Plastic corner for arches in the apartment. What are plastic corners for arches for?

Door arches 26.06.2019
Door arches

When it comes to furnishing, there may be several options. Plaster, wallpaper, various kinds of panels - everything can serve as the main finishing material... But if you want to solve the issue of the safety of this very material in the places of transition from one plane to another, use an arched corner. By design, these are the most elementary products, but with broad capabilities.

What is an arched corner

In essence, arched corners, on the one hand, are an element of protection wall decoration, and on the other hand, it is a decorative element in the interior of the whole room. They are mainly used for aligning the corner rounded sections of door or window openings. But, due to their design, they can also be installed on straight (horizontal or vertical) sections of the wall. In addition, during the main work, some of them are used as building materials.

When plastering right angles, metal or plastic perforated strips perform a double role: they serve as a reinforcing element of the corner, plus they are the standard of 90 °. A right angle is the main indicator of the quality finish of the treated surface. There is also a cork corner. But this is a simple decoration element without any additional fastening properties.

When working with drywall, corners, often metal, are used, to some extent, both as a fastener for adjacent sheets, and as a material that provides perfect adhesion of the putty to the drywall.

Types of corners for an arched opening

Depending on the place of use, the corners are divided into two types:

  • those that are installed under plaster;
  • and decorative for finishing, which must be glued on top of the plaster.

The first are perforated. They have holes on each plank for better adhesion to the putty. Plus, one side of the corner is made in the form of separate petals, which allows you to impose a long strip (up to 3 meters) on the bend of an arch of any diameter. We can say that it is a flexible building material for universal use in a single area. It can be either metal or plastic.

The latter have a wider assortment. They can be made of metal, PVC, cork and be white, colored, solid or wood-like. The surface on such products is even, there is no perforation. Separate modifications of the corner elements for the arch have one side even and solid, and the other in the form of petals. Design decisions define the look.

What is the attractiveness of an arched corner

If we take into account all the advantages in the complex, both technical and "human", arched corners are the most profitable option in arranging door and window openings.

  • On the one hand, they hide possible shortcomings of the corner surface, and on the other, they favorably highlight a part of the arch, which is not noticeable under normal conditions, or the entire arched opening as a whole.
  • If the decoration elements are glued, observing all the rules, they will stick well and for a long time on any surface.
  • No additional processing is required.
  • The lifespan of the decorative elements is almost unlimited. 50 years is long enough.
  • The wide range of colors of the product allows you to bring any design decisions to life.
  • Almost not subject to contamination, easy to clean.
  • If PVC corner pieces are used, the aggregate cost of material and labor will be the lowest compared to other finishes.

Possible ways of attaching an arched corner

Reliable fixing of the strip in place is a fundamental factor in a practical and aesthetically pleasing archway opening. There are 4 ways to attach a decorative element:

Landing on glue

The most optimal option for fixing the corner in place. The mounting procedure is as follows:

  1. glue must be applied to the surface of the decorative element;
  2. bend the strip and attach it in place;
  3. slightly move the angle, then remove for a few minutes;
  4. again attach to the arch and fix.

If the "decoration" is glued in this way, everything will turn out cleanly and relatively quickly.

Fastening with liquid nails

The option is similar to the previous one: apply glue, bend, attach, glue, fix. But there can be problems here. Liquid nails dissolve certain types of plastics.

Fastening with screws or nails without caps

Self-tapping screws are rarely used for decorating. But the installation process is easier, in three steps: bend, attach, secure. More option for flexible perforated plaster strips.

Cork corner

The cork is somewhat more difficult to glue, but it looks much richer than its PVC counterparts. Everything is done in a certain sequence. First, a layer of glue should be applied to the surface, hold for 20 minutes, bend the corner, apply in place, glue evenly and tightly, remove excess glue.

Before gluing, materials and surface must be prepared for the procedure. The sequence is as follows:

  1. clean the surface of dust and plaster crumbs;
  2. prime;
  3. Measure the PVC corner or cork and cut it off correctly. The exact dimensions will allow you to properly glue the arched corner;
  4. bend. A hair dryer is used to bend the plastic. Better building, but household is also suitable.

Feng Shui recommends creating an environment in the house in which there will be a minimum of corners. The arch fully corresponds to this technique, and most importantly, it visually expands the space of the apartment and the doorway itself. But in order to be durable, it must be strengthened. By learning how to fix an arched corner, you can increase the life of the arch and guarantee the integrity of its edges.

