Kitchen aprons made of mdf look beautiful and are conveniently installed. How to install a wall panel in the kitchen.

Kitchen 18.06.2019

There are a lot of panels for walls in the kitchen in retail chains. They are different in their composition and mounting options.

Today we will consider this material according to its parameters and choose the desired option. You will also find out what installation methods are available on the video in this article and the photo you can see additional information that will help you make the right choice.

Wall mounting options

Kitchen panels on the wall, despite the different components of manufacture, are mounted on the wall in two versions. It is with this that we must start.

Let's take a look at these options:

Glue the panels on the wall

The kitchen wall panel can be simply glued onto the wall. But this option is suitable if your plane is flat.

In this case, it will be enough to remove the previous coating and apply a putty (see).

After complete drying, you can do the fastening.

We attach the panels to the frame

Also, panels for the walls of the kitchen can be attached to the crate. This option is suitable for uneven walls.

In this case, you don't even need to prepare the plane. From this, the final price will be lower. But then you take away the usable floor space.

But if this is not a heated room, then insulation can be placed in the frame, and in this case it will be useful.

Any of the above options are acceptable. You just have to choose the one you want. Here, just start from the unevenness of the walls. Stretch the scaffold along the diagonals of the plane and attach a building level.

If the deviations are less than two cm, then everything can be leveled simply with a solution. If more than this parameter, then it is better to fasten the panels for the kitchen wall to the frame.

Three leaders - from MDF to plastic

If for the first time you have to choose what kind of coating to use for kitchen walls, then the question that most people who decide to make a renovation probably have right in their head is what types of modern panels used for walls are in general?

Generally speaking, they are all divided into four types:

  • At first, these are glass panels;
  • Secondly, these are panels made of MDF;
  • Thirdly, these are panels made of high quality plastic;
  • Fourthly, panels made of various natural materials.

Definitely, each type of panel has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below is a triple best materials, which are most often chosen when it is necessary to protect walls or their decor.

Panels made of MDF

The walls in the kitchen from panels are best made from this material. But these are walls, not a working part. They can be different in structure, the product in which only one side is covered - the front, however, an option is increasingly common in which both surfaces are laminated.

Attention: The latter option is preferable because it is more reliable, however, the price will be slightly higher.

If we compare a simple sheet with a laminated material, then after lamination, the surface will be much easier to clean, and besides, it will, in principle, repel dirt in any form.

Some of the differences between laminated MDF:

  • High strength indicators, as well as resistance to various kinds of damage;
  • A huge variety of patterns and a wide range color solutions;
  • Excellent sound insulation properties.
  • Another advantage is that you can easily install it yourself in your kitchen.

If we talk about the various disadvantages, then first of all it is worth noting the fact that the material is not able to withstand, in principle, the ingress of any amount of moisture and ignites quickly enough. Also, despite the fact that it is covered on each side with a special protective coating, it can change its appearance after exposure to moisture.

If you have to wash drops of fat from previously laminated MDF, then the best option is to use a brush or soft sponges.

Plastic panels

This option is the most famous today and is referred to especially often if the room is not heated. Just five years ago, it was plastic that builders most often used exclusively in various government agencies, but today the material has already become the most versatile and convenient for everyone. This is largely due to the increase in textures and colors offered to the consumer.

The advantages of plastic:

  • The material has a high level of moisture resistance. They can easily “tolerate” regular ingress of any amount of water;
  • Enough good properties heat and sound insulation;
  • not whimsical in everyday life and are perfectly cleaned. You can clean up and chemical compositions and it will not affect the coverage.
  • Another advantage is the ease of installation. Unlike using tiles, you don't need any special laying skills or preliminary preparation of your walls.
  • The whole process can be completed quickly enough.
  • The panels used for the kitchen today can be of various textures, and the most incredible colors, even very catchy.

Attention: It is not advisable to hit the panels with direct rays of the sun. As a result, they can emit an unpleasant odor, change color and warp.

Laminated chipboard

This option is among the most affordable for the majority in financial terms.

  • If we compare it with a simple chipboard, then such a panel can be cleaned without problems, and even washed, and it, in turn, will retain its shape and original shine. This is achieved due to the fact that such panels have a front laminated side, which acts as a protection and at the same time a finish.
  • The main advantage of laminated chipboard is that the price is more than just affordable. It can be noted that this option for a kitchen during renovation, it combines two important indicators at once: practicality and maximum accessibility for everyone.

