Legend of rejuvenating apples summary. About rejuvenating apples and living water. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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The tale of rejuvenating apples and living water is one of the most interesting and magical tales of the Russian folk art. It is quite long, filled with an exciting plot and unusual turns of events. The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water can be read online in full or downloaded in PDF and DOC formats. Here you will find the full text, summary and thematic proverbs for the fairy tale.
Summary of the tale You can start with how in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king with three sons. Everything was fine with them, until the moment when the old king got it into his head that it would not become younger again. To do this, his sons had to get rejuvenating apples and living water. The eldest son Fyodor was the first to set off. Soon his road diverged into three paths: If you go to the right, you will save yourself, you will lose your horse, if you go to the left, you will save your horse, you will lose yourself, if you go straight, you will be married. Fedor without thinking for a long time went along the path of where to be married. I rode and rode and came to the tower, and a beautiful girl comes out of it, offers bread, salt. The hero could not stand the temptation, he went after the girl, she gave him a drink, fed him, began to put him to sleep, turned the bed over, and Fyodor flew underground, into a deep hole. Soon, the middle son of the king, Vasily, set off on a journey, and the same story happened to him. The third youngest son Ivan, Tsarevich, set off on his journey, stopped at a crossroads and chose the road. If you go to the left, you will save your horse, you will lose yourself. He rode for a long time and shortly and ran into a hut on chicken legs, in which Baba Yaga lives. Ivan Tsarevich spoke to her politely and courteously, so she did not eat it, but told her how to get rejuvenating apples and living water. Ivan did everything as Baba Yaga said, got to Sineglazka, the owner of magical attributes, and stealthily took possession of them. Sineglazka arranged a pursuit for Ivan Tsarevich, and, having caught up with him, arranged a duel with him. And everything would have ended badly for Ivan if he had not asked her for mercy. Sineglazka raised Ivan, the Tsarevich, from the damp earth, kissed him on sugary lips, and they immediately got married. But the tale doesn't end there. Ivan Tsarevich goes home to his kingdom, and on the way he turns onto the road to be Married in order to help his brothers out of trouble. He pulled them out of the pit, washed them with living water, and they all went home together. And the brothers, instead of gratitude, think: We will return without living water, without rejuvenating apples - there will be little honor for us, our father will send us geese to graze. They took everything that was from Ivan Tsarevich, threw him into a deep abyss, and they themselves went to present other people's gifts to their father. Ivan Tsarevich would have died if Nagai had not saved him - the bird that raised him from the seaside to native land. In the meantime, Sineglazka took her sons, gathered troops, and went to look for Ivan - Tsarevich in the kingdom. The tsar did not expect such a turn, he was frightened and sends for Fedor - the prince and Vasily the prince, orders them to find their brother. It was then that they confessed how rejuvenating apples and living water were taken from a sleepy brother, and he was thrown into the abyss. The tsar shed tears, and Sineglazka found Ivan Tsarevich among the drunkards and the tavern, washed, combed, and changed clothes. The next day they were already celebrating their wedding in the palace, and the brothers Fyodor and Vasily were driven out of the yard.
The main meaning of the tale about rejuvenating apples and living water of course: Good always triumphs over evil. But if you analyze the tale in more detail, you can identify not one morality, but several. For example, when the king wants to look younger, the sons, without further questions, go to no one knows where, in order to satisfy the seemingly delusional request of their father. This suggests that the time is coming when children should take care of their parents and give thanks for their upbringing. When Ivan Tsarevich stands at a crossroads, he chooses the road To the left, you will ride a horse, you will save yourself, you will lose yourself. He chose the most difficult path, since the easy path is not always the right one, you should not look for easy paths to the intended goal, there are no easy paths at all if you really started a big business. Ivan Tsarevich meets with Baba Yaga, but she does not eat him, but rather tells how to get what he is looking for. This one suggests that a polite and sociable person can always negotiate with anyone and about anything. Having passed all the tests and rightfully mastered the rejuvenating apples and living water, Ivan Tsarevich returned home happy, but he could not pass by, and saved his brothers from trouble. This speaks of his kind heart, and that you need to help your family and friends. Unfortunately, the brothers did not appreciate this, out of their envy and self-interest, got rid of Ivan in a vile way and took possession of his things. But soon this deception was revealed, the brothers paid in full, and having lost everything, they were expelled in disgrace. The truth always comes true, and all the evil deeds done are sure to come back a hundredfold.
Read the Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water not only very interesting, but also instructive. A good fairy tale with a happy ending, teaches kindness, respect for elders, courage, honesty, justice. Each hero of the fairy tale personifies human vices that you can see in yourself, analyze your behavior, and draw certain conclusions.
The tale of rejuvenating apples and living water is a good example of many folk proverbs.: Whoever honors his parents, that century does not die, What a father is, such a well done, Helping parents is our direct duty, Respect for the young is a duty, respect for the elder is a duty, Starve at least six days, but honor your father, Obedient son, fathers order is not breaks his back, Parental blessing does not burn in fire, does not sink in water, There will be no good if there is enmity in the family, Brotherly love is better than stone walls, He is my brother, and he has his own mind, He climbed into wealth - he forgot brotherhood too, Brother, brother and don't take any money! , My brother, yes, eat your bread, It’s easier to live without truth, but it’s hard to die, In whom there is no good, there is little truth in it, Fill up the truth with gold, trample it into the mud, and everything will come out, Falsehood you will go through the whole world Yes, you can’t go back, What you have acquired by untruth will not work, The secret always becomes clear, Happiness is built on the truth.

In a certain kingdom-state there lived a king, he wanted to be young again. The king sent his three sons in turn for rejuvenating apples and living water. And only the youngest son, with the help of Baba Yaga, reached the wonderful garden of Sineglazka. There is a lot of magic and miracles in the fairy tale that kids will like.

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Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water read

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and was a king, and he had three sons: the eldest was called Fedor, the second Vasily, and the youngest Ivan.

The king was very old and impoverished in his eyes, but he heard that far away, in the farthest kingdom, there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat this apple to an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with this water, he will see.

The tsar gathers a feast for the whole world, calls the princes and boyars to the feast and says to them:

Who, kids, would get out of the chosen ones, get out of the hunters, travel to faraway lands, to the farthest kingdom, bring rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug of twelve stigmas? I would write half my kingdom to this rider.

Then the larger one began to be buried for the middle one, and the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

Tsarevich Fedor comes out and says:

It is reluctant for us to give the kingdom to the people. I will go to this path, I will bring you, the king-father, rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug of twelve stigmas.

Fyodor Tsarevich went to the stables' yard, chooses for himself an untrodden horse, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unlashed whip, puts twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of strength ... Fyodor Tsarevich set off on the path. They saw that he was landing, but they did not see in which direction he rolled away ...

He rode close, far, low, high, rode from day to evening - the sun was red until sunset. And it reaches the rosstans, up to three roads. A slab-stone lies on the rosstans, on it the inscription is written:

"You'll go to the right - to save yourself, to lose your horse. If you go to the left - to save your horse, to lose yourself. If you go straight - to be married."

Fyodor Tsarevich reflected: - "Let's go - where to be married."

And he turned to the path where he should be married. He rode, rode, and reached the tower under the golden roof. Then a beautiful girl runs out and says to him:

The king's son, I will take you out of the saddle, come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest.

No, girl, I don’t want bread and salt, and I can’t pass the road with sleep. I need to move forward.

Tsar's son, do not hurry to go, but hurry to do what is dear to you.

Then a beautiful maiden took him out of the saddle and led him into the tower. I fed him, gave him a drink and put him to sleep on the bed.

As soon as Fyodor Tsarevich lay down against the wall, this girl quickly turned the bed, and he flew underground, into a deep hole ...

How long, how short - the tsar again gathers a feast, calls the princes and boyars and says to them:

Here, guys, who would get out of the hunters - bring me rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug about twelve stigmas? I would write half my kingdom to this rider.

Here again, the larger one is buried for the middle one, and the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

The second son, Vasily Tsarevich, comes out:

Father, I do not want to give the kingdom into the wrong hands. I'll go to the track, bring these things, hand over to you.

Vasily Tsarevich goes to the stable yard, chooses an unridden horse, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unlashed whip, puts twelve girths with a girth.

