Which is better for the floor tile or porcelain stoneware. Comparison of the characteristics of porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. Which is better to choose

Tile 21.06.2019

Specialists in the field of interior decoration and renovation of premises agree that the choice of material for floor cladding is a very responsible matter and should be approached very thoughtfully. After all, it is the floor covering that is exposed to the maximum load and is least insured against unpleasant surprises, such as sharp heels, spilled coffee cups, falling heavy objects, etc. Some of best options floor finishes are ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Which one should you give preference to? Before answering this question, you need to understand the features of these two materials, the nuances of their use and find out how tiles differ from porcelain stoneware.

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Ceramic tile

It is one of the oldest building materials that is obtained by mixing different types clays, mineral additives, inorganic compounds. Ceramic tiles are found in burials dating back to the Stone Age. Why has ceramics remained at their peak of polarity for millennia and “never went out of style”? The reason lies in its many advantages:

  1. Strength. Despite its relatively small thickness, ceramics is a very durable material and can withstand loads many times greater than a concrete screed. It is worth noting that only those ceramic tiles that have been laid in compliance with all technological standards and requirements.
  2. Rigidity. The tile cannot be bent. She is able to maintain her shape even under very serious loads. The stiffness parameter of the product increases in proportion to its thickness.
  3. Color fastness. The ceramic tile flooring is capable of retaining its original color even after long-term use.
  4. Refractoriness. Ceramics is absolutely non-flammable material. It not only does not burn, but also significantly prevents the spread of fire and does not emit any harmful vapors.
  5. Environmental friendliness. The material is made from natural raw materials. Therefore, its environmental friendliness and absolute safety for humans cannot raise doubts.
  6. Hygiene. The tile is not whimsical to maintain and has high chemical resistance. It can be washed with any household cleaner. Any contamination is removed from its surface in an elementary way. The exemplary hygienic properties allow this material to be used in rooms with the most stringent sanitary requirements. High-quality ceramics are also good because they have no pores. This means that harmful microorganisms will not have the opportunity to reproduce.
  7. Decorative appeal. Ceramic tiles are presented on the market with a truly limitless assortment of types that can amaze the imagination with an abundance of colors, patterns and textures. This makes it possible to choose a harmonious option for any style and color scheme interior.

This is an impressive list of the advantages of ceramic tiles - the best proof that laurels belong to it. better material for finishing the floor. As for the disadvantages, according to ceramic tile manufacturers, they simply do not exist. But in fairness, it is worth noting one point: in rooms with intense pedestrian traffic, the pattern on the tiles can wear off over time and, under mechanical shock, the tiles can crack and crack.

Porcelain stoneware

This is a new generation material. It was developed in Italy relatively recently - a little over 30 years ago. In terms of its composition, porcelain stoneware is practically no different from tiles. But the manufacturing technologies for these two materials are different. The main difference is that in the manufacture of porcelain stoneware, coloring pigments are added directly to the raw mix, which makes it possible to obtain tiles colored throughout the entire thickness. Whereas, ceramics are colored only on the surface in the form of a decorative enamel layer.

Thanks to this feature, it is very easy to distinguish porcelain stoneware from ceramic tiles. Just look at the side cut. The first will have a uniform color and texture, the second will only have the outer surface painted.

It is the uniformity of color across the entire thickness and exemplary strength that leads to exceptional wear resistance. floor covering from porcelain stoneware and are its main advantages. In addition, the following advantages of this finishing material can be noted:

  • exemplary hardness;
  • practically zero hygroscopicity;
  • truly phenomenal durability;
  • absolute environmental safety;
  • excellent frost resistance.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • impressive weight, which can complicate the process of transportation and installation;
  • complexity in processing - porcelain stoneware is more difficult to cut and process than ceramic tiles;
  • more expensive price;
  • a relatively small assortment of types, patterns and colors.

Which of the two materials should you choose?

So, porcelain stoneware or floor tiles, which is better? The key point in choosing between these materials is the operating conditions of the future flooring. For floor cladding of unheated rooms and open loggias and terraces, the best solution is porcelain stoneware. The tile is less resistant to temperature contrasts and adverse climatic factors. Beautiful tiles are well suited for the kitchen and bathroom, which can give the interior of these rooms a special charm. For premises with high pedestrian traffic, wear-resistant and durable porcelain stoneware is the best option.