The material described above also has minor drawbacks:

  • Firstly, it has a short lifespan. The tile will last a couple of decades without any problems, but panels made of chipboard under the influence of steam or moisture are often subject to deformation.
  • Secondly, the material is afraid of sudden temperature changes.

Options for unusual wall decoration, for those who love sophistication in everything

In addition to the well-known panels made of plastic, chipboard or MDF, the walls of the kitchen can be finished with panels with more rare options, which can also be used to decorate kitchen walls. They will definitely cost a lot more, but if you want to achieve a certain atmosphere in the room, then there is no other option.

Wood panels are the most expensive material, but they look extremely respectable. The tree is difficult to wash, since it is very easy to damage its original structure during the process. In addition, the tree often undergoes deformation and, in principle, is afraid of moisture.

True, today there are such modern models that manufacturers additionally cover with high quality wax. Thanks to him, you can easily increase the service life of such a material.

Also, products made from postforming are also used. In principle, these are ordinary chipboard sheets, but covered with plastic on top.

Such products do not have any drawbacks, and at the same time there are many different advantages, among which the main thing is that it is easy to install this type of panel on any wall, and on the one located directly above the sink or tiles as well. She will not be afraid of constant moisture or high temperature. Any panel is perfect for washing the panel. modern remedy... The only drawback is the higher cost.

Not so long ago, kitchen glass panels on the wall began to be used. From the point of view of practicality, such glass has many advantages. It is highly durable and not afraid of mechanical stress.

Likewise, from the point of view of fire safety, there can not even be any claims. You can do the cleaning with your favorite available products and the coating will not be damaged. Also, this type of finish is quite attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

You can find how the kitchen panel is attached to the wall of any kind on the pages of our website. After all, each of them is attached in a different way, and for this you need a separate article., Most importantly, even you make a false panel on the wall in the kitchen, or any other, it should not just be written out into the interior.

First of all, decide on the mount. After all, after the purchase, it will be necessary to do the installation. And the instruction will help you with this.

Kitchen decoration often involves the use of special finishing materials, which cover certain areas of the room. Today, more and more often, to solve such problems, wall kitchen panels made of different types materials.


These sheet products have appeared on the modern market quite recently, but at the same time they have already managed to get positive reviews from many housewives. Wall panels are increasingly replacing such high-quality material as ceramic tiles in the kitchen.

Several advantages of such products should be highlighted:

  1. Installation of wall panels is quite simple, as the base does not need to be leveled. It is also possible to mount such structures even on walls painted or covered with other materials. The installation process does not require serious experience in this area, therefore it can be done by hand.
  2. The versatility allows the panels to be used not only in the kitchen, but also in offices and other residential premises. It should be noted that the wall panels are distinguished by high sound insulation characteristics, an optimal level of heat absorption and are safe for the human body. Also, the design of the product allows placing electrical cables under it with a certain level of protection.
  3. Ease of maintenance. The surface of the panels can be simply cleaned with a damp cloth or cloth. In this case, you can use almost all types of detergents that do not contain abrasive components. When damage occurs to an individual element, the structure of the frame makes it quite easy to replace it.
  4. Saving. The cost of finishing a wall with such panels is much cheaper than covering it with tiles or simply painting it. This is especially noticeable when forming large areas.

Criterias of choice

Wall panels can be used in different conditions, but most often they are used in the kitchen. When buying such products, you should take into account such features of the kitchen as:

  1. High humidity and elevated temperature... This can be the reason for the rapid destruction of the top layer of many types of finishing materials. Therefore, products that are used in such conditions must be resistant to such influences.
  2. Increased concentration of fat, which forms a coating on all kitchen surfaces. These substances complicate maintenance and also have a destructive effect on many surfaces.
  3. Availability of various chemical compounds formed during operation. Wall panels must be able to withstand such influences and not corrode.

Please note that such products should not only be durable, but also beautiful. This forces manufacturers to create unique designs that are highly practical. Among all this diversity, several types of wall panels can be distinguished:

  1. Natural wood products have a unique design. They can fit into almost any interior, and also withstand significant loads.
  2. Plywood, chipboard, MDF and fiberboard panels. Such designs are somewhat less expensive, but have very good indicators of resistance to external pathogens.
  3. PVC materials. Such panels are distinguished not only by their strength and versatility, but also by a variety of patterns, which makes it possible to use them in combination with different interiors.

Please note that quality wood-based panels should be equipped with a moisture-resistant layer that will protect the products and extend their life.

