Why does the lower back hurt during pregnancy, and what to do? Causes of lower back pain during pregnancy Causes of lower back pain during pregnancy

Wallpapering 06.11.2021

Lower back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint of pregnant women. Such a phenomenon can occur at the most unexpected moment, regardless of the gestational age. Some women suffer from pain immediately with the onset of pregnancy, others closer to delivery. Soreness in this area is not always a cause for concern, and in obstetric practice it is considered normal. But there are situations when it signals a danger, and you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Let's look at the possible provocateurs of back pain and how to distinguish the norm from a dangerous condition.

What exactly will cause spinal pain depends on the level of physical development of the muscles and the gestational age. Common physiological causes of pain that do not threaten the development of the fetus include:

  • Displacement of the main point of gravity in the spine.
  • Changing the proportion of the woman's body.
  • Intensive increase in the weight of the future woman in labor.
  • Decreased muscle tone under the influence of female hormones.
  • Inappropriate lifestyle (lack of physical activity, poor diet).

All these factors do not provoke complications in relation to the baby or to his mother. They are well corrected with the help of physical education, massage, stabilization of the daily routine, wearing a bandage.

Lower back pain during pregnancy, first weeks

Not every lady is annoyed by the lower back during pregnancy on early dates. Whether pain occurs or not depends on the structural features of the pelvis and the amount of progesterone produced. Normally, it is of a short-term nature, and in the supine position it completely disappears.

Why is there discomfort? This is due to the softening of the ligaments in the pelvis, for its smooth divergence, so that the baby will be born soon. This process is provoked by the hormones progesterone and relaxin. The feeling of fullness and pressure in the area of ​​the pubic bone can be caused by the growth of the uterus and stretching of the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

Lower back pain during pregnancy second trimester

With the onset of the 14th gestational week, the fundus of the uterus rises to 7 cm, and gradually the height of the fundus reaches 27-29 cm above the pubic joint. These physiological changes cause high blood pressure on the bladder, bones in the pelvis, intestines. Such a displacement of organs and a colossal burden on locomotor system causes back pain.

With the onset of the second trimester, the deformation of the back becomes even visually noticeable. The spine bends, forming a false kyphosis, and the rounded abdomen noticeably moves forward. This causes an uneven redistribution of the load between the vertebrae, which is often felt while walking, being in uncomfortable positions of the body, resting on a bed that is too soft.

Lower back pain during pregnancy last trimester

In this period, the lower back hurts in almost all pregnant women and provocateurs, this is more than enough. Discomfort is constantly present - it is difficult for a woman to sit and even lie down. Here are the most common causes of lower back pain in the last months of gestation:

  • The weight of the fetus increases rapidly due to the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue and approaches birth weight, which is more than 3 kg. Therefore, every day it is more and more difficult for a woman to carry a baby under her heart.
  • When the hormonal influence on the cruciate joints increases, they become hypermobile, and the lower back becomes painful during pregnancy.
  • The load on the genitourinary system in this trimester is as high as possible, so swelling appears. In addition, the amount of circulating blood increases greatly and it is difficult for the cardiovascular system to pump it. These factors cause an increase in the weight of the pregnant woman due to the large amount of stagnant water in the body. This combination of circumstances forces the lower back to withstand a triple load.

On a note! The lower back during gestation may not hurt at all. If the physical form of a woman is normal, she is active and healthy, and the hormonal background is in perfect order, then back pain may not appear until the onset of childbirth.

Why does the lower back hurt during pregnancy - threatening factors

It is important for pregnant women to adequately respond to any discomfort in the lower back. Therefore, in some cases, it is necessary not to panic, and in some cases, not to dismiss the pain, attributing it to back fatigue, but to run to the gynecologist.

So, intolerable sharp pain often indicates an ectopic pregnancy or detachment gestational sac and impending miscarriage. Pain in the back and pubic area indicates hypertonicity of the uterus and the risk of abortion. In both cases, medical attention is needed to keep the pregnancy on time. In addition, there are a number of other reasons:

  • Pancreatitis. Soreness of the pancreas can manifest itself as a violation of the digestive process, indigestion. The lower back and abdomen during pregnancy hurt quite strongly and to a greater extent the pain is concentrated in the upper sector of the peritoneum and gradually passes into the lumbar region.
  • Pyelonephritis. No less serious disease during gestation is inflammation of the kidneys. The pain syndrome can be mild or simply unbearable. In any case, a woman needs to be treated as soon as possible, since this disease is very dangerous and will not go away on its own.
  • Symphysite. An increase in joint mobility and a decrease in tendon density is considered a natural process during gestation. But sometimes an inflammatory process called symphysitis begins in the pubic plexus. With this disease, the lower back constantly aches during pregnancy, and with pressure or a sharp movement of the legs, the pain increases dramatically. Such a pathology often requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, since the woman is not able to move normally.
  • Intervertebral hernia, an attack of osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. These diseases that occur before conception, closer to the second trimester, begin to progress and cause severe pain in the lumbar region. This condition is very unfavorable for pregnancy and can cause uterine hypertonicity, fetal hypoxia, and even premature contractions.
  • Miscarriage or unplanned contractions. In both cases, the pain may be concentrated in the lower back, while the abdomen may not hurt at all. The main thing is to understand the nature of these pains - they should be sharp and rhythmic, like contractions. In the early stages, pathological vaginal discharge appears with pain, and in the later stages, additional water leaves.

What can indicate the nature and localization of lower back pain during pregnancy

Understanding what low back pain can be, you can find out how to act. Consider options for possible back pain.

