Naturally, you will receive a reward for this. To complete the Skyrim game, go to the square, find Brynjolf. But if you go at night, you will have to wait until the morning. Let him know you're ready. He will distract others from work by advertising a new product. Then everyone will gather around him, and in the meantime you will pull out the key from the pocket belonging to the lizard. Then head to the shop of this merchant (located in the market).

You can take whatever you want, but be sure to take the ring. Then toss it to the merchant you want to frame. His name is in the journal. Embedding is done in the same way as stealing. Having achieved success, wait for the end of Brynjolf's actions. In the event that he does not want to stop, enter and exit any house. Then talk to him and report on the completion of the task. Take a reward for successfully completing the Skyrim game.

Reliable roof

During the next conversation with Brynjolf, you will find out that he is sympathetic to such fast and smart guys like you. He will offer to join his guild, subject to the completion of the task.

Note: you can start the passage of the game Skyrim and receive a task from him either immediately, or first go to look for the "headquarters" under the city in the dungeons and take the second one there. It consists in knocking out a debt from three people. Here the basic rule applies - the main thing is not money, but people's awareness that the guild of thieves should be respected. However, the victims are required to stay alive. Instructions for knocking out money for the passage of the game Skyrim

Helga. Use the statue as her weakness. Find and steal it. Then start threatening Helga that you will break her if you don't pay your debt.

Bercy. Here, use the debtor's favorite vase. Break it and thus piss Bersi off. He will scream and give the money.

Kirava. You won't expect anything from her. So go talk to the Argonian Talen-Jay. Convince him to influence Kirav. And since he values ​​​​her safety, he will figure out how to convince her.

Return to Brynjolf and report your success. Congratulations, you are now accepted into the Thieves Guild and can continue playing Skyrim

List of members of the Thieves Guild
Primary participants: the head of the Guild of Thieves named Marser Frey, the person who accepts you into the Guild is Brynjolf, master of Vex locks; handing out small contracts, Delvin Melory - a buyer of interesting rarities; provides small contracts, the buyer of the stolen Tonilla, the guard is the Gravedigger, the bartender named Vekel the Warrior

Minor members: Niruil, Sinrik Endel, Rune, Trinn


In this task received from Brynjolf, you will have to punish Aringolf. This is your first mission in this Guild. Make your way to Aringolf's mansion, clear the safe and burn the three beehives. The passage of the game Skyrim at first glance seems simple here, but a catch will be waiting for you. The fact is that Arirngolf keeps mercenaries as guards, which is not very good for you. You have to sneak in unnoticed. Speak to "Baby Vexy" and learn about a secret passage through the sewers to the manor. Everything is as usual. Contact Tonilla for the armor you need. By the way, the estate is called "Goldflower". Go out at night, as you must go unnoticed.

Enter the sewers and follow through the corridor. The passage of the game Skyrim will show you a new enemy - skeevers that need to be destroyed. Get to the stairs. Go up and go inside the building. Guards are on duty here - a couple are walking, others are just sitting. Having the necessary skill of stealth, it is quite easy to get past them. But beginners will not be sweet. First go through the mansion and steal everything you can. Then head to the safe.

Get to the grate, near which you can either go back or to the second floor, where the owner of the house is. You can take the key to the safe from him. Or just go ahead and unlock it with the lockpicks. The choice is yours. The second option is, of course, easier.

Be very careful on the second floor, sneak slowly and quietly. Then a surprise awaits you - the owner will move inconveniently for you. There is no point in starting a conversation with him - you still cannot persuade him to give you the key voluntarily. And he'll call security. Therefore, you will have to steal the key from his pocket.

In any case, look to the right along the corridor. If you see a guard with his back to you, unlock the grate, then follow forward, and if you see him facing, wait until he turns his back to you. And in the basement you will meet a rather careless guard - he sits on a chair that stands in a flammable oil puddle. It will be very difficult to pass by, since the distance from it to the stairs is flooded with light. To play Skyrim, you can either try to ignite the oil with a fire spell. You won’t be able to kill him right away, you will need to finish him off. In addition, a couple more guards from the next room may appear. If you're lucky, you can hide in the shadows under the stairs. Choose only for you.