Vasily Tsarevich went. They saw how he sat down, but did not see in which direction he rolled away ... So he reaches the rosstan, where the stone slab lies, and sees:

"You will go to the right to save yourself, to lose your horse. To the left you will go - to save your horse, to lose yourself. If you go straight - to be married."

Thought, thought Vasily Tsarevich and “went on the road where a married man would be. He reached a tower with a golden roof. A beautiful maiden runs out to him and asks him to eat bread and salt and lie down to rest.

Tsar's son, do not hurry to go, but hurry to do what is dear to you ...

Then she took him out of the saddle, took him to the tower, fed him, gave him drink and put him to sleep.

As soon as Vasily Tsarevich lay down against the wall, she again turned the bed, and he flew underground.

And they ask:

Who is flying?

Vasily Tsarevich. And who is sitting?

Fedor Tsarevich.

Here you go bro!

How long, how short - for the third time the tsar gathers a feast, calls the princes and boyars:

Who would get out of the hunters to bring rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug of twelve stigmas? I would write half my kingdom to this rider.

Here again, the larger one is buried for the middle one, the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

Ivan Tsarevich comes out and says:

Give me, father, blessing, from a violent head to frisky legs, to go to the thirtieth kingdom - to look for you rejuvenating apples and living water, and look for my brothers.

The king gave him a blessing. Ivan Tsarevich went to the stable yard - to choose a horse according to reason. Whichever horse he looks at, he trembles, on which he puts his hand, he falls down ...

Ivan Tsarevich could not choose a horse according to reason. Goes hung his wild head. To meet him grandmother backyard.

Hello, child, Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you walking around sad?

How can I, grandmother, not be sad - I can’t find a horse in my mind.

You should have asked me a long time ago. The good horse is chained in the cellar, on an iron chain. You can take it - you will have a horse in mind.

Ivan Tsarevich comes to the cellar, kicked an iron slab, the slab from the cellar curled up. He jumped up to the good of the horse, the horse stood on his shoulders with his front legs. Ivan Tsarevich is standing - he will not move. The horse tore off the iron chain, jumped out of the cellar and pulled Ivan Tsarevich out. And then Ivan Tsarevich curbed him with an unbridled bridle, saddled him with an unridden saddle, put on twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, for the sake of the valiant glory.

Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey. They saw that he was sitting down, but they didn’t see in which direction he rolled away ... He reached the rosstan and thought:

"To go to the right - to lose my horse, - where can I go without a horse? To go straight - to be married - for the wrong reason I went on the road. To go to the left - to save my horse - this road is the best for me. "

And he turned along the road where to save the horse - to lose himself. Whether he rode long, short, low, high, through green meadows, over stone mountains, he rode day to evening - the sun is red until sunset - and runs into a hut.

There is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window.

The hut turned its back to the forest, to Ivan Tsarevich in front. He went into it, and there sits a Baba Yaga, of old age. The silk tow is tossing, and the threads are shaved through the beds.

Fu, fu, - he says, - the Russian spirit has not been heard, the view has not been seen, but now the Russian spirit itself has come.

And Ivan Tsarevich to her:

Oh, Baba Yaga, bone leg, if you don’t catch a bird, you tease, if you don’t recognize the young man, you blaspheme. You would now jump up and me, a good fellow, a road person, fed, watered and gathered a bed for the night. I would lie down, you would sit down at the head of the bed, you would ask, and I would begin to say - whose and where.

Here the Baba Yaga did it all - she fed Ivan Tsarevich, gave him drink and laid him on the bed. She sat down at the head and began to ask:

Whose road man are you, a good fellow, but where are you from? What land are you? What father, mother's son?

I, grandmother, from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I am going to distant lands, distant lakes, to the thirtieth kingdom for living water and rejuvenating apples.

Well, my dear child, you have a long way to go: living water and rejuvenating apples are with the strong bogatyr girl Sineglazka, she is my own niece. I don't know if you'll get good...

A lot of fellows drove by, but not a lot of politely used to say. Take, child, my horse. My horse will be faster, he will take you to my middle sister, she will teach you.

Ivan Tsarevich gets up early in the morning, washes his face whitely. He thanks Baba Yaga for the night and rode on her horse.

Suddenly he says to the horse:

Stop! Dropped the glove.

And the horse replies:

At what time did you say, I have already galloped two hundred miles ...

Ivan Tsarevich rides whether it is close or far. The day goes by until the night. And he saw ahead of him a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me! As I enter you, and exit.

The hut turned its back to the forest, its front to it. Suddenly heard - the horse neighed, and the horse under Ivan Tsarevich responded.

The horses were single. Baba Yaga heard this - even older than that one - and says:

Apparently, my sister came to visit me.

And out on the porch:

Fu-fu, the Russian spirit has not been heard, the view has not been seen, and now the Russian spirit has come by itself.

And Ivan Tsarevich to her:

Oh, Baba Yaga, bone leg, meet the guest by dress, see off by mind. You would have removed my horse, you would have fed me, a good fellow, a road person, fed me, watered me and put me to bed ...

Baba Yaga did everything right - she removed the horse, and fed and watered Ivan Tsarevich, laid him on the bed and began to ask who he was, where he was from and where he was heading.

I, grandmother, from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I am going for living water and rejuvenating apples to a strong hero, the girl Sineglazka ...

Well, dear child, I don't know if you'll get good.

Wise to you, wise to get to the girl Sineglazka!

And you, grandmother, give your head to my mighty shoulders, direct me to mind-reason.

A lot of fellows drove by, but not a lot of politely used to say. Take, child, my horse, go to my older sister. She'd better teach me what to do.

Here Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with this old woman, gets up early in the morning, washes his face whitely. He thanks Baba Yaga for the night and rode on her horse. And this horse is even stronger than that.

Suddenly Ivan Tsarevich says:

Stop! Dropped the glove.

And the horse replies:

At what time did you say, I have already galloped three hundred miles ...

Not soon the deed is done, soon the fairy tale tells. Ivan Tsarevich rides day to evening - the sun is red until sunset. He runs into the hut on a chicken leg, about one window.

Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me! I do not live forever, but spend the night for one night.

Suddenly a horse neighed, and under Ivan Tsarevich the horse responded. The baba-yaga comes out onto the porch, of old years, even older than that one. She looked - her sister's horse, and a foreign rider, a fine fellow ...

Here Ivan Tsarevich politely bowed to her and asked to spend the night. Nothing to do! They don’t take lodging with them - lodging for everyone: both on foot and on horseback, and poor and rich.

Baba Yaga did the whole thing - she removed the horse, and fed and watered Ivan Tsarevich and began to ask who he was, where he was from and where he was heading.

I, grandmother, of such and such a kingdom, such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. Your younger sister had it, she sent it to the middle one, and the middle one sent it to you. Give your head to my mighty shoulders, direct me to mind-reason, how can I get living water and rejuvenating apples from the maiden Sineglazka.

So be it, I will help you, Ivan Tsarevich. Maiden Sineglazka, my niece, is a strong and powerful hero. Around her kingdom there is a wall three sazhens high, a sazhen thick, at the gate of the guard - thirty heroes. They won't let you through the gate either. You should go in the middle of the night, ride my good horse. When you reach the wall - beat the horse on the sides with an unlashed whip. The horse jumps over the wall. You tie your horse and go to the garden. You will see an apple tree with rejuvenating apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Pick three apples, but don't take any more. And scoop up a jug of twelve stigmas from the well of living water. The maiden Sineglazka will be sleeping; He will take you over the wall.

Ivan Tsarevich did not spend the night with this old woman, but sat on her good horse and rode off at night. This horse jumps, jumps over moss-swamps, sweeps rivers, lakes with its tail.

How long, how short, low, high, Ivan Tsarevich reaches the high wall in the middle of the night. At the gate the guard sleeps - thirty mighty heroes. He presses his good horse, beats him with an unlashed whip. The horse got angry and jumped over the wall. Ivan Tsarevich got off his horse, entered the garden and saw - there was an apple tree with silver leaves, golden apples, and a well under the apple tree. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, but scooped up a jug of twelve stigmas from the well of living water. And he wanted to see for himself, the strong, mighty hero, the maiden Sineglazka.

