What are the specialties for at in yuurgu. Chairs. Extracurricular activities of SUSU

Concrete 09.10.2020

SUSU University in numbers

  • 30,000 students
  • 4000 kinds of training simulators, computer simulation simulators
  • More than 1000 candidates and doctors of sciences teach

Learning Format

The university has developed modern forms of distance learning - e-learning and b-learning, as well as mass distance courses in the MOOC format. Otherwise, SUSU has a classical education system. The university has an approved list of disciplines, where there are compulsory subjects and subjects to choose from. Each student has the right to draw up his own individual curriculum with those disciplines to choose from that interest him, however, it is necessary to choose disciplines. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters, with a mandatory session after each. The student shows the development of the subject in the format of tests or exams in the main, profile disciplines. Duration of study - 4 years (bachelor's degree), or 5 or more years (specialty).

Educational Opportunities

  • There are international programs
  • Have a double degree

Military training

  • There is a military department
  • There is a reprieve from the army

Extracurricular activities of SUSU

Organization of creativity and leisure of students - this is the activity that attracts students the most and this is not surprising: the work of creative teams, KVN, the contest "Miss EiP", "Talent SUSU", "Student Spring", business card contest of student groups, photo contest, games "What ? Where? When?”, “Dedication to Students”, “Valentine's Day” - and this is only a small part of the events where students of our faculty can express themselves.


  • There is a hostel
  • 63 ₽ According to the budget (monthly)
  • 63 ₽ By agreement (month)


  • 715 - 1 715 ₽ State scholarship (monthly)
  • 2,287 ₽ For outstanding academic achievement (monthly)
  • up to 8,000 ₽ Social benefits (monthly)

Famous graduates

  • Leonychev Yury*IT-architect of the online retailing company Rakuten
  • Golts Olga*Professor, University of California, USA
  • Vaulin Ruslan*Senior Research Fellow, Sqrrl Data Inc.

SUSU is a center of educational, scientific, cultural and sports life Southern Urals.

Founded on November 2, 1943 as the Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute, in 1951 it was transformed into the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, and in 1990 into the Chelyabinsk State Technical University. Since 1997 it has been the South Ural State University.

Today, SUSU has 9 institutes, 3 higher schools, as well as the faculty of military education and the faculty of pre-university training. There are 10 branches of the university in the cities of Russia.

About 40 thousand students study at the university and its branches. The educational process is provided by over 5,000 teachers and staff, including more than 360 professors and doctors of science, 1,600 candidates of science and associate professors. 3 academicians and 7 corresponding members work at the university Russian Academy sciences, 2 academicians and 2 corresponding members of other state academies. 229 employees and teachers were awarded departmental distinctions of various levels.

Training of bachelors, masters and specialists is carried out in more than 200 areas and specialties. The university is preparing in 25 areas of secondary vocational education. Every year, several thousand graduates leave the walls of the university. For all the time more than 220 thousand specialists have been trained with higher education, tens of thousands of reserve officers, candidates and doctors of science.

The faculty of pre-university training has a physics and mathematics school, a center for working with gifted children and School of Engineering SUSU. On the initiative of the university, the Russian Association of the International Program "Odyssey of the Mind" was created. In order to identify and support talented children and youth, the Regional Festival-Competition "The Future of Russia" is held. Together with the largest state corporations and employers, SUSU has organized and is holding the Zvezda Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad. Much attention is paid to career guidance and work to form the motivation of applicants for the choice of engineering areas of training.

Currently, the university is training teaching staff in graduate school in 24 areas (83 specialties), and in doctoral studies; training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for industrial enterprises and research institutes, as well as for enterprises of the military-industrial complex (Roscosmos, Rosatom, etc.). On the basis of SUSU, there are 12 dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses.

The university pays great attention to conducting all types of practices and employment of graduates. Established in 2005, the Department of Practice and Student Employment (OPTS) provides coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the university and methodological support for practices; interaction with enterprises and employment services; conducts marketing research of the labor market; organizes the work of commissions to assist in the employment of graduates at the faculties. The University has concluded about 3,000 cooperation agreements with large enterprises of Chelyabinsk and the region.

