What to do if your lower back hurts in the third trimester of pregnancy. Dangerous and Natural Pregnancy Pain: How to Help Yourself to Relieve Your Pregnancy Pain

Pest control 06.11.2021
Pest control

In addition to the joyful sensations from the anticipation of meeting with your baby, pregnancy brings a lot of trouble and problems to the expectant mother. First of all, it affects the well-being of a woman.

Why do many women have back pain during pregnancy? The restructuring of the hormonal background causes discomfort, which, first of all, is associated with physiological changes - the lower abdomen and the entire lower back hurt like during menstruation, the legs swell, heartburn and nausea torment. Also, the expectant mother may experience mood swings and changes in the psycho-emotional background.

Pain in the lower back during pregnancy - what could it be?

Almost every woman preparing to become a mother suffers from discomfort in the lumbar region. For some, such symptoms develop already in the first trimester, for others, the spine begins to hurt after 23 weeks of pregnancy. The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows:

  • The hormonal background of the future woman in labor - the production of estrogen slows down, and progesterone, on the contrary, increases. It begins to actively produce relaxin, which is responsible for relaxing the pelvic bones, while a large load falls on the spine, and in particular on the lower back.
  • Constant weight gain (the baby grows and develops every day, the woman also gains weight, weekly this figure is 600 - 800 grams, which shifts the usual center of gravity, due to which the shoulders protrude slightly forward, and the spinal column sags significantly, as a result of this, in a pregnant woman clumsiness may appear.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. If a woman initially has pathological conditions of the bone apparatus, during the gestation of the fetus, the phenomenon may worsen and manifest itself to a greater extent.

Why does the back and stomach pull in pregnant women?

Pulling and aching sensations in vertebral department and the lower abdomen accompany a woman for almost the entire pregnancy. To a greater extent, this manifests itself already at the 5th month of gestation (see also: features of the 5th month of pregnancy: sensations of a woman and a photo of the abdomen). Although sometimes it hurts the lower back by the end of the first trimester. The appearance of pain syndrome is promoted by both physiological and pathological factors.

Physiological causes

Often during pregnancy, usually after the 23rd week of gestation, the future woman in labor intensifies or has pain in the lumbar region of the spine. This is completely normal, because her body undergoes significant metamorphoses.

Along with enhanced metabolic processes, the hormonal background is completely rebuilt. Physiological causes of pain include the following:

  • the pressure of the growing uterus on the bone segments of the coccyx and pelvis, which affects the state of the spinal column (often it is in tension and bends);
  • insufficient amount of trace elements (phosphorus and calcium);
  • a long stay in a standing position, mostly pain is felt in the 3rd trimester, since the stomach is already quite large and the spinal column is experiencing overload;
  • Braxton-Hicks training contractions (the back aches and the stomach pulls like during menstruation, while it is hard for a woman to breathe, after a while this condition disappears).

Pathological phenomena

When pain in the spinal zone is accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge, as well as cramping attacks, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist. In some cases, this condition is life-threatening for the child, since at any moment a spontaneous abortion or early birth can begin.

In some women, pathologies are detected after they find out about their situation - usually during routine tests. In this case, you may need to visit other specialists: a neurologist, surgeon or nephrologist, since pain in the lumbar segment is due to:

  • kidney diseases (the infectious process affects the ureter, resulting in stagnation of urine and its turbidity, piercing pains on the right or left of the lower back, burning during urination, the appearance of bloody streaks in the urine, fever);
  • pancreatitis (if you do not comply proper diet nutrition, eat a lot of fatty and fried foods, drink alcohol, against this background inflammation of the pancreas occurs, the condition is accompanied by hyperthermia, girdle pain in the lumbar region of the spine);
  • myositis (inflammation of muscle fibers in the lower back, often due to hypothermia or prolonged exposure to a draft, characterized by the appearance of sudden acute pain that limits movement);
  • symphysopathy (a hereditary disease in which the pubic bones diverge, a woman acquires a duck-like gait, bed rest is recommended during pregnancy);
  • neurological diseases (loads that appeared during pregnancy can cause an exacerbation of osteochondrosis or sciatica);
  • spondylolisthesis (develops in case of existing back injuries or congenital anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae, pain is aggravated by sharp bending forward or lifting heavy objects).

Types of pain and causes

Pain in the vertebral zone during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. They can appear as a result of long walks or physical activity, with a sedentary sedentary lifestyle. If the symptom appeared already in the first months of pregnancy, this may be a manifestation of some disease that needs to be treated.

It is not worth waiting until the pains themselves disappear, since, along with the physiological factors of their occurrence, very serious problems can be hidden. It is necessary to consult a doctor, tell about the nature of the pain syndrome and the place of its localization. It may be necessary to undergo a series of additional examinations in order to accurately determine the etiology of the phenomenon. Sometimes back pain with other accompanying symptoms can be a sign of an infection in the body. This condition requires adequate treatment, since it is threatening to the health of the mother and fetus.

Sharp pain and shooting in the back

Sometimes, during everyday activities, a woman's back is pierced by acute pain with characteristic lumbago. If the pain syndrome does not subside and makes itself felt even at rest, perhaps the reason lies in neurological diseases. These include:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • pinched nerve, protrusion;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

Sensation as if shooting in the small of the back, sometimes occurs in kidney disease. Along with this, the pregnant woman also has other pronounced symptoms:

  • hyperthermia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe swelling of the face and lower extremities.

