Forms of nails on the hands of women. Determine the character of a woman by the shape of her nails. Very wide and flat

Drills and screwdrivers 24.11.2020
Drills and screwdrivers

Determining the character of an unfamiliar person is not so easy. It is not always clear which of what he said is true and which is a lie, what is the rationale behind these or those actions.

Therefore, people have long been looking for non-verbal ways to recognize each other's personalities. There are whole directions and classifications showing the dependence of a person's character on facial features, figure, color combinations in the wardrobe or his gestures.

And although these directions are not recognized by official science, they contain a storehouse of valuable observations of human nature. One of the unconventional ways to determine a person's character is to do this by observing his hands, their grooming, the shape and size of hands, palms, fingers and nails.

Manicure, of course, is the first thing that catches your eye... By the degree of grooming of hands and nails, one can approximately determine the state of human health, his social status, type of work, attitude towards himself, towards others, and even character traits. So we can say for sure that the shape of the nails and the character of a person are related.

Nails differ not only in shape (they can be oval or round, rectangular, trapezoidal, pointed, square), but also in length, which can also tell a lot. For example, for people whose professions are related to handwork and hygiene (cooks, pastry chefs, masseurs, some doctors), very short nails are characteristic.

If the choice of the length of the nails is not related to the profession, conclusions can be drawn about the nature of their owner. A thick and short nail plate speaks of a hot-tempered and overly demanding character. As a rule, such nails belong to energetic, ambitious individuals who strive to achieve a lot in life.

Nails of medium length indicate a strong, independent character of their owner, the ability to think logically and make informed decisions. Very long nails belong to creative, unpredictable, extravagant natures, prone to spontaneity and unexpected actions.

The color of the nail plate also has essential... It is believed that a pink or peach shade speaks of constancy and strength of character. Bluish or purple - indicates a tendency to heart disease and excessive sensitivity. Too dark or overly pale nails can be a sign of a hot temper.

It is worth paying attention to the general grooming of the hands, the condition and color of the skin on the back and front of the palm. Smooth wet skin covering talking about good health and good-natured disposition. Dry, cracked skin may indicate metabolic problems, water balance and be a sign of increased nervousness. Greasy, shiny palms indicate susceptibility to stress and increased anxiety.

The color of the skin on the hands is also important.... It is believed that an even, healthy skin tone speaks of good health, sharp mind, poise and calmness. Too pale and thin skin can be a sign of a person's indifference to the problems of others. Red, marbled hands indicate pressure problems and increased irritability.

Large palms are a sign of a good-natured person, if the hand is also soft, full, then mercy and attention to others are not alien to him. If a man's hand is a little knotty and the ends of his fingers are blunt, he most likely has a good sense of humor. In women, these signs speak of a love of solitude and stinginess.

Thick, rough palms of medium size belong to people who are not very striving for new knowledge and expanding their horizons. Small palms are characteristic of suspicious people. If at the same time they seem excessively thin and bony, their owner is most likely angry and proud.

How to determine the character by the shape of the nails in women

Women are more inclined to devote their time and attention to manicure, therefore it is easier to determine the character by the shape of the nails in women.

Oval or round nails... This form of nails is characteristic of women who are sensitive, emotional, vulnerable and dreamy. They tend to idealize the world and people who later often disappoint them. Owners of oval or round nails are romantic natures, they pay a lot of attention to pleasant details. Despite this, they will not tolerate manifestations of injustice to themselves and others in their presence, they will not be afraid to stand up for the weak and tell the truth if it is necessary for someone's protection.

Rectangular nails... Owners of this shape of nails are very bright and memorable personalities. As a rule, they infect others with their positive and belief in a good future. Another feature of them is hard work and perseverance in achieving their goals. It is very difficult to lead them astray. They live in a big way, are prone to maximalism, they can go to extremes in their manifestations. Often they are distinguished by the desire for the unknown, the desire to invent something new, and not to go the beaten path.

