Disability pension. Disability pensions Maximum disability pension

Children's 22.10.2021

A disability pension is called a state social payment, due to people who, in whole or in part, cannot be considered able-bodied. This fact must be confirmed on the basis of medical and social expertise. After it, the group is assigned and disability provision is made. It has enormous social significance. Helps people who have injuries or illnesses that prevent them from leading a normal life and work, provide for their livelihoods, develop, carry out rehabilitation procedures and adapt to limited living conditions.

The amount of pension for disabled people of different groups

The allowance is regulated by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 213, in accordance with which the monthly payment is calculated, as well as the state. benefits, the possibility of their monetization. In 2019, they are calculated according to the schemes presented below, for each category, respectively.

1 group

Disabled 1 gr. persons are recognized as completely disabled, who need constant care, unable to work in a team, responsible for their actions and deeds. Perhaps the appointment is untimely for people whose conditions are recognized as incurable, or negatively progressing. There are also diseases in which disability is assigned for a period of 2 years.

In 2019, the average amount of benefits for 1 gr. is set at 10668.38 rubles. This indicator is minimal. For each region, an individual regional coefficient is assigned, on the basis of which funds are calculated. In addition to this amount, the recipients are paid an additional UDV of 3,750.30 rubles.

Additionally, there is a supplement for dependents, monetization of benefits and reimbursement of expenses for medicines and rehabilitation equipment prescribed by the attending physician.

2 groups

Disabled 2 gr. citizens with disabilities who have temporarily lost their ability to work, requiring special working conditions and organization of the workplace can be considered. People suffering from oncological diseases, visual impairments, brain diseases, insufficiency of vital organs, pulmonary system and others are included.

Monthly payments can be calculated by choice, based on a fixed amount of social benefits or calculated as insurance (according to the formula below). The condition for obtaining is a work experience of at least 1 working day. Expect for 12 months, after which a re-examination is required.

The size of the pension for the 2nd group of disability is 5334.19 rubles. The exception is the disabled since childhood. They are paid 10,068.53 rubles.

It is impossible to receive both benefits, except for the cases prescribed in the Federal Law “On Social Assistance to the Disabled”. The categories of citizens who can count on receiving social and insurance benefits include:

  • veterans of the Blockade;
  • soldiers who were injured in the service;
  • some participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • astronauts;
  • refugees from radiation zones who received radiation.

Insurance is calculated according to the formula below.

UDV is fixed and added to the amount of social payments. In 2019, they pay 2678.31 rubles.

3 groups

Citizens who cannot work in their profession, due to their state of health, have the opportunity to be employed in lighter industries or, if special working conditions are provided, they can receive 3 gr. disability.

In this case, a person has the right to choose whether he will be assigned a social pension and EDV, or insurance and what they pay extra for unused benefits.

The appointment of a social disability pension is fixed and amounts to 2667.09 rubles. To this amount is added monthly UDV in the amount of 2,144 rubles.

Calculation rules

The payment of an insurance pension for disability depends on the length of service and the capital accumulated over the years of work, the recipient's capital. The calculation is made according to the formula:

TPPI \u003d PC / (T x K) + B, where

PC - pension capital, its size can be individually found in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is calculated based on the amount of capital on the date from which it is planned to start the payment. Capital is accrued from taxes paid on wages.

T - the time that is supposed to pay the old-age insurance benefit, since 2013 is 228 months = 19 years.

K is the proportional ratio of the insurance period to 180 months. He can't be anymore. Accordingly, the coefficient will either be equal to or less than it.

B - the basic amount of disability benefits corresponding to gr. (for example, the minimum base rate for a single disabled person without a dependent is 2402.56 rubles).

For example, Lyubov Grigoryevna issued an insurance pension for disability 3 gr., Having accumulated capital in the amount of 400,000 rubles. Her work experience is 180 months (coefficient 1). She is single, has no dependents, respectively, the basic amount of the insurance payment is 2402.56 rubles.

The monthly payment under these conditions will be equal to: 400,000/(228*1) + 2402.56. As a result, Lyubov Grigoryevna will receive monthly 4156.38 rubles and a single monthly income of the third disability group.

You can also use an online calculator to calculate. You can find it on the official website of the FIU. The calculator will help you figure out what kind of pension people with disabilities receive, what it consists of and calculate the amount.

