The best financial universities in Russia. Ranking of financial universities National Research University Higher School of Economics

Equipment and tools 09.10.2020

The most obvious indicators of the quality of education at a university are the demand for and competitiveness of its graduates in the labor market, as well as the amount of salary that they can apply for when ranking financial universities.

The rating is based on data obtained from the resumes of several thousand graduates who graduated from the economic and financial departments of the most famous Russian universities. An analysis of the employment of young professionals in the financial sector and other professional fields, as well as a study of their salary expectations, revealed that the most competitive today are graduates of the financial faculties of Moscow State University, MGIMO and Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. After receiving a diploma, the vast majority of them find a highly paid one in their specialty, and the salaries of those who, for various reasons, preferred employment in other areas, are also quite high.

Among the graduates who graduated from the Academy National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, higher school Economics, International Institute of Economics and Law, Moscow Economics and Finance Institute, Kazan State Financial and Economics Institute, Khabarovsk state academy economics and law, economic and financial faculties of St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, South Ural State University and the North-Western Academy of Public Administration, more than 80% find work in the financial sector. Working in their specialty, graduates of these universities have the right to expect decent pay for their work, both in the capital and in the regions. Their former fellow students who have chosen other fields of activity earn somewhat less.

According to the specialty acquired at the university, 65-80% of graduates of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, the St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law, the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, the Russian State Trade and University of Economics, Rostov State University of Economics, Ural State University of Economics, Eastern Institute of Economics, Humanities and Management, Moscow Institute of International Economic Relations, as well as the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law. The starting salaries that they can count on are quite worthy, although they can hardly be called high.

Almost the same percentage of graduates who got a job in a university specialty is demonstrated by the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics, State University Service and Economics, Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. The salary expectations of young professionals who have completed their diplomas at these universities are quite modest. It is worth noting that graduates who have not realized themselves in the financial sector earn almost the same as their former classmates who got a job in their specialty.

Only 50-65% of the graduates of the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics and the St. Petersburg Institute of Trade and Economics find work in the field of economics and finance. Their incomes are low and differ little from the salaries of graduates who have found themselves in other professional fields.

The information base of the portal contains information about graduates of the majority of higher educational institutions in Russia in almost all specialties that exist in the modern labor market. Two-thirds of the entire base are resumes of specialists with completed higher education.

The structure of the composite rating is a set of independent ratings for individual segments that characterize the picture of employment and the quality of education of graduates of higher financial and economic educational institutions today, namely:
employment rating by specialty;
rating of average salaries of university graduates working in their specialty / related specialty;
rating of average salaries of university graduates working outside their specialty;
the coefficient of variation of salaries of university graduates when changing their specialty.

Rating Employment in the specialty Average salary of workers in the specialty (M c), rub. Average salary of non-professional workers (M n), rub. Wage variation coefficient (IVM)=M n /M c
A over 80% over 70,000 rubles. over 70,000 rubles. the ratio of the average salary of workers not in their specialty to the average salary of workers in their specialty
(IVM= M n )
B 65 – 80% 60 000 – 70 000 60 000 – 70 000
C 50 – 65% 50 000 – 60 000 50 000 – 60 000
D 35 – 50% 40 000 – 50 000 40 000 – 50 000
E less than 35% less than 40,000 less than 40,000

Attention! The place of the university in the table has nothing to do with the place of the university in the ranking! There is no first place, no second place, no third place in the ranking.

The most obvious indicators of the quality of education at a university are the demand for and competitiveness of its graduates in the labor market, as well as the amount of salary they can apply for when ranking financial universities.

