Prophecies of modern soothsayers. The strongest psychics of Russia. A look into the future of Russia

ceilings 11.08.2020

Orthodox Russian prophets and modern clairvoyants

Let's digress from the prophecies of Nostradamus and turn to the predictions of other clairvoyants, which in many respects have something in common with the judgments of the famous soothsayer.

Here is how the Kyiv mother Alipia describes the beginning of the Third World War, foolish for the sake of Christ: "The war will begin against the apostles Peter and Paul ... It will happen when the corpse is taken out." And again: “It will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them.

Mountains, hills will disintegrate, razed to the ground. People will run from place to place. There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox faith.”

When mother was asked if judgment day was near, she showed half a finger: “That’s how much time is left, but if we don’t repent, it won’t happen either ...” This prediction is of value to mankind not so much by a coincidence in the description of the war with other prophecies, but by an indication specific date(July 22 - the day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul) and the reason that will serve as an impetus for the start of hostilities ("when they take out the corpse", Nostradamus spoke about this). But main conclusion, which follows from the words of mother Alipia, is as follows: only human repentance can postpone the onset of judgment day.

As an alarming omen, Christians around the world perceived the earthquake that occurred in Europe on April 12, 1998, when the entire Orthodox world celebrated Easter. It was on this day that strong tremors were felt in Italy, Germany, Slovenia and a number of other European countries. On Mount Triglav, located on the border of Slovenia and Italy, their strength reached 5 points. Now we know what that earthquake meant. Italy, Germany and other countries of Western Europe not only supported the American aggression against Kosovo and Serbia, but also took direct military part in it.

There are other signs by which believers propose to determine the beginning of the Day of Judgment. Every year, on the feast of Orthodox Easter, candles and lamps miraculously light up on the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

According to legend, if the Holy Fire does not descend, the end of the world will come, and the patriarch under whom this event will occur will be killed.

It is known that in 1999 the Holy Fire came down at the prayer of an Orthodox priest only in the evening. Therefore, it can be argued that as the end of the world approaches and in the absence of repentance of the Orthodox Church, which has repeatedly supported fratricidal wars and conflicts, the Fire will descend later and for a shorter period, and if the Church continues to support military actions taken by dictators , he will finally leave Orthodox churches. And this can happen just before the start of World War III.

The Christian world also knows the miracle of the myrrh-streaming of icons and crucifixes. The history of the Russian Orthodox Church knows two periods of mass signs from icons.

In the early 1920s, myrrh streams passed in bands all over Russia. The second period began in 1991 and continues to this day. Now myrrh-streaming from icons occurs everywhere in Russia.

In the warnings that the icons give to humanity, there is, as it were, a call for the timely correction of the reasons that gave rise to the “weeping of the heavenly world” for people who call themselves Christians.

More than a clear reason for grief is the war in Chechnya. When people do all the worst, this crying will stop. And then, according to mother Alipia, the peoples will suffer a severe punishment, an execution "for their rotten state." Neither crosses nor body armor will save you from God's wrath. In 1917, in one of the Portuguese villages called Fatima, which has now become the world's largest religious center, second only to the Vatican in its significance, miraculous events took place. For three months on the 13th, the Virgin Mary appeared to three small children living in Fatima and transmitted her prophecies through them.

The first two prophecies were published by Catholic clergy only in 1942. In them, the Virgin Mary tried to warn mankind about the coming World War II. The reasons why these prophecies were not disclosed to the inhabitants for so long Soviet Union and other peoples are quite understandable, because in fact they contain the blessing of the revolutionary changes that were taking place in Russia at that time. And since they were given by that Divine world, in which the revolutionaries did not believe, this prophecy for the time being was kept in the strictest confidence.

Like many other predictions, the prophecies of the Virgin Mary gave people the opportunity to influence the course of history and make some adjustments to future events. If humanity had accepted the first prophecy of the Virgin in time, guided by common sense and taking such super-authoritative predictions on faith, the Second World War with all its troubles would certainly have been avoided.

What did the Virgin Mary want to warn humanity in her third prophecy? In 1957, a letter arrived at the Vatican from the last surviving witness to the apparition of the Virgin Mary, a nun at the Portuguese convent in Coimbra, Sister Lucia. In it, she revealed the secret of the third prophecy. However, it was never made public.

It was only in 1974, after reading a letter from Sister Lucia, that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger reported that the third prophecy of the Virgin Mary concerns "the danger hanging over the Earth and Christianity." The current Pope, John Paul II, in 1980, talking with German prelates, partly lifted the veil of secrecy. He said: "If you read about the oceans that will flood entire continents, about the millions of people who will die, then you would understand why we do not disclose the third part of the message ...".