Drawing and aching pains

Periodically occurring back pain during childbearing can be of a different nature. Often this phenomenon occurs during the normal course of pregnancy. If the pain bothers a woman both day and night, you need to contact your doctor. Drawing and aching pain in the lower back are a signal:

  • spontaneous abortion in the early stages;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • neurology;
  • early delivery at a later date.

In any case, the right decision would be to go to the doctor. If the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, you need to call an ambulance.

How to treat?

Often occurring physiological pain in the lower segment of the spinal column occurs mainly in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. They appear due to a shift in the center of gravity and a state of compression by the growing uterus. Partially relieve pain and ease the well-being of the expectant mother will help:

  • wellness procedures (on the recommendation of a doctor, you can perform physical education for women in position, go swimming, aqua aerobics, yoga, Pilates, dance or exercise on a fitball);
  • manual therapy (it is not recommended to perform at home, as the situation can be aggravated - the procedure should be carried out only by a specialist);
  • light massage (some do it yourself, but it's better to ask your husband or a nurse).

If a pregnant woman has been diagnosed with a disease that causes back pain, a specialist prescribes treatment. You can’t self-medicate (it’s forbidden to use warming ointments, such as Finalgon, Viprosal, Apizatron and take painkillers on your own). Depending on the etiology of the condition that has arisen, pregnancy is usually prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as No-shpu for the relief of spasms (in pathological conditions of the urinary system);
  • droppers with a solution of Actovegin or Magnesia, suppositories Papaverine, Utrozhestan (with a threat of miscarriage) (see also: why are Utrozhestan suppositories prescribed during pregnancy?);
  • solution or ointment Menovazin, Nurofen-gel for rubbing problem areas with exacerbations of osteochondrosis, sciatica and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system (we recommend reading: can Nurofen be taken while breastfeeding?);
  • calcium intake.

When do you need to urgently see a doctor?

Any pain in the back and lower back should be reported to your doctor in order to exclude the development of dangerous diseases as early as possible. If, according to the pregnant woman, these are normal physiological pains, the doctor should still be aware. He will give effective recommendations on how to reduce pain and restore peace and well-being to a woman.

Urgent medical assistance needed in case:

  • the occurrence of cramping pulling pain;
  • constant aching pains that do not go away, even if you lie down;
  • concomitant diarrhea or spotting;
  • sudden decline blood pressure, vomiting and rapid heart rate;
  • burning pain that radiates to the arm or shoulder blade;
  • hyperthermia and general malaise.

Preventive actions

To prevent the occurrence of discomfort in the lumbar and sacral spine, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures already in the first months of bearing a child. These include:

  • performing special exercises to alleviate the condition of the vertebral segments;
  • wearing a prenatal bandage;
  • sleep and rest on pillows specially designed for pregnant women;
  • abstinence from prolonged physical activity;
  • sleep on the left side with bent legs, starting from the second trimester (it is not recommended to lie on your back) (more in the article: why is it not recommended to lie on your back during pregnancy?);
  • exclude from the wardrobe uncomfortable squeezing clothes and shoes with heels.

When the stomach is already large enough, it is not recommended to jerk out of bed. This should be done smoothly, with rolls. Lifting something from the floor or from the ground should be done carefully, while you need to slowly squat down, and not lean forward sharply.

If a woman has a sedentary job, after the 20th week, it is necessary to put a small pillow or a homemade roller under her back, and put her feet on a small stool. It is also important to watch your diet. Eat food containing the necessary trace elements and minerals.

By performing these simple preventive measures, you can significantly alleviate the condition of the expectant mother. Such measures will help to get rid of the occurrence of edema and severe back pain.

According to statistics, 75% of women experience lower back pain during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. In most cases, this is caused by physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother, but such symptoms can also indicate a serious pathology.

So do not dismiss any painful sensations, but you should not panic either. The main thing is to know the causes of back pain and understand what needs to be done during this period and what cannot be done. Let's understand this topic.

Lower back pain during pregnancy - what does the nature of the pain indicate

You can understand the reason why the lower back hurts during pregnancy by the signs described below. You just need to listen more carefully to your body and understand exactly where the pain is localized and how exactly it manifests itself. Based on this, it will be possible to learn how to proceed.

Sharp cutting pain

If the pain syndrome manifests itself in the form of a sharp, acute pain in the lumbar region. This may indicate hidden diseases or disorders in the functioning of organs.

Main reasons:

  1. Acute pyelonephritis, in which symptoms such as fever, weakness in the muscles, reddish tint of urine and predominant pain on the right or left will appear.
  2. Urolithiasis disease when exacerbated, it also causes severe back pain. There may be bouts of vomiting and traces of blood in the urine.
  3. Approaching childbirth characterized by sharp pains, as before menstruation.
  4. Divergence of the sutures on the uterus leads to severe pain, in connection with which it can even happen fainting. The phenomenon is quite rare and manifests itself only in the event of an onset early pregnancy after the previous one, carried out with the help of caesarean section.

There are many other pathologies in which cutting pain manifests itself, for example, ectopic pregnancy, problems with gastrointestinal tract, worms and others.

But it is worth remembering that any sharp pain requires immediate treatment to a specialist, no matter at what stage of pregnancy it appears.

Drawing pain in the lower back

One of the most common symptoms in women during pregnancy. It manifests itself as aching pain when walking or moving, and can be given to one or both legs.

The lower back hurts more often during late pregnancy, because during this period the spine is overloaded. However, if a woman had problems with her spine before pregnancy, for example, lumbar osteochondrosis, there will also be pulling sensations in her back.

