Chemical class. Moscow State University, Faculty of Chemistry: passing score, exams, reviews MSU Department of Chemistry

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The Faculty of Chemistry trains broad-profile chemists in all areas of modern chemistry, taking into account the latest scientific trends, including those related to the production of new materials and drugs, scientific activity in the field of resource-saving and nanotechnologies.

The Faculty of Chemistry is one of the oldest faculties of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, combining the fundamental nature of education and the practice of introducing the latest scientific trends into the educational process. Currently, the Faculty of Chemistry is an internationally recognized educational and scientific center in the field of chemistry and its applications. Graduates of our faculty successfully work in the largest scientific and educational institutions and companies.

International relations with leading universities and scientific centers of the world are actively maintained - more than 150 foreign scientists come to us for lecturing and scientific work, and more than 500 students, graduate students and researchers go abroad for study and scientific work.

Features of education at the Faculty of Chemistry

  • Rating system for recording student progress.
  • Research work from the first year on the basis of the departments of the faculty, using the latest scientific equipment and advanced technologies
  • Foreign internships for students in world research centers, participation in scientific conferences at various levels, publications in Russian and foreign scientific journals
  • Participation of students in various research competitions and student competitions
  • Study period 6 years
  • Form of study - full-time

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President - Academician Lunin Valery Vasilyevich
Dean - corresponding member Kalmykov Stepan Nikolaevich

Chemistry as a scientific discipline appeared at Moscow University in the first year of its existence. The founder of the university M.V. Lomonosov, a great scientist, poet and artist, was also one of the best chemists of his time. The Department of Chemistry appeared at the Faculty of Medicine shortly after the formation of Moscow University in 1755. Many generations of Russian chemists, who entered the history of world science, studied and taught at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University.

Today, the faculty includes 17 departments and 1 interdepartmental laboratory, which represent all modern areas of chemical science and relevant specializations, in which highly qualified chemists are trained.

Departments of the Faculty of Chemistry:

  • Physical Chemistry (Head of the Department - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Lunin);
  • (head of the department - professor A.V. Shevelkov);
  • (acting head of the department - Professor M.A. Proskurnin);
  • (Head of the Department - Professor V.G. Nenaidenko);
  • Medical Chemistry and Fine Organic Synthesis (Head of the Department - Professor E.R. Milaeva);
  • (Head of the Department - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.D. Varfolomeev);
  • (Head of the Department - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.V. Antipov);
  • Chemistry of Natural Compounds (Head of the Department - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences O.A. Dontsova);
  • chemical technology and new materials (head of the department - professor V.V. Avdeev);
  • Chemistry of Petroleum and Organic Catalysis (Head of the Department - Professor E.A. Karakhanov);
  • chemical kinetics (head of the department - professor M.Ya. Melnikov);
  • macromolecular compounds (head of the department - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Yaroslavov);
  • (Head of the Department - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.N. Kalmykov);
  • general chemistry (head of the department - professor S.F. Dunaev);
  • laser chemistry (head of the department - professor A.V. Stolyarov);
  • colloid chemistry (head of the department - professor V.G. Sergeev);
  • Fundamental Foundations of Chemistry (Head of the Department - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.P. Egorov).

The Interdepartmental Laboratory of Computational Methods in Chemistry is headed by Associate Professor V.S. Lyutsarev.

The faculty has more than 1800 employees, including 9 academicians and 17 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than three hundred and fifty teachers and about 700 researchers. More than 1200 students and about 300 graduate students study at the faculty.

The faculty trains broad-profile chemists in all areas of modern chemistry, taking into account the latest scientific trends, including those related to the production of new materials and drugs, scientific activities in the field of resource-saving and nanotechnologies. In addition, members of the Faculty of Chemistry teach chemistry at a number of other faculties of Moscow State University, as well as at the branches of Moscow State University in Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan), in Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan) and the joint University of MSU-FPI in Shenzhen (Chinese People's Republic). The high qualification of graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry is also due to the fact that from the first year each student is involved in scientific work, participates in projects and conferences on relevant topics.

International connections, excellent teaching staff, a unique atmosphere that you feel from the first minutes of being a student, a place where you want to return every day - all this is the Faculty of Chemistry.

Regardless of the future specialization, all students study general fundamental disciplines during the first 3 years. These are: higher mathematics, physics, a foreign language, humanitarian subjects and, of course, basic chemical disciplines. Up to 40% of the study time is allocated to the study of chemical disciplines in the curriculum, which is divided approximately equally between theoretical classes and laboratory work. Considerable attention is paid to fundamental physical and mathematical training. Up to 20% of the study time is devoted to the study of higher mathematics, applied mathematics, general and theoretical physics, which is almost twice as much as in any other chemical universities in the country.

