How to glue pvc sheet panels in the bathroom. Adhesive for PVC panels - which one to use and how to install

Adhesives 09.06.2019

PVC plastic panels are an excellent option for wall decoration. Due to the high manufacturability of PVC, wall panels from it have firmly taken their place as the most demanded material for interior work.

However, sooner or later, under the influence of external factors, PVC panels lose their aesthetics and require replacement with a newer finishing material. In this regard, homeowners often have a question: is it possible to glue wallpaper on plastic panels without dismantling them?

For gluing wallpaper on PVC, you need to choose the right primer

It should be said right away that it is quite acceptable to paste over plastic panels with wallpaper. With the modern development of technical progress, there are practically no absolutely incompatible finishing materials left. It is only necessary to observe the technology of their combination: choose the right primer and cool composition.

To better understand all the intricacies of wallpapering a wall pre-finished with plastic, you should familiarize yourself with the technical features of both materials.

Plastic panels have earned such widespread popularity in interior design due to the following properties:

  1. Affordable price. According to this indicator, PVC panels are among the leaders in the segment wall panels.
  2. Excellent resistance to high humidity. Thanks to this, PVC wall panels can be used for decorating bathrooms, toilets and open balconies.
  3. UV resistant. PVC panels withstand impact sun rays practically without losing brightness and color saturation.
  4. Ease of installation. The panels have special locks on their edges for easy connection. With the help of "liquid nails" and self-tapping screws, panels can be glued to the wall or screwed to the lathing frame.

The glossy surface of the panels makes wallpapering difficult

This representative, like any other finishing materials, has its own shortcomings. First of all, it is a low resistance to an open flame, as well as the release of toxic chemical components during combustion.

But the main feature of PVC panels is their smooth glossy surface. On the one hand, this gives the cladding high decorative qualities, but on the other hand, it makes it very difficult to finish them with any material, both paints and varnishes and wallpaper.

Low adhesion rates between a smooth plastic surface and any adhesive or paint composition do not allow high-quality wallpapering without special preparation.


This type of decorative wall covering has been at the peak of popularity for more than a decade. The wallpaper is able to keep up with the trend thanks to the regular updating of the offered assortment. Today wallpaper is not only paper rolls with a pattern applied to them.

Modern wallpapers also include such high-tech types that have practically nothing to do with their paper predecessors. Today the following types of this finishing material are presented to the attention of the buyer:

  • paper. The simplest variety, characterized by low cost and low resistance to external influences;
  • non-woven. Multilayer variety, where a dense polymer fabric - non-woven fabric - acts as a base. The top decorative coating can be made of almost any material - from paper to vinyl and fiberglass;
  • vinyl. Another version of multilayer wallpaper, the main layer here is a polyvinyl chloride film. Depending on the base material and the number of layers, it can be either "light" or "heavy".

In addition to these three main types of wallpaper on our market, there are also more "exotic" varieties: glass cloth, jute, "liquid wallpaper", textile, etc.

Almost every type of wallpaper has its own gluing technology, as well as glue designed specifically for a particular type of wallpaper.

The most complete information about the technical features and method of application can be obtained by carefully reading the instructions on the package.

The table gives some of the symbols applied to the wallpaper when marking them, and their decoding.

Choose quality gluing mixes

Various technologies can also be applied. When pasting some types of wallpaper, for example, paper or vinyl, the adhesive is applied both to the canvas and to the wall. When gluing non-woven ones - only on the wall, etc.

Some glue solutions quite firmly cling to the base and the wallpaper sheet, so that when gluing, you should act as accurately as possible.

Other types of adhesives allow the canvases to be moved along the wall for a while after they have been glued, adjusting the texture and pattern.

Most adhesives are designed for gluing wallpaper to a fairly porous base with good adhesion. Only on such bases it is possible to glue the canvas with high quality without the risk that it will completely peel off or swell with a bubble in the near future.

Gluing technology

For better adhesion with PVC wallpaper, you can upholster fiberboard

Due to the above features of both PVC wall panels and wallpaper adhesives, it is not possible to obtain a sufficiently strong adhesion between them. Therefore, in order to paste over PVC walls with wallpaper, it will be necessary to increase their adhesion. This can be done in two ways:

  1. PVC wall cladding with another material more suitable for wallpaper glue applications. It is best to use fiberboard sheets in this case - they are quite cheap, easy to cut and install, and are also great for gluing wallpaper on them.
  2. Increased adhesion of the PVC panels themselves.

The first option is quite understandable - fiberboard sheets are simply attached over PVC panels using self-tapping screws. The second one requires special consideration. The preparation of old PVC surfaces for wallpapering includes several stages.