Thus, looking for a safe. Unlock it with a key or master keys and take all things from there. Your path to the exit will pass through the sewers or the main entrance. Again, the choice is yours. The next part of your plan is vandalism, more specifically setting fire to the hives. Therefore, the path through the main entrance is a little closer. Go through the bridges. Guards pass by or wait. Set fire to three hives with fire spells. It will be very beautiful.

Now you can leave this place. Go back to the hideout. By the way, now you can already use the secret passage. Take a reward of 200 coins. In addition, you still have all the loot from the mansion.

Wrong Honey

And again you will receive a task from Brynjolf. You must talk to Maven Black-Briar, and also do what she asks. Find her (she can be in the tavern or near the market stalls). She needs to take down rival Honning Meadery. Maven will direct you to a tavern called "The Prancing Mare" in Whiterun to meet with Mayor Mallius Makius.

He will announce that a honey tasting will take place soon. It is arranged by Sabjorn for the Captain of the Guard. However, the skeevers have infested his meadery. Therefore, he is looking for a person who will agree to poison them. But honey cannot be combined with rat poison. However, the rats still need to be destroyed, because Maven wants to take this honey factory after Sabjorn leaves. Of course, you must do the rough work. Head to the meadery. In the building, talk to Sabjorn and offer your help in this matter. Ask for a deposit (if given) and follow to the basement.

Destroy the skeevers and psycho Heimlin. You will find a diary from him, from which it will become clear that you prevented his plan to capture the whole world. To complete Skyrim, pour rat poison directly into their nest. Then move on to the honey factory. Now sprinkle poison into a vat full of honey. So you completed the task, and earned money. Then go for a tasting. The honey will be tested by the commander of the Whiterun Guard. Naturally, he will not like it (after all, rat poison is added there). Then he will put Sabjorn behind bars and put Mullin in charge. Well, almost a happy ending. Now you need to inspect Sabjorn's room to find out how he was able to make a meadery in such a short time. You can take the key to the room from Mallius.

Take the document and money in the chest of drawers. You will find a decanter full of Honning's honey behind the second door, which you will need to break open. For it, you will get 200 coins from Delvin. She will find a place for him on the shelf with all the entertaining items you brought. For completing this quest in Skyrim (found document) from Maven, take the reward in the form of the Holy Orc Dagger. In principle, it can be put up for sale. The Skyrim walkthrough directs you back to Brynjolf, who will tell you that Mercer Frey wants to see you immediately.

Caprice of the Scoundrel

This task (again from Brynjolf) is that you must obtain information about the buyer of the Goldenglow mansion from the lizard Gulum-Ai. Head to a tavern called the Laughing Rat in Solitude. Talk to the lizard and try to use bribery with him. He will tell you about a box of fire wine in the Blue Palace, which a certain person strongly desires to get. That is, you must give him your support in this. There will be no difficulties here, because the box is not guarded. Just go and get it. Give the wine and get information about the woman who visited Gulum-Aya (having a purse of gold) and asked to be represented in some business. It consists in the transfer of payment for the estate to Aringot. He does not remember her name or face, but you will feel that the lizard is hiding something. Don't leave after the conversation is over. Set up a spy on him. You will then reach the East Empire Company Warehouse.

Enter there after him and be extremely careful not to get caught by the guards. It is recommended to remove all torches, because this will reduce the amount of light, and therefore your chance of being caught. To pass the Skyrim game, choose for yourself - you can quietly kill the guards or just carefully bypass them. The main thing is not to make noise. By the way, the guards walk around with torches in their hands, which will make your pursuit of the lizard even more difficult.

One of the factions that a player can join in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is the Thieves Guild. Joining her unlocks an exciting quest chain and additional amenities, including the ability to sell stolen items and buy off guards.