7.2 /10
1430 ratings

I exist - I am a student who, by the age of 21, has already tasted 5 universities. You will say that I am crazy, why not take root in one educational institution and not finish it? I am a rebel by nature, my character is very complex. I'm just simply not able to adapt to what I don't like. Now I’ll tell you about each university, what prompted me to leave it and how things are everywhere.
She graduated from school at 17 years old. I always studied well, I did not consider the exam a special problem. She studied at a very strong gymnasium, so that humanitarian subjects were always held in high esteem and studied with a special bias.
I decided to take 5 subjects: Russian, mathematics, German, social studies, history.
I gravitated towards both economics and jurisprudence. Therefore, I immediately set myself a goal - to survive at any cost in two universities at once (in one in absentia, of course).
Since I have always been an active Olympiad, all the results of the Unified State Examination, with the exception of Russian and German, were equal to 100 points (and I did not pass very well, society 86, history 92, mathematics 80).
Russian turned out to pass 95, German - 90.
There was little left to do: choose universities and decide which specialty to study full-time, and which one in absentia.
I ...
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traveled a bunch of DOD, so I had an idea about universities. Plus, I talked with students, the picture more or less emerged. And what do you think I chose? Yes. I chose a standard list of universities for a hundred-dollar student: Moscow State University, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics and RANEPA. Plus for credits: RUDN University and Moscow State Law Academy.
I decided to go to school as a lawyer)
It seems, like any person who visited St. Petersburg, I squealed that I wanted to study there, but I had no idea what hell it would be. But more on that later. At first, Moscow State University bribed me with its status! And so, I, a student of the Higher School of Economics, am trying to combine two higher educations. Oh yes, I went to Moscow State Law Academy for a part-time job.
And then the f*** started.
1. It's not cool at all at Moscow State University. Lectures, lectures, lectures, lectures. The students are kind of dodiki. Nobody talks about anything other than studying. With all this, I came across a terrible hostel, where I literally lived in Spartan conditions. Compared with the photos published, like, a few posts below (there was Gorny), then in this Gorny I would not regret even 30 thousand a month to live like them. I had some kind of terrible mattress, as if there were stones in it, a room for 6 people (and I lived with foreigners, we had such "fun"). And already for the first month I was so tired of studying at this stupid university that I came up with an escape plan. But first, I’ll tell you about the studies and teachers in more detail.
First, they take bribes. Moscow State University is not an honest university at all. I will say more, I myself gave a bribe. Not all, but there are such teachers!
The second is a standard day for a GSPA student: woke up - went to the university - the most boring seminars, lectures - the most boring teachers' faces - your fellow students are boring nerds - you go home - you chew the material - it's already night on the clock. Fun? I am a student, I want to have fun! At least sometimes! Then there was a curious situation at the session. I studied for fours and then they slap me a triplet in matan. Although I passed on 4 and nothing else. Fuck, I sat crying to the dean. We went to the teacher together - well, I didn’t put 4 in any way. But I really answered no lower than 4 !!! I freaked out, finished my studies before the end of the year and ran to the much-praised GSOM SPbSU for a management.
Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University - heaven and earth, like Moscow and St. Petersburg.
It's cool to study in St. Petersburg State University! But to live in St. Petersburg for an unadapted person is not very good.
They gave me a hostel, they didn’t give me to VUNK, so I lived in PUNK. If now everyone is studying at the estate in Peterhof, then PUNK is 15 minutes away. Where was my body? Yes. In another estate. In another city (directly, in the center of St. Petersburg, and not in Peterhof).
First, you have to drive for an hour to the nearest metro station in a smelly, loaded bus. Then another 30 minutes to get to Vaska. From Vaska still walk to GSOM. An hour and a half - I was still praying to get it done so quickly. But I know that it is even worse for university students now, since it takes even longer for city students to get to the new estate.
Therefore, our studies began at 10. And ended at 8. Even on Saturdays. And I still whined at Moscow State University?
About the state of the hostel: well, here I came across a heavenly place. Firstly, Peterhof is very quiet and very beautiful, and almost all St. Petersburg State University students live in Punk, so there is a very friendly atmosphere and everyone becomes really good friends. The rooms have just been renovated, all the furniture is new, and the rooms for two.
But the main cant of St. Petersburg State University is the fucking location of the humanities faculties. Almost all humanitarian faculties are located on Vaska, and students live in Peterhof, although Vaska also has hostels! But they are for the elite.
Bitch, but studying here was pure hell! Of course, it’s interesting here, teachers make you fall in love with yourself and, most importantly, there are no bribes! And no one dares to even stutter about it.
Where do we go in our free time? On the promenade along the Nevsky and to the Mariinsky. I know that not all Petersburgers are like that, but GSOM students constantly go somewhere to cultural places (I'm closer to the padik, oh front door, honestly).
in principle, if we discard the facts that it takes a long time to get there, study all day in the literal sense of the word, and even the students pretend to be under-intelligence, and also a terrible wind (by the way, I lived in Piteta for a year, and there was almost no rain - so bluff these stereotypes), then in general everything was zbs.
It's really interesting to study, it's especially cool that Putin walks in, that the Minister of Transport conducts classes, and your director is the president of VTB. That is, people like our lackeys))) like "Minister of Transport, let's have a cup of tea." "Bon appetit, Transport Minister."
Well, because of the high tuition fees (about 500 thousand), the state of the GSOM, of course, is impeccable. Especially the new campus, yes.
Well, if the first semester I was still somehow surviving, then by the session the f*** had already begun, when they were tearing three skins from us, when you were already teaching, teaching and teaching until the pain in your eyes, in the second semester I realized that in order to to survive, you need to be either fucking motivated that in the 3-4th year you will fall down to study abroad, or that after GSOM you will definitely become a millionaire, or just be a complete nerd, but neither of them inspired me, neither the second nor the third. And when I already began to die and cried into my mother’s phone, which is very difficult (don’t forget, I still have a school card!), Mom simply told me to pick up the documents. By the way, cool crap, it is customary here (in all St. Petersburg, but as I later realized, in all of Russia) to call GSOM students "elite". Well, yes, probably only the elite will get along there.
I transferred to HSE. Oops, everything pissed me off. Starting from creepy dorms, ending with the fact that it's fucking boring there. And bribery at HSE flourishes at a good level. But having bought a session, I successfully transferred to Finashka after the very first session, and here I stayed. More about HSE:
Studying is easy compared to the previous two universities.
Dorms cal.
Teachers - cal. Boring.
Students - cal. By the way, those who studied with me all said that they were not interested in studying here.
University status? He doesn't even feel here. But after Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, I became a little more instrumental.
Exams are expensive. Not on point. But I was too lazy to teach myself (I went deeper into jurisprudence), so it was not difficult to find a peasant who ran all the bribes and took them to the teachers.
There was a feeling that all HSE students have cerebral palsy. Some slowed down, twitchy.
I ran away to FU. And then everything suited me. Finally!!! The hostels are good. Close to school. They don't load. It's easy to learn. There are bribes, but few people will stretch them. The teachers are boring, but a good team, and most importantly, they are kind and understanding. No one here imagined that they were studying God knows where. Well, because the financier is not such a prestigious university, when compared with MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University. And then I finally decided to stay.
Friends, enter the Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation, if you do not want to strain yourself too much, but at the same time you want to get a high-quality education. Oh yes, in absentia, as I studied at a very good university at the Moscow State Law Academy, I am still studying.

Let's summarize.
1. Difficulty of education: 1st GSOM St. Petersburg State University, 2nd Higher School of Economics Moscow State University, 3rd HSE, 4th FU.
2. Quality of dormitories: 1-St. Petersburg State University, 2-FU, 3-MGU, 4-HSE.
3. Interestingness of education: 1st St. Petersburg State University, 2nd Federal University, 3rd Moscow State University, 4th Higher School of Economics
4. Quality of education: 1-St. Petersburg State University, 2-MGSU, 3-HSE, 4-FU
5. Free time: 1st FU, 2nd HSE, 3rd Moscow State University, 4th St. Petersburg State University
Peace for everyone!!!

I study economics at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

I note right away that the review will be negative, so if you are from the galaxy “Finashka is the best university, ko-ko-ko”, then you can stupidly not read and do not waste time insulting me and my arguments in the comments, especially if there is evidence I am not wrong.

