Good mission. Volga Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, in Togliatti. Volga Orthodox Institute. Saint Alexis Ppi named after Saint Alexius

Tile 09.10.2020

Orthodox program of the Samara Metropolis.

We have already visited the Classical Orthodox Gymnasium, the Humanitarian College of Togliatti, and today we have arrived at the Volga Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, which has become the final link in the system of continuous humanitarian and Orthodox education. This is a unique project that combines the use of innovative methods and teaching aids with a rich student life and spiritual and moral education.

Archpriest Dimitry Leskin, Rector of the Volga Orthodox Institute:

We have been working towards this dream for years. It is clear that it is not easy to create a full-fledged higher education institution in modern Russia, when educational institutions basically “collapse”, the non-state sector is also closed, and branches, and even full-fledged state institutions are now being consolidated and merged. This process is natural, it is objective, but an educational institution, like ours, has no one to unite with or enlarge, because there are only three of them in Russian Federation, two of them are in Moscow. We are the only provincial (I don’t really like this word) educational institution of this type outside the capital, so it would be impossible to create it without serious help from the state, otherwise it would be some kind of not very professional cabal. And for us from the very beginning it was very important that this was also a project of open and very deep interaction between the Church and the state.

The university firmly believes that traditional humanitarian training is the main thing, and the main educational direction here is pedagogy.

Archpriest Dimitry Leskin:

You know that in the nineties, in the zero years, pedagogy was considered a path for losers (this is how public opinion), for those who could not realize themselves in other fields. So we are trying in the Orthodox Institute to completely change this idea and form an attitude towards pedagogy, pedagogical work, the work of a teacher as sacred, noble and exceptionally in demand.

Primary school teachers, history teachers, teachers in the field of economics and law are trained here. These specialists are now especially lacking in schools. As part of the Interactive Technologies in Education course, students study robotics.

V.A. Zorkin, Head of the Information Technology Support Department, Senior Lecturer at the Computer Science Department of the Volga Orthodox Institute in Togliatti:

Interactive information technologies are the future, and in any case they will be in any school, in an educational institution. And we need to make sure that our graduates come and are not afraid of this workplace, and can show themselves with better side, and use it to teach future generations new knowledge and do it most effectively.

Since last year, the Department of Music Education has been operating at the Orthodox Institute.

E.N. Prasolov, Head of the Department of Music Education of the Volga Orthodox Institute, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation:

We teach both pianists and musicians of wind (flute), percussion instruments, that is, they teach playing almost any musical instrument, as well as vocal art, at this department you can get the appropriate musical education. Highly professional specialists, laureates of international competitions, active performers work. And all teachers have rich teaching experience, work experience.

However, pedagogy is not the only direction. Preparation is carried out according to such programs as domestic and foreign philology, economics and public catering. Classical humanitarian education is impossible without in-depth study of foreign languages. Teachers - native speakers are engaged with students. The theological direction in the Orthodox Institute is a priority, but not a mass one.

Archpriest Dimitry Leskin:

Theology, in my opinion, is the direction to which it is desirable to come after the first diploma - secular higher education. So, in fact, it was in the old days: theology was called the queen of sciences - philosophy itself was a servant, according to Anselm of Canterbury, who carries a lamp in front of her mistress. Therefore, we have a small theological department. At the same time, I believe that here our main partner is the Samara Theological Seminary, where the theological program is the main one, the main one, where future clergymen are trained.

Regardless of the specialty, all students of the Orthodox Institute study an introduction to the Orthodox faith, the Old and New Testaments, liturgy, the history of Christian art, painting, church singing and reading.

O.A. Lyshova, First Vice-Rector of the Volga Orthodox Institute in Togliatti, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor:

Our children are graduating with the right to teach the basics of Orthodox culture in schools - today there is a severe shortage of such specialists. In fact, they can speak professionally about other religions, that is, they can give knowledge at a good professional level.

Worldview orientation - this is how teachers define the main feature of their institute.