We stock up on everything you need

Installation of wall panels begins with the acquisition of the required amount of materials and several additional tools:

  • roulette;
  • construction cord;
  • drills and screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wooden slats (thickness about 2 * 3 cm);
  • special skirting boards (used to close various gaps and join surfaces).

Marking the surface of the walls

The next stage of this kind of repair is to calculate the number of planks and mark their future location. In most cases, the frame for wall panels looks like a rectangle with jumpers. Experts recommend leaving a distance of no more than 50 cm between the vertical slats.When plastic materials are to be attached, this value is reduced to 20-30 in order to reduce the likelihood of their easy bending from minor physical efforts.

The number of vertical and horizontal strips depends on the size of the walls and the type of panels selected for installation. Based on this, you can first calculate the approximate amount of such components.

Assembling the frame

Before the fastening of wooden planks is carried out, experts recommend treating them with a special moisture-proof impregnation. This will significantly increase the service life of the frame and increase its resistance to the external environment.

The process of mounting supports for sheet panels correctly split into several sequential steps:

  1. First of all, cutting of wooden slats is performed according to previously obtained dimensions. For such purposes, you can use a regular hacksaw.
  2. At this stage, the planks are fastened to the wall, which should be located along the perimeter (horizontal). To fix them, a punch and self-tapping screws are used. When carrying out such operations, you should carefully monitor the level to form even lines.
  3. After that, you need to set vertical jumpers between the previously fixed strips. Please note that you should not immediately attach them to the wall, but first you need to align in the same plane using a stretched thread. When everything is ready, you can screw them to the wall using self-tapping screws.

The cladding of the work surface in the kitchen is an important element of the interior. Its purpose is purely practical, but now much attention is paid to the aesthetic appearance of this invariable kitchen attribute. The variety of suitable materials is simply amazing, ceramic tiles, artificial stone and plastic wall panels are considered traditional. An important place among such materials is occupied by MDF fiber boards, about which and there will be a speech in our article.

Such material has appeared relatively recently, but has already gained excellent popularity as a relatively inexpensive analogue natural wood, which also has improved strength and performance characteristics.

Pros of using MDF:

  • The strength of the slab.
  • Possibility of shape cutting and milling.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress and deformation.
  • A wide range of colors and configurations.
  • Biological resistance against the formation of mold and mildew.
  • Environmentally friendly material, as close as possible to real wood.
  • Affordable cost and hassle-free shopping.

On the video - kitchen aprons from mdf:

Kitchen aprons with photo prints will have a great decorative effect - a relatively new service that has not yet become widespread. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, these panels have additional surface protection thanks to a special top layer. Unique special effects will allow you to get additional depth and brightness of color, while you can advantageously beat the tones with additional lighting.


All boards on sale may differ in thickness and raw materials used. Usually the boards have special grooves along the length, thanks to which you can make an almost seamless surface. Some types of boards provide cutouts from the end, so that boards can be laid on any area. The main feature of MDF is the top coating, according to which the main types of this material are classified.

Types of surfaces of MDF boards:

A separate category of such material includes a drawing or photograph applied using a special technology. Such decor will significantly increase the attractiveness and aesthetic appearance selected option. In most cases, the possibility of applying photographs is used for furniture facades, for kitchen sets, including. The appropriate choice of an apron will help to create a single composition with furniture groups.

The nuances of choosing a color scheme:

  • Do not make an apron in the same color as the furniture. It won't be visually appealing and will get boring quickly.
  • A popular solution is the creation of a single monolithic structure along with the tabletop. The best addition would be an integrated kitchen sink.
  • For small rooms, you should not choose a large pattern or dark colors.
  • A win-win option is an apron in light shades with asymmetric stains to mask small dirt.

In the photo - kitchen aprons from mdf with photo printing:

Gentle cleansing with mild, non-abrasive products will allow the coating to last longer without losing its attractiveness. In any case, it is always possible to correct the surface of the slab or replace it with a new one, without too much material damage.

DIY installation

One of the advantages when choosing this material will be the possibility of self-assembly. Unlike ceramic tiles and glass panels do not require special skills and professional equipment. The usual set of a home master will be enough:

As wall panels, MDF is preferable for a number of features:

  • Ease of installation.
  • Possibility of laying electrical wiring and communications behind the panel.
  • Excellent performance characteristics.
  • Moisture resistance, use of mild chemicals allowed.
  • The ability to relatively inexpensively modify or radically change the stylistic orientation of the interior.
  • There is no need to pre-prepare the surface.
  • Hassle-free repair or replacement.
  • Relatively low cost of finishing.

