Dreaming of an ex-girlfriend in a dream. Former girlfriend. I dreamed of a crying girlfriend ▼

Lime 05.07.2020

Dreams are not always the response of our subconscious to the events that took place during the day. Sometimes this is a manifestation of some kind of super-intuition, that is, foresight of the future. Night dreams can warn of dangers or, conversely, be harbingers of something good. Therefore, interest in various interpretations of certain plots never fades away. For example, why is a girlfriend dreaming? Of course, the interpretation this case will largely depend on how events unfolded.

General interpretation

Dreams with girlfriends do not always prophesy events related specifically to this particular person. In this case, most often it means just a close person. That is, a dream portends events related, perhaps, to one of your relatives or, in fact, friends. There is a second option for explaining what a girlfriend is dreaming of. Perhaps the dream portends some events related to a person bearing the same name.

The importance of the emotional component

In order to correctly interpret such a dream, it is important to pay attention to all the details of the “plot”, and especially the significant ones. Remember exactly what your friend looked like: what was she wearing, what did she do and what did she say to you? It is not so much the specifics that are important here, but your personal attitude to all this. To more accurately determine what a girlfriend is dreaming of, you need to pay attention, first of all, to your own emotions. If the actions, appearance or words of this person caused you rejection, you can definitely interpret such a dream as portending some kind of trouble.

Pay attention to the mood of the girlfriend herself in a dream. If she was happy with something or had fun, this is a significant change in life. A sad girlfriend is in big trouble. The dream in which she is offended by you advises you to pay more attention to relatives and friends. A quarrel with a girlfriend indicates that you have a secret ill-wisher, and a fight indicates the impossibility of the main dream of your life for a long time.

Why dream or a woman

For young women and girls, girlfriends dream mainly of gossip. Also, some interpreters believe that such a "plot" portends the beginning of a new romantic relationship. If a friend in a dream did not take part in any significant events, but simply slipped "in the blink of an eye", this is a shopping trip or a hairdresser.

If a girlfriend dreamed of a man

For men, girlfriends dream mostly of a date or even an engagement. Sometimes it can also be an adventurous romantic adventure. However, such a dream is also a harbinger of the fact that, perhaps, you will have to pay for the pleasure with some unpleasant illness. So casual relationships should be treated with extreme caution in this case.

pregnant girlfriend

The dream in which you see your pregnant woman indicates that she is most likely this moment Your participation and help is urgently needed. A girl or woman in position is evidence that she is under someone's strong influence, that is, she wants to live up to a far-fetched ideal.

Also in a dream, seeing a pregnant friend is a problem in your personal life. Most likely, you will have a quarrel with your lover or husband. Such a dream can, among other things, portend an exacerbation of various kinds of chronic diseases. You should definitely pay more attention to your health.

If the pregnant girlfriend seen in a dream is really “in position”, such a vision suggests that she will have an easy birth. You can call her and make her happy with such good news.

It is very bad if a man sees a pregnant girlfriend in a dream. For a bachelor, this portends the collapse of plans and bankruptcy. Married same - illness wife.

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend

A dream in which the main character is an ex-girlfriend - to gossip and problems in his personal life. The emotional component of the plot in this case is also very important. However, the interpretation at the same time is fundamentally different from the explanation of the dream about the friend with whom you maintain a relationship at the moment. That is, in the event that you peacefully talk in a dream with a former good friend, this is a nuisance. Conversely, a quarrel is a good sign. It is even possible that you will make peace with this friend.

Of course, thinking about that, friend, you should pay attention to the importance you attach to this yourself. Perhaps such a plot does not mean and does not portend absolutely nothing. This is in the event that this dream did not make a special impression on you.

old friend

If in a dream you saw a person with whom you were friends many years ago, but have not met for a long time, this most likely indicates a desire to see each other. It is also possible to receive news from him soon. Another answer to the question of what the old one is dreaming of, as in the two previous cases, gossip and gossip. But such an explanation is valid only when your attitude towards her is not just nostalgia and pleasant memories, but also a preserved emotional component, in which any woman is perceived as a rival.

deceased friend

Now let's see what a friend is up to. Most often, such a plot warns you of the possibility of serious trials in life. Also, such a dream may indicate that you need the support of loved ones and at the same time, most likely, you will receive their help. If the deceased friend was dissatisfied or upset with something, this could promise all sorts of troubles and quarrels with relatives. Be sure to listen to her advice. This is usually very helpful in real life. And, of course, a deceased acquaintance, like all the dead, may simply dream of a change in the weather.