How to receive

Without bureaucratic procedures now nowhere. Therefore, in order to assign a disability pension, you must confirm your status, undergo a medical examination and register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for receiving payments to the disabled:

  1. The first step is to contact the local therapist or the attending physician. He is obliged to issue a referral for examination, certificate 0-86\U-06.
  2. To pass the examination, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and collect evidence of disability.
  3. With medical indications, certificates, other documents, you must contact the local social and medical examination and prove the impossibility of providing for yourself, working and leading a normal life. At this stage, a group is established, the relevant papers are provided.
  4. After passing the examination, a certificate of incapacity for work will be in hand. With it you need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Annually it is required to confirm the status, to undergo re-examination. For the first group, this procedure is repeated every two years or completely removed in case of futility (absence of a limb, incurable diseases).

Relatives can collect and submit documents by proxy from the patient. In addition to calculating a pension, a disabled person is assigned an individual rehabilitation plan, technical means for ensuring life, adaptation, and positive dynamics of the disease. Including undergoing treatment in sanatoriums, equipment for the room, a wheelchair, etc. (depending on the group).

Required documents (+ sample applications)

Documents to be submitted for 2019:

  • application for the need to receive social benefits;
  • an identity document with a residence permit-confirmation of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • for foreigners: residence permit and registration in the Russian Federation;
  • pension certificate;
  • work book or contract from the previous place of work (from all, if there were more than one, stamps from each must be affixed);
  • the conclusion of the SME on the recognition of incapacity for work, the establishment of a group;
  • if available: collective farmer's certificate or military ID.

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Also, the Pension Fund of Russia may require additional documents for the assignment of benefits. To reduce the time of registration and consideration of the application, it is better to provide them immediately:

  • certificate from the Tax Service at the place of residence: 2-NDFL;
  • from the housing department about the composition of the family;
  • birth certificate of minor children (or if the disabled person himself has not reached the age of majority);
  • on the presence of dependents;
  • civil law contract, contracts from the current place of work, municipal authorities to receive benefits for paying utility bills.

Competent authorities

The main competent authorities for the appointment of a disabled pension are now a medical and social examination, based on the decision of which disability will be established, as well as the relevance of receiving social benefits by a person.

With the decision of this service and a package of documents, you must contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence. It is there that a pension case will be opened, the amount of security will be assigned, the monthly payment of funds will be made, and additional information will be provided.

You can contact the SME only on the basis of a referral from the attending physician, therefore, medical services will become the first competent authority where you should contact for subsequent paperwork.

Types of disability pensions

In Russia, people with disabilities who cannot provide for themselves are entitled to three types of benefits. To obtain them, you must prove compliance with certain conditions. It happens that a person can choose what type of social payments he will receive. This happens when the group, as well as the conditions for obtaining, match the criteria with several species at the same time.


All persons with disabilities are entitled to cash payments. Including those who do not have work experience, children who were injured upon reaching 18 years of age. Also, social benefits can be received by those people who have a short working period and the amount of the insurance pension is too small. At their choice, they can apply for the minimum security according to the regulations.


Such provision can be received by people who have work experience. The pension is calculated taking into account the accumulated amount of insurance premiums. In this case, the calculation will be made based on the total number of accumulated contributions, taking into account the expected period for receiving funds from the state. budget. A person has the right to refuse to receive a labor pension in favor of a social one, if its amount is higher.

To be appointed, several prerequisites must be met:

  • had a work experience of 1 day or more;
  • disability of the 1st degree (complete loss of working capacity);
  • the injury is not related to criminal activity.

To increase the allowance, documents on dependents can be provided (provided individually for each minor family member).

To increase, it is possible to use the monetization of benefits offered by the state. To do this, you need to submit an application to the FIU with a request to recalculate the entitlement privileges and add the amount to monthly payments.


UDV is called the monthly cash supplement to the disability pension. Replaces the social benefits that a disabled person is entitled to receive according to the relevant group. The EDV will consist of several parts. By his own decision, a citizen has the right to receive financial security in full or in part.

EDV is different for each category of privileged citizens. If a person falls under several of them, then he can choose for himself which EDV he will receive. You can choose the highest payout.