Ivan Tsarevich enters the tower, and there they sleep - on one side six logs - heroic girls and on the other side six, and in the middle the girl Sineglazka scattered around, sleeping, like a strong river rapids rustle.

Ivan Tsarevich could not stand it, kissed her, kissed her and left ... He sat on a good horse, and the horse said to him in a human voice:

You did not obey, Ivan Tsarevich, you entered the tower to the maiden Sineglazka. Now I can't jump over walls.

Ivan Tsarevich beats the horse with an unlashed whip.

Oh, you, horse, wolf's satiety, grass bag, we don't spend the night here, but lose our heads!

The horse became more angry than ever and jumped over the wall, but touched it with one horseshoe - the strings sang on the wall and the bells rang.

The maiden Sineglazka woke up and saw the theft:

Get up, we have a big theft!

She ordered to saddle her heroic horse and rushed with twelve logs in pursuit of Ivan Tsarevich.

Tsarevich Ivan is driving at full speed, and the maiden Sineglazka is chasing after him. He reaches the elder Baba Yaga, and she already has a horse bred, ready. He - from his horse and onto this one, and again drove forward ... Ivan then the prince went out the door, and the maiden Sineglazka went through the door and asked the Baba Yaga:

Grandma, didn't the beast roam here?

No, child.

Grandma, did the fellow pass here?

No, child. And you eat milk from the way.

I would eat, grandmother, and milk a cow for a long time.

What are you, child, alive to handle ...

Baba Yaga went to milk a cow - milking, not in a hurry. The maiden Sineglazka ate the milk and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich reaches the middle Baba Yaga, changed his horse and drove again. He is at the door, and the girl Sineglazka is at the door:

Grandma, didn’t the beast skip, didn’t the good fellow drive by?

No, child. And you would eat pancakes out of the way.

Yes, you will bake for a long time.

Baba Yaga baked pancakes - bakes, takes her time. The maiden Sineglazka ate and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.

He reaches the youngest Baba Yaga, got off his horse, mounted his heroic horse and drove off again. He is at the door, the girl Sineglazka is at the door and asks the Baba Yaga if a good fellow has passed by.

No, child. And you would take a steam bath out of the way.

Yes, you will burn for a long time.

What are you, child, alive to handle ...

The Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse, prepared everything. The maiden Sineglazka took a steam bath, rolled over and again drove into the drift. Her horse jumps from hill to hill, sweeping rivers and lakes with her tail. She began to catch up with Ivan Tsarevich.

He sees a chase behind him: twelve bogatyrs with the thirteenth - the girl Sineglazka - get along with running into him, taking his head off his shoulders. He began to stop the horse, the girl Sineglazka jumped up and shouted to him:

What are you, a thief, without asking from my well drank and the well did not cover!

Well, let's go three horse jumps, let's try the strength.

Here Ivan Tsarevich and the maiden Sineglazka rode three horse-leaps, took battle clubs, long spears, sharp sabers. And they came together three times, they broke their clubs, they slashed their spears and sabers - they could not knock each other off their horses. There was no need for them to ride good horses, they jumped off their horses and grabbed in a handful.

They fought from morning to evening - the sun is red until sunset. Ivan Tsarevich's frisky leg turned up, he fell on the damp ground. The maiden Sineglazka knelt on his white chest and pulled out a damask dagger - flog his white chest. Ivan Tsarevich and says to her:

Do not ruin me, maiden Sineglazka, better take my white hands, lift me from the damp earth, kiss me on the sugary lips.

Here the maiden Sineglazka raised Ivan Tsarevich from the damp earth and kissed him on the sugary lips. And they pitched their tent in an open field, in a wide expanse, in green meadows. Here they walked for three days and three nights. Here they got engaged and exchanged rings.

The maiden Sineglazka says to him:

I'll go home - and you go home, but don't turn off anywhere ... In three years, wait for me in your kingdom.

They got on their horses and parted... How long, how short, how long things are done, soon the fairy tale tells, - Ivan Tsarevich reaches the rosstans, up to three roads, where the slab is a stone, and thinks:

"That's not good! I'm going home, and my brothers are missing."

And he did not listen to the girl Sineglazka, turned onto the road where a married man would be ... And he runs into a tower under a golden roof. Here, under Ivan Tsarevich, the horse neighed, and the brothers of the horses responded. The horses were one-stage...

Ivan Tsarevich went up onto the porch, banged his ring - the domes on the tower staggered, the windows twisted. A beautiful girl runs out.

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, I have been waiting for you for a long time! Come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest.

She took him to the tower and began to regale him. Ivan Tsarevich, not so much eats as throws under the table, not so much drinks as pours under the table. The beautiful girl took him to the bedroom:

Lie down, Ivan Tsarevich, sleep, rest.

And Ivan Tsarevich pushed her onto the bed, quickly turned the bed, the girl flew underground, into a deep hole.

Ivan Tsarevich leaned over the pit and shouted:

Who is alive there?

And from the pit they answer:

Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.

He took them out of the pit - they are black in face, they have already begun to overgrow with earth. Ivan Tsarevich washed the brothers with living water - they became the same again.

They got on their horses and rode off ... How long, how short, they reached the rosstans. Ivan Tsarevich and says to the brothers:

Guard my horse, and I will lie down and rest.

He lay down on the silk grass and fell into a heroic sleep. And Fedor Tsarevich says to Vasily Tsarevich:

We will return without living water, without rejuvenating apples - there will be little honor for us, our father will send us geese to graze.

Vasily Tsarevich answers:

Let's lower Ivan Tsarevich into the abyss, and we'll take these things and give them into the hands of our father.

So they took out rejuvenating apples and a jug of living water from his bosom, and they took him and threw him into the abyss. Ivan Tsarevich flew there for three days and three nights.

Ivan Tsarevich fell on the very seaside, came to his senses and sees - only the sky and water, and under the old oak by the sea the chicks squeak - the weather beats them.

Ivan Tsarevich took off his caftan and covered the chicks, and he himself hid under an oak tree.

The weather has calmed down, the big bird Nagai is flying. She flew in, sat down under the oak and asked the chicks:

My dear children, did the bad weather kill you?

Do not shout, mother, a Russian man saved us, covered us with his caftan.

Bird Nagai asks Ivan Tsarevich:

Why are you here, dear man?

My brothers threw me into the abyss for rejuvenating apples and for living water.

You saved my children, ask me what you want: is it gold, silver, precious stone.

Nothing, Nagai-bird, I do not need: no gold, no silver, no precious stone. Can't I get back to my hometown?

Nagai-bird answers him:

Get me two vats - twelve pounds - of meat.

So Ivan Tsarevich shot geese and swans on the seashore, put it in two vats, put one vat on the Nagai bird on the right shoulder, and the other vat on the left, he sat on her back. Nagai began to feed the bird, it rose and flies into the sky.

She flies, and he gives her and gives ... How long, how short they flew like that, Ivan Tsarevich fed both vats. And the Nagai bird turns around again. He took a knife, cut off a piece from his leg and gave Nagai the bird. She flies, flies and turns again. He cut off the meat from the other leg and served it. It's not far to fly. Nagai-bird turns around again. He cut the meat from his chest and gave it to her.

Then the Nagai-bird informed Ivan Tsarevich to his native side.

You fed me well all the way, but you never ate sweeter than the last piece.

Ivan Tsarevich shows her the wounds. Nagai-bird burped, burped three pieces:

Put it in place.

Ivan Tsarevich put - meat and adhered to the bones.

Now get off me, Ivan Tsarevich, I'll fly home.

Nagai the bird rose up in the air, and Ivan Tsarevich went along the road to his native side.

He came to the capital and finds out that Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich brought living water and rejuvenating apples to their father, and the Tsar was healed: he still became strong in health and sharp-eyed.

Ivan Tsarevich did not go to his father, to his mother, but he gathered drunkards, tavern fouls and let's walk around the taverns.

At that time, distant lands, in the distant kingdom, the strong hero Sineglazka gave birth to two sons. They grow by leaps and bounds. Soon the fairy tale is told, the deed is not soon done - three years have passed. Sineglazka took her sons, gathered an army and went to look for Ivan Tsarevich.