O.A. Lyshov:

We believe that the cultural and educational environment educates and educates young students. Therefore, our university, along with the fact that it provides training to students in pedagogical and humanitarian specialties and a number of others, pays great attention to the issues (we call them so) of the formation of general cultural competencies.

And it is formed different ways and even through choral singing.

G.N. Devyatkina, teacher of choral disciplines of the Volga Orthodox Institute in Togliatti, Honored Worker of Culture:

It's not only studying proccess, this is the image of the institute - the spiritual development of each student. They will be teachers, primary school teachers, subject teachers. They must be comprehensively developed.

For the same purpose, philologists, for example, are involved in the production of a student newspaper. And since the first year, the guys have been doing choreography, participating in Shrovetide balls - they are held, like other assembly events of the institute, in the atrium: this space of almost 600 meters is, of course, the architectural dominant of the educational part of the building, and although the construction of the institute has not yet been completed completed, it already now performs an educational, cultural and even museum function.

O.A. Lyshov:

Initially, the university was designed (it cannot but be one) as an open platform for public discussions of people who are not indifferent to education, culture, and the revival of folk Russian traditions. Therefore, our cultural and educational projects occupy a large place - I will name a few. This is the Philharmonic of the Volga Orthodox Institute (once a month we are in the hall of the branch training center, which is provided to us by the Volga Automobile Plant, we hold charity concerts for the population of the city), these are various kinds of exhibitions, "musical Thursdays", living rooms within the walls of our institute, which are visited by residents of the city.

The university also acts as a social partner in the implementation of regional programs in the field of education and upbringing. For example, in November 2017, the 1st Volga Pedagogical Forum was held here, dedicated to innovations in the system of continuous teacher education. Hundreds of visitors from Tolyatti and other cities of the region visit the museum and exhibition center of the Institute every day. A virtual branch of the State Russian Museum of St. Petersburg has been opened here, exhibitions are being held. On the day of filming, an exposition of the Togliatti artist Igor Panov was opened in the center.

O.V. Syamina, Head of the Museum and Exhibition Center of the Volga Orthodox Institute in Togliatti, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor:

Our students are now employees of our center. Their work is carried out in three main areas. This is a theoretical block. Classes are held according to the schedule, where they get acquainted with the basics of museum and excursion work, in general with modern approaches to museum and excursion activities. The second direction is the practices that they undergo on the basis of our museum and exhibition center. In particular, they conduct excursions. Now we are finishing the development of an interactive tour of the Igor Panov exhibition. In addition, they were instructed to conduct sightseeing tours of the institute, participate in various projects that are being implemented on the basis of the museum and exhibition center. The third, also very important direction is the implementation of our own projects. Thus, students, working in our museum, receive very important competencies. And I do not rule out that, perhaps, many of them in the future will choose this direction as the main area of ​​their professional activity because they are very interested in it.

The temple, which is located at the Orthodox Institute, is a real decoration of the Avtozavodsky district, and indeed the whole city. It is made in the high traditions of the neo-Russian style.

Archpriest Dimitry Leskin:

IN Soviet years he was not favored, and therefore he was given the derogatory name "pseudo-Russian style." But it is not pseudo, but primordially Russian, our national style, which undoubtedly pleases any person looking at a building made in this style, because the most intimate strings play in a person’s soul.

The temple is named in honor of three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.

Priest Alexander Orlov, clergyman of the Church of the Three Hierarchs at the Volga Orthodox Institute in Togliatti:

Each of them individually received an excellent higher education, it is they who show that education is an important component of the life of every person. And of course, for the Russian Orthodox Church, they are precisely the spiritual patrons and mentors of every person who receives an education.

Student life is a great time. When a person is not burdened with worldly burdens, he strives for light. It is symbolic that the walls of the institute's church are also absolutely white, pure, like the souls of the children.

Priest Alexander Orlov:

The heart of a young person is always more open to God, to the spiritual. We have people belonging to other religious denominations, but they do not shy away from participating in Orthodox worship and all kinds of events that our Orthodox Institute holds.