Acute cutting back pain during pregnancy

If your lower back hurts during pregnancy, it may be:

  • Acute pyelonephritis: accompanying symptoms will be heat, severe weakness, discoloration of urine.
  • Exacerbation of urolithic pathology: the movement of sand or blockage of the gallbladder with stones will cause acute pain in the lower back with bouts of vomiting, blood traces will be visualized in the urine.
  • Approaching childbirth: if the lower back hurts like during menstruation during pregnancy, this sure sign start of childbirth.
  • Rupture of the suture on the uterus after caesarean section: the strongest pain syndrome will be localized in the lumbar region and throughout the abdomen. There will also be weakness, which may end in fainting. This divergence of the seam is very rare and happens if the second pregnancy happened too early.

All of the above signs require immediate medical attention.

Important! If a woman pulls her lower back during pregnancy without any other symptoms, then there is no reason to panic, but it will not hurt to consult a gynecologist.

Drawing pains in the lower back, radiating to the leg during pregnancy

During movement, discomfort is often felt in the lumbar region, extending to one or both legs. The reason for this condition is:

  • Overload on the spine. The condition occurs after the 20th gestational week, and is exacerbated by uncomfortable posture while sitting or walking.
  • Pathology spinal department. If before pregnancy there was scoliosis or osteochondrosis, then with high probability these diseases will progress.

When pulling the lower back in early pregnancy, a full-time examination of an obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as a neurologist or surgeon, is recommended for a woman. Such pathologies do not create any risk for pregnancy, but to alleviate the condition, a woman needs to undergo a course of massage, physiotherapy and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Pain in the lower back and abdomen during pregnancy

When back pain accompanies more serous symptom- a hard and painful stomach, this is a good reason to be wary. This condition occurs when:

  • Ectopic implantation of the ovum.
  • Risk of miscarriage or unplanned delivery.
  • Acute inflammation of the kidneys.
  • Hicks contractions (preparatory and absolutely normal for the second half of gestation uterine contractions).

If the pain does not go away, but, on the contrary, increases, calling an ambulance should be mandatory.

Shooting back pain during pregnancy

With sudden movements, women often note that it seems to “shoot” in the lower back. If the back and lower back hurt during pregnancy very often or even constantly, then such pain is neurological in nature, and a woman needs an examination by a neurologist. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Radiculitis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Pinched nerve.
  • Sciatica.
  • Narrow spinal canal.

Sometimes this nature of pain is inherent in renal colic. But along with the pain, other signs of pathology should appear - increased pressure, jumps in body temperature, severe swelling.

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy - what you can do yourself

Given the severity of lower back pain, the first place should be a trip to the gynecologist. Fortunately, more often the pain turns out to be physiological and the woman goes home with peace of mind.

But what if constant pain worsens the quality of life and does not allow you to fully sleep, move around and just enjoy the period of pregnancy? In this situation, there is only one way out - to create comfortable conditions for your back so that the pain subsides. Light exercise for pregnant women, massage, properly selected clothes, shoes and even a bed will help improve your condition.

Getting rid of lower back pain during pregnancy - a change in lifestyle

To relieve back pain, first of all, you need to change your daily rhythm, habits and conditions for rest. Experts give the following recommendations to women in position:

  • Women who work most of the day in a sitting position need to do a light workout every hour or just walk around the office. Also, a comfortable chair with a height and backrest adjuster will not hurt.
  • If possible, periodically take a horizontal position throughout the day so that the spine can relax.
  • During sleep, you need to be on your side so that your back can fully rest. To do this, it is best to buy a pillow for ladies in position.
  • After the 14th gestational week, it is worth purchasing a bandage for pain in the abdomen and lower back during pregnancy. The device in the form of a wide belt allows you to evenly distribute the load. In addition, it fixes the tummy well and it is much easier for a woman to move.
  • It is important to refrain from high heels and wear appropriately sized clothing. This will facilitate the movement of the body and will not create an extra burden.
  • An important role in the prevention of back pain is played by the diet of pregnant women. The menu should be rich in dairy products and other sources of calcium. And in order for this element to be absorbed, a woman needs to walk often for a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

Relieving Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy - Physical Activity

Sports training during gestation should be normalized, because their main task is not to build muscle and break records, but to gently help the body prepare for childbirth.

To prevent pain, you can perform any complex for pregnant women, but when problems have already begun, it is better to resort to sports where there is no load on the lower back in an upright position. Therefore, it is better to choose one of the following options:

  • Yoga Mom. This is a special set of relaxing asanas, selected for pregnant women. Exercises are aimed at stretching different parts of the back and are performed in the form of twists, bends, and proper breathing.
  • Swimming. In water, the spine is completely unloaded and different muscle groups begin to work alternately. The body during swimming becomes lighter and the woman actively goes in for sports without straining any part of the back.
  • Aqua aerobics. Classes in the water with an instructor allow you to strengthen the muscular corset, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and fully prepare for the upcoming birth. After a few group sessions, most women forget about the pain.

Carefully monitor your condition, and if you have pain in your abdomen that regularly radiates to the lower back during pregnancy, do not neglect a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist. Let this symptom turn out to be just a false alarm, but you will be sure that everything is in order with you and the baby.

Video "How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy?"

Every second woman is faced with such a problem as lumbar pain during gestation. The phenomenon is quite common, but the causes of these pains need to be understood in detail, since sometimes they can harm both the mother and the baby. About why the lower back hurts during pregnancy and what you should and should not be afraid of, we will tell in this article.

Can the lower back hurt during pregnancy: norms and deviations

While carrying a baby, a woman undergoes a global restructuring of the body. Her body is changing dramatically, a belly appears, breasts and body weight increase. In connection with these factors, the answer to the question suggests itself, the spine, which is used to a certain weight and body shape, suddenly changed by leaps and bounds and increased significantly, so the load on the back is capital.

Then the question begs: “Why does the lower back hurt during early pregnancy?”. We will tell about this.