It is no coincidence that John Paul II expresses confidence in the truth of the third secret of Fatima, because it was the bright image of the Virgin Mary that saved his life during the assassination attempt, which took place on May 13, 1981. Just a moment before the hitman pulled the trigger twice, Papa leaned over a girl from the crowd to examine the medallion hanging around her neck. As a result, the bullets passed over his head. The medallion depicted the Virgin Mary of Fatima.

The third secret of Fatima remained unsolved until the end of April 1999, when a rather unusual event took place. The famous Cardinal Carrado Balducci came to the national conference of Italian ufologists. In a private conversation with ufologists, he outlined summary of the third secret: “It speaks of the Third World War, which must break out before the beginning of the third millennium. It will use nuclear weapons. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people leave their aggressive intentions and reconcile with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the third secret predicts the crisis of the Catholic Church and the special fate of Russia. I can't tell you more."

It remains unclear why the Church does not reveal to humanity the full content of the third prophecy of the Virgin Mary, because not only she predicts the onset of the last world war. So, Vanga says: “When the field flower stops smelling, when a person loses the ability to sympathize, when river water becomes dangerous ... then a general destructive war will break out”; “War will be everywhere, between all peoples…”; "The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books"; “What is written in the Bible will come true. Apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live! “Mankind is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events. The consciousness of people will also change. Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith. The most ancient teaching will come into the world. They ask me when this will happen, soon? No, not soon. Syria hasn't fallen yet...

Do these predictions need comments? Regrettable as it may seem, it was faith that was the main cause of the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind, and the latter, in all likelihood, will not be an exception.

The soothsayer Mitar Tarabich, who lived in the 19th century in Serbia, in the city of Kremny, also spoke about the war: “A fierce war will begin, and it will be hard for the army that takes off into the sky, and those who fight on land and on water will be accompany good luck. Warlords will force their scientists to come up with different projectiles for guns that, instead of killing people, will plunge them into an unconscious state when they explode. Sleepy, they will not be able to fight, and then consciousness will return to them ... But when this happens, I don’t know - I can’t see it!

The book "Edgar Cayce" from the "Great Prophets" series tells about hypnosis sessions conducted by the American psychiatrist H. Wimbach in the 70s of the XX century. Volunteers took part in them. H. Wimbach introduced them into a state of hypnotic trance, after which they seemed to be transported into the distant future, more precisely, into their future earthly incarnations. After returning from such mental walks, the subjects, without previously agreeing, since they did not have time to make contact with each other, told very disappointing things about what humanity expects in the future.

In the early 90s of the 20th century, a series of experiments was continued by the student H. Wimbach C. Shaw, who managed to record, from the words of people who voluntarily agreed to participate in hypnotic sessions, about 500 visions about the life of mankind for five centuries to come. Their general meaning was as follows: all hypnotized people talked about what global natural disasters, including devastating earthquakes and dramatic climate change, await people in the future.

All subjects argued that the few people who managed to survive the period of grandiose catastrophes would have to choose one of four options for existence:

1) someone will hide under the dome of highly developed new cities. In this regard, how can one not remember the New Jerusalem, which John the Theologian describes in his "Revelation";

2) someone will find shelter in wretched space stations;

3) most of the survivors will stray into primitive communes with primitive foundations.

Wouldn't this be the only correct way out in the current critical situation? And if you think about it, is it possible with a clear conscience to call developed relations that have developed between people living in modern civilized cities?

4) the rest, settling on the ruins of their former dwellings, will perish in the struggle for the remnants of food.

Considering that the ecological situation has already worsened to the point that some cities have become practically unsuitable for healthy living, what will be the situation in them after the predicted events have taken place.

However, even in the predictions of hypnotized volunteers there is a share of optimism. Those who managed to look into the distant future argue that after 2250, a gradual revival of mankind and the rapid development of colonies on Mars will begin.

But what the Bulgarian astrologer Tatyana Iordanova told about in 1996.

“I was rummaging through my papers in my closet,” she says, “and came across some very interesting material about Nostradamus. Then, you see, I treated it as another interesting "pulp" and it was not deposited in the subconscious. If I hadn’t saved these newspaper clippings, I wouldn’t have believed it myself!”

We are talking about a series of messages-interviews by American Dolores Kenan, the founder of the method of regressive hypnosis, with the help of which she treated various diseases through "memories" of problems from past lives.

During one of the sessions, through the patient, Nostradamus himself suddenly began to speak to her. He wanted to personally explain to people the meaning of quatrains relating to the last decade of the 20th century, since he considered the interpretations of modern scientists unsatisfactory. Conversations with Nostradamus continued through other patients. Dolores recorded them and published books.

The interview was about World War III. According to the American, the Desert Storm of 1991 is considered to be its beginning. Until 1999, the war was expressed in local conflicts.