The purpose of the corner

The corner profile for arches is used simultaneously for several purposes:

  • creating perfectly smooth edges;
  • their strengthening;
  • decoration of the opening.

Types of arched corners

You can give a small classification of angular arched profiles.

Type of

In order to strengthen the edges of the opening, decorative and perforated L-shaped profiles are most often used. The first type is used for exterior decoration. Usually they are produced with a length of 270 cm. The second is masked under the finishing material. The length of such elements is 300 cm.


Decorative items are made of PVC, and perforated items are made of metal, cork or the same PVC. Cork is the least popular because of its fragility.

Texture and color

By color and texture, corner profiles for arched openings are divided into:

  • white;
  • colored;
  • with wood grain texture.

The size

Most often, such finishing elements are sold in two sizes:

  • 2x2 cm;
  • 2.5x2.5 cm.

Corner fixing

Before gluing the arched corner, prepare everything you need.

Tools and materials

  1. The corners themselves - buy them with a total length of 10% more than you need. In this case, you will not find yourself in an unpleasant situation when there is not enough material. Nobody is safe from mistakes and errors in calculations.
  2. Cut gradually. Do not immediately cut the profile on both sides of the opening. If you make a measurement error when you first cut the elements, you can correct it when you finish the second side. And if you cut everything in advance, then you run the risk of wasting extra material.
  3. Glue for PVC elements - liquid nails or sealant, putty and stapler with staples, screws or nails from which you need to bite off the caps, glue for cork material. Here you need to choose what suits your situation.
  4. Rubber hammer.
  5. Narrow spatula.

Work progress

Fixing the arched corner is quite simple, no matter what material it is made of.

  1. Clean the base, degrease it with a special solvent and let it dry. It is necessary to glue the profile on a bare wall(putty or painted). It is forbidden to do it over.
  2. Cover the edges of the opening with a primer for better surface adhesion. Wait a few hours for the primer coat to dry.
  3. If you have chosen glue, then apply it as thinly as possible, spreading it over the entire area of ​​the base.
  4. Now press the profile to the surface and move it slightly to the sides. This will help to distribute the adhesive base even better.
  5. Press down firmly on the PVC element and fix it with adhesive tape. You can peel it off after the glue is completely dry.
  6. The perforated profile can be installed on the filler. To do this, attach it to the edge of the opening and nail it in several places with staples using a stapler. Be sure to nail on both sides. You can do this in a checkerboard pattern. Usually, the corner lays down very smoothly by itself and does not need to be specially rounded.
  7. After that, knead the putty solution and firmly coat the entire corner with it. After the putty has dried, you can proceed with the finishing.
  8. The perforated corner can also be fixed with self-tapping screws. To do this, simply screw it through the special holes. Determine the frequency of fastening points for self-tapping screws yourself. The main thing is that the profile fits very tightly and completely repeats the contour of the arched arc.
  9. The decorative corners can be attached to nails without the caps. To do this, hammer nails along the perimeter of the opening so that their part protruding from the base is slightly less than the thickness of the profile.
  10. Now use a rubber mallet to hammer the finishing corner onto the nails.

If you are in doubt about how to glue an arched corner, then consult a specialist. He will tell you which glue is better to choose specifically in your case. It is best to use a special "decor" class tool, which is perfect for working with plastic elements.

As you can see, the rest of the questions remain. Everything is extremely simple and straightforward. Now you can decorate the arch using the corner yourself.

13 March, 2017
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and installation floor coverings... Installation of door and window blocks, decoration of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

When I glued wallpaper for the first time in a room with an arch, the result of the work turned out to be far from ideal. Sloppy joints, folds, flaking areas - all this worsened the appearance. But experience has come with practice, now I can say that adherence to technology will allow you to achieve an excellent result, even if you have never glued wallpaper to the arch.

The working process

If you want to achieve a good result, then you need to have all the necessary materials and tools at hand. We will analyze only the stage of wallpapering; you must prepare the surface in advance. The substrate must be dry and level.

Materials and tools

To work, you need the following materials:

Illustration Material description

Wallpaper... It all depends on your tastes and preferences. From the presence of an arch, the choice of finishing material does not change much. Although I do not recommend using 3D wallpaper for walls with an arch, they are intended for a solid surface and the opening spoils the whole impression of the composition.

Sometimes the arch is highlighted with wallpaper of a different color. Another option is to paint the surface of the arch, in this case, instead of wallpaper, you will need paint of a certain color.

Wallpaper glue... Choose a composition according to the type of wallpaper used.