Trapezoidal nails... This form of nails is quite rare. However, their owners, having a very high self-esteem, consider themselves to be a great rarity, an exception to the rule. Often their love for themselves borders on pride and arrogance, but a huge plus is that they practically do not depend on the opinions of others, follow the call of their hearts and do not worry about what people will say. However, increased irritability and conflict can become an obstacle in achieving the desired results. They are often dreamy, but they manifest themselves more as people of science than art.

Square nails... People with square nails are distinguished by unshakable calmness even in the most difficult situations. They have increased stress resistance, pragmatism, the ability to weigh all the pros and cons, to make a reasonable balanced decision on any issue. They have well-developed leadership qualities, the ability to inspire and lead, take maximum responsibility. For those around them, they evoke a feeling of reliability and strength. However, sometimes they can take on too much and become discouraged because of the piling up problems.

Pointy nails... The owners of pointed nails are eccentric and bright natures. Their distinctive feature is that they prefer material values ​​to spiritual ones and openly declare this. They are often pedantic and accurate to the limit. In life they are very active, proactive, dreamy. They are full of ideas, but for their implementation they do not adhere to a strict plan, but rather act on inspiration.

You can also determine the character of a person by the shape and length of the fingers.... The length of the little finger speaks of altruism or, conversely, the egoism of its owner, the longer the finger, the more selfless a person is.

The ratio of the length of the index and ring fingers will tell you about the priorities of work and personal life.

The ring finger is responsible for personal life and feelings, the index finger is for career and realization in society. Whichever one is longer, that one will be a priority for a given person. If the fingers are the same length, then family and career are equally important to him. The thumb reflects the willpower of its owner. If the first phalanx is longer - in front of you is a confident, purposeful person, accustomed to achieving his goal. If, on the contrary, the second phalanx is longer, most likely the person is driven, easily controlled and dependent on someone else's opinion.

The middle finger is usually slightly bent towards the ring or index finger. If in the direction of the index - this person is used to keeping everything in himself and hiding his emotions from others. In the direction of the nameless - in front of you is an open person who will declare his emotions without postponing the matter indefinitely.

Lines on the palm, islands and triangles tell about fate and future changes in life. Working with a client, palmists examine not only the inner side of the palm and read the lines that are responsible for fate, health, happiness, past and future. The outer side of the hand, fingers and nails determine the temperament, character, inclinations of a person. Learn about the predisposition to disease. Palmists look at the length and width, the quality and color of the plate, the shape of the fingertips. For them, hands are a business card on which information is written for analysis and reflection. Take a closer look at the little things and find out whether it is worth trusting a person and whether you can count on him in difficult times.

In this article

Scientific point of view: the view of palmists

General principles of character determination by visual examination of hands and fingers:

  1. The longer the nail plate, the more idealistic a person looks at the world. The elongated shape speaks of a romantic nature, divorced from reality. Such a person does not know how to "ground", hovers in the clouds and often becomes a victim of illusions and fantastic projects.
  2. The shorter and wider the nails, the firmer their owner stands on their feet. The character contains pragmatism, prudence.
  3. Medium lengths indicate stable, calm demeanor. People with such data do not have enough stars from the sky, but you can rely on them in a difficult situation. They are active, active, open to communication.
  4. A too long plate is a sign of shyness and shyness. The owners of such nails are noble, but mentally fragile people, unable to stand up for themselves.
  5. Wide - a symbol of limitation, unwillingness to improve, grow spiritually and open up new horizons. There is a strong spirit of contradiction in such people from scratch. They like to argue not on the merits, even if they do not understand the issue.

The ideal nail is 12-13 mm, the width depends on the size of the fingers. But normally it is always less than the length. The hole makes up one fifth of the plate. The length does not mean the regrown part, which women are so proud of, but the ratio of the nail plate to the upper phalanx of the toe.

The video is devoted to determining the character by the shape of the nails:

Nail shape

When starting the analysis, make sure that the shape is natural and not modified by building up or sawing the plate. With the help of cosmetics and manicure, women correct their nails, and this complicates the analysis.

There are five types of nail plate that are used in palmistry:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • oval;
  • fan-shaped (or nail with a spatula).