Yes, the load on the spine in the period from 1-6 weeks seems to be still insignificant, but back pain is still observed. This is due to some obvious factors:

  • Hormonal reorganization. It is this moment that can aggravate the situation of the pregnant woman and hence the relaxation of the ligaments, joints and muscles.
  • Aggravation osteochondrosis available. Chronic problems with the spine acutely make themselves felt when pregnancy occurs. If there were any injuries even before fertilization, unfortunately, in the early stages they will remind of themselves with renewed vigor.
  • Bad posture. Any deviation from the norms of the spine increases the lumbar lordosis.
  • Neoplasms the lumbar and pelvic regions also cause pain.
  • During pregnancy the ligamentous apparatus swells, which contributes to the stretching of the joints of the pelvis and ligaments.
  • Cold, flu. Body aches begin, especially in the lumbar region.

If the lower back hurts a lot during pregnancy, this indicates the presence of a disease such as pyelonephritis (kidney disease). Unfortunately, this ailment is often detected during an existing pregnancy, and in its normal state it can be “silent” for a long time. Why does the lower back hurt and pyelonephritis occurs in pregnant women:

  • Pregnancy hormones affect the ureter, which causes urine to flow back ( reflux). Because of this stagnation, the kidneys become infected and pyelonephritis develops.
  • Chronic cystitis.
  • chronic kidney disease. If a woman has previously experienced this disease, then, having become pregnant, her immune system is weakened and pyelonephritis may develop.
  • Infection in the body. In the early stages, you need to especially carefully monitor your health. If there is an infection in the body, then with the blood flow it will enter the urinary system, which will provoke kidney disease. The localization of the infection may be skin, internal organs, tonsils.

Kidney disease is actively accompanied by severe pain in the lower back and abdomen. Girdle pain syndrome differs from standard aching and pulling pains and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Weakness of the body (cotton hands, feet), sweating.
  • In the urine there is an admixture of blood, mucus or pus.
  • Bad smell.

Therefore, if the lower back hurts irrepressibly and severely during early pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from doctors.

During pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back

Everyone knows that pain signals that something is wrong with the body. But during pregnancy, this theory is biased, since the body undergoes a number of rapid changes, because in 9 months the bone skeleton, the hormonal background, and every cell of the body change.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back are caused by a number of physiological processes:

  • For 1-2 weeks, the fetus is attached to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. This process provokes such pains, although some women mistake them for PMS.
  • At 3-4 weeks, chorionic tissue is formed, which will soon become the placenta. The villi sink into the wall of the uterus and form vessels, which subsequently create the blood supply system of the embryo. This process is sensitive and also painful.
  • In the first trimester, the uterus increases, which causes girdle discomfort.
  • In the second and third trimester, the fetus actively develops and puts pressure on the internal organs, delivering constant, nagging pain.
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones. This process is quite painful and unpleasant, but at the same time, natural.

When the stomach and lower back hurt during pregnancy systematically and acutely, this should not be attributed to physiological processes, since pain syndromes in this part of the body sometimes signal the presence of any pathologies.

When should you pay close attention to pain in the lower abdomen and lower back? If the pains are systematic, then there is clearly something wrong. Common causes of such pain in pregnant women different terms pregnancy:

  • Risk of miscarriage. The second trimester for a woman is the most dangerous, as there is a greater likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage. If a pregnant woman feels constant, itchy pain in the abdomen and lower back and feels short-term spasms, then this may indicate a premature birth (miscarriage).
  • In the later stages, after 37-38 weeks, such pain can also indicate an upcoming birth. If you feel contractions and pulls the lower abdomen and lower back, most likely the process of giving birth to a baby has already been started by the body.
  • Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus. It is the lack of calcium for bones that provokes great pain in the back and lower abdomen. The bones become very fragile, as all the building material goes to the baby, leaving the mother with the remains of useful substances.
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. It is this reason that “gives” women girdle pain. Stagnation of the stool, diarrhea, nausea causes such a reaction of the body.
  • Inflammatory processes of internal organs.
  • Tumors, ovarian cysts.
  • Infectious diseases of the genital tract.

If the pain gives you endless discomfort, and you understand that the nature of the pain is not natural for pregnant women, immediately contact the hospital.

Lower back pain during pregnancy: what does it mean

When the center of gravity in the body of a pregnant woman shifts, and this happens in the second or third trimester and the stomach obviously looks out, then most women suffer from pain in the lower back. Why exactly?

Physiologically, when the child is ready for birth, it sinks into the mother's pelvic floor and thus puts pressure on the internal organs, the vagina and the sacral part of the back. The mother's belly can drop already in the second trimester, which will cause her a lot of discomfort. Therefore, lower back pain is not always a symptom of something dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman.

And when does pain “speak” of danger? It is important to distinguish physiological pain from signaling pain. What kind of pain is not natural in the lower back:

  • Shooting in the back. If you feel a sharp pain that shoots through, then this is a violation of the musculoskeletal system or a clamp on one of the nerve roots. In order to avoid the formation of hernia, the pregnant woman must consult a doctor.
  • Unilateral back pain. If only one part of the lower back hurts (left or right), then this is a reason to worry. It can be cystitis, urolithiasis, infection, etc.
  • Bloody issues. If the lower back hurts, and there is a discharge of blood from the vagina, then you can’t do without an ambulance. This indicates either a threatened miscarriage or placental abruption.
  • Cuts and pains in the groin. Is the lower back accompanied by pain in the groin, which can radiate to the thigh? Then it's an infection of the bladder or genitals.

It is difficult to determine what kind of pain haunts a pregnant woman, since a woman during this period is suspicious and tends to exaggerate. But, if you are overcome only by physiological pains, then they can also be dealt with through some exercises and tips.

What to do so that the lower back and stomach do not hurt

There can be no question of taking pills, dripping analgesics for yourself. In order not to harm the baby, mothers are ready to endure everything and obey "mother nature". But it is still possible to reduce symptoms and reduce pain during gestation.