Let me start by saying that everyone
it seems that the Financial University is such a cool university, because it is under the Government and blah blah blah. In fact, it is very easy to enter here, especially if you are not going to economics, but to GMU or management.
The passing scores are very average, there are a lot of budget places, so if you have 240-250, then most likely you will enter. For comparison, in other prestigious universities, such as the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, HSE St. Petersburg, you need to score an order of magnitude more points.
We are the level of RANHIGSA, VAVT, REU and St. Petersburg State University of Economics, that is, the second tier of the steeper universities mentioned above. And I think such a place is justified, since the level of education here is lower and at the same time higher than in a number of other universities such as RSSU, RTA or SUM.
So I consider this position between the cool, top universities and a strong average student to be fair.

I won't go into too much, I'll just list the main ones. ...
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the pros and cons of learning.
Among the advantages, one can single out a rich extracurricular life, a prestigious diploma, very easy education (she graduated from the lyceum, the load there was 50 times higher), a good team, a good hostel, several excellent teachers (but 80% - ahem, horror).

Cons: just these 80% of weak teachers, to be honest, the teaching staff is WEAK, their requirements for students are NO, it is clear that many do not know their subject very well and it is not clear how they defended their candidate. There are just young girls with round eyes who JUST READ EVERYTHING FROM THE SHEET, without even taking their eyes off it, in practical classes. They can't explain ANYTHING, especially when it comes to problem solving.
Over the years of study, I have not increased my knowledge regarding the school course of economics and economics in preparation for the Unified State Examination. I really like the teacher Yudanov and his books - I have to engage in self-education as well.
Another disadvantage is that the university does not help in finding employment, as far as I heard from graduates. All then go to the magistracy in ANOTHER university.
Minus: English is VERY weak, well, really, they teach everything that everyone should have learned at school.

In general, neither the learning process, nor the knowledge gained, nor the teaching staff can save us from giving this university at least a three. In my opinion, a university is not capable of giving anything other than a diploma, even if you are ready to receive something from it and are open to education. Deuce.

Hate the university post. If you can call it a university at all. So. I will share my opinion about the Faculty of Public Administration and Financial Control of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, I entered the Federal University at the Faculty of State Financial Control. On September 1, it turned out that we were being united with the State Medical University, but the direction of the economy remained. Well, ok, cool, but the dean is Golikova. Well, our dean appeared at the university once a year, giving a lecture. This was the end of our conversation with her. Well, that's nothing.

Do you know what we did at the seminars? Watch the presentations! There is no corresponding knowledge. For one person stupidly reads from a piece of paper, and the rest are sleeping / sitting on the vk / busy with their own affairs. It’s also good if the person sees the text for the first time and understands what it is talking about. Teachers are generally purple. As a result, the entire session was safely written off, both winter and summer. They followed us only in higher mathematics, but the guys managed to copy off with an earpiece here too. As for microeconomics, as a core subject, my knowledge of it tended to 0. I did not know what an indifference curve and a budget constraint were. For credit = 94/100 points. For the exam 96/100. never ...
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I opened the textbook and did not prepare at all. From NG I began to learn everything myself, took a problem book and asked our seminarian to help. To which I received an answer - open the training manual and look. And since it is not there, then this is the Olympiad level and the type I cannot help.
Do you know what we did at the introduction to the specialty? Studied the history of the Financial University. I'm still sick of the stories about the fact that we study at the best university....
I didn't remember anything other than the presentations.

Do you know how essays are written in the best economic university? Stupidly download from the Internet and norms. Everyone is excellent.

And yes, paid articles. Write an article, pay for its publication and get the maximum certification! Publication costs 130-180 rubles/page. As a result, the compilation flourishes. And there is no point in these articles. For details write in pm.

According to my data, not a single person was expelled for academic failure. This is the norm for the best university.

And when the dean's office found out that I wanted to transfer to another university, the demands began to be expelled of my own free will. Or they will expel me for non-attendance. Like I didn't go to university in September. What's the point if I'm moving? Moreover, I was told that I have no right to transfer, as transfers are only allowed in the summer. Thank you very much to the host university for their assistance in this situation.

FU is a bureaucratic faceless machine that will grind your student offspring and spit it out if, God forbid, he does not fulfill some formal requirements. For example, attendance. For 10 pairs of passes - they announce a reprimand. The third reprimand is expulsion. We got that way last year. Our student studied for three years on a commercial basis, had no debts, passed the sessions, switched from course to course, and at the end of the 3rd year at the session - the dean announces to him - we expel you right in the middle of the session - you have the 3rd reprimand for year. In fact, he received the first reprimand in the 1st semester for 10 pairs of passes, the second - for not passing the intermediate certification in the first semester (rating in the middle of the semester - did not get points), and by the end of the second semester he had accumulated another 10 pairs of passes. But what are 10 pairs of passes? This is 3 business days. And what is a certification not passed in the middle of the semester? These are the missing rating points, which have already been gained a long time ago, because. The 1st semester is closed, all tests and exams have been passed. Thus, it turns out that we gave almost a million rubles to financial institutions in 3 years. for commercial training. And we are not oligarchs, we are all in loans and debts to pay for this education. And our student, ...
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who had no debts, steadily moved from course to course, neither drank, nor smoked, nor fought, was expelled because he missed 6 days in a YEAR??? Moreover, they did it in the middle of the session, they did not give part of the exams purely mechanically, so he did not close the 3rd course. Well, what is it called? How can one justify such a disregard for the fate of a person ??? And I don’t need to talk here about internal rules, about absenteeism and about responsibility. I myself am an employee of a higher school, an associate professor at the university, and, frankly, I couldn’t find anything for me to “unscrew the head” of this unfortunate expelled person, because I can’t blame him for 6 days of absenteeism in a year. Well, I overslept a couple of times, well, I got sick a couple of times, in Moscow you don’t run into a polyclinic, you sit in queues there if you feel bad. And, most importantly, to help, at least to think about how to help - none of the leadership even bothered. Dean: “It doesn't depend on me. Yes, yes, it’s a pity, but I can’t do anything, I send the draft order to the rector, now the rector will decide everything. Deputy dean: "Of course, to deduct, there is nothing to even talk about this truant." Rector: “I will not meet with him. He skipped classes - and so everything is clear with him. ” Some kind of supposedly Student Council considered this issue in absentia and approved the decision to expel. And now I think - my God, but if we knew in advance that this is not a university with a normal human approach, where each student is cherished, where both the student and his parents are respected, would we go there? What for? We could enter absolutely any university, from Moscow State University to Synergy. What kind of rector is this, who does not consider it necessary to meet with students when problems arise? What kind of things does he have there more important than to listen and help solve the problems of his student? This means that there is no time to take our million from the university, but the rector does not have time to listen and objectively assess the situation, to help the student. What kind of Student Council is this, which in absentia dooms its brothers to expulsion? And what kind of dean is this who "can't do anything" other than expel a student who has no debts for 6 missed days in a year? Those. logic in what is happening - zero. And the worst thing is that the only thing that can be done after expulsion is to be restored to the same university with a rollback by semesters, because no other university in the country can restore an expelled student. You can only enter to study again from the 1st year. Thus, we were forced to give them double money again, to lose a year of study in order to somehow get this higher education. Think for yourself whether it is worth your child to enter a university, which, having taken the maximum money from you, will spit you out for nothing and will not choke, and the conscience will not torture anyone, and they will not remember you. They will live on your money and rejoice, receive salaries and bonuses, be proud that they are so principled, and the fate of your student will actually be broken.