If a symptom occurs at an early stage of pregnancy, a routine examination by a gynecologist and surgeon is recommended. To alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman, a lumbar massage or physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

Shooting pain

If the pain is so sharp that it seems to shoot through the lower back, this indicates a neurological disease. In this case, the woman must be examined by a neurologist.

Reasons for concern may include:

  • pinched nerve;
  • hernia of the spine in the lumbar region;
  • sciatica;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis.

If it shoots in the lumbar region and gives off in any direction, this may indicate renal colic. Then you need to pay attention to other accompanying symptoms - fever, swelling of the legs, high blood pressure.

Why low back pain can occur - the main reasons

Lower back pain during pregnancy for various reasons. Most often, in the absence of cutting and stabbing pains, there is no cause for great concern. However, it is necessary to know what can cause this or that pain.

Common physiological causes that do not threaten the health and development of the child include:

  • load that causes a shift in the point of gravity of the back;
  • a sharp increase in the weight of a woman;
  • decreased muscle tone due to hormonal failure;
  • wrong way of life;
  • lack of vitamins in the diet.

It is important to consider at what stage of pregnancy the back hurts in the lumbar region, as well as how the gestation process goes.

Some women during pregnancy may experience discharge similar to menstruation. For others, nothing happens every month during this period of the cycle, but discomfort in the lower back may be present, as it was even before the delay in menstruation and conception.

In the early stages

If your lower back hurts early term pregnancy, it is rather caused by structural features of the hip bone. The body of the future woman in labor is rebuilt to make it easier for the baby to be born.

Therefore, the pelvic bones under the influence of the hormones progesterone and relaxin diverge due to softening of the ligaments. This process can cause discomfort and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen and back.

In the second trimester, these symptoms may indicate an uneven distribution of the load on the spine. This happens due to physiological changes that entail such consequences as an increase in pressure on the intestines and the genitourinary system.

An increase in the fetus leads to displacement of organs and deflection of the spine, which causes pain. It is even visually noticeable how a woman’s figure changes in position - her stomach becomes rounded, and the back in the lower back shifts towards the stomach.

At a later date

If in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, the lower back hurts far from everyone, then in the last months of gestation, the back aches in almost every future woman in labor. And there are more than enough reasons for this.

In the first place is the rapid increase in the mass of the child. It is in the third trimester that the fetus accumulates adipose and muscle tissue, approaching the body weight required at birth (about 3 kg).

The second factor is hypermobility of the hip joints due to increased hormonal influence. The bones of the small pelvis diverge more and more, which causes discomfort in the lower back.

Do not forget about the excessive load on the internal organs, which at this time work at the limit. Pregnancy has a particularly strong effect on the genitourinary system, leading to swelling and weight gain in women due to water retention in the body. And this, in turn, further increases the load on the spine.

Are such pains dangerous - the opinions of doctors

Lower back pain in early pregnancy signals possible violations of the ongoing pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist for examination and timely detection of pathologies.

Sharp pains are of particular danger, since they are most often a sign of a woman's health disorder. And in order to avoid complications, you should definitely undergo a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

If the lower back hurts and the lower abdomen aches, and at the same time the temperature increases or bloody discharge from the vagina is observed, this is also a good reason to go to the doctor.

What not to do with back pain

Self-medication is strictly contraindicated, since some signs may indicate quite serious health problems. And due to ignorance, you can only harm yourself or your baby even more.

It is dangerous to lift weights during this period so as not to provoke a miscarriage. The maximum weight of objects lifted during this period should not exceed 3 kg.

If the pain is cutting or shooting, sudden movements should be avoided.

Do not use pain relievers without a doctor's prescription, as this can lead to misdiagnosis and adversely affect the child's development.

Methods for the treatment of pain syndrome

Therapeutic treatment is prescribed only after a full examination and identification of the causes. However, do not underestimate mild aching pains, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, and even more so self-medicate, as this can be harmful to both the woman and the child.

Standard methods of treatment are used in the event of pain in the lower back:

  1. With inflammation Bladder, kidney and urinary system treatment is prescribed medication, based on the elimination of the underlying disease.
  2. Problems with the spine are solved by reducing the load on the back and warming up with ointments and a heating pad.
  3. Spasmodic pains are relieved by a special massage for pregnant women.
  4. Various physical exercises help with pain in the lumbar region, as they strengthen the muscles of the back.
  5. In the last stages, the doctor may prescribe the wearing of a bandage, which will significantly reduce the load on lumbar, especially in the presence of a hernia or other pathologies of the spine.

To strengthen the bones, it will not hurt to take calcium. Often, doctors recommend starting it at the stage of family replenishment planning. But you shouldn't go overboard with it either.

The lower back can start to hurt, both in early pregnancy and later. Can these manifestations be prevented?

Experts say that if you prepare in advance for such discomfort, then its manifestation will be much less, or even bypass you. To do this, you only need to carry out regular preventive measures aimed at strengthening the muscles and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems.

Tip 1: Use a stabilizing brace or corset

Wearing a special supporting corset is recommended from the second trimester (14 weeks of the gestational period).

The bandage is made in the form of a wide belt, which helps to evenly distribute the load throughout the lower abdomen and back. The corset acts as a fixator of the abdomen, and greatly facilitates movement.

Tip 2. Do your daily gymnastics

Passive physical activity not only helps to strengthen muscles, but also can relieve tension and relieve pain.

This is due to the fact that in the process of bearing a child, some muscles become enslaved or stretched, and gymnastics helps to develop these muscle groups and thereby increase blood flow to the necessary organs. From sports training, yoga, fitness, gymnastics for pregnant women are suitable.