Here are some actionable tips:

  1. Correct position . Do not linger and do not stand for a long time in one position. If you are sitting on a chair, be sure to lean on your back, try to relieve tension in the lower back. Don't stay long. It is difficult for the spine to withstand such a load, especially when the center of gravity is shifted and concentrated on the tummy. Change your position every 20 minutes. Look for comfortable positions.
  2. Sleep with . By placing a pillow between your knees, you release tension from your back and allow your spine to relax and rest.
  3. wear bandage. After the 20th week, you can safely support your spine. If you feel that it is difficult for you even before the 20th week, put on a bandage earlier. The size of the tummy is different for all women.
  4. If you do not have pathologies, then a neurologist can prescribe you special exercises yoga, for example, can straighten a crooked spine. There are plenty for pregnant women health-improving complexes. 10-15 minutes a day and you won't feel any pain.
  5. Foot and back massage. Pain relief can be achieved through massage. You will see how the position improves after the foot massage procedure.

Back pain is always unpleasant and you need to be especially careful about the signs of pain syndromes, otherwise you may not notice big health problems.

Author of the publication: Marianna Pavlei 

Pregnancy is one of the happiest, most unique and joyful periods in a woman's life, when every moment is filled with an amazing and exciting expectation of meeting a little bundle of happiness. But sometimes this time is overshadowed by painful sensations and the experiences associated with them.

Almost 70% of expectant mothers experience lower back pain, and at various stages of pregnancy: both at the beginning and in the third trimester, closer to childbirth.

And although they are often physiological in nature and are quite understandable from the point of view of the processes and changes taking place in the body of the expectant mother, it is still worth taking the unpleasant sensations seriously.

What can cause lower back pain at different stages of pregnancy, and in which case they are pathological - this is what we will find out now.

Lower back pain as one of the signs of pregnancy

Unusually protracted waiting for the next menstruation, drowsiness, mood swings, increased appetite or lack of it - all these are some of the first signs of a long-awaited (well, or unexpected) pregnancy.

Not always, but often, lower back pains also join them. Usually, such lumbar pain is pulling, unpleasantly aching in nature, and it is associated, unlike similar ailments in the later stages, with the fact that the uterus begins to rapidly increase in size in order to grow in it the embryo was comfortable and had enough space.

At the same time, tension and transformation of the uterine ligaments are observed, which give specific pulling pains - by the way, they cover not only the lower back, but also the lower abdomen.

By the way, at the very beginning of joyful expectation, such ailments are usually experienced only by first-borns, since in women who have given birth, the uterus is already slightly stretched compared to those who have not given birth.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy

In addition to the initial weeks after a delay in menstruation, such back pain during pregnancy can be observed throughout the first trimester, delivering additional discomfort to the expectant mother (who often suffers from toxicosis anyway).

Such pain in the lower back (as well as in the pelvic region) occurs in 30-50% of women, however, they often differ in intensity and localization.

But these are still flowers - after childbirth, lumbar pain has already been recorded in 65-70% of young mothers.

The causes of lower back pain at the beginning of pregnancy can be very different (and unexpected):

  1. First of all, those problems with the musculoskeletal system that existed before immediately affect. It can be a banal curvature of the spine, poor development of the pelvic muscles, and other "joys" of hypodynamia.
  2. An increase in the production of the "pregnant" hormone progesterone leads to softening of the discs and supporting ligaments - as a result, gait future mother starts to look like a duck. But do not worry - after giving birth, after a short time, everything will be restored, and the tread will again become light and smooth.
  3. At the beginning of an interesting situation, a decrease in immunity is almost always observed - this is due to the fact that the fetus is first perceived by the mother's body as a foreign microorganism. And reduced immunity begins to skip various sores, and often the genitourinary system becomes the most vulnerable spot. That's why one of the causes of lower back pain is diseases of the bladder, as well as kidney disease..
  4. A similar cause of pain is kidney stones, or, in other words, urolithiasis, which is a frequent companion of pleasant expectation. Usually, urination is disturbed, there is a sharp pain.
  5. Also, half of expectant mothers have pyelonephritis of pregnant women known to specialists, which can remind of itself with minor back pain, but be asymptomatic. If the disease worsens, the temperature may rise, swelling will appear, and the urine becomes cloudy, not to mention poor tests.

Lower back pain in late pregnancy

If the second trimester usually proceeds most smoothly, then by the end of pregnancy, lower back pain can again remind of itself, and quite menacingly.

The fact is that one of the infrequent, but very serious problems of the expectant mother becomes symphysitis - a pathological softening of the pelvic bone joints, the cause of which is the active production of the hormone relaxin.

The main reasons for this phenomenon are also a lack of calcium (which mostly “leaves” the child) and genetic predisposition.

The main signs of symphysitis are a sharp back pain that appears:

  • When trying to change the position of the body,
  • On palpation of the pubic joint,
  • When straightening the leg, bent at the knee.

Also, when the bones diverge, the gait changes - it becomes shaky, awkward, similar to duck waddling.

Other common causes of discomfort in the lumbar region of the back are the following:

  1. The main reason is the increased load on the spine and back muscles, associated with a significant increase in fetal weight in the last trimester. Usually, pain is aggravated after physical exertion, long walks, sitting or standing in one position.
  2. Just as in the first trimester, kidney or bladder diseases can worsen. They are described as cramping, strong enough, sometimes radiating to the groin, and are otherwise called renal colic.
  3. Too strong contractions of the uterus, which can lead to the onset of labor.
  4. At 36-40 weeks, pain may appear, starting in the lower back and radiating to the sacrum - this indicates that the baby's head goes down and compresses the nerve endings. Usually, discomfort disappears without a trace after childbirth.
  5. It happens that a pregnant woman has a cold in her back (that is, hypothermia has come). As a result, myositis (aka myitis) develops - inflammation of the skeletal muscles.
  6. If squeezing sharp pain in the lower back occurs simultaneously with the same sensations in the abdomen, these may be signs of Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are also called training.
  7. Another reason is neurological. In this case, the pain is aching in nature, accompanied by tingling, numbness, and is given to the back or buttocks.
  8. Pancreatitis is also accompanied by pain, primarily in the epigastrium, which is usually girdle in nature and extends to the shoulder and lower back. However, in this case, diarrhea, indomitable vomiting, and bloating are observed at the same time.