Most of the faculties of Finashki are divided into directions. At my faculty (FEF) these are: corporate finance, state and municipal finance, business in the social sphere, insurance. It would seem, how good, you can choose a direction that is interesting specifically for you, BUT NO. Profile training starts from the 2nd year, but it is not a fact that you will get to the desired profile. There is a competition for directions (yes, yes, again), and based on your position in the ranking (depending on your points), you can count on one direction or another. The profile “corporate finance” is the most popular among first-year students; the profile “state and municipal finance” is slightly inferior to it. "Insurance" is the main ...
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om of people who do not study very well, so I do not advise :))
In general, teachers in core subjects are good, but there are teachers who consider their subject, which is not core, the most important and necessary ) and some others) For the first months, the dean's office strictly followed the visits of the first year, then they scored. I took only one session, everything was quite simple, because. only 3 exams. The summer session at my faculty consists of 5 exams + coursework. I didn’t encounter corruption and didn’t hear from others, so they won’t be required to pay for the exam))
Not to say that everything is perfect, but so far I do not regret my choice.

2. dormitory.
This item will be relevant for non-residents. The girl at the reception told me with 100% certainty that they would definitely give me a hostel in August (spoiler: they didn’t give me in August). At the end of August, I had to look for neighbors to share an apartment, we paid a realtor, paid for a month, gave a deposit AND HERE a week later they call me and say that there is a place for me (?¿?) Having settled, I learned from my neighbors that no one lived here before me in the summer, which is rather strange ... maybe they were waiting for some kind of reward? The conditions in the hostel are good, 2-3 people live in a room, I live in a block hostel (there are 2 rooms and a bathroom in the block) Living comfortably

I can’t say from personal experience yet, but acquaintances from the 2nd or 3rd year are getting internships, many from the 3rd year are already working, for example, I have 2 friends, one works at McKinsey, the other at KPMG.
The Student Council often offers excursions to various companies where you can ask questions to employers.

In general, education is 7/10 in the finish line, a lot of knowledge needs to be obtained from self-education (as in other universities), there are often balloters who are ready to break for the opportunity to take a presentation (because of this, conflicts arise in the group), training takes place in comfortable conditions - buildings, canteen normal.
I hope my review will help some applicant to make a choice) Good luck!

I don't understand why the comments are swearing. Apparently, I didn’t want to make efforts during my studies, but now my elbows are biting, that time has been lost and there is no result. I will stand up for my uni
1. The transition to a bachelor's degree actually happened everywhere, everywhere these changes in the programs and the university has nothing to do with it. These are reforms from above, study them before swearing that you are "somehow not taught that way"
2. Faculty of FEF - it was logical that someday it will appear. Naturally, at first, any department fixes the composition of teachers, the manner of presenting the material, looks at the best, develops some kind of internal standards. So the first graduates may not have been too savvy. But now everything is fine. My friend studied there - now she works in a bank, she plans to open her own business, she is satisfied
3. Presentations - pfff .. not an argument at all! It feels like the review was written by order. We also made presentations at school. Technology has advanced, now even many professions are changing, and presentation skills will not be superfluous. You can learn how to correctly formulate your thoughts into abstracts, and speak in public, and study the topic given more widely
4. Written exams - I think the correct re ...
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decision on all 100. I would not like to sit and talk with the teacher, extra stress. More unnecessary questions will be asked, you will get overwhelmed, you will go astray. And so the task was clearly set for you, the ticket was issued - that's all. You sit quietly, write, decide.
5. The point-rating system is a beauty! Prepared - received a good mark, your rating was increased. I went to all the lectures/seminars - I was even promoted. There is nothing simpler than this system. It also helps in exams - they can add a score, and the relationship with the teacher improves.

PS I will not even paint the rest of the points. I will say one thing - not for everyone, but in general I am satisfied with the university. I miss this time! All the best and objectivity