Experts do not recommend using glossy tiles as flooring for passers-by and bathtubs. In the first case, their mirror surface can be scratched by sand brought in from the street with shoes and the floor will quickly lose its luxurious shine. In the second, a slippery glossy surface can provoke falls and injuries.

Tile has been and remains the most reliable and durable coating for walls and floors. It is he who is most often preferred when finishing surfaces in rooms with high levels of humidity and with high traffic. And the tiles are not afraid of pollution, since they are easy to clean. Therefore, you can safely use it for kitchen apron, porch, public toilet. In short, the choice in favor of tiles in such cases is obvious. The only question is which tile to choose?

Previously, we knew only one option - ceramic tiles. And now you have to choose between ceramics and porcelain stoneware. And this is where a dilemma arises. Let's figure it out together which is better: porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles.

How are tiles made?

Both traditional ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware are molded by the same method - pressing. Because of this, porcelain stoneware is sometimes called "pressed stone", although this is just a metaphor that does not at all reflect reality.

Ceramic tiles are made from a mixture of clay, sand and minerals. The mixture is pressed and fired. It is then covered with enamel, followed by a second firing. Such ceramic tiles are intended only for wall cladding, because they are less durable and more porous than their counterparts. Experts call this type of enameled tile bicottura.

The process for the production of tiles called “ monocotture". The only difference is that a more powerful press is used for the production of this tile, due to which the tile is less porous. It is fired only once at once with enamel. The firing temperature is also higher. Such ceramic tiles are suitable for both walls and floors, because they are less porous and therefore more reliable. In addition, the enamel adheres to it better, which makes the tile surface resistant to abrasion, even in rooms with high traffic.

Is the process of making porcelain stoneware strikingly different? And what is the difference in the composition of the mixture used for the production of ceramics and porcelain stoneware?

How is porcelain stoneware made?

Porcelain stoneware appeared in the process of improving the standard tile-monocottura (single fired). Monocottura itself is quite strong and reliable, therefore it is suitable for floor cladding. However, for premises with very high traffic (halls and corridors of public buildings, shopping centers, airports, etc.), something even more stable was needed.

Thirty years ago, Italian tile manufacturers tried a new manufacturing method, slightly adjusting the traditional method. So they "gave birth" to porcelain stoneware, the performance of which deserved the highest marks.

At first, porcelain stoneware did not look decorative. It was intended exclusively for flooring in public places. However, technologies were gradually developed that made it possible to improve the aesthetic qualities of the material. This is how this heavy-duty tile appeared in residential buildings.

How is porcelain stoneware made? The same mixture of clays, quartz sand and minerals is taken. The difference is that the mixture is immediately "tinted" - coloring pigments are added to it. Therefore, porcelain stoneware has a color throughout its entire thickness, while ordinary ceramic tiles have a color (enamel) only on the surface.

Porcelain stoneware is not enameled. The color of the tiles is distributed over the entire thickness.

The mixture is diluted with water, then dried and pressed. An even more powerful press is used. After pressing, the tiles are baked at a temperature of 1200-1300 degrees. Monocottura tiles, by the way, are fired at about the same temperature.

Porcelain stoneware has an extremely low porosity: its water absorption tends to zero (literally up to 0.05%), while the water absorption of ceramic wall tiles (bicottura) is 10%.

The first porcelain stoneware was unpolished and unglazed. Outwardly, it looked matte, homogeneous and rough, due to which it resembled a natural stone. Hence the name of this finishing material - ceramic granite or porcelain stoneware.

Over time, when porcelain stoneware became in demand for the decoration of residential premises, technologies were developed that made it possible to diversify the tile design. The porcelain stoneware was polished and glazed.

Polished porcelain stoneware looks presentable, but it also costs much more than unpolished. Of course, polished porcelain stoneware tiles are beautiful, but they are slippery, so you need to use them with care - only where there is definitely no moisture.

Polished porcelain stoneware

Glazed porcelain stoneware endows the tile not with shine, but with a pattern, texture. A variety of patterns (like stone, wood, metal, leather, textiles, etc.) allows you to choose porcelain stoneware tiles to solve a variety of design problems. However, it should be borne in mind that glazed porcelain stoneware, although more stable than ceramic tiles, is not as tolerant to external factors as unglazed. If you are looking for an extremely durable floor covering for high traffic areas, go for unglazed porcelain stoneware. The fact is that the glaze wears off over time, and this spoils the appearance of the floors.