Methods for diagnosing a pituitary tumor are well covered in the article at the following link:.


Depending on the symptoms and associated diseases, the attending physician will prescribe necessary tests and surveys such as:

  • urinalysis (general, according to Nechiporenko, etc.),
  • CT (computed tomography) - helps to assess the condition and problems with the bone tissues of the spine,
  • (magnetic resonance imaging) - helps to detect problems in soft tissues,
    Ultrasound of the internal organs,
  • In the absence of pregnancy, radiography is often prescribed.

Regardless of whether lumbar pain is often observed or rarely, they are severe or insignificant, in any case, a woman should definitely report their presence to the doctor leading the pregnancy.


Treatment of back pain during pregnancy should be strictly differentiated depending on the established cause.

For example:

  • In case of pyelonephritis and other diseases of the kidneys or bladder, the treatment of the underlying disease is primarily prescribed,
  • If the cause is in the spine, with severe pain, bed rest is prescribed simultaneously with warming ointments and thermal dry compresses.
  • Muscle spasms are perfectly relieved by light massage (especially stroking), it is only important that methods are used that are allowed for massaging pregnant women.
  • In many cases, such an indisposition will greatly facilitate the wearing of a properly selected bandage.
  • Since a woman's body loses a large amount of calcium in an interesting position, it is almost always recommended to use high doses of calcium-rich foods or special calcium-containing vitamin complexes.
  • Magnesium and vitamin D are necessary for the absorption of calcium, which is why the expectant mother must definitely walk outdoors on sunny days and eat foods rich in magnesium (these are dry fruits, bananas, nuts, fresh herbs, lemons, wholemeal flour and sea ​​kale)


Prevention of lumbar pain is, first of all, in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the back and regular physical activity even in the process of planning pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, feasible and regular physical exercises, yoga, fitball classes, aqua aerobics.
  • Balanced diet rich in calcium and magnesium.
  • Wearing comfortable shoes, preferably with a small and stable heel.
  • Frequent change of positions, during sedentary work, you need to get up and walk more often.
  • Don't sit with your legs crossed.
  • It is advisable to use an anatomical pillow and an orthopedic mattress at least during pregnancy.
  • No need to carry weights or carry heavy bags on one shoulder.

In any case, even with minor and infrequent lower back pain, be sure to see your doctor.

Video highlighting the main causes of lower back pain during pregnancy.

Many expectant mothers complain that pain in the lower back prevents them from enjoying a pleasant position. Lower back pain during pregnancy is a completely normal and understandable condition. The fetus grows, thereby creating a load on the spine. However, there are times when pain becomes a wake-up call to serious health problems.

If the lower back hurts during pregnancy moderately, changing the position, the state of health improves. This condition occurs due to progesterone, a hormone that softens muscles and ligaments. The distribution of the load changes, the pelvis slowly diverges, with the growth of the uterus, the pressure on the pelvic organs increases. In this regard, the pregnant woman feels a quiet pain and a feeling of "bursting".

Non-dangerous causes of lower back pain during pregnancy

Lower back pain during pregnancy is not always a danger to the health of the expectant mother. In order not to feel discomfort when walking and sitting, a woman has to arch her back, which is why the psoas muscles are always tense. Consider the causes of lower back pain during pregnancy, which are not dangerous and will pass after childbirth:

  1. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve can give a sharp pain in the legs. Pelvic pain occurs due to instability of the hip joint.
  2. Unpleasant feelings appear in owners of a curved spine or poor muscle development.
  3. Aching pains in the lower back during late pregnancy occur due to a large weight gain and strong pressure of the fetus on the lower back.
  4. Disturbed balance. In the third trimester, a woman's belly increases. Accordingly, the balance of balance between the abdomen and back is disturbed. To prevent a woman from falling, she unconsciously tenses her back muscles. Continuous muscle strain causes lower back pain during pregnancy.
  5. Hormonal background. The body gradually prepares for childbirth by releasing various hormones. Relaxin is responsible for the fact that the intervertebral ligaments and joints of the pelvic region are stretched. He prepares the birth canal for the passage of the baby's body. Unfortunately, the effect of relaxin causes overstretching of the muscles of the lower back.
  6. Enlargement of the uterus. The uterus grows with the baby's body. In the last month of pregnancy, the uterus presses on the surrounding vessels, including the vertebral ones. In the supine position, the woman will feel pain due to the pressure of the child on the inside of the lower back.
  7. Wrong posture. Carrying a child, even women with correct posture before pregnancy are forced to compensate for a rounded and heavier belly. They often arch the spine to make it easier to walk, thus creating a base for the same muscle tension and the occurrence of what pulls the lower back during pregnancy.
  8. Heels. It is better to refrain from wearing high heels. Because of them, a deformation of the spine occurs, and during pregnancy this will affect the back of a woman more strongly. In addition, due to the shifted center of gravity, the gait will be ugly.
  9. Prolonged time in a sitting or standing position. If you stay in one position for too long, then with a sharp change in position, your lower back hurts during pregnancy, this suggests that you need to change your body position more often.

Dangerous lower back pain during pregnancy associated with diseases

Severe lower back pain during pregnancy may indicate pathological problems associated with diseases of other organs. These include:

  • Kidney problems: there is a drawing and aching pain. Cramping jumps are symptoms of renal colic. Urine dark in color, with an admixture of blood. There is no way to console the pain, only to fight the disease.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas, which occurs as a result of stress, malnutrition or heredity.
  • Because of the draft and hypothermia, there is acute pain in the lower back during pregnancy. Muscle inflammation occurs - myositis.
  • With renal colic in the lower back, there is a sharp pain, nausea, problems with urination begin.
  • Osteochondrosis and sciatica create shooting pain. Often the tingling radiates to the legs.
  • Lower back pain during pregnancy can be caused by pancreatitis and urolithiasis, a kidney stone injures the mucous membrane due to its mobility, causing pain in a pregnant woman.