Now I will tell you how to join the thieves guild and the passage of their quests. The guild is in Riften, so let's go there. In the town square (where the shops of merchants are located), Brynjolf will come up to you and offer to turn a small business.

chance meeting

The quest is called chance meeting» (A Chance Arrangement). In it, we need to steal a ring from one of the merchants and put it on another so that the poor fellow is arrested for theft. Any thief should get a lot of pleasure from such a task.

This quest can only be completed during the day. We tell Brynjolf that we are ready and he will arrange a distraction - he will begin to advertise his new miraculous elixir for all troubles throughout the area. This guy does not have much oratory, the first time I listened to his entire speech, in the end I failed the task and almost bought a couple myself, I had to boot.

After that, the city guard visits the poor fellow and takes him to prison, and we receive a reward and an invitation to visit the lair of the thieves guild. It is located in the sewers under the city, which is called "The Rat Hole" (The Ratway). We get down to the lower level of the city (walkways on the water) and go into the sewer. There we will be attacked by all sorts of ragamuffins, in general, nothing dangerous. We reach our goal - the Ragged Flagon tavern.

Brynjolf and his accomplices are already waiting for us there, we get the next task from him.

Reliable roof

In the quest Reliable roof” (Taking Care of Business) we will have to deal with knocking out debts from local businessmen. It turns out that the Thieves Guild is doing very badly and no one is afraid of them anymore, so we will have to correct this misunderstanding.

So, we need to visit three comrades: Kirava (Keerava), Bersi (Bersi Honey-Hand) and Helga (Haelga).

We return to Riften and go to the tavern " bee and sting» (Bee and Barb), Kirawa is the bartender there. But first, we approach the Argonian in the middle of the hall and ask him to explain to Kirava about her wrong. Then we come to her and take the money without any problems.

Then we go to the store Pawned shrimp"(The Pawned Prawn), we find Bersi there. We have two ways: you can challenge him to a fist fight or break his precious urn. Then we get paid.

Last stop - Helga's rooming house» (Haelga's Bunkhouse). We sneak around the corner and find a golden statue there, steal it and then talk to Helga. We collect the debt and return to Brynjolf in the Flask.

Then we go with him to the Cistern, where he introduces us to Mercer, who accepts us into the thieves' guild and gives us the first serious task.

They also give you a few perks. Talk to Tonilia in the tavern and get a guild set of armor with bonuses to profile skills. She will also buy stolen goods from you.

From the Cistern there is a direct exit to the city. To enter back from the street, you must click on the guild sign on the coffin, it will drive off and open the passage.


In the quest Clarity» (Loud and Clear) we will need to invade the Goldenglow Estate, crack the safe in the house and burn three beehives. First, talk to Vex in the Flask, she will tell you about the passage to the estate through the sewers.

We leave for the estate, it is located on an island in the middle of the lake to the west of Riften. We find the entrance to the sewer (a wooden hatch on the northwest side) and through it we get into the house itself.

There, hiding from the guards, we go up to the second floor and find the hidden owner, Aringoth, in the corner of the room. We steal the key from him and keep the path to the basement.

You can also pick up the bee figurine to the right of his bed, which can be given to Delvin in the guild.

On the way to the basement, the very last guard who sits on a chair and looks directly at the passage we need can create a problem, there are several ways to solve it.

You can use invisibility and sneak past. You can distract him, for example, by shooting a bow to the side and, while he checks, go to the basement. Well, in the end, you can just set fire to a combustible puddle under it, but this is not our method, as they say.

Open the safe and take its contents. Next, we leave the house, sneak to the beehives, use a fire spell and set fire to three pieces. Then we take our legs in our hands and run and swim away from there until we are stuffed with arrows from head to toe. We return to the Cistern and report on success.

We now know that someone is purposefully trying to harm the guild by depriving them of their remaining funding paths. But we still don't know who this villain is. Meanwhile, our deeds do not go unnoticed, and Brynjolf sends us to talk with Maven Black-Briar.

Wrong honey

We leave for the city to the tavern "Bee and Sting", go to the second floor, there she is waiting for us. This madam is the gray cardinal in the city and holds everyone by the throat, so it's better not to joke with her. She owns a mead factory that sells mead throughout Skyrim.