If the work is sedentary, then it is very important to do some warm-up exercises every hour or go for a walk and breathe fresh air. Be sure to take care of comfortable furniture in order to properly adjust the height and inclination of the back of the chair. This will reduce the load on the lower back and the entire spine.

Tip 3. Choose the right mattress for sleeping

If the lower back hurts after sleeping, a pregnant woman should take care of changing the mattress. A special pillow for pregnant women can also help to better relax your back during sleep.

It is necessary to sleep lying on one side so that the stomach does not press on the internal organs. A properly selected sleeping set will ensure complete relaxation of all muscles, so that the body will be rested in the morning.

Do not forget about daytime rest, which helps to unload the spine. This is especially true when the back starts to hurt.

An important role not only in the formation and growth of the fetus, but also the health of the mother plays a proper diet.

Full admission of all essential vitamins and nutrients, especially calcium, contributes to the synthesis of a sufficient amount of hormones and strengthen bones. And for a good assimilation of all microelements, walks in the fresh air are useful.

Going to bed is on time, because best time for relaxation from 21:00 to midnight. Following the regime, the morning rise will not be difficult.

How else can you ease back pain? Of course, water procedures and swimming. Perfectly strengthens the muscles, and at the same time reduces the pressure created by the spine and all internal organs on the lumbar region.

Back pain - doctor's comment:


The process of bearing a child is very complicated, and the expectant mother is obliged to constantly monitor the state of her body in order to provide him with support in time.

Therefore, any symptoms, even the most insignificant, should be examined by a specialist. Let it be better a false alarm than a missed moment in time to identify a disease that is dangerous for you or your baby.

Back pain is a phenomenon that is quite considered common during the period of bearing a child. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, muscles, joints and ligaments relax under the influence of hormones.

Weight gain occurs, posture changes, which causes additional stress on the back This is why your back hurts during pregnancy.

Low back pain is the most common but can be accompanied by discomfort in the shoulders, upper back, chest and between breasts.

Some pregnant women may suffer from inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which gives a sharp pain of a shooting character in the legs. In some women, it occurs due to instability hip joint pelvic pain - in the pubic joint.

Back pain during pregnancy can occur if a woman has had problems with the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • underdeveloped muscles responsible for tilting the pelvis.

Why does back pain get worse during pregnancy?

In order to understand why the back hurts during pregnancy, it should be taken into account that all the causes that provoke pain are divided into: physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes- occur as a result of pregnancy itself. A woman feels pain that does not harm her health and the baby.

Back pain during childbearing can manifest itself in each woman in different ways: with different intensity and at different times. Someone has pain already in the first half, but 50-70% of women have back pain from the 20th week of pregnancy.

When a woman is already 34-37 weeks pregnant, her back hurts more, as there is not only excess weight, but also the child's pressure on the lumbar region.

It should be highlighted main physiological reasons:

  1. The very first pain in the back is caused by relaxation and softening of the intervertebral ligaments under the influence of the hormone relaxin (from the 20th week of pregnancy).
  2. An increase in the weight of a woman provokes an increased load on the lower back.
  3. The shift of the center of gravity forward, which leads to a change in the woman's posture and back pain.
  4. Prolonged standing.
  5. An increase in the size of the uterus leads to compression of the nerves and blood vessels that surround the spine. (Begins already by the third trimester).
  6. The pressure of the head of the child in the later stages.
  7. When false contractions in a pregnant woman hurt her back from the 38th week of pregnancy. The pain is aching in nature when the uterus comes into tone.

Pancreatitis, pyelonephritis and other causes of back pain

Apart from physiological reasons they also distinguish pathological ones, which are provoked by the development of diseases of other organs and require mandatory treatment.

Among these reasons are:

  1. Drawing pain in the back is felt with kidney disease, but aching - with inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), but sharp cramping pains occur in the back with renal colic. The back hurts a lot during pregnancy, and it is almost impossible to ease the pain. Cloudy urine (sometimes mixed with blood) is the main symptom of the disease. With pyelonephritis, the temperature rises.
  2. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) rarely occurs in pregnant women. The disease can be caused by fatty and abundant meat food, non-compliance with the diet, alcohol consumption, stress, heredity and impaired bile outflow.

    The main symptoms of pancreatitis are acute girdle pains in the upper abdomen, lower back, vomiting, low blood pressure, and impaired stool.

  3. Myositis- inflammation of the muscles that occurs after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to a draft. The pain is very sharp, and the movements are not easy to carry out.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. When renal colic occurs, acute pain, nausea, frequent urination, or vice versa are felt in the lower back.
  5. Neurological diseases(sciatica, osteochondrosis, herniated discs). Pain is stabbing in nature and can radiate to the leg. Get stronger after a long walk.
  6. Threat of abortion accompanied by pulling cramping pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, the appearance of bloody discharge is likely.

What to do for back pain during pregnancy?

You can eliminate back pain or at least alleviate it with the following recommendations (provided that the pain syndrome is not associated with the threat of miscarriage or diseases of the genitourinary system):

Acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy. Conducted only on doctor's orders. Quite often, such procedures may be contraindicated, although they are suitable for many women. Such procedures should only be performed by qualified personnel.

This video will show you what to do for back pain during pregnancy

It should be remembered that during the bearing of a child, it is advisable to avoid taking medications for pain relief and relieving inflammation. Such drugs are allowed to be used only on the strict prescription of doctors when absolutely necessary.

This video provides some more doctor's advice on how to get rid of back pain during pregnancy

In addition, remember that all of the above recommendations and exercises should be performed not only when pain exists, but also for preventive purposes.