When to See a Doctor

There are several signs by which a woman can understand whether she needs specialist advice, since lower back pain during pregnancy is often observed during pregnancy. These signs include:

  1. type of pain. Sharp pain does not bode well. Also, the stronger the pain, the greater the likelihood of needing a visit to the doctor;
  2. if lower back pain during pregnancy appears suddenly, and becomes stronger within a few hours;
  3. if a woman notices spasms, you should immediately go to the doctor: the cause may be contractions that began before the due date.
  4. if the lower back and lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy, appear bloody issues- There is a high chance of miscarriage.


After a detailed examination and history taking, the specialist will most likely prescribe additional examinations and some tests. This will help to understand why the lower back is pulled during pregnancy. These include:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • computed tomography of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - when the problem is not in the bones, but in the soft tissues;

Even if the pain appeared and disappeared, and the woman did not have to go to the doctor out of turn, at the next scheduled consultation it is necessary to report that back pain has taken place.

Medications for back pain during pregnancy

Most medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. Folk remedies may either have no effect or make things worse. Therefore, before treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor leading the pregnancy. To treat lower back pain during pregnancy, he may prescribe:

  1. Painkillers for lower back pain during pregnancy (No-Shpa, Nurofen, Paracetamol)
  2. Corvalol and Valerian, if the nature of the load is more of a nervous than physical nature;
  3. special ointments, but you should pay attention to the composition. Poison-containing drugs should not be used, as they can harm the fetus. For the treatment of back pain during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe Nurofen-gel or other analogues of this drug.

Without prior professional advice, it is forbidden to self-treat with any medications, even those that are allowed for pregnant women.

Treatment for back pain during pregnancy

Depending on the identified causes, the treatment of lower back pain during pregnancy varies:

  • if pyelonephritis or diseases of the genitourinary system are found, the pain-causing disease must first be treated;
  • if the problem is in the vertebrae, bed rest is prescribed. It will be necessary to make compresses and smear with special heating preparations;
  • muscle spasms will help relieve massage. Only it is better to carry it out to a qualified massage therapist: some movements of a regular massage are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • pregnancy requires an increased amount of calcium in the body. Therefore, eat foods rich in calcium, or special vitamin preparations should be used as directed by a doctor;
  • in case of neurological diseases, the treatment of lower back pain during pregnancy is carried out with the help of bed rest, special corsets and bandages, as well as a set of physical exercises.

In most cases, to reduce lower back pain during pregnancy, it is enough to purchase a suitable brace. It will reduce the load of the abdomen on the back of the pregnant woman.

Nutrition to reduce back pain

To reduce the chance of lower back pain during pregnancy, follow the diet:

  1. The main item in the diet is calcium. This trace element is found in large quantities in meat, fish, dairy products and nuts.
  2. The following recommendations are equally important:
  3. if back pain during pregnancy has become systematic, you need to take calcium carbonate or lactate tablets;
  4. if a woman had diseases of the musculoskeletal system even before pregnancy, she constantly needs such drugs;
  5. daily in the menu should be up to 0.5 liters of milk or kefir, as well as 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  6. beets and beans will be useful;
  7. Egg shells are very rich in calcium. To safely eat it as food, you need to remove the film from the inside of the shell, heat it in a frying pan and grind it to dust with a coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle. To maintain calcium balance, 0.5 g of the shell is enough in addition to the main meal.

For better absorption of calcium, regular walks should be taken. Sunlight will provide maximum benefit, which will also replenish vitamin D reserves. Thanks to it, calcium will be absorbed much faster.

Exercises to Reduce Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

To reduce already appeared lower back pain during pregnancy, as well as prevent their occurrence, you need to do special exercises. The sooner a pregnant woman starts exercising, the lower the chance of back pain will be. In addition to the prevention of this trouble, physical education performs the function of preparing for childbirth: attempts during labor will be felt easier.

Video: Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and lower back

Massage for back pain during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, massage is prohibited. At this time, even minimal shaking and pressure cause a violation of the course of pregnancy, abnormal development of the fetus, or even miscarriage. Massage treatments will be most effective in the third trimester.

Video: Massage for back pain during pregnancy at home

Prevention of back pain during pregnancy

Correct body position The best way prevention of back pain during pregnancy. Following some recommendations will help to cope with the problem on your own.

body position

  • Correct posture should be the basis of the life of every pregnant woman. If there are flaws in the position of the ridge, then unpleasant sensations begin in the lumbar region. The back should be kept straight, not slouching or bending back too much. For a sitting position, small pillows are placed under the back, or they sit on special orthopedic chairs.
  • Change of position is required. If you spend more than ten minutes in the same one, the muscles will begin to ache and numb. Therefore, with such frequency it is necessary to change the type of being in space: walk a little, stand, sit or lie down.
  • In a standing position, it is necessary to periodically change the leg on which the whole body rests. The weight should be evenly distributed.
  • There are special orthopedic pillows for pregnant women. They are used during sleep so that the stomach does not press down. After all, even while sleeping on the side, the stomach “lays down” next to the woman. A pillow will help keep him in a natural position.
  • Get out of bed without sudden movements. If you slept on your back, then first you should slowly roll onto your side, and then change your position to a sitting one. Only then are you allowed to get up.
  • Orthopedic chair will be useful after pregnancy. Especially at a time when it is necessary to put the body in order.
  • Do not cross your legs while sitting.
  • Time spent at the computer should be kept to a minimum. Being carried away by what is happening on the screen, users often lose track of time. Even men and non-pregnant women sometimes have numb legs and back pain. A pregnant woman, forgetting to change the position of her body, dooms herself to prolonged discomfort.
  • If you have to get behind the wheel, the rear-view mirror should be adjusted in such a way that you do not have to turn your head often.
  • By following these simple rules, you will make the pain go away, or even not appear at all.