The EDV is made up of:

  • repayment of the amount of medicines prescribed by the attending physician (50-100%);
  • free travel in public transport;
  • sanatorium treatment;

You can refuse any allowance to receive it in kind.

Pension reform 2018-2019

The sensational pension reform of 2018-2019 will only indirectly affect privileged categories of citizens. For the disabled 1 gr. pension will not be increased. They will be able to recalculate by age according to the current law, so you should not worry ahead of time.

The increase in working years for citizens has made it possible to significantly save PFR funds, which will be used to increase social benefits for disabled people and active pensioners. The minimum amount in 2019 will be 12,730 rubles for 1 gr., 10,609 rubles, as well as 5,304 in the ratio for 2 and 3 gr. It is also planned to increase the CEV by more than 4.1%, which will exceed the amount of annual inflation. How much this percentage will be exactly is still a question. Amendments to 181 FZ will be made by February next year. At the same time, a recalculation will be made, so already at the beginning of the month, pensioners will see changes in financial security.

According to available information, the law will also be amended: pensioners of 3 gr., as well as persons who have reached the elderly age, will be charged an allowance if the benefits are less than the minimum wage of the region of residence or the average for the country. In the Moscow region this figure is the highest, provision for pensioners will reach the same level.


In 2019, a significant increase in payments to the disabled category of citizens is planned. State funds. budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are aimed at improving the living conditions of the privileged segments of the population. It is also planned to increase subsidies, which can also be monetized, receive compensation for equipment and funds for rehabilitation. The question of the exact size is still under discussion by the authorities.

The minimum amount of funds paid for disabled citizens will be in relation to the regional subsistence minimum, how much exactly it will be is still unknown. Getting benefits won't get easier. All bureaucratic procedures will remain the same, except for the opportunity to make an appointment with a doctor, as well as in the SME and Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the website of public services.

For each individual region, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation pays additional amounts of assistance. You can find out how a disability pension and additional payments in your area are assigned on the official website of the department. The latest news, legislative acts, lists of documents, changes in charges, regional subsidies and their size are also published there.

Today, the most vulnerable group of the population are people with disabilities who need help from the state in the form of social support. The social security system offers a set of social services for this group of citizens, as well as disability cash benefits.

However, in order to apply for an insurance pension, certain conditions must be met, after which the citizen will be assigned a payment in the amount established by law.

For people with disabilities, subject to certain conditions, the state assigns a cash payment called an insurance pension. There are several types of insurance benefits, but for this group, the concept of “disability pension” is applicable. Transfer of funds is carried out regularly once a month.

The state cash payment to the disabled is appointed as a measure of social support for a vulnerable category of people who have persistent health problems that limit their life.

Conditions for granting a disability pension

Certain conditions must be met in order to be eligible for a disability pension. For people with disabilities, the following requirements are put forward for the purpose of payment:

The presence of an official document confirming the status of a disabled person

As a rule, an extract from the act of medical and social examination is sent by the organization to the appropriate pension authority within 3 days from the moment the citizen is recognized as disabled.

Experience of any length

In the absence of a period of labor activity, a citizen is paid a social payment.

List of documents

As for processing any state payment, a citizen must provide a certain package of documents to the appropriate organization. The following documents are required to apply for disability insurance benefits:

  • an application for a pension;
  • passport of a citizen with a disability;
  • documents evidencing periods of employment (or others);
  • extract from the act confirming the status of "disabled".

Deadline for granting a disability pension

After submitting an application for registration of a pension payment with all the documents attached to it, the application will be considered by the PFR employees within 10 working days from the date of acceptance.

Disability insurance benefit is established for a limited period of time:

  • until the end of the period of recognition of a citizen with the corresponding status;
  • for the period of validity of the medical certificate;
  • before reaching retirement age.

If a person has not renewed the required documents or has ceased to be a disabled person according to documents, or has reached the age that gives the right to retire, in this case, the citizen loses the status and is no longer eligible to receive state cash benefits.

The amount of the disability insurance pension in 2020

Since 2015, the amount of the insurance pension for health restrictions has been calculated according to new indicators. The following factors are taken into account when calculating:

  1. seniority;
  2. being dependent on the breadwinner;
  3. transfer of contributions to the FIU.

The above indicators increase the amount of the insurance pension.