But 1999 was supposed to be a defining year, a kind of "Rubicon". "Communicating" with Dolores, Nostradamus predicted a serious conflict in the "gray zone" of Europe, that is, Macedonia and Albania, in 1999! This zone is called "gray" because it is neither East nor West. With the growth of the scale of the war, the use of nuclear, bacterial and chemical weapons is possible.

It is said in the interview about the third Antichrist. The first was Napoleon, the second was Hitler, and the third was born on February 4, 1962 in Jerusalem, but he is not a Jew, but a Muslim. His parents died in the war between Israel and Egypt. They were replaced by a very rich and influential uncle - the imam. Education - philosophical, economic and technical - he received in Egypt. This person will most succeed in the computer business when he becomes the master of the Internet.

During one of the contacts, Nostradamus uttered the following words: “You do not realize the power of your thoughts! They can influence the course of events. Focus on peace and harmony." Again, the great soothsayer speaks of the need to change human consciousness. The more cruelty there is in this world, the more disastrous for humanity will be the troubles that are its consequences. No wonder Vanga says: “Pray that God will spare the person, for he is mad in his hatred of his neighbor”; “Be kinder so as not to suffer anymore, a person is born for good deeds. The bad guys don't go unpunished. The most severe punishment awaits not the one who caused the evil, but his descendants. It hurts even more."

According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the Virgin Mary of Fatima and many others, there is very little time left before the start of a large-scale last war or a turning point for war or peace. The end of June-July 2002 will either be the beginning of the countdown of the last hours of peace and life for many people, or the first hours of a new life and a world without wars. Vanga, for example, believed that the events of the near future would develop according to the second option: “After the year 2000, there will be neither catastrophes nor a flood. A thousand years of peace and prosperity await us. Mere mortals will fly to other worlds at ten times the speed of light. But that won't happen before 2050."

What do these words mean? Perhaps the representatives of the mighty of this world have already begun to realize or will realize in the near future the suicidality of the path they have chosen? Maybe they will have time to make sound decisions, which have been talked about so much for a long time? Especially since they still have time for this. The first and most serious steps towards peace should be the targeted destruction of all nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, as well as the renunciation of the creation of new types of weapons of mass destruction. Only in this case will the optimistic predictions of numerous soothsayers come true. Otherwise, humanity will continue its movement towards the abyss, and then the irreparable will happen.

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In the middle of the 20th century, a broad anti-religious campaign was launched in the USSR, as a result of which shamanism was almost completely destroyed. Shamans were deprived of their ritual accessories, banned from kamlat, exiled and imprisoned in camps, some were eliminated physically.

Only recently, shamanism began to revive, and quite successfully - according to the ethno-cultural festival "Erdyn Games", today more than a thousand shamans practice in Russia, which is many times more than in any other country.


Shamanism today is much younger, experts say.

If earlier “communicate with spirits” could mainly be long-lived old people who spent many years alone with nature, today average age shamans are 25-30 years old, but this does not affect their credibility in any way.

Moreover, if earlier shamans accepted far from everyone, often even those who came were turned away from the gate, today their activity is set on a commercial footing, they willingly call on spirits and beat a tambourine in order to cure illnesses for money, look into the past or into the future. And - as some experts assure - their predictions are surprisingly accurate, and therefore there are more and more people who want to communicate with shamans every day.

“During the summer of 2015, we sent almost 8 thousand people on excursion tours to shamans,” says Yevgeny Aigistov, a representative of the Pioneer Tour company. - Specially designed programs for different budgets. You can go to the "expensive" Khanty-Mansiysk shamans in Ugra, there are few of them, but each session is like a mini-performance; you can go to the republics of Buryatia or Tuva, where shamanism is recognized as a national religion, shamanic societies have been created there, public shamanic sessions are held, Every second person has the gift of communicating with spirits, and therefore the services are relatively cheap. Separate prices are for tours to shamans in Peru, Ecuador and Mexico, they are ready to guess “for food”, but the flight itself is expensive.”

What is the secret of the success of shamans? Why do they attract thousands of people so much and how accurate are their prophecies? Let's try to figure it out.


Shamanism researchers like to quote “grandfather Savey” – that was the name of Semyon Vasiliev, one of the most famous shamans of Yakutia, who died in 2013. “Less than a year after my death, a war will start in Ukraine, many civilians will die,” he said. —

In two - Europe will shudder from the invasion of refugees, so many of them will take to the streets that there will be nowhere for a car to pass. In 40 years there will be a strong earthquake in Europe, many people will die. And America will be flooded almost completely by 2050.

Shaman Savey

As we can see, the prophecies about Ukraine and Europe came true, and this is not a falsification - they were recorded on videotape many years ago. This suggests that other terrible prophecies may come true.

“Grandfather Savey” also spoke about other mysterious things.

“Aliens wanted to bomb Russia, but changed their minds, so nothing will happen to our country,” he said. - Aliens fly around us, fly every night, just not everyone sees them. Their invasion of Earth happened many years ago, the purpose of staying with us is to study and observe humanity. At the same time, only a select few can see representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, they are hidden from ordinary eyes.