She came to his kingdom and in an open field, in a wide expanse, on green meadows, she pitched a white-lined tent. She covered the road from the tent with colored cloth. And he sends to the capital to the king to say:

King, give the prince. If you don’t give it back, I’ll trample the whole kingdom, I’ll burn it, I’ll take you in full.

The tsar was frightened and sent the eldest - Fyodor Tsarevich. Fyodor Tsarevich walks through colored cloth, approaches a white-linen tent. Two boys run out.

No, kids, it's your uncle.

What would you like to do with him?

And you, kids, treat him well.

Then these two boys took their canes and let's whip Fyodor Tsarevich below the back. They beat him, he beat him, he barely took his legs off.

And Sineglazka again sends to the king:

Give me the prince...

The tsar was frightened of the forest and sent the middle one - Vasily Tsarevich. He comes to the tent. Two boys run out.

Mother, mother, isn't this our father coming?

No, kids, it's your uncle. Feed him well.

Two boys again, let's scratch the uncle with canes. They beat, they beat, Vasily Tsarevich barely carried his legs.

And Sineglazka sent for the third time to the tsar:

Go, look for the third son, Ivan Tsarevich. If you don’t find it, I’ll trample the whole kingdom, I’ll burn it.

The tsar was even more frightened, sends for Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich, orders them to find their brother, Ivan Tsarevich. Then the brothers fell at their father's feet and confessed everything: they took living water and rejuvenating apples from sleepy Ivan Tsarevich, and threw him into the abyss.

The king heard this and burst into tears. And at that time, Ivan Tsarevich himself goes to Sineglazka, and with him goes the barn of the tavern. They tear the cloth under their feet and throw it to the sides.

He approaches the white linen tent. Two boys run out.

Mother, mother, some drunkard is coming to us with the barn of a tavern!

And Sineglazka to them:

Take him by the white hands, lead him into the tent. This is your own father. He suffered innocently for three years.

Then they took Ivan Tsarevich by the white hands and led him into the tent. Sineglazka washed him and combed his hair, changed his clothes and put him to bed. And she brought a glass of goli from the tavern, and they went home.

The next day Sineglazka and Ivan Tsarevich arrived at the palace. Then a feast began for the whole world - an honest feast and for a wedding. Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich had little honor, they drove them out of the courtyard - to spend the night where there is a night, where there are two, and there is no place to spend the third night ...

Ivan Tsarevich did not stay here, but went with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.

Here the fairy tale ends.

“The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples” you can remember a summary in 5 minutes.

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water" summary for the reader's diary

The aged and blind king, having heard about rejuvenating apples and living water, sends his sons to get them. For this they were to receive half the kingdom.

The eldest son Fedor was deceived by an evil beautiful girl and went underground. The same fate befell the middle brother Vasily.

The younger son Ivan, on the advice of a grandmother he met, found himself a heroic horse and also went for apples and water.

On the way, he met three Baba Yagas, who told him where to get apples and water, and helped him.

Ivan Tsarevich steals rejuvenating apples and living water from strong girl Blue eyes.

Sineglazka caught up with Ivan and they began to fight. Sineglazka defeated Ivan and they got married, exchanged rings and said goodbye - Ivan went after his brothers, and Sineglazka went to her kingdom.

Ivan saves his brothers, but they betray him and throw him into the abyss. And his findings are brought to the father and receive a reward.

The big bird helps Ivan and brings him to the surface, and he goes for a walk in the taverns.

Three years later, Sineglazka returns with her two sons and asks that Ivan Tsarevich be brought to her.

The brothers confess to the tsar that they killed Ivan, but Ivan himself comes to Sineglazko. They get married, the envious brothers are expelled from the kingdom, and Ivan and Sineglazka leave for her kingdom.

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples" summary

Once upon a time there was a king, he had three sons. The eldest is Fedor, the middle one is Vasily and the youngest is Ivan. The king got old, but he found out that far away, an apple tree with rejuvenating apples grows and there is a well with living water. He promised the man who got him these gifts into the possession of half the kingdom.

The eldest son Fedor took the inevitable horse and was the first to go for miraculous gifts. At the crossroads of three roads, he saw a huge stone on which was written: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse; if you go straight, you will be married; if you go to the left, you will save your horse, you will lose yourself.” He went straight and soon saw a tower with a gilded roof. A red-haired girl came out of him, fed him, offered to rest, and then threw him into a deep hole.

The middle brother Vasily chose the same path as the elder. And together they waited for their release in the dark pit of the girl.

Ivan Tsarevich decided to go for rejuvenating water for the father, and to find the brothers. On the advice of his grandmother, he took a heroic horse.

Go Ivan along the path of "save the horse, but lose yourself." Whether he rode long or short, but at sunset he came across a hut on chicken legs where Baba Yaga lived. He told her where he was going. It turned out that threshing water is in the possession of her own niece, the maiden Sineglazka, a strong hero. But it's almost impossible to find it. And she sent him to her middle sister and gave her horse. He quickly got to her, but she did not know how to find the maiden Sineglazka. He sent him to the eldest, most knowledgeable sister. She told Ivan Tsarevich how to find Sineglazka. She gave the young man her fighting horse, which could fly over the wall.

Ivan reached the kingdom, Sineglazka, jumped over the wall. An apple tree with rejuvenating apples grew in the Magic Garden, and under it there was a well with water. He plucked apples, got some water and wanted to look at Sineglazka. Ivan Tsarevich kissed her, as he was fascinated by her beauty. But when he was leaving, the horse caught on a horseshoe wall and from this ringing Sineglazka woke up and chased after the thief.

But she did not dare to punish him, because she liked this good fellow. And he began to kiss her on the lips of sugar. They walked for three days and three nights. And then she ordered him to go home, without turning anywhere, and wait for her for three years. But Ivan did not listen to her and went to rescue his brothers from trouble.

Their brother Ivan rescued them, and they deceived him, took the apples and the jug of water, and threw him into the abyss.

The Nagai bird helped him get out of the cave and brought him straight to his native side. He learned that the brothers brought magical gifts to the father-king, and he became healthy. Ivan Tsarevich did not want to return home, but began to drink and walk around the taverns.

And Sineglazka gave birth to two sons. They grew by leaps and bounds. She came to the kingdom of Ivan Tsarevich. The king sent to her first Fedor, then Vasily. But she did not recognize her Ivan Tsarevich in them, but ordered her sons to flog them with a cane for deceit and deceit. Yes, she ordered them to tell the whole truth to their father and find Ivan.

At this time, Ivan himself goes to Sineglazka. Sineglazka recognized Ivan Tsarevich in the drunkard - the father of her children - and ordered his sons to take him and take him to the tent to change clothes and give him a rest after three years of innocent suffering.

Sineglazka and Ivan Tsarevich arranged a merry wedding feast. Fyodor and Vasily were driven out of the yard. They themselves left for the kingdom of Sineglazka. Where they lived and did not grieve.

Alexei Mikhailovich Domnin

living water

The happiest people spend the night in a barn or hayloft during the summer. Natasha and I also slept in a shed among old furniture and shavings. It smelled of dried-up bast and lone mosquitoes rang.

Natasha is a great inventor. She has surprised blue eyes, three freckles on her nose and soft hair of the color white bread. Bruises and abrasions do not leave her elbows and knees: when she stumbles, she is sure to bruise her elbows and knees. I lived in the North for a long time, missed her, and now I tried to do everything so that she was happy.

Crawling under the covers, we put out the flashlight, dreamed up adventures and listened to boyesek.

Natashka called frogs fearful. They lived in a pond under a mountain and at night they screamed in different voices, like quarreling goats. Natashka did not believe that they were frogs, she assured them that they looked like a hedgehog and that they had ears and a tail.

Once we made up a fairy tale about how the fearful ones came to our barn and ate all the cookies. Suddenly, someone stomped on the roof. Then he sneezed, got down, and knocked on the door. Natashka covered herself with a blanket and did not dare to breathe.

Who's there? she asked, stuttering with fear.

It was the fat son of Nyura's neighbour. He has a shaved head, which makes his ears look too big. They are dark from sunburn, and his nose and cheeks are light, because the skin has peeled off them. He's a funny man, this Buba. He calls fairy tales convoluted, and teases me as a dreamer. He only believes what he knows and has seen.