Abrasive processing

Abrasive scrubber

Initially, the old plastic surface is thoroughly cleaned from dirt, dust, grease, etc. To do this, use a sponge soaked in soapy water or any household chemicals. After all the dirt has been removed and the surface of the panels has dried, the smooth plastic surface should be given a rougher texture.

To do this, you should use the so-called scotch-bright - an abrasive sponge. She needs to properly process the entire plane of the panels. The movements should be intense, enough pressure should be applied to the sponge so that the glossy surface is covered with many small scratches.

In the absence of scotch-bright to give the plastic plane a rough structure, you can use fine-grained sandpaper or a sander with a "zero" wheel.

After such treatment, the plastic panel becomes indistinguishable to the touch from the surface covered with putty or well-leveled plaster. That is, the adhesion of PVC panels with the help of this operation was increased to quite acceptable indicators.


Apply multiple coats of primer

Before applying the primer-composition, the surface should be cleaned of fine dust remaining after processing with abrasive materials. The primer is applied to the surface of the panels with a paint brush or roller. To do this, you should use a special primer-composition designed for the treatment of glossy surfaces - tiles, glass, plastic.

Considering such a "complex" base as a plastic plane, it is desirable to apply it in two or three layers. In this case, each subsequent layer must be applied no earlier than the previous layer dries. After the primer is completely dry, you can start gluing the wallpaper.

Wallpaper glue

After the preparation made, almost any adhesive should form a good adhesion to the PVC panel.

However, experts still recommend insuring yourself by applying a special composition for pasting wallpaper, prepared with your own hands for this, ordinary wallpaper glue is taken and diluted in accordance with the type of wallpaper used (vinyl, non-woven, etc.).

Then universal PVA glue is added to it in the proportion of ¼ of the total mass of the glue. For more information on how to glue wallpaper, see this video:

PVA will be able to significantly increase specifications any wallpaper glue, and such a composition will provide a much stronger adhesion between the PVC panel and the wallpaper.

Before gluing PVC panels, focus on the requirements for the finishing material. This is very important because the location in which you plan to use the paneling may simply not be suitable as it will not meet the requirements. In addition, if this happens, then you will suffer large losses due to damage to the material. So let's go:

  • It is forbidden to use PVC panels in places where temperature drops reach 20 degrees Celsius.
  • If the temperature indicator in the room where the material will be used does not rise above 10 degrees with a minus sign, then the use of panels is not recommended.
  • If the finishing material was in a room where the temperature was -10 ° C, then for some time it must be placed in the room where the panels will be used.
  • In the event that the panels are mounted horizontally, the joint groove must point downwards. This will prevent moisture or condensation from getting under the material.
  • When laying the material, make sure that there are 5-10 mm gaps at the top and bottom.
  • If you are installing panels with a picture, then you should start from the left corner and go to the right. If the material is monochromatic, then the starting side is not important.
  • When cutting panels to size, use a fine pitch saw. You can also use a grinder with a special circle.

Now that you know the basic principles of working with the material, you can start assembling the necessary tools so that the installation of PVC panels on the glue takes place without interruption, so to speak, from production.

We collect the tool and purchase the necessary material

So, to start gluing PVC panels, you must first prepare the tool you need for work. Here's a rough list:

  • You will need the help of a square to cut the right angles.
  • You can't do without a building level.
  • Stock up on a tape measure.
  • With the help of a miter box, you will have to cut various corners on the surface of the panels. This is if you plan to create a unique pattern on the surface of the wall or ceiling.

Advice! If you do not have a stepladder available, then it is quite possible to do with an ordinary stool or chair. Unless, of course, you have a standard room height.

In principle, we figured out the tools. Now you have to go to a specialty store or to a construction market. There you need to purchase:

  • Directly the PVC panels themselves.

Advice! Buy the material a little with a margin, so that later you do not waste time on choosing a tone!

  • Internal and external corners.
  • Start profiles.
  • Skirting boards for floors and ceilings. The footage will depend on the area of ​​your surface to be treated.
  • Panel adhesive.

Everything. Now you can proceed directly to the installation work.

Installation of PVC panels on glue - the subtleties of the process

Attention! To carry out the venture, you need a perfectly flat surface.

If one meets the requirements, then we suggest considering all the subtleties of installation:

  • Before the PVC panels are glued, you need to degrease the surface to which the material will be glued, as well as the part of the panel to which the adhesive solution will be applied. To do this, simply dilute the dish soap with water and wipe the surfaces with it. After waiting for them to dry completely, we proceed to the next stage.
  • Now you need to decide on the adhesive for work. It can be Moment-Montage, Titanium or regular liquid nails.