The video shows a kitchen apron made of MDF with a photo print:

There are no ideal options, therefore, the MDF board is not without its drawbacks. Despite its fairly good strength, the coating can fail under prolonged exposure to steam or high temperatures. Grease drips and other traces of kitchen use can be difficult to clean and leave unaesthetic marks. Even with the most careful and careful use, a kitchen apron made of MDF is inferior in terms of service life to some other materials.

Despite these nuances, these types of kitchen wall finishes occupy leading places in the ranking of suitable materials. The main advantage is a more affordable cost, so you can afford to update your kitchen design more often and create new projects.

How to fix it? Methods for fixing a MDF wall panel:

  1. Self-tapping screws through a through hole... Reliable and quick way, the only drawback of which is the need to mask the holes with plugs.
  2. On the adhesive with suitable characteristics. Most often these are the well-known "liquid nails". This method of fastening is permissible with a low weight of the structure.
  3. Special kleiners- furniture fasteners. To do this, you must first install the mounting rails, the panel "snaps" onto the installed fasteners.

Even a rather long apron is desirable to be made of a solid panel. So the joints will not be visible. Installation in this case will require the involvement of assistants, but the result will also be impressive.

The video tells how to install an MDF kitchen apron:

Manufacturers and cost

Choosing quality material is not as easy as you might think. The product must have all hygienic conclusions on safe use in residential premises, as well as a quality certificate. MDF for the kitchen should also be absolutely chemically inert, not react with acids and alkalis, and not release any substances outside.

All these requirements are met by products from trusted manufacturers, a brief overview of which is given below. Estimated prices are for comparison with other options and may change over time.

Estimated cost of a kitchen apron made of MDF:

  1. Laminated boards from $ 13 per m².
  2. Veneered slabs from $ 11 per m².
  3. Sanded MDF (unpainted) is on sale from $ 5 per m².

The cost of exclusive models of a printed apron will depend on the type and thickness of the panel used, as well as additional functions: fasteners, installation services. On average, we can say that a square meter of an apron with a photo print will cost around $ 20 and more.

The video shows more information on how to install an MDF kitchen apron:

The kitchen is the room that is being renovated more often than the rest of the rooms. Therefore, the question of how to fix the wall panels in the kitchen is of great interest to home craftsmen who have decided to change the interior of the apartment on their own. Thanks to new technologies for the manufacture of building materials, such familiar types of finishes as tiles and wallpaper are gradually losing ground. Wall panels played a significant role in this, the variety of execution of which is simply amazing. The reader is invited to familiarize himself with the types of wall panels and how to install them.

Wall panels in the kitchen, despite the ease of installation, can be matched to any interior design.

Advantages of wall panels

Compared to other methods of wall decoration, wall paneling has a number of very tangible advantages. Due to their characteristics and ease of installation, they are becoming more and more popular.

The advantages of these products are as follows:

There is a wide variety of options for mdf wall panels for the kitchen.

  1. Fast installation. One panel covers a fairly large area of ​​the surface to be trimmed. In this case, much less effort is expended than when working with tiles or paint.
  2. Significant time savings. This is a rather relevant factor, since kitchens are the room without which normal life in an apartment is impossible.
  3. No need to repair or level the main walls. Cover panels allow you to quickly and reliably mask all defects of the old surface.
  4. Products have a completely affordable price... In addition, the component parts are much cheaper than expensive tile adhesive.
  5. Ease of installation. In order to secure the products, you do not need a set of special equipment and professional skills. This work is within the power of even a novice home master.

The installation of a wall panel in the kitchen is possible in various ways. It depends on the model, type and material from which the panel is made.

Varieties of panels

Plastic panels in the kitchen are easy to clean and withstand moisture.

Today there is a large amount of material that can quickly and efficiently sheathe the walls of almost any room. This material has a different appearance, moisture and temperature resistance, wear resistance and service life.

