Beautiful serving of caviar on the table. With what to serve red caviar on the festive table. How to make Easy Cream Cheese Sandwiches

For earthworks 16.08.2020
For earthworks

Sturgeon caviar is valued on the world market. It is considered an elite product. Of course, black caviar also belongs to such food. It can be granular and pressed. It is mined mainly in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, as well as in the Danube and the Caspian Sea.

Black caviar

This product is very useful in any form, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and various amino acids that have a positive effect on human health.

Some wonder what caviar is made from. It is extracted from sturgeon fish, these are their eggs. There are several types of stages of caviar maturity, and in general there are six of them. Eggs from the fourth stage are put up for sale. They are already ripe and perfect for eating. Beluga caviar is considered the most popular and at the same time expensive. Not everyone can afford this product due to its cost. Sturgeon caviar has a golden color. It is quite large in size and has an excellent aroma of the sea.


Proven by many scientists. It is recommended for adults and children. For people who are on a diet, this type of product is also recommended. It has a large amount of protein. For people suffering gastrointestinal diseases, it is also useful. Black caviar contains a lot of vitamins.

When eaten, the body is saturated with useful trace elements. Fish caviar has a positive effect on brain function and improves blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. This product significantly improves memory and promotes the release of excess fluid from the body. Natural black caviar can be given to children from three summer age. This product is simply necessary for a growing organism. He will feed him useful vitamins and minerals. And ascorbic acid, which is present in this product, will help improve immunity and energize. For schoolchildren, caviar will help strengthen mental strength. It is not recommended to use it in large quantities, as it contains a large amount of natural salt. For people with chronic kidney disease, it is necessary to use the product in small doses so as not to cause an exacerbation of the disease.

The price of black caviar. How much does the product cost?

The prices are, of course, overpriced. But the exact cost depends on the variety and fish. You can also run into a product of a low-quality manufacturer or with chemical additives that are hazardous to health. In general, when choosing caviar, and especially black caviar, you need to understand and beware of fakes. For example, sturgeon eggs are sold only in tin and glass jars. To assess their quality, caviar must be shaken.

If the caviar "dangles", then this is not a suitable product for eating. Many are wondering how to choose the right black caviar. It is also worth considering the price. Good is never low. The price per kilo ranges from 40 to 90 thousand rubles, below it is considered either a fake or with the addition of chemicals. Also, caviar must be certified and meet all state standards. Many people think that the product should be deep black, but it is not. Light brown caviar is also valued, so who knows, he makes the right choice when buying.

Serving black caviar: features

How to properly serve black caviar? Many people ask this question when it comes to serving. It is worth putting this delicacy in a caviar bowl. It should be put on the table and a silver spoon should be placed next to it. Or put on a plate in the form of an oblong rectangle and decorate the edges with herbs, it is better to use parsley. You can also decorate with a lemon, which should be cut into thin slices and carefully laid out along the entire plate. Another option would be to serve black caviar in tartlets. You need to choose them very small and decorate with a slice of butter, and put greens on top.

Meal and serving ideas

How to eat black caviar and serve? You can also use round chips, you can grease the bottom with curd cheese, and carefully lay black caviar on top and decorate with herbs. Then it should be served on the table in a beautiful design.

Many people prefer to combine caviar with pancakes. It makes for a tasty and satisfying snack. For cooking, it is recommended to bake thin pancakes, they can either be stuffed or decorated with caviar on top. You can use quail eggs. They are small in size and will fit the festive table in an original way. It is necessary to cut them in half and stuff them with black caviar. Guests will be delighted with such an idea and appreciate the result. You can also serve the usual snack in the form of sandwiches. The baguette should be cut, you can grease with butter and decorate with caviar on top. You can also use parsley. There are many various ways how to properly serve black caviar. The exact choice of option depends on the holiday, the number of invited people and, of course, the imagination of everyone who prepares this delicacy.

Proper use of the product

How to eat black caviar? Our people are accustomed to eating caviar with spoons and drinking vodka, as they did before.

But times have changed and so have prices. Caviar must be eaten with a silver spoon, as it does not combine with other materials and causes an unpleasant aftertaste. How to eat caviar? This delicacy does not require additions to other products. Caviar goes well with warm toast from white bread with butter.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to eat black caviar. We examined the features of use. In general, such a delicacy as black caviar is ideal for any celebration. It is considered not only delicious product but also very beneficial for human health.