Schematic representation of the types of the nail plate

In the practice of palmists, there are also rare forms of nails, for example, in the form of a claw. The owners of such a manicure are selfish and domineering people. Mixed types are difficult to interpret. To decipher and analyze information about the client, the chirology masters use General characteristics psychotype to which the person belongs.

If the first examination did not give accurate results and you have not decided on the configuration of the plate, then, probably, the person has all the personal qualities and the form is non-standard. On the fingers of the left and right hand nails can be of different widths and lengths. Therefore, experienced palmists consider each separately to determine the overall picture.

With the help of onlays, tips and gel, manicure masters model any shape. But this does not mean that along with new nails you will get the desired character traits. The qualities inherent in nature will prevail in behavior.

The fingers, like the lines on the palms, show the innate tendencies of a person. They betray our secret passions, intentions and vices.

Types of nails and general personality traits

When determining the character of the person sitting in front of you, be guided not only by the results of a visual examination of the hands. Pay attention to the age and gender of the client.

Most often, the shape of the nails on each finger is different.

For men and women, the meaning of the shape and length of the nail is the same, but there are differences. In the fairer sex, innate qualities are fuzzy and vague as a result of correction.

  1. Elongated nails - in front of you is a thoughtful person, inclined to idealize the world around him. If the nail plate is too long in relation to the upper phalanx, the person often withdraws into himself and loses touch with reality.
  2. Large ones are an indisputable sign of a broad nature, calmness, confidence and reliability.
  3. Round and large - a person is inclined to science, good-natured, optimistic.
  4. Rectangular and square shapes speak of consistency and practicality. A person harmoniously combines the desire for material wealth and for spiritual development. The owners of such nails are realists and actively explore the world.
  5. Almond-shaped ones speak of refined taste, love for aesthetic pleasures, hedonism, artistry. Such people are generous, know how to forgive and do not pay attention to other people's mistakes.
  6. Trapezium - indicates perseverance, restraint, conservatism. People with trapezoid nails show persistence in achieving goals, but at the same time they are highly moral and moral.
  7. An inverted figure speaks of painful fantasies and mental problems.
  8. Too short is a sign of a limited mind, harsh judgments, mundane interests, unwillingness to learn and comprehend new things. If the nail plate is very short, then such a person is harsh, aggressive, accustomed to solving issues from a position of strength.
  9. Excessively narrow ones speak of a nervous nature, an overestimated sense of self-esteem. The owners of these nails are nervous and twitchy. They do not know how to control themselves, they often arrange tantrums for no reason.
  10. Wide and flat are evidence of weak character.

Women with male type hands: large nails, fingers and wide joints have character traits characteristic of the stronger sex. This statement applies to men with feminine inclinations.

This video provides a quick breakdown of the shape of the nails:

The quality of the nail and its influence on the character and behavior of a person

Small, thin and underdeveloped nails indicate disease. They signal physical, moral or mental degradation. This type occurs in people with congenital genetic disorders. The sign speaks of internal aggression, which often spills out. People with an ugly nail plate do not know how to restrain emotions, solve problems from a position of strength, their beliefs are unsystematic, devoid of logic and common sense.

Soft, thin, like parchment, the nail plate is a sign of passivity, lack of will, soreness. People with such characteristics are easily suggestible, led and dependent.

Hard and curling like the claws of a bird of prey, nails are a sign that their owner is a greedy, stingy and greedy person.

Direct and firm - they declare vitality, perseverance, hard work.

If the skin on the fingers grows to the plate, this indicates a limited intelligence. Such people are easy to communicate, but one should not hope for their development in the spiritual sphere.

Oval nails

Most often, these nails are found in owners of long and thin fingers. The brushes are fragile, elongated. These are the hands of pianists, painters and sculptors, representatives of creative professions.

Thin wrists and long fingers are a sign of a sophisticated, aristocratic nature. People with such a temperament are prone to neuroses, depression, frequent mood swings. Life is unfair to them, because romantic ideals break on a cruel reality.

Aristocratic type of palm

Communication with such people is pleasant: they understand art, read a lot, have their own opinion that differs from the views of the majority. But they are not suitable for creating a full-fledged family, since they are completely not adapted to everyday life.