Leather-look glazed porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles: which to choose?

The properties of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware are in many ways similar. After all, ceramic tiles are also different. There is a more fragile one, intended only for wall decoration inside buildings. There are hard-wearing ceramics suitable for the floor. There is frost-resistant tile - it can be used for cladding surfaces outside buildings. However, porcelain stoneware is still more stable. It is also necessary to remember about the level of water absorption - porcelain stoneware is not afraid of moisture at all.

Hence the conclusion: porcelain stoneware should be chosen for places with high traffic and humidity. For example, porcelain stoneware, more than ceramics, is suitable for floors in hallways, hallways and corridors, on which a lot of people walk, including in shoes. If water and dirt were not removed in time, the tile will not suffer a drop. Even after many years, porcelain stoneware in such rooms will retain its appearance.

If you need to decorate a veranda or porch, the choice in favor of porcelain stoneware is obvious.

Porcelain stoneware can also be preferred when tiling the floor in the kitchen.

For other rooms, there is no reason to choose porcelain stoneware, as traditional ceramic tiles will be no worse. At the same time, it costs much less. But the main thing is that the design of the tiles is more varied. The buyer has more opportunities to choose a beautiful tile that is ideally suited to the idea, rather than porcelain stoneware.

Sometimes you have to take into account the weight of the finishing material. For example, when you need to revet a lightweight partition, some kind of lightweight construction, podium finishes of thin plywood, etc. It should be borne in mind that porcelain stoneware weighs significantly more than ceramic tiles. The fact is that porcelain stoneware is not porous, but very dense. At the same size, dense tiles will weigh more than porous tiles. When weight matters, opt for ceramics.

Unpolished matte porcelain stoneware, as a rule, is not slippery at all - it is rough. However, this does not mean at all that for wet places you need to choose only porcelain stoneware, because tiles are also made non-slip. Here you need to look at tile anti-slip performance, no matter what is chosen - ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware.

The Germans have developed standards for assessing "anti-slip". Many tile manufacturers evaluate the anti-slip level of their products according to these standards.

The first norm is for deliberately damp rooms (bathrooms, showers, swimming pools, kitchens, laundries, terraces, industrial workshops), on which people walk in shoes. There are five indicators or levels of anti-slip. For rooms in which they change clothes, tiles R9 are suitable. For showers and toilets - R10. For the veranda and porch, it is better to take the R11.

Separate standards have been developed for wet areas that are walked barefoot. For dressing rooms, you can take tiles of group A. For showers and pool sides - group B. For inclined surfaces - group C.

Thus, if you are worried about the problem of slippery floors, you do not need to choose the method of making the tiles ( ceramic or porcelain stoneware), and the level of anti-slip. This information, as a rule, is indicated on the accompanying papers along with other characteristics of the tile.

Jun 17, 2017 Sergey

When people needed high-quality and attractive material for the construction and decoration of the premises, ceramic tiles were invented. When builders needed a frost-resistant and wear-resistant material, durable porcelain stoneware was created. In this case, the question is, what is the main difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles and how are these two materials similar?

With the rapid pace of development of modern technologies, the process of making ceramic granite and tiles is significantly improved. A kitchen space finished with beautiful and durable granite or an antique style bathroom decorated with patterned tiles, all made possible by the invention of two quality materials. In order to figure out what is the difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles, it is necessary to consider separately each material with its pros and cons, after which it will become clear which of the options is preferable in this or that case.

Ceramic granite

What is porcelain stoneware and how is it made? Durable porcelain stoneware is obtained by pressing clay, kaolin, sand and water under a certain pressure. In this case, the technology of semi-dry pressing is used. Then firing is carried out under the influence of high temperature (1200 degrees). The high heating temperature allows the constituent mixture to be restructured (modified).

The material is similar to a vitrified monolith, which has high-quality operational parameters when compared with the natural original. Ceramic granite is produced under the supervision of specialists, as a result of which high-quality material comes out of the conveyor without cracks or voids. The surface of the artificial stone has a certain pattern, which is also present inside, you can see it in a cut.