After the death of Vasiliev, many of his students began to say that they had learned to get in touch with his soul and now he helps them predict the future. So, the shaman Fedot became a real star in Yakutia, when, on the eve of 2015, in a news release on local TV, he said that we were in for a difficult year.

"Before the end of winter, death will come for a well-known politician, he will not die a natural death, and the killers will not be found." - only after the murder of Boris Nemtsov in February 2015 did everyone understand who the shaman had in mind.

“Food will be buried in the ground, a lot of poisoned products will be sent from the West” - the prophecy accurately describes the scene of the destruction of tons of sanctioned products that were illegally imported into Russia, and then crushed by tractor tracks and buried in the ground.

And Fedot's predictions for 2016 just get scary. What he meant is still anyone's guess. And hope everything works out.

“People will be covered by a black cuttlefish, crushed, hundreds of victims”; “Water problems in Africa and Europe. In the first case, there is nowhere for moisture to come from, in the other case, poisoning, you can’t drink”; "In the summer - a global failure of technology, a step back in the development of civilization."


Shaman Karagay is the only official representative of the Supreme Shaman of Tuva, he is known for being active on the Internet, he has his own website, on the pages of which he posts prophecies from time to time.

Some time ago, Karagay warned that 2015 and 2016 would be a time of trials for Russia, but the country could easily withstand them. “Russia is a powerful country! No wonder it is kept by the spirit of the bear, and he is the most powerful and ancient spirit! Everything will be fine, but not immediately. There will be a series of layoffs in power, many heads will fly, someone will go to jail. The ruble will do indecency, causing tears in people. But all these are trifles compared to the fact that there will be no war, Russia will not be drawn in, despite the fact that many people want this.”

Shaman Karagai

By the way, recently Karagay was a guest of the editorial office of a well-known metropolitan newspaper. During the interview, the shaman was asked if he could disperse the clouds. He replied that it was very simple, went out to the roof of the editorial office - the rain stopped.

Speaking about this miracle, Karagay told reporters that a drought or very heavy rain is always "heavenly sanctions." If somewhere there has been no rain for a long time, God lets know that there is a drought in human souls, and wants us to shed tears and repent. If the rain, on the contrary, is strong, floods everything around, he wants to wash away someone's sins.

Shaman Akim Buyan from Kyzyl is famous for the fact that he subdues not rain, but lightning. According to legend, in childhood, Akim was struck by lightning, and he began to hear the voices of spirits, after which he became an apprentice to an elder shaman from the Black Wolves clan.

“Lightning never kills,” says the shaman. - She either endows a person with a gift, because of which many become clairvoyant or possess some kind of ability, or takes the soul to heaven in order to elevate it to the rank of saints. For those who were killed by lightning, you need to pray, address them like gods, they hear and will always help.

Akim Buyan's predictions about the future are also associated with lightning.

“In 2018, before the eyes of thousands of people, the Thunderer will take away a world-famous person,” he promises, explaining that a certain celebrity (politician or show business star) will be killed by a lightning strike right during a speech in public, in front of the crowd.

“In the next 10 years, NASA will discover the possibility of using lightning for space purposes, and the secret developments of Nikola Tesla, which were previously considered lost, will be published,” Buyan promises.


Another world-famous shaman is Elvil, a resident of the Kola Peninsula, who is also a researcher and author of books on the culture, history, and traditions of shamanism. In July 2002, he had a vision of a north-facing giant with one foot in Europe and the other in Asia.

The giant accepted the cup of water that he received from heaven. Water begins to pour out of this bowl, its streams connect with the rivers of Europe and Asia. The water starts to rise quickly. Soon the rivers burst their banks, the flood begins. Many people do not have time to escape. During the rescue of property, people miss the phrase coming from the sky: “The warning has come true!”

And here is what Elvil predicts for the near future.

“The formation of a union of Slavic states with its further disintegration. An epidemic of new deadly killer viruses obtained by mutation. The appearance of artificial man - until 2020. Finding new forms of life on Earth. A significant increase in life expectancy and a catastrophic decrease in the birth rate.

By the way, the last prophecy is confirmed by the Chukchi shaman Kochap Tykentekiev: “In the next decade, the secret of longevity will be discovered, and in the next quarter of a century, living up to a hundred years will become the norm. The fall in the birth rate - in all countries, people will not be able to give birth - they will really want children, but they will not be able, perhaps this is even a planned experiment of the special services, which we will not know about right away.


Krasnoyarsk enthusiast-researcher Stepan Markov, who has been collecting predictions of Siberian shamans for more than 20 years, Far East and Central Asia, 15 years ago compiled a chronological sequence of coinciding prophecies.