Disability insurance pension for group 1

The basic state cash payment to disabled people of group I today totals:

  • by work in the absence of dependent persons - RUB 10,668.38;
  • with one dependent RUB 12,446.44;
  • with two dependents RUB 14,224.50;
  • with three dependents RUB 16,002.56

An increased pension is assigned to citizens who have lived in the Far North for 15 years, as well as those who have insurance experience.

Disability insurance pension for group 2

The amount of the pension payment to disabled people of group II is paid in the general manner on a monthly basis, and for 2020 amounted to RUB 5,334.19 For people with disabilities from childhood RUB 10567.73

In the presence of periods of labor activity, the amount of payment changes:

  • RUB 5,334.19;
  • 1 dependent - RUB 7,112.25;
  • 2 dependents - RUB 8,890.31;
  • 3 dependents - RUB 10,668.37

Disability insurance pension for group 3

Monthly minimum cash transfers for disabled people of group III for the current year 2020 are RUB 4,491.30.

The basic amounts of the disability pension for seniority are as follows:

  • in the absence of dependent persons - RUB 2,667.10;
  • 1 dependent - RUB 4,445.16;
  • 2 dependents - RUB 6,223.22;
  • 3 dependents - RUB 8,001.28


In 2020, the insurance pension for people with disabilities was increased by approximately 4% due to indexation, which gave the corresponding amounts mentioned earlier.

In the future, 2020, indexation is expected to be 6.6%, which implies an increase in benefits by 500-1000 rubles.

Disability pension calculation

  • the amount of a fixed payment depending on the group, established by a regulatory legal act;
  • the number of pension points (IPK);

The formula for calculating the disability insurance payment:

Pension amount = number of IPC * value of 1 point + fixed cash payment amount

Fixed payment to the disability insurance pension

When assigning an insurance pension to citizens with disabilities, a fixed payment was automatically accrued, the amount of which was indexed annually depending on the level of inflation over the past year. Starting from 2020, the amount of the payment is set without taking into account the growth in consumer prices, however, the increase will still be carried out. This procedure for calculating payments will be valid until 2024 inclusive.

For 2020, the fixed amount is RUB 5,686.25 If future years are considered, then the following values ​​are legally established:

  • 2020 - 5 thousand 696 rubles. 25 kopecks;
  • 2021 - 6 thousand 44 rubles. 48 kopecks;
  • 2022 - 6 thousand 401 rubles 10 kopecks;
  • 2023 - 6 thousand 759 rubles. 56 kopecks;
  • 2024 - 7 thousand 131 rubles. 34 kop.

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There are three kinds. It depends on the group to which the person with a disability belongs. Due to their belonging to a particular category, a citizen has the right to choose the type of pension. In any case, disability due to disability must be confirmed by a medical certificate.

Types of disability pensions:

  1. Social. Currently, this type is available to all residents of Russia. Due to the fact that there are no special criteria in it. That is why the pension is available to disabled children, disabled people who have no work experience, as well as former disabled children, that is, citizens who have reached the age of 18.
  2. State. The rarest of all species. She is appointed on government orders or by decrees of the President. Examples of such recipients can be combat veterans, victims of the besieged Leningrad, or people who took part in the liquidation of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  3. Insurance. This type is aimed at persons who have regularly paid insurance contributions and whose work experience has been officially confirmed. In this case, the disability pension is calculated as a result of calculating the savings of a citizen. Sometimes you can choose whether to receive a civil pension or a disability pension. You have to look and compare.

The reform of the pension system, which begins its operation in 2019, suggests that the retirement period for the male population is increased to 65 years, and for women up to 60 years in increments of one year. In our case, you should not worry, this change will in no way affect disability pensions.

All three groups fall under these three species. To the first type, because the resulting violations of the body systems interfere with the full implementation of labor activity. To the second type, because there are medical restrictions in the implementation of labor activity, that is, the loss of ability to work is partial. The third type, because the disabled person is completely dependent on the help of others and is unable to take care of himself on his own.

Three types of pensions with different frequency undergo the indexation procedure. The most indexed type is insurance. It increases twice a year. Social view - 1 time per year. The lowest view is considered the state view, because in this case there are minor restrictions. This year 2019, payments have already been increased on February 1 and April 1.