Thus, seeing a girlfriend in a dream is most likely to trouble in your personal life and gossip. However, you may just not be given to your close person enough attention, and you should meet and have a hearty chat over a cup of tea or coffee.

Dreams, the origin of which is covered with a mystical veil of mystery and incomprehensibility, have excited the minds of serious scientists and just curious people from time immemorial.

Someone believed that night visions are nothing more than a reaction of the subconscious to events that occurred during the day. And for someone, the dreams of a sleeping person are omens of something good or, conversely, bad.

Everything that exists is a dream; everything that is not a dream does not exist.
Jorge Luis Borges

What is the dream of a friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time?

In order not to suffer in conjectures and to make it easier to understand the meaning of the plots, many dream books and interpreters have been invented. Often, girls ask themselves this question: “I dreamed of a friend with whom I don’t communicate, what is it for?”. The answer will largely depend on the reasons for the breakdown of friendships and the current situation between the girls. But general interpretation says that the events of a dream can be repeated in life, but with other people. Also close, but not the heroes of the dream.

In general, girlfriends in night visions have long been considered a bad sign. As a rule, such dreams did not bring anything good. Most likely, the trouble for the dreamer will come not from the most familiar, but from strangers, but the danger still exists.

If communication with a friend ended on a friendly note

When friendship has been preserved between women, then dreams with a girlfriend mean the desire of the sleeping woman to restore relations. Surely disturbing thoughts about the fate of a close friend with every day of separation appear more and more often. Here is the subconscious and gives out such dreams:
  • Dream Interpretation of Felomen says that often repeated such dreams promise an early meeting of a new friend. A person must necessarily be an interesting extraordinary personality and can turn out to be both a man and a woman.
  • Dream Interpretation Longo assures that troubles will happen precisely with the dreaming girl. She may quarrel with her soulmate. Disagreements can drag on until parting.

But the phenomenon can also be negative. When a dream tells that friends who communicate well in reality nevertheless quarreled, there is a danger of unpleasant experiences. Probably some big secret or hidden secret will be revealed. If the quarrel came to a fight, it means that in real life grandiose goals should be abandoned. The plan will not be crowned with success, and the forces will be wasted.

If the breakup was preceded by a major quarrel

If you had a dream about a friend with whom there are certain conflicts, then there are some unexplained circumstances and details. It is advisable to find a way to talk with a loved one, find out all the details and dot the i's. Who knows, maybe this will save the faded friendship.

If there were no quarrels, but the connection was lost and has not been renewed for many years, then the former acquaintance is dreaming as a warning signal. This means that there is a lot of gossip and rumors around, and maybe a serious danger lurks around the corner. All you need to do is take your mind off worries, relax, immerse yourself in your favorite pastime, spending a few days in a circle.

She is such a good friend that she would throw everyone she knows into the water just to have the pleasure of getting them out.
Anne-Louise Germaine de Stael

Video: What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend

When an ex-girlfriend came to a guy in a dream

Not only women, but also men can communicate with an ex-girlfriend in a dream. For guys, such visions prophesy the resumption of relations. Moreover, in cases where a friend is very cheerful and careless, it is worth considering that in reality the situation may be the opposite. Probably the girl got into a difficult life situation and needs help.

If a couple got married in a dream, then in the near future a man will face serious changes. And if the beloved married another, then we can expect the development of new relationships. BUT past life it is advisable to leave in the past.