Like any other material, ceramic granite has both a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are reflected in the table.

pros Minuses
Easy to clean and minimal effort High-quality preparation of the base for porcelain stoneware - maximum effort
Rich assortment of goods Difficult and time-consuming replacement of a damaged part
Creating a dense internal structure with porcelain stoneware Styling requires professional help
High-quality thermal conductivity Low noise insulation
Increased strength After laying porcelain stoneware, it is necessary to insulate the floors - the material is cold, despite the thermal conductivity
Moisture obstruction

Ceramic tile

A clay product is called that has been fired at a high temperature, over 900 degrees. Ceramic can be dishes, plumbing, bricks, tiles and, of course, tiles. The first, the main factor is that there is no material better than a tile for decorating a room (a varied choice). The second reason is affordability, which is a very important factor for many when choosing a particular material.

In addition, the material is durable with mechanical wear, its surface is not erased, has frost resistance, fire resistance, resistance to aggressive substances. Therefore, ceramic tiles are used as a finishing material for a bathroom, kitchen, both in a multi-storey building and in a country cottage.

The disadvantage of tiles is burnout - over time, the tile loses color due to exposure sun rays or light. This factor is very important if the tile is planned for exterior decoration, where it will be constantly exposed to direct sunlight.

For the manufacture of ceramic products, clay is used with various impurities. Sizes range from small mosaics to large jigsaw puzzles. The thickness of the products varies depending on the size. Ceramic tiles are fired in a muffle furnace under the influence of temperatures from 900 to 1200 degrees. The temperature level depends on the thickness of the product. Specifications ceramic tiles are directly dependent on the composition and firing.

The qualities of ceramic tiles depend on the thermal firing, due to which the clay particles stick together, resembling strong glass. The structure of finished products is porous. The surface is covered with glaze, painted in different colors. The tiles are presented in various shapes and textures. The main advantage of the product is considered to be external attractiveness; it is better to choose tiles for interior decoration.

Like any other material, ceramic tiles have their positive and negative sides. What are they?

Distinctive features of the two materials

Of the two materials presented, ceramic tiles are considered the most ancient. It appeared many years ago and was used for floor decoration. As for ceramic granite, it appeared much later than the first material.

So, the main distinguishing features of artificial granite from tiles are as follows:

  • during production: two similar materials are produced different ways... Ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware undergo a temperature pressing and firing procedure. But in the production of porcelain stoneware, higher temperatures are applied due to the use of a powerful press. The tiles are produced using gentle technology;
  • in the materials used: in the manufacture of ceramic tiles, a mixture of clay and sand with natural fillers is taken as a basis. A semblance of plasticine is created from the mixture, which, after the firing procedure, takes the shape of a tile. Porcelain stoneware also undergoes a firing procedure, but a large amount of sand and granite chips are added to the mixture. An additional filler is foreign material, such as marble chips;
  • in properties: the abrasion of ceramic tiles differs from artificial granite, in the first material it is much worse. In this case, the stone is superior to the tile. If we compare porcelain stoneware and tiles with the wear resistance of natural stone, then the first material becomes the leader. Porcelain stoneware is difficult to break through and damage;
  • in the field of application: porcelain stoneware is best used for finishing walls and floors in rooms with a high level of traffic: shopping centers, offices, sports facilities. This is due to its strength, resistance to external influences. Artificial stone is used for facing the facades of buildings, for the arrangement of sidewalk paths, curbs. Ceramic tiles are used as a finishing material when working inside a building: laying floors or walls. The main advantage of the tile is its attractive appearance - modern products are presented in a large decorative assortment, this is the main difference.

Ceramic tiles

Porcelain stoneware

When choosing a material for floor, wall decoration, people often have difficulty: which granite stone or tile is better suited? Choosing ceramic tiles, the buyer saves money, since the material is cheaper. The choice in favor of porcelain stoneware guarantees durability, wear resistance of the finish for many years, which means that an artificial stone is better suited in terms of quality.

Price ratio

The main indicator in the struggle for a buyer, between manufacturers, is the price of porcelain stoneware and tiles. To date, the price of tiles, as well as the price of porcelain stoneware, are almost equal. For example, statistics from 2004 say that porcelain stoneware cost almost 90% more than tiles. After 6 years, this figure dropped to 13-15%. And many reasons contribute to this.