Lifting heavy things can not only cause miscarriage or premature labor, but also cause lower back pain.

  1. Go to the grocery store with someone who will help carry packages and bags to the house.
  2. If you already have a child, you do not need to hold him in your arms on one side of the body. This position greatly increases the load on the back. Change the baby's position. FROM right hand to the left.
  3. In the case when there is no one else to help around the house, it is better to hire a housekeeper. During the transition from the first to the second trimester, lower back pain appears even with minimal exertion - for example, when washing dishes.
  4. To pick up fallen things should not be bending over, but from a semi-squat. If you are sitting in a chair, lean back. It is better not to sit on stools.

Often pregnant women do not pay much attention to a raised bag or a basin of linen. And then they complain to the doctor about anxiety in the back. Large-scale problems arise from small loads, so the weight being lifted must be carefully monitored - otherwise you will certainly experience lower back pain during pregnancy.

Comfortable clothes

Truly comfortable maternity clothes are designed not only to reduce the area of ​​pressure on the fetus. It also relieves stress on the back, which leads to minimizing the likelihood of lower back pain.

  • Shoes must not be larger or smaller than real size legs. The foot should not slip or be squeezed. The heel (if any) must be wide and of minimum height. The straps on the shoes should securely fix the foot, but do not squeeze it.
  • The choice of a bra is also important - the straps should be taken wide to support chest and remove overload from the shoulders.

The pain that comes with it is not worth it. Unpleasant sensations are reflected not only in the mood and condition of the woman, but also in the child in the womb. If the lower back hurts during pregnancy, it must be stopped and the pain should be prevented by any means other than medication. The latter are prescribed only by the doctor leading the patient's pregnancy, and only if he sees no other way to stop back pain. When taking medications, a pregnant woman should strictly follow the instructions, as well as the dosage, so as not to harm the unborn child. After all, although he has not yet been born, a negative impact on him may already be exerted.

Video: Lower back pain during early and late pregnancy

Video: How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy? PART 1

Video: How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy? PART 2

Video: How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy? PART 3

Pregnancy is a great time to wait for a miracle, but it is often overshadowed by such a nuisance as lower back pain. Even if the symptom is insignificant, it should not be ignored, you should immediately consult a doctor. Lower back pain can be normal during pregnancy or evidence of a pathology, including a threat to the health of the mother and child.

Do you think that joint diseases can be cured without a visit to the doctor?


Common Causes of Pain

Lower back pain in a pregnant woman can be triggered by various factors:

  • changes at the hormonal level (physiological pain);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • threat of interruption or premature birth;
  • pathology of internal organs;
  • a sharp increase in weight;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • lack of vitamins, minerals.

Pain in the lower back can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but their causes are different. It is important to pay attention to accompanying symptoms and be sure to notify your doctor about them. Even the seemingly insignificant detail can be important.

Why does the lower back hurt in early pregnancy?

Painful sensations at this stage are considered normal, but they should not be accompanied by other symptoms. If they appear, then there is a risk of any pathology.

Hormonal activity

At the beginning of pregnancy, progesterone begins to be actively produced - this hormone is important for maintaining pregnancy. Its increased production leads to relaxation of the ligaments between the bones, while the weight becomes more noticeable, and physiological pain is felt in the lower back.

Threat of interruption

This condition is possible throughout pregnancy, but most often occurs in its early stages. The main symptom is pain. It can be pulling or cramping, localized in the lower abdomen, but can be given in the lower back.

Other symptoms also appear:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • bleeding of varying intensity;
  • nausea;
  • single vomiting is possible.

Ectopic pregnancy

This means that the fertilized egg has attached itself outside the uterine cavity. This condition is fraught with death.

An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen. It can be aching, cutting, cramping.

Pathology may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding. It takes place in abdominal cavity, but is often uterine. In this case, it resembles menstruation, but the discharge is scanty, and lasts a long time.
  • Shock. This symptom is observed with a large blood loss. A woman can lose consciousness, turn pale. Weakness and increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure.

Frozen pregnancy

This problem occurs in about one in 200 pregnant women. Pregnancy in this case proceeds incorrectly, so the growth and development of the fetus stops. Most missed pregnancy is observed in the first trimester, and possible causes there are many such conditions.

In the lower back, the pain only radiates, and is localized mainly in the lower abdomen. It is strong, has a cramping or pulling character.

Pathology may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bloody issues;
  • there may be pus in the discharge when the decomposition process has begun;
  • decrease or lack of sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • low basal temperature;
  • no toxicity.

Causes of back pain in the second trimester

In the second trimester, lower back pain often indicates pathologies of the internal organs. This is due to the changes taking place in the body.

Kidney pathologies

The most common is pyelonephritis. At risk is a period from 22 weeks. During this period, the outflow of urine worsens, so a chronic disease may worsen or an acute pathology may develop if there are prerequisites for it.

With pyelonephritis, there is severe pain in the lower back. She can give to groin and leg. This indicates that a stone is passing through the ureter.

Accompanied by pathology and other signs:

  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • the nature of urine changes - transparency is lost, blood inclusions are possible;
  • signs of intoxication are observed: chills, headache, fever, nausea.

In chronic pathology, low back pain is moderate. Symptoms of intoxication are also observed, but appear slightly.

Simultaneously with pyelonephritis, cystitis often develops. Its main symptoms include:

  • soreness and burning during urination;
  • increased urge to go to the toilet;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Feeling that the bladder has not been completely emptied.

Urolithiasis disease

This pathology is also called urolithiasis. In this case, stones are formed in the organs of the urinary system. The bladder or kidneys are more commonly affected.

Stones can form in only one kidney or both at the same time. Pathology can acquire a relapsing character, which is fraught with periodic exacerbations. A prolonged chronic course of the disease is also possible.

Back pain can be intermittent or persistent. Its character can also be different - sharp or blunt.