Important! Depending on the solution you choose, you may need a special glue gun.

  • The glue is applied using the spot method. The distance between the points should vary between 30-35 cm. When everything is done, it is necessary to firmly press the panel to the surface. Next, attention, disconnect it and let it stand for about 1 minute. After that, again firmly press the finishing material to the surface. The algorithm of actions is repeated for each subsequent panel.

To install decorative panels, you will need scissors, a knife, alcohol-based glue (when using glue, you should take into account the recommendations of the glue manufacturer), paper masking tape, level Installation is recommended to start with cleaning the wall from dirt and dust. Before starting the installation of panels, it is recommended to calculate how the decorative panels will be laid in one row and over the entire wall as a whole. If you plan to pasting panels over the entire area of ​​the wall from floor to ceiling, then it is better to start from the upper edge of the wall, i.e. from the ceiling. If the panels are planned to be pasted only on a part of the wall, then it is recommended to glue the upper row of panels according to the level, or draw a line (pull the thread) and set the upper edge of the panel along it. The glue must be applied to the protruding parts from the back of the sheet. The glue is applied along the entire perimeter of the panel, and in the central part of the panel with a step of 5-7 cm on the protruding parts. It is recommended to stick the panel to the wall 1 minute after applying the glue. It is necessary to press the panel against the wall slightly away from the adjacent panel and move it laterally so that the adhesive surface is leveled. It is recommended to glue the panels on top of each other in a small overlap so that the distance between the panels is the same between other tiles in the mosaic. To do this, you need to choose in advance which side to press the panel to the panel. It is recommended to use paper masking tape to secure the panels until the glue dries.

For gluing PVC sheet panels, we recommend using the following brands of glue and liquid nails:

  1. TITAN Wild universal liquid nails
  2. "Quality" liquid nails universal
  3. "Quality" liquid nails, extra strong for panels

Description and scope of adhesives:

TITAN Wild universal glue

Designed for general construction and repair work. The area of ​​application of the glue is the widest range of non-inert materials. Able to glue products from expanded polystyrene (polystyrene, polystyrene) and PVC (plastic), glaze and ceramics, wood and cork, MDF, artificial leather, glass, paper and fabric, as well as parquet and parquet board, linoleum, plywood, carpet, etc. floor coverings etc. It is used for gluing in various combinations, as well as for gluing materials to concrete, cement-lime, gypsum, plaster surfaces.

Method of application: Apply a thin layer of glue to a clean and dry surface. Leave to dry for 2-5 minutes, then join the surfaces to be glued. Cover the porous surface with glue twice. When gluing ceiling tiles, the glue is applied in dotted lines. If the base is covered with whitewash, it must first be removed and primed with glue mixed with denatured alcohol. After 4 hours of drying of the primed surface, you can start gluing the tiles. Drying time of the glue is approximately 30-40 minutes.

Basic properties:

  • frost-resistant;
  • has a transparent color;
  • waterproof - resistant to moisture;
  • heat-resistant - stable flexibility in the temperature range from -30 ° C to + 60 ° C;
  • has a short setting time, ideal for bonding ceiling tiles;
  • remains flexible, does not flake off, does not become brittle;
  • glue consumption: 0.5l per 10 sq.m.

Composition: Vinyl acetate copolymers

Package: Plastic bottle. Packing in a cardboard box. The options are:

  1. plastic bottle 0.25 l., box: 49 pcs.
  2. plastic bottle 0.5 l., box: 36 pieces, gross weight - 17.424 kg, net weight - 17.021 kg, volume - 0.033 cubic meters.
  3. plastic bottle 1.0 l., box: 25 pieces, gross weight - 23.480 kg, net weight - 23.013 kg, volume - 0.044 cubic meters.

Shelf life: 36 months

TITAN WILD liquid nails universal:

Professional construction adhesive - modern alternative familiar metal nails, screws and dowels. Designed for gluing products from expanded polystyrene, wall panels, cork, wood, boards, tiles, chipboard, MDF, metal, gypsum, brick, drywall, cement, decorative stone, etc. Not used for polypropylene, polyethylene, similar materials, wet surfaces ...

Basic properties:

  • white;
  • consumption - about 12 m (when applied in a continuous layer with a nose cut diameter of 6 mm);
  • initial setting time 15 minutes;
  • setting force 90 kg / m 3;
  • application temperature from -10 ° C to + 30 ° C, recommended - not lower than + 15 ° C.
  • frost resistance - freezing is permissible without loss of adhesive properties.