Square nails

The square is a symbol of stability in numerology and esotericism. The character of the owners of the square shape of the nail plate is also based on this feature.

Such people are practical, stand firm on their feet and do not harbor illusions in relation to the surrounding reality. They are decisive, calm, purposeful. They know what they will do tomorrow and are confident that they are right.

Holders of square nails are natural-born leaders, generals and defenders. A marriage with such a person will be successful. Regardless of gender, he will guard and protect the partner.

Rectangular nails

They are travelers, naturalists and innovators. They love everything unusual, but they cannot be called addicted to natures. Rectangular nails are a sign of maximalism. By the make-up of the soul, the owners of the rectangular type are perfectionists. Completely surrender to work or a loved one. They often suffer from gullibility and selfless service to ideals.

Round nail shape

Such people are positive and energetic. The round shape most often corresponds to short and dense toes. The palms are wide and strong, hot. The handshake is firm and determined.

Round nails are a sign of a bright and creative nature. The owners of such nails are tireless adventurers who come up with new adventures and projects every time. People with round nails glow from the inside, charging everyone with positive and energy. A marriage with such a person will be interesting and fulfilling. The only negative is that you can live on a volcano for a short time, before the first serious eruption.

Trapezoidal nails

Trapezoid nails usually taper at the top.

A trapezoidal nail plate gives out a person who is greedy, aggressive, inclined to manipulate others. Such people are too busy with themselves, up to a complete rejection of someone else's opinion. The pride of the owners of pointed nails borders on arrogance. It is difficult for them to get along in a team, and family relationships collapse due to constant nagging and scandals.

Such people have good taste and are versed in art, but rarely become creators. More often than not, they make good critics.

Fan or spatula

Fan-shaped nails have a narrow base and widen upward.

People with such nails are adherents of traditional family values. They love home comfort and try to maintain peaceful relations with close and distant relatives. Easy to hurt and delicate. They are not alien to a philosophical attitude towards life, and often these people suffer because of their soft and sincere nature.

At all times, a long nail plate - oval, oblong or rectangular - was considered beautiful. Thin and fragile fingers are a sign of aristocracy. But people with this shape of nails are usually cool towards others, selfish and look down on them. The owners of short nails are easy to communicate, ready to help in difficult times.

Most often, the owners of short nails and fingers are people simple origin as they said before. Farmers, pastoralists, artisans. But it was thanks to their efforts and work that the aristocrats had fun for their own pleasure.

Unusual nail shape

Women worry about the shape of the nails and, with the help of manicure, change the configuration of the plate: file it, build it up, use false nails.

Large nails are a sign of a strong nature

From the point of view of palmistry, this approach is wrong. By changing the shape of the nail, we give up our individuality. In the same way as correcting the face. If we are not talking about some serious, repulsive defects, you should not change the natural parameters given by nature.

Custom nails are your calling card. They signal that a person is not like others.

Extra wide and flat nails

These hands are more common in men than in women. The owners of such nails are well versed in the intricacies of human nature - they are born psychologists. But outsiders are not often harassed with advice, only when help is really needed. Such people have a well-developed intuition, they can be trusted and listened to advice. Thanks to the sixth sense, they easily cope with tasks that others are not able to do.

To change or not change the shape of the nail is a master's business

The nail plate, like the color of the eyes or hair, is given to us from birth thanks to a certain genetic code. Modern beauty technologies easily turn blondes into brunettes and vice versa. Gel, nail tips, false nails and a nail file are the main weapons of a woman in the struggle for beauty.

Take a closer look at the ladies whose nails have been changed with the help of a master: the shape of the manicure they choose speaks of inner beliefs and preferences.

  1. Long nails (their own or gel) are preferred by women seeking luxury and power. And such ladies do not really like to do elementary housework.
  2. The pointed tips of long nails are a sign of a femme fatale. Passion and amorous adventures are their element.
  3. Rounded nails are a sign of a romantic nature. Such girls idealize a partner and a relationship.
  4. The square tip of a long nail is stability and confidence. Such women are difficult to deceive or charm with banal compliments. They know their worth and do not hesitate to put impudent people in their place.
  5. A rounded square - ladies are calm, balanced, hardworking. They are softer than the owners of square nails with sharp edges, but their appearance is deceiving, and at the right moment they will show strength of character and determination.
  6. When modeling nails, a trapezoid is chosen by girls with a non-standard type of thinking, who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. But at the same time, such women are conservative - having once chosen their own style, they boldly follow it, despite fashion trends.
  7. Active and active women choose short nails. They are easy-going, quickly find friends and are ready to help at the first call.