Sleep! Buba said. - Let's shoot from a slingshot.

Why are you stomping on the roof? - asked Natasha.

But nothing. You and I won't go anywhere, and don't bother us sleeping.

Here's another!

Buba moved away and began to shoot pebbles from a slingshot at the walls and roof.

How stubborn he is, this Buba! Recently, someone broke the glass of the neighbors, and they complained about Buba. His mother thrashed him and put him in a corner. Buba stood up until dark, and fell asleep in the corner behind the chest, but he did not want to ask for forgiveness for anything. They play with Natasha, then they fight, and after half an hour they again forget about the quarrel.

The shooting from the slingshot finally stopped. Buba rustled behind the shed, entangled in the bushes, gasped - apparently, he hit something. Falling asleep, I thought that he must have run out of pebbles.

I woke up from a click in the nostril. I opened my eyes and for a long time could not understand where I was. Thin Sun rays. They pierced the twilight of the barn like light swords. Buba fussed behind the door; he stuck a green pipe through the crack and spat chewed paper balls. I quietly crept up to the door and, throwing it open, grabbed Buba by the scruff of the neck.

Come on, give me a pican, - I said sternly.

Buba closed his eyes and sat down, waiting for a cuff.

Natasha ran out, naked, in her red shorts. She hadn't woken up yet and was rubbing her eyes with her fists. Her matted hair stuck out like horns.

What are you playing? she asked in surprise.

Who will over-stubborn whom, - I sighed and released Buba.

Let's go feed the carp, - Natasha called him.

He looked at me timidly and pulled out a jar of worms from his pocket.

Just look, don't give more than two worms, - I punished.

And they ran into the house.

Buba really liked our aquarium with two learned carp. We put it on the window, in fact sunny place. If you tap on the glass with your finger, the crucian carp will swim out and plug their noses into the surface of the water.

Our crucians are special. I caught them with my boot when I was working with geologists in the taiga. He crossed a lake - it dried up, only pits of liquid mud remained - and stumbled into a pit. Barely got out of it. Someone alive fluttered in the bootleg. I thought it was a snake, and I went cold with fear. Shake your leg. Together with the mud, two golden carp splashed out of the top. They began to live in our bucket, and geologists took turns extracting worms for them. And then I brought them home for Natasha. On the plane, they fell ill and floated in a glass jar with their bellies up. But at home, I transplanted them into an aquarium, and they quickly came to life.

Natasha allowed Buba to feed the crucians herself. He threw the worms into the aquarium. The carp got scared and hid in the grass. Booba pressed his face against the glass so that his nose and cheeks were flattened. He laughed and beckoned the carp like a dog:

Fut, lip-slaps, fut...

Then they played trolleybus with Natasha and never quarreled.

Dad, let Buba spend the night with us, - Natasha asked. - We're fine.

Let it be, I agreed.

And even rejoiced. This evening I was just going to tell Natashka about the Ants - how they milk their cows, grow mushrooms and store honey in special barrel ants. Buba, of course, will not believe it and will say that I invented it. And I will show him the book where it is written about it. I immediately imagined how he would open his mouth in surprise and blink his bright eyelashes for a long time.

Buba said that he was not used to going to bed early. It was already dark, we sat on the hill and looked at the pond. The moon slumbered in the dark water, as bright and ruddy as in the sky.

Now, if we could scoop the moon out of the pond and transplant it into our aquarium ... - Natasha dreamed. - Will it be round or square in the aquarium?

I imagined crucians in the ruddy moonlit water and laughed softly.

It will be triangular! Booba giggled. He started raking the dust with his bare feet. - You are chemists. Grandma's fairy tales with pictures.

And not fairy tales, and not with pictures, - Natasha was offended. And we'll still get it.

Very simple, I replied. - Bucket.

Natasha showed her tongue to Buba and jumped on one leg:

Bucket-drome-drome, bucket-drome-drome ... But I'm afraid? she suddenly asked. - They won't touch us?

Of course not. They are small and kind. You will see for yourself.

Buba chuckled indecisively.


Natasha, singing “bucket-drome-drome”, rode off to the house. She brought a bucket and a flashlight, and we began to go down to the pond. Buba first went ahead, then lagged behind. Natasha held on to my pocket.

Are you afraid?

The moon swayed softly in the pond. The darkness became thicker, and the frogs screamed even more desperately. And suddenly they fell silent.

We were standing near the water. Silent shadows moved in the bushes. Natashka could not endure this silence and screamed:

Why are you silent, hey!

Something rustled at her feet, she gasped and sat down, covering herself with a bucket. I quickly turned on the flashlight. The frog jumped into the water. And frogs sat all around - on the sand, on the grass, on the leaves of water lilies. Blinded by the light, they fell into the water.

A word about a writer

The prose of Vladimir Krupin is something special in our literature, something outstanding and surprisingly simple.

Literature is a living process and, like all living things, has not only its own laws, but also its own habits. Despite the wide scope of prose of different directions and genres, different manners and styles, it is sustained or close to being sustained in the classical spirit, in a certain sense it is conservative and uses, in essence, the same tricks. It is descriptive in the sense that its word has a prepared meaning and place, and rhythmically and artistically exists in even horizons, without sharp ups and downs. The literary, descriptive word is precisely cemented in the general row and inactive, its magic is achieved by the general row and general mood. The spoken word in the same, let's say, folklore records stands freely - does not stand, but constantly moves, looks out of the row and has a more independent meaning.

Vladimir Krupin combined both manners - both written and oral, in his prose there is a very strong narrative element. The impression is that the letter is given to him easily: he sat down at the table and, telling the prospective listeners about how he traveled to his homeland or to the homeland of a friend, writes down after himself and barely manages to write down the events in the sequence and details as they happened. But he tells and writes with concentration, picturesquely and emotionally, without losing rigor and artistry behind liveliness and immediacy. And this means that the apparent lightness of the word is in fact not easily achieved, in the same painful search, as for any writer who treats the word with respect. This also means that it, the word, having entered the written system and having accepted its rules, is somehow able to preserve the will of the oral series, that it becomes wider and more confident. In fiction, it is very important that the word stands joyfully, an experienced reader will always see this joy from the exact use and desired work - this is how Krupin most often has it.

The distance between the reader and the writer in a book is a real thing, and it depends on what kind of heart, cold or sympathetic and aching, the book is written with, how warm it is with the warmth of the author's expenses. A cold, albeit performed at a high professional level, work is read with spiritual violence, and this, as a rule, is a “mental” reading, it is not the need that speaks in us, but the stubbornness to reach the goal in order to breathe a sigh of relief over our feat. In this sense, Vladimir Krupin is unusually close to the reader, and such closeness is achieved, adjacent to a direct interview, rare frankness and openness, a lively appeal to someone who is equally interested in their common cause to a person. Whether he writes in the first or in the third person, his hero is all in sight and does not know how to hide anything in himself, for Vladimir Krupin the personality is not to withdraw into oneself, but to selflessly come to people.

One of the most famous and remarkable works of Krupin is the story "Living Water". Main character hers is Kirpikov, who philosophizes in the simplicity of his unrefined mind. The commoner is nowhere further, embroidered with a bast, must be from the first to the last generation, nevertheless he is a noticeable personality in the village environment, firstly, thanks to his independent mind and, secondly, thanks to the “form” of ownership: Kirpikov is the owner of the only in the village of Merina. The horses were brought out, but in the spring you have to plow the gardens, whether you like it or not, but bow to Kirpikov. What to do?

The world is being simplified into a roguish and unclear crowd. And Kirpikov is honest, hardworking, he won the Great Patriotic War, raised children. “Oh, more than one European state would be located on a field plowed by Kirpikov, what climber would climb on a stack of hay and straw swept by Kirpikov, what wooden city could be built from logs prepared by him ...” He lived his life not just a molecule that entered into the body of the people, he was higher and lived through her personality. True, with a twisted personality, with quirks in the name of self-affirmation, like Shukshin's heroes, and with bouts of "Russian disease" in the name of self-consolation, but how little is this "self" in comparison with "general", with what was done for the country and its eternity ! But old age was not too late, the children parted, the front-line prowess, like a swan, overgrown with past, and more and more often Kirpikov thinks about the meaning of life, about why he lived and could the world do without him? Primitive philosophy, in the opinion of professors, but these are irrevocably the main questions of life, they are all the more serious and terrible, the more ingenuous they sound. No, this “thinker” is not so naive, who, at the age of more than sixty, began to look into old school textbooks and prepares himself for each new discovery with bizarre asceticism. For a short time it seemed to him that “people have not yet grown up to my understanding”: he groped, instinctively went to the realization of the truths of Christ and could not help but be proud of his victories - however, the days came when he had to be convinced that the world was consciously established on the basis of their misunderstanding.