True, you should be prepared for the fact that throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the occurrence of pain in the lumbar region is not excluded.

On the one hand, these sensations are quite natural, but on the other hand, they may indicate a certain pathology.

Possible causes of discomfort

An unequivocal answer to the question of why the back hurts in the lumbar region during pregnancy cannot be given, since there are a lot of provoking factors for this condition.

As soon as discomfort manifests itself, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of developing serious diseases.

Why do pregnant women have back and lower back pain?

  1. If there is a feeling of pulling pain in the lumbar region, this indicates compression of the nerve endings and blood vessels that surround the spine. This occurs as a result of changes in the size of the uterus. The beginning of active growth of the uterus in volume falls on approximately the 16th week.
  2. Usually, after the 20th week, irregular and weak aching pains are disturbing, which disappear when the woman assumes a horizontal position. In particular, unpleasant manifestations are especially noticeable when the 29th week begins. The reason lies in the shift in the center of gravity: the stomach increases, and the pregnant woman has to bend in the back more and more. Accordingly, the load on the spinal column is uneven.
  3. Pregnant women have pain that occurs constantly and does not subside for a long period. The place of localization is the sacral zone. A woman can even wake up at night from the discomfort that has arisen. Rest in a supine position does not give positive results. It's all about stretching the pubic joint and softening the pelvic bones due to the production of the hormone relaxin - this is how the body prepares for future labor activity.
  4. Starting from the 37th week, back pain becomes intermittent. Such manifestations are called "training" contractions.
  5. There are unilateral seizures when a woman has kidney damage or a pinched nerve. Depending on which side the diseased kidney is on, during pregnancy, the back hurts on the right or left above the waist. Although the pathology can be bilateral.
  6. Pain may be exacerbated if, before conception, the spine was injured or affected by a chronic disease. In the presence of flat feet, sensations in the back will be painful if the pregnant woman walks in shoes that are not recommended to be worn in this condition.
  7. Often disturbed by lumbago. Such pains are usually unilateral and sudden. In this case, numbness of the lower limb or tingling occurs. Signs are characteristic of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, sciatica, scoliosis. When the pregnant woman holds her breath or tilts her body forward, the symptom will subside.
  8. If there is a threat of miscarriage, pain in the back and lower back during pregnancy will be accompanied by spotting, while there are pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

How to help an expectant mother?

A woman can cope with pain discomfort on her own. For this, there are recommendations, following which a pregnant woman will get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

But when the pain not only does not stop, but continues to intensify, it is necessary to immediately go for an examination.

Particularly attentive should be women in whom lumbar pain is combined with sensations of a pulling character in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge. In no case should you postpone a visit to the gynecologist, otherwise the pregnancy may be interrupted.

When discomfort in the lumbar region is the result of any disease, only a specialist should be treated. Pregnant women are prescribed drugs for external use in the form of gels and ointments.

If the treatment cannot do without anti-inflammatory drugs, then drugs are prescribed, which are based on paracetamol.

In addition, there may be a need for:

If you pinched your back in the lower back during pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage. In rare cases, the patient is prescribed painkillers. To ease the pain or remove it completely, the pregnant woman should take the knee-elbow position.

In the early stages, with an increased tone of the uterus, they fight with the help of means:

Sometimes, according to the decision of the doctor, a woman must take hormonal drugs.

Self-selection of medicines can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother and baby. Only a specialist should prescribe drugs.

How to get rid of discomfort on your own

Some recommendations will be extremely useful for women who are carrying a child. Pregnancy is a normal condition, but if the legs are taken away, the back, arms and lower back suffer, everything should be done to feel good:

  1. It is necessary to constantly change position.
  2. Posture should always be straight: this way the load on the lumbar region is reduced.
  3. If you want to sit down, you need to put a pillow under your back, and put a low bench under your feet.
  4. If possible, it is desirable to purchase an orthopedic chair.
  5. It is worth refraining from prolonged sitting at the computer.
  6. When you have to stand for a long time, the supporting leg should be changed periodically.
  7. It is better to lie on your side during sleep. You can’t jump up sharply - then the question will not arise why the back hurts in the lower back during pregnancy.
  8. To pick up a low-lying object, you need to crouch slightly.
  9. Analgesics without medical prescription are undesirable. It is better to use anesthetic creams or ointments. Naturally, a specialist must approve their use.
  10. Be sure to take care of proper nutrition.

Carrying a baby will be as comfortable as possible if the pregnant woman treats her health with attention.

Any pain, in particular in the lower back, speaks of possible pathologies and should not be ignored. Thanks to timely treatment, the problem can be dealt with in a short time.

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With such an unpleasant symptom as lower back pain, almost every person has encountered at least a few times in his life. If the problem of pain is associated with hernias or infringement of the nerve roots in the lower back - an MRI will show this! 2) Sharp, unbearable, cutting, burning, severe pain in the small of the back. If back pain occurred for a long time with increasing intensity, then this indicates the presence of degenerative processes in the spine.

The concept of "shooting in the lower back" is too general, it can indicate a lot of diseases and pathological processes, checking each of which will take a lot of time.

In this case, the patient takes the so-called forced position - a position in which the pain is minimal or completely disappears. In this case, in order to find out why it shoots in the lower back, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination of the spine. It is especially important to visit a doctor if it shoots in the lower back during pregnancy, as this symptom may indicate the presence of more serious pathologies than just overexertion.

Lower back pain on the left during pregnancy

On the other hand, many of the problems that exist in the body are exacerbated during pregnancy - which is why doctors advise women to be conscious about planning childbearing. Regardless of the cause of the pain, first of all, you need to seek medical help.