The university conducts active scientific, research and project activities. On the basis of the university there are the Research Institute of Digital Systems for Processing and Protection of Information; Research and Production Institute "Educational Equipment and Technologies"; 11 scientific and educational centers, including "Aerospace Technologies", "Composite Materials and Structures", "Mathematical Modeling and Applied Programming", "Mechanical Engineering", "Nanotechnologies" and others; Laboratory of supercomputer modeling, as well as more than 60 laboratories of faculties, institutes and branches. More than 50 scientific schools have been created and operate at the university.

SUSU actively cooperates with transnational corporations (Emerson Company) and major manufacturing enterprises such as ZAO PG Metran and OAO NPK Uralvagonzavod. Among the customers of the university: PJSC "KAMAZ", OJSC "AvtoVAZ", LLC "Ural Diesel Engine Plant", LLC "ChTZ-URALTRAK", JSC "Ural Automobile Plant" and others.

In 2004, the Institute for Open and distance education SUSU (IODO). Its activities are based on the experience and developments of the SUSU Distance Education Center that has existed since 2001: documentation support for the management of an educational structure using distance technologies; methodological basis for creating resources for remote educational process; system of professional development of the teaching staff; scientific research, etc.

In 2010, the Institute of International Education was opened at the university, which prepares foreign citizens for admission to Russian universities and coordinates the international educational programs of the university.

The SUSU Scientific Library is the largest university library in the region. The total fund of the library complex is more than 2.8 million items. The Internet Library provides open access to an electronic catalogue, a collection of full-text electronic versions of SUSU educational and methodical publications, and abstracts of dissertations.

The publishing center has a modern printing base. Every year it publishes more than 700 titles of scientific and educational literature, is a multiple winner of regional, interregional and all-Russian competitions of publishing and printing literature.

Since 1956, the newspaper "Technopolis" has been published at the university. Since 2002, an educational television and radio center began to operate, and since 2005, the first student television and radio company in Russia, SUSU-TV, has been operating at SUSU since 2006, a university radio studio has been operating at SUSU.

The Center for Creativity and Leisure has been operating for more than 50 years. In 1963, a student theater "Mannequin" was created at the university, which in 1996 became a municipal one. Many university teams, with which the leading choreographers, musicians and directors of Chelyabinsk work, professionally perform at the venues of the city and the region, are laureates of all-Russian and international competitions.

Since 2002, a sports club has been operating at the university, among the pupils of which there are masters of sports, members of the Olympic teams. The SUSU Sports Complex includes an athletics arena, one of the largest swimming pools in Russia, and a winter stadium. On the shore of Lake Bolshoy Sunukul there are the Nauka recreation center, the Olimp sports and recreation camp, children’s health Camp"Birch".

Among the graduates of the university are major political, scientific and economic figures. Among them are the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) V. Khristenko; Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region V. Myakush; Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2001-2013) V. Kostyuk. Many graduates have become heads of the largest industrial enterprises in the country: ChTZ-Ural-Truck, Ural Automobile Plant, ChMK Mechel, ChEMK, Mayak Production Association, Stankomash and many others. SUSU Rector A. Shestakov and SUSU President, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. Vyatkin are also university graduates.

The university has actually been following a clearly defined innovative course since its foundation.

In 2007, South Ural State University became the winner in the competition for the best innovative programs of higher educational institutions as part of the implementation of the national project

"Education". SUSU with the Energy and Resource Saving Technologies program was among 40 winners. The university received funding for the purchase of the SKIF-Ural supercomputer.

In 2008, the University opened a Supercomputing Center for modeling applied and fundamental research. The next step was the commissioning of the SKIF-Aurora supercomputer. Today, SUSU operates the SUSU Tornado supercomputer, which ranks 348th in the TOP500 edition of the most powerful computers in the world.

In October 2015, the University was among the six higher education institutions selected to participate in Project 5-100, which aims to maximize the competitive position of a group of leading Russian universities in the global market educational services and research programs.

Today, South Ural State University is a powerful, modern, dynamically developing scientific and educational center. Based on the accumulated experience and scientific potential, taking into account the trends of the modern economy, the university is constantly improving.

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