Ride a donkey in a dream. Why does a woman dream of a donkey. What does Donkey mean in the Gypsy dream book

Batteries, radiators 03.11.2020

1. A donkey- (Dream Interpretation Medium Mix Xacce)
Seeing him is disagreement, you will have to limit your expenses; riding it is a slow achievement of the goal; roaring - wasted labor; a runner - an argument with the naive; to feed - to do good to the unworthy; beat him - you are harsh with your loved ones
2. A donkey- (Modern dream book)
The dream in which you dreamed of a donkey portends irritation due to prolonged downtime and delay in news. Seeing donkeys carrying weights in a dream means that after long, hard and hard work, you will achieve success in your endeavors, be it love or travel. If you dream that a donkey is chasing you, and you run away from him in fear, then in reality you will become a victim of scandal or gossip. If you are riding a donkey against your will, then unexpected quarrels can happen in reality. Hearing a donkey cry in a dream - predicts that you are in danger of a public insult inflicted by lustful shameless people. Hearing a lingering cry of a donkey coming from afar, filling the soul with sadness - portends that you will become rich because of the death of someone close. If you dream that you are riding a donkey, then in real life You will make many journeys to little-explored and rugged lands and explore them. Seeing other people riding donkeys in a dream portends a difficult life and a small inheritance. Chasing a donkey is a sign that all your energy and courage will be used in the fight against your enemy. If you are in love, then evil women will bring you bad luck. If you dreamed that you were kicked by this stubborn animal, then you will enter into forbidden relationships, which will bring you a lot of excitement because of the fear of possible betrayal. Leading a donkey on a leash means that in real life you will be the master in any situation and will be able to control women with the help of flattery. A dream in which children ride and control a donkey means that children will be obedient and healthy. Falling off a donkey is a sign of failure and disappointment in high life. Quarrels and partings await lovers. A dead donkey dreams of satiety due to licentiousness and excesses. Drinking donkey milk in a dream means that your exquisite desires will be satisfied even at the expense of business duties. Seeing someone else's donkey among your herd or in a stall is a sign that you will inherit some values. If you dream that you bought a donkey or was presented with it, then in reality you will reach enviable heights in business and social life. For a lonely person, such a dream predicts a harmonious union. A dream in which you see a white donkey is favorable - it promises you long-term success. This will allow you to achieve the pleasure and knowledge that your heart aspires to. Such a dream promises a woman to enter a society into which she has long and persistently sought to get into.
3. A donkey- (Miller's dream book)
A dream about a donkey most often portends unpleasant events and many obstacles on the way to the desired goal. The loaded donkeys promise you a tremendous job, coupled with great patience: it will be completed successfully for you. If in a dream you run away with fear from a donkey chasing you, then this is a sign of rumors and gossip gathering around your name. If you hear a loud cry of a donkey, a dream portends you a public insult that a dishonest person will inflict on you. Such a dream may portend the beginning of some troublesome business. The screams of a donkey coming from afar in a dream mean the successful development of your business: it is possible that you will get rid of debts and be able to get rich. A dream is favorable, foreshadowing interesting trips and the acquisition of new knowledge, if you see yourself riding a donkey. Seeing others riding donkeys is a sign that your loved ones await hard life... If you dream that you are driving a donkey, then this means that soon you will have to mobilize all your courage to defend the honor of your good name... If in a dream the donkey kicked you, then this dream should open your eyes to the cause of your fear and anxiety: most likely, it lies in the feeling of the illegality of your connections. If you confidently lead the donkey, holding the rein in your hands, a dream portends that you will become the master of a very difficult situation, which you will soon find yourself in. In love, you will overcome a delicate situation. A very auspicious dream - with children riding on donkeys. A dream in which you fell to the ground from a donkey does not bode well. A dead donkey in a dream is a sign of erroneous actions, even immoral behavior in the future. Drinking donkey milk in a dream means that you will indulge your capricious desires, to the detriment of your duties. If you see someone else's donkey in your yard, a dream portends you great success in business or the conclusion of a profitable marriage. White donkey - promises a prosperous life, full of wealth and love.