Depending on the specific situation, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If the problem is associated with back diseases, then both symptomatic therapy is used, and the underlying disease is treated.

Shooting pain in the lower back - what to do?

If it shoots in the lower back, what to do will be prompted by a general practitioner who will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and return to normal health. In any case, you should not self-medicate, as this will not only not improve your well-being, but can also significantly aggravate the course of the underlying disease. The latest statistics show that more and more women and girls at a young age are experiencing sudden shooting pain in the lower back.

This is facilitated by open clothing and swimming in cold water, a draft. Common to all diseases are symptoms of acute stabbing pain, backache, which appear suddenly. This can happen while exercising or lifting weights, as well as in a relaxed position.

If the pain is associated with pyelonephritis or other kidney diseases, there will be other symptoms. Otherwise, manual therapy will be supplemented with drug treatment, and surgery may be necessary. Pain in the lower back on the left, lower back on the left side occurs due to irritation of nerve fibers, muscle tension, or as a distant symptom of damage to the internal organ. The most common cause of such pain are problems with the spine, musculoskeletal system.

Lower back pain is equally common on the right and on the left. More than 27% of the adult population identify the complaint as the main one that worries them (our polls d). On the left, organs are projected in the lumbar region abdominal cavity, namely: the left kidney, intestines, pancreas, spleen, stomach, in women - the left ovary.

If lower back pain radiates to the leg or buttock, this indicates damage to the nerve roots of the lower lumbar region. Pain in the lower back, which is combined with pain in the groin, abdomen, indicates damage to the upper lumbar vertebrae. Distant pain can develop into leg numbness, leading to loss of function and paralysis.

In some cases, treatment should be started even during pregnancy, which contributes to a speedy recovery. The earlier the first back pain appears, the worse the further treatment prognosis. Often you can find neoplasms in the nervous system, spinal cord, inflammatory lesions, stroke of the spinal cord, etc. If an intervertebral hernia, protrusion or other disease is found, then the course of treatment lasts a few days, in most cases the treatment is non-surgical.

You are pregnant! Your spine is realigning, back pain is common in this position. Hello, tell me after the birth of a child (he is 5 months old) there was pain in the back in the lumbar region from the left. What could it be and which doctor does he turn to. Thank you. This ailment occurs in people of almost any age, so everyone needs to know what to do when they are tormented by shooting pain in the lower back. Lower back pain is not typical for children, the presence of scoliosis, kyphosis, acute diseases should be excluded.

More on this topic:

What causes lower back pain on the left side?

Unpleasant pain in the lumbar region cannot be ignored. When the lower back hurts, it becomes difficult to lead a normal life, because the pain makes it impossible to sit, stand, walk, freely move the body. Separate #171; narrow #187; the topic in this situation is lower back pain on the left.

The localization of pain suggests that there are some specific problems in the lumbar region on the left side or slightly higher that need to be resolved as soon as possible. However, in order to get rid of pain in this area, you need to reliably identify their causes.

Why can the lower back hurt on the left?

In fact, the reasons for the occurrence of pain in the back on the left side can be very different and often #8212; unexpected.

Diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system

Reasons in this category are the most common. In most cases, with problems with the spine, not only one side hurts, but the entire back or lower back. However, in some cases, the disease unfolds in such a way that back pain on the left becomes the main symptom.

For example, with such a well-known disease as osteochondrosis, the vertebrae may be displaced in such a way that pain will be felt in only one area. In addition, there may be pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves on the left side. In this case, the left side will also hurt.

Another variant of the problem with the musculoskeletal system is inflammation of the muscles. A characteristic sign of problems with the muscles and spine is not a sharp, but dull, aching or pulling pain, covering not only the lower back, but also the area above it, as well as giving down #8212; in the buttock or left thigh.

Diseases of the abdominal organs

Most often, the left side can disturb when the organs located in the abdominal cavity on the left side fall ill:

  • left kidney
  • intestines
  • pancreas
  • in women, the left ovary

Any inflammatory diseases of these organs can give pain to the lower back on the left.

As a rule, if the pain is caused precisely by diseases of the internal organs located in this area, it is not the only symptom: a person has a fever, the process of urination or defecation may be disturbed, the menstrual cycle may go astray (if there are ovarian diseases).

The pain itself is characterized as sharp, severe, and unresponsive to rest or movement. It may extend beyond the lumbar region, spread to the front of the body, or up the back.

Diseases of the chest organs

Surprisingly, the organs under the ribs can also give pain in the lumbar region. Since there are very important organs under the ribs, we can talk about quite serious diseases.

For example, in myocardial infarction, if the posterior sections of the heart muscle are affected, the pain that actually occurs under the ribs can be given to the lower left side. Another example is pneumonia, in which the lower left lung is affected.

In both cases, it is difficult to accurately determine the localization of pain: a person may feel that he has pain in his left side, lower back and above #8212; left side of the body under the ribs. The pain, as it were, spreads over the entire left half of the body, and a person cannot show a specific point at which it hurts.

Pain on the left side of the lower back during pregnancy

#171;Interesting position#187; is not a pathology, but it significantly changes the functioning of the body. So, during the bearing of a baby, a displacement of the internal organs or a pinched nerve on the left side may occur. The back can hurt not only in the lumbar region, but also a little higher, affecting the left side of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment of lumbar pain on the left side

The location and nature of back pain on the left are not reliable indicators of a particular disease. Analyzing the causes of pain, we see that pain in the left side of the lower back or a little higher can be associated with very different processes occurring in the body. Often, the lower back, which disturbs the patient, is not really the epicenter of the pathological process. And the subjective sensations of a person themselves cannot be reliable: pain under the ribs may well give to the bottom of the body.