The amount of monthly payments to disabled people of groups 1,2,3 in 2019

A disabled person of any group has the right to demand that his benefits be changed to a cash allowance. This is stated by Federal Law No. 122. This is called the monetization of benefits, which have come into force since 2004. You can issue it, like a regular pension, at the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia.

In order to issue disability payments in exchange for benefits, a citizen with disabilities does not need a re-examination. To do this, you should contact the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, fill out an application for a replacement and cash payments will come to the same personal account number.

This year, the recalculation of disability payments amounted to 4.5%. Starting from February 1, 2019, monthly cash payments are: 1 group - 2177.44 rubles, 2 group - 2720.07 rubles, 1 group - 3808.77 rubles.

The regional and federal budgets are involved in financing payments. However, the lion's share of pension payments falls on the regions. The Russian pension system annually transfers part of the budget funds to itself.

Disability pensions: calculation and size

The calculation method also differs depending on the type:

  1. Social the pension cannot be calculated, as it is established by the government and practically does not change.
  2. State the pension largely depends on the size of the social pension, which is fixed. It is then multiplied by a percentage from 100 to 300, depending on the group and on what basis the state pension was awarded.
  3. insurance type. It is calculated by the sum of the basic size in accordance with the degree of disability, with the accumulation of own funds. Then all this is divided by the survival rate, which is predictive. It is 240 months. Factors that have an impact on belonging to one or another coefficient: whether there are dependent children, the coefficient operating in the area, if the disabled person lives beyond the Arctic Circle and length of service. If it is more than 20 years, then the pension will be much higher.

Average disability pensions in rubles:

  • 4403 rubles - 1 group;
  • 10360 rubles - 2nd group;
  • 12432 rubles - 3rd group. If disability appeared in childhood, then payment to group 2 is carried out at tariff 3.

5334.19 rubles - a fixed basic payment for 2018. Despite the fact that its calculation is based on the formula.

The Pension Fund of Russia generates pensions from its own budget and is an entity that depersonalizes funds from payments from working citizens at the moment and the state budget.

Social payments for disability are fixed contributions, except for cases with indexation once or twice a year, depending on membership in the group, as well as cases with rising inflation in the state.

Calculation of a disability pension using an example

Marya Ivanovna belongs to the third group of disabled people. 86 months - her insurance experience. She has 2 dependents. 240,000 rubles - the woman's pension capital. 182 months is the estimated period for deducting labor pensions.

The length of service coefficient is calculated as follows. 86 months / 180 months = 0.48. 2279 rubles - a fixed amount of deductions.

Now you can start calculating your pension. 240,000 / (182 * 0.48) + 2279 + 3040 (for 2 dependents) = 8066 rubles.

Disability pensions in 2019, the procedure for obtaining

In order to issue a social payment, one must be patient and go through all the stages of bureaucratic delays, however, they can be somewhat simplified in the case of a serious condition of a disabled person. Actions are as follows:

  1. Getting help 088-y-06. You can get it from a registered doctor. He can issue a referral to the ITU.
  2. For her, it is necessary to collect data confirming the presence of a disability.
  3. Next, you need to go to the ITU commission, where you need to prove that the citizen has a disability and cannot fully work or take care of himself.
  4. With the issued certificate go to the Pension Fund.
  5. Every year or 2 times a year, if it is 1 disability group, undergo a re-examination.

A close relative or guardian can arrange for a disability pension. The disabled person, in addition to cash payments, will be given a rehabilitation plan that is aimed at helping in everyday life. The insurance fund has the right, on the basis of this plan, to allocate funds to help with rehabilitation, if any, they can even be sent to a sanatorium for treatment.

Documents required for submission

Passport and insurance policy, they are required to provide the doctor with a residence permit. The following documents are required for the examination:

  • documents certifying the presence of a disability;
  • referral for examination by a doctor;
  • form with an application for an examination and the appointment of a disability group.

To assign a pension to the Pension Fund of Russia, it is necessary to attribute the following documents:

  • SNILS.
  • identity card (passport);
  • conclusion of a medical examination;
  • individual rehabilitation program, if any.


The payment is issued in the event that equal rights cannot be ensured for natural reasons. The protection of the rights of persons with disabilities is based on the following state institutions:

  • on bodies that develop assistance options, collect information and pay eligible benefits;
  • medical examinations that allow you to assign a disability to a citizen;
  • state bodies and public organizations that are aimed at helping people with disabilities. Assistance can be legal in nature and not only. Special units of social employment services are called upon to improve the life of a disabled person.

