How to get rid of diffuse changes in the liver. Symptoms and treatment of moderate diffuse liver changes. Diffuse dystrophic lesions of the liver

Stoves, fireplaces 20.06.2021
Stoves, fireplaces

Sequential interaction between atoms or molecules of two substances with the acquisition of some properties and qualities of others, in which the concentration of molecules in the entire volume of contacting substances is equalized is called diffusion. Under the influence of many negative factors, the natural reaction is disturbed, both in the surrounding world and in human body, provoking a violation of the physical balance, the development of diffuse changes.

Particularly at risk of diffuse changes are the organs of the digestive and excretory systems:

  • Stomach;
  • Liver;
  • Pancreas;
  • Spleen;
  • Intestines;
  • Kidneys.

Diffuse changes in the liver can be both fairly minor and quite serious pathologies.

Diffuse changes in the liver do not have clear age limits; this phenomenon can affect both the newborn and the elderly. In babies, this phenomenon is called a congenital pathology of the organ, and in an elderly person, it develops subsequently to hepatitis or severe poisoning.

Diffuse changes in the liver relate to its parenchyma, the size and structure of the organ, affect the decrease in the lumen of the artery and veins, the work of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

What is the liver parenchyma? The parenchyma of the liver is called the tissue of which, in fact, the organ consists.

Reasons for change

In the case when the changes take place in a sluggish stage, no external symptoms of the disease of the organ are observed.

In the acute stage, the following signs of diffuse changes in the liver are noted:

  • pain, heaviness in the right side, under the ribs;
  • colic;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • jaundice;
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • noticeable bulge on the skin of the right hypochondrium;
  • digestive disorders;
  • emotional instability, tearfulness, aggression.


Often, the patient, not feeling the ongoing process, discovers the onset of diffuse changes in the liver during a physical examination. Having established a suspicion of this diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a blood test (general and biochemical), but a detailed picture of what happened can be obtained with an ultrasound examination.

Advance preparation, necessary for ultrasound examination of diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma, consists in:

  • exclusion of products that are capable of forming gases a day before the procedure;
  • cleansing the intestines with an enema;
  • taking an antispasmodic before the session.

What will the ultrasound indicate?

Ultrasound will indicate diffuse changes in the structure of the liver and organ cells, as well as violations of their functions.

The doctor will point to areas with different echogenicity: low, high or high. This will indicate the development of:

  • hepatitis A;
  • amyloidosis;
  • fatty or alcoholic hepatosis;
  • oncology;
  • helminth infections.

For example, the sound permeability and echogenicity indicated by the doctor indicate violations in the liver tissue, increased echogenicity of the bile ducts with diffuse changes in the liver indicates cholelithiasis, cholangitis or cholecystitis. Decreased echogenicity indicates hepatitis.

If an ultrasound is not enough, the doctor may recommend an MRI or CT scan when the tissues can be examined step by step.


Minor diffuse changes

Minor diffuse liver changes are treated with:

  • hepatoprotectors (for example, Essentiale);
  • diet number 5;
  • if there are no contraindications, tubage can be performed.


One honey-like hard gelatin capsule contains 300 mg of essential phospholipids derived from soy.

These phospholipids are similar to endogenous phospholipids, however, are more functional due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have the main property: to integrate into the cell membranes of damaged liver cells and help the process of their regeneration.

The main dosage for adults and adolescents from 12 years old with liver diseases is 2 capsules, which should be taken three times a day, for at least 3 months.

But, in this situation, the doctor has the right to set the dosage and course of treatment, depending on the individual characteristics and the course of the change procedure.

Diet number 5

With diffuse changes in the liver and its diseases, it involves the rejection of:

  • fried;
  • muffins;
  • animal fats (fatty meat, lard);
  • sausage products;
  • canned;
  • marinades;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • radish, radish, garlic, horseradish, green onion and sorrel;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • saturated fats of dairy and sour-milk products;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • coffee, cocoa, strong black tea;
  • semi-finished products and fast food.