Storage: In dry covered ventilated rooms at temperatures from -30 ° C to + 40 ° C and humidity no more than 75%.

Package: 440 gr cartridge

Shelf life: 18 months

Quality universal liquid nails:

professional construction glue is a modern alternative to the usual metal nails, screws and dowels. for gluing products from expanded polystyrene, wall panels, cork, wood / board, tile, chipboard, MDF, metal, gypsum, brick, drywall, cement, decorative stone, etc.

Basic properties

  • White color
  • Consumption - 12 m (when applied in a continuous layer with a spout cut diameter of 6 mm), application temperature from -10 to +30 ° C, recommended - not lower than + 15 ° C., Frost resistance - freezing is permissible without loss of adhesive properties

Directions for use:


Shelf life: 18 months

"Quality" liquid nails, extra strong for panels:

professional construction glue is a modern alternative to the usual metal nails, screws and dowels. Designed for gluing wall and ceiling panels, expanded polystyrene panels, cork, plywood, battens, drywall, chipboard, moldings, ceramics.

Basic properties:

  • White color
  • Composition: polyvinyl acetate polymers, filler.
  • Properties: initial setting time 15 minutes, setting force 90 kg / sq.m.
  • Consumption - 12 m (when applied in a continuous layer with a spout cut diameter of 6 mm) application temperature from -10 to +30 ° C, recommended - not lower than + 15 ° C., Frost resistance - freezing is permissible without loss of adhesive properties

Directions for use:

  1. The surfaces to be bonded must be dry, clean, free from grease, at least one of the surfaces must be absorbent.
  2. The glue is applied to one of the surfaces to be glued either in a continuous strip or pointwise.
  3. Press the surfaces to be bonded firmly against each other.
  4. At the end of the work, remove excess glue with acetone or white spirit.
  5. Maximum strength is reached after 48 hours.

Storage: In dry covered ventilated rooms at temperatures from - 30 ° С to + 40 ° С and humidity no more than 75%

Shelf life: 18 months

Popular finishing materials recently, plastic panels have become. Their use allows you to make a beautiful finish in a short time.

A variety of textures, colors and sizes attracts those who want to create a unique design of the room. They are used for finishing kitchens and balconies, and their resistance to moisture makes the use plastic panels simply indispensable for pasting the walls of the bathroom.

Knowing how to glue the plastic panels to the wall will allow you to successfully install this decorative material.

Most often, plastic panels are used to decorate the bathroom. This means that the adhesive used must be securely attached even in high humidity conditions.

Choose an adhesive with high adhesion and fast adhesion

Required characteristics for glue:

  • moisture resistance. Since the humidity in the bathroom is high, the glue for gluing can only be used from moisture-resistant brands;
  • high degree of adhesion. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion to the wall;
  • resistance to different temperatures and their drops. The use of panels in a bathroom, where temperature and humidity tend to change rapidly, is possible only if they are securely attached to the wall surface;
  • the presence of antibacterial properties. A humid and warm environment is ideal for bacteria and fungus to thrive. In view of this, the adhesive for wall panels must be antibacterial;
  • durability. Although the panels can be glued with almost any glue, in order for them to be securely fixed for many years, a high-quality composition is needed;
  • fast "stickiness". It is necessary that within 10 minutes after gluing the panel to the wall, it was already firmly fixed;
  • lack of a high level of toxicity and pungent odor;
  • transparency.

An adhesive that meets all these requirements will be excellent for gluing PVC panels in any room, even in a bathroom, where dampness and high temperatures are common. This will allow the finish to remain unchanged for many years.

Panel gluing options

There are different options for how to glue plastic panels. Each master has his own glue, tested over the years, and yet there is a wide selection in this area, but how to glue PVC panels? The main options are described below:

  1. Emficol 34012A. This glue is specially designed for attaching PVC, as it has good adhesion to plastic.
  2. Kleyberite 636. It is created on the basis of synthetic resin, therefore it is environmentally friendly.
  3. Moment Crystal. This glue is used for gluing to almost any surface.
  4. Liquid Nails 601. This is a versatile interior adhesive.
  5. Liquid nails 901. Glue, which is used both for indoor and outdoor work. It is able to securely attach even heavy materials.
  6. 915 Liquid Nails is an adhesive specially used for bathrooms.