Student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Sounds cool, right? But in fact, this is just a facade, under which a mediocre education, pathos and show-off. He graduated from the first year of the faculty of international economic relations. I hoped that since only Olympiads get into the faculty, then I certainly won’t lose. Lost. I forgot about a bunch of stupid payers who can’t do anything and don’t know anything, who got 190 for 4 USE and whom I can’t expel. Yes, you heard right. They cannot be expelled. If you do not pass the exam with a commission, then you are not kicked out, but transferred to an "individual" curriculum - for only 60 k for one subject. In fact, nothing changes, you just get an unlimited number of attempts to pass the exam, but one is enough for everyone. Magic. Perhaps my expectations are too high. But then you go to a university with a 95-year history, with the Minister of Finance in the role of dean, and the average salary of graduates is over 90 thousand. And it's not like that. There are sensible teachers, more precisely - all the teachers are smart people. Only now they really try to teach - units, mainly those for which you have an exam. Where there is a test, do not flatter yourself, you can pick your nose and get a machine gun, just be a little smarter ...
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not the rest of the masses, but as you understand, the rest of the masses are not the most literate guys.
I repeat once again - there are no stupid teachers, all experts in their fields and well aware of the latest trends in their subjects. But most simply don’t know how to teach: at lectures you will listen to copy-paste from the textbook, and at seminars you will listen to presentations from your classmates. And it's so fed up with everyone that jokes about presentations are a hallmark of the finish.
Last but not least, the language base here is disgusting. The bulk are yesterday's graduates of pedagogical universities, who will remind you of glorious school lessons with memorizing grammar rules and line-by-line translation of the text.
Lectures can not be attended, for this you will not receive punishment from the dean's office. The dean's office is generally such a kind guy who helps to resolve issues. Problems with the perpod - the dean's office will try to resolve the conflict, and not frantically make you feel guilty.
You are lucky, you are at the International Economic Society / MFF / GMU - you are at Leningradka 51, in the newest and pretentious building.
You are out of luck, you are on Shcherbakovskaya or Kibalchicha. Googling jokes about gaps in FU Overheard.
The university holds one hundred thousand million lectures and seminars with professionals in finance and business, and even with Nobel laureates. But no one goes there because it's boring. They are trying to drive them by force, but after all, we are in a liberal university, so the right to go or not follow you.
In general, this university loves scope, if the first of September - then in Crocus, if a lecture - then a Nobel laureate, if a gift to the finalists of a local beauty contest - then vouchers to Spain.
And here's the summary for you:
If you are not a fool, you know more than average, your parents have at least some connections, like to hang out, study little, and generally enjoy student life with an average level of education, then this university is for you.
If you want to get a quality education, listed abroad, and at the same time get relevant work experience, you are ready to study from morning to evening, and cut your personal life a little. No, that won't happen here.
And if you are just a fool-fool with a lot of money - then go past, do not spoil the general level of education of students.

Good day, readers. I would like to tell you about my slightly hated alma mater called "Financial University". I am a 2nd year student myself. During this time, there was a certain opinion about the university, about the faculty, about the administration. I'll start in order: from the faculty and direction, then move on to buildings, infrastructure, and finish with the administration itself.
What can be said about the faculty? Nothing like that. Quite a good building, a fairly adequate dean's office. Although the cloakroom attendants are rude to everyone. Some girls are called fat people behind their backs, they refuse to do their jobs, and for pointing out their mistakes, they threaten to get us reprimanded. The faculty has 4 educational programs: applied mathematics and informatics (PM), applied informatics (PI), business informatics (BI), information security (IS). To be honest, I can’t say anything about PI and IB, because they don’t know people from there, and the guys from these directions themselves are quiet. BI - the topic is simpler, but the average scores are almost the highest in the university (slightly more than 81-82 points for 1 subject). What about PM? There are many mathematical disciplines here: ...
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the same linear algebra, there is mathematical analysis, complex analysis, discrete mathematics, fuzzy sets and soft calculations. An abundance of various applied mathematical subjects: operations research, optimization methods, actuarial mathematics and statistics, probability theory. There is also programming, but at a very mediocre level (we studied Python, the R language will be studied). There are also economic disciplines: macro, micro, mathematical methods of risk management, mathematical and instrumental methods of decision support, pricing modeling in financial markets, mathematical methods of financial analysis... and so on.
Here it is worth mentioning the teaching and the university itself. With a teacher - as lucky. You can get a very good one, or maybe one that will beat off all the desire to learn. Lots of second ones. This is due to the policy of the administration of the university itself. Many teachers are running. For example, there was a department of applied mathematics, and the head of the department was a very fit man - Popov. Went to HSE. Ah, it is worth mentioning the scourge of my university! FROM WORKING If the teacher is ill, then you will be assigned a WORKING OUT, if the curriculum was incorrectly calculated for you, YOU WILL WORK OUT. Example: for my year, the people in the study department calculated the number of hours in a semester WRONG. It turned out that, as a result, we had to start studying on August 25, and not on September 1. And throughout the year we worked out all the pairs that were supposed to be on August 25 and until September 1. Oh yes, you will also work on holidays. Here it concerns not only my faculty in principle, but the whole university.
They also put cameras everywhere in all the buildings of the university. On the one hand, it's good, but on the other, it's not. The guys from the main building on Leningradka 49/51 were not lucky. There is such a faculty of FSP. There is a young lady Zurabovna (deputy dean). She keeps a whatsapp chat with the elders, where she throws pictures from video surveillance cameras and threatens with reprimands and deductions. For example, a person fell asleep at a lecture, then he was called to the dean's office. I still remember the phrase "Let him come to the dean's office, I will give him a pillow." And so she photographed every sleeping person.
It is worth saying a few words about our good-natured rector, who is the chairman of the board of directors of the Moscow Industrial Bank. So get used to it: if Eskindarov issues an order, then he is aiming to receive benefits from his bank. Example: Moscow Industrial Bank participates in the social card program. So you entered the FU, a card from the Moscow Industrial Bank is immediately made for you. On some side, this is even good (no hassle). But just recently, an order was issued, according to which EVERY FULL-TIME FU STUDENT is obliged to become attached to the FU polyclinic and then undergo a medical examination. Why are we obliged to do this if it contradicts several federal laws? And besides, if a student becomes attached to the FU clinic, then he automatically "gets rid" of his ex. There are quite a few nuances, but the essence is just around the Moscow Industrial Bank.