Many construction companies are engaged in the production of porcelain stoneware, so the cost of the product is gradually decreasing. One of the most important reasons for the price drop is the popularity of the finishing material. Perhaps in 10 years the tile will cost the same as the artificial stone.

Modern artificial stone and tiles are produced using different technologies, which means that the price depends largely on the design, manufacturer, and field of application.

Despite the difference, these two materials are similar. They have good wear resistance, frost resistance, they are environmentally friendly, and also serve as a decoration for any room. In this case, the price and quality of the products justify themselves. Therefore, it is difficult to say which one is better, and when choosing a material, you should focus on the work to be carried out.

The tile took its name from the Greek "plinthos". Today it is widely known as tile. Externally, a tile is a piece of solid material. It can be of different types: building, facing, sidewalk, carpentry, etc. The tile can have a pattern or be without it, have a smooth or embossed surface. Today it is actively used to decorate the walls and floors of residential buildings and industrial buildings. The most popular ceramic tiles are used in kitchen and bathroom decoration. It is made by pressing a mixture of clay, sand and minerals, followed by firing. After applying the enamel, the tiles are re-fired. As a rule, such material is used exclusively for wall cladding due to its low strength. Porcelain stoneware intended for flooring is processed under a more powerful press, which significantly reduces its porosity. This is followed by the application of enamel and firing. Before answering the question "porcelain stoneware or tiles, which is better?", You should consider all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials.

The advantages of ceramic tiles:

  • Hygiene.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Durability.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Affordable cost.

The disadvantages include the ability of tiles to fade over time and partially lose their pattern.

Porcelain stoneware is an artificial finishing material that perfectly imitates natural stone. In its production, two types of clays are used - kaolinic and montmorellonite, as well as feldspar, quartz sand and mineral pigments. Ceramic granite is obtained by pressing under high pressure followed by firing at a temperature of + 1200-1300 ° C.

The key difference between tiles and porcelain stoneware lies in the presence of quartz sand and coloring pigments in the composition of the artificial stone, which makes it possible to achieve uniform color throughout the entire thickness of the material.

The tile has a colored coating - the pigment is contained in the enamel layer. Pressing under a powerful press significantly increases the strength and durability of the artificial stone. As a result, a low-porosity material is obtained, the degree of water absorption of which is on average 0.5%, while for tiles it is equal to 10%. If necessary, the porcelain stoneware is polished and glazed.

The area of ​​application of artificial stone is growing every day. Today it is widely used in facing the facades of houses, interior decoration, implementation of the "warm floor" system. Artificial stone can be matte, glazed, structured, polished, etc.

  • High strength.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Durability.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Impact strength
  • High aesthetic properties.
  • Low water absorption.
  • Uniformity and consistency of color throughout the thickness of the material.

The disadvantages of ceramic granite include the complexity of processing and cutting, significant weight and difficulty in transportation. Choosing porcelain stoneware or tiles - which is better, you should know that the cost of artificial stone is higher. While the tile is more affordable and has a wider range of patterns and colors.

At the same time, porcelain stoneware, due to its high frost resistance, strength and moisture resistance, can be used both inside the house and in rooms facing the street (balconies, loggias, terraces, verandas).

If we are talking about finishing the walls and working apron of the kitchen, as well as the floor of the hallway, ceramic tiles will be quite enough here. This coating will provide the necessary surface protection and aesthetics while saving money.

It is best to lay out the floor of the kitchen with artificial stone. Thanks to its high strength, it will withstand any test, such as dropping heavy objects or frequent wet cleaning, without losing its aesthetic properties.

In the bathroom, it is better to use matte tiles as flooring. If you choose the glossy option, the ingress of sand and dirt can cause scratches. In addition, the glazed surface is rather slippery, which increases the risk of injury. Special attention when choosing finishing materials for the floor, pay attention to the anti-slip properties.

In wall cladding, the weight of the material is important. If we are talking about finishing plasterboard partitions, then it is not recommended to use porcelain stoneware here, it is better to give preference to tiles.

When weight matters, ceramic is the best choice.

In the decor of rooms where a unique design and original pattern are important, it is worth making a choice in favor of ceramics. The range of tiles is striking in its richness, which cannot be said about artificial stone.