According to it, up to 2035, at least one and a half thousand natural disasters will occur on the Eurasian continent, as well as in the waters surrounding this vast territory. Of these, the most destructive will be earthquakes with an epicenter in Northern Mongolia, around 2015, in 2022 - at the southern tip of the Kuril ridge, in 2030 - in the Philippines.

Tremors will cause powerful tsunamis, which will hit the islands of Taiwan, Sakhalin and Hokkaido. Due to the underground impacts of the elements in Northern Mongolia, the relief of the Sayan Mountains and the outlines of Lake Baikal will change significantly. By the way, Baikal itself will become smaller, and by 2040 only memories will remain of the former legendary lake.

By the same year, we should expect a significant drop in temperature not only in Eurasia, but throughout the planet. During this period, the so-called ice age is most likely to come, from which the southwestern regions of Europe and Africa will suffer the most, where the population will die out almost completely. Globally, by 2050, the human population will decrease by 1.5 billion people.

However, after 2050, the temperature on the planet will begin to rise. But this will not bring the long-awaited prosperity. The perennial droughts that have begun will lead to mass starvation. The area of ​​deserts on the planet will more than quadruple.

The dry and hot period on Earth can drag on for more than a century and a half, which will also lead to a significant reduction in the number of people. And only since 2200 has changed externally and internally human race will enter a long period of prosperity.

Locals call those who work with tourists, participate in TV programs, never contact them, and even more so do not believe their prophecies.

Many will agree that Nostardamus is considered to be the most famous and greatest soothsayer in the world. But, despite his popularity, all his predictions are very vague, they do not exact dates, they are scattered in an incomprehensible order and have a lot of allegory. For many centuries, people have not been able to unravel all of his predictions. All of them are written very vaguely, so they are adjusted to the events that have already happened. His predictions include - the unusual death of King Henry II, the death of King Francis II, he wrote about the change of the Romanov dynasty, the French Revolution, the period of the Stalinist regime, even wrote about his own death. And this is only a small part of the predictions that came true. Since the great soothsayer was repeatedly accused of fraud, he was forced to encrypt his predictions, which have not yet been solved.

Vanga is without a doubt the most popular seer of the 20th century. She was born in 1911 in Macedonia. From the age of 16 she began to predict, but by the age of 30 her predictions began to be called professional. Vanga was very good at identifying diseases in people, and then sent them to the right doctors and healers. The seer was blind and said that she sees a window in her head, in which, like in a film, a picture of the life of a person who came to her is shown, and from above a voice sounds that says what needs to be conveyed to him. Vanga's predictions came true somewhere around 80%, including: the beginning of World War II, the date of Stalin's death, the collapse of the USSR, the sinking of the well-known Kursk submarine, and many other less significant events. This seer of predictions left until 3797.

The legendary Cassandra, the daughter of the majestic king Priam, repeatedly tried to warn her people about the terrible death, but no one believed her. It was hard for the Trojans to believe that their houses could be burned and their families destroyed, so they closed their eyes to everything. She even tried to kill Paris, as she predicted that the Trojan War would begin through his vein, after an unsuccessful assassination attempt, she began to persuade him to leave Helen, but to no avail. People considered her a laughing stock and did not believe a single word of hers. Due to the fact that she had only bad predictions, her father ordered her to be locked in towers, where the poor girl could only watch everything that happened. Only when the inevitable began did people remember her, but it was too late. After the fall of Troy, Cassandra became the slave of King Agamemnon. Her beauty filled him, and he made her his concubine. In Greece, she gave birth to two sons, one of whom predicted death at the hands of his wife. She also predicted her own death. But, during one celebration in Mycenae, Cassandra, Agamemnon and her sons were brutally killed.

Sheikh Sharifu is a unique boy who was first heard about in 1999. He preached to Muslims and also visited a lot of African countries where he always had loyal followers. The boy was born in a very poor family, they say that at birth, instead of the usual cry, he uttered "Lailahaillallaha!", which in Arabic means "There is no god but Allah!". After hearing this, the boy's mother fainted, and without regaining consciousness, died. Sharifu never attended school, but despite this, he spoke many languages ​​well, including French, Arabic and English. At the age of five, Sharifu lost his father and decided to travel with his uncle. Surprised by the great wisdom of the little boy, people always helped him with money and food. Later he was called a sheikh, which means "honorary". You can talk about his travels for a long time, he visited many presidents of African countries. About a miracle boy heard even in America. His last sermon was on May 20 in Libya in front of a crowd of 15,000 believers. Trying to get closer to the boy, some people began to fall and were seriously injured. Then, putting his hand to the wound, Sharifu healed these people. The next day, at the same place, 60,000 people gathered in the hope of seeing him again, but the boy did not come. This was the last day he was seen, after which Sharifu disappeared without a trace. Some say that he ascended into the sky, even claimed to have seen it. The police put Sharif on the wanted list, his uncle was arrested, but he did not say anything specific.

