Square nails character. Manicure: what does the shape of your nails tell about you? scientific point of view

Electricity 24.11.2020

When doing a manicure, we think about what the color and design of the nails will be, and most importantly, what shape and length to choose. Not everyone thinks why they choose one or another form of the nail, although today more and more people began to pay attention to the fact that to some extent the shape of the nails reflects the nature of nature and conveys the emotional state of a person.

  • oval nail shape
  • pointed nail shape
  • square nail shape
  • rectangular shape of the nail.

Oval nail shape and character.

Owners of nails of a round or oval shape are very emotional personalities and prone to sentimentality.

They live by their own invented rules, relentlessly believe in their ideals, strive for justice and do not tolerate even the slightest manifestation of cruelty. The innate destiny of such people, according to the prevailing opinion, is peacekeeping.

Square nail shape and character.

Owners of nails of a square shape are usually characterized by such qualities as curiosity, wit, attentiveness, high intellectual qualities and insight. In life, they value orderliness, they approach everything in life from a philosophical point of view.

It is believed that people with square nails in their personal lives and work rely on the mind, and not on feelings and emotions. Often they become leaders, demonstrating such traits as assertiveness, determination, perseverance, determination, independence and courage. But in the soul of such personalities there is a whole sea of ​​​​contradictions and a constant internal struggle.

Rectangular nail shape and character.

Owners of rectangular nails, as a rule, are workaholics and jacks of all trades.

Personalities with this form of nails are distinguished by such traits as maximalism, naivety, gullibility, optimism, kindness, emotional openness and a tendency to idealize everyone and everything.

At the same time, people with a rectangular shape of nails go through life, relying only on their own strengths - they do not need outside support, and almost always they achieve what they strive for.

Pointed nail shape and character.

The pointed shape of the nails most often indicates creative personality owner. They note the tendency of musicians, artists, sculptors, fashion designers and other people of art to give their nails a pointed shape.

Such people most often have such features as non-standard thinking, daydreaming, creativity, love of freedom, passion, impatience, the ability to quickly and seriously get carried away, as well as impressionability and, as a result, vulnerability. Earthly wealth for people with pointed nails is nothing compared to spiritual values.

The shape of the nails is not the only thing that can tell about the personal qualities of the owner. Researchers of the relationship between a person’s character and his nails also note that the length and growth characteristics of nails also reveal the secrets of their owners.

As for the length of the nails, then long nails talk about such traits as unpredictability, extravagance, love of excess, luxury and comfort. People with long nails are often characterized by increased suspiciousness, superstition, authority, secrecy, excessive vanity and a tendency to envy.

People with short nails- natures are fighting, energetic, versatile, but often overly picky, and sometimes turn out to be arguing mockers. But usually these are just people who strive to take a leadership position in life, disciplined, demanding of themselves and others.

Researchers have observed that short, hard, and thick nails indicate anger and that people with such nails live long lives. Very short nails speak of the independence and independence of their owners. Such people, one way or another, strive for loneliness, whether they realize it or not.

Nail color and other features.

Nails Pink colour- evidence of firmness and constancy. Uneven, curved, twisted nails are a sign of a masterful and predatory disposition.

Pointed and bent nails, especially on thin fingers, indicate a strict, and even vicious disposition.

People with pale nails, especially round ones, are considered dangerous in every way.

White dots, sometimes dotted with nails, according to legend, portend happiness, dark dots - misfortune.

A sign of hypersensitivity are small nails ingrown into the body, which, as it were, is advancing on them from all sides, as if trying to cover them.

(Based on the materials of M. Pokrovskaya "Supermanicure").

We are all different. There are distinctive features that are immediately noticeable. For example, the color of hair, eyes, skin. And there are little things that are looked at later. These are faces, nails. But all these features are united by one common genetics. And all of them are not without reason given to each specific person. For example, you can determine the character by the shape of the nails. Some are skeptical about this, but folk wisdom and knowledge is not a joke, but the truth based on specific facts.

scientific point of view

If you read somewhere that scientists have confirmed this information, do not believe it. and human character are undoubtedly interrelated. But this is confirmed by folk observations, not science. The point is not how true the data is. This can be easily followed. The truth is in the sources. And in this case, science is not an indicator.

Before finding out the character by the shape of the nails, you need to determine what kind of plate it is. Usually only five main types are distinguished (and sometimes only four at all). But we will expand this list so as not to deprive anyone. To begin with, we will tell you what the oval shape of the nails means. Let us also analyze the round, square and rectangular versions of the plate. This characteristic is suitable for people who have one of the types clearly expressed.