In conclusion, it should be said that the services aimed at all kinds of support for the disabled in Russia are designed to simplify the procedure for obtaining the status of a disabled person. Equal rights in the Russian Federation are granted on the basis of the Constitution and federal laws.

Each citizen, if he meets the conditions specified by law, is provided with an insurance pension. Depending on the person's life situation, it happens three kinds: (by old age), .

Disability pension is established for people disabled as a result of illness, injury, or for other reasons and resulting in disability. Only those recipients who are included in the insurance pension can claim.

Disability pension insurance:

  • It is established by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation upon presentation by the applicant of the required documents confirming the right to receive it.
  • It is appointed and paid during the entire period for which disability is established, or until the disabled person reaches, giving the right to receive an old-age pension (including).
  • At the same time, the old-age benefit should not be less than the disability benefit received by the citizen.

Who is eligible for an insurance pension?

In accordance with the law "About insurance pensions" the insurance pension content is assigned and paid only to persons who meet the following requirements:

  1. insured in the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS);
  2. for which the employer has paid or is paying into the pension fund;
  3. other legal requirements for establishing a specific type of pension.

A person registering in the OPS system opens a personal account in the pension fund and is assigned an insurance number. As confirmation of registration, the insured is issued a green card containing his personal data and (SNILS). This number is unique and given to a person once and for all life.

The individual account of a citizen reflects all information about the receipt of contributions, his insurance period and other periods included in it, which is subsequently used by the pension fund when assigning a pension benefit.

Due to the transferred insurance premiums (by employers for their employees or personally), the formation and payment of insurance pensions takes place.

Conditions for assigning a pension to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3

For the appointment of a person with disability pension insurance, the legislation provides for several conditions. The main and mandatory conditions for this are:

  • Citizen has a disability 1, 2 or 3 groups. This fact is established by the institution of medical and social expertise (ITU), which also determines the disability group, and issues an appropriate supporting document to the person.
  • The recipient's insurance experience. True, the length of service, unlike in this case, does not matter. To assign a disability insurance pension, it is enough to have at least one day of it. If the insurance period is completely absent (there is not a single day), the disabled person will be assigned.

Another feature of the insurance pension maintenance of a disabled person is that it is established regardless of the cause of the disability. , the time when it occurred (before the start of labor activity, after its termination, or during the period of work), as well as from the fact of his labor activity.

Amount of disability pension in 2019

The pension insurance benefit for a disabled person consists of the sum of two parts: insurance pension And fixed payment To her. According to article 15 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ, the insurance pension part is calculated by the formula:

SP \u003d IPC x SPK,

  • joint venture- the amount of the insurance pension;
  • IPK- individual pension coefficient;
  • SIPC- the cost of one coefficient as of the day of grant assignment.

The value of SIPC is established by law and indexed annually. In 2019, the cost of the pension coefficient was indexed by 7.05%, after which it will reach the amount 87.24 rubles.

The amount of the IPC for a disabled person depends on:

  • the amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer for him to the pension fund;
  • size, taking into account the periods included in it.

Fixed payment to the disability insurance pension

Simultaneously with the appointment of an insurance pension for disabled people, it is established to it. Its size is determined by law and is subject to annual indexation. Depending on the disability group, the presence of dependents and other factors, this amount is adjusted.

  • From January 1, 2019, the fixed payment to the insurance pension was indexed by 7.05% and was set at 5334.19 rubles.
  • The same amount was received by disabled people of the 2nd group, for disabled people of the 1st group it increases by 100%, for the disabled of the 3rd group it is 50% of the base amount and was equal to 2667.10 rubles.

Persons who worked in the conditions of the Far North or areas equivalent to it, provided that they were at least 25 years old (men) and 20 years old (women), are provided with an increase in the amount of a fixed payment:

  • on the 50% if the recipient at least 15 years calendar worked in the conditions of the Far North;
  • by 30% if he worked at least 20 years(calendar) in areas close to the conditions of the Far North;

For pensioners living in the Northern conditions, for the entire period of their residence there, the fixed payment is increased by the applicable for this territory district coefficient. True, for persons who simultaneously have the right to a pension increase for working in these areas, the one increase of their choice. The exception is disabled people of the 1st group and (or) persons who have dependents. For these categories, a fixed payment and increases to it by all the above increases increase additionally.