In order to accurately identify the causes of pain in the lumbar region or slightly higher, a comprehensive diagnosis is needed. You can determine a certain diagnostic minimum that is necessary to establish why the left side or lower back hurts. It includes:

  • urine and blood test
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs
  • radiography
  • MRI and CT of the spine

Only after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor will be able to accurately name the causes of pain in the lumbar region.

Naturally, further treatment will depend entirely on the identified causes. Each disease has its own approach to treatment, procedures and prescriptions. Treatment, respectively, will be a narrow specialist in whose #171; department #187; there is a diseased organ: a cardiologist, nephrologist, gynecologist, vertebrologist or neurologist.

As a treatment, depending on the diagnosis, anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy, a course of massage or physiotherapy, acupuncture, and procedures aimed at relieving muscle spasm will be carried out.

Pain in left side during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period that brings many unforgettable moments. But there is another, less pleasant side, namely pain during pregnancy. Expectant mothers often complain of arising pains of a different nature and origin, which can be a symptom of all sorts of diseases.

For correct diagnosis, it is necessary to clarify the nature of the pain and the place of its localization. Indeed, in the abdomen there are many different organs, tissues, structures, and so on. And every organ in it can get sick. Conventionally, the abdomen is divided into four parts: the right side above and below, the left side above and below. Pain in the side during pregnancy can be evidence of many diseases. If a sharp pain in the side arose suddenly, this is a very alarming sign, especially if it lasts more than 30 minutes. It is necessary to immediately call a doctor or move to the clinic. After all, it is possible that a pregnant woman needs urgent medical care. Especially if her left side hurts.

In the left upper abdomen are the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestinal loops and the left side of the diaphragm. Pain in this part may be due to the spleen, which lies very close to the surface of the body. The main job of this organ is to remove red blood cells from the blood. The spleen seizes them and destroys them. After that, their components pass into the bone marrow. New blood cells are formed there.

With a number of diseases, the spleen enlarges, which causes pain. Due to its proximity to the surface of the body, it is prone to rupture. The causes of rupture can be injuries and various diseases, such as infectious mononucleosis. In this condition, the spleen becomes larger and softer, making it more likely to rupture. A signal sign of a ruptured spleen is also cyanosis of the skin around the navel (due to accumulation of blood).

In this case, you need not to overdo it with physical activity, as well as with the weights that you lift.

Pain in the left side from above during pregnancy can also be caused by diseases of the stomach, for example, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) or functional dyspepsia. Most often it is a pain of a aching nature and can often be accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Remember that the cause of pain in the stomach can be more terrible diseases - peptic ulcer or cancer. In most cases, a woman knows about the presence of ailments even before pregnancy. But very often in the process of bearing a fetus, many diseases become aggravated.

Pain in the upper left side is caused by diaphragmatic hernia. We must not forget that the pain in the left upper abdomen can give the pancreas, affected by various diseases and toxins. But with this diagnosis, there is a very sharp pain that comes from the inside, is girdle in nature, radiates to the back. Pancreatic disease can be suspected if the pain is accompanied by fever, nausea.

The cause of pain in the left upper side may also be the intestines slightly shifted in this direction due to the daily growing fetus. As a result, food moves through it unevenly. In addition, due to the relaxing effect of pregnancy hormones on the muscles of the uterus and the muscles of the intestine, peristalsis is also disturbed. This leads to the formation of stagnation of food in different parts of the intestine and, as a result, to constipation.

To avoid such complications, you should eat more often, but in small portions, avoid foods that contribute to the formation of constipation, bloating. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, dried fruits, wholemeal bread. If the feeling of heaviness in the left side continues and is accompanied by prolonged constipation, you should consult a doctor. In no case should you take a laxative without a doctor's prescription. After all, most of these drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

If the gestation period is short and pain occurs on the lower left, then most likely this is due to the uterus, which grows and presses on adjacent organs. Very often, pain in the lower abdomen is an alarming symptom of the threat of premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). Therefore, this kind of trouble requires an urgent trip to the doctor.

The causes of pain in the left side from below during pregnancy may be those conditions that also cause pain in the right lower abdomen (with the exception of appendicitis). Namely, infections that are sexually transmitted, with ruptured cysts and ovarian tumors. In the early stages, pain in this area may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has a sore left side, in no case should she be treated on her own.

Remember that only a doctor can determine the real cause of the pain. If there is pain in the side, you should contact the specialists: gastroenterologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon or infectious disease specialist.

Every caring future mother, of course, is very worried about her baby. Therefore, in order not to worry about trifles, you need to take timely measures necessary to protect your health.

Why do many people have pain in the left lower back?

Pain is the body's first signal that something is wrong with it. Pain in the left lower back can occur in any person, of any age, occupation and health condition. It has many reasons.

When such a nuisance appears, a person rarely immediately turns to the doctor. Most often, malaise is associated with fatigue, long work in a sitting or standing position, carrying loads or pregnancy. Of course, all of the above can cause pain in the left back, but frequent or persistent attacks can be signals of more serious diseases of the back and internal organs.

Pain in the left side of the lower back and its main causes

The first of the main causes of back pain is a problem with the spine.

The most common cause of lower back pain on the left side is an intervertebral hernia. With this disease, parts of the intervertebral discs fall out of their place and enter the spinal canal, causing pain in the heart, chest, and back pain on the left.