From the history. Already in ancient Egypt, women used special dyes for the nail plate. The famous queen Cleopatra introduced the fashion for long and painted nails.

How to determine the character by the shape of the nail plate? First impression

By the natural shape of the nail plate, you can determine the nature and find weaknesses in the body.

  1. Thick, dense and short nails are a sign of health. But such people (including women) are absurd and explosive in nature. They easily fall into a rage at every little thing.
  2. Pale, thinned nails indicate a lack of calcium and iron. Their owners are capricious, fickle and easily get depressed.
  3. Bluish nail plate - a signal of heart problems, shortage vital energy, general emptiness, stress and depressed mood.
  4. Flesh-colored nails without spots or cracks are a great sign. Their owner is healthy, pleasant to talk to, modest, smart and intelligent.
  5. Dark pink nails betray a tough and even cruel person. But they also testify to high sexuality and a passionate, addicted nature.

What does the choice of nail polish color mean for women

Nail polish will easily and quickly correct the mistakes of nature, highlight the advantages and visually hide the flaws.

The choice of varnish color depends on the nature

The coating seals the nail plate, protects it from brittleness, chips and cracks. The choice of color will tell a lot about the companion.

  • Scarlet and other bloody shades are chosen by ladies who tend to dominate. Their role is a vamp woman.
  • Blue, yellow, green and other non-standard colors are not necessarily used by young beauties. Women who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, bold and creative, feel confident with such a manicure.
  • Black and dark blue nails are also chosen by bold and bright women. Sometimes the color of the nails determines the girl's belonging to the subculture.
  • Pastel and neutral colors are preferred by romantic natures, inclined to idealize life. But do not flatter yourself ahead of time - a modest and neutral manicure in many organizations is part of the dress code. In her free time, its owner looks different.
  • The classic red Chanel color is chosen by stylish but conservative ladies.

Having learned to identify the nature and inclinations of people by the shape of nails and fingers, you will be armed with knowledge that will be useful at work and when choosing a partner. The first impression one gets about the interlocutor is the most correct, and well-groomed hands are part of the image and image.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

You can determine the character of a person by the shape of the nails. She indicates the peculiarities of his behavior, hidden abilities and talents.

Human hands are the source of much knowledge that palmists can tell. However, not only the lines on the palms, but also the shape of the nails can shed light on the hidden corners of the human soul. The site's experts offer the site to get acquainted with what secrets can be hidden behind the shape of the nails in order to better know your surroundings, as well as your own personality.

Nail shapes

There are five most common forms of nail plates:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • oval;
  • fan-shaped.

If it is difficult for a person to understand what kind of shape his nails have, then, most likely, there are conflicting qualities in his character. V modern world marigolds can be given any shape and size, but this will not affect the character or fate in any way. You need to look at natural data without taking into account the build-up.

Oval nails

Owners of oval nails are characterized by dreaminess, sensitivity and sentimentality. People with nails like this have a wide range of emotions and tend to see the world through the lens of kindness. Individuals with oval nails rarely go into conflicts; they usually try to settle the situation diplomatically. They are fair and kind, but they can go from one extreme to another if they are burning with some idea. The versatility of character often leads to sudden mood swings.

Square shape

It is believed that people with square nails- balanced personalities who cannot be pissed off and persuaded to conflict. These people are usually conservative, neutral, but sharp-minded and hardworking. There is hardly a share of adventurism in the character of people with a square shape of nails, however, having set a goal, they are able to go over their heads. They rarely resort to such extreme measures: they usually prefer to weigh the pros and cons to find the best and least energy-consuming way to achieve what they want.

