The program is actually panin. "Actually": Dmitry Shepelev failed in the reconciliation of Alexei Panin with his ex-civil wife

Boilers 05.07.2020

July 24 in the program Actually Alexey Panin and Yulia Yudintseva 24 07 2017 watch online the infamous artist for his antics claims that Yulia is dangerous for their daughter. He took the girl away from her mother and does not allow them to see each other, the ex-wife, in turn, demands that Alexei be sent to prison. So what terrible secrets hides a shocking actor? And if the recent video of Panin's naked walk became public, what did his daughter happen to see? Find out what really happened between them?

A revolutionary talk show that helps people figure out relationships. He survived the loss. Survived deceit and betrayal. And now he knows for sure - the one whom the crowd condemned will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes speak frankly, so that the truth becomes inevitably obvious.

I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to take place. I am going back home.

"Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it to the end. And only the truth can change the course of this personal story. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand themselves how it all happened - in fact.

Channel One, Dmitry Shepelev, Russia

In fact: Panin and Yudintseva visiting Dmitry Shepelev - issue dated 24.07 17. Today, the first issue of a new, revolutionary project was released on Channel One, hosted by Dmitry Shepelev.

The grief he experienced can help others, he is sure. Basically, he's back. According to the viewers of Channel One, the program was a success! At least the first release for sure.

"Actually" is a project-face-to-face between people who were close, but could not hear each other in time and accept a certain truth. Dmitry Shepelev now understands a lot, but it’s already difficult to change anything, or rather impossible. So he decided to help other people. During the confrontation, the two sides will hear bitter or sweet, but the truth. It can connect them, help them understand what really happened, or tear them apart forever.

The program, according to a press release, will be attended by celebrity couples who need help. Dmitry will bring them to clean water with the help of a lie detector. This will make them understand - how it really happened, because often people simply do not understand this.

The first guests in Dmitry Shepelev's studio were Yulia Yudintseva and Alexei Panin - both quite famous personalities who cannot agree in any way: with whom their teenage daughter Nyusya will live. Despite the fact that the actor has really strange antics, his mother is “generally sick” compared to him, netizens began to write after the release of the program on Pervy. In addition, everyone saw the girl's sincere desire to be with her dad. How did this heartbreaking story end, see the program "Actually"!

Earlier, Yudintseva on Andrey Malakhov's popular program “Let them talk” called her ex a pervert and a sociopath and asked her to save her young daughter from him.

In Shepelev's talk show “Actually”, with numerous witnesses - spectators in the hall and professional experts - Julia continued to shower the artist with offensive words. He just chuckled in response.

“We will not achieve anything by mutual insults and reproaches. We, as parents, must first of all ensure that Nyusa is well, ”said Panin.

Alexey said that he was forced to take the small child from his mother, because Yulia, in his opinion, could harm her daughter's health. The actor said that his ex-lover was in a psychiatric clinic before meeting him. “The fact that she is sick is not an insult, but a statement of a medical fact,” Panin emphasized.

Yudintseva, in turn, categorically refused to put up with Panin.

“No negotiations! Julia said emotionally. - This is a non-negotiable person. No no no!" Shepelev at that moment stood up for Panin. "Please don't label him," the host of the show asked.

However, Nyusi's mother did not let up. She complained that Panin walked naked in front of the child. Alexey admitted that the girl could see how he changed clothes on the beach, but he doesn’t defile in front of her without clothes on purpose.

The actor then revealed that his ex-girlfriend was abusing alcohol and possibly illegal drugs. He asked Yulia during the lie detector if she used drugs. Quite vaguely and floridly, Yudintseva said that in her youth she had experience with marijuana in the United States, but after that she allegedly didn’t.

“Since we have now found out everything together, everything is amicable, that Yulia did not take drugs, let's find out, but did she take alcohol? Let's take tests only for alcohol, - Panin made a proposal. - If Yulia has not taken alcohol lately, then she has nothing to be afraid of. Nothing to me".

“Come on, Alexey, I will lead this program and make suggestions,” Shepelev put the guest of his show in his place. After that, Dmitry asked the actor if he himself was taking any substances.

When Panin said that he had not used drugs for over a year, the lie detector found that this was not true. The artist said that he dabbled in the same things as his ex in the United States. “Come on, you have gestures like a sniffer,” Yulia teased Alexei.

Then the woman continued to accuse Panin of all serious things. She did not believe the polygraph testimonies. “He is an active sociopath. He has neurotic reactions in a different category, so the polygraph is not for people like Panin. This is a mentally unhealthy person who believes in what he says, ”the skeptical Yulia shared her distrust.

“Stop,” Shepelev stopped Yudintsev. - This is a studio in which only the truth is possible and nothing but the truth can sound here. The machine cannot be fooled. We understand that you do not love each other, but you can not ignore the polygraph readings.

Alexey Panin and his ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva took part in Dmitry Shepelev's new show "Actually". The scandalous actor and his daughter's mother passed a lie detector test, answering each other's provocative questions.

At the beginning of the show, Panin offered Yulia Yudintseva to arrange meetings with her daughter and help in raising her, but his ex-wife was clearly not in the mood to compromise - the woman intends to take Nyusya away from her dissolute father. "Most best girl on Earth, I will not allow to destroy. There are no negotiations, this man is non-negotiable," Yudintseva said. Panin himself admitted that he was forced to take the girl away from her mother at an early age.

“I had to take the child at the age of eight months from my mother, because she could cause direct harm to the girl’s health. I found out late that before meeting me, Yulia was in a psychiatric clinic. on the second floor - my driver had to break the door and babysit baby", - said Panin.