Modern technologies suggest the ability to install the following types of panels in the kitchen:

  1. Made of plastic. These products come in a wide variety of sizes and colors. Among their advantages are such qualities as ease of installation and maintenance, moisture resistance and good insulating qualities. A definite disadvantage is the soft plastic surface, which is easily scratched, broken and deformed from high temperature... It is undesirable to mount them above the countertop or next to the stove.
  2. Made of laminated MDF. This is a fairly cheap and practical option. MDF has a presentable look. For the kitchen, it is better to use material laminated on both sides. Such protection will protect products from dampness and mold. Fat does not stick to such surfaces, they are durable, easy to maintain, and do not react to changes in humidity. A definite disadvantage is the instability of these products to strong heating.
  3. Made of tempered glass. This material is the most expensive. But the area of ​​its application is limited only by the apron. Tempered glass has quite a few advantages - it is resistant to mechanical stress, moisture and mold, and has a spectacular appearance. Its scratch-free surface is environmentally friendly and easy to clean.
  4. Made of laminated plywood. Waterproof plywood coated with a protective plastic layer is an excellent solution for kitchen finishes. The material is environmentally friendly, well protected from moisture, durable and easy to clean. Does not tolerate open fire.
  5. Made of artificial stone. Artificial stone is very durable, not afraid of fire and water. Its service life is several decades. It is environmentally friendly, does not react to chemically active substances and acids. The stone is easy to clean. Some disadvantages are the high cost and difficulty in processing.

The construction industry is constantly expanding its range finishing material... Its characteristics and installation methods are being improved.

Fastening wall panels to the frame

Most of the panels involve mounting on a frame that is rigidly fixed to the wall.

But such a construction technique is appropriate only for spacious kitchens. For small rooms, the frame structure is not acceptable; it can take up quite a lot of usable space.

If the area allows, then you can safely mount the frame.

For the manufacture of the frame, the following material is used:

  1. Wooden slats 20 × 30 mm. Before use, wood must be treated against mold. A certain disadvantage of wood is its instability to moisture changes. This factor can lead to deformation of the frame and the finish surface.
  2. Steel profiles CD and UD. The steel grill is very durable, it does not react to high heat and high humidity. The service life of a metal crate can be several decades.

In order to mount the crate, you will need the following inventory:

  • puncher;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • pencil;
  • plastic dowels;
  • self-tapping screws for wood and metal;
  • protective goggles and gloves.

After drawing up the project, the necessary material is purchased. Next, markings are applied to the wall. After that, the installation of the lathing is carried out.

This is done in this order:

  1. Guide products are screwed along the perimeter of the walls, which limit the size of the frame.
  2. If necessary, vertical suspensions are attached to the walls. These products are used to level and stiffen the sheathing lintels.
  3. Jumpers are installed between the guide profiles or strips. Depending on the project, they can be installed vertically or horizontally at intervals of 40-50 cm.
  4. The jumpers are aligned and fixed with self-tapping screws on vertical plumb lines.

The lathing is ready. You can proceed to fixing the panels. Individual fragments can be attached using a special lock, self-tapping screws or brackets (clamps).

Gluing and screwing panels

This method is quite common. But it is not particularly reliable, since over time the glue loses its properties from constant changes in humidity and temperature. As a rule, lightweight materials such as plywood, plastic or MDF are fastened in this way. If the decision is made to glue heavier panels, then a solid support is required for their lower part.

In order for the panel to adhere securely to the wall, it must be prepared accordingly.

This is done like this:

  • measurement of the vertical surface of the surface;
  • the wall is treated with a deep penetration primer;
  • a layer of waterproof cement-based mortar is applied to the surface, which eliminates all irregularities;
  • the plane is leveled and polished;
  • another 2-3 layers of primer are applied.

Only then is the wall ready for paneling. A good option is the use of polyurethane sealant or liquid nails. The adhesive must be applied to the entire surface of the panel. After it is attached to its place, it must be pressed tightly and pressed down over the entire plane with heavy oppression or spacers.

More in a simple way fixing large panels is by screwing them directly to the wall. To do this, several holes are drilled in the panel and the wall, into which dowels are inserted and self-tapping screws are screwed in. Self-tapping hats can be masked with lower or upper cabinets. If they are in the middle of the panel, then they are closed with decorative plugs.

The panels can be fixed without the use of fasteners. Their lower edge is installed on the table top and pressed against the baseboard. The top edge is pressed by a hanging cabinet. Steel frames can be produced for tempered glass.

Conclusion on the topic

Decorating a kitchen is painstaking and creative. When carrying out this work, you can combine a wide variety of materials. From this, the quality of the repair and the appearance of the premises will only improve. Don't be afraid to fantasize and experiment.

Probably, you need to start with the fact that the wall panel in the kitchen can be made from different materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. And since the kitchen is the place where a lot of grease and other drops get on the walls near the work surfaces, you need to approach the choice of material very carefully.