Oval nail shape

Oval nails are found in people with long, aristocratic fingers. Both that, and another testifies to romanticism of personalities. Their ideal world is difficult to break the cruel reality. They will stand up for their values ​​to the end, constantly putting justice exclusively in the first place. In addition, such individuals are often nervous, thoughtful, depressive. Sometimes they are weak in spirit, have an unstable psyche.


In this case, the shape of the nails is determined very accurately. Being strict geometric figure, the square endows the same qualities of character and its owner. Usually, such nails can be seen on the fingers of people who are decisive, calm, purposeful and reasonable. Here the image of a practical person is drawn. He stands firmly on the ground and knows what he wants. Such an individual rarely shows emotions and feelings, however, this does not mean at all that he does not have them. Under the guise of composure is often a fiery passion. People with square nails are leaders and protectors.


Similar plates on the phalanxes determine the character no worse than the others. According to the shape of the nails, you can name the main features inherent in a person. And in this case, this is innovation, which is manifested literally in everything. Curiosity is also added to it, which results in a thirst for travel, sociability, responsiveness and kindness. Maximalism is also inherent in them: in work, in relation to people. Because of it, they sometimes suffer. After all, giving a lot, you do not always get the same amount in return.

round nail shape

These people are energetic and positive. Their plates resemble a round sun. The same are the individuals who have a similar shape of nails. They are creative people. But not melancholy-sublime, as in the case of oval ones, but subversive, tireless and creative. Such people can be safely called stubborn adventurers. Thanks to this "nuclear" combination, such individuals achieve everything that only comes into their heads. And, believe me, even a tank will not stop them on the way.


Sometimes nails, having sharp corners, taper upward, forming a semblance of a trapezoid. People who have this form are very proud, and sometimes even arrogant. But this does not overshadow their pure mind. On the contrary, they always look at things from a rational point of view, they are able to draw correct and logical conclusions. They are great connoisseurs of art, although they themselves are rarely its creators. But often they can become inventors. Their dream is to serve for the benefit of science.

"Fan" or "blade"

We depart from the usual geometry and figure out how to determine the character by the shape of the nails, if they do not fit into the canons. “Shovel” or “fan” is called nails, which, unlike the previous type, on the contrary, taper downwards. Those who have them just like that, take care of family values, keep home comfort, dearly love their loved ones. These are people with emotional, impressionable, and sometimes very vulnerable. Philosophy is not alien to them. To reflect at night on the meaning of life, such individuals love more than others.

Nail length

From time immemorial, long nail plates have been considered beautiful. They seem more elegant, beautiful and therefore aesthetic. But in fact, it turns out that the shape of the nails and the character of a person are interconnected. It turns out that people with short nails are more kind, soft-hearted and sympathetic than "aristocrats" with their long and well-groomed plates.

fancy nails

Girls worry about their manicure much more than men. Therefore, unusual nails can become their shame. At least that's what the ladies themselves think. But analyzing the character in the form of nails in women, in this case we also come to the conclusion that such girls are very extraordinary personalities. After all, an unusual shape, which is even difficult to describe with any figure, means that the person who got it is just as non-standard, bright, unique. He avoids everything ordinary, and even more so banal. You can expect anything from him!

Triangular nails are also rare. At least not more often than the usual oval or rectangular ones. Their owners are full of courage and determination, not afraid of hard work. Their costs often pay off and are rewarded a hundredfold. such individuals achieve all their goals. These are strong-willed persons who know what they want from life.

Very wide and flat

Some people have very short nails - real rectangles. They may be bent in some wrong direction. Such wide and flat plates are more common in men than in women. People with such nails are well versed in human psychology. Advice is rarely given, but if they say something, it is better to listen to them, because you can only pray to their intuition. Although, perhaps, this is not a premonition at all - just the right conclusions, a clear mind and the ability to look at the situation from the outside, correctly assess the situation. Through the desire to benefit from everything, people with broad and flat nails often able to solve complex problems that others could not handle.

Master's business

Genetics gives us the natural form of nails. But many girls and women change it, trying to lengthen it. Sometimes they file the plates to their liking, growing them out. The choices they make can also reveal something about their character. So, imperious people who love luxury strive for. They are very offended if someone is better than them in something. Moreover, they make themselves passionate, and rounded - romantic natures, dreamers. Briefly, cheerful, energetic girls who do not like to sit in one place file their nails.

Other features

It is worth mentioning some other features:

  • beware of people with pale nails - they are cunning;
  • underdeveloped nails - the difference between single people in life;
  • small - observed in sensitive, vulnerable individuals;
  • thickened nails - inherent in people who are easy to hurt.

You can determine the character of a person by the shape of the nails. She points to the peculiarities of his behavior, hidden abilities and talents.

Human hands are the source of much knowledge that palmists can talk about. However, not only the lines on the palms, but also the shape of the nails can shed light on the hidden corners of the human soul. Site site experts offer to get acquainted with what secrets can be hidden behind the shape of the nails in order to better know your surroundings, as well as your own personality.