Rectangular shape

This shape of nails indicates hardworking and energetic individuals with inexhaustible optimism and enthusiasm. These people attract attention, they are charismatic, open to experiments and adventures. They often cause envy among ill-wishers, thereby being negatively affected. Holders of a rectangular shape of nails in their youth are naive, but with age they cease to trust everyone in a row and thereby strengthen their own protection.

Trapezoidal shape

This nail shape often indicates selfish people who are confident and have high self-esteem. They have a bright appearance and charisma, get along well with creativity, realizing themselves in this field. Despite their selfishness, such people are ready to help and provide support to those who really need it. In addition, the owners of trapezoidal nails are impressionable and vulnerable, but they hide it behind a mask of indifference.


This shape of nails is also called spatula. It characterizes people who have a kind soul, become wonderful family men and parents. Vulnerability is inherent in them, but such a character trait allows them to see those who need care in the environment and help people to the best of their ability.

Not only the shape can tell about the character, but also the length, thickness, color of the nails.

Short marigolds indicate sociable, brave and energetic personalities. They are disciplined, scrupulous, and have leadership skills.

Short and thick nail plates most often found in secretive individuals and centenarians. They are extravagant and mysterious, but often indulge in bad character traits, becoming obese and suspicious with age.

Naturally long nail plates point to unpredictable people who are accustomed to a comfortable life, often boast of their wealth and capabilities.

Uneven, bumpy, or curled nails found in wayward and somewhat aggressive people. They are able to hurt with words and severely take revenge on those who hurt them.

Flesh nail color indicates firmness of character, good nature and constancy.

Dark pink marigold characterize temperamental personalities, full of energy and having a tough character.

Bluish or bluish nail color may indicate health problems that require close attention and treatment under the supervision of specialists. If diseases are excluded, then this shade indicates stress and nervous conditions, due to which a person may experience fatigue and irritation.

You can learn more about your own character with the help of the lines on the hand. You can get acquainted with palmistry and understand exactly how to interpret the arrangement of the lines on the palms thanks to the detailed articles that you will find in Palmistry "> a special section of our website. We wish you the best of luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

A person's appearance can tell a lot about a person's character - hair color, clothing style, hairstyle and even a manicure. It is the nails that will tell you how neat he is, what he prefers and loves in Everyday life... A knowledgeable person just needs to look at your hands to learn a lot about you, because they are the first to come into tactile contact (handshake) when meeting. Let's figure out together with you how to read a person's character from his manicure.

The shape of the nails and their length will tell a lot about their owner. However, it is worth noting that it is necessary to read the character in the form that the girl prefers to wear most often. It is also important to take into account the scope of the person's activity, since due to aspects of some professions, girls are forced to do without nail polish and wear a short length (for example, a medical professional, a cook, etc.)

Long nails

Long nails are usually preferred by girls who are capricious and slightly bitchy. They love to pamper themselves and always get what they want from others. They have no lack of attention, they always choose the best for themselves, and this rule applies to absolutely all areas of life.

If the nails pointed, then the girl has a rather complex character, she is selfish, very often argues with others, it is important for her to be always and in everything in the first place. As a rule, such a manicure is perceived by the surrounding people as rather aggressive and predatory, and this is how the character of its owner can be described. In addition, the pointed shape of the nails speaks of the girl's artistry. She knows how to find a common language with people (when she needs it) and is an excellent conversationalist.

Long rectangular nails girls who are confident in themselves prefer. They know how to make the right impression on others and always know how to get what they want. The owner of such a manicure will never waste her time on people who are not worthy of her attention.

Long rounded nails speak of a straightforward character. Such a girl can easily resolve any conflict or dispute, which she often starts herself. She always achieves her goals and goes one step ahead of her competitors. She is sweet and contradictory, since femininity and fortitude are always fighting in her.

Short nails

Short nails tend to indicate a low-key character. If the nails are not varnished or the girl uses only transparent and nude shades, then most likely she is shy and unsure of herself. But as soon as she opens up a little, an interesting, feminine manicure will appear on the nails, and the length of the nails will become a little longer.

Owners of short nails, as a rule, are quite purposeful, they are not distracted by anything and slowly, but confidently go towards their goal. At first glance, girls who prefer such a manicure may seem rude and stingy with emotions, however, this is not at all the case. They are very sweet and gentle, but due to their modesty they carefully hide this fact.