Table. Main characteristics of different adhesives

Emficol 34012AStrength, viscosity, resistance to temperature changes, lack of color.
Affordable price, moisture resistance, fast drying.
Moment CrystalHigh degree of adhesion, durability, lack of color, resistance to moisture and temperature extremes.High price.
Liquid nails 601Durability.Lack of moisture resistance.
Liquid nails 901Moisture resistance, versatility, strength, durability.
Liquid nails 915Resistant to moisture and elevated temperature(specially for bathrooms).Opaque but light in color.

However, it is not enough just to choose the right glue, it is important to know how to glue the plastic panels so that you do not have to redo everything later.

Plastic panel fastening technology

Glue the panels onto the cleaned and primed surface

Although it may seem that the installation of PVC panels is a difficult task, in fact, following simple instructions, all work can be done by hand and without the involvement of specialists.

Some people prefer to attach such material to a pre-assembled frame, but this reduces the area of ​​the room. But how to glue PVC panels? Further, the technology of fastening with glue is described step by step.

When gluing the panels, it is important to avoid bending the material. You also need to remember that the protective film is removed only after the final installation. To ensure that the lines along which the material is cut are as even as possible, cutting and cutting should be done only from the front side of the material.

As you can see, work on gluing plastic panels can be done independently. First you need to decide on the glue on which this material will be attached. For an overview of adhesives for PVC panels, see this useful video:

For finishing bathrooms with one of the good options is the use of liquid nails 915, which are specially designed for work in rooms with high humidity. Before the installation itself, it is important to make sure that the walls are even, because the appearance of the room after the installation of the panels depends on this.

Although we have already written about them many times on our website, we could not help but recall the advantages of plastic panels again. If you have not yet decided on the type of PVC panels, read the article. This material has many advantages, for example:

  • PVC panels retain their basic properties in a wide temperature range (from -30 to +60), which means they are suitable for almost all climatic conditions;
  • It is very easy to work with plastic panels, because they are light and pliable to the cutting tool;
  • Does not fade in direct sunlight, UV resistant;
  • PVC panels can be used in all types of rooms and premises, for example, in a toilet and a bathroom.

However, there are also disadvantages, such as:

  • This material cannot be called environmentally friendly;
  • Even with a small excess of the norm in the content of chalk, they greatly lose in their physical properties;
  • The use of cheap materials (which is practically indistinguishable at the stage of purchasing panels) significantly reduces their service life.
  • Although they do not support the burning of a fire, the smoke from them is toxic.

You will learn more about PVC panels at the link above.

Installation of PVC panels - on glue or nails

As we mentioned above, it is easy to work with PVC panels. And one of the factors affecting this is the freedom to choose the method of fastening the panels to the wall. Exists

the following mounting methods:

  • Installation of plastic panels with glue to the wall;
  • Fastening PVC panels with glue to the crate;
  • Fastening panels with clips or other "mechanical" fastening materials to the crate (aluminum or wooden).

You will learn more about how to mount panels in the article "".

As an adhesive for the installation of PVC panels, Montazh-Moment glue, Titanium is used, and so-called liquid nails are also widely used. However, according to experts, the most reliable adhesive for PVC panels is polyurethane sealant, which is practically unaffected by environmental conditions.

As for the Titan glue, I would like to say that it is not very convenient to work with it. The bottom line is that this glue is applied pointwise and at intervals (similar to), after which the panel is firmly pressed against the wall or crate, then the panel is detached and allowed to settle a little, after which the procedure is repeated (for more details about the method of fastening with such glue, see the instructions to him).

How to glue PVC panels

As we wrote above, PVC panels can be glued either directly to the wall or to the crate. In order to glue the plastic panels directly to the wall, it must be as flat as possible, without cracks, pits, and clean. It is quite easy to achieve cleanliness of the wall, but perfect evenness is not, therefore, a crate is often used. The panels should stand for some time at room temperature.

temperature (at least 12 hours), after which you can unpack them and start cutting them (of course, if necessary). Be sure to degrease the places where PVC panel glue or liquid nails will be applied. At the same time, it is necessary to degrease both the panels themselves and their landing sites. When mounting panels to a wall (without lathing), glue should be applied in dotted lines at a small interval to the entire surface of the panel. The last piece you will glue is the skirting board for the plastic panels. The gluing method is identical.

Adhesive for PVC panels in the bathroom

The glue used for the installation of PVC panels in the bathroom does not differ from that used in all other rooms - absolutely all the glue is excellent copes with moisture in residential bathrooms, so don't worry about it. Finally, in addition to the offered brands of glue, we recommend using Tytan and Quelyd Mastifix liquid nails specifically for the bathroom. The method of fixing plastic panels in the bathroom is identical, as well as

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