Let's figure out what actually can be used to mount the wall panel in the kitchen, and only then we will consider the principles and sequence of mounting.

Types of materials used

It is important to note here that the decision - to use this or that material or not - depends not only on its practical features, but also on the overall design of the kitchen. Try to choose the material so that it is in harmony with the style of the room as much as possible.

So, let's start reviewing the materials:

  1. Washable wallpaper or PVC foil. The option, of course, is the simplest and cheapest. Because you will need a little wallpaper, and it will be possible to paste them in a couple of hours. However, there are serious drawbacks - near the kitchen work surfaces, any, even very good wallpapers will quickly deteriorate, and the apron from the wallpaper often looks not very chic.
  1. ... In principle, it is convenient here that the material is inexpensive, you need it a little, and it is easy to care for such a surface. If we talk about how to sheathe the kitchen plastic panels- then this is unlikely to be difficult. Because the assembly technology is simple and fast. Of the shortcomings, one can single out the not very great strength of the plastic itself. If you hit him badly with something, then most likely a dent or crack will appear on the apron. Therefore, if you are interested in how to decorate the kitchen with plastic panels and what nuances there may be, then remember that such a surface will require maximum accuracy.
  • drill and hammer drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • self-tapping screws and quick installation;


Let's start installing the rails.

Assembling the frame

So, in addition to the panels themselves, we need such a tool and expendable materials:

  • tape measure, pencil and construction thread;
  • drill and hammer drill;
  • screwdriver;

Tip: it is quite possible to save money and not buy a power tool. Rent it for a couple of days - after all, it is unlikely that installing a wall panel in the kitchen with your own hands will take more time.

  • hacksaw for wood;
  • self-tapping screws and quick installation;
  • wooden slats for the frame (usually 20 by 30 mm wide slats are sufficient.);
  • skirting boards for decorating the perimeter of the future apron.

In principle, with such a "gentleman's set" you can start the first stage of work.


First you need to note where the slats will be located. These are the perimeter and vertical lintels. In most cases, jumpers can be placed at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other - as a rule, this distance is sufficient.

But of course, if the installation of wall panels in the kitchen is made of thin plastic, then it may be necessary to reduce this distance so that the panels do not bend.

Let's start installing the rails.

Assembling the frame

  1. We calculate the number of required rails and their length.
  2. Using a hacksaw, cut the planks and attach them to the wall.

Tip: in order for the frame to last longer - before attaching the slats, treat them with moisture-proof and antiseptic impregnations. With this approach, the high humidity of the kitchen will not spoil the frame for a very long time.

  1. We take a puncher and fasten the perimeter to the wall. Do not forget to adjust the vertical slats "in level".
  1. We insert the vertical jumpers, but do not fasten them yet.
  1. We pull the thread from the right vertical rail to the left - this way we will understand how to fix the jumpers in order to end up with a flat plane of the frame;
  1. We fasten the jumpers.

In general, the frame is ready and in the photo below you can see how it should look approximately.

By the way, you may be interested in how to glue the wall panel in the kitchen, and not screw it on. In this case, in fact, everything is like this - you can glue it, only this will not be so reliable, since over time, due to temperature changes in the room and high humidity, the glued panels are likely to "move away" from the rough wall.

And before gluing something, the wall needs to be very well prepared - leveled with plaster and treated with a primer, plus be sure to wait until it all dries. It's easier and faster to make a frame after all.


So, we proceed to the last stage (as you already understood, as an illustrative example, we consider the assembly of several horizontal panels - not one-piece). We collect the panels from the bottom up, so that if the edge panel will not fit and it will have to be cut lengthwise, then it was in the upper part of the wall - this moment will not be so noticeable under the cabinets.

  1. We cut off the panel to the required length, attach them to the slats and fasten. By the way, if the grooves of the panel allow, then you can fix it with an ordinary stapler.
  • We insert the next, upper panel into the groove of the bottom panel and fix it.
    1. We pass the entire plane in a similar way.
    1. We fasten the skirting boards around the perimeter of the resulting apron.

    In principle, that's all!


    We have examined how to install wall panels in the kitchen and from what it is better and easier to do it. We hope that the information was useful to you, and if some points are still not clear, then watch the video in this article - perhaps there will be no more questions left.

    Good luck p "width =" 640 "allowfullscreen =" "frameborder =" 0 ">

    Successful renovation!

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