The law does not disregard disabled pensioners who at least 30 years old worked in agriculture. As long as they don't work, fixed payment to them is subject to increase by 25%. This provision was previously suspended until January 1, 2020.

Dependency supplement

The presence of disabled dependent family members of a disabled person is the basis for increasing his fixed payment to his pension. Such an increase is applied to each existing dependent, but not more than three. The increase is calculated in the amount of 1/3 of the established basic payment.

With this in mind, the amount of the fixed payment in 2019 will be as follows:

Fixed Benefit Supplement for Dependents Applies regardless from the place of residence of the pensioner, and also does not affect other surcharges that increase its size.

Procedure for indexation of pension provision

According to pension legislation, pension payments. For insurance pensions, indexing is provided Twice a year:

  • February 1 based on the inflation rate set by the Government following the results of the previous year.
  • April 1 based on the growth rate of Pension Fund income.

Both of these measures depend on the economic situation in the country, which has an impact not only on the fact of indexation, but also on its size. So, due to the more favorable financial situation in the country in 2018 than in 2016 and 2017, the indexation of insurance pensions:

  • was held on January 1;
  • a percentage above the inflation rate (by 3.7%).
  • but only for non-working pensioners;

The government has made a number of decisions for 2018-2020 to carry out indexation of actual inflation, which is expected to be within 4 percent annually.

When is the disability pension recalculated?

Annually in August recalculation of insurance pension payments. Changing their size can occur for various reasons:

  • if the pensioner, in addition to the pension, has additional earnings, from which insurance premiums are paid to the pension fund;
  • in case of a change in the disability group;
  • when the number of dependents changes;
  • when moving to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • when developing a calendar experience that gives the right to establish an increase in a fixed payment.

UDV is a fixed cash payment assigned to a pensioner upon his application to the pension fund and paid monthly. For each disability group, the EDV has its own size, which is indexed annually and in 2018 varies from 2087.67 rubles before 3651.75 rubles. Under certain circumstances, EDV may be assigned at an increased rate.

EVD recipients are automatically assigned a set of social services, which includes possibility of free:

  • drugs and medical devices;
  • vouchers for spa treatment;
  • transport services on suburban and intercity transport.

From the NSO or part of it, a disabled pensioner, if necessary, can refuse, by writing an application to the pension fund about this, then instead of in-kind form, he will be paid monetary compensation in the amounts provided for by law.

In addition, other measures of social support are applied to the disabled, such as paying for housing and utilities, providing housing for those in need of better living conditions, compensating payments for using the telephone, as well as paying for travel on passenger transport.

Minimum disability pension in 2020 in Russia is assigned to disabled citizens 1, 2 and 3 groups, as well as children with disabilities. Paid work activity does not affect the size social pensions. Its amount depends on severity of the condition. Besides, people with disabilitiesadditional cash compensation and benefits.

Recipients of the minimum social disability pension

Disabled people can claim pay for insurance or social pension. The size is set at the state level in the headdependence on the presence of dependents.

The following categories of people with disabilities can become recipients of social benefits:

  • 1 groups - people deprived of opportunities And work normally, having serious problems with self-service;
  • disabled persons of the 2nd group– limited able to work, but capable of self-service;
  • 3 groups - without pronounced mental and physical abnormalities that can be engaged in labor activity under certain conditions;
  • disabled children;
  • disabled from childhood va.

Received by people with disabilities who live in the regions of the Far North, as well as those who received injury as a result of war or disaster.

Conditions for calculating social benefits

To apply for a pension, you need to submit documents to one of several organizations. IN regional office, mail in Multifunctional Center, on the official website of the FIU.

Help accrued to a disabled person on the certain period,the period for which the disability was granted. When there is a need to undergo a re-examination, monetary accruals may vary depending on the results of the examination.. They can be indefinite in the event that disability is given indefinitely, which is possible with confirmation of the lack of recovery dynamics.

FROMsalary and work experience

Sum m and increases with a work experience of 15 years, which spreadstsya to the regions of the Far North.