Many people know how to eat black caviar correctly and come up with new options for serving this delicacy. This delicacy is revered in our country and abroad. There he is considered a treasure trove useful substances from the depths of the seas. Of course, there is never a lot of caviar, especially black, but it should be consumed in moderation. Then it will replenish your body essential minerals, which will only benefit health. It is also recommended for children from the age of three in its pure form to strengthen immunity and satiety. essential vitamins. But you should carefully choose this product and beware of fakes.

For any holiday, red and black caviar is served as a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

However, simply spreading sandwiches with butter and spreading caviar on top is too banal.

This article will offer several options for the spectacular serving of caviar on the festive table.

Bourgeois variant.

No butter, more caviar - this is the slogan of this serving.

Pringles chips are laid out on a flat dish with a fan, these chips have an even and beautiful appearance. Caviar is laid on top of each chip and decorated with a beautiful sprig of greenery, sticking it like a flag into the top of the caviar mountain. A little secret - the caviar quickly soaks the chips, they lose their crunchiness, so this serving is good just before the feast, so that the dish does not have time to stand.

Option Life is good.

Such a serving of caviar is a real holiday, because it guarantees beauty and generosity to the solemn table.

Any fish or seafood salad is decorated on top with islands of red and black caviar interspersed. If black sturgeon caviar cannot be bought due to its high cost or lack of availability on local shelves, it can be replaced with halibut black caviar. The taste is not the same, but the desired effect will be achieved.

Variant Greek

so named not because caviar is thrown in this southern country, but because they take pieces of Feta cheese, an original Greek product, as the basis for caviar delusions.

A flat dish is lined with clean and dried green lettuce leaves. Pieces of feta cheese are laid out on top of them, not necessarily evenly cut. Artistic negligence will add zest to the dish. For each piece of cheese, caviar is laid out in a pea and lightly pressed down with a crumb of cheese on top. Lettuce greens, feta whiteness and caviar ruby ​​​​make such a dish a real haute couture still life.

Option Cracker

fast and economical.

A small piece of butter is placed on round or square salted crackers and a spoonful of caviar is placed on top.

The oil prevents the caviar from soaking the crackers quickly, but you should not cook this snack in advance. You can decorate such a serving of caviar in different ways: with a butter rosette (cut a flower from the middle of frozen butter with a sharp knife), sprigs of greens, green peas, slice of avocado or lemon. The most important thing in this design is beauty and tact.

Russian variant

What Russian does not like pancakes!

Yes, even with caviar. For this option, you need to bake a slide of pancakes according to your favorite recipe and roll them up with a tube, stuff caviar from one edge, if there is a lot of it, fill the whole pancake with delicious contents. You can arrange the pancakes in portions and put a spoonful of caviar and sour cream on top. You can experiment with pancakes in any way you like. A task with two well-known ones - pancakes and caviar, everything else is a matter of taste and imagination.

Option Snegurochka.

Cut the stems of petiole celery into thin long plates and lay them on a flat surface, cover with cling film, put in the freezer for 5 hours. When serving, place a spoonful of black or red caviar on one side of each ice stick. Exciting taste!

Restaurant option.

Therefore, in the traditional way for many restaurants, caviar is served on halves of boiled eggs, in shortbread or puff baskets, profiteroles, vol-au-vents or on tartlets.

For such a serving, all these components are needed, they can be prepared independently or bought at the nearest supermarket.

Spring variant.

Caviar according to this method is served on a piece of cucumber.

A long-fruited cucumber is cut lengthwise into two parts and each is cut into several more portioned pieces. Each portion of the cucumber is pre-processed - a thin cut is made along not completely and this piece is wrapped like a sail, fastened with a toothpick. Caviar is laid out in a vacant place. The freshness of the cucumber and the saltiness of the caviar complement each other.

Stuffed variant.

Anything can be stuffed with caviar, within reasonable limits.

Half an avocado, a small boiled potato, tomatoes, slices of fried zucchini and even lemons are perfect for a delicious stuffing with fish caviar.

Option Generous.

The richest option for serving caviar is when a large barrel of this luxury is placed on the table and each guest is given a large spoon in their hands. If one spoon less than the guests is deliberately put into this barrel by the master's hand, such eating can turn into a humane holiday fun. Sometimes it happens…

Zhanna Pyatirikova

Making simple sandwiches with red caviar is a matter of minutes, here you don’t even need a recipe. He cut off the bread, smeared butter on it and laid out the eggs. Done, you can eat. Tasty, fast, satisfying, but not very festive, you see. But if you brown the bread beforehand, you don’t just apply the oil, but deposit it with a curly nozzle or completely replace it with soft cheese, decorate the sandwiches with greens on top - it’s a completely different matter. It will be not only tastier, but also more elegant - an original decoration of the festive table will come out, no matter what occasion it is going to. There are not so many recipes for such sandwiches, because this dish is extremely simple. But if you show imagination and arm yourself with photo examples for inspiration, you can come up with very interesting variations of snacks.