Medium length nails

Nails of medium length cannot tell much about the character of a girl, since this is the length that most of the fair sex prefer. That is why, in this case you should pay attention to the design of the nails and their color.

Manicure color

French manicure in classic colors indicates a self-sufficient and confident girl. She gets along well with others, loves communication and leads a fairly active lifestyle. A girl who prefers French manicure has a good sense of style, she is always well dressed and looks neat.

Green and blue shades chosen by people with a great sense of humor. They look positively at the world around them and enjoy every day. As a rule, ladies with a rather bright green manicure are not deprived of the attention of men, because and they themselves are very bright, temperamental persons.

Red or burgundy manicure are chosen by confident women, vamp women. They are not afraid to show themselves to the world and boldly declare their desires. They are passionate, bright natures who know their worth. Sometimes they are impulsive and demanding of others, but, nevertheless, they often love to play the role of an obedient and affectionate cat.

Manicure in purple shades prefer calm, responsible girls. They are guided by reason and get along well with the people around them. As a rule, managers or women with a rather firm, pragmatic character choose purple tones in manicure.

Light colors of varnish (soft pink, sky blue, etc.) talk about a gentle, romantic nature. She is sweet, shy and vulnerable. He gets along well with people, but often takes all actions and words too closely. A manicure in delicate shades is the choice of a real girl who will never make trouble on the street or in a restaurant, she will be attentive to her lover, listen and prompt, if necessary. Also, this manicure speaks of a duality of character. Under her mask of shyness, such a girl very often hides a rapid impulse of a wide variety of feelings, which she shows only to the closest people in her environment. However, not always light shades of varnish indicate the character of the girl, very often business women and those who want the manicure to look 100% gorgeous without unnecessary effort resort to such a manicure, since such tones look very neat and restrained.

Manicure in black shades may indicate a girl's bad mood or depression. However, many people choose this shade for their manicure for a completely different reason. Black tones, despite their dimness, look very stylish and effective. That is why, if a girl wears a manicure in black tones, this does not mean at all that something has happened to her. This color is most often chosen by domineering girls who love order and clarity in everything. They are arbitrary and even cruel, but they always achieve their goal.

Yellow, orange colors in manicure preferred by active girls who often do not have the patience to bring the work started to the end. They are positive and see good in everything. It is easy to deceive or mislead such girls, they are bright, active and are always the soul of the company.

Brightly pink color are chosen by those women who dream of standing out from the crowd. They are extravagants and cannot live without the attention of others. Lovers of bright pink manicure are capricious and selfish, but if necessary, they turn into gentle, caring and slightly naive girls.

Gold- the choice of real professionals in the field of fashion. Such women are well versed in trends and often give advice to others. Appearance for them is the most important characteristic of a person, based on which they often draw erroneous conclusions.

Neutral shades close to natural(beige, light brown, milky, etc.), are chosen by practical persons for whom everyday worries are much more important than choosing a varnish or thinking about a design for a manicure. Their motto is the simpler the better. They have their own rules of life, which are often not clear to everyone.

The color of the manicure does not always reflect the character of the girl 100%. If she prefers to change the color of her nails every week or even more often, then it is quite difficult to talk about her strengths or weaknesses in manicure. However, if the color of the marigold is stable and it usually gives its preference to one color, but in different shades, then feel free to study our "forecast". Also pay special attention to how the girl combines the color of the chosen nail polish with clothes and accessories. If there is no unity and harmony in the image, then most likely she is scattered and still “has not found herself”, she is fickle and most likely does not know what to strive for. The same rule applies to design - an overabundance of decorative elements indicates a girl's lack of taste and sense of proportion.

Well-groomed nails and hands

The condition of her nails directly depends on how often a girl does a manicure. If you met a girl with flawless nails, you should know that she is confident in herself and knows for sure what she wants from life. She has a plan for everything, she is active and cheerful, and most importantly, she is confident in herself, because the more often a girl does a manicure, the more feminine she feels.