The amount of accrual depending on the number of dependents:

  • e if the person has no dependents, the size is 5865 rubles;
  • if there is one - 7820 rubles.;
  • two - 9775 rubles. ;
  • three - 11731 rubles.

Count on payment can be made by people whowork informally or belong toto the self-employed category.

The amount of payment for 1 group

The first group is assigned to citizens with severe dysfunction of vital organs, when the possibility of self-service is partially or completely lost. E I assign that category tsya the greatest compensation.

The amount depends on the number of dependents:

  • 0 - 10668 rubles. ;
  • 1 - 12446 rubles. ;
  • 2 - 14224 rubles. ;
  • 3 - 16002 rubles.

Handicapped personis entitled to additionalreimbursements, drug discounts,travel in public transport. Citizens also usefree social services,exempt from property tax.

Important! To assign a social pension, a person must go through a commission and go through it again within the specified period, otherwise the accruals will be suspended.

Amount of compensation dfor 2 groups

The second group of disability is assigned to people who are considered incompetent, but can serve themselves on their own. Such citizens may engage in certain types of professional activities that are notaffects payouts..

The minimum pension for a disabled person is 2 groups, depending on the number of dependents:

  • 0 - 5334 rubles. ;
  • 1 - 7112 rubles. ;
  • 2 -8890 rub. ;
  • 3 - 10668 rubles.

For 2020 year two types of payments, namely social and insurance. Social Security is assigned to that period for which gives a person a disability. It can be indefinite if the group is given indefinitely. Even in the absence of work experience, a citizen is entitled to a social payment.

Disabled children with congenital severe health pathologies receive fixed th payment in the amount of 9919 rubles . If you have seniority, the rate increases, and human receives additional funds.

Reference! The Special Monthly Benefit consists of pension contributions and federal financial assistance for individuals with disabilities.

Compensation amount dfor 3 groups

Third the disability group includes people who have health problems and some physical limitations that prevent them from doing their usual activities.They can go to work, countingfor social assistance.

Minimum disability pension 3 groups depending on the number of dependents:

  • 0 - 2767 rubles. ;
  • 1 - 4545 rubles. ;
  • 2 - 6323 rubles. ;
  • 3 - 8301 rub.

The minimum pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group in Russia is 2767 rubles. H o additionally you can get monthly th allowance in the amount of 1000 rubles.

To apply for benefits, the beneficiary must submit an application to the Pension Fund. H only those who do not haveofficial employment, to confirm which uzhn o provide a work book.

Care allowanceabsent, since this category of people retained the ability to self-service. T from who cares for a person because of his serious condition, may receive benefits due to temporary inability to work.

Benefits and social package

If the amount of compensation does not reach the level of the subsistence minimum, targeted state assistance is paid every month.

In addition to the minimum social pension, disabled people are supposed to:

  • 50% tax relief, exemption from property tax;
  • free package of social services;
  • concessions for travel in public transport;
  • discount on payment of transport tax;
  • free receipt of certain drugs and discounts on others.

At the age of 55 for women and 60 for men, disabled people receive a social package and compensation for life. When changing the group to more high transfer amount social benefits are carried out from the date of the change. In the event of a decrease, the new amount will be valid.from next month.

Howcalculateminimumsocial paymentfor different categories

fixed size social benefits for a disabled person 1, 2 and 3 groups for 2020 increased by 7.05%, which is 10668, 5334 and 2767 rubles. scores provide additional accruals. The price of a point is 93 rubles.

W knowing the number of pension points, you can accurately calculate the amount compensation . accruing them conducted depending on age, seniority and other factors.

The following formula is used for the calculation:

SP \u003d PC x C+ FB, where

  • SP - insurance pension,
  • PC - points, C - cost of a point,
  • FC - fixed payment .

This formula is suitable for all insurance pensions, regardless of the length of service and place of residence.

Indexation and increase in payments

Indexing held on April 1 every year. H Since 2014, you can see how the increase percentage is decreasing.

In 2019 years, the payment has increasedby 2.4% and in 2020 by 3.8%.

With pension for people with disabilitiesGroups 2 and 3 are below the subsistence level, social services and additional payments can compensate for this difference. L Beneficiaries are given the opportunity to enroll in an educational institution out of competition.Citizens with disabilities of group 1 receive the greatest allowance s due to their severe condition and the need for constant care.

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