This soothsayer of Jewish-Polish origin was born on September 10, 1899 and died on November 8, 1974. In fact, he was a pop artist, but he was remembered more as a predictor. Wolf Messing predicted the fall of the Third Reich, the death of Stalin and much more, including the date of his death.

The well-known soothsayer Rasputin was the doctor of Alexei Romanov, who was the heir to the Russian throne. Rasputin predicted the tragic death of the entire Romanov family, as well as the coming to power of the "Reds".

Already by one name you can guess that Vasily Nemchin is a Russian clairvoyant. Vasily lived in the XIV century and it was he who predicted that a great ruler would come to power, who would make Russia a very powerful power. The great soothsayer was believed by many important historical figures of that time, including Prince Vladimir.

The world has always been full of mysteries, mystical events and the unknown. For many centuries, people have sought to know the mysterious phenomena and at least a little look into the future. However, supernatural abilities are not available to everyone. Only a small percentage of the world's population manages to open the door to the unknown, and only a few of them know how to predict various events and even influence them - these are the strongest psychics! We will review the most prominent personalities of the last century, as well as talk about modern psychics, the winners of television "Battles" and their main merits today.

The most powerful psychics in Russia

In general, the word "psychic" is given the following definition - a person who presumably may have a special gift to heal people and (or) predict the future, as well as influence various affairs and events. It is worth recognizing that so far there are no scientific justifications that would help to be absolutely convinced of the extraordinary abilities of people who call themselves psychics.

Nevertheless, a huge number of cases are known when clairvoyants, magicians and sorceresses, by their actions, helped people become healthy, rich, find their love, and also uncovered the most intricate criminal cases that no experienced investigator could solve.

Among the outstanding strongest psychics of Russia of the 20th century, first of all, Wolf Messing, Juna, and also the prophetess Vanga, who at least lived in Bulgaria, still enjoyed unprecedented popularity in the territory former USSR, and the rumors about her do not subside until now! So, let's talk briefly about each of the famous clairvoyants in Russia.


This name, like Nostradamus, has long been a household name. The Bulgarian woman, who lost her sight forever in the early years of her life, became the main soothsayer of the planet. For her advice, people came from everywhere and almost everyone Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (real full name Wangi) helped without fail.

Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in present-day Macedonia. Later, already blind due to a severe hurricane, she lived for some time in Serbia in a house for the blind. But she spent most of her life in the small Bulgarian town of Petrich, which is located near Macedonia and Greece, as well as in the village of Rupite.

As Vanga often said in an interview with journalists and her niece, singer and writer Krasimira Stoyanova, psychic abilities she received thanks to invisible beings who always tell her the events from the life of each guest who came to her for a session. The origin of these creatures was unknown to the Bulgarian prophetess, but, according to her, they live on a certain planet Vamphim (presumably Phaeton or Nibiru), which is "the third planet from the Earth."

Vanga died on August 11, 1996, but she left a huge mark on the history of mankind. Today, her name sounds everywhere where it comes to global predictions and other attempts to look into the future. Unfortunately, recently she has been often mentioned in the “yellow press”: the Bulgarian prophetess is credited with a variety of predictions that in no way relate to her. For example, Vanga never predicted events such as the death of Joseph Stalin, the September 11 attacks (the phrase about the bush and birds is a falsification). However, the words "Syria has not yet fallen" for certain belongs to the prophetess (source: the book of Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova).


Soviet and Russian healer, who was friends with many influential people in politics, science and show business. Around the name of Juna there are no less legends than about Vanga. For many years she lived in Moscow on Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane, where she received numerous visitors with various life problems and ailments.

In the 90s, the healer Juna unexpectedly declares herself the queen of the Assyrian people, participates in elections to the State Duma, and is also engaged in creativity: she writes poems, stories, paintings, while not forgetting about her main activity. In 2001, her son dies, after which Juna begins to lead a reclusive life.

In recent years, the healer often appeared on television talk shows like Let Them Talk and Live, where she talked about her life after the death of her son and her healing activities. This unusual woman had huge plans, but her life was cut short in the middle of 2015...

According to rumors, Juna treated such prominent personalities of Russia and the world as Leonid Brezhnev, Robert De Niro, Andrei Tarkovsky and Marcello Mastroianni, but there is no documentary evidence of this. It is also worth knowing that Juna Davitashvili does not have the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the UN medal. The only award she received was the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Wolf Messing

Wolf Messing is a brilliant pop artist who had unusual and inexplicable scientific point vision abilities. Conducting psychological experiments with the audience in concert halls, he made an indelible impression on all people. Wolf Messing was born on the territory of modern Poland, but during the Second World War he was forced to flee to the USSR (the entire Jewish family of the artist died in Poland).