If a girl has unkempt nails (lack of manicure, uneven edges, burrs, etc.), but she herself looks very neat and attractive, then in this case, most likely, she simply does not have enough time for a manicure. For her, nail care is not an essential matter, which is why she can walk for months without nail polish or not take care of them at all. But despite this, she is confident in herself and knows that she looks flawless, even if her nails are not covered with varnish. Such a girl loves the business she is engaged in, she strives to be everywhere and do much more than planned, but as soon as she relaxes and allows herself a little rest, a bright, beautiful manicure appears on her nails.

The complete absence of manicure - peeling varnish, overgrown nails or an uneven edge of the nail indicates that you have met a lady who does not really care about her appearance. Most likely, she doesn't care how she looks, especially if slovenliness is reflected in her entire appearance. Multiple complexes simply do not allow her to reveal herself as a woman, she is not self-confident and most likely very indecisive.

Does nail design reflect character?

Monochrome manicure says that the girl is quite restrained, she clearly goes to her goals and has an excellent sense of style. Such girls do not like changes, stability for them is the best that can be.

Flower Images on the nails, they reveal the girl from the side of a romantic and gentle man. She loves to dream and avoids negativity.

Coating each nail with a different color... You are a holiday person who is used to seeing only the best in everything. Such girls are quite fickle, they are great friends, they love noisy companies and fun. However, very often, they are unreliable and can forget about something very important.

Geometric figures. Girls preferring geometric figures in nail design, they are straightforward, for them clarity and specificity are important in absolutely everything - in relationships, at work, in plans for the evening, etc. They are responsible and value order in everything.

Manicure depicting animals or unusual fictional characters. Lovers of cute designs like this one are good-natured, loyal people. They are great friends who are always ready to help. Also, girls who prefer images of animals in nail design are very vulnerable and tender. They are easy to offend and just as easy to earn forgiveness.

How to choose a manicure so that it reflects not only character, but also mood?

All girls know that a manicure not only tells about the character traits of its owner, but is also an excellent way to raise the mood. That is why you need to allow yourself to be different. When going to a meeting with your friends, cover your nails with bright varnish or your favorite color, which only evokes pleasant emotions in you. For business travel or work, choose a simple design with minimum amount additional elements, so you will not be distracted from business. And for a romantic date, cover your nails with red - let your beloved understand that you are a real woman who will not miss her. When creating an image, do not forget about the details. A manicure is exactly the detail that will tell others all your secrets and give out your strengths or weaknesses. That is why, always pay special attention to your nails in order to make a good impression on others and to be in harmony with yourself.

An interesting test, how to determine the character of the nails or the shape of the nails and the character of a person, what is he?

So, today the character is in the shape of the nails. We look at the photo and find our nail shape and read

How to determine? It's very simple - we look at your nails and the shape that suits you best is your shape. Next, we look for her in the list and voila! We read and make sure that this is about you! This will come in handy not only in order to find out about yourself what you already knew. Perhaps you want to get to know a person better ...

P.S. do not forget to join our group at If you have long and rectangular nails, then you are most likely a very sociable person who, among other things, has a sharp mind. You enjoy new acquaintances and are excited about new experiences, and you are always trying to broaden your horizons.
When it comes to work, your main motto is "Measure seven times - cut once." You study the issue from all sides and make the best decision. The main thing is to think over everything, down to the smallest details.

Wide and flat "color =" red "]

You are a person with a clear mind who analyzes everyone and everything. You think before you speak, and people often turn to you for advice, listen carefully to your opinion. You are well versed in the characters of people, and you can always rely on your instincts.
Such people like to create something new, they know that the work will pay off later. They are primarily interested in practicality and usefulness, so they love to come up with smart solutions to complex problems.

Short and rounded

Chances are, you are an energetic, creative person with a lot (perhaps hidden) talent. You radiate joy and positiveness, so people are always happy to make contact with you. Once you make a new friend, you stay true to him all your life and do everything to protect the people you love.
There are a few things that you love more than anything else. The spirit of adventurism plays within you, and if something once captured your mind, you will never back down until you achieve it. Someone says that you are a little stubborn, but you know what you want!

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