We get the quest from her Wrong honey”(Dampened Spirits), in which we need to go to the vicinity of Whiterun (Whiterun) and eliminate her competitor - Sabjorn (Sabjorn), who has sold out in earnest and creates competition for her. And he appeared literally from nowhere, so this is doubly suspicious.

We leave for Whiterun and meet Maven's contact in a local tavern, his name is Mallus Maccius. He has a very cunning plan to take Sabjorn out of the game and take over his business. To do this, we need to introduce ourselves as a fighter with rodents, with which he has a problem, and along the way of their extermination, poison a vat of mead.

No problem. Let's go to Honning meadery(Honningbrew Meadery), which is southeast of Whiterun and talk to Sabjorn about his problem. He allows us to get rid of rodents, so we go to do it. Along the way, we will meet a pretty strong crazy magician with a personal army of rats, so be prepared.

After the massacre of him, we poison the nests of rats (they are just next to his laboratory) and go out into the boiler room. Climb up the stairs and poison the vat of swill. We leave through the door (the key hangs nearby) and return to Sabjorn.

After the tasting ceremony, he is thrown into a dungeon, and the meadery goes to Makius, so the mission is completed. But we still have to find out who is behind all this. We rise to the second floor and find the desired note.

To her right, behind the door, you can find the Honningbrew Decanter, which can be sold to Delvin in the guild.

We return to Riften to Maven and give the note, after which we go to Brynjolf in the Cistern. Then we speak with Mercer, who found a contact of this mysterious enemy in Solitude (Solitude).

reckless design

Get the quest reckless design”(Scoundrel’s Folly), in which we need to find a certain comrade under the name Gulum-Ai (Gulum-Ei) and get the necessary information from him. After talking with Brynjolf before leaving, we learn that Gulum-Ai is stubborn and will no doubt sell his own grandmother, so most likely you will have to bribe him or follow him.

We go to Solitude to the tavern " Laughing rat"(The Winking Skeever), we find the reptile we need. If you have a high level of persuasion skill, then you can chat him up. If not, he can be bribed by stealing a crate of liquor from the local palace, which is very easy to do.

After which he will say that a certain woman has something against Mercer and therefore arranges all these troubles for the thieves guild. Without telling us anything else, he sets off.

We follow him to the docks, then to the warehouse. Nothing interesting, just follow him and get rid of the guards. In the end, he will obviously put it in his pants and quickly give us the right name - Karlia(Karliah). She killed the previous guildmaster and is now presumably after Mercer.

We return to the guild and tell Mercer everything we learned. Here we get the next task.

Silent conversation

In the quest Silent conversation”(Speaking With Silence) Mercer and I go to the Snow Veil Sanctum, it is located southeast of Winterhold ().

In general, we go through the dungeon until we reach the door with a riddle for which you usually need the appropriate claw. However, Mercer is so cool that he opens this door without any problems. We go there and get an arrow in the side.

The screen blurs and we listen to Karliah's conversation with Mercer. It turns out that she didn't kill anyone, and the villain is actually Mercer himself. Here's the scoundrel. As a result, she runs away, and in addition to the arrow, we also get a knife in the ribs ... Thank you all!

But Karliah saves us, and we learn in detail about the perfidy of Mercer, who killed the previous head of the guild - Gallus (Gallus). He left a journal in which the whole thing is described, but it is impossible to read, since it is written in an incomprehensible language. We receive the following task.

Difficult answers

In the quest Difficult answers» (Hard Answers) We need to translate this diary to prove Karliah's innocence to the guild. To do this, we go to Winterhold, go to the tavern and look for Enthir.

He will tell us that the diary is written in the Falmer language and only Calcelmo in Markarth can translate it. We go there, but he refuses to help us. We get the key to his museum (through his task or from his table in the western wing of the castle) and make our way there.

The museum is teeming with guards, so we carefully move around the room. At the end we reach the tower of Calcelmo, where the Falmer dictionary we need is located. We take a roll of paper and coal from the table and copy the dictionary from the stone table. After that, the nephew of Calcelmo with the guards will enter the room and ask them to search the room.