Seeing close people in a dream, from the point of view of psychology, is very important. This is especially true for people who are forced to find themselves at a great distance from each other. The impossibility of close communication is compensated by night visions. Dreams will dissipate, and the feeling of support from a friend will remain for a few more days. But from the point of view of the interpreters, general meaning dreams with a girlfriend is a bad sign. The dreamer will have to endure quarrels, scandals, losses, or find herself in unpleasant situations.

What is the dream of an ex-Girlfriend in a dream from a dream book?


Who dreamed of an ex-girlfriend?

An ex-girlfriend dreamed of a married woman▼

For married woman a dream where a former girlfriend appears symbolizes leisure, a person from the dreamer's inner circle. Most likely, it is not a dreaming girlfriend who is plotting, but a completely different person. There is also the possibility of family, discord.

What can you say about this ex-girlfriend?

Ex-best friend dreaming ▼

If a former best friend dreamed and she silently looks at the sleeping person, this is most likely her unspoken grievances. Perhaps she is looking for an occasion to express emotions. If you have kept a good relationship, and the ex-girlfriend is sad, this may mean future experiences.

I dreamed of a friend with whom I don’t communicate ▼

When a friend with whom you do not communicate is dreaming, this is a sign: you should not limit anything. It is better to devote a few days to solitude, pay attention to your inner, reflect, do something that brings peace.

I dreamed of a pregnant ex-girlfriend ▼

A dream where your ex-girlfriend is pregnant can symbolize the dreamer's unwillingness to create, to become the keeper of the hearth. Surely, there is still a reluctance to give birth to a child, to do household chores, to lead.

A friend of an ex-girlfriend is dreaming ▼

If a friend of an ex-girlfriend dreamed, probably the former passion is now full of difficulties and misfortunes. However, such a dream can rarely portend any cardinal changes in the dreamer.

What happened in the dream?

Why dream of a quarrel with an ex-girlfriend ▼

A quarrel with an ex-girlfriend, the dream book warns, in all likelihood, portends a possible reconciliation between the dreamer and the dream girl in reality. But, in addition, this may be a sign of future general positive trends.

Dreaming of an ex-girlfriend hugging ▼

I dreamed of a fight with an ex-girlfriend ▼

The dreamer and her ex-girlfriend, as the dream book predicts, are a sign of serious ones that may arise on your life path. Most likely, to achieve your goals, it will take a long time, painstakingly, diligently. Relying on it is very reckless.

Why dream about how an ex-girlfriend dies ▼

A dream where an ex-girlfriend dies often turns out to be a warning: someone has planned something bad for the dreamer. But there is no despair: it will be easy to resist intrigues with due care.

I dreamed of reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend ▼

Reconciliation with a former girlfriend in a dream certainly indicates an acute communication between the dreamer and this person. Perhaps you should renew contact, try to re-establish the former trust.

Video: What is the dream of an ex-Girlfriend

Along with this they read:

In contact with


I dreamed of a former girlfriend, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why your ex-Girlfriend is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    i had a dream about an ex-girlfriend ... with whom we used to be friends on the site ... in a dream, why was she my neighbor and invited me to drink tea ... she ran out of milk and I went home to my place for milk ... and that ended the dream ... please explain the interpretation of the dream

    My friend with whom we were good friends used to be 3 boys and we were 2 girls and we were great friends, so for a long time we don’t see each other at all anymore and don’t communicate for half a year once sms hello hello and that’s it. Yesterday he writes and says, I saw you in a dream today and immediately decided to write, I asked what was there, he says they say he began to show me why we are not friends as before, why forgot me he says and I cried, I was with 3 friends and he was with something incomprehensible a guy he doesn’t know. Now I’m wondering why a friend sees that I’m crying :-(aah help and who is the guy that was in the dream why is the stranger I’m afraid

    i dreamed of my best friend (the former, more precisely, we haven’t communicated with her for more than 2 months and she said that she thinks that our friendship is over) in a dream we seemed to meet in the future (in a dream, as in life, we were in a quarrel) and began to talk, we spent the day together, chatting and having fun, I was happy in a dream, because I miss her so much and was glad that we met
    I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday
    such dreams were
    we also somehow met by chance, walked, had a great time and in a dream I was very happy
    since I constantly think about our friendship, and I have already dreamed about it several times in 2 months, I would like to know what it all means
    thanks in advance

    I dreamed that my husband and I were preparing an event, it looked like a wedding anniversary. We have a daughter with him, she also appeared there, guests arrived, but the one that we did not expect and did not want to see with her husband also arrived, she approached him and said that she saw me with some man smoking, and my husband I believed her, although this was not at all, if someone else needed a family and a child, my husband did not believe me and went to the guests, I turned around and left, and he was not even worried about me. Please interpret this dream, thanks)

    A former friend with whom they were friends 8-9 years ago came in a dream for the first time, parted very hard, a lot of gossip insults, and then in a dream she was so sweet, as if she apologized for everything, and would like to renew the relationship and with a look asked to forgive her and continue communicate, but in fact it is not possible in life.

    for ten years I have not communicated with a friend who betrayed me, I saw her in a dream very rarely, but today it is very clear, she was with her husband, a calm dream, we did not quarrel. We talked a little, and then they went to bed in the next room and I I saw, and I also knew for sure that not far from us, enemies had taken refuge in some cave, but they did not scold us

    I dreamed about how my ex-girlfriend, with whom I haven’t seen or talked for several years, came to my house and started hugging me and kissing me, but I didn’t like it and I was very surprised that she was taking such an initiative towards me

    I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, we were in some kind of apartment or in the country, I went out on the beam to sit down and smoke, and at that time she began to laugh at me and she very often began to come to me in dreams and it scares me a little

    ex girlfriend gave me back mobile phone, which was stolen from me (in reality) 5 months ago at the station. But instead, I lost another mobile phone that I was given at work in the same place in my dream, and I was very upset because of this. And one more thing: this friend of mine in a dream worked in some kind of medical institution (hospital), in which there were many teenagers. And I went there to someone (to whom and why - I don’t remember). There was one friend (a girl who is not familiar to me in life), also in a dream my friend - she called me somewhere and I followed her until I saw her throw garbage on the ground, I was offended by her for this and I started to run away from her, she was chasing, and I was very afraid that she would catch up with me. While I was running, I noticed that I had lost my mobile phone, which I (in reality) was given temporarily at work.

    Well, about a month ago, I quarreled with my best friend, today I had a dream about her. I come to work and there she is an intern, I go into the pantry and there she and I scream at her and she has zero attention

    i dreamed about my late husband and he gives me to the guy with whom I have a relationship. also in a dream there was a girlfriend with whom I don’t communicate and she had blood on her face, then I called my friend’s sister and said that Sveta was bad (that’s my friend’s name)

    good afternoon, I dream of a friend with whom I haven’t talked for a long time, and besides, she calls me and invites me to go for a walk, then we see each other and she starts talking about her day, I already have such a dream 7-8 times if not more. I would like to know what they are

    I dreamed of a friend with whom we said goodbye recently, as she acted very badly. We walked in a dream in the park, near the fountain, but could not find a place where we could sit in the rain. We went into an office with a lot of chairs. We sat there, but for some reason we didn’t find shelter there either. Then I began to look for the keys to a rented apartment, although I live in my own. And then we parted ways. The dream has stopped.

    I only remember that it was some kind of night, there were dead people everywhere, everything was in blood, people threw some kind of bombs / grenades, I got on the bus, there was my classmate with whom we are not on the best of terms, I remember what I asked where is Polina? she answered, and Polina died, I was in shock, said “Kingdom of Heaven” several times, then I saw that many seats on the bus were covered in blood, and some kind of corpse lay under the chair ..

    Good afternoon Tatyana, my name is Sabina, I dreamed of my ex-girlfriend as if we were working with my former boss, she had not worked for him before and this dream is the second time I dream the same

    I broke up with my friend a month ago, today I dreamed that I was sitting at the computer at home and Skype suddenly turned on and she appeared asking me what was happening to me, to which I said don’t even ask. That's all I woke up with.

    My friend and I no longer communicate for two months, in a dream I dreamed that I was visiting him and my boyfriend in the summer and we went for a walk around the city, everything was as before
    I forgot about her for a long time and don’t even remember, but it became interesting why she suddenly dreamed of me

    Hello! My name is Timur. So, my dream was like this:
    I don’t remember the first half, but in the second half of the dream, I dreamed that I was standing next to an ex-girlfriend and a new girlfriend. I was telling my girlfriend about something, and the ex was standing, looking at us and smiling. It scared me a little. But then, I leave and go to the Autoshop and buy myself a good expensive car and go to the city center to the club. When I arrive, I get out of the car, I look again, my ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend and boyfriend are standing not far from me. I go up to my girlfriend and hug her, and I look at my ex-girlfriend, and she looks at me and smiles very gently. That's it. This is where my dream ended.

    Hello. I am disturbed by a dream, the essence of which is often repeated. A dream about how I reconcile with my ex-girlfriend, and each time in different places and under different circumstances, but the essence remains the same. I was told that if you think a lot about a person, then he can dream. But I haven't thought about it for 2 weeks now.

    It was at school, we were dressing to go out, but then I saw a wound on her leg and asked: “what is it?” she only answered: “fell”, although this was not in the dream.
    Then she lay on the school floor in street clothes. I approached her and she answered me: "go away .."
    And then I woke up

    I was sitting on a chair, two friends were standing next to me (one on the right, the other on the left), she approached me (an ex-girlfriend, I don’t communicate with her now), put her hands on my treats, pressing and said: It’s clear who you chose. And that's it, she turned and left

    I dreamed of a former best friend with whom I have not communicated for 9 years. She was in the hospital and an unfamiliar man was hunting for her. I protected her and tried to protect her. When the persecution story ended, she cried, and I consoled her.

    at first there was a litter with a girl, a lot of people were involved and a friend said something in a dream, I knew her name, then I left and met 2 girls, they were happy and swam, I turned around and drove on

    Hello, I dreamed that my ex-best friend called me (we don’t communicate with her for 2.5-3 years) and invited me to go for a walk, I agreed, the three of us walked (the third was our common good friend, with whom we both rarely, but we communicate to this day) we had fun, we were the happiest, it felt like we were walking for 3 days in a dream. (And in real life we ​​stopped talking 2.5-3 years ago, due to numerous quarrels, jealousy for new acquaintances , tried to make peace, start talking, but we can’t do it anymore, different interests) please tell me what this dream is for? The dream had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday.

    hello, today (03/13/17) I had a dream where I was in some kind of room. There was my ex-best friend with whom I started talking. She looked at me all the time with a smile and wanted to hug. I think she hugged me ( I don’t know for sure). All this time I felt a different feeling, I was in a strong surprise. WHAT does this mean? My gmail ^ . THANK YOU, I'M WAITING FOR THE FORECAST)))))

    Hello, we walked near the school as if in the summer. My grandmother and I went to get paid, and she followed us as always. We went to the store and she followed us. My mother and her parents were there. I wanted all the dresses, then I was offended (I don’t remember what) I ran into the corridor of the store and my friend behind me I started saying “leave me alone, leave me alone,” she said something like, “let's go Angelin.” I didn’t agree to anything, I stepped on her foot so that she got rid of it, then on her knees, she quickly ran away and bought that dress, I cried.

    I had a fight with my best friend a month ago, we had a very serious fight. From the lack of communication with her and from resentment towards her, I took the first step and wrote to her, expressing all the resentment, but she read it and did not answer. And for the fifth day now, she has been dreaming about how she writes to me in my networks, yesterday I blocked her in my network and she began to write from another page, trying to measure herself. In some dreams we made peace, and some just didn't end. What does this dream mean?

    I dreamed of a friend with whom I was in a quarrel. I dreamed that we were sorting out our relationship with her. Then she went home. And she came again in a supposedly drunk state to find out again. And my dream ended there.

    My girlfriend and I haven't spoken in over a week. She came up to me when I was sitting on a bench and asked why I didn’t communicate with her, why I didn’t answer messages in social networks in In reality, I really do so, I never answered.
    Then I was sitting at the computer, she came in a red dress and asked me to give her a seat, I still ignored her, but she sat on my knees, sat a little and the dream ended.
    The dream was from Saturday to Sunday.
    I woke up with a strange feeling in my chest.

    I dreamed that an ex-girlfriend came to my house to pick up her thing, I gave her what she wanted (She had to pick up the teapot on it, the sticker was removed). My friend began to say that the sticker was intact, I said that she already told me I gave it away. As a result, I kicked her out and closed the door, shouting to her that she was a sheep. She turned around and flew into the house, rushed to fight. We threw each other to the floor, but then the fight stopped and we, as if nothing had happened, went to the computer to look at the pictures that I drew but I did not find them.

    I dreamed of my best friend (with whom we are currently in litter) and another friend of mine with whom they constantly walk, in this dream we were kind of in litter, but we went to a cafe, but we quarreled again and went out I had a very heavy briefcase. I went to a cafe alone on a different road, while I was walking, I met one very good friend my best friend and we went to this cafe with him. He and I were sitting at another table, and when those friends left, my best friend came up and asked something, I didn’t understand. Then I started to beat her to show how much it hurt me. After that, I went up to that friend, started beating her with the words “If your best friend refused you, this does not mean that you need to take her away from me”

    Hello, my friend who owes me money in real life (even sued her, before that I didn’t know her, we’ve been friends with her for about 2 years). So I dream that the judge makes her repay me the debt, and for some reason that the amount is much less (that is, she owes me 1200 euros and pays 240 lei, counting paper money on one side, the paper is white on the other side, colored as they should be, others are black and a portrait King of Moldova (I'm from there) After the trial, I'm walking down the street and she's all in a car in a rage with her brother and with one daughter, she wanted to knock me down, but at the last moment she changed her mind, like that I won the court, and she lost.

    Explain, please.
    My ex-girlfriend and I were in a cottage, surrounded by people. When we went to bed, one guy, (maybe her) accidentally touched me, she noticed she started pouring mud on me .... swearing, tears of resentment, I go to my friends, tell them about what happened in response to silence (either they supported her or were just silent) I am in tears of resentment and I don’t understand leaving them all !!! Help me understand, I think something is wrong here!

    I dreamed that I was walking with my ex-best friend towards my house and I asked her for advice on the topic: where can I buy glue sticks for a tero pistol, very small. And she answered me that she has a big thermal gun and she buys glue sticks in the Forum, and I answered that the sticks are too big for my thermal gun, and she replied that then she doesn’t know where else you can buy glue sticks.

    I dreamed of a friend with whom we communicated very well for a year (university friend) and have not been communicating for half a year. I dreamed about how we are sitting in the assembly hall and the hairdresser is doing her hair-curls and we are discussing a fashion show at the university, they say how she has no idea how she will participate because she is larger than ordinary models. And I asked her for a comb, but she didn’t have a regular one, there was some kind of mini comb at the end of the curling iron

    I dreamed that I came to the quest with friends and my girlfriend, with whom I do not communicate now. She looked at me with an uncomprehending look for half a dream. And then someone from the quest actors came and dragged her away. And then they dragged me and my friends

    I haven't spoken to my best friend in over a year. We were friends for about 5 years. Rarely quarreled. But unfortunately that year we stopped talking, I don’t even remember why. But from Friday to Saturday I had a dream that after a long separation we met with her and went for a walk. While we were walking, we discussed her boyfriend. After the walk, we came to my house from which the man wanted to fall out. We said goodbye to her and agreed that we would write to each other in social networks. And that's where my dream ended. I want to know why it was a dream

    I dreamed about my current job, where I volunteer with my ex-girlfriend. We don’t talk to her, but someone called her and I followed her in order to help her. At this point, the dream ends.

    My ex-close friend and I had a fight about 3 months ago, I constantly dream that we first sort things out, then we make peace. Today I had the same dream, but we reconciled in a dream, I told her how much I missed

    I was walking in the vicinity of my school, with my friends, suddenly a girlfriend came up with whom they stopped talking almost a month ago, her hands were in the back pockets of her jeans and she asked, “You wanted to take revenge?” I answer, they say, let's talk in the evening and then I woke up.

    I dreamed about my best old friend with whom I quarreled 2 years ago ... I dreamed that I reconciled with her and we were close friends again, she shared with her problems .. And the problem was in her mother. For some reason, my mother constantly screamed, even threatened her, we were in the same room, and then everything seemed to get better .. But then the scandal started again, she didn’t really treat me in a dream, but she seemed to absolutely care .. Sleep was in bright warm colors, then abruptly turned into cold and gloomy .. After this dream, I remembered the good old times with this ex-girlfriend and I wanted to renew the relationship, I thought it over and considered myself guilty of a quarrel .. And now I think how meet her, what to say .. And will she reject me .. After such a period of time .. And if so, then I will be calm that I did my best, and did not let everything take its course ... Please explain the interpretation of my dream . Sincerely, Zhanna.

    I had a dream with my ex best friend, the second day in a row
    From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that she was trying to talk to me, and from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that we met, talked and hugged ..
    I have dreams from Wednesday to Thursday and from Thursday to Friday, and then I also had a dream from Saturday ..
    help me figure out what this is?
    I am Aquarius
    Date of birth January 31, 2003

    At first, the dream was not at all about a girlfriend, various adventure and fantastic things happened in it.
    It featured my relatives, my favorite actress, the people I have ever seen, as secondary characters. But then I met my ex-best friend. We helped each other in various tasks. Then we gathered together in the bathroom (for some reason) to talk heart to heart. We became best friends again. Then she told me what gifts she wanted for some holiday and said what she would give me. I went to collect gifts for her in various places, and they turned out very original, maybe not even what she wanted. Then the dream ended.

    Good afternoon. In September, I had a quarrel with my good friend Alena, and not so long ago I was offended by my other friend Katya. Yesterday I was too lazy to think about reconciling with them as soon as possible, but I was not sure that Alena would also want to reconcile with me, and that we would soon reconcile with Katya.
    Today I dreamed that Katya apologized and we reconciled with her. I told her, “Well, you communicate with everyone,” and she agreed. Then somehow I dreamed that I saw Alena. She called me her friend and, as it seemed to me, we began to put up, but suddenly she disappeared. She left without saying goodbye.
    Second dream: I had a dream about how some woman was guessing me, carefully looking into my eyes. She had beautiful, light hazel eyes.
    It's all

    In my dream, I found myself in front of a mirror. Looking at my reflection, I was either fat or thin. I am very skinny for my height. Then I was transported to the corridor of my apartment. The landline phone rang. I picked up the phone and asked who it was. Initially, I did not receive a response and hung up, but then they called me again. Again I asked "who is this?". They answered me "Hello. This is your friend, Katya (the name of my ex-best friend)." I kept silent.
    Then followed the phrase “Sorry, I can’t get your landline phone by mail, unless you bring it to me yourself. Come to me (she lives in another city)”. As far as I understood, my mother wanted to give them the phone (our parents are friends). I replied that I had no time and desire. She passed out. We stopped being friends because of her envy of me. Once she told me this openly. A couple of times she offered to measure, but I refused, because she was unpleasant to me. The dream was very incomprehensible. After she hung up, I found myself on the beach. I like one young man, but he is 8 years older than me. He stood next to the sea, and my mother and I began to lay a bed on the sand. When we did this, the wind began to blow and ran up to us big dog. I felt fear (I am afraid of them in my life). Mom and I ran to the sea. It was dirty, but there were a lot of fish in it, and even more - jellyfish. When we dived, my mother screamed that it was poisoned (I don’t know why) and we quickly began to leave. There were small waves, but they swam to the place where we were sitting. The guy and I started to collect the bedding, and my mother started to collect things and an umbrella. Then the young man approached my mother, took a bag with things in his hand, and we went to the hotel. I turned around and noticed my ex-girlfriend who was standing alone in the sea that raged on an empty beach. This is where the dream ended.

Former young man or ex-husband, which appeared in a dream, symbolizes your excessive passion for the past.

This is what keeps you from moving forward, from developing as a person; ex love does not want to give real love a place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time has come for a change of priorities, the collapse of former ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

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Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

If you dreamed of a girlfriend, then in real life you will receive support from the side where it would seem that it could not be.

A dream in which you had a big fight with a girlfriend using assault means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something impossible that is realized only at the end of your life. life path.

Interpretation of dreams from

When an ex-girlfriend appears in a dream, this is a sign for you that the difficulties you are struggling with are not as difficult to overcome as you think, and if you do, you will definitely succeed in solving all problems.

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend - Freud's dream book

If you dream of an ex-girlfriend, this is a sign that many obstacles and problems await you, but if you manage to overcome them, you will have good reasons for joy and you can be optimistic about the future.

Dreaming girlfriend ex-wife, this is a signal to you that you have a well-wisher in life. Try to find out who it is, if you don't know it now, it will surprise you soon.

If a woman's ex-girlfriend dreams, this is a sign that she is going to achieve what she had to work on for a very long time.

As the dream book interprets, if you dream that you have reconciled with your ex-girlfriend, this dream means that after a lot of effort you will have a well-deserved rest and, finally, will begin to harvest the fruits of your hard work.

An ex-girlfriend is constantly dreaming, this is a sign that you have reached a sufficient level of internal development, at least for a while, and now you should stop at the right conclusions.

In a dream, you see that you are visiting an ex-girlfriend, such a dream is a symbol of disappointment that you will soon experience, and if the dream is accompanied by regret, this is a sign that as a result of something extremely unfavorable for you, you find yourself in a very difficult life situation. .

According to our dream book, if you dream of reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend, this means that you will become a reluctant object in your environment and, perhaps, even be persecuted by your companions.

When you dream of having sex with an ex-girlfriend, the dream announces an indefinite danger to you, not necessarily physical.

A former girlfriend had a man such a dream promises that better times will come to you in terms of the economy, and you will no longer have to worry about money.

Dreaming of meeting with an ex-girlfriend is a sign that deep down you are very afraid of old age and feel that this stage of your life is approaching you at great speed.

A quarrel with an ex-girlfriend in a dream is a sign that a real test of strength awaits you in life, and if you are not afraid to take risks, you will definitely win it.

Why dream of an ex-girlfriend with whom I don’t communicate - Miller’s dream book

You dream of an ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate, this dream means that if you have a problem, you should ask your friend to support you, because then you will definitely be able to overcome any difficulties.

If an ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate appears in a dream, this may mean that in wakefulness, perhaps only subconsciously, you have long struggled with bad or painful memories, and you are constantly tormented by bad thoughts. However, this dream may also have a more optimistic tone and promise that you will enjoy good health.

Generally speaking, this symbol can mean that you can only subconsciously be in a battle with some fears that haunt you.

What is the dream of the former best friend - Vanga's dream book

When an ex-best friend dreams, it means that in real life something limits you so much that you feel almost like a prison, and this brings you great discomfort.

If in your dream an ex-best friend warns you about something, this is a sign that you feel that soon you will be completely free and will be able to decide for yourself what to do what to do.

If you dream that you are holding the hand of an ex-best friend, this is a good sign, because it symbolizes good health, which you need now more than ever, you will enjoy your exceptional immunity in the near future.

What is the dream of the ex-girlfriend of her husband - the dream book of Nostradamus

When a husband's ex-girlfriend is dreaming, this dream means that what now seems undesirable and bad for you will eventually come to you, so now you should not worry about it. Generally speaking, this dream can mean that you are lonely and alienated, you are missing friends, and you must definitely take the first steps to change this fatal situation, it is best to change environment where you are.

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