Delicious options are obtained with the addition of avocado, cucumber, curd cheese, lightly salted or smoked salmon. Instead of bread, you can use unsweetened crunchy biscuits (crackers), tartlets, puff pastry turrets, and even potato chips.

Beautiful sandwiches with caviar and fresh herbs for any holiday table

Ingredients for 10 pieces:

  • fresh loaf or toast bread - 10 slices;
  • red caviar - 10 tsp;
  • butter(unsalted) - 100-120 g;
  • dill greens - a bunch;
  • creamy curd cheese - 10 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices. It is convenient to make sandwiches from a loaf cut in production. Cut out circles from bread slices with a mug or glass, if necessary, correct the shape with a knife. You can leave the slices whole, but a round appetizer looks more interesting, especially if it is being prepared for the holiday.

    Cut the butter into small pieces and put on the table so that it softens. Chop the dill with a knife.

    Grease the sides of each bread blank with a thin layer of butter and roll in chopped greens.

  2. Cover the top with cream cheese (you can use fish spread instead).
  3. Put caviar on one edge - about 1 tsp each, you can have more, as you like.
  4. Place the remaining oil in a pastry bag fitted with a piping tip. Pour a little oil into the free space.

  6. If desired, you can decorate with small slices of lemon, slices of cucumber, pitted olives.

Sandwiches with red caviar, egg, cheese and butter for breakfast

Required ingredients (for 2-3 persons):

  • wheat bread for toast - 4-6 slices;
  • caviar of chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon - in an arbitrary proportion;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs. (Category C-1);
  • butter - 80 g;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • fresh herbs (parsley, onion, dill) - a small bunch;
  • lemon - 1 circle (for decoration).

Cooking method:

  1. Hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel, grate on a fine grater.
  2. Also finely grate the cheese.
  3. Wash greens, dry, chop.
  4. Soften the butter in the microwave or remove it from the refrigerator in advance so that it thaws naturally. Add chopped herbs to it, mix.
  5. Cut the slices of bread in half (optional), brush with a thin layer of butter, put in a pan (greased side down), fry until golden brown.
  6. Place bread (crust side up) on a plate. Apply a thin layer of oil with herbs. Spread grated cheese and egg on top.
  7. It remains to carefully lay out the main ingredient and decorate the appetizer with small pieces of lemon.

The most delicious and simple sandwiches with caviar and salmon (red fish)

For cooking you will need:

  • white bread (loaf) - 5 large slices;
  • slightly salted salmon (or other red fish) - 200 g (fillet);
  • red caviar - 1 small jar (140 g);
  • butter - 100-120 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - for decoration.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator until it becomes soft. Then transfer to a deep bowl, mash with a fork. Scald the lemon with boiling water, use a fine grater to remove the zest from it (the top, colored layer of the peel), add about 1 tsp. into oil. Pour 2 tbsp there. l. juice. Mix well.
  2. Fish (without skin and bones) cut into thin slices.
  3. Cut the bread in half diagonally, spread lemon oil on it.
  4. Place 1-2 pieces of fish on top.
  5. Distribute a little caviar over the salmon.
  6. It remains to decorate the sandwiches with parsley leaves and serve.

Delicious, simple, fast and beautiful.

How to make simple cream cheese sandwiches?

List of required products:

  • baguette (loaf, bread) - 6 slices;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 30 ml;
  • red caviar - 5-6 tsp;
  • curd cream cheese - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • green onions - a few feathers (for decoration).

Step by step cooking procedure:

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices, and then cut out figures from it using cookie cutters. You can choose any shape you like - stars, hearts, rhombuses, flowers, etc.
  2. Brown the resulting blanks on one side in well-heated oil. Instead of vegetable, you can take creamy.
  3. Cool the toasted bread, remove excess oil from the surface with paper napkins. Put the croutons on a dish. On the fried side, put a spoonful of cottage cheese and cream cheese. For piquancy, you can add half a clove of garlic and a little chopped greens to it. You can also use topped cheese if you like.
  4. Arrange the eggs in a pile on top of the cheese.
  5. Garnish with thin green onion stalks. It is advisable to serve the appetizer no later than 30 minutes later so that the bread remains crispy.

Original appetizer with boiled shrimp on a long loaf

List of components:

  • loaf - 200 g (8-10 slices);
  • cream cheese (without additives) - 100 g;
  • salmon caviar - 70-100 g;
  • unsalted butter - 30-50 g;
  • fresh dill - 30-40 g;
  • shrimp (canned or boiled-frozen) - 8-10 pcs.

How will we cook:

  1. Thinly slice the loaf and cut off the crusts from it. If desired, cut out circles from the crumb. Put the prepared loaf in a frying pan, greased with a thin layer of oil, and brown it on both sides.
  2. Soften the butter, apply it on the sides of the loaf.
  3. Finely chop the dill (it must be dry before slicing!), roll the greased sides of bread in it.
  4. On one side of the loaf, put curd cheese with a creamy taste. It is better to use the product without additives so that it does not drown out the taste of seafood.
  5. Lay caviar on top.
  6. If necessary, defrost and peel the shrimps, warm them up by throwing them into boiling water for 20 seconds, and dry them. If the shrimp are canned, that is, ready to eat, you just need to remove the remnants of the marinade from them with a napkin. Decorate the dish with prepared shrimp.

Avocado Paste Sandwiches - Step by Step Recipe

To prepare 4 servings, you need to take:

  • avocado - 1 pc. (ripe, soft);
  • red caviar -100-120 g;
  • rye bread - 4 slices;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a small pinch;
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel the avocado, cut in half, remove the pit. Coarsely chop the avocado pulp, put in a bowl. Mash with a fork so that a somewhat heterogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Add lemon juice, salt, pepper, mix the mass.
  3. Arrange avocado on neatly sliced ​​bread.
  4. Spread the caviar on top. Done, you can eat!

Recipe with red (salmon) and black caviar - guests will be delighted

For cooking you will need:

  • wheat bread (loaf) - 200 g;
  • red and black caviar - 50 g each;
  • butter - 80-100 g;
  • lemon - 2 circles, for decoration (optional).

Detailed recipe:

  1. Cut the bread into slices about 2 cm thick. If desired, you can dry it in a pan without oil or fry it in a small amount of butter (on one side) until crispy.
  2. In order for the oil to be applied more evenly and easily, it must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up and becomes soft. Lubricate the bread with a not very thick layer of butter. By the way, to get a more interesting taste, it can be replaced with curd cheese without additives.
  3. Visually divide each bread slice into 2 parts (diagonally). Put red caviar on one, and fill the other half with a layer of black.
  4. Sandwiches are almost ready, it remains only to decorate them with parsley or dill. You can also arrange a snack with a lemon, cutting off the peel from it, cutting it into small thin segments.

How to cook and decorate sandwiches with fish, cheese and cucumber?

A set of products for 8-10 servings:

  • salmon granular caviar - 140 g (1 jar);
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc. (long);
  • chicken egg - 1 pc. (choice);
  • processed cheese (can be replaced with hard cheese) - 90-100 g;
  • slightly salted (smoked) red fish - 150-200 g;
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • loaf - 8-10 pieces.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Fish and cucumber (can be pre-peeled to make the texture of the snack more tender) cut into small cubes.
  2. Cheese grate on a fine grater. If you do not want to use processed cheese, you can take hard or replace it with soft cream cheese (then mayonnaise can be omitted).
  3. Hard boil the egg and also finely grate.
  4. Mix all the chopped ingredients, add a little mayonnaise, if necessary - a little salt (you should take into account the salinity of the ingredients). Spread the resulting mixture on a loaf.
  5. Place a spoonful of caviar on top. Everything, you can take the first test!

Sandwiches with egg and lettuce - simple and tasty

A set of ingredients:

  • baguette (loaf);
  • leaf salad;
  • chicken eggs;
  • butter;
  • Red caviar;
  • fresh dill.

How will we make a snack:

  1. The number of ingredients is approximate. The recipe is very simple, so cooking snacks is not difficult even without the exact proportions. Eggs need to be boiled to a "cool" state. In order for the yolk to cook, but not become greenish-bluish, you need to boil the eggs for 7-9 minutes from the moment of boiling (cooking time depends on the size). Cool the finished eggs in ice water, peel, carefully cut into longitudinal slices no more than 5 mm thick.
  2. Wash lettuce, dry, cut or tear with your hands into large pieces. Ideally, their size should match the size of the baguette slices.
  3. Brush moderately thinly sliced ​​bread with butter. To make it crumble, you need to get it out of the cold in advance. Warm oil will lay flat.
  4. Place a piece of lettuce on top.
  5. Then - on a plate of boiled eggs.
  6. On the yolk, put the caviar in a neat slide.
  7. Decorate with small sprigs of dill.

Inexpensive sandwiches with melted cheese, dill and imitated caviar

Would need:

  • baguette - 1 pc.;
  • soft processed cheese (like "Yantar") - 200 g;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • simulated red caviar - 150 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the bread thin enough, no more than 2-2.5 cm thick. It is not necessary to use a baguette, a regular loaf or bread made from wheat flour will do.
  2. Finely chop the washed and dried dill.
  3. Brush the bread with soft melted cheese (this is usually sold in plastic containers, not in briquettes).
  4. Sprinkle with dill.
  5. Put the caviar in the last layer. Delicious and inexpensive snack is ready.

Lean option without oil - a classic recipe with cod liver

The ingredients you will need are the following:

  • bread (wheat, whole grain, rye - to choose from) - 8 slices;
  • cod liver canned in oil - 120-150 g;
  • red caviar (chum salmon, pink salmon or other) - 8 tsp;
  • fresh cucumber - half a large one;
  • lemon - a pair of thin circles;
  • dill or other greens - for decoration.

Step by step cooking method:

  1. Any cod liver can be used - in pieces or in the form of a pate (in Murmansk style), but it is important that butter is not used in the product, otherwise the dish will not be lean. Remove the liver from the oil and mash it with a fork until smooth. If the consistency comes out dry, you can add a little vegetable oil from canned food.
  2. Cut the bread thinly enough, the pieces should turn out to be a standard "sandwich" thickness. If desired, dry the slices in the oven or in a dry frying pan until crisp.
  3. Spread cod liver pate on bread.
  4. Cut the cucumber into thin slices, placing the knife a little obliquely so that not circles, but ovals are obtained. Put the cucumber on the liver.
  5. Next, lay out the caviar - the type and quantity of the product - at your discretion.
  6. Garnish with thin small lemon slices and dill.

Diet sandwiches with salmon (red) caviar - PP recipe (proper nutrition)

Ingredients of the dish:

  • rye bread (or whole grain) - 3 slices;
  • granular caviar, salmon - 60 g;
  • celery greens - a few leaves.

Cooking steps:

  1. If a festive serving is planned, cut out figures from bread using cookie cutters (you decide which ones). For an everyday table, you can make sandwiches from whole slices of bread.
  2. Distribute the caviar over the blanks.
  3. By the way, you can spread avocado pate on bread as the first layer - the appetizer will turn out to be more juicy and interesting in taste, but this will add a few calories.
  4. Decorate the dish with celery leaves. If you do not like this vegetable, choose a different kind of greens.

Crispy Cracker Sandwiches Recipe - Unusual Design

What to take:

  • unsweetened crackers - 10 pcs.;
  • curd cheese without fillers, with a creamy taste - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • pink salmon caviar -5 tsp;
  • green onions and dill - for decoration.

How to cook - step by step:

  1. Spread cheese on crackers. To make the appetizer look more festive, the mass can be deposited using a pastry bag with a curly nozzle.
  2. Put caviar on top - about half a spoon for each cracker.
  3. For decoration, use small sprigs of dill and thin feathers of green onions. Serve on a large flat dish.

Sandwiches with pink salmon caviar in shortbread tartlets - a beautiful appetizer serving for the holiday

For cooking you will need:

  • tartlets (sand or waffle) - 10 pcs.;
  • cream cheese - 250-300 g;
  • pitted olives - 5 pcs.;
  • red caviar (any) - 5 tsp;
  • cucumber - 1 pc. (small);
  • slightly salted red fish, shrimp (optional) - 250 g.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel the cucumber, cut into small cubes.
  2. Peel shrimp, if they are raw - boil in salted water with spices, cool. Chop with a knife. You can use only fish or only shrimp, or you can take both products - the taste will be more intense.
  3. Fish fillet (if necessary), cut in the same way as a cucumber.
  4. Mix cucumber, fish, shrimp. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. cheese, stir.
  5. Fill the tartlets with the resulting mass. With the help of a culinary syringe or a bag, deposit the remaining cream cheese on top.
  6. Decorate the appetizer with caviar and halves of olives.

It is better to serve the finished snack immediately so that the tartlets do not get wet.

Yeast-free puff pastry vol-au-vents - small sandwiches

A set of ingredients for 6-8 pieces:

  • puff yeast-free dough - 250 g;
  • butter - 3-4 tsp;
  • red caviar - 6-8 tsp;
  • egg yolk - for greasing the dough.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost the dough, roll out a little. Cut out circles of small diameter from it.
  2. From half of the resulting round blanks, make rings by cutting round holes of a smaller diameter inside.
  3. Put a ring on each circle, fastening them together with egg yolk. Brush the top with yolk as well. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until cooked (15-20 minutes).
  4. Ready flounces to cool. Put butter on the bottom.
  5. Fill with eggs.
  6. Instead of butter, you can use salmon mousse or cream cheese.

How to decorate and serve sandwiches beautifully - interesting decoration options

A few examples of the design and presentation of sandwiches with red caviar for inspiration.

Caviar, black and especially red, has become an everyday dish for many. But even many of these lucky ones cannot imagine a holiday without caviar. And what can we say about those for whom salmon caviar on a weekday is a luxury. Although caviar is not a shortage, it is still considered a delicacy that can decorate any, even the most luxurious table. And if you try, you can surprise guests not with caviar itself, but with its original presentation. So,

Sandwiches with red and black caviar

The most familiar and traditional way of serving caviar is sandwiches. Classical sandwich with caviar : a slice of a white loaf is spread with butter, caviar is placed on top with a thin layer. However, even something as simple as sandwiches with caviar, can be diversified.

Firstly, instead of a fresh soft loaf, you can take crispy toast or toasted slices of bread (croutons).

Secondly, instead of butter, you can use heavy cream as a “substrate” for caviar - they are not as fatty as butter, so you can take more of them. Cream, by the way, can be tinted with juice of fresh herbs or carrots. And if you grind, for example, tuna with cream, you get the most delicate fish paste as a substrate for caviar. Another option: grind the cream with cottage cheese, salt and herbs. Almette-type curd cheese is also suitable.

Thirdly, you can get creative with the shape of bread slices by cutting the loaf into hearts, circles, triangles, etc.

And fourthly, it’s worth conjuring up decorating sandwiches with caviar. Often sandwiches with red and black caviar decorate with lemon (this is also a very tasty combination), olives, herbs. The taste of caviar goes well with the taste of fresh and lightly salted cucumbers, while cucumber circles will enliven the sandwich.

You can add a caviar sandwich with a strip of omelette or even a whole fried egg - eggs with caviar, as you know, make up a completely harmonious tandem. can be made high - two or three layers. At the same time, the sides should be smeared with oil and sprinkled with plenty of herbs - it turns out bright and beautiful. A layer between slices of a loaf can be, for example, red fish or herring oil.

Caviar on crackers. You can serve caviar in the form of small sandwiches, but do without bread, replacing it, for example, with unsweetened crackers. As a substrate for caviar, you can use this cream: take equal amounts of softened butter and Almette-type curd cheese, add curry to taste, mix thoroughly. Lubricate the crackers with cream, put a teaspoon of red or black caviar on top - both beautiful and tasty! True, you need to leave such mini-sandwiches for at least an hour to soak, and then serve them to the table.

Sandwiches are, of course, far from the only way to beautifully serve caviar to the festive table. There are various snacks with caviar- tasty and original.

How to serve caviar to the festive table? Prepare appetizers with caviar!

1. Tartlets with caviar: recipe. Tartlets are small baskets baked from shortcrust pastry. Tartlets are used just to beautifully, tasty and conveniently serve various snacks - usually cold. Including caviar.

A simple recipe for tartlets for salty snacks: take a pack of butter or creamy margarine (a pack, as a rule, has a mass of 200-250 grams), soften, add 3-5 full tablespoons of sour cream, an egg, a pinch of salt. Mix everything. Gradually add flour in small portions (you can add a little baking powder to the flour first), kneading the dough. The result should be not very soft, but plastic shortbread dough. After kneading the dough to a homogeneous consistency - so that it stops sticking to your hands and the table - you need to put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, covering the bowl with the dough with a lid so that it does not wind up.

After an hour or two, the dough is taken out, rolled out with a very thin layer. Then circles are cut out of the dough according to the size of the molds. Molds can be gently greased with a brush with vegetable or butter. Mugs are placed in molds, pressed against the bottom and walls, after which they are pierced in several places with a thin toothpick or fork. In order for the tartlet to retain its shape during baking, it is worth filling it with peas. After that, put the molds on a baking sheet - and in the oven. Tartlets are baked at a temperature of about 220 degrees for about 10 minutes. They should brown slightly.

Remove the baked tartlets from the molds, pour out the peas, then leave the baskets to cool, and then stuff them. In tartlets, “cream” is usually put first, and caviar is placed on top. As a cream, use butter or salted cream cheese or cream cheese mixture. Chopped greens or chopped boiled yolks, chopped fish, etc. can be added to butter or cream. Caviar is carefully placed on top.

The recipe is quite simple, but how it diversifies festive table! If you are used to serving caviar on bread slices, next time be sure to cook tartlets with caviar.

2. Serving caviar on cucumbers. Fresh cucumbers are cut into thick circles or columns and laid out on a plate in an upright position. From above, a notch is made in the pulp of the cucumber with a teaspoon. After that, the cucumbers need to be salted. The recesses are filled with salted sour cream with fresh chopped herbs, and caviar is placed on top - tasty, healthy, and beautiful! You can combine the filling for cucumbers, taking not only caviar, but also slices of red fish. However, fantasize!

3. Vol-au-vents with caviar: recipe. Vol-au-vents are French round (although modern housewives make them both triangular and square) puff pastries that are baked separately, cooled, and then filled with a cold filling. Under the caviar, the French women baked very miniature flounces, in each of which they put one teaspoon of caviar.

Puff pastry for vol-au-vents you can cook it like this: take 150 g of butter or margarine and chop it with a knife, constantly sprinkling with flour. When the oil becomes soft, homogeneous, prepare the liquid for the dough: take half a glass of cold boiled water, add half a teaspoon of citric acid or vinegar, a pinch of salt, mix. Crack 1 egg into the water and mix again. Add liquid to butter with flour. Gradually introducing the rest of the flour (how much the dough takes), knead everything - first with a knife, then with your hands. When the dough becomes thick, start kneading it on the table. The main thing is to achieve uniformity, plasticity and elasticity. Roll the dough into a ball and put it in the refrigerator.

Soften 100 g of butter slightly, sprinkle it with flour to make it thick, viscous. We roll out or blind a flat square from the butter and also put it in the refrigerator. After an hour, we take out the dough, roll it thinly, put our butter and flour in the center. After that, fold the dough into an envelope so that the butter is inside. Now roll out the dough, but only in one direction. Fold again several times and put in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. We take it out of the refrigerator again, roll it thinly (driving the rolling pin only in one direction), fold it into an envelope and put it back in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. So we repeat three times. After that, we will start directly forming the vol-au-vents.

To do this, roll out the dough with a thin layer and cut out small round cakes from it. We make round holes in the center of half of the cakes, turning the circles into rings. By the way, special molds for cutting dough for flounces are sold. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable or butter, put our circles of dough on it (not rings, but cakes without holes!). One a raw egg lightly beat with a fork and coat our circles with it. Then, on top of each circle, we will evenly lay the rings (flat cakes with holes). They do not need to be pressed or fastened - you just need to lay them evenly. Brush the rings with egg too. Put the baking sheet in a well-heated oven and bake until the dough is browned.

Vol-au-vents can be made high by laying several rings on one circle. If you cut out not circles, but squares - an appetizer “vol-au-vents with caviar” it will be square. We will fill the cooled flounces with softened butter with chopped herbs or cream cheese cream, and put caviar on top. French appetizer with caviar is ready!

4. Cold appetizer “Caviar with onions”. Sweet red onion cut into “boats”. Salt sour cream or heavy cream, add spices to taste, chopped herbs. Put the resulting cream in onion boats, lay caviar on top - red or black. Put the boats on a large flat plate.

Caviar with onions. Photo source:

5. Red fish rolls with caviar. Cut red salted or smoked fish into long thin strips, put a tablespoon of whipped butter on the edge of each, twist the rolls and place them vertically on a flat plate. Put a teaspoon of red caviar on top of each roll.

6. Snacks with caviar and potatoes. The taste of caviar goes well with the taste of potatoes. There are many options here. You can wash the potatoes in the skin, cut in half lengthwise and bake on a baking sheet in the oven. When the halves have cooled, take out a little pulp with a spoon, filling the cavity with butter and caviar.

Another variant appetizers with caviar and potatoes: serve caviar directly on boiled new potatoes, laying a “substrate” of salted sour cream or heavy cream between the vegetable and caviar.

Tasty potato potato pancakes with caviar. Potatoes are rubbed on a grater, into the resulting
salt, an egg and a little flour are added to the mass. From this potato dough, small pancakes are fried in a pan. The appetizer can be served both cold and hot. A tablespoon of sour cream is placed on top of each pancake, and red or black caviar is placed on top. You can grease the whole potato pancake with black caviar and cover it with a second one - you get a puff snack, which, by the way, is served as a delicacy in some restaurants.

7. Appetizer “Caviar on chips” . Arrange large Pringles on a large flat dish. Put a small butter rosette and a teaspoon of caviar - red or black - on each chip. Garnish with fresh parsley. You need to cook just before serving - after a few hours the dish will lose its taste, as the chips will get wet, absorbing moisture from the caviar.

8. Caviar on pancakes. Pancakes with caviar is a traditional serving, almost as common as sandwiches with caviar. But this method can also be varied. Prepare pancakes. Spread each pancake with cream cheese and roll into a roll. Cut the resulting long roll into several small ones, lay vertically on a flat dish. Put a spoonful of red or black caviar on top of each pancake-cheese roll. Similar rolls can be made from fried beaten eggs.

Serving caviar on the festive table should be beautiful! Try, experiment, not being afraid to make a mistake, because caviar is combined with many products: with salty and unleavened pastries, any vegetables, fish, fried and boiled eggs, rice, etc. Limitless fantasies and bon appetit!

Like in a restaurant

Butter and unsweetened white pastries are rightfully considered ideal partners of red caviar; in company with them, it perfectly reveals its taste.

In order not to load the festive table with boring sandwiches from a long loaf, it is worth taking a more original bread base. It can be unsweetened profiteroles, which are easy to make yourself. All you need to do is cut hollow balls, put a little softened butter or any cream cheese (for example, Philadelphia or mascarpone) in them and fill with red caviar.

For mini-sandwiches, you can bake white toast, from which beautiful figures in the form of fish, Christmas trees, hearts or ovals are cut with cookie cutters. If you put a few pieces of olives on top of red caviar, such a tartlet can easily turn into a “ladybug”.

Round, square, triangular crackers, puff pastry vol-au-vents, shortbread baskets, potato chips or whole-grain bread - all this also makes the perfect base for caviar snacks.

You can decorate all this with a sprig of greens, green peas, slices of avocado or lemon. The main thing is not to overdo it with decorations, so as not to overshadow the taste of the main character.

egg way

Red caviar is in no way combined with jelly, meat or mushrooms, but with an egg a very harmonious tandem is obtained.

It is very easy to prepare. Hard-boiled eggs must be fried and cut in half. The yolk is removed, kneaded with a fork and combined in approximately the same proportion with heavy whipped cream and softened butter.

It turns out a delicate yolk cream, which should be salted to taste and squeezed out of a pastry bag into each half of the protein in the form of a beautiful rose.

Red caviar and thin green chives are laid out on top.

vegetable way

Not only pastries and eggs can be stuffed with caviar, they will also be a good option.

However, juicy and bright in taste, such as tomatoes or bell pepper are not suitable for this.

The most versatile way is potatoes. Boil it in its uniform, cut into round slices, fry until golden brown and serve with a fish delicacy.

Another option is to bake small peeled potatoes in foil in the oven, then cut them in half, remove the core and fill it with cream cheese and caviar.

For guests who limit themselves in the use of carbohydrates and fats, offer dietary tartlets, where slices of fresh cucumbers or their halves are used instead of bread - medium-length seeded "boats" greased with feta or cheese.

Among other things, red caviar is amazingly combined with avocado. In order to prepare a spectacular snack, you need to cut a soft avocado in half, remove the stone and extract the pulp. It must be mashed, add a little lemon juice, whipped cream and finely chopped dill. Put the resulting mass back into the avocado halves and close the top with red caviar. For such an appetizer, it is worth serving spoons.

Japanese way

Guests, I think, will also appreciate the Japanese way of serving caviar on the table.

The main thing in such an appetizer is the correct preparation of rice: 1 kilogram of cereal (take medium-sized white round rice) must be poured into 1.2 liters cold water(the liquid should rise above the grains by one phalanx of a finger), bring to a boil and cook without a lid until the liquid above the rice layer has evaporated. Then the fire is reduced, the pan is closed with a lid and the rice languishes for another 10-15 minutes.

Then a special sauce for sushi is added (150 ml per 1 kilogram of rice), which can be bought in supermarkets in the departments of Asian products, everything is thoroughly mixed, cooled a little and formed into koloboks: we take a little (about 20 g) of rice in our hands, roll it into a small lump, coat it with wasabi and put red caviar. This way you get the simplest nigiri sushi. If you tie them with a strip of nori, you will get complicated nigiri, and if you make a bag out of seaweed, which you fill with rice and red caviar, then the table will be decorated with sushi kunkans.

Russian way

Remembering the different options for serving caviar on the table, do not forget about the Russian method itself - caviar is simply amazingly combined with traditional Russian pancakes!

You can experiment here as you like - make rolls, envelopes, tubes, or even a real cake of pancakes and caviar.

For this, all you need is to bake 10 savory pancakes. The first one is smeared with Philadelphia cheese, and thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bslices of lightly salted salmon are laid out on top. Repeat this 10 more times and close the top layer with caviar.

And if you diversify the table with black caviar, then you can even depict small black and red patterns on the pancakes, corresponding to the holiday.

And what other ways are there to serve a delicious fish delicacy - caviar?

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