A herniated disc can be easily distinguished from other back diseases by the following criteria:

  • pain not only in the lower back, but also in the chest, can be given to the left hand;
  • pain in the back may radiate to the lower extremities.

Among other diseases of the back, characterized by pain in the left lower back, one can note spondylolisthesis (displacement of the vertebrae in the spinal column) and spondylosis ( dystrophic changes in vertebral discs). Also, the cause of pain can be a congenital abnormal development of the spine. Pain is also caused by various tumors. It can be both benign and malignant formations on the spine and in the internal organs.

Trouble can be caused various types neurological diseases. In some cases, a malfunction of the nerves in the lower extremities can cause pain in the left side of the back.

Pain in the lower left can talk about neurological problems with the sacrum and lower back. The most common neurological disease of the back in men is sciatica, which develops due to hypothermia. It is his main symptom that is a shooting sharp pain in the sacrum or lower back.

An injury to the left side of the body, either recent or well forgotten, can lead to recurring bouts of low back pain.

A visit to the doctor should be mandatory if a person is struck by very sharp pain.

This may be the first sign of a disease of the internal organs. On the left side in the lumbar region are important internal organs, including the spleen, kidney, part of the intestine, pancreas. In women, one of the most important organs of the reproductive system is located here - the left ovary.

To distinguish diseases of the internal organs, nervous system and spine, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the pain. With aching, constantly pulling pains that occur in a resting position, sitting or lying down, a problem with the spine may be the cause. If a sharp, severe pain with a backache is felt from the side of the back, which many characterize as “as if hit with a stick”, then the problem here is neurological. With a disease of the internal organs in men and women, pain can be characterized as deep, aching, growing. In an acute illness, a sharp and sharp pain can occur, radiating to the arms, legs, sternum, in women - to the lower abdomen.

back pain during pregnancy

Pain can not only characterize serious diseases, but also indicate the fatigue of the spine, its tension. This is exactly what happens in pregnant women. There are a number of reasons why pain in the left side of the back may appear in a woman in position.

For the first time, a future mother can feel such a nuisance at a very early date, when she does not even suspect about the child. The body begins to restructure in the internal organs, and this is what causes a slight aching pain in a woman. The left ovary is no longer the cause. This trouble disappears by the fourth week and is often one of the early signs of pregnancy.

More severe pain in women appears with the growth of the abdomen. They begin around the twentieth week and increase towards the end of pregnancy. The pain can be wandering, and it can hurt like Right side, as well as the left one.

During pregnancy, trouble can also mean diseases of the internal organs. Elevated temperature, nausea and vomiting, combined with severe pain in the left side of the back, is the first sign of pyelonephritis or inflammation of the kidneys. This disease is quite common in pregnant women.

Treatment of pain in the left side of the lower back

If you feel pain, especially acute, on the left side, you should consult a doctor. Since there can be many reasons for pain, the first thing to do is to visit a therapist. He will study the secondary symptoms and send to the specialized doctor. This may be an orthopedist, surgeon, neurologist, urologist for men and gynecologist for women.

To exclude diseases of the internal organs, it is necessary to do an examination using ultrasound. It will show if there are tumors, enlargements of internal organs. A blood and urine test will help rule out inflammatory and infectious diseases. In case of a problem with the spine, it is recommended to undergo an examination using an MRI.

Most diseases that are characterized by pain in the left side can be treated without surgery. Some diseases of the spine and internal organs, especially in advanced form, are almost impossible to cure with pills and injections, so you have to lie on the operating table.

In case of neuralgia or injury, the doctor may prescribe a warming ointment and anti-inflammatory drugs. If back pain is almost impossible to endure, a course of treatment with injections is prescribed.

Back pain on the left often occurs in adolescents during puberty. The body grows so fast that the body does not have time to strengthen the spine. Because of this, there are problems with posture, scoliosis, frequent pain in the lower back and back. Such pain does not require special treatment. It is enough not to overload your body, to play sports more often. An important role here is played by furniture that is correctly selected for the growth of the child, especially the desktop and chairs for it. Also, parents need to monitor the weight of their child, to prevent obesity. This negatively affects the health of the spine.

When the pain comes on suddenly, and there is no painkiller at hand, it can be relieved. If the causes of the ailment are not associated with inflammatory processes and tumors, a hot bath will help relieve pain temporarily. In the presence of neuralgia, the pain may be associated with a pinched nerve, so it is necessary to unload the spine as much as possible during sleep. This can be done with a pillow placed under your feet during sleep and rest.

Prevention of diseases and back pain

To avoid discomfort in the back, it is necessary to protect your body from diseases, the symptoms of which are pain.

Regular exercise can help prevent back pain. They will help strengthen the muscles of the back and unload the spine. If sports are contraindicated for some indicators or back pain has already appeared, massage will help prevent their spread and increase. But massage can also be excluded for some ailments, so you should consult a doctor before doing it.

Inflammatory diseases of the back are most often associated with infections. They can appear with low immunity and hypothermia. You can get inflammation of the internal organs not only in the cold season, but also in summer. Bathing in cold water can be especially dangerous for girls and boys, as hypothermia adversely affects the genitourinary system in the first place. Most cases of infertility in men and women are associated precisely with various inflammatory diseases.

Older people need to take care of their back most carefully. Exhausting work in the country and carrying weights can respond with rheumatism, severe shooting pains in the back. It is also impossible to constantly lie down or sit. Physical exercises in the form of squats and daily walking for several kilometers will help maintain a healthy back.

  • Lower back pain
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain

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