For an arched structure, if you paste over it separately, it is better to prepare the composition a little thicker than for flat walls. When cooking, you need to use 10% less water to obtain the desired consistency.

Primer... To improve the adhesion of the adhesive and to strengthen the base, all surfaces are imperative. If the bases are porous and loose, then the treatment is best done twice.

Corner on the arch... If you decide to close the joint of the wall and the opening with a corner from the outside, then special flexible products of different colors are used.

If the corner is attached under the wallpaper, then a special small version is used, which has a small ledge to form the outline of the arch.

Liquid Nails... It is on them that it is best to glue a plastic corner. You do not need to buy a large bottle, a tube from which the composition is easy to apply is enough. The packaging price is only 100 rubles and it is enough for a whole arch.

Tool for work:

  • Construction knife... You need a very sharp version with a hard blade 25 mm wide. In addition to the knife, be sure to purchase a set of spare blades. A good option- a tool with segmented blades, they are very hard and cut very accurately;

  • Glue brush. An option with a thick pile is needed in order to distribute the composition evenly and quickly. Most often, the maklovitsa is used, but you can also use the usual options with a width of 10 cm or more;

  • Wallpaper smoothing brush... Since the surface of the arch is uneven, it is not very convenient to use a spatula to press the wallpaper, as it can damage the material. It is much better to use a special brush, it has a width of 30 cm and provides quick and convenient leveling even on semicircular surfaces;

  • Scissors... With their help, it is very convenient to make cuts at the edges of the wallpaper when folding it, if folding technology is used. It is also convenient to cut wallpaper sheets into pieces of the desired size with scissors.

The working process

Let's figure out how to paste over a door arch:

Illustration Stage description

All glued surfaces are primed... Before wallpapering the arch, be sure to treat the base with soil. It is applied in an even layer.

You can continue working after the surface is completely dry. This usually takes 1 to 3 hours.

The location of the wallpaper sheets is planned... If your arch width is large, then you need to glue the canvases as shown in the diagram on the left. The edges must necessarily protrude inward, and a whole sheet is located in the middle.

If the arch is small, then it is glued with two sheets with a joint in the middle.

Glue is applied to the prepared wallpaper sheet... It is important to evenly distribute the composition over the entire surface. Pay special attention to the edges, as most often they are impregnated worse and then you have to grease individual areas so that they stick. The canvas should be soaked for 5 minutes.

Some types of wallpaper also require the application of glue to the wall. In this case, the composition is distributed according to the base. The instructions on the package with the composition will tell you if you need to do this.

Wallpaper is glued to the wall... Everything is done in the same way as usual. Next, you need to cut off the excess part. The work is easiest to carry out with scissors.

A strip about 20 mm wide is left along the edge. Particular accuracy is not needed, it is important that the protrusion is more or less even along the entire length of the edge.

Perpendicular cuts are made on the protruding part of the wallpaper... They should be every 2-3 cm. This will allow you to tightly press the wallpaper to the inside of the arch and eliminate the appearance of folds.

The protruding part is lubricated with glue and glued... Here it is important to gently and evenly press the material along the entire edge. Do this gradually, starting from the middle of the arch and going to each side in order. For pressing, you can use a special narrow roller, but you can also do the work manually.

A strip is cut along the width of the arch and glued... To make everything look neat, cut the wallpaper 3-4 mm narrower than necessary. Due to the bends, no gap will be visible, and you can press the piece evenly and accurately.

Work starts from the bottom and goes in order, the surface is neatly smoothed with a brush.

The finished result looks very neat... The surface dries for a couple of days, at this time do not open the vents.

If a corner is used, then cuts are made along its edge... The corners for the arch on the wallpaper are glued to liquid nails as shown in the photo. It is important to align the element and press it firmly against the surface.

All excess liquid nails are removed with a spatula.

The composition dries within a few hours, but it is better to leave it for a day to fully harden.

After pasting the wallpaper, the edges are trimmed... This is done with a knife, which is placed along the ledge of the corner and gently guided along the entire edge. The result is an even connection, as in the photo. The main thing is to do this work carefully and slowly.

You can glue the corners to the wallpaper. In this case, the process is simple:
  • You need to wait until the wallpaper is completely dry;
  • The corner is tried on and cut with a construction knife into pieces of the required size;
  • First, the elements are glued to the curved part;
  • When gluing the side pieces, pay special attention to the joints, the neater they are, the better the appearance of the arch will be.

The corner on the arch over the wallpaper can be either in a contrasting color or match the tone of the coating so as not to be conspicuous.