4. A donkey- (Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov)
Offensive news.
5. A donkey- (Esoteric dream book)
Your stubbornness gets in the way of your business. Riding a donkey - you have to break through someone's stubbornness.
  • The donkey is the personification of slowness, obedience, tolerance and at the same time stubbornness. So, it is quite possible that the image of a donkey arose in your dream as a result of a meeting in real life with a person endowed with these qualities. There are many popular expressions dedicated to this meek animal: "To be a donkey", "Valaam's donkey", "Buridan's donkey", "From a big donkey, nothing will come out of an elephant." The riddle is also very well known: "Born - not baptized, died - not saved, but Christ bore (donkey)." It is a pity that now not everyone understands the meaning of this riddle, although earlier everyone knew that it was on the donkey that Christ's choice fell, when the question arose about which animal he would triumphantly ride into Jerasulim.
  • Maybe the image of a donkey was caused in your dream by a meeting with a dishonest person, deposited in your subconsciousness. After all, it was dishonest people: criminals, unfaithful wives, prostitutes who were driven on a donkey in Europe in the Middle Ages.
  • To dream of a donkey standing in one place, which several people cannot budge, is evidence that in real life fate will bring you together with a very stubborn person, whom you can only convince with the intervention of your good friends.
  • Seeing a donkey lying on the ground in a dream is a sign that you should not hesitate in your business. Be persistent.
  • If a donkey rises from the ground in front of your eyes, then such a dream suggests that you should show perseverance and patience to achieve your goals, and then your business will end in success and bring considerable profit.
  • Seeing in a dream a woman with her head lowered astride a donkey is a sign that in reality you will have a meeting with a frivolous woman who will significantly affect your life.
  • To dream of a donkey that attacks a calmly lying lion means that in real life you are a very selfish arrogant person, and therefore sometimes others make fun of you. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you are waiting for a meeting with a person who will think of himself a lot, although in fact he does not have any business qualities.
  • Whipping a donkey in a dream is a prophecy of troubles associated with a business that your leader will entrust you with. Perhaps your work colleagues will do you a dubious service that will cause distrust and irritation in your superiors.
  • Killing a donkey exhausted by work in a dream is evidence that in real life, despite the fact that you manage to change jobs, you will not get rid of the oppression of an oppressive boss.
  • Seeing a donkey laden with a heavy load in a dream is a harbinger of a difficult test, which you will not be able to overcome. If you dreamed of a donkey that drops a heavy load because it can no longer carry it, then in real life you will be in big trouble because of your cunning.
  • If you notice that the donkey's strength is running out and it can no longer carry a heavy load, then one of the people close to you needs your help. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you should not rush the debtor to return what was borrowed from you.
  • Shifting part of the donkey's load onto a mule in a dream is evidence that you appreciate the affairs of people at the beginning, completely oblivious to how they end and what result they bring.
  • To dream of a donkey picking up crumbs from the master's table is a sign that in life you are not doing your own thing, and therefore you will endure great disasters.
  • Seeing a lame donkey is an unhappy road. Perhaps you are on a business trip that will not bring the desired results.
  • Watching in a dream how a donkey kills a wolf's hoof means that in real life you should not take up a business that you have never done before, otherwise you will get into trouble.
  • To dream of a donkey laden with a load crossing the river is evidence that you have long hard work ahead of you. If you dreamed that a donkey loaded with a load fell into a swamp full of frogs, then such a dream suggests that you are a very impressionable person and are very worried about any trouble, while you should think about the fact that others people calmly overcome even more difficult ones.
  • Seeing in a dream a loudly screaming donkey in a lion's skin is a sign that there is a person in your environment who, despite his beautiful appearance, does not give the impression of an educated person and this is due to his illiterate, complete swear words speech. You should limit contact with this person, otherwise others will think that you are also impolite and rude to other people.