It was in the Soviet Union that he began to develop his variety business, first performing in the circus as an illusionist, and then moving on to author's concerts, in which the artist read the thoughts of the audience! Soon Messing was called the first Soviet psychic, but was he really a clairvoyant or were his abilities only artistic?

After the death of Wolf Messing in 1974, a number of documents were made public that could allegedly testify to the supernatural abilities of the artist, but, as it became clear, most of Wolf's statements about his unusual gift and meetings with the "powerful of this world" are most likely fictions of the artist himself. Messing.

On the other hand, people who knew the great Soviet psychic claim that by nature he was a rather indecisive person and could hardly falsify any information about his person. Therefore, be that as it may, Wolf Messing will forever remain a mystery of the past era and any myths about him that seem to have already been debunked, in fact, inevitably give rise to more and more new legends.

Modern Russian psychics

Are there great psychics today who can create the impossible and give rise to a lot of ambiguous rumors about themselves? Probably there is. In any case, modern television allows us to find out the names of the strongest psychics in Russia and the CIS countries. Primarily, we are talking about the popular TV program "The Battle of Psychics", where you can always see the best of the best magicians, sorcerers, healers and clairvoyants. Each of them has his own vision of the world, his own special practices, but all of them are united by secret knowledge and a special gift, thanks to which the doors to the unknown open.

Among the strongest psychics in Russia, according to the TV show "Battle of Psychics" (all seasons), the following persons stand out: Mehdi Ebragimi Vafa, Tursunoy Zakirova, Zuliya Radzhabova, Natalya Vorotnikova, Lilia Khegay, Alexander Litvin, Alexei Pokhabov, Vladimir Muranov, Natalya Banteeva, Mohsen Noruzi, Vitaly Gibert, Elena Yasevich, Dmitry Volkhov and Alexander Sheps. All of them are in different years became the winners of the "Beat you ...", as they excellently showed their skills and paranormal abilities. Not far behind them are such personalities as Vlad Kadoni, Marilyn Kerro, Vit Mano, Fatima Khadueva, Victoria Subota, Victoria Zheleznova and others.

Since ancient times, at all times, there have been "knowledgeable people" who were given what is hidden from the majority of the inhabitants. Many of them knew tragic fate and misfortune, many of them were given great strength from outside to overcome all adversity. The phenomenon of psychics has been closely studied for many centuries, and although psychics have not been finally recognized by science, people have repeatedly become convinced of the existence of the unknown and the paranormal. It remains to be hoped that supernatural abilities are given from above only for good purposes and the strongest psychics of Russia and the world will use their powers only for the benefit of mankind.

Incredible Facts

Some call them charlatans and swindlers. Others sincerely believe in their gift and turn to them for help.

People endowed with the power to foresee and heal have been at all times.

The abilities of psychics and clairvoyants have always been questioned,and provoked a heated debate among the people around.

They were accused of lying and idolized.

And although skepticsIt is believed that most of the so-called psychics are ordinary swindlers, there are those who are really endowed with superpowers.

Without a doubt, these extraordinary people are able to foresee the future and read the past.

Here are 11 of the most powerful clairvoyants in the world who, in a certain time period, amazed the world with their abilities and predictions that came true:

Famous Psychics

1. Edgar Cayce

There is evidence that Edgar Cayce had the ability to perform psychic readings during his sleep.

It was not for nothing that he was nicknamed the "sleeping prophet", because most of his insights came to him in a dream. Casey's prophetic and prophetic dreams amazed people. However, what was even more shocking was how he fell into such a state when he spoke his prophecies.

Casey could lie down on the couch, put his hands on his stomach, and then force himself to sleep. As soon as Edgar fell asleep, he could answer any questions put to him. It was believed that these were his predictions.

Many people even vouched for the true value and usefulness of such prophecies. Among the most famous Cayce predictions are the invention of the laser, as well as the fall of the communist regime in the USSR in the 90s of the 20th century.

Association for Research and Education, Inc. (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has maintained an archive containing approximately 14,000 Cayce psychic readings.

2. Jeanne Dixon

Jean Dixon was born in Medford, Wisconsin and raised in California.

She became popular for her prophecies, one of which was that President John F. Kennedy would be assassinated.

Her prediction was published in the May 13, 1956 issue of Parade magazine, which stated that presidential elections 1960 will be "won by a Democrat. Later, that winner will be assassinated or die in office as President of the United States."

A few years later, she predicted that "during the 1960 election, Richard Nixon would win the presidential election."

Great Prophets

3. Michel Nostradamus

Michel de Nostrdam or Nostradamus is one of the greatest prophets that ever lived in the world. His book The Prophecies of Nostradamus was recreated in copies after his death.

Many predictions of the great prophet have become almost cult. A huge number of people of different religions and nationalities believe that Nostradamus is one of the greatest people, and his prophecies are considered a real miracle.

However, many academic sources believe that most of his predictions were the result of misinterpretation or mistranslation, some of which were intentional.