Student of this university:
November 08, 2015

I entered the university this year, I study at the Faculty of Credit and Economics. However, what I have already understood: 1. You really need to study here. They monitor progress and visits, mark those present even at lectures, dz are regularly checked, there is an intermediate certification between sessions (point system - a maximum of 20 points per subject for certification). Just sitting on most subjects will not work: if you don’t answer, don’t participate in discussions, you don’t earn points. All abstracts and other written works are checked for anti-plagiarism. 2. There are not very many couples, now we study 4 days a week in total, 12-13 couples a week + 2 physicals. 3. For physical education, you can choose any section, any day and any time 4. The premises are new (both in the main building and in ours at VDNKh), excellent repair, good equipment and furniture. The same can be said about the sports complex. 5. As for the subjects, mathematics is moderate, but I would like more economics, because too much information is given in one lecture or seminar, you do not have time to learn everything properly. There are a couple of items, in my opinion, completely useless. 6. Food: there are many vending machines with food and drinks, a canteen (vro ...
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de even two, but I have never been to the second one, to be honest). They sell anything (fruits, buns, a set lunch, chocolates, sushi, etc.), you can pay both in cash and by card. 7. Hostels: I don’t live there myself, but I know that this year there is a big problem with them. Immediately they were given only to foreigners, beneficiaries and Olympiads, the rest are still standing in a huge queue. 8. A lot of people are expelled: for poor progress, swearing, absenteeism, fake certificates. 9. Admission: on the budget to actually enter my faculty. This year they gave 1 point for the composition + 10 for the gold medal, which is very good.
I will also add that the university has a huge history, there are many famous people among the teachers and deans (for example, Siluanov and Golikova). A very status and prestigious institution, a large number of successful and famous graduates. Maintains a high reputation for decades. Provides excellent practice and guarantees employment. If you need real knowledge and a good diploma - come here and don't even hesitate :)

Student of this university:
November 10, 2015

I am a freshman in management, I still don’t know much about the university, but I can already tell you something.
Let's start with admission. You enter the main building on Leningradka and what do you see? That's right, a big stretch in front of the entrance (this is important, there are a lot of buildings on Leningradka, getting lost in them is still real). We went into the building, caught the eye of a table with the help and an arrow leading to the audience. Comparing with RANEPA, it's not great. There, by the hand, they led from the entrance to all the counters, then to filling out an application, then you go to the queue. Perhaps this is not necessary, but it has. By the way, it is better to fill out the application at home (relevant for all universities where this is possible!).
Dedicated to the first of September in Crocus - it's gorgeous.
Special attention should be paid to the pre-enrollment list - no nerves during enrollment, you clearly know that your name is on the list, you are ranked in a certain place, priorities are taken into account automatically.
I entered with a total of 278 points, another 10 points were given for a certificate with honors (9) and the presence of an essay (1). The pass was 249 points.
I don’t know everything about education yet, but something can be noted. There are infernal seminarians (we have this BJD), there are uninteresting lectures (computer science, there in general ...
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extra lectures). And there are teachers who know how to convey the material in such a way as to interest you and to put the necessary knowledge into your head. It is worth noting that the entire stream has problems with mathematics, after all, it is difficult to assimilate information in lectures.
Extracurricular life is in full swing. Especially in management. Because "this is management, baby") Science studio. society, school of activists, stud. council, kvn, choir, vocal studio, dance studio, case club, then purely faculty games in the mafia, literary club, project management club ... There are a lot of events, I can’t tell about everything. There is always something to do.
Separately about the physical. This is a paradise for those who love sports and its types. Sign up for any section (football, boxing, sambo, volleyball, tennis and table tennis, badminton, aerobics and much more) at a convenient time and go. I am very interested in tennis, for example, although I held a racket in my hands only 1 time before university.
We have already talked about our 20-20-60 grading system. Without the desire to learn, the session can only be filled up in this way. This is Finashka, you have to study here for the whole semester.
Dean is amazing :)
The building on Prospekt Mira is not the most presentable from the outside, but very comfortable and cozy. From the next academic year, the faculty is moving to Dynamo, let's see what will happen there.

One of the most popular areas of study today continues to be law and economics. This is due to the fact that any firm or enterprise needs such specialists: both competent lawyers and competent economists largely determine the success of an organization. We have already published, and today we will present the best financial universities.

Ranking of financial universities in Moscow

The capital has many both specialized educational institutions and classical universities with strong economic faculties.

National Research University Higher School of Economics

The list of the best financial universities in Moscow is opened by the Higher School of Economics. Despite its young age (the university is a little less than 30 years old), the university consistently ranks among the top three most popular universities in the country and attracts applicants with a strong teaching staff and modern programs.

The university was the first in the country to switch to a two-level education system (bachelor's and master's) and today it continues to develop actively: international laboratories are being opened here, grants are allocated for research, and an innovation center is operating.

HSE has a large selection of areas, the most interesting for future financiers will be:

  1. Economics and statistics.
  2. World economy.
  3. Business management.
  4. Marketing and market analytics.
  5. Business Informatics.
The university has double degree programs (for example, with the University of London), and you can enter not only according to the Unified State Examination, but also according to the results of specialized Olympiads.

Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanovka is not only the leading financial university in Moscow, but also the oldest specialized educational institution in the country. Today the university is actively engaged in international activities and offers students double degree programs with various universities in Europe: Finland, Germany, France, Austria, Holland, Bulgaria.

As well as RANEPA, the university provides an opportunity to study under MBA programs, recruits for professional retraining and advanced training programs.

Recruitment for various financial specialties (economics of enterprises and organizations, finance and credit, pricing, corporate finance, etc.) is carried out at the faculties of management, marketing, finance, economics and law.

Successfully studying at a financial university is not easy, for this you need to know the exact sciences well

The best financial universities in Russia

For those who are not going to storm the capital, we offer universities with financial specialties in other regions of the Russian Federation.

Saint Petersburg State University

St Petersburg University, the main university in the northern capital, offers applicants the widest possible choice of specialties. The economic direction includes:

  1. Business Informatics.
  2. International Management.
  3. Management.
  4. Economy.
  5. Economic and mathematical methods.

The university compares favorably with competitors by the opportunity to practice in the leading enterprises of the region and a large number of partner universities (more than 450), both in Russia and abroad.

University applicants have the highest scores among other St. Petersburg institutions: the average score of an applicant to St Petersburg University is 91.7.

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

One of the leaders in the ranking of financial universities. St. Petersburg State University of Economics is actively engaged in vocational guidance for schoolchildren, regularly holds open days, excursions to the university, as well as specialized Olympiads, the participants of which receive additional points upon admission.

In addition to traditional economic specialties, it offers applicants the following areas:

  • business management;
  • financial management;
  • enterprise economics with in-depth study of Chinese.

Novosibirsk National Research State University

The leading university in the region is constantly improving, opening new educational programs, as well as introducing modern disciplines into the curricula, knowledge on which graduates need for employment.