Worship is held here almost every day. Liturgical practice is carried out here, that is, students, in addition to being present at divine services, now also participate in them. These are the altar servers, this is the kliros, this is the choir. The Orthodox Institute has been operating since 2014, and what we have talked about today is the very beginning of its development. And the inextricable connection with the rest of the educational system makes this path even more significant.

O.A. Lyshov:

I am sure that our university has a great future and our graduates will be recognizable in the future. They will definitely benefit Russia and remain in their profession.

Ivan graduated from the Orthodox Classical Gymnasium in 2010.

I.N. Makeev, 1st year student, teacher of liturgical practice at the Volga Orthodox Institute.

Probably the most important thing in life is the very core that holds a person all his life. In principle, I found there interests, hobbies, which then grew into something more. I was able to open my “wings” there. After graduating, I entered the Russian State Social University with a degree in management, and the craving for music still remained. That is, beyond the threshold of the Orthodox gymnasium, spiritual work does not end. Probably, I was waiting for the institute to be completed in order to come here. At first I got into it as a teacher, and now as a first-year student in the music department.

Archpriest Dimitry Leskin:

With great joy, I always testify that we already have graduates who have returned to work at the Orthodox Gymnasium. This means that the cycle has passed. This means that an educational institution can already reproduce itself, and this is the most joyful and most precious thing for us. And I would like to thank everyone who has supported our Orthodox Gymnasium, Humanitarian College, and Institute for many, many years.

Leading Archpriest Maxim Kokarev

Recorded by Elena Kuzoro

Education and Pedagogical Sciences

Linguistics and literary criticism

Industrial ecology and biotechnology

Economics and Management

Forms of study


Levels of Education


Admission Committee PPI


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schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00 108

general information

Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "Volga Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow"


No. 01054 is valid Indefinitely from 07/14/2014


No. 02589 valid from 05/16/2017

Previous PPI names

  • Volga Orthodox Institute

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PPI

2016 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2015, scored less than 4 points out of 7 (report)

2017 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2016, scored less than 4 points out of 7 or are in the process of reorganization (report)

Indicator2019 2018
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)3 4
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education59.67 63.32
Average USE score credited to the budget59.29 64.51
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis75.6 50.14
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department54.9 42.5
Number of students449 337
full-time department254 166
Part-time department0 0
Extramural195 171
All data Report Report

About PPI

The mission of the Volga Region Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow is based on the recognition of Russia as a sovereign civilization, which has the Orthodox tradition as its spiritual core, which forms the fundamental dimension of all-Russian culture. Orthodoxy fulfills the mission of maintaining Russian cultural and national identity, being the only historical nationwide institution that has a continuous succession of more than a thousand years. This civilization is characterized by deep respect for all cultural systems and religious denominations, with which it enters into a comprehensive social dialogue, without suppressing or confronting them.

Spiritual and moral values ​​play an important role in the life of a person and society. They determine the attitude of a person to various phenomena, motivate his activity. Civil society in modern Russia is in a deep spiritual crisis, which is fully reflected in many areas of our lives. Especially noticeable is the decline of cultural values ​​among young people, who have forgotten the original values ​​of the Russian way of life and the Russian mentality. The younger generation in Russia has lost the moral foundations of stable social development, expressed in the ideas of the spiritual continuity of Orthodox culture and traditions in life and upbringing.

The Institute is called upon to educate bearers of an original domestic cultural type, citizens of Russia rooted in its spiritual traditions, history, axiology, people with a broad outlook, with a high internal culture, capable of creative and independent thinking.

The Institute, as a center for the formation of an enlightened, moral personality, sees its goal in the education and upbringing of a healthy nationally oriented elite, self-sufficient, responsible, efficient, patriotically thinking, open to the world, interested in the real reproduction of spiritual, intellectual, cultural, economic values.

Volga Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow
Year of foundation October 14, 2013
Type autonomous non-profit organization of higher education
Rector Leskin Dmitry Yurievich, archpriest
Location Russia: Tolyatti
Legal address st. Yubileinaya, 59, Togliatti,

Volga Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow- higher educational institution in the city of Togliatti.

Construction of the institute building


The city authorities of Togliatti allocated an area of ​​0.9 hectares for the construction of the institute in the center of the city's Avtozavodsky district along Yubileinaya Street behind the Saturn cinema. Previously, there was a dining room on part of this territory, then a Catholic chapel, which was moved to a new location.

The foundation stone of the Institute was laid on April 22, 2008 in the presence of Archbishop Sergius of Samara and Syzran and Vladimir Artyakov, Governor of the Samara Region. The construction of the Institute received the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II.

This is the third university of its kind in Russia.

In August 2014, the first enrollment of students started at distance learning specialties: theology, pedagogy, economics, computer science, quality management, product technology and catering. More than 50 people accepted. The recruitment of applicants for full-time studies took place in the summer of 2015. The Volga Orthodox Institute is the highest level of continuous education: Orthodox classical gymnasium - Humanitarian College - Volga Orthodox Institute.


Volga Orthodox Institute, layout

The architects of the project were the winner of the State Prize, the architect Mark Vasilyevich Demidovtsev and Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Izhikov, according to the projects of which St. Nicholas Cathedral was built in the St. Nicholas Convent, the chapel of Barbara the Great Martyr, George the Victorious, Dmitry Prilutsky and more than ten churches in Russia.

The building was designed in the traditions of ancient Russian architecture. This is a six-storey building with a capacity of up to a thousand students, including a temple, a bell tower, a chapel, an assembly hall, about 150 classrooms, a refectory for 300 people. The Volga Orthodox Institute has a museum, a belfry, a scientific library, a ballroom, a conference room. total area building is 25 thousand thousand m².

The building of the Volga Orthodox Institute is not just a decoration of Tolyatti. The university is a cultural heritage of the city.

The house temple of the Volga Orthodox Institute is the temple of the Three Hierarchs. Made in the high traditions of the neo-Russian style. Worship is held daily. This is where liturgical practice takes place. Students, in addition to being present at divine services, also participate in them: the girls sing in the choir. Young men help the clergy as altar servers.

Educational activities

The Volga Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexis of Moscow is a unique institution of higher education that has been developing in Togliatti-Stavropol-on-Volga for several years with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with the direct support of the Government Samara region. This university is the first in Privolzhsky Federal District and third in Russia. Students of the Orthodox Institute have a rare opportunity to receive a secular education that combines social, humanitarian and theological areas of study. The Institute is the final link in the chain of continuous education: Orthodox classical gymnasium - Humanitarian College of St. Alexy of Moscow - Volga Orthodox Institute, in which over 1400 people study in 2019.

Areas of training


Philology (domestic, foreign);

Teacher education (elementary education, pre-school education, visual arts, computer science and information technology, history education, music education, economic education);

Technology of production and organization of public catering;


The Institute is attractive not only for the high level of teaching, popular specialties and international cooperation programs. Education in the best Russian traditions at our university is organically combined with the use of multimedia teaching technologies and a rich student life. A philharmonic society, a museum and exhibition complex, a theater studio were opened, students sing in a choir, participate in the editorial work of a student newspaper and television studio, a historical club and balls.

Students are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities, travel around Russia, engage in journalism, painting, music, recitation, oratory, singing, theater, publish their own newspaper, broadcast radio and television programs. Every year, students participate in student exchange programs within the framework of the federal educational Russian-Italian project PRIA, visiting the most beautiful cities in Italy.

Students of the institute actively cooperate with public, youth and religious organizations. The volunteer movement is actively developing in the educational institution itself, the exhibition complex is constantly operating.

The institute implements programs of additional education and upbringing for children and adults. In the Volga Orthodox Institute, all the necessary conditions for spiritual, moral, social, cultural, patriotic education for the development and self-realization of students, their participation in the public, educational and cultural life of the institute, city and region. Budget places available.

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