It is important to switch to a safe protein diet with the restriction of vegetable and the exclusion of animal fats, as well as strict dosing of salt and sugar. In case of an organ disease, emphasis is placed on cereals, stews, boiled vegetables, soups, low-fat meat and dairy dishes.

Moderate diffuse changes

Moderate diffuse liver changes are treated a little differently:

  • hepatoprotectors;
  • diet number 5;
  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • with the addition of a vitamin-mineral complex.


In the case when antibiotic therapy is indispensable in the treatment of a disease, fluoroquinolones are often prescribed. In their action, a sparing attitude towards the cells of the organ is especially noted. In particular, Ciprofloxacin (Tsiprolet A, Tsifran, Tsifomed) is especially popular.

The effectiveness of Ciprofloxacin is observed due to the effect of the antibiotic on DNA synthesis in the structure of the bacterium.

The usual daily dose of ciprofloxacin-containing drugs is 2 tablets, which is recommended to be taken twice a day, at 12-hour intervals, one hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.

Treatment of viral changes

Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma of viral origin are treated with:

  • antiviral therapy;
  • hormonal agents;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • And good nutrition as part of diet number 5.

Treatment of the bacterial cause of the changes

Diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas caused by bacteria are treated mainly with antibiotics, in particular aminoglycosides.

Aminoglycosides - one of the first antibiotics, act by destroying the bacterial chain of protein synthesis by ribosomes. Recently, Amikacin in injections has been popular in the appointment for liver diseases.

The injection is placed in the muscle tissue.

The solution must be prepared before the administration of the drug, the powder in the vial should be dissolved with water for injection. The dosage is set by the doctor individually, it can be 5 mg per kg of body weight, every 8 or 12 hours. Full course treatment is 10 days.


After completing the course of Chloxil, you need to start taking choleretic drugs and undergo duodenal sounding.

Changes due to gallstone disease

IN this case, initially, it is customary to treat the disease, the root cause of the condition, namely, to eliminate the stones. Further, the doctor will recommend adhering to a strict diet No. 5, taking choleretic drugs and hepatoprotectors.

Cholagogue preparations

There are many drugs that enhance the flow of bile, one of the most commonly prescribed can be called Allochol and Hofitol.

Hofitol is a dark solution of saturated Brown color with a possible yellow precipitate. As a rule, before taking it directly, it is diluted with water, adults should drink a teaspoon of Hofitol before meals, three times a day.

Diffuse changes in the liver are a similar group of ultrasound signs that allow us to conclude that the liver tissue is involved in an inflammatory or pathological metabolic process. Pathology is one of the most common and, as a rule, is not specific.

The detection of diffuse changes does not mean the presence of any specific liver disease, but only indicates damage to the hepatic parenchyma. Changes of this type can be detected at any age and are most often only an incidental finding on ultrasonography.

Reasons for diffuse changes

Since diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma are not an independent liver disease, but only a consequence of the underlying pathology, there is a whole group of reasons leading to their appearance. Here and a violation of the nature of nutrition, and metabolic disorders, and infectious pathology. Among the reasons that have the most significant contribution to the etiopathogenesis of the development of hepatic damage, we can distinguish:

Depending on the cause that caused damage to the liver cells, diffuse changes may additionally be accompanied by a change in the size of the liver.

As a result, the following types of changes can be distinguished:

  • Hypertrophic (enlargement of the liver in size, hepatomegaly);
  • Sclerotic (replacement of the liver parenchyma with connective tissue);
  • Hypotrophic (reducing the size of the liver).

In addition, depending on the type of echo signal from the altered hepatic parenchyma, one can distinguish:

  1. Hyperechoic diffuse changes (fatty degeneration, steroid, cirrhosis, Cushing's disease, etc.) - the echo signal is amplified.
  2. Hypoechoic diffuse changes (lymphoma, some types of hepatitis) - the echo signal from the liver is reduced.

Identification of any type of diffuse changes requires mandatory additional examination to establish its cause and conduct adequate therapy.

What do diffuse changes look like on ultrasound

Normally, the liver parenchyma has a homogeneous (homogeneous) structure of an average level of echogenicity, against which blood vessels and hepatic ducts stand out with intense inclusions. An assessment of the structure of the parenchyma and the level of its echogenicity is compared with the renal cortex and spleen (the caudate lobe of the liver is located in close proximity to the cortex of the right kidney).

In general, the normal hepatic parenchyma is the same or slightly more echogenic than the renal cortex and less echogenic than the spleen. A change in echogenicity already indicates the presence of diffuse changes.

The liver has clear, well-defined borders ultrasonic scanning. The boundaries of the liver can be sharply and intensely differentiated in the presence of ascites (a complicated course of liver disease). Normally, multiple anechoic/hypoechoic tubular or round structures are observed in the liver parenchyma. They are hepatic veins.

Intrahepatic bile ducts and hepatic arteries are not normally visualized if their size does not exceed the maximum allowable values. The dimensions of the portal vein may vary depending on the respiratory cycle. When detecting foci of amplification or decrease in the echo signal from the liver tissue, outside the blood vessels or outside the bile ducts, they also speak of diffuse hepatic changes.

What is assessed by ultrasound

When conducting an ultrasound scan, to assess the presence of diffuse pathology of the liver and pancreas, the following are necessarily measured:

  1. Longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the liver.
  2. The level of echogenicity, the presence of hypo / hyperechoic inclusions.
  3. The degree of vascularization of the liver tissue.
  4. Anomalies not associated with the hepatic parenchyma (enlargement of local lymph nodes, gallbladder deformities, pathology of the pancreas, spleen, etc.).

Based on the total assessment of the above parameters, an assessment is made of the severity of diffuse changes.

Diseases expressed by diffuse changes

Diseases that affect the structure of the hepatic parenchyma are called diffuse liver diseases. They occur when hepatocytes are damaged and replaced by pathological tissues, which leads to a decrease in hepatic function. The ultrasonographic appearance of the liver may vary depending on the disease underlying the lesion.

Among other things, the ultrasound picture of the liver also changes as the disease progresses in combination with an increase in laboratory changes.

The most common types of diseases characterized by the presence of diffuse changes in the liver:

  1. Fatty hepatosis is the replacement of liver tissue with fat cells, which leads to an increase in its echogenicity, an increase in the size of the liver, and also to a change in the ultrasonic structure of the liver itself. Adipose tissue is poorly contoured by ultrasound. That is why the liver with fatty hepatosis looks hypoechoic (by the type of fatty hepatosis or by the type of fatty infiltration).
  2. Viral hepatitis - constant inflammation in hepatocytes leads to damage and swelling, which is also expressed by diffuse changes on ultrasound. The liver thickens, the degree of fibrosis of the parenchyma increases, which is manifested by an increase in the echo signal.
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver - the basis for the appearance of pathological changes during ultrasonography is the almost complete replacement of normal hepatic tissue with scar structures, which leads to its significant compaction and impaired hepatic function.
  4. Stones in the bile ducts and gallbladder, leading to) - cholestasis (stagnation of bile in the hepatic tract), leads to the expansion of the intrahepatic bile ducts, which is instrumentally manifested as diffuse changes.
  5. - constantly elevated level blood glucose leads to its deposition in the form of glycogen (with subsequent transition to fat reserves) in the liver cells. The liver enlarges and becomes chronically damaged.


To identify the exact cause of the development of diffuse changes in the liver, it is necessary to go through a whole complex diagnostic studies, including:

  1. Function study (liver tests, bilirubins, alkaline phosphatase, GGTP, coagulogram evaluation, plasma protein and albumin levels, protein fractionation).
  2. Assessment of metabolic status (blood glucose, lipid profile, thyroid hormone levels, insulin levels, serum iron, transferrin).
  3. Assessment of the condition of the intestines and stomach (if symptoms are present - FGDS, FCS, coprogram, feces for occult blood).
  4. Examination for the presence of viral hepatitis.

In addition to the above types of research, an MRI or MSCT may be additionally prescribed by a doctor. internal organs, which will allow a more detailed consideration of the type of diffuse pathology.


Therapy for diffuse liver changes should be comprehensive and directed at the cause. that led to their appearance. For all patients it is recommended:

  1. Diet therapy focused on.
  2. Frequent, small meals.
  3. Mineral water.
  4. Hepatoprotectors (ursosan, heptral, Essentiale, etc.).

Additionally, depending on the etiology, it is possible to use drugs that affect metabolism, vitamin therapy, antiviral treatment. All types of therapy should be prescribed only by the attending physician, individually for your type of pathology. Self-medication is not permissible and can lead to complications and progression of the underlying disease.

Diffuse liver changes are not a separate disease, but a uniform deviation from the normal structure. Changes in the tissue of the largest gland of the body are detected during, additional tests and examinations based on clinical development, as well as on complaints from a person who seeks medical help. Based on the results of diagnostic procedures, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

What are diffuse changes in the liver and what are they

The liver is the only organ that prevents toxic products from entering the bloodstream. It is necessary to find out what the liver parenchyma is, and how changes in its condition affect health.

The tissue that makes up the liver is called the parenchyma. The growth of parenchymal tissue or its decrease are observed in the course of diffuse focal changes. They are both small and large.

The structure of the parenchyma is the structure of the connective tissue that lines the liver. It consists of many cells on which the vessels and bile ducts are located.

  • Liver healthy people has a fine-grained structure, clear and even contours.
  • Incorrect metabolism leads to the detection of a medium-grained echostructure of the parenchyma on ultrasound.
  • A coarse-grained structure can be observed in diabetes mellitus, alcoholism.
  • Various diseases provoke the appearance, which leads to an increase in the density of the liver parenchyma.

Violations in the work of internal organs lead to reactive changes in the liver parenchyma in a child. Such changes in children are explained by the insufficiency of the digestive tract and its diseases. Common causes of the disease include the presence of helminths in the child's body.

What diseases can lead to changes in the parenchyma of the organ

Changes in the liver parenchyma are detected under the following conditions:

One of the most urgent problems of gastroenterology is the treatment of chronic diffuse liver diseases. Among them, minor, pronounced and moderate diffuse changes are distinguished. The normal state of the liver tissue during ultrasound is expressed in the presence of the same density throughout the organ. A uniform increase or decrease in density is an echo of diffuse changes.

A disorder of fat metabolism in the liver tissue (steatohepatosis or fatty infiltration) is associated with the gradual degeneration of liver cells into adipose tissue. Timely and treatment are able to fully restore the functions of the damaged organ.

Late treatment or ignoring the first manifestations of the disease is fraught with destruction of the liver. There is a risk of developing cirrhosis, leading to the death of the patient.

Additional symptoms of liver pathology

When examining internal organs using ultrasound, doctors often detect a violation in the form of diffuse liver compaction. Since the normal functioning of this internal organ is vital for a person, such a sign can be considered alarming. Changes in the tissues of the body are signs of diseases:

  1. . The changes are not very clear.
  2. Obesity and diabetes. The liver is markedly enlarged in size.
  3. Tumors. Changes are located in one of the lobes of the organ.
  4. . There is a degeneration of the tissues of the organ, the cells are restored themselves.
  5. Cirrhosis. The heterogeneous structure of the organ, there are multiple affected areas.

In addition to ultrasound signs, there are also subjective symptoms:

  • A pronounced feeling of heaviness in the region of the right hypochondrium.
  • , face, language.
  • Dark urine and light stool.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Constant fatigue, drowsiness, irritability.


Liver cells are not always able to cope with poisons that enter the body or form in it. In some cases, poisoned cells die, and connective (fibrous) tissue appears instead. It does not replace the functions of hepatocytes and has a different echogenicity. Sonographic signs of moderate diffuse changes are found only in the course. This diagnostic method allows you to establish, identify possible changes in its structure, examine tubercles, irregularities, swollen lymph nodes.

The presence of a heterogeneous echostructure of the liver indicates cirrhosis. The heterogeneity of the parenchyma also differs, in which the liver thickens, the connective tissue expands.

In addition to ultrasound, the condition of this organ can be checked by a blood test for biochemistry and general analysis urine. In samples, especially.

Treatment of diffuse liver changes

In its natural state, the liver is homogeneous. Blood vessels and bile ducts pass through its tissues. In those cases when the liver parenchyma is diffusely changed, which was found during ultrasound, there is a need for emergency treatment.

The impact on the liver of many adverse factors can lead to the appearance of echo signs of reactive changes in the parenchyma. Typically, the cause of such a diagnosis, in particular, reactive hepatitis, is not liver damage or malfunctions, but another problem. As a result of the disease, the biochemical content of the blood changes, so timely treatment in this situation is extremely necessary.

Treatment is carried out in two ways - conservative and surgical. High blood pressure in the portal vein, metastases, tumors require surgery to remove tumors. In other situations, treatment is carried out with medications.

Diet and support methods

Regardless of the cause, diet plays a significant role in diffuse liver changes. First of all, the doctor will prescribe according to Pevzner. Spicy, too salty, fried and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Fast food and alcohol are completely prohibited.

You need to add more protein foods, fiber, fruits and vegetables to the menu. It is useful to drink compotes, kissels, fruit drinks, herbal teas. Every day you need to eat sour-milk products of low fat content. Meals can be steamed, baked or boiled.


The drug therapy regimen is prescribed only by a doctor. For treatment apply:

In addition to conservative methods treatment possible use . Useful fees that can restore the affected tissues of organs.

feature folk treatment is a necessity long time use the same tool. Usually the course is 3-4 weeks.

Prepare decoctions from plants:

  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • succession;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • wheatgrass root.

A tablespoon of the collection or one of the herbs is infused in hot water for about 20 minutes and consumed 2-3 times during the day.

Effective combination of turmeric and garlic. This remedy gives an antibacterial effect. To prepare a medicinal drink, one chopped clove of garlic and 1 tsp. turmeric is mixed with boiling water (200 ml). Consume twice a day before meals.

Very useful for the liver. 2/3 cup oats are added to hot water and simmer on fire for half an hour. After turning off the fire, the mixture is insisted for several hours. Drink a decoction three times a day before meals.


In circumstances where the treatment of the affected liver is impossible, and a person's life is in danger, doctors resort to liver transplantation (transplantation). It is necessary for:

  • congenital anomalies of the organ;
  • the last stage of diffuse changes;
  • inoperable tumors (cancer and other focal formations);
  • acute .

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for diffuse changes in the tissue and structure of the liver is primarily due to the underlying disease.

Since the damaged hepatic parenchyma recovers relatively quickly, timely treatment returns the organ to its former appearance and normal functions.

If the tissues are changed according to the type of steatosis, then the prognosis is most often favorable. The same can be said about chronic hepatitis - it is transferred to a state of remission.

Unfavorable - five-year survival is approximately 50%. An advanced disease is life-threatening.

Preventive measures include general simple rules:

  • constant monitoring of body weight;
  • rejection of harmful addictions;
  • complete and healthy nutrition;
  • permanent strengthening of the immune system;
  • regular visits to specialists and preventive examinations.

Liver problems can be prevented by avoiding or severely limiting alcohol intake.


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Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma are a consequence of the development of pathological processes in the structure of the organ. The detection of this condition occurs during an ultrasound examination and this is a reason for a more thorough examination, since these changes can be due to both minor functional disorders and serious diseases.

Types of diffuse changes and their manifestations

The following types of violations are distinguished:

  1. Minor the change is observed at the initial stages of bacterial, viral inflammation or under the influence of external adverse factors.
  2. Moderate diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma appear with prolonged use of hepatotoxic drugs, alcohol abuse and fatty foods.
  3. Expressed- with hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumors, when, in addition to diffuse changes throughout the organ, local destruction and edema of the liver tissue are detected.


A diffuse change in the liver parenchyma is such a transformation of the liver tissue, in which not a separate part of the organ is affected, but the entire liver as a whole: hepatocytes increase in size, their density changes, and the uniformity of the structure is lost. Depending on the causative factor, either dystrophy processes predominate - infiltration of liver cells with fatty deposits - steatosis, or connective tissue forms in the form of scars and fibrous nodes at the site of dead hepatocytes.

Diseases in which the structure of the body changes:

Irrational nutrition. The abuse of products containing animal fats or hydrogenated oil (mayonnaise, chips, pastries, fast food, semi-finished products) leads to an increased load on the liver, which ceases to cope with the utilization of fats, and begins to deposit them in its parenchyma.

Chronic alcoholism. An intermediate product of ethanol metabolism, acetaldehyde, has a detrimental effect on liver cells. Hepatocytes begin to break down, their place is taken by fatty inclusions.

Inactivation occurs in the liver medicines, many of which (antibiotics, steroid hormones, cardiac glycosides, cytostatics) have a hepatotoxic effect. Destructive processes under the influence of drugs lead to damage to the liver tissues in the form of drug-induced hepatitis and a decrease in the functional activity of the liver.

Unfavorable environmental conditions. People living near large industrial plants, busy highways have an increased risk of liver damage. With prolonged intake of harmful substances into the body, metabolic processes in hepatocytes slow down, toxins accumulate, which causes the development of various diseases.

Psycho-emotional overload. During stress, the hormone adrenaline is released from the adrenal glands into the bloodstream. In high concentrations, it negatively affects the function of hepatocytes.

Symptoms of changes in the hepatic parenchyma

If changes in the liver proceed according to the type of fatty hepatosis, a compensatory increase in the organ develops - hepatomegaly.

IN childhood along with the causes that cause disorders in the structure of the liver in adults, a genetically determined pathology often comes first:

  • enzyme defects, protein metabolism disorders.
  • congenital fibrosis, multicystosis, cirrhosis of the liver.

Useful video

Why diffuse liver changes appear can be found in this video.

Ultrasound signs of liver pathology

Normally, the photo shows that the structure of the liver is homogeneous with fine granularity characteristic of the organ. Ultrasound, without being reflected from the surface, freely passes it, echogenicity of low intensity. The size and shape of the body are not changed.

Pathological processes in the liver are sclerotic, hypertrophic or dystrophic.

Sonographic signs of diffuse liver changes:

With fatty liver

  • echogenicity is significantly increased;
  • the shape of the organ is not changed, the contours are even, fuzzy;
  • sometimes there is an increase in size;
  • the structure of the parenchyma is unevenly heterogeneous;
  • depletion of the vascular pattern;
  • foci of reduced echogenicity are found.

With a combination of fatty infiltration with fibrotic changes (with hepatitis, cirrhosis), on ultrasound, an increase in the echogenicity of the surface layers of the parenchyma is combined with the extinction of the echo signal in the deep sections.

For chronic hepatitis

With cirrhosis of the liver

  • the shape of the organ may change, the contours become uneven, the surface is bumpy;
  • hepatomegaly;
  • the pattern of vessels is smoothed;
  • expansion of the portal and splenic veins;
  • echogenicity is significantly increased.

Diffuse focal changes in the liver are formed with an increase in the pathological process, in which zones of increased echogenicity (foci of fibrosis, sclerotic walls of blood vessels and bile ducts) alternate with areas of regeneration and islets of normal tissue, which have an average and reduced echogenicity.

Many pathological processes in the liver tissue long time are asymptomatic and are usually diagnosed only by ultrasound. Often patients are interested in what a diffuse change in the liver parenchyma is and what should be done next.

The liver refers to an organ that is capable of regeneration. Therefore, when diagnosing diffuse changes, together with drug treatment, a large role in recovery is given to the elimination of factors that negatively affect recovery processes (refusal of alcohol, fatty fried foods, smoking).

Moderate diffuse changes in the liver, as well as pronounced ones, are not considered by physicians as a separate disease. They only indicate that the parenchyma swells and increases in size.

The processes occurring with the tissues of the organ under consideration can be of a different nature. There are, in particular:

  • hypertrophic;
  • swelling;
  • dystrophic;
  • sclerotic.

They can also develop according to the type of hepatosis.

In order to start treatment, first of all, it is necessary to identify and diagnose the underlying disease that provoked the changes in question.

Common Causes

The pathology under consideration is often found in people:

  • alcohol abusers;
  • smokers;
  • not following the rules of a healthy diet.

It also contributes to the development of changes in the structure of the organ:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad ecological situation in the region of residence;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics and certain other drugs.

Damages the parenchyma to no lesser extent:

  • liver metabolic disorder;
  • infection with viruses;
  • autoimmune hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • spasmodic weight gain or loss.

Not only adults, but also children can face a similar problem. Most often, in the latter case, diffuse changes are the result of previous jaundice.

General symptoms

The problem is that the condition in question in the vast majority of cases proceeds without any symptoms.

Very rarely there are such signs:

  • minor pain in the right side of the body under the ribs;
  • heaviness is felt there;
  • the skin around the eyes and their mucous membranes turn yellow.

Sometimes the pain radiates to the right forearm.

The culprit of diffuse changes is often diabetes mellitus. The liver in this case increases in all lobes, and the echogram also reveals:

  • structural heterogeneity;
  • smoothness of blood vessels;
  • increased echogenicity of tissues with noticeable attenuation in the depths of the organ.

Diffuse changes affecting, in addition to the liver, also other organs

As you know, all organs involved in the digestive process are connected into a single system by ducts. And this, in turn, means that a functional disorder that has arisen in one of them will, as a result, affect the work of the other.

The condition of the pancreas often worsens due to:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • infections;
  • vascular diseases.

Often the organ also suffers from steatosis, when dead tissues are replaced by fatty ones. An undoubted provocateur is also pancreatitis, both acute and chronic. Considered destructive processes sometimes affect, in addition to the liver:

  • spleen;
  • kidneys.

Pronounced and moderate changes

Changes in any force are almost always preceded by the impact of negative external factors. The depth of the destructive lesion is determined by the level of swelling of the parenchyma.

There are several reasons that contribute to the launch of a dangerous process:

  • harmful (mostly fatty foods);
  • poisoning;
  • infection with different viruses.

If the disease is detected in time, then the treatment will reverse it. First of all, it is required to eliminate the effect of harmful factors. Serious violations of liver function require blood purification by special procedures. Removal of alcohol decay products and other hazardous substances from it will reduce the burden on the organ and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

With moderate changes, a course of multivitamin preparations will also be useful.


Most exact method diagnosis today is ultrasound. But this type of diagnosis in the vast majority of cases does not allow to identify the primary pathology, therefore, a number of laboratory tests are almost always required.

Analyzes are carried out:

  • blood for biochemistry and general;
  • urine.

In controversial situations, a biopsy is also prescribed. Helps to determine the cause also CT and MRI.

The following signs indicate the presence of diffuse changes:

  • high density of liver structures over its entire surface;
  • association of blood vessels.


The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on the installation of the exact cause that triggered the process of change. Almost any pathology of the internal organs results in minor or moderate diffuse disorders.

Diet number 5 helps to speed up the recovery process. The patient must also give up smoking and alcohol. If the problem is only in the wrong way of life, then this will be quite enough.

Hepatoprotectors based on plant materials are also prescribed. to the most effective folk remedies include:

  • plum juice;
  • chicory (root decoction);
  • pumpkin baked with honey;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • milk thistle.

All dishes should be consumed moderately warm. Fractional nutrition - the daily norm of products is divided into 5 or 6 parts. They cook food in a double boiler or oven without fat, spices and spices. Salts use minimal amount- no more than a teaspoon per day.

Excluded from the diet:

  • fatty poultry (duck, goose), meat (pork, lamb), fish;
  • eggs in any form;
  • all by-products;
  • saturated broths, including mushroom;
  • fresh bread and pastries;
  • kvass and okroshka;
  • milk and foods high in fat;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages (even boiled);
  • sweets with fat cream;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • garlic;
  • sorrel;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach;
  • radish.

At the same time, you are allowed to eat:

  • natural honey;
  • jam;
  • stale bread;
  • pies and buns cooked in the oven;
  • non-acid fruits and berries;
  • weak black tea and coffee (preferably with milk);
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • vegetable purees;
  • omelet from some proteins;
  • vegetable soups;
  • fