Why do ex-boyfriends act. What is the ex-boyfriend dreaming of: interpretation of sleep. Freud's decoding

Roof 05.07.2020

Ever since ancient times, people have attached particular importance to all those visions that appeared to them during a night's rest - today we call them dreams. And, indeed, many of them are prophetic, that is, they mean something, give some kind of sign. But how to recognize what exactly this or that dream is talking about? First of all, you need to turn to the dream book, because only this book will be able to reveal all the secrets to you.

Guy? This question may be asked by those girls who saw their former lover in a dream. However, not everyone understands what this means. Let's try to figure it out by resorting to the interpretation of various wise books.

If you often dream ex-boyfriend, then this, first of all, means that it is time to sit down and think about whether you did the right thing by breaking off relations with him? Indeed, in fact, it can be assumed that a girl who sees her ex-young man in a dream simply regrets breaking up with him. Think: why not start all over again? However, this is the point of view of psychologists in relation to this kind of phenomenon.

Now let's try to explain this plot from the point of view of a dream book. So, what will this wise book tell us?

First of all, they all talk about the fact that if you suddenly think about the strength existing relationships. This vision may mean that there is a serious threat to your current relationship.

If you want to most accurately understand what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of, then try to remember the plot of your dream. If a young man tries to meet you in some way, then know that this is a reflection of reality, because it is possible that in life this person’s feelings for you have not cooled down yet, and he still loves. This is another reason to think about resuming your relationship. At least that's what the dream book says.

Guy, if in a dream he is still with you? That is, the plot assumes that your relationship continues to this day. This vision wears positive character and means that you still managed to come to terms with separation. It also suggests that you will no longer think about your ex-lover for no reason - finally everything will remain in the past.

You don’t know what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of, who is already dating in a dream new girl? AT this case there is no doubt that this picture means your future choice, which will consist in choosing loneliness or some new relationship that fate can send you.

If you are almost every ex in a dream, then this is rather a psychological factor. It means that you still want to start a relationship with this person. However, in this case, experts advise to come to their senses and assess the situation as sensibly as possible. After all, it is possible that those relationships cannot be returned, and you, thinking about him all the time, will not be open to new connections that may turn out to be much more pleasant than the previous one. However, if you constantly see such a dream, but are already in a relationship with another young man, this means only one thing: you need to finally stop comparing these two people. Perhaps you are doing it unconsciously, but on a subconscious level. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and you, perfectly understanding the full significance of the situation that has arisen, cannot get rid of these thoughts. In this case the best option- Referral to a psychologist. Only a specialist will help solve this problem, because the dream book is not subject to it - he can only explain what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of.

So, lovely girls! If your ex-boyfriend comes to you in a dream, be sure to think, first of all, that your real relationship does not become the past, and if there are no real ones, is it time to return the lost?

When a girl often dreams of an ex-boyfriend or loved one, this is no accident. And such a dream brings emotions different, contradictory. Parting with loved ones is always difficult, no matter how it was, and when they come in dreams, reminding of themselves, it is even more difficult.

Every woman understands that this is not just like that, this is a kind of sign. But what exactly does this mean? A dream book will help here.

There is no one simple answer to the question of why a former boyfriend or spouse is dreaming. Interpretation and meaning depend on many things, and there are different, dissimilar answers. So remember the details of the dream: what did he do and what did you do?

When in a dream he kisses or hugs you, confesses his love, or, on the contrary, you quarrel, when he is drunk or even dead - it all has different meanings. It is also important when you broke up - a long time ago or recently - how you experience it, whether he got along with a new girl and many other factors. The dream book gives options for the plot like this:

  • He dreams often, even every day.
  • Had a dream with another girl.
  • Kisses or hugs you.
  • Quarrel with him, swear or fight.
  • He confesses his love or wants to return.
  • See parting again in a dream.

Also, the day of the week is important for the interpretation of sleep. Do not try to find one common answer - it will not work. If you want to know why and why you have these dreams, remember all the details and figure it out properly.

How were you...

Wise interpreters will help you understand what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of. Let's see what they tell us?

1. If you suddenly dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, this is probably a hint that you are too passionate about your past. The dream interpretation gives advice: live now! The one who lives in the past or dreams of the future does not live at all, but only lives in fantasies. Letting go of the past means taking a big step towards a happy present.

2. If you often have dreams involving a former lover, this means that your imagination cannot stop drawing his image in your memory. It is unlikely that this means some future events related to him specifically. Most likely, you just need to try to switch to yourself and build a new happiness in personal relationships.

3. Another thing is if the person you broke up with dreams of you every day. It is important! Dreams that recur every day cannot be ignored. Perhaps this person with whom you were close wants to see you. Or maybe even needs your help or got into trouble. Contact him no matter how you feel. Call, ask: maybe you can help with something?

4. I wonder what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of, with whom you broke up a long time ago and whom you don’t even remember anymore? This means that in reality you will have some surprises and surprises, you will be pleasantly surprised. Also, you can expect a new acquaintance, very interesting.

5. A dream in which you part with your loved one again (in reality - the former) means new meeting. Perhaps it will be decisive!

6. Seeing him in the arms of another girl in a dream is an indication of your empty anxieties. Perhaps this applies to your current relationship or personal life in general. You think a lot and see problems where there are none at all. And this not only causes stress, but can also lead to real difficulties. Look soberly at things, do not invent problems if there are none.

7. As the dream book describes, the ex-boyfriend who was drunk in your dreams is advice. A drunk often in dreams indicates that in reality he needs support, or he may make some mistake. Perhaps he wants to do something wrong or just needs help. loved one which you may be.


If in your dreams you personally did something, not only saw your ex-boyfriend, but made contact, these actions can tell a lot. Let's open the dream book and check.

What is the dream of the ex-boyfriend whom you took and kissed in your dream? In reality, you will surprise yourself and do something that you did not dare to do before. Perhaps overcome some fear, step over yourself, you can do more than you thought. The main thing is that this act is for the good and you do not regret it after.

Did you have a quarrel with someone with whom you were once close and broke up? The dream interpretation assures that this promises good changes and the arrival of a new, bright life streak, especially on the personal front. Expect favorable changes!

If you abandoned him in your dreams, an acute desire appeared in your subconscious to change something decisively. It's time, don't you think? Some decisive step that you do not dare to take can open the door to a happy new future for you. Think it over and do what you must. You create your own happiness.

Write a letter! It is not necessary to send it, the act itself is important. Write what you are grateful for past relationships, what they gave you and what they taught you, thank you, ask for forgiveness for your mistakes and forgive.

Your future will be new and bright!

In order to find out in detail what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of, one should remember and take into account his actions that were in a dream.

  • Kiss you? In reality, you will be surprised. This dream portends a pleasant surprise that you do not expect.
  • If he confesses his love to you in dreams, someone will greatly surprise you. A surprise is being prepared for you: perhaps an incredible offer or a wonderful gift!
  • Did you see that he returned to you or wants to do it? You need novelty and you should think about what changes to enrich your life in reality.
  • Don't be scared if he's dreaming. This is a wonderful sign that promises you personally happiness in love.
  • When he scolded you and offended you in every possible way, then in reality he remembers you, respects you, considers you a good and smart girl, the memory of you is only the best.
  • Does your ex hug you in your sleep? You have good, kind relationships on the astral level, and you could even become friends.

By days

In such important dreams, it is important to consider everything, including when exactly everything was dreamed.

1. If a former lover showed up in a dream from Monday to Tuesday, this may be advice. Also, such a dream indicates your desires and thoughts, indicates in which direction it is better to move, what is better to do.

2. A dream about an ex from Tuesday to Wednesday is, rather, a dream about him, and not about you. Probably, these dreams show what state he is in. Maybe he remembers you or even needs to communicate with you, help, support.

3. If you dreamed of him from Wednesday to Thursday, then there is a hint of the future. Dreams during this period indicate opportunities and prospects, and if the dream book gives advice, then it is especially important. Listen!

4. It is important if the dream about the ex-boyfriend fell from Thursday to Friday. This period is famous for the fact that such dreams are often fateful. You should not assume that the plot of the dream will come true exactly. Just interpret it very carefully, read the dream book and analyze very well what it describes. It is important!

5. From Friday to Saturday, a dream about an ex-boyfriend indicates that you should change or limit yourself in what. The dream book will show that you need to show strength and will, to refrain from something, or, on the contrary, to perform an important, but difficult action.

6. From Saturday to Sunday, dreams will show what will bring you happiness. If this is, for example, a surprise, it will change life for the better, if the meeting is not simple, but fateful and happy.

7. Did you dream about him from Sunday to Monday? It reflects your thoughts, fantasies and state of mind, not events that are coming in the future.

Such dreams are rare for some, but for others they are a constant, habitual phenomenon. Remember one thing: living people often come to us in dreams at night, because we think about them or, on the contrary, hide them in the subconscious, not allowing ourselves to think properly. Be wise, build your present, and don't live in the past.

Dreams with former lovers are considered one of the most vivid and memorable. A person who has recently been an important part of our lives is not so easy to throw out of the heart. Former passions appear in a dream for a long time, reminding us of past happy times. Sometimes they dream more often than we would like. How can one explain the frequent "visits" of an ex-boyfriend in a dream, and what is the reason for such persistence? In order to “decipher” such a dream as thoroughly as possible, we turn to dream books for help.

The meaning of a dream in dream books

If the ex-boyfriend is dreaming very often, this may be evidence that you want to return your past love, although you don’t even admit it to yourself. But not everything is so clear. Be sure to pay attention to the details of the dream.


Dreams involving a former lover do not always reflect the events associated with this person. Perhaps such night visions refer to the man who is on this moment you are not indifferent. For some reason, you are the first one who does not dare to tell him about it, and the dream with the former partner, as it were, “projects” your past relationship onto the new lover. In addition, you need to try to remember your emotional mood after waking up. If the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, most likely, the relationship with the former partner could not be called exemplary, and your subconscious in this way betrays your fears about a new love.

What else could such a dream dream of? According to the dream book, if the ex-boyfriend has returned and you are happy with him again, expect an event that will greatly surprise you. Parting with an ex-boyfriend in a dream promises a meeting with him in reality, but nothing good should be expected from this “excursion into the past”.


In the interpreter of the Bulgarian seer former lovers represent a barrier pulling you back. The past must be left in the past and never returned to it, so as not to complicate your life.

The man with whom you were once happy is dreaming of problems in your current relationship or disagreements with family and friends. There is a possibility that you want to return your former passion, but do not consider it possible to do this due to moral principles. If you dream that you are very happy with a former young man, this may be evidence of your readiness to enter into a new relationship.


An Austrian psychoanalyst believed that dreams with former lovers portend problems in personal life. If such dreams take place, then you have not completely "let go" of your former love. Naturally, longing for the past is reflected in your words and actions, and your loved one may not like it very much.

An intimate relationship in night dreams with a person you once loved testifies to your hidden sexual fantasies. A quarrel with a former lover in a dream speaks of your dissatisfaction with the current situation. Perhaps your man is very jealous of you for his predecessor, thereby causing quite justified anger at him.

Women's dream book

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream- try to get back in touch. If you broke up on your own initiative, such dreams may be the result of worries about the correctness of your act. If the boyfriend was the initiator of the breakup, it is likely that your subconscious mind compensates for the lack of real contact with your lover through such a dream. In this case, the dream book advises you to start a new relationship as soon as possible so as not to become a "hostage" of your feelings for a person to whom you are indifferent.

Thus, the dream books are almost unanimous in their opinion: the former young man appears in a dream if you have not yet fully realized the fact of breaking your connection or want to return the relationship. Only your heart knows what to do, but do not be humiliated and do not beg the guy to return. If he does not want this, then the past should be left in the past in order to start moving forward. Don't forget about it!

Actions in a dream

If in a dream you not only see the object of your former passion, but also observe his actions or make contact with him, try to remember the details for a more correct interpretation. So, how was your relationship?

And finally, if the former young man comes to you in night dreams every night, you should not ignore this dream. Recurring dreams can be prophetic! Perhaps your ex-boyfriend is in a difficult situation, or he is in danger, and thus he asks you for help. Contact him to clarify the circumstances in any convenient way. If the "alarm" turned out to be false, just politely apologize. It's better than being indifferent to other people's problems.

What is dreaming ex-husband or guy? What does the dream in which the ex-husband is present mean?

If in a dream you see your ex-husband or boyfriend, in most cases, this indicates that you are passionate about the past. It often happens that past experiences do not leave even when you have a new relationship.

In some cases, you don't have to really relive the past every minute. In a dream, the subconscious turns on and it rolls out everything hidden that worries a person. In reality, you may feel dissatisfaction with life, and past relationships may be the reason.

  • Depending on the context in which the ex-husband or boyfriend is dreaming, different events can be interpreted. Moreover, the dream should not be taken literally. In each event in a dream, subtext is encrypted, which means something specific.
  • If a gentle kiss occurs in a dream, it means that in reality you will meet a big surprise. If the road of sleep led you to have sexual intercourse with an ex-boyfriend, expect trouble or conflict. If in a dream you quarreled and swore, you can hope for a new romantic relationship with another person.
  • Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the environment and the events that occur. Meeting with an ex-boyfriend or husband in a dream may mean that in the near future you will commit a frivolous act that you will regret.
  • If in a dream a person from a past relationship shows a feeling of love and tenderness to you, you should prepare for unpleasant surprises. Such emotions from the past do not bring anything positive.

The girl is sleeping

After a dream that you remember well and accurately determine the place of your ex-boyfriend in it, you should carefully consider the current relationship. Perhaps you are comparing the past and the present, this can lead to a quarrel.

According to Freud, meeting with an ex-husband in a dream speaks of your fear of betrayal or betrayal. All the negative emotions on the part of the ex-boyfriend indicate that in reality he still appreciates and respects you.

Seeing ex-wife, girlfriend in a dream

An ex-wife or girlfriend most often dreams when a guy wants to return the old relationship, or people have some kind of understatement between themselves. It often happens that the one who breaks off the relationship first, then often sees the second person in a dream. This is due to the subconscious feeling of guilt that torments and comes in a dream.

If in a dream you meet an ex-girlfriend to whom you are friendly without tension, this is a sign to start a new relationship, which is likely to be successful. Often men dream ex-wife when they yearn for the elements of feminine care. In this case, the idea of ​​loneliness is clearly revealed, which requires the immediate construction of new relationships.

Relationship with an ex
  • If in dreams the ex-wife passes by and does not notice you, it should be understood that she really forgot you. Of course, he will find out on the street, but everything is finally and irrevocably over between you
  • If an ex-wife or girlfriend came to you in a pregnant dream, then your guilt before her is very great. Her current heavy psychological condition will improve a little if you apologize for everything you've done. Only this must be done sincerely and without ulterior motives.
  • If the ex-wife cries in a dream, then in reality everything is fine with her. But if at the same time she stares at you and calls to her, it may well be that she misses past relationships. However, it is quite possible that you are bored and want her to call you to her

Why dream of visiting an ex?

Despite the fact that the guy is an ex-husband or boyfriend, you still cannot let him go. Do you want to be with him or you build his image in a way that is more pleasant for you. Despite all the reasons for breaking up, you create his ideal look and want to return the relationship.

If in a dream you went to visit an ex-boyfriend or husband, it is important to understand that subconsciously you miss his attention. Even if in a dream a spark of romance or a loving relationship did not slip between you, and you communicated only as friends, you should not think that this is just an unconscious surge of memories.

Carefully study your condition, perhaps you need to overcome your pride and talk with this person in order to calmly and without quarrels finally let him out of your life. If you dreamed of his parents visiting your ex, most likely in reality they regret that their son broke up with such a girl. In a dream, they seem to apologize to you.

In a dream in which you are visiting an ex-boyfriend or husband, what you or he is doing at this moment is more important than the very fact of being at his house.

Why dream of beating an ex?

In a dream, only the woman who is offended by him can beat her ex-boyfriend or husband. At the same time, the irascibility and sharpness of character leads to such action. In reality, such a dream may mean that you should expect some unpleasant situations that will appear due to your character.

You won’t be able to change yourself instantly, but it’s worth considering, maybe it’s time to turn off your favorite bitchiness from the main arsenal that interacts with the outside world. Sleep symbolizes failure in past relationships, to a greater extent, because of your relationship with the guy.

How sad it is to admit, but fate hints to you that if you do not improve, a good and strong relationship in life you can not look for. This is especially true if the dream is repeated often, and the methods of influencing the guy are always different.

What is the dream of the former with another girl?

If an ex-boyfriend or husband is in a dream with another girl who looks like you, then he wants to renew a relationship with you. If the girl is not familiar to you, then soon you will establish your new relationship. The dream indicates that you are now not connected with your ex-boyfriend by any ties, everyone has their own life. This psychologically frees you and gives you the right to move forward easily.

If your ex-husband is arguing with his new girlfriend, then you still cannot forgive him for all the negativity that was between you. Perhaps he was the initiator of the breakup, and you are offended and angry with him. Try to treat the situation philosophically, the end of an old relationship is the beginning of a new life.

Dream Interpretation: ex-husband got married

This is a good and kind dream, which indicates that soon your fate will change dramatically in better side in terms of relationships. Your wedding, a new relationship or the birth of a child can be laid here.

In any case, the dream speaks of a new milestone in life, which finally came after the break with her ex-husband. He completely adjusts his life, and you become open and free. Now between you there should not be any negative, however, as well as positive emotions. Almost two strangers.

Fate gives you a small hint at the reason for the failure in a past marriage, try to comprehend it and understand that relationships depend on two people. It is in your power to change yourself and avoid the mistakes that were made in the past.

Dream Interpretation: former in a coffin

  • If in a dream you see your ex-boyfriend or husband in a coffin, then you have to overcome serious trials in life. The result of these tests will depend on you, but the likelihood of its success depends on the circumstances. This does not mean that the path will be easy, you may have to give up something expensive or lose something important.
  • You must believe that whatever is not done leads to better change. Another thing is if you have a dream in which your ex-husband or boyfriend has long been dead. This means that in reality you are in for serious troubles that are associated with past actions.
  • If in a dream, you see how your ex-husband or boyfriend is dying, then you will definitely pass all life's obstacles with your head held high. In any case, such a dream should make you more careful and prudent in life. You should abandon risky activities and spend the next few months as calmly and balanced as possible.

Dream Interpretation: the former asks for forgiveness

If in a dream the ex-husband asks for forgiveness, then your personal doubts about any event from the past are in vain. You don't have to worry about deciding important questions in reality, if in a dream you forgave a person. Forgiveness means making the right decision.

If in a dream you do not forgive your ex-husband or boyfriend, then in real life You will repent for some of your actions. Most often, such a dream is associated with new relationships, be attentive to the little things, they can tell a lot of useful things about what lies ahead for you.

If in a dream the husband rejoices that you have forgiven him, then your inner circle will soon receive a lot of joy after a long black streak in life. This condition will affect your personal well-being.

Dream Interpretation: quarrel with an ex-husband

If in a dream you quarrel with your ex-husband, then in real life you will make peace. Such dreams are usually dreamed of after a long quarrel or strained relationship, which is inevitable after a divorce. Reconciliation does not mean that you will become best friends, just now you will not feel a sense of rage at the sight of your ex-husband.

What does a dream say about an ex-boyfriend or husband: tips and reviews

  • After you wake up, without delay, try to reproduce the dream in great detail from memory.
  • Remember during the day everything that was in a dream.
  • Do not try to literally take everything that happens in a dream.
  • Your dreams speak more about your fate than about the fate of other people. Highlight your role in a dream.
  • Write down your dreams to create a trend. Some dreams have several "series".

Review: Olga, 32 years old

I dreamed that I was arguing a lot with my ex-husband. In a dream on the basis of a quarrel, I hated him very much. The subject of the quarrel was our son. It’s hard to remember exactly all the details of the dream, but I woke up very upset. In reality, everything turned out to be quite the opposite. For his son's birthday, the ex-husband came and congratulated him, they had a very good time together. We did not quarrel, but talked like old friends.

Video: Why is the ex-husband dreaming?

Why is the former dreaming? The regular appearance of this character in a dream indicates the incompleteness of karmic relationships and a connection invisible in real life (common children, friends, etc.). A single occurrence indicates future changes. Dream Interpretations will help you understand the interpretation of sleep.

Miller's dream book tells

If you had a dream about the former, then try to take a critical look at own life and change behavior, priorities, established opinion.

In a dream, the former appeared in the distance? Surrounding in every possible way will interfere with your harmonious relations. The worst thing is to see the former in the company of an unfamiliar girl. This means that in reality a long period of failures and misadventures is approaching.

Explains the collection of dream books

Why dream if you managed to quarrel in a dream with an ex? The dream book is sure that in reality the current chosen one completely trusts you, but you shamelessly use it. The same plot promises minor family troubles.

I dreamed. that the former was very affectionate? Get ready for a major domestic scandal. If at night the former suddenly left you, then in reality the current romantic relationship will reach its peak and move to a new level.

If the former appeared sick or tired in a dream, then the dream book is sure that someone close to him will get sick. If he was cheerful and happy, then get ready for fantastic prospects and general well-being.

English dream book hint

Why is the former dreaming? The dream interpretation believes that the wish made will not come true in the near future. Had a dream that you love your ex a lot? In reality, a wave of depression and apathy for everything will literally cover. At the same time, you will get rid of non-essential desires and gain true purpose.

In a dream, a former, but already deceased lover appeared, who mockingly joked and smiled? Soon, loneliness will be replaced by a stormy romance, and possibly a completely successful marriage.

Opinion of a children's dream book

I dreamed that you congratulated your ex on his birthday or some kind of holiday? In reality, do a noble deed. If the former gave something in a dream, then you will gain good health, cloudless happiness and stable prosperity.

In general, the dream book advises to pay special attention to the recurring visions in which the former lover appears, and to follow further events. This will allow you to have a clear forecast for the near future.

What does the dream book of the spouses Winter think

Why is the former dreaming? In a dream, this is a clear indication of some feelings or problems that it is high time to get rid of. If you had a dream about the former, then some important events will soon become irrelevant for you, since a completely different streak will begin in life.

In your dreams, your ex was chasing you and you couldn’t get rid of him? Past events or memories haunt you and prevent you from living fully. Forget about what happened, start life from scratch and you will be happy.

What is the dream of the ex-husband, lover, guy who broke up a long time ago

If you had a dream about a former lover, then in real life you are clearly thinking about treason. This is also an indication that circumstances will turn out in the most successful way and you will get the opportunity to realize your plans. How you do it is up to you.

Did your ex-husband show up in a dream? Pay attention to the current relationship: everything is not so smooth in them. In addition, the existing chosen one may have trouble at work.

Even worse, if the former spouse seemed unpleasant to you. This is a clear indication of dissatisfaction in the present life. Did you happen to see a guy with whom you broke up a long time ago? In real life, you miss your chance.

I dreamed that the former was an alcoholic

Why dream that the former became an alcoholic in a dream? In reality, be prepared for some kind of trouble or major trouble. If you drank alcohol with a former, then you will have to build relationships with a person who is extremely unpleasant for you. It is also an omen that someone or something will have to obey against their will. Had a dream that you brought a completely drunk man to life? A happy event is coming.

What does it mean if the former is sick, healthy

Did you happen to see the former sick and tired? There is a chance that someone close to you will get sick. A sick ex may appear in a dream to disappointment. Sometimes this means that your current partner is about to cheat on you. If the former looked sickly, then get ready for lack of money and trouble.

What is the dream of a satisfied and quite healthy man? A particularly happy and successful period is coming. The excellent mood of the former indicates prosperity and a rather large, but strictly successful acquisition.

Why in a dream the former returned, calls

Had a dream that the former returned? Expect good changes in all areas of life. The return of the former in a dream is also interpreted as an awareness of past mistakes. You will finally understand what you were wrong about and will be able to correct your destiny.

Why do you dream that, to your great surprise, your former lover has returned? You have started some business, but you are terribly doubtful that you will be able to bring it “to mind”. If the ex suddenly called in a dream, you will soon receive shocking news.

What does the deceased ex symbolize or died

Why dream that the former died? In reality, he probably just got married. If a person who is still alive has died, then in reality a calm life stage awaits him. Very rarely, the interpretation of a dream is direct and indicates its demise. Had a dream that the former died, although in reality he is definitely alive? You are very much afraid of something. Stop thinking about the bad, otherwise you will attract real trouble.

Did a dead person appear in the night? Be prepared for bad changes: troubles will happen literally out of the blue. In general, if you happen to see a deceased person, then try to give such a vision as much as possible exact decoding and remember everything he said.

Former in a dream - other transcripts

To interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account as many details as possible of what happened in a dream. And first you need to identify the identity of the former.

  • friend - the past will remind of itself
  • son-in-law - quarrel with relatives
  • director - fear, worries
  • colleague - trouble
  • lover - dissatisfaction
  • enemy - difficulties
  • former cheerful - good news, pleasant events
  • sad - sadness from separation
  • angry - anxiety, difficulties
  • paralyzed - uncertainty
  • stands at the top - the fulfillment of the desired, dreams
  • below - you have to sacrifice something
  • goes ahead - someone will leave forever
  • behind - the past will catch up with you
  • chasing with an ax - a long trip
  • calling - notification
  • jealous - quarrels, conflicts
  • loves - happiness, harmony
  • gives something - profit
  • enters the house - wealth
  • sticks - big money or, conversely, trouble
  • parting with the former - acquaintance, new love
  • fight with him - reconciliation in the family
  • help - get help
  • quarrel - disease
  • talk - important news
  • give something - loss
  • fall in love again - vicious thoughts
  • sleep - trouble

Dreamed of a portrait or photo of the former? In real life, get help in the form of advice. If in a dream you left him forever, then in reality you can get new sensations and hitherto unknown impressions.

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