The scandalous actor admitted that his daughter Nyusya really saw him naked. “Did she see me naked - she saw me. On the river, for example, when I changed clothes. Do I go naked in front of her - no,” Panin said. "Was it ever that you undressed, assuming that your child will see it," the expert asked him. "Yes," the artist replied in the affirmative. Thus, the experts managed to prove that Panin still walked naked in front of his daughter.

Panin lied in the studio, answering the question that he had not taken drugs for more than a year - however, like Yulia Yudintseva, who, as it turned out, had repeatedly used drugs. At the same time, experts decided that Panin was telling the absolute truth, stating that his daughter Nyusya had never witnessed his orgies or naked parties on yachts in the Crimea.

Experts found out that at one time Panin raised his hand to his own mother-in-law, while Yudintseva raised his hand to his mother-in-law, after which the actor publicly expressed his desire to give the ex-wife "in the face." At the same time, Panin's ex-wife not only lied when answering a question from Panin's mother, but also insulted her to the whole studio. "Have you ever raised your hand to me?" - the former mother-in-law asked her a question. “I think that a decent woman should wear a bra, not a T-shirt in the audience,” Yudintseva retorted.

During the show, it turned out that Panin's ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva left her little daughter alone in the apartment at night, having gone to a restaurant with a young man. While the mother was not at home, the apartment was robbed, because of which the girl experienced a severe shock. In addition, as experts found out, she threatened loved ones to commit suicide. The studio was also outraged that she did not remember the weight and height of her daughter at birth, and also could not name her exact age now.

During the program, Yudintseva herself repeatedly broke into shouting, insults and direct threats to put Panin in jail, and at the end of the program she sent the host Dmitry Shepelev "to hell." "Assessing her behavior, I can definitely say that Yulia's condition is inadequate. Due to high stress, due to something else," the expert concluded. At the same time, Panin's daughter Nyusya, who entered the studio, announced that she wanted to see her mother, but wanted to live with her father.

The creators of the project decided to start with the scandalous story of the actor Alexei Panin and, to put it mildly, the difficult relationship that he had with his ex-wife. In the studio "Actually" Panin met face to face with his ex-civil wife Julia Yudintseva who gave birth to his daughter Anna. The beginning of the conversation did not work out: on the move, the actor announced that Yulia had mental problems even before meeting him. In response, the ex-wife began to resent when they would put or put the “inadequate pervert” in a psychiatric hospital. However, Panin emphasized more than once during the conversation: the main thing for him is that Yulia establishes contact with her daughter.

Alexey Panin vs Yulia Yudintseva: whose secrets are worse?

The couple still cannot decide who the daughter of Nyusya should live with, and Dmitry Shepelev decided to help Alexei and Yulia figure it out, hoping that the former lovers would come to at least some kind of agreement. Alas, this did not happen. Moreover, during the program, the heroes showered each other with insults. True, Panin got more. Yudintseva did not choose an expression when she spoke about him.

In addition, unpleasant facts were voiced about the actor. So, the ex-wife announced to the whole country that Alexei was naked in front of his daughter Nyusya. Panin denied, but the lie detector showed: the actor's ex-wife is telling the truth, and the outrageous artist can really afford to walk naked in front of his little daughter. The lie detector also confirmed that Panin was taking drugs.

Alexei Panin's daughter reiterated that she wants to live with her father, not her mother

Talk show host Dmitry Shepelev could not hide his shock at what was happening in the studio. Julia shouted curses at Panin and his mother, who came to record the broadcast. By the way, as the experts explained, Yudintseva lied to most of the questions, and, looking at the aggressive behavior of the woman, Internet users on social networks began to write comments that now they understand why their daughter does not want to live with Yulia. Nyusya, the daughter of Panin and Yudintseva, also came to the talk show. The girl, confidently picking up the microphone, voiced her desire to live with her father. Nyusya wants to communicate with her mother, but this is difficult to do, because, according to the child, Yulia does not understand her.

In the show "Actually" it was confirmed that Alexei Panin walks without clothes in front of his daughter

Panin vs Yudintseva: whose secrets are worse? In fact. The most dramatic moments of the release from 07/24/2017

The first release of the show ended with the departure of Panin and his daughter from the studio. Shepelev failed to help the actor and his ex-wife find mutual language. The actor, who tried to control himself all the time, nevertheless threw his wife aside that he would very much like to hit her.

Recall that in June a press conference was held, at which Alexei Panin was present with his daughter. Nyusya explained why she did not want to live with her mother. “I don’t want to see each other: my mother constantly puts pressure on me, it’s not clear for me to be with her ... She constantly calls, but my phone often runs out of power, and I don’t call back. But mom calls very often, - said the daughter of Alexei Panin and added: - If mom understands that I want to live with dad, then we will communicate. But mom said I would never let you live with dad. Mom is a parent and dad is my friend.”

Alexey Panin also decided to open at a press conference some details about his ex-wife Tatyana Savina, and far from positive: “Mom in the face of the child said that she would go to end her life by suicide. One day, her mother brought her to a normal school, and took her drunk, shouted obscenities, started fighting with teachers ... "

Dmitry Shepelev returns - with personal experience.
He survived the loss. Survived deceit and betrayal. And now he knows for sure: the one who was condemned by the crowd will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes speak frankly, so that the truth becomes inevitably obvious.
"Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it to the end. And only the truth can change the course of this personal story. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand themselves how it all happened - in fact.

In fact, Panin vs Yudintseva issue dated 24 07 2017

The artist, infamous for his antics, claims that Julia is dangerous for their daughter. He took the girl away from her mother and does not allow them to see each other, the ex-wife, in turn, demands that Alexei be sent to prison. So what terrible secrets does the outrageous actor hide? And if the recent video of Panin's naked walk became public, what did his daughter happen to see? Find out what really happened between them?

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