Other symptoms of pathology include:

  • renal colic - the pain is very strong, occurs spontaneously and indicates blockage of the ureter;
  • pain when urinating;
  • change in the color of urine, an admixture of blood or pus is possible;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • elevated temperature.


This term unites a whole group of pathologies and means inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, the pain is given to the lumbar region, but is formed in the abdomen. In chronic pathology, pain usually occurs after a fatty meal.

Other symptoms of pancreatitis include:

  • signs of severe toxicosis - lightheadedness and nausea, turning into severe vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders - diarrhea, the inclusion of particles of undigested food in the feces;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees.

Pathologies of a neurological nature

Low back pain in the middle of pregnancy is often associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • scoliosis lumbar;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hyper- or hypolordosis of the lumbar;
  • spondylosis.

The clinical picture in this case has many similar features. In addition to lower back pain, the following symptoms are possible:

  • stiffness or limitation of movement;
  • increased pain during certain movements;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • swelling or swelling of the affected area.

Why does the lower back hurt in late pregnancy?

In the last trimester, low back pain is often physiological. This is due to a significant weight gain and increased load, pressure on the internal organs. The causes of discomfort can also be pathological.

Large uterine volume

Lower back pain in this case often occurs towards the end of the pregnancy - at 38 weeks. During this period, the uterus reaches maximum size. This condition is usually not accompanied by any accompanying symptoms.

Training bouts

Pain is paroxysmal and usually irregular. After a few hours, the condition may return to normal, but the next day it will repeat.

With the appearance of such a symptom before the 35th week of pregnancy, as well as with a reduction in the interval between contractions, premature birth is likely. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.


This term is called inflammation of the muscles. If it affects the lower back, then pain appears in this area. The reason may be being in a draft, cool air.

Muscle pain is local. It increases during movement or if you press on the affected muscle. Increased pain is also observed when the weather changes.

Is back pain dangerous in pregnant women?

By itself, lower back pain is not dangerous, but some pathologies that cause this symptom are dangerous:

  • An ectopic pregnancy means the risk of recurrence of such a situation, infertility. In the absence of immediate medical intervention, there is a possibility of death.
  • A frozen pregnancy is dangerous by the risk of developing an infection.
  • Pyelonephritis is dangerous with possible complications - anemia, renal failure, sepsis. There is a risk of preterm birth. Preeclampsia and eclampsia may develop, which is dangerous for the life of both the unborn child and the mother.
  • Myositis can lead to an increase in muscle weakness, a decrease in the ability to self-service, skeletal muscle atrophy, including complete atrophy.
  • Pancreatitis can lead to miscarriage. Against the background of this pathology, peritonitis, internal bleeding, and deviations in the work of the digestive tract can develop.

It is considered a relative norm when lower back pain is insignificant and not accompanied by other symptoms. This does not mean that you do not need to see a doctor. During pregnancy, you should pay attention to any changes and discuss them with a specialist.

The most dangerous are the conditions accompanied by acute pain, especially in the presence of other unpleasant symptoms.

What to do?

If you have back pain, you should consult a doctor. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, this may be a gynecologist or therapist. If necessary, they will refer the patient to a narrower specialist for the necessary tests and studies.

During pregnancy, the list of possible studies is limited, so the usual X-ray is not allowed. You can perform an ultrasound scan, magnetic resonance imaging without contrast.

Drug therapy for back pain can only be prescribed by a doctor. Most drugs are banned, so sometimes treatment has to be postponed until childbirth.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use drugs of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group, then only in those dosage forms that are intended for external use. These medicines are good for pain and inflammation. They are used for myalgia, inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the joints, inflammatory edema of soft tissues.

If the pathology creates a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, then the woman is placed in a hospital. Often, treatment in such conditions is limited to diet, bed rest, vitamins, and papaverine injections to eliminate muscle spasms. Being in a hospital is mainly required to ensure the woman's peace and the ability to provide her with medical care at any moment.

For any anxiety symptoms during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication during this period is strictly excluded, as it can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

Prevention measures

In order not to overshadow the course of pregnancy unpleasant symptoms should think about preventive measures:

  • With diagnosed pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and weak muscles, they should be strengthened. Swimming and special gymnastics are well suited for this. They can be practiced not only in preparation for pregnancy, but also during it.
  • Planning for pregnancy. Many unpleasant moments can be avoided if you prepare in advance for the appearance of a child. At this stage, you should carefully check the state of your body, cure the existing pathologies.
  • At the first signs of pregnancy, register at the antenatal clinic. This will allow you to learn about any violations in a timely manner, including ectopic pregnancy.
  • Eat right during pregnancy and monitor normal weight gain. Sudden weight gain can cause a lot of trouble.
  • Fortify your diet with calcium. To do this, the diet must be diversified with cottage cheese, cheese, other dairy products, herbs, fish, nuts.
  • Avoid high heeled shoes.
  • Don't stand on your feet for too long, especially in one position. This creates a load on the muscles of the sacrum. If you have to stand for a long time for any reason, then you need to bend your leg at the knee or rest it on a slight elevation.
  • Sit correctly. To do this, use a chair with a back and armrests. The seat must be firm. You can’t sit for more than an hour in a row, you need to do periodic warm-ups.
  • Sleep on a hard mattress. This is very beneficial for the back, especially when it hurts when standing up.
  • Do special exercises for pregnant women.
  • Walk more outdoors.
  • Stick to moderate exercise. During pregnancy, they are not contraindicated, but must be adjusted according to the situation. Weights must not be lifted under any circumstances.

The doctor Violetta Frolova tells about the common causes of lumbar pain in pregnant women, how to eliminate it and the reasons for consulting a specialist:

Lower back pain during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. In some cases, it is the norm, in others - a sign of pathology. Any deviations from the norm should be reported to your doctor, and he will already determine their cause and measures to be taken. Many troubles can be avoided by prevention, especially if you start it at the stage of pregnancy planning.

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