We kill them or sneak, then we leave the tower (here you can jump from the passage down into the water) and calmly return to Enthir in Winterhold. He translates the diary, and Karliah and I return to the thieves' guild.

The pursuit

The quest begins The pursuit(The Pursuit). After returning to the Flask, Brynjolf runs into us, but after reading the diary, he realizes that it is Mercer who is to blame for the death of Gallius.

It also turns out that he has been cleverly stealing money from the vault all this time, thanks to the same stolen skeleton key that he swore to protect. It is because of this that the guild is in decline, as it angered Nocturnal, the patroness of all thieves.

So we're following him. On a tip from Brynjolf, we go to Mercer's house, go in from the yard and stumble upon Vlad, the guard. You can either kill him or steal the key to the house, you can also complete an additional quest.

But I was too lazy to take a steam bath and complete the quest, plus I was unhappy with Mercer's behavior, so I just chopped off Vlad's head.

With the help of a bow, we shoot at the device on the balcony and a bridge will descend to us through which you can get into the house. There we go down to the 1st floor and find a secret passage behind one of the cabinets, at the end of which we find Mercer's cache and his future plans. Don't miss the cool cutter in the showcase!

We return to Brynjolf and find out that Mercer planned to steal the eyes of the Falmer - huge gems from the Dwemer ruins.

The revived triad

In the quest The revived triad» (Trinity Restored) You and Brynjolf become members of the closed community of Nightingales who serve Nocturnal and guard her sanctuary. You will get a set of cool and stylish armor that I personally wear throughout the game :)

After that, we go after Mercer to prevent him from stealing the Falmer's eyes and returning the Nocturnal Skeleton Key.


In the quest Blindness"(Blindsighted) we go to the Dwemer ruins of Irkngthand, which is located west of Windhelm (). Karlia and Brynjolf will be with us, so there will be no problems with clearing the dungeon.

We cut out all the Falmer and collect scrolls with a life detection spell along the way. As a result, we get to the statue, from which the enterprising Mercer has already taken out his eyes.

He will cast rage on Karliah and Brynjolf, so that they will fight each other, as a result, we will have to deal with Mercer alone. There is nothing special here, except that he will become invisible, so use the collected scrolls. I personally did not need them, as I immediately cornered him and chopped him up invisible with swords without problems.

Quickly search his corpse, take the key and eyes and get ready to soak the skin. Everything around will begin to collapse and the room will begin to fill with water. The main thing is not to panic and wait until a part of the wall collapses behind the head of the statue, opening a passage through which we run out to the surface with all the agility.

Now we need to return the key to its place.

Darkness returns

In the quest Darkness returns» (Darkness Returns) we go to the Twilight Sepulcher to retrieve the Nocturnal Skeleton Key. The tomb is located west of Falkreath.

Immediately at the entrance, we will meet the ghost of Gaul, who will warn of several tests that must be passed in order to reach the sanctuary. In the first test, you just need to defeat other ghosts. In the second, you need to go through dark places without stepping on the light, since you will quickly die on it.

If you play as a Khajiit, then I recommend turning on night vision, the path and the placed stretch marks will immediately become visible.

The third test in the room with the statue is to find a pull on the chains to the right and left of it (behind the large torches) - this will open the door behind the statue. After jump into the hole below, there you will find a skeleton and a note. Wait a few seconds and you will fall into the sanctuary, where you will return the key to its place.

There, Nocturnal will come to you and give you one of the three powers.

To select the desired power, just step on the plate with the image of a sickle, full moon or crescent:

  • Sickle allows you to become invisible once a day for 120 seconds in stealth mode.
  • Full moon allows you to drain 100 health from the target once a day.
  • Crescent allows you to make everyone around you attack each other once a day for 30 seconds.

The choice is not final, these forces can be changed, but only once a day.

This is how the main quest chain in the Thieves Guild ends. Mercer is punished, and you become the new head of the guild. But there is still plenty to do, as you will have to restore the guild to its former glory and power with the help of .

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