Among the prophecies of the great Michel Nostradamus, allegedly, the birth of Hitler, the invention of the atomic bomb, and even the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

4. John Edward

John Edward has a TV show called Crossing. The program serves as a means of communication between deceased family members and the living. Thanks to this show, people receive messages from relatives from the other world.

Edward has also written several books on related topics.

Edward's psychic abilities manifested themselves at a very early age. The people's belief that John actually possessed these powers was also strengthened by the knowledge of the events that took place prior to his birth.

The clairvoyant spoke about them in great detail, which left no doubt that the man was a prophet, or at least had the gift of clairvoyance.

5. James Van Praagh

James Van Praag is a practicing medium. However, he can also be considered a celebrity as he is the co-executive producer of the ghost and afterlife series.

The psychic was even accused of lying, however, Van Praag repeatedly proved his psychic abilities not in word, but in deed.

In his programs and books, the clairvoyant mainly talks about what happens to the soul after death. Everything that is connected with the other world is in the competence of the medium.

6. Wolf Messing

The famous Polish medium of Jewish origin, Wolf Messing, is one of the greatest figures of the 20th century.

This man, endowed with incredible predictive abilities, aroused the wrath of the Fuhrer himself, who put a reward on Messing's head.

A few months before the outbreak of World War II, a psychic predicted Hitler's inevitable death if he "went to war in the east."

And if for Germany he became a real enemy, then in the Kremlin he came very to the court. After numerous checks, the most senior officials of the state, including Joseph Stalin himself, could verify his abilities.

There are whole legends about the incredible gift of Wolf Messing. Even after his death, this man remains a very controversial figure.

Some consider him the great charlatan of his era, while others recognize him as a great genius who managed to arouse the hatred and respect of the most powerful rulers of the 20th century.

Famous Clairvoyants

7. Stuart Wilde

Wilde is both an urban mystic and a visionary.

He has written 17 books on self-help, self-improvement, spirituality and consciousness. His works, including CDs of meditation sessions as well as transcendences, have been translated into over 30 languages.

In his later books, Stewart touched upon some very serious and pressing problems that every modern person faces.

In addition, Wilde is one of the so-called "conspiracy theorists", according to which the corrupt elite controls the government, banking and funds mass media that harm the public.

8. Helen Duncan

Helen Duncan was a Scottish clairvoyant and one of the most controversial figures in dream history.

She was accused of deception more than once: Duncan conducted sessions during which she released ectoplasm from her mouth. In her sessions, the psychic tried to contact the spirits of the dead.

Although some claimed that she was an ordinary swindler, and that she simply pre-absorbed all the substances that then came out of her mouth, many defended her, saying that it was impossible to do this on purpose.

Helen herself has repeatedly proved that she does not deceive anyone, but indeed, she has phenomenal superpowers.

People believed in her gift, including the historian Alfred Dodd and Maurice Barbanell. They claimed that Helen was indeed endowed with paranormal abilities.

However, Duncan became famous not only for her gift, but also for the fact that she was the last person to be convicted in the UK on the so-called Witchcraft Law.

In the UK, even a scandal erupted over the sudden death of Helen Duncan in 1956 (according to experts, the medium died from an ectoplasmic stroke).

As a result, the "Law on Witchcraft" was repealed, and some of its points were transferred to the "Law on False Mediums".

9. Daniel Dunglas Home

Dunglas Hume, a Scottish spiritualist medium who became famous for his incredible powers of clairvoyance, divination and levitation.

He also exhibited other forms of the so-called "psychic phenomenon".

Daniel Dunglas climbed to different heights with ease, and also handled fire and hot coal without burning. For over 35 years, Dunglas has conducted his séances without arousing anyone's suspicion that he is a fraud.

Everyone believed in his gift and accepted him as the greatest psychic.

It is believed that Dunglas had abilities in four types of mediumship. He had a strong voice (the ability to let the spirits speak), he had the ability to enter a trance state (the spirits spoke through him), had the gift of clairvoyance (seeing things that others did not see), and possessed physical mediumship (moving things, levitation and other incredible ability).

10 George Anderson

George Anderson is a medium considered best friend people who have left this world.

All because, thanks to his abilities and the gift of persuasion, he helped grieving families to move on even after a loved one died.

Anderson established a connection between this world and the other world, passing messages from relatives to people from the other world, and the wishes and requests of the living to the dead.

His phenomenal abilities left no doubt that George Anderson was indeed endowed with a great gift.

11. Vanga (Vangelia)

Vanga is a Bulgarian clairvoyant who has become, perhaps, one of the most controversial figures of the last century.

She was born into a poor peasant family in a small Bulgarian settlement, and at the age of 12, as a result of a hurricane, she became blind. It is believed that it was after the girl lost her sight that she discovered the gift of foresight.

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