Nail shapes

There are five most common forms of nail plates:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • oval;
  • fan-shaped.

If it is difficult for a person to understand exactly what shape his nails have, then most likely there are conflicting qualities in his character. AT modern world nails can be given any shape and size, but this will not affect the character or fate. You need to look at natural data without building up.

Oval nail shape

Owners of oval nails are dreamy, sensitive and sentimental. People with such nails have a wide range of emotions and tend to see the world through the prism of kindness. Personalities with oval nails rarely go into conflict, usually they try to resolve the situation diplomatically. They are fair and kind, but they can rush from one extreme to another if they are burning with some idea. The versatility of character often leads to sudden mood swings.

Square shape

It is believed that people with square nails are balanced individuals who cannot be pissed off and inclined to conflict. These people are usually conservative, neutral, but sharp-witted and hard-working. In the character of people with square-shaped nails, there is hardly a share of adventurism, however, having set a goal, they are able to go over their heads. They rarely resort to such extreme measures: they usually prefer to weigh the pros and cons to find the best and least energy-intensive way to achieve what they want.

rectangular shape

This form of nails indicates hardworking and energetic individuals with inexhaustible optimism and enthusiasm. These people attract attention, they are charismatic, open to experiments and adventures. They often cause envy among ill-wishers, thereby being subjected to negative influences. Owners of a rectangular shape of nails in their youth are naive, but with age they cease to trust everyone in a row and thereby strengthen their own protection.

Trapezoidal shape

This form of nails often indicates selfish people who are self-confident and have high self-esteem. They have a bright appearance and charisma, get along well with creativity, realizing themselves in this field. Despite selfishness, such people are ready to help and provide support to those who really need it. In addition, the owners of trapezoidal nails are impressionable and vulnerable, but they hide it behind a mask of indifference.

fan shape

This form of nails is also called spade-shaped. It characterizes people who have a good soul, become wonderful family men and parents. Vulnerability is inherent in them, but such a character trait allows them to see those who need care in their surroundings and help people to the best of their ability.

Not only the shape, but also the length, thickness, color of the nails can tell about the character.

short nails indicate sociable, brave and energetic personalities. They are disciplined, scrupulous, have leadership abilities.

Short and thick nails most often found in secretive personalities and centenarians. They are extravagant and mysterious, but often indulge in the bad traits of their character, becoming squeamish and suspicious with age.

Naturally long nails point to unpredictable people who are accustomed to a comfortable life, often boasting of their wealth and capabilities.

Uneven, bumpy, or curled nails found in wayward and somewhat aggressive people. They are able to hurt with words and severely avenge those who offend them.

Nude nail color indicates firmness of character, good nature and constancy.

Dark pink nails characterize temperamental personalities, full of energy and having a tough character.

Bluish or bluish nail color may indicate health problems that require close attention and treatment under the supervision of specialists. If diseases are excluded, then such a shade indicates stress and nervous conditions, due to which a person may experience fatigue and irritation.

You can learn more about your own character using the lines on your hand. You can get acquainted with palmistry and understand exactly how to interpret the location of the lines on the palms thanks to the detailed articles that you will find in Palmistry "\u003e special section of our website. We wish you good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

Is it possible to just look at the nails of the interlocutor and decide whether to continue communication with him or to smile and wave the pen? We found out that the shape of nails can say a lot about a person, and according to their condition, the doctor can easily determine the state of your health. There is even fortune-telling by nails - onychomancy. What exactly do the nails say, will tell you PEOPLETALK.

Square short

Owners of square-shaped nails are very thoughtful, their mind dominates their feelings. They are witty, resourceful and attentive people. But they are quick-tempered, although quickly outgoing. This is a sexually aggressive and extremely jealous person. With such a person, an amazing, passionate relationship awaits you, but they will always be on the verge. These are leaders in life, courageous and independent, who always achieve their goals.


Owners of rectangular nails are real workaholics. A little nervous, but very sincere and kind people. They are somewhat naive and tend to idealize everything around. They always know what they want from life, and achieve everything themselves. Such a person will never ask for help, but he himself is always ready to support. Because of his gullibility, he is often deceived, but he does not stop believing in people. They fall in love, and they are constant in their affections. This is the perfect life partner. With such people it is always interesting, cozy and calm.


Owners of rounded nails are creative people. They are very emotional and sentimental. Their life, their rules! Such people are often volunteers. They want to make the world a better place and strive for justice. The slightest manifestation of rudeness can greatly scare them away, and they will immediately turn away from you. They are enthusiastic about the world - they are dreamers. Such people are often artists, fashion designers or musicians. They are very amorous, but also quickly outgoing. With such a person, a passionate romance can ignite for just a few days, but it will be remembered for a long time.