The donkey is the personification of slowness, obedience, tolerance and at the same time stubbornness. So, it is quite possible that the image of a donkey arose in your dream as a result of a meeting in real life with a person endowed with these qualities. There are many popular expressions dedicated to this meek animal: "To be a donkey", "Valaam's donkey", "Buridan's donkey", "From a big donkey, nothing will come out of an elephant." The riddle is also very well known: "Born - not baptized, died - not saved, but Christ bore (donkey)." It is a pity that now not everyone understands the meaning of this riddle, although earlier everyone knew that it was on the donkey that Christ's choice fell, when the question arose about which animal he would triumphantly ride into Jerasulim. Maybe the image of a donkey was caused in your dream by a meeting with a dishonest person, deposited in your subconsciousness. After all, it was dishonest people: criminals, unfaithful wives, prostitutes who were driven on a donkey in Europe in the Middle Ages. To dream of a donkey standing in one place, which several people cannot budge, is evidence that in real life fate will bring you together with a very stubborn person, whom you can only convince with the intervention of your good friends.

Seeing a donkey lying on the ground in a dream is a sign that you should not hesitate in your business. Be persistent.

If a donkey rises from the ground in front of your eyes, then such a dream suggests that you should show perseverance and patience to achieve your goals, and then your business will end in success and bring considerable profit.

Seeing in a dream a woman with her head lowered astride a donkey is a sign that in reality you will have a meeting with a frivolous woman who will significantly affect your life.

To dream of a donkey that attacks a calmly lying lion means that in real life you are a very selfish arrogant person, and therefore sometimes others make fun of you. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you are waiting for a meeting with a person who will think of himself a lot, although in fact he does not have any business qualities.

Whipping a donkey in a dream is a prophecy of troubles associated with a business that your leader will entrust you with. Perhaps your work colleagues will do you a dubious service that will cause distrust and irritation in your superiors.

Killing a donkey exhausted by work in a dream is evidence that in real life, despite the fact that you manage to change jobs, you will not get rid of the oppression of an oppressive boss.

Seeing a donkey laden with a heavy load in a dream is a harbinger of a difficult test, which you will not be able to overcome.

If you dreamed of a donkey that drops a heavy load because it can no longer carry it, then in real life you will be in big trouble because of your cunning. If you notice that the donkey's strength is running out and it can no longer carry a heavy load, then one of the people close to you needs your help. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you should not rush the debtor to return what was borrowed from you.

Shifting part of the donkey's load onto a mule in a dream is evidence that you appreciate the affairs of people at the beginning, completely oblivious to how they end and what result they bring. To dream of a donkey picking up crumbs from the master's table is a sign that in life you are not doing your own thing, and therefore you will endure great disasters.

Seeing a lame donkey is an unhappy road. Perhaps you are on a business trip that will not bring the desired results. Watching in a dream how a donkey kills a wolf's hoof means that in real life you should not take up a business that you have never done before, otherwise you will get into trouble.

To dream of a donkey laden with a load crossing the river is evidence that you have long hard work ahead of you.

If you dreamed that a donkey loaded with a load fell into a swamp full of frogs, then such a dream suggests that you are a very impressionable person and are very worried about any trouble, while you should think about the fact that others people calmly overcome even more difficult ones.

Seeing a donkey (toy) in a dream is a sign that there is a person in your environment who, despite his beautiful appearance, does not give the impression of an educated person and this is due to his illiterate speech, full of swear words. You should limit contact with this person, otherwise others will think that you are also impolite and rude to other people, this is the interpretation of the Donkey from the dream book.

A dream in which you are chasing a donkey running away from you portends a dispute in which you will never be able to convince your opponents of the obviousness of your innocence.

If in a dream you, on the contrary, run away from a rabid donkey pursuing you, this means that you will be slandered by an evil and vindictive person.

If a donkey bit you in a dream, it means that you will have to defend the honor of your good name, if you kicked, your slanderers and offenders will receive what they deserve, but you will pretty much fray your nerves, proving your innocence.

Harnessing a donkey to a cart means differences of opinion between friends. To load a donkey with a heavy burden - overtime is ahead. Riding a donkey foreshadows the achievement of the goal in a slow, roundabout way.

Falling off a kicking donkey is an unexpected obstacle on the way to the desired goal.

If in a dream you beat a donkey - this portends that your unfair attitude towards children can lead to the fact that they will finally get out of your control. Feeding the donkey means that you will be repaid for good with evil.

Hearing a donkey's roar in a dream means vain efforts, a waste of time and money. A stumbling donkey portends a troublesome and unprofitable business, a white donkey is a sign of prosperity, security and good luck.

Seeing yourself as a donkey mistress in a dream means that in reality you will completely master a difficult specialty and quickly begin to achieve significant success. Seeing someone else's donkey in your yard is a profitable marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

What does Donkey sleep mean?

It symbolizes difficulties and hardships, suggesting that such qualities as stubbornness and shortsightedness can be the cause of these very difficulties.

Riding a donkey: a sign that you made some ridiculous mistakes in your plans, which casts doubt on your success.

If the donkey somehow threatens you, for example, tries to kick or bite: the dream suggests that the mistakes made can cost you dearly.

On such days, do not mess with fools and try to refrain from doing stupid things yourself.

Dead or driven donkey: speaks of your mental fatigue. A dream suggests that by persistence or stubbornness you will not achieve anything, and it does not bother you to look for any effective ways to solve their urgent tasks.

At the same time, if the donkey behaves obediently and patiently drags the load: such a dream says that your patience and perseverance will help you get out of a difficult situation quite easily.

The same meaning has a dream in which the donkey looks beautiful and makes you sympathetic.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

What Donkey Dreams Mean

A dream about a donkey usually promises obstacles on the way to the desired goal.

Do not be afraid of a loaded donkey. Yes, he promises you a great job, but if you show the proper patience, it will be completed quite successfully.

If in a dream you ran away from a donkey chasing you, then, most likely, intrigues and gossip are woven around you.

The loud cry of a donkey can be a harbinger of public insult from a dishonest person. The second interpretation of this dream is associated with the appearance of some troublesome business.

The cries of a donkey coming from afar means the successful development of your affairs. Perhaps you will get rid of debt and get rich.

If you see yourself riding a donkey, then you have interesting trips and gaining new knowledge ahead of you. Chased a donkey in a dream - get ready to defend your honor.

Confidently lead the donkey for a reason - you will become the master of a very difficult situation, and in love you will with honor get out of a delicate situation.

If in a dream a donkey kicked you, then soon you will understand the reason for the anxiety that beset you.

A white donkey promises a wonderful life, full of wealth and love.

Children riding donkeys dream of happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Donkey dream

To see a black donkey - good sign, to profit, a lot of donkeys to buy a donkey - to be deceived.

Riding a donkey backwards is a promotion.

Donkey sled in a dream - you will find yourself in a stupid company.

Beating a donkey - to upcoming disputes.

Donkey in a dream - you need to be careful. Your environment envies you and tries to harm you. This applies to your companions, do not particularly trust these people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

The meaning of sleep Donkey

Have you behaved like a donkey ?: Is there an area of ​​your life where you show stupidity? Does anyone behave like a donkey towards you? A donkey can be: the embodiment of patience, suffering and perseverance.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

Interpretation of sleep Donkey

If in a dream a person meets a donkey, he (she) will have sons.
If he is given donkey meat, he will find something alien that does not belong to him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Assyrian dream book

What the Donkey's dream predicts

A donkey in a dream most often portends unpleasant events and many obstacles on the way to the desired goal. Packed donkeys mean there is a lot of work ahead of you. Please be patient and you will complete it successfully. A white donkey portends a life full of wealth and love. A dead donkey in a dream is a sign of erroneous actions or immoral behavior in the future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

To see a Donkey in a dream

A dream about a donkey most often portends unpleasant events and many obstacles on the way to the desired goal.

The loaded donkeys promise you a great job, coupled with great patience: it will be completed successfully for you.

If in a dream you run away with fear from a donkey chasing you, then this is a sign of rumors and gossip gathering around your name.

If you hear a loud cry of a donkey, a dream portends you a public insult that a dishonest person will inflict. Such a dream may portend the beginning of some troublesome business.

The screams of a donkey coming from afar in a dream mean the successful development of your business: it is possible that you will get rid of debts and be able to get rich.

A dream is favorable, foreshadowing interesting trips and the acquisition of new knowledge, if you see yourself riding a donkey. Seeing others riding donkeys is a sign that a difficult life awaits your loved ones.

If you dream that you are driving a donkey, it means that soon you will have to mobilize all your courage to defend the honor of your good name.

If in a dream the donkey kicked you, then this dream should open your eyes to the cause of your fear and anxiety: most likely, it lies in the feeling of the illegality of your connections.

If you confidently lead the donkey, holding the rein in your hands, a dream portends that you will become the master of a very difficult situation, which you will soon find yourself in. In love, you will overcome a delicate situation.

A very auspicious dream - with children riding on donkeys.

A dream in which you fell to the ground from a donkey does not bode well. A dead donkey in a dream is a sign of erroneous actions, even immoral behavior in the future.

Drinking donkey milk in a dream means that you will indulge your capricious desires, to the detriment of your duties.

If you see someone else's donkey in your yard, a dream portends you great success in business or the conclusion of a profitable marriage.

White donkey - promises a prosperous life, full of wealth and love.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

Sleep Prediction Donkey

Seen in a dream means a stupid and boring person, it also means faithful and zealous servants.

To see a donkey sitting on its hind legs means work and hard work.

A donkey running to see portends misfortune and vexation.

Hearing the cry of a donkey means great fatigue and loss.

Riding a donkey means a stopover in our factories.

Interpretation of dreams from the Unnamed dream book

Why is the Donkey dreaming

If someone sees a donkey with a pack, he will benefit from a favorable combination of circumstances, and if someone sees that a donkey or a horse or a camel appear before him, he will achieve his desire.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

Dreaming a Donkey

Wait for the next skirmishes with loved ones.

If the donkey is running, it's in trouble.

If you feed a donkey, it means success in business.

You fell off a donkey - a quarrel with your beloved awaits you.

There are many bales on the donkey - for money.

If the donkey is trotting, it means disappointed hopes.

If he runs - misfortune to feed the donkey - to business success.

The donkey throws you off the back or kicks you - a quarrel with your lover.

Hearing the roar of a donkey is a scandal.

Seeing a heavily laden donkey - wealth awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

What does Donkey sleep mean?

Donkey - obstacles that, however, will be overcome / damage from stubbornness.

To see a black donkey is good / profit.

Lots of donkeys - fortunately.

To buy a donkey is to be deceived.

Riding a donkey is a mental hindrance that must be overcome / become a source of witticisms / walk slowly towards the goal.

Riding a donkey backwards - getting a position, promotion.

The donkey team is stupid company.

To beat a donkey - you have to argue with someone.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

See a Donkey in a dream

This animal personifies stupidity and stubbornness.

Beware of becoming like that or facing someone's stupidity, misunderstanding.

Seeing a donkey is a hindrance, a waste of time.

Riding a donkey on horseback - slow progress towards the goal, the gradual overcoming of difficulties.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Tutorial on the Interpretation of Dreams

Donkey dream

It means that soon you will have an opportunity to show your courage, patience and knowledge. Sitting on a donkey in a dream means that your work will require a lot of patience from you. Red donkey - a warning about someone's treachery.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does Donkey mean in a dream

Meet a donkey on your way - meet a stupid and boring person. If you dreamed that you were riding a donkey, and he suddenly became stubborn and got up, you will have to work with an extremely stubborn person who, because of his stupidity, can jeopardize the success of a common cause. If you confidently ride a donkey, you will be able to find a common language with colleagues, including those who do not share your point of view, and achieve your goal.

Imagine that you are giving a donkey a carrot or some kind of treat and he obediently takes you wherever you want.

Seeing several donkeys loaded with heavy bales - you have to work hard and hard, but the result will exceed all expectations. If at the same time you see a driver beating donkeys, you will have to endure a lot of insults from your superiors in the process.

Imagine that the donkeys are served by the donkeys with treats and they carry their load lightly and cheerfully.

If the donkey kicked you, the dream portends a conflict with colleagues. Buying a donkey is unpleasant events and obstacles on the way to the goal.

Imagine that you are selling a donkey and buying a ram (see Ram).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of dreams Donkey

A dreamed donkey predicts obstacles on the way to a goal, a meeting with a stubborn person that will cause a lot of trouble, or unpleasant news or rumors that are offensive to you.

The white donkey is a symbol of a wealthy life.

A black donkey is a sign of self-interest.

Packed donkeys dream of hard work.

To drag a resting donkey, to fall from a donkey - to overcome difficulties with difficulty.

Calmly riding a donkey is an interesting journey.

To drive a donkey is to defend your honor and dignity.

If you have been kicked by a donkey, you will find out the reason for your fears, worries, worries.

A loud cry of a donkey is an insult to a dishonest person or the beginning of a troublesome business.

The cries of a donkey from afar are a harbinger of the successful movement of your affairs.

If you lead a donkey and he goes obediently, you will be the master of the situation in a difficult situation.

A dead donkey is a sign of mistakes you have made and immoral behavior in the future.

Someone else's donkey in your yard - great success in everything and a successful marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of sleep Donkey

Seeing him is disagreement, you will have to limit your expenses; riding it is a slow achievement of the goal; roaring - wasted labor; a runner - an argument with the naive; to feed - to do good to the unworthy; beat him - you are harsh with your loved ones

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Hasse

What does it mean to see a Donkey in a dream

Donkey - Your stubbornness interferes with your business. Riding a donkey - you have to break through someone's stubbornness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What the Donkey's dream predicts

In general, a donkey in a dream can mean a person who is trying to please you. If in a dream he behaves capriciously and shows his temper, then you will have a meeting with an ignoramus or a stupid and stubborn person. Such a dream warns you that you should restrain your anger, because there is no point in throwing pearls in front of pigs.

To see a loaded donkey in a dream or to lead it means that you will be lucky in a profitable business. If the donkey is not stubborn, but obeys you well, then a friend will help you overcome difficulties in the business you have begun. If the donkey is stubborn, then your business will stall. Feeding a donkey or hearing it roar in a dream is a sign that you will do a thankless job. A running donkey in a dream is a sign of trouble. Riding a donkey in a dream is a harbinger of delays in business and obstacles along the way. Falling off a donkey in a dream is a sign of great failure and loss. If in a dream the donkey kicked you, then expect trouble and grief. A dream about a donkey warns those who are going on a journey that their journey will be long and difficult. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a difficult job awaits you. The cry of a donkey in a dream means an insult and unpleasant chores. Preparing donkey fat in a dream is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Drinking donkey milk in a dream means that soon you will change your mind about some subject. A dead donkey in a dream means the collapse of your hopes due to your frivolous behavior.

A black, dirty, or obstinate donkey means you should be wary of greedy and envious people. Sometimes such a dream warns that someone is trying to use you for personal gain. Chasing him in a dream means that you should contain your anger and conflicting feelings so as not to offend loved ones. If in a dream a donkey enters your house, then the dream predicts your marriage with a stubborn, hardworking and rich man. A wild donkey appears to us in a dream to warn us that our lack of restraint and excessive manifestation of indignation towards a person who has done a lot for us can have bad consequences. After such a dream, you should expect things to go badly. A white donkey in a dream is your friend who will help you succeed. Running away from a donkey in a dream means that rumors and slander will haunt you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

Dream meaning Donkey

The donkey is the personification of slowness, obedience, tolerance and at the same time stubbornness. So, it is quite possible that the image of a donkey arose in your dream as a result of a meeting in real life with a person endowed with these qualities. There are many popular expressions dedicated to this meek animal: "To be a donkey", "Valaam's donkey", "Buridan's donkey", "From a big donkey, nothing will come out of an elephant." The riddle is also very well known: "Born - not baptized, died - not saved, but Christ bore (donkey)." It is a pity that now not everyone understands the meaning of this riddle, although earlier everyone knew that it was on the donkey that Christ's choice fell, when the question arose about which animal he would ride into Jerusalem with triumph.

Maybe the image of a donkey was caused in your dream by a meeting with a dishonest person, deposited in your subconsciousness. After all, it was dishonest people: criminals, unfaithful wives, prostitutes who were driven on a donkey in Europe in the Middle Ages.

To see in a dream a donkey standing in one place, which several people cannot budge, is evidence that in real life fate will bring you together with a very stubborn person, whom you can only convince with the intervention of your good friends.

Seeing a donkey lying on the ground in a dream is a sign that you should not hesitate in your business. Be persistent.

If a donkey rises from the ground in front of your eyes, then such a dream suggests that you should show perseverance and patience to achieve your goals, and then your business will end in success and bring considerable profit.

Seeing in a dream a woman with her head down riding on a donkey is a sign that in reality you will have a meeting with a frivolous woman who will significantly affect your life.

To dream of a donkey that attacks a calmly lying lion means that in real life you are a very selfish arrogant person, and therefore sometimes others make fun of you. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you are waiting for a meeting with a person who will think of himself a lot, although in fact he does not have any business qualities.

Whipping a donkey in a dream is a prophecy of troubles associated with a business that your leader will entrust you with. Perhaps your colleagues at work will render you a dubious service that will cause distrust and irritation in your superiors.

Killing a donkey exhausted by work in a dream is evidence that in real life, despite the fact that you manage to change jobs, you will not get rid of the oppression of an oppressive boss.

Seeing a donkey loaded with a heavy load in a dream is a harbinger of a difficult test, which you will not be able to overcome. If you dreamed of a donkey that drops a heavy load because it can no longer carry it, then in real life you will be in big trouble because of your cunning.

If you notice that the donkey's strength is running out and it can no longer carry a heavy load, then one of the people close to you needs your help. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you should not rush the debtor to return what was borrowed from you.

Shifting part of the donkey's load onto a mule in a dream is evidence that you appreciate the affairs of people at the beginning, completely oblivious to how they end and what result they bring.

To dream of a donkey picking up crumbs from the master's table is a sign that in life you are not doing your own thing, and therefore you will endure great disasters.

Seeing a lame donkey is an unhappy road. Perhaps you are on a business trip that will not bring the desired results.

Watching in a dream how a donkey kills a wolf's hoof means that in real life you should not take up a business that you have never done before, otherwise you will get into trouble.

To dream of a donkey laden with a load crossing the river is evidence that you will have a long hard work. If you dreamed that a donkey loaded with a load fell into a swamp full of frogs, then such a dream suggests that you are a very impressionable person and are very worried about any trouble, while you should think about the fact that others people calmly overcome even more difficult ones.

Seeing in a dream a loudly screaming donkey in a lion's skin is a sign that there is a person in your environment who, despite his beautiful appearance, does not give the impression of an educated person and this is due to his illiterate speech, full of obscene words. You should limit contact with this person, otherwise others will think that you are also impolite and rude to other people.

Interpretation of dreams from the ancient dream book

To see a Donkey in a dream

To see a donkey in a dream is a sign that some troubles and misfortunes will soon fall on you, but thanks to your patience and endurance, you will be able to overcome all trials and wait for a happy ending. If a young girl dreams of a donkey, it means that her future husband will be willful and stubborn person, but they will live in peace and harmony, although not rich.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Sleep Prediction Donkey

A donkey in a dream is a good servant and slave, useful to his master, or a mediocre ignorant person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Indian dream book

Dreaming a Donkey

Donkey - hard work in vain, chores. Buy a donkey - get property; to ride a donkey - humiliation, shame; donkey ears - gossip.

Interpretation of dreams from

Fool, dumbass, dumbass, dumbhead, mammal, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, idiot, dumbass, Dummy, dunce, abderit, Woodpecker, dubie, dumbass, dummy, dumbass, Animal, donkey, ochlamon, onager, dumbass Log, Stump, stupid, stupid, dunce, round fool, stuffed fool, petty fool, empty-headed, copper forehead, cudgel, Tree, Goat, idol, dupol, dubotol, dunduk, dubotryat, blockhead, dumbfuck, birch frog, stump stump with a stump, a stump with eyes, half-dumb, half-dumb, telepen, stupid, blunt, fofan, falalei, Teapot, schmuck, swamp schmuck, lump, lump of non-speaking, lump with eyes, lump with ears, blockhead stupid, plain forehead, fraer eared, sick in the head, with a cold all over his head, a fool a fool, a fool and cannot be treated, a fool and ears are cold, a goof, a mezheumok, a nekumeka, a donkey on two hooves, a boob of the heavenly king, a goof petrovich, a boob-boob, a Chilean goof, a donkey, donkey, manger

Donkey in Dream interpretation of miss Hasse:

  • Seeing him is disagreement, you will have to limit your expenses
  • Riding it is a slow achievement of the goal
  • The roaring one is a waste of labor
  • The runner - an argument with the naive
  • To feed is to do good to the unworthy
  • To beat him - you are harsh with your loved ones.
  • Interpretation in Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit sleep Donkey:

    Donkey - see him - disagreement, you will have to limit your expenses - ride it - slow achievement of the goal - roaring - wasted labor - running - arguing with the naive - feeding - doing good to the unworthy - hitting him - you are harsh with your loved ones

    Why is the Donkey dreaming in Esoteric dream book?

  • Your stubbornness gets in the way of your business.
  • Riding a donkey - you have to break through someone's stubbornness.
  • V Ukrainian dream book, if the Donkey is dreaming:

  • Hard work in vain, chores. Buy a donkey - get property; to ride a donkey - humiliation, shame; donkey ears - gossip.
  • If the Donkey is dreaming? V Modern dream book:

    Donkey - luck, fame, well-being

    Interpretation of Donkey's dream Miller's dream book:

  • Drinking donkey milk in a dream means that you will indulge your capricious desires, to the detriment of your duties.
  • A very auspicious dream - with children riding on donkeys.
  • A dream is favorable, foreshadowing interesting trips and the acquisition of new knowledge, if you see yourself riding a donkey. Seeing others riding donkeys is a sign that a difficult life awaits your loved ones.
  • If in a dream the donkey kicked you, then this dream should open your eyes to the cause of your fear and anxiety: most likely, it lies in the feeling of the illegality of your connections.
  • White donkey - promises a prosperous life, full of wealth and love.
  • If in a dream you run away with fear from a donkey chasing you, then this is a sign of rumors and gossip gathering around your name.
  • The loaded donkeys promise you a great job, coupled with great patience: it will be completed successfully for you.
  • If you hear a loud cry of a donkey, a dream portends you a public insult that a dishonest person will inflict. Such a dream may portend the beginning of some troublesome business.
  • A dream about a donkey most often portends unpleasant events and many obstacles on the way to the desired goal.
  • The screams of a donkey coming from afar in a dream mean the successful development of your business: it is possible that you will get rid of debts and be able to get rich.
  • If you confidently lead the donkey, holding the rein in your hands, a dream portends that you will become the master of a very difficult situation, which you will soon find yourself in. In love, you will overcome a delicate situation.
  • If you see someone else's donkey in your yard, a dream portends you great success in business or the conclusion of a profitable marriage.
  • If you dream that you are driving a donkey, it means that soon you will have to mobilize all your courage to defend the honor of your good name.
  • A dream in which you fell to the ground from a donkey does not bode well. A dead donkey in a dream is a sign of erroneous actions, even immoral behavior in the future.
  • Seeing a Donkey in a dream in Muslim dream book:

  • Donkey - if someone sees a donkey with a pack, he will benefit from a favorable combination of circumstances, and if someone sees that a donkey or a horse or a camel will appear before him, he will achieve his desire.
  • What does it mean to see a Donkey in a dream Lunar dream book?

  • Offensive news. The latrine is a nuisance; fall into it - get money.
  • What does Donkey mean in a dream Assyrian dream book?

  • If they give him donkey meat, he will find something alien that does not belong to him.
  • If in a dream a person meets a donkey, he (she) will have sons.
  • Donkey in a dream in The newest dream book:

  • You will be an accomplice (not excluded as a leader) of an intellectual fraud.
  • To see the Donkey in a dream. V Family dream book:

  • If in a dream a donkey kicked you, then soon you will understand the reason for the anxiety that beset you. A white donkey promises a wonderful life, full of wealth and love.
  • If you see yourself riding a donkey, then you have interesting trips ahead of you and gaining new knowledge,
  • If in a dream you ran away from a donkey chasing you, then, most likely, intrigues and gossip are woven around you. The loud cry of a donkey can be a harbinger of public insult from a dishonest person. The second interpretation of this dream is associated with the appearance of some troublesome business.
  • Chased a donkey in a dream - get ready to defend your honor.
  • Do not be afraid of a loaded donkey. Yes, he promises you a great job, but if you show the proper patience, then it will be completed quite successfully.
  • Children riding donkeys dream of happiness.
  • The cries of a donkey coming from afar means the successful development of your affairs. Perhaps you will get rid of debt and get rich.
  • A dream about a donkey usually promises obstacles on the way to the desired goal.
  • Confidently lead the donkey for a reason - you will become the master of a very difficult situation, and in love you will with honor get out of a delicate situation.
  • What does Donkey mean Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:

  • offensive news.
  • See a Donkey in a dream. V Noble dream book:

  • Donkey - obstacles that, however, will be overcome / damage from stubbornness.
  • The donkey team is stupid company.
  • Riding a donkey is a mental hindrance that must be overcome / become a source of witticisms / walk slowly towards the goal.
  • To beat a donkey - you have to argue with someone.
  • To buy a donkey is to be deceived.
  • Lots of donkeys - fortunately.
  • To see a black donkey is good / profit.
  • Riding a donkey backwards - getting a position, promotion.
  • What does Donkey mean in Gypsy dream book:

  • Quarrel between friends. If the donkey is trotting, it means disappointed hopes. If he runs, it is misfortune. Feeding a donkey - to business success. The donkey throws you off the back or kicks you - a quarrel with your lover. Hearing the roar of a donkey is a scandal. Seeing a heavily laden donkey - wealth awaits you. Male donkey
  • What does Donkey mean in a dream, in Schiller's dream book?

  • success, fame, fame and prosperity.
  • The meaning of Donkey's sleep Old Russian dream book:

  • offensive news.
  • Donkey in Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi:

  • If someone sees a donkey with a pack, then he will benefit from a favorable combination of circumstances.
  • If you had a dream in which you meet a donkey, then in reality all your wishes will come true.
  • Interpretation in Ibn Sirin's Islamic dream book sleep Donkey:

  • The roar of a donkey indicates that the person who dreamed will be exposed by some ardent enemy.
  • Why is the Donkey dreaming in French dream book?

  • A donkey in a dream means that soon you will have the opportunity to show your courage, patience and knowledge. Sitting on a donkey in a dream means that your work will require a lot of patience from you. Red donkey - a warning about someone's treachery.
  • V Zhou-gun's Chinese dream book, if the Donkey is dreaming:

  • You kill a donkey, camel or horse. - Alcohol and snacks.
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