"Oh, poor Kirpikov!" - I wanted to exclaim after this hero, who was wrecked in his hopes, first for the miracle of the moral resurrection of man, and then for the miracle of “living water”, which gushed out of the ground and was able to heal from physical and spiritual ailments. "Oh, happy Kirpikov!" - you can exclaim today, two, three decades after his search for the meaning of life. Today, when it is becoming more and more difficult to answer questions about the meaning of the existence of mankind as a whole.

But about this, about the losses and supports of the present life, the second story with a deliberately naked title "Love me, as I love you."

In a person who changes with age, the artist also changes. It changes, even remaining itself in views and in writing. The soul is different. Nothing speaks so accurately and fully about a person, and even more so about a writer, like the soul. In a true creator, every word passes through the soul; his pen is not dipped into the inkwell, but into the soul. She will tell without concealment about his talent, and about faith, and about the intentions with which he sits down at the desk, and about his attitude to his native land and his native person living on this land ... And what Vladimir spiritually got Krupin by the time of the second story, illuminates it with a different light - passed through a more complete truth than it was with Kirpikov, but also more disturbing, because the world has reached the last rebellion directed against itself. But you have to live in truth. Or not to live. This choice is faced by our poor and beautiful Motherland with such inevitability that sometimes it becomes scary.

The young reader of this book will also find stories by Vladimir Krupin in it. He is an excellent storyteller, sometimes witty, cheerful, “Bacchic”, sometimes serious, leading the action slowly and thoroughly, sometimes “documentary”, for whom a case of life, supplemented by imagination, turns into a case of literature.

Childhood, youth... Childhood in the stories of Vladimir Krupin is happy, first of all, with the circle that makes up the native land - nature, communication with "little brothers", the first labors and worries, the first difficulties and constant joy every day to be among the native. Kindness is invested in the soul of a child not so much by word and parting words, but by the environment and atmosphere, their integrity and strength - the spiritual and moral strength of the family and the physical protection of the earth. It is one thing to discover the world by climbing into a century-old grove cut down near the village, and to see around the bare and displaced expanses behind the reduced forests, which have lost their secret and attractiveness, and it is quite another to dream of adulthood, of travels and exploits from the middle of the carefully preserved native land. Lost children, from which bad people grow up, accustomed to ruin as the norm of life, are also the result of bad housekeeping, when the past and the future have neither price nor meaning.

In the poetry of childhood, there is a serious, without any derogation, respect for childhood, a recollection of it as our pure and good principles.

Youth ... Most of all in this romantic time, when a young man is choking on the sensations and possibilities of life, when he realizes himself with strength and in ecstasy from the first independence, the author is most worried about the structure of his soul in such a young man, the harmony between the physical and the spiritual. In youth, a personality already realized in its main features appears to us. Of course, not strong enough and not quite established in her views, greedily absorbing impressions and moods, but already definitely directed towards what she would eventually be. The author does not teach, remembering that youth does not tolerate teaching, but gently and unobtrusively, almost imperceptibly for the reader, leads to the foundations of human existence - to responsiveness, selflessness, love for one's neighbor and self-expression in open deeds, to the gradual realization of the ultimate truth: for a genuine freedom and happiness, for a comforting existence, a person needs more to give than to take. Youth seeks novelty and discovery in everything; leaving behind it the right to external, physical novelty, expanding the world of feelings and cognition, the author again quietly recalls that the main discoveries await a person in himself, in self-knowledge, in deepening his inner, spiritual world, which is huge no less than the world external. There is nothing more tragic and irreplaceable for each of us than to pass by ourselves, to outlive ourselves apart from ourselves, not to realize ourselves in the beauty that is destined for a person by birth. Each generation counts on its own special mission in the world; no need to say whether this is good or bad, but each generation, in turn, must be prepared for disappointments: every order is not so easy to change. Perhaps the most important thing in the current state of things in the world is the spiritual restoration of man both on the old and on the new principles, their organic and useful combination.

I don’t know any of the authors of the second half of the 20th century who would so masterfully deal with the fact, with what happens every day, turning it into perfect forms with the help of the means available to him alone. One of two things: either something interesting is constantly happening to the writer Krupin, almost at every step he meets nugget personalities, or the writer Krupin is so interesting himself that he is able to transform any ordinary event into a revelation. More important than pure imagination for him is the transformation of the material, its retelling in his own, incomparable way.

And in the letter it is not to be confused with anyone. This is some kind of special manner of narration - lively, even lively, bright, inspired, figurative, in which the Russian language “plays”, as the sun refracted in the clouds sometimes merrily and recklessly “plays”. For the reader, this is a ride along a shaky, but very picturesque and entertaining road, where you will laugh, and grieve, and admire, so that you will not notice any inconvenience from driving and will find with chagrin that the journey is over. One is over, but there are more to come.

Truly: life in the Vyatka land, where the writer comes from, was difficult, but how fruitful! It was not easy anywhere in Russia, which is why we have the best literature in the world. Difficult - consisting of works, teaching, leaving a full-fledged trace of a person on earth.

Valentin Rasputin


living water

To you as a keepsake, to me as a stone.

“Once upon a time ...” Kirpikov began, but Masha shouted:

- Oh, but not a grandfather and a woman!

- Mother, do you hear?

- What? Varvara answered from the kitchen.

- What does the granddaughter say, that's enough, she says, we lived.

“Live,” Masha allowed. “Don’t tell me a story, tell me about yourself.

- Inwardly? - Kirpikov opened the newspaper, pretended to study it, and reported: - Nothing has been written about me.

“How small you were,” Masha ordered. - How to go for living water.

- Walked and walked.

- Well, grandfather, well, for the last time! Well! “Vyatka men lived badly, but they didn’t know this ...” Grandfather! Farther!

- They lived and lived. And they thought that they were living well, no worse than others, but a stranger came and said: “Why are you living so badly? Didn't they drink living water, perhaps?

And Kirpikov himself, and Masha, and Varvara knew that he would tell the story to the end. For Masha! Yes, she twirled them as she wanted. Yes, he was glad. Mashenka also ran after him like a ponytail, like a tied one. And it was impossible to make out which of them was a child. Mashenka resurrected the beginning of his life. It seemed to go somewhere for fifty years and now it has returned.

It was not an old man’s falling into childhood, no, these memories were sealed with seven seals of adult labor, shortages, hardships, war, again labor, deafness to the childhood of her own children, but Masha came, put her little hands on these seals, and they disappeared, the doors fell to dust, and - my God! - as there was no whole life, but only childhood.

As it turns out, he knew a lot of fairy tales! As if he himself composed all the tales about fools, and Baba Yaga, and Koshchei, he freely walked along an unfamiliar road, confident that he would come to the right place. And the songs! Why Varvara is a songstress, and that diva was given as her hubby sang “Oh, don’t curl, fair-haired curls ...”, “On Saturday, a rainy day ...” (she even pulled this one up, and Mashenka, without going into the meaning, danced) , "June twenty-second, exactly at four o'clock ...". And how many completely printed ditties suddenly poured from Kirpikov's memory to the admiring Maria.

She did not remain in debt and treated the old people with newfangled songs, which she knew a lot. “Don’t cry, girl…”, “Snowfalls are very, very good…”, “Will there be more…” and others, forced my grandfather to play Kindergarten. Varvara once laughed when her old man pretended to be a boy-boy. “Don’t be afraid, boy,” Masha said, starting treatment, “now the machine will buzz a little, we’ll blow the dust off the teeth, and that’s it.” Kirpikov, remembering pulling out the remnants of teeth without freezing and making an artificial jaw, sincerely showed horror. He and his aunt had to be a teacher, and Masha came to his group with a check. “You have something, Alexandra Ivanovna (Kirpikov put on Varvarin's apron), discipline is lame. Draw your own conclusions." And Kirpikov did. He held a meeting and frightened the disobedient kindergarten dolls by shouting: “You are working for Hitler!” That's Masha laughing.