Long and narrow

Owners of narrow nails with a large layer of skin on both sides are very selfish natures. They are very prudent and mercantile. In appearance, these are naive and defenseless people who resemble children. Such a person is very touchy, he will take revenge without showing it. "Keep your friend close to you and your enemy even closer" is their life motto! They are very fond of luxury, but do not want to work for it.

spade nails

Owners of spatulate nails are very ambitious. They need to be loved and recognized. It's a kind of upstart. They do not like to wait, because they have no patience at all, and the mood changes every minute. They are often athletes, because only hard physical activity can relieve their tension. Such a person has a very developed sense of rivalry, he competes with others in everything and does not know how to lose.

Other features

  • Long nails grow incredulous, unpredictable and suspicious individuals who strive for luxury and comfort.
  • Short-cut nails are inherent in fighting people, energetic and versatile. They always achieve their goal. They are logical and consistent people. If a person has very short cut nails, then this indicates his conflict.
  • Nervous personalities bite their nails, who take everything to heart and are often nervous.
  • Uneven and curved nails are inherent in greedy and consistent people.
  • Pale nails indicate a cold-blooded nature, prone to cruelty.
  • Pink nails are a sign of a loyal and constant person.

You see, a lot of information can be said about a person by the shape of their nails, but it's best not to get hung up on this. Look the other person in the eye and trust your feelings.

By the shape, length of the nails, their appearance, you can tell a lot about a person and his character. Palmists and doctors have long taken into account the appearance of human hands, fingers and nails in particular. We are talking about the natural form, and not the one that resulted from extensions or manicures. Now it has become easy to give a new look to your fingers, but the essence of character cannot be changed.

A good doctor in shape and color can easily determine a person’s illness, while not taking any tests.

From an aesthetic point of view, beautiful and well-groomed nails always show a person as a neat, well-groomed individual.

What are the forms

Short . A person with short nails is characterized as disciplined, prone to leading people, loves order and knows how to think logically. If they are very short, then the person is more aggressive, and the location on thick fingers indicates a person’s backwardness and his unwillingness to learn.

Nails of medium lengthrepresent a person from the good side. They are easy to find mutual language with others, like to think adequately and are realists.

A person who has long nails is always reserved and calm in all situations. Shows discretion in his actions. If they are very long, then it is very difficult to understand such a person, and sometimes almost impossible. His character is very secretive, he is not confident in himself, rarely trusts people.

If by the width of the nail, more than the length, we are talking about a person with a very versatile character. He can flare up sharply or behave inappropriately. Few people love such persons, but they will not cause harm. They also love to argue.

If there are bumps on the nails or they are curved, their owner is a predator that can rush at its prey. If the fingers are thin at the same time, you are dealing with an embittered and unpleasant individual. And most of all, his health is not all right.

People who do not miss the opportunity to quarrel have nails short and hard. They are also prone to longevity.

Ingrown nails in people who are not inclined to empathy and kindness. Their sensitivity is almost at zero.

The weak and the timid belong thin but long nails. They rarely, it turns out, find a common language with others. And often become the subject of ridicule.

A little rounded and long indicate that a person has a great mind. They are always accurate, logical and responsibly approach the assigned tasks.

To an immoral person, an evil, cunning and cunning person, belong thick and curved nails of great length. You should not mess with such people, it is better to bypass them.

If a person suffers from heart problems, then his nails will long, with a blue tint at the ends.

Soft palms, combined with short and pale nails, speak of a deceitful character, such a person is only capable of criticism. Weak as a person.

Wide and square- appear in kind, sincere, able to empathize with individuals. Their glass is always half full.

People with thin nails have poor health. They show little interest in life.

A person can be sociable small and square nails. However, he can be aggressive and short-tempered.

A person who often experiences nervous stress and easily gives in to them is the owner of fan shaped nails. As a rule, everyone is very nervous and takes everything to heart.

As a rule, people who seek to change the shape of their nails not only want to look better in this way, but also subconsciously hide their true nature. Individuals with poor health try to hide it in every possible way so as not to stand out from the rest and not show everyone their weaknesses. Sensitive and subtle nature, most often, they try to change to a tougher and more aggressive one. This is done so that no one can be trusted and do not use such people for their own selfish purposes. Thanks to the study of the psychological behavior of individuals, it became possible to distinguish their features and individual parts of the body, facial expressions and gestures. AT modern society everyone tries to fit in environment not to be rejected. In a world where the strongest win, the weak try to pretend and go to rash acts that only make things worse in the future and still betray their true colors. New studies of the human body make it easy to determine the true essence of any individual. Such sciences are developing rapidly every day.

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