Future financiers study at the Faculty of Economics under the slogan "we do not produce accountants, but millionaires." Among the graduates of NSU are employees of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the government, as well as large foreign and domestic concerns.

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

KFU is a modern university, where both experienced teachers and practitioners who are well aware of the intricacies of the profession work. The university provides many remote services, which makes life easier for the student. You can also apply to KFU using the electronic application system.

There are many areas of training at the university, specialized specialties are presented at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Finance.

KFU is one of the few financial universities in Russia that has an "economic security" program.

National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky

Lobachevsky University invites future economists to get specialized education at the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship. The university attracts applicants with modern educational programs that contain many applied subjects.

The university also actively conducts career guidance in social networks, creating special groups for applicants and answering their questions.

For contractors who were less than 20 points short of a budget place, the university has a special system of discounts.

Studying at financial universities is not easy, there are many specialized disciplines related to mathematics and economics. If you need help with academic problems, please contact Student Services. Its experts will help you turn in all the work on time and avoid unpleasant debts.

Lists of universities selected according to some parameter are compiled almost regularly. The next one, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, was published in autumn. The only criterion in it was the average USE score of the enrolled applicants. The indicator is certainly useful, and "F." used it in the formation of his list. But, ultimately, it reflects only the current demand for the university among the parents of the future student.

F rating. compiled on the basis of data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises, previously included in the list of "Finance-500" of 2010, published at the end of September. The logic is as follows: the more graduates occupy the post of head of the financial block, the better the education in this educational institution. This means that the alma mater of financial directors, say, Russian Railways or Sberbank, provided them with the necessary knowledge base. The size of the business was also taken into account. It is obvious that regional universities receive lower positions in this regard. But, as the heads of financial departments themselves admit, education in the capital is much better. So everything is objective.

Cream Schools

On the first line was the Financial University (ex-academy), which in different years graduated from 23 financial directors out of 250 for whom information was available. His students are so in demand that already in the 3rd or 4th year, at least half find a permanent job. “They take it with pleasure, and this is bad,” complains the rector of the Financial University, Mikhail Eskindarov. - Some students, unfortunately, perceive an invitation to work for the relevant positions as carte blanche: they seem to have received everything they can. This leads to missed classes and lack of knowledge. I believe that if a person enters a university, then his main task is to obtain maximum knowledge. He will be able to work." In second place is Moscow State University (16, of which 11 graduated from the Faculty of Economics), the third with seeming surprise came from St. Petersburg "Finek" (14 financial directors). Another factor in such a set of universities is the well-established system of employment. The most successful have a lot of contracts with the largest employers. At the Financial University, the names of Vnesheconombank, VTB, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow flash in the partners. At REU them. Plekhanov - RTS Stock Exchange, Moscow Energy Exchange, FC Otkritie, Rosgosstrakh.

Technical universities showed good results. Many CFOs, in addition to specialized finance, also studied mathematical, physical or engineering specialties. And the majority - as the first education. However, in terms of other parameters taken into account when compiling the ranking (except for the number of successful graduates), technical educational institutions lag far behind economic ones. So, according to the average USE score of applicants, only MIPT stands out, but it has a special selection system. “Unfortunately, other technical universities accept, on a residual basis, those who did not manage to break into financial specialties,” notes Mikhail Eskindarov. - Over the past few years, we have received the best of the best, excellent students, the cream of society. This is sad. I would prefer to see technical universities ahead. The fate of Russia depends precisely on specialists in industrial fields.” The competition for technical universities, with some exceptions, is much lower, agrees the dean of the Faculty of Finance of the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov Alexey Bolvachev. “A financier has much more opportunities to choose jobs than a techie, who receives a purely narrow specialization and cannot always be employed,” he stressed.

An important criterion for ranking was the cost of training. The most attractive financial universities offer contract places for a lot of money - rarely less than 200 thousand rubles a year. Moreover, surpassing this bar twice, the Higher School of Economics, founded in 1992, turned out to be the most expensive. It's cheaper in the regions. Even in the most prestigious universities outside the capital, the price rarely exceeds 100,000 rubles a year. “The price of training is determined by supply and demand,” says Alexei Bolvachev. - First of all, the prestige of the university affects the cost. In addition, the price simply cannot be low, since a financial specialist is traditionally one of the highest paid employees. Students and their parents are confident that this investment will pay off.” Mikhail Eskindarov also advises not to forget about teachers' salaries. “If we want to invite good teachers, including those with practical experience, or specialists from abroad (we have a lot of them), then the price of education should be appropriate,” he explains. - Never trust a university that trains a specialist for 20,000 rubles a semester. Complete hack. The high cost is always justified by the quality of education that students receive.”

Finance is not a science?

A couple of decades ago, professions related to economics and finance did not delight anyone. It was considered much more prestigious to be a design engineer, a nuclear physicist or a military man. But the demand for technical specialties went away during perestroika: factories stopped, many research institutes and design bureaus closed, and most industrial enterprises experienced serious reductions. As a result, technical specialists could not find a job, they had to retrain. “The most successful techies went abroad, many became entrepreneurs,” says Alexey Bolvachev. Employers also enthusiastically reacted to the influx of those wishing to take on any job on the principle of "as long as they pay." Without a specialized education, they received a lower salary and, in order not to be left behind, went to retrain as financiers. “There are a lot of them,” emphasizes Mikhail Eskindarov. - Every year we graduate about a thousand people with a diploma of the second higher education. This is comparable to the graduates of the first higher education (there are approximately 1,200 of them).”

However, supporters of technical education remained. Some financial directors do not at all recognize the direction that seems to be their profile. “Financial experience is important for working in the financial sector,” says Sergei Cherkashin, Deputy General Director for Finance and Economics at Polymetal. - However, finance as a theoretical science, in my opinion, does not exist. A technical education is useful for understanding production processes, without which it is difficult to be a good economist.” While working for one of the Big Four audit firms, Acron CFO Alexei Milenkov admired the tech background of his colleagues, which was very useful when conducting inventories at industrial enterprises, auditing capital expenditures and capital construction projects, allowing you to see problem areas with the naked eye . “In addition, many company owners initially had a technical education,” says Alexey Milenkov. “Sometimes it’s easier to find a common language in understandable categories.”

The best of the best

Which universities are trusted by CFOs? “One of the most important factors in the preparation of good financial specialists by the university is the high qualification of the teaching staff, the functioning of scientific schools, the conduct of research work, as well as modern educational technologies,” said Dmitry Nikiforov, Vice President for Finance and Investments of Intourist. . A state university is desirable as a guarantee of generally accepted and understandable standards of education. Most employers prefer metropolitan educational institutions. The name, history and status also contribute: the competition for admission to these universities is tougher, it is difficult not to study in them, which means that basic fundamental education is much better.

The list of the most valuable alma-maters is well-known: Financial University, Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, Vyshka, Plekhanovka and MGIMO. Among St. Petersburg universities, it is unanimously recognized as the best. In addition to systemic basic knowledge, these universities instill skills for self-education, which is very necessary in the financial sector. “The situation on the market is changing, if not daily, then regularly,” notes Mikhail Eskindarov. “And the knowledge that a student receives at a university is a base, but not enough to develop successfully.” A financial university, for example, when new products appear on the market, reacts quite actively by organizing short-term training programs to improve the skills of specialists in this area.

Of particular interest to employers are graduates who have received a basic financial education at foreign universities and are interested in working in domestic companies, but there are not many of them. Of the 250 CFOs surveyed, more than 40 graduated from Western universities, and more than half of them work in subsidiaries of foreign enterprises. Another 10 people studied in the countries of the former USSR. Additional financial education is valued. “Having professional CPA and ACCA certificates is of great importance,” says Marina Zabolotneva, Vice President for Finance and Investments at Sitronics. “This is ready-made knowledge that can be instantly put into practice.” On the contrary, an MBA diploma is not so valuable when choosing a candidate for the finance department. Partly because the training programs are based primarily on foreign practice and are of little use for Russia. “It's easy to get an MBA - if you have money and a desire,” Elena Zhigalo, financial director of Omskenergosbyt, is sure. “But in reality, the application of the acquired knowledge in practice often does not work: the market in Russia turns out to be different from what Western professors taught, and the leadership makes unexpected claims.”

30 best financial universities in Russia

A place

higher education institution


Year of foundation

The average score for the Unified State Examination in 2010-2011 academic year. G.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Economics and Finance

St. Petersburg

Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov

Saint Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg

Russian University of Friendship of Peoples Patrice Lumumba

State University - Higher School of Economics

Moscow region

All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade

St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics

St. Petersburg

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

St. Petersburg

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Russian State University of Oil and Gas Gubkin

National Research Technological University MISiS

Moscow Aviation Institute

Ural Federal University first Russian President Yeltsin



Saratov State Socio-Economic University

Moscow State Technical University. Bauman

Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University

St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University

St. Petersburg

Ural State University of Economics


Omsk State University Dostoevsky

Top 10 universities by "revenue"

A place

higher education institution

Aggregate revenue of companies employing the interviewed financial directors, billion rubles

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Novosibirsk State University

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

State University of Management

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Russian State University of Oil and Gas THEM. Gubkin

Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute

All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics

Top 10 universities by the number of financial directors trained

A place

Number of financial directors, people

higher education institution

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Moscow State University Lomonosov

St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

State University of Management

Saint Petersburg State University

Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics

Russian Economic University. Plekhanov

Specialty: Business


I am a 3rd year student. I am very pleased with the possibilities of the university in addition to studying. Thanks to frequent events, I meet new interesting people, attend sports sections, of which we have a lot. I am sure that this experience will help me in the future - because I am already learning to combine different activities and do my best. I think that the FU is very good in this regard - they discipline and do not load with studies, it is more of interest and joy. Thanks!


In 2017, I will enter the Financial University with a degree in economic security or information technology, I have not decided yet. My relatives are studying in finance, so I know firsthand what it's like to study there. Already mentally prepared for the fact that you have to work hard, because. The program there is strong and study takes a lot of time. But I strive to get a good job and earn a lot, and without a normal diploma, this does not shine for anyone.


Next year I'm going to enter the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. There are legends about this university, they say that after it it will be possible to get a job in any company, and without experience, former students are easily taken. There are no jobs in our town, and there is nothing to do, so for me studying in finance is an opportunity to break out into people. I am already actively involved in getting through the competition - and they have a huge one.

Specialty: Public administration and financial control


I study at the financial university, faculty of public administration and financial control. I really like how the learning process is structured! Teachers use the most modern means of visualization, these are not just dry boring lectures, but fascinating journeys into the very heart of the subject! I really like to study here, the further, the stronger!

Specialty: Personnel Management (38.04.03)


I am a second-year student and I recommend our Financial University to active, inquisitive people. Here, the training of specialists is at its best, and sports events are held, and scientific conferences, and languages ​​can be taught, and even while studying, look for work, getting an internship. Eyes wide open, honestly. I'm an excellent student - I'm used to being the best in everything! And it's not so easy, you know! Strong university

Somewhere I came across a review, saying that teachers make you do a lot, they say you should know this and this. Well, what do you want? There must be an initiative, there is a lot of independent work at the university, this is not a school for you. I studied law - honestly, I don’t know what I would do if I hadn’t been taught to do a lot and with high quality. It is to engage, and not just write lectures. They taught me self-discipline and turned on my brains to the fullest, I developed such a development during my studies!


This year I am entering the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. I still choose the faculty (I doubt between legal and credit and economic). I heard that the preparation is strong everywhere, there will be no problems with work. A lot of friends study there - everyone is happy

Studied in Fin. University and was satisfied. I encourage my brother to go there. The teachers are literate, the choice of specialties is huge, they teach so that the lazy will understand and start doing something)))


I am going to enter the Financial University this year, I participated in the winter Olympiad from this university and wanted to study there. Parents are supportive, this university is famous for its teachers, and we have many friends who study there. Many complain that the program is extensive and heavy, but in general everyone likes it. I hope I can do it too.

4.72 Graduate (correspondence student)

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