“Well, grandfather,” Masha reminded, “a passer-by told them: why do you live like that, that no one lives worse than you?”

- The men say: "You let's get out in the cold, and we'll figure it out ourselves." Well, he got tired, and the men thought. They think for a day, two, a week: what if they really live the worst of all? Back, and they didn’t drink living water. You have to ask. It is necessary, as it is not necessary! Who to ask! How whom? God, no one else...

Masha sat down more comfortably. Kirpikov understood that he was harnessed to history and had to be pulled to the end.

- Whom to send? Whomever you touch, nobody wants. This one is afraid, this one has no time. On that sin, on this two. I immediately turned around. The men decided: let's send Sanka. Young, don't look at him. “Vali, Sanya, find out how and what. And ask for living water. If anything, we will work for nothing.” Okay, I say. And yes, I would like to have a look. The men took me by the arms, by the legs, shook me and threw me into the sky. I just tucked my shirt into my pants, the apostles: “Who is this? Where?…” So and so, to yourself. And there they are so well-organized, everything sparkles so much that it’s a shame in a rag. Yes barefoot. One says: “Maybe not let me in?” The other is still in favor of letting him in - how much, they say, the jerk knows and yet still has a connection with the people. Let it go! I did not have time to blink, as they changed clothes, shod, presented. Here, I say, sent to ask. "Where?" - "Vyatsky". - "What kind of people?" “Nothing,” they answer him, “within the limits of tolerance. Temples are only built of wood, but otherwise they endure. And they live well, the children even in the summer go shod. You have a good example." “What else is there to ask?” So, I say, they ordered me to ask, as if living water, at least for a sip. There are many conversations, but not tried. “Give out! All?" Everyone is not everything, and they poke you in the back from behind - bow. I went out into the hall, I can’t come to my senses, I’m thinking how to remember: I stood like that, he sat like that, but why didn’t he ask if we live worse or better? I look, and already I'm back barefoot. The apostles say: "Come on, go and be patient." And how, I say, living water, after all, they promised. "Will be. Pay later." Brought to the edge, shoved. Yes, they cleverly calculated, fell on the straw, slammed my eyes, and in my hands was a hefty bottle. Around the men. "Have brought?" - "Here". They began to try. Yes, everyone liked it. Yes, they once let them go in a circle, and another, and they sang a song.

- Which song? Masha asked.

– What? “Steppe and steppe all around, the way is far…”.

- And at that time they sang "Glorious Sea, sacred Baikal ...".

- Not one, they sang a lot. They sang, they look - the bottle is empty. “Come on, San, it’s a short matter, fly over for more.” I'm waiting to be shaken and thrown into the sky. “No,” they say, “it’s closer, run to the general store, it doesn’t matter ...”

- And then you wake up? Masha asked.

“And then I wake up.


Not in the Velvet season, as the poet said, our hero came into the world, lived his life as ordered, and will anyone really condemn that at these moments he is sitting with a mug of beer? Rather, he does not sit, but stands and speaks. And everyone listens to him, although at the closing hour of the pub it is impossible to capture the general attention. For example, a certain Vasya Zyukin wanted to sing from the delight of the soul, but immediately the barmaid Larisa threw out the singer. And again silence. If flies could survive in a pub, you could hear them fly by.

“We scratch at the back of the head, and we are balding from the forehead,” said Kirpikov. - And that's exactly what it is. Therefore, even if we jumped from more than one tree or came out of more than one cave, we were still brothers and sisters. At least second cousins ​​or fourth cousins. And if you do, you will find your relatives everywhere. Even in Africa, only maybe they are not recognized ...

I wonder what attracted Kirpikov general attention? The answer lay in the time of year: spring was coming. Already the palms of the hillocks were sticking out of the snowy mittens, the owners were already looking at the gardens. Everyone had vegetable gardens - only Kirpikov had a horse. The horse was an unnamed gelding of the lumber camp. Kirpikov was listed as a lumber camp watchman, but he considered himself a groom. “The word watchman,” he said, “dishonors our reality. If there is a watchman, then there are thieves. But whoever needs it will steal from the watchman, but there is nothing to guard from the honest. In the spring, on the days of planting potatoes and in the autumn, on the days of harvesting, Kirpikov became desirable for everyone. They vied with each other to treat him, it is better to say - they gave him water in advance, and what is more important for him - they listened. He ceased to be Sasha, he was remembered full name.

- Speak, Alexander Ivanovich, - the timid voice of the pensioner Delyarov appeared.

- I order the word "woman" to be deleted from all lists! Kirpikov ordered. - In the margins, notice: women. Get started!

- There are no lists, - said Delyarov, - there is nowhere to cross out.

“You are a fool,” Kirpikov told him.

- I'm a fool?! Delyarov asked cowardly, recruiting witnesses with a glance.

“You, you,” the driver Afanasyev calmed him, in the vernacular Afonya.

– Only without hands! Larissa screamed.

“All fools,” Kirpikov summed up.

“Well, if that’s all,” Delyarov calmed down.

- ... except for my gelding. We are many, he is one. He is the last horse, I am the last groom. He will die and I will die. We write further: beauty is the nature of life. But you are all blind.

The saying about beauty went unnoticed, and the peasants did not accept the reproach of blindness - how blind they are if they went home on their own, and if they stumbled, it was not from blindness, but because there was no strength to bypass the obstacle.

“The history of life teaches…” continued Kirpikov.

But no one has learned what the history of life teaches. It's a pity. What to do - the earth's gravity has overcome. Kirpikov collapsed. The artificial jaw snapped sharply.

- Home! Home! Larissa screamed.

They began to disperse one by one and in groups.

Vasya Zyukin met those leaving and happily asked:

- Have you seen everything? Well Lariska, well a woman! Open your ear and eye, and both at the same time! How about me, huh?! Up to three times, no less, rolled over. Got up on four points. My wife doesn't do that very often. Most importantly, - he boasted, - not a single glass container was broken, even if there was a crack somewhere.

The pensioner Delyarov, who had not drunk a single gram, but had become numb from alcohol fumes, came out. He took off his shoes and ran away jogging. From a heart attack, he thought, and away from the pub. Of course, without the need to plow the garden, he would not bow to Kirpikov. But do not dig with a shovel. "Monotonous physical work stupefies,” thought Delyarov.

Afonya brought Kirpikov out and balanced.

- Will you come?

- How far? Kirpikov asked, not orienting himself well.

- To home.

- In which direction?

“In this one,” Afonya showed.

“I’ll get to this one,” Kirpikov replied.

In parting, they shook hands. It was a handshake of people equal in position in the village. If Kirpikov had a gelding, then Afonya had a truck. To bring hay, toss firewood - for this they went to Athos. The difference was in pay. Kirpikov received half a liter for his work with a snack, Afonya took money.

Afonya and Vasya Zyukin left with him. Vasya, shaking the bottles in his bosom, began to sing. The bottles tinkled two octaves higher - Vasya did not pull.

“The woman will cut off your head,” Afonya said, half jokingly, half prophesying.

“Not today,” Vasya replied cheerfully, “she has nothing to do with it today, our dog has died. Tomorrow is the funeral, come and remember.

Soon the tinkling died down, and Kirpikov, everyone right person, left alone, abandoned by all. So many offerings were made to him that he became overweight.

He should have known that satiety is punished, but we are all strong in hindsight.

past by railway, trains flew by, clasping the throat of the village like a temporary necklace. During the day, passengers could see a tiny train station, a station buffet, several dozen houses, a lumberyard fence, stacks of firewood, a metal pipe of a public bath; at night, a few lights flickered, and that's it.

But how can one reproach the passengers of soft, compartment and second-class carriages for the fact that at the foot of the station buffet that flashed past the window, their neighbor is suffering, and they are in no hurry to help. Moreover, he suffered deservedly. Might as well not get drunk. But again, how to blame Kirpikov: they asked for a drink - he could not refuse. He had to sleep in and work off the advance.