Graduates of the faculty, as well as graduates of other universities, can continue their studies in the magistracy of the faculty in several programs, including the recently opened direction "Chemical Technology". The term of study in the master's program is 2 years. Graduates of the faculty who have good and excellent grades for all the years of study and have shown an inclination for research work have the opportunity to continue their studies in the graduate school of the faculty.

We want to see talented young people who are passionate about the ideas of chemistry as our students. To do this, the faculty has created a network of "sponsored" schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, in which classes are conducted according to a special university program.

In order to attract talented young people to MSU, since 1993, the Faculty has been conducting a preliminary selection of the most talented students through Olympiads, not only from Moscow schools, but also from urban and rural schools throughout Russia, and even from the former republics of the Soviet Union.

The faculty is waiting for talented, gifted and daring young people who are eager to benefit the Fatherland and continue the glory of Russian science.

More detailed information about the faculty:

Valid regardless of the season. Sledges should be prepared in the summer - says a well-known folk saying. Therefore, future applicants need to decide on a university long before passing the final exams and receiving a certificate. High-quality education in the traditions of the Russian scientific school is offered by Moscow State University, whose chemical department is one of the leading ones at the university.

History reference

The teaching of chemistry began three years after the establishment of the university - in 1758. It took two years for the first chemical laboratory to be formed. Initially, the disciplines read had a medical focus, but starting from 1804, chemistry stood apart as an independent discipline.

During the 19th century, the Department of Chemistry developed thanks to the talent of the people who headed it. Head of department in different years were professors F.F. Reiss, R.G. Geiman, N.E. Lyasovsky, V.V. Markovnikov, N.D. Zelinsky. Each of them was not only an excellent lecturer, but also an excellent practitioner. The equipment of laboratories is constantly being improved, which makes it possible to conduct experiments, the result of which was the discovery of the phenomena of electroosmosis and electrophoresis, laying the foundations of organic catalysis.

The Faculty of Chemistry or Physics and Chemistry of Moscow State University did not exist in those years, but there were only separate departments. In 1921, a chemical department was formed from them, which only in 1929 was transformed into the Faculty of Chemistry.


At Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Faculty of Chemistry is supervised by Professor V.V. Lunin, who in 1982 became a doctor of chem. Sciences and in 2000 Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In scientific circles, Valery Vasilievich Lunin is considered a specialist in heterogeneous catalysis and physical chemistry of the surface. The dean has seven deputies: for scientific, educational, educational and methodological and other issues.

Despite the venerable age and high ranks, V.V. Lunin works in the field of chemical education: he lectures at the faculty and at leading universities in the world, and manages the organization of events for schoolchildren.

Faculty of Chemistry in numbers

Here are some statistics about the division. At Moscow State University, the Faculty of Chemistry:

  • has 17 departments specializing in various areas of science;
  • is the place of work for 1750 employees;
  • provides an opportunity to study 1050 students and 250 graduate students.

The staff of the faculty is unique:

  • academicians (14 people) and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (10 people);
  • doctors (more than 250 people) and candidates of sciences (more than 750 people);
  • invited foreign scientists (more than 150 people).

About 600 engineers and laboratory assistants support the educational process.

Information for applicants

School graduates are concerned about the question: how to become a student at Moscow State University (Department of Chemistry)? The order of admission is no different from others educational organizations. It is necessary to prepare documents and pass entrance examinations (for some specialties, an exam is required).

In all areas, training is conducted in full-time form. Transfer to the second and senior courses at Moscow State University (Department of Chemistry) is possible. At the same time, exams are taken only in chemistry, the form of tests is the Unified State Exam and an oral knowledge test.

Knowledge control programs conducted by the university in addition to the unified exam are available on the university website. In chemistry, the list of questions is divided into two parts. The first concerns theoretical chemistry, the second - directly to the elements and their compounds. Exam tickets are formed from 10 tasks. To help applicants, the selection committee offers a list of textbooks and reference books.

Training is provided mostly free of charge. In 2017, 223 people will be enrolled in the first course of the specialist. The university provides paid places for only 25 applicants. The master's program involves training only on a contractual basis (11 places), the same applies to applicants who have higher education(3 places).

Passing score

Judging by the number of applications submitted and the availability of places, the competition is not so great - 2.26 people apply for one position.

The analysis of competitive indicators in previous years will help to assess the realism of receipts. The applicant must pass five screening tests. The maximum score of each is 100 points, which gives a total of 500. The first wave of enrollment in 2016 took place from minimum score 398. To be enrolled in the second wave of the Faculty of Chemistry, one had to score more than 378 points. In 2015, the competition was lower - 382/364, respectively.

Is it a lot or a little to enter Moscow State University? The Faculty of Chemistry does not establish a passing score as such. By dividing the value of 398 (the value of the 2016 competition) by the number of tests, the applicant can estimate that on average he needs to score 80 points in each exam. Thus, excellent knowledge of chemistry and other subjects - physics, mathematics, Russian is required.