Now I will tell you how to glue the arch with wallpaper, if you do not need to paste over the interior. Most often, this option is found on windows, but it can also be done in door structures. I'll tell you how to do this type of work with your own hands:

Illustration Stage description

First, the wallpaper is pasted... It is necessary to very carefully level the surface, paying special attention to the quality of adhesion along the perimeter of the arch.

Excess canvases are cut around the perimeter... Here you need to leave a margin of 10 to 20 mm. This is necessary so that the canvas does not deform much during drying. Large pieces are warped, and the wallpaper is fixed very poorly along the edge.

After pasting and cutting, the wallpaper is left to dry completely.... I advise you to wait at least a day before continuing with the workflow.

Surplus wallpaper is neatly cut off... The knife is placed along the inside of the arch and is guided along the edge. It is best to cut without lifting your hand to keep the cut straight and clear.

When cutting, check the squareness of the knife. This is the only way to cut the wallpaper perfectly exactly along the arch.

The finished result looks like this... The arch can be painted, covered with decorative plaster.


Using this article as a guide, you can easily wallpaper the arch. Just observe simple tips and do everything carefully. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, if you don't understand something, ask in the comments.

Arched corners are used mainly to align door and window openings, as well as to give them a more complete look. A variety of corners in hardware stores allows you to complete any interior design, and gluing them with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. The corners for the arch can be wooden, metal, plastic, etc. The easiest way to work with plastic structures, therefore, it is about them and there will be a speech Further.

Main advantages

Arched corners usually have a length of more than 2 meters and a wide variety of colors: white, beige, wood-like, etc. They are made of polyvinyl chloride and can be used for finishing both internal and external corners of premises (see photo). Plastic arches help prevent defects from forming on them, and colored structures help prevent premature erasure of wallpaper and paint. In addition, the corners allow you to hide small irregularities that remained after the repair. This is especially true for arches made by hand from drywall.

So, the main "pluses" of arched corners made of plastic include:

    the ability to give openings the correct shape;

    hiding defects that remained after repair;

    the ability to add completeness to the interior;

    ease of installation;

    ease of care;

    protection of corners from mechanical damage;


    a wide range of colors that makes it easy to fit them into any interior design;

    resistance to ultraviolet rays;

    unnecessary additional painting;

    cheapness and many others.

Preparatory work

In order to glue the arched corners you will need:

Before gluing the structure to the corners, you need to cleanse the surface from dust, dirt, old wallpaper or paint, etc. If there are large protrusions on the walls, they must be gently knocked down with a hammer. After that, you need to clean the room and proceed to carefully leveling the surface. For this, you can use plaster or putty. Subsequent work can only be performed after the filler is completely dry. This time can be spent familiarizing yourself with the instructions below, which will describe how to glue the plastic corners for the arch, or watching the video presented.

You need to know that arched corners can have different purposes, as well as differ in color and size. Depending on this, you can stick them in different ways. The filler usually takes several hours to dry. This time will depend on the quality of the material used. Immediately before gluing the corners to the arches, it is necessary to prime the surface to improve adhesion. If necessary, the primer can be applied in several layers.

The main stages of work

You can glue the plastic arched corners as follows. A small amount of adhesive is applied to the corner, after which the plastic structure is pressed against it. It must be securely fixed and held with your hands for about 5 minutes. Any glue that may come out on the sides must be removed immediately with a damp cloth and white spirit. After that, the plastic corners must be fixed with tape and left so for a while until the adhesive is completely dry.

To glue the plastic structure, you can use both ordinary glue and "liquid nails", which will be more reliable. It is necessary to apply "liquid nails" using a special gun. As for the shade, it is best to use a colorless substance for the job.

In addition to the above solutions for gluing corners made of plastic, you can also use a putty. But in this case, there is a risk that the material may peel off from the surface as a result of temperature changes. To prevent this from happening, you can use a construction stapler with small staples. They almost firmly nailed the corner to the wall, as, for example, in the photo. In this case, you should try to place the staples at the same distance from each other.

How to decorate an arch with a corner? Which corner can be used to decorate the interior of an apartment or a private house? How does it attach to the walls? Let's figure it out.

Types and materials

First, let's list types of corners that apply to.

  • Plastic or metal corner profile with perforation or mesh serves to reinforce corners for putty. It is used in the construction of plasterboard partitions and plastering of capital walls. The purpose of the application is to prevent accidental damage to the corner when carrying bulky items.
  • Solid polyvinyl chloride corner(for example, a corner for window decoration) already performs rather decorative than protective functions. He is able to hide minor flaws in the derived corner.