Long-distance trains flew by, but the commuter train stopped twice a day. The only passenger who got off in the village stumbled over Kirpikov.

- Who's there? asked Kirpikov half asleep. - I'll tighten it now. And he woke up: a man in uniform was standing over him.

Kirpikov overcame gravity and only then saw that the uniform was not a police one.

“I ran into the wrong person,” he said, about to lie down again.

But the man shook him savagely, and Kirpikov recognized the forester Smyshlyaev. Let's go together. Kirpikov walked in zigzags, as if he was covering his tracks.

- Well, - he asked the forester, - did the state get rich from my five?

- If you are wiser, you are richer.

“A fine is not food for thought,” Kirpikov said edifyingly. - Get a pencil. For brooms! he exclaimed, addressing the heavens. - For brooms I was fined fifty rubles for old money!

- There is nothing to meddle in the nursery! I can't breathe on every sprout!

“Everyone breaks there,” Kirpikov naively thought that the reference to the majority justified, “but they spotted me. Do you think I'm poor because of your five?

- Don't drink again.

- I'm already respected tenfold. And who will bring you? Let's go to the glass, check it out. Wrap it up. No one will cry, where is your grave ...

Dogs barked. They pursued two goals, and quite successfully: they justified the leftovers from the master's table and passed along the street like a baton of the squandered Kirpikov and his savior.

Hops began to come out of Kirpikov, and he tapped his false teeth lightly.

- And what was the person to worry about? he said offended. - I would lie to myself and lie. No, get up. You can't seem to let people live in peace. And I considered you a friend.

“It’s wrong again,” the forester chuckled. - Fined - bad, saved from a cold - bad. You broke golden brooms. These are plantings of Karelian birch, the best furniture from it.

“But we don’t need furniture,” said Kirpikov, mistaking a puddle for a piece of asphalt. - I'm without a bed, I sleep on the floor - there is nowhere to fall.

The forester brought him to the shore.

- And in general, - said Kirpikov, - if someone has a fire, I won’t go to extinguish it - let everything burn down. What you can do without is superfluous and harmful. It's just that they don't know how to lure money out of the people. How much does Karelian birch furniture cost?

- Two thousand, two and a half.

“Two and a half?! At such a sky-high figure, Kirpikov gasped so in shock that the dogs fell silent in puzzlement. - That's when you revealed yourself! That's where I got you! Two and a half! You work for speculators. Furniture, khrenebel, restaurants. Some parasites. No one to work. Close restaurants - that's the workforce.

- No, Alexander Ivanovich, a beautiful thing is good. Imagine you did...

- Not going to…

- Yes, and no time. We've arrived.

- I can see it myself. We've arrived! You were good to me, you spoiled it yourself. You don't teach people on me. Don’t turn your back on the people,” Kirpikov said instructively.

You have lived your life, but you have not acquired your mind.

- How did you live it? Kirpikov jumped up. - What did I hurt? I take up a little space, so let me live!

The forester shrugged his shoulders and went on his way. It wasn't far to go. The poor self-sowing forest rustled under the wind, and even a person accustomed to the forest shuddered when the wind suddenly blocked the road with a branch.


– Repin’s painting “They didn’t wait!” - this is how Kirpikov commented on his crossing the threshold. I don't see joy.

Barbara sighed and turned away. It was possible, after waiting for her husband, to go to sleep, but she knew from experience that until he spoke out, she would not fall asleep. There was a remedy - to pull out the false teeth, but the husband was on the alert.

“Don't move,” he warned, lying down in the corner under the icon. He lay down on the floor on principle, as if in absentia proving to the forester that his words do not differ from deeds.

“Well, harrow, harrow,” Varvara sighed. “And when will you come to your senses?” After all, you are already bald, you goblin, goblin, you pour in four sips, but when you even fill to the brim, when you at least untie my hands, you goblin, Satan.

“Answer the question,” Kirpikov said to this and lit a cigarette, “are there beds in the grave?” No. Three points. Second question: when will I die? I answer: never. In spring and autumn, I'm worth my weight in gold, they won't let me die. Summer is excluded. It remains winter. I find a way out - to go to Africa for the winter.

Varvara went into the kitchen and poured water into a glass.

“You won’t dare under an icon,” Kirpikov said coolly. “It even benefits me that you believe. But I don't believe. I can bubble my mother.

- Lord, your will, forgive the unreasonable. Don't lead to sin.

Kirpikov flared up:

- For what to forgive? For the fact that all his life he broke the spine, for this? For giving education to five children? For fighting? BUT? Why didn't you take someone else's penny? For that? Don't get close! Stay where you are! Target is permanent!

Varvara, lulling her vigilance, took up her darning.

“I see darkness in front of me, that is, you. And should enlighten. I give a verbal answer to the question. God was for a start, I do not argue. He started life here, said: multiply - and flew away. And we got busy. Tell me, who created your children? No answer. Me or someone else? Reveal the secret. Still me? And remember: I created them - I am God. Check. Hit with a stool - I'll survive. It's too late to change the planet.

Barbara spat and left. Kirpikov, pretending to wipe himself off, jumped up.

- Are you spitting? he spoke. - It won't come to me. I ask for words: a Russian woman spat at me. The limit is over.

Still, he wasn't at his best today. I felt some weakness. Either the hops passed, or the conversation with the forester had an effect. He used to do worse things, for example, rehearsed how to lie in a coffin (which means he was still going to die).

- The next number of our program, - announced Kirpikov and went to the loudspeaker ...

The number was called: “Do you want to talk to me? Very well! I have to speak with Moscow."

- What are those, goblin, radio, time is two hours! Barbara screamed from the kitchen almost in tears. - All the others are sleeping for a long time, Lord, why am I being punished like this?

- So! On air Kirpikov. Local time… Did mother feed the gelding?

- May he die, your gelding.

We apologize to the listeners. These are the machinations of an alien element. Did you feed on command? I ask you seriously.

- Fed!

- Thanks in order. So. Comrades! A simple ordinary worker, outwardly unremarkable woman, turned to us with a request. It's you. Let's sing a song for her.

Kirpikov sang:

When I was the boss
Wearing striped pants...
Keep calm,
Give me a cigarette.

As befits art in general, Kirpikov's art was truthful. I wanted to smoke, I ran out of cigarettes, I wore out my striped trousers, and I was not alone, and I was the boss. Here, on the site of the timber base, there were collective farm fields, and Kirpikov, returning from the hospital, was the foreman. As for the call for calm, it can be interpreted in different ways. Kirpikov, as a realist, did not put any second meaning into it - he simply called for calm. In the most extreme case, someone could be found and say that it doesn’t matter what pants the hero wore, but you can’t please everyone.

But art is not cheap - Kirpikov paid the price: Varvara crept up behind, grabbed her by the head and pulled out her false teeth.

Kirpikov couldn't even finish the program decently - you won't mumble with your toothless mouth.

Barbara, having hidden her prey, sat down on a chair and for a long time watched with compassion as her husband resentfully breasted the rugs and groped on them.

“Sanya, Sanya,” she said sadly, “what have you come to, my God, half my life you have reduced with your booze. There was a man, Sasha became. After all, you can’t see the white light because of the cursed vodka! After all, you didn’t drink like that before, so they brought Masha, didn’t drink. You don’t put me in anything at all, you scoff, exhausted all your nerves, your eyes wouldn’t look! I'll leave you, go to one of the guys.

"Buzzing shy sham," said Kirpikov.

“But I don’t need it, so I won’t come back anyway.” I’ll go under the windows to ask, and that’s easier. Eh, Sanya, - said Varvara, - but who needs you? Your gelding will die, and who, apart from your own, will remember you? He worked out a pension, live, rejoice. Who's gonna love your booze? she said, shaking her head. - Who forbids you to drink on holidays or after a bath, who? After all, you can drink, get drunk is a sin. When I looked into your mouth or pulled out a glass? After all, the dirty one was lying around, what it came to, there was absolutely no person left of you.

To look at his wife was to face the truth. Kirpikov watched. Such a sudden fatigue propped up, my heart ached, my head swam.

- On the! said Varvara, suddenly taking out a full bottle and banging on the table. - Come on, fill up. - And she brought false teeth.

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