High personal achievements of the applicant will help to enter. For example, a gold or silver medal for school success adds another five units to the total points. The University will be glad to the participants of Olympiads in specialized subjects who won prizes. Winners in the fields of "chemistry" and "nanotechnology" are credited without entrance examinations. The only condition is USE result in the subject from 75 points and above.

How to apply to Moscow State University (Department of Chemistry)

The completeness of the package of materials provided to the selection committee is standard:

  • statement;
  • passport (copy);
  • certificate (original or notarized copy);
  • 6 photos of the applicant (3*4 cm);
  • documents that give advantages in enrollment.

You can deliver the listed papers in person, send them by standard mail or via email. It's important to meet the deadline. Reception begins on June 20, the final day is July 10.

The chemical department of the Specialized Science Center of Moscow State University started working on November 13, 1989. The specialized chemistry class received the letter ā€œLā€ in the large boarding school. Then 18 students were enrolled in it. Not everyone reached the "finish" - in 1991, in the first chemical issue, there were only 8 people.

During the period from 1991 to 2016, 25 graduations of the SUNC chemical class took place - a total of 535 people. Of these, 424 people (80%) entered the Moscow State University. Most - 296 graduates - entered the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Materials Sciences. Graduates of the chemical class studied and are also studying at the Faculty of Physics, Mechanics and Mathematics, Biology, Geology, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, the Faculty fundamental medicine, soil science. The guys also enter other universities - the All-Russian Chemical Combine of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Chemical Technical University, MEPhI, the Medical Academy, etc.

Winners and prize-winners of the Nano-Olympiad-2019 at a meeting with the leadership of the Faculty of Chemistry and FNM MSU

V. Bochenkov (left) at the award ceremony for best work in the field of nanotechnology and nanoindustry

Among the graduates of the chemical class there are already more than twenty candidates of sciences, and their number is growing. Teachers regularly receive invitations to defenses and banquets. The first doctor of science was Pavel Suchkov.

Of course, not all of our graduates have devoted themselves to science. There are teachers, journalists, people of art and business among them. And yet, many remain at Moscow State University, continue to do what they love - chemistry, and achieve success. In 2009, SUNC graduate Vladimir Bochenkov received 1st place in the competition for the best work in the field of nanotechnologies and nanoindustry and the RUSNANO prize for his scientific work "Development and implementation of a parallel algorithm for temperature-accelerated dynamics".

In the "history" of the chemical class - in chemistry at all levels, including international.

The chemistry class curriculum provides for 8 hours of chemistry per week, including lectures, seminars and workshops. The result of training should be the formation of a scientific outlook and understanding of the structure, features, approaches and methods of chemistry as a science. And, of course, preparation for entrance exams in chemistry to major universities (primarily Moscow State University). In addition to the profile educational standard of secondary education in chemistry, the guys master chemical theories necessary to build the logical structure of chemistry (resonance theory, molecular orbital method, etc.). The program additionally includes an overview of some substances and reactions useful for ensuring the integrity of the course (organomagnesium compounds, boron compounds, etc.). The program for the biology class is slightly different from the chemistry class: there is a special emphasis on biologically significant substances and processes, such as medications, food components, heterocycles, enzymatic reactions.

The lecture-seminar system adopted by the SASC is based on the university model. At the lectures, the teacher presents the main content of the course. This, of course, does not exclude independent work students with manuals and reference materials.

The workshops are varied. These are discussions of complex issues based on demonstration experiments and presentations, and solving problems of a different nature - short training thematic tasks, USE tasks and real entrance exams at Moscow State University, tasks of Moscow city and All-Russian Olympiads. Attention is paid to work with reference books aimed at developing research skills. Students themselves find in the directory the data they need to solve problems, and draw conclusions based on them.

As in the whole university, after studying a certain block of topics, colloquia are held - oral conversations between the teacher and each student based on several specific tasks and relevant theoretical material.

Classes in the chemistry class of the SASC MSU are held in the academic building of the SASC (lectures and seminars) and at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University (workshops). The program for the chemistry class includes a whole range of semester workshops - analytical, organic, inorganic. The introduction of workshops pursued different goals. On the one hand, it is support for organic and non-organic courses. organic chemistry for more effective assimilation, practical development of knowledge about the analysis and separation of ions. On the other hand, the guys master experimental skills and safety precautions in the university laboratory, working with professional equipment. On the third, coming to the practicum, like real students, students feel their community with the university, in fact they feel that the SESC is a faculty of Moscow State University, they want to return to the walls of the Chemistry Faculty again, maybe in a different capacity.

As part of workshops or in their free time, under the guidance of mentors, the guys perform. Each student must defend one "term paper" during their studies at the SOSC.

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