When choosing a wear-resistant floor covering, the consumer hesitates between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Let's understand the differences between these materials, determine their advantages and highlight the disadvantages. Only then it will become clear why porcelain stoneware tiles are so popular.

How does porcelain stoneware differ from ordinary tiles?

The myth that special ingredients are used for the production of porcelain stoneware has long been dispelled. The composition of the material is not much different - the same kaolin, clay, quartz sand and feldspar. The only difference is in the production conditions: the firing of porcelain stoneware is carried out at more high temperatures(up to 1300 degrees), more press pressure is used (about 450 kilograms per centimeter).

The production technology also explains the qualitative characteristics of the materials: porcelain stoneware is not simply sintered, its components literally melt, and the monstrous pressure excludes the formation of micropores, as in a tile. It is the absence of pores that explains the fact that porcelain stoneware materials are more durable when used outdoors. Moisture does not get inside, does not destroy the material from the inside when frozen. Facing buildings with porcelain stoneware also guarantees a durable result, as well as its use for the production of steps.

Advantages of porcelain stoneware for interior decoration

Most consumers do not care that porcelain stoneware is frost-resistant, because they choose material for arranging an office, shop, apartment or house (where frost does not happen). But floor porcelain stoneware also has a lot of other advantages:

  • Wear resistance. Despite the intense traffic, porcelain stoneware retains its attractive appearance for many years. It is even used to decorate some manufacturing plants.
  • The strength of porcelain stoneware is very high... It is able to withstand loads of several hundred kilograms per square centimeter (provided that the porcelain stoneware is laid by a professional).
  • The material is not subject to the formation of chips and cracks what is the difference over time with ceramic tiles.
  • Virtually no stains on the surface of the material, it is resistant to moisture (has a water absorption of less than 1%), aggressive environments. Even an accidentally broken bottle of something vigorous like a solvent will not leave visible traces on porcelain stoneware.
  • Maintenance-free porcelain stoneware, it is sufficient to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth to ensure cleanliness.
  • The material has a huge range of colors and textures for the most demanding taste, which perfectly fit into the design of the room.
  • The best porcelain stoneware has absolutely clear, even edges, which makes it possible to obtain minimal seams when performing cladding and laying floors, achieving a uniformity of the coating.

Does porcelain stoneware have disadvantages?

You have to come to terms with the cold floor

The number of advantages of the material is quite large, but for the sake of objectivity it is worth pointing out its disadvantages. There are, however, few of them. Firstly, the floor made of it is cold enough, and it is impossible to insulate it (however, the floor made of ceramic tiles has the same drawback). The only way out is to use underfloor heating.

A significant disadvantage is a slippery surface

Secondly, the material is quite slippery if moisture gets on it. Therefore, it is undesirable to use it in the bathroom.

Prices for porcelain stoneware "bite"

Third, the price. The material has a slightly higher cost than ceramic tiles. But this is a dubious drawback, which is offset by the advantages of porcelain stoneware.

There are a lot of manufacturers of popular material, on the market you can find not only Italian (according to many experts, one of the highest quality), but also Turkish, Baltic, Greek and Belarusian porcelain stoneware, which has similar dimensions and thickness. How do you find decent material that won't disappoint over time?

Methods for determining quality for the correct choice of porcelain stoneware

In Italy alone, there are more than three hundred manufacturers, not all of which can boast of product quality. Porcelain stoneware must be produced strictly according to the technology, starting from the preparation of the mixture, its coloring, maintaining the temperature parameters to the use of a powerful press. It is almost impossible to determine the quality of the material "by eye". We suggest using the following methods:

  • Buy by weight

Specify the weight of each tile (usually indicated in the catalog and on the packaging). "Correct" tiles with a thickness of 8-8.5 mm should weigh at least 18.5 kilograms.

  • Manufacturers e quality-saving visible to the naked eye

Dimensions of technological recesses on the reverse side. These should be shallow squares with a side up to 2 centimeters. Deep large squares indicate poor material quality.

  • Check color match

Color calibration. Tiles of the same series should match as much as possible in color tone. A good company provides a high-quality caliber of its products, which means that other parameters can also be counted on.

Video: the advantages of porcelain stoneware and its choice

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