Curious: a plastic corner for finishing corners is not only external, but also internal. The difference is in the shape of the section: for the inner corners there is a profile, which has a little more than 90 degrees between the planes, and a little less for the outer ones.

  • Corner made of laminated paper or vinyl MDF serves for the design of structures made of wall panels.
  • Plastic panels also use corner profiles - external and internal.
  • Wooden corners for wall decoration 100x100 and 50x50 mm can be used both with wallpaper and with MDF panels, natural wood or plasterboard structures.

  • Finally, duralumin and aluminum corners often used to decorate kitchen work surfaces, countertops, stairs and shelves (including in-wall niches).

Mounting methods


How to properly reinforce the corners during the do-it-yourself wall putty?

Actually, there is nothing prohibitively complicated in this work.

  1. A small amount of gypsum or acrylic putty is applied to the corner along the entire length.
  2. The reinforcing profile is pressed into it. In this case, a part of the putty will protrude through the perforation or mesh.
  3. Excess putty is leveled with sliding movements of a medium-width trowel (about 30 centimeters). Possible protrusions are removed with the same spatula, only at right angles to the surface - in order to avoid its deflection.
  4. After the first layer of putty dries, the corner is putty again, after which it is sanded and primed for painting or wallpaper.

Right angle plastic trim

A typical example of such work- when we use a plastic corner for.

So, how and with what to fix the profile?

  1. The surface of the wall is primed with penetrating soil.
  2. The corner is marked with a square and cut to size.

Tip: For cutting, it is most convenient to use a grinder with any abrasive cutting wheel. The cut is perfectly flat, without burrs. Don't forget a respirator or a gauze mask: the fine plastic powder clogs your lungs quickly and effectively.

  1. On both planes of the corner, a strip of liquid nails or universal polymer glue - Titanium, Dragon or their analogues is applied from the inside. The author, however, used a high-quality silicone sealant for this purpose - with a consistently excellent result.

Here we need to make a small lyrical digression. A quality sealant can be considered, the price of which for a tube is at least 130-150 rubles, and the manufacturer found it possible to subscribe to the package. Cheap sealants differ from expensive ones, first of all, by far worse adhesion to smooth surfaces.

  1. The corner is tightly pressed against the corner of the wall along its entire length. If it is a little behind on unevenness, you can press it to the surface by leaning a board, galvanized profile or any other object of appropriate height against the wall, since the effort should be very small.

On durable surfaces for temporary fixation, you can use scotch tape - regular or masking tape.

Arch finishing

What does the instruction for an arch look like? Obviously, when fastening, the right angle will lag behind the curved surface.

  1. The plastic profile must have sides of different widths. The wide one will be pressed against the bend of the arch, narrow (no more than 10-15 millimeters)- to a flat wall.
  2. The corner planted with glue or sealant is pressed against the arch with several slats nailed to it with thin nails, pieces of plywood, laminate or wall panels. After the glue dries, the fixing elements are removed, the holes from the nails are putty.

Useful: in the same way, you can fix lagging plastic profiles on the inner and outer corners.

MDF profiles

Universal corners for finishing MDF panels are easy to attach:

  1. A strip of synthetic glue is applied to the surface of the corner facing the wall, after which it is pressed against the place of permanent deployment.
  2. Then the product is peeled off and kept for about a minute. During this time, the glue on both surfaces will thicken.
  3. The corner is pressed against the wall again - already finally.

Plastic panels

How are plastic corners mounted for finishing corners at the junction of PVC panels?

  1. The profile is put on the end of the panel. A spatula 10-12 centimeters wide will help to do this job without jamming the thin plastic.
  2. The next panel is inserted into the free groove of the profile. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

Wooden corners

How is the decoration of the corners of the walls in the apartment with wooden corners?

There are two possible ways.

  1. The already familiar trick with silicone sealant is suitable if the finish is not supposed to be dismantled in the future.
  2. Reversible fastening method - copper studs 20-25 mm long without caps. In order not to jam the wood with a hammer blow, a steel rod with flat ends is used.

Dural and aluminum profiles

And here, too, two solutions are possible.

  1. A quality sealant has excellent adhesion not only to wood, but also to metals.
  2. Plan b"- fastening with thin galvanized self-tapping screws with preliminary drilling of holes and their countersinking under the caps.

It is easy to find ready-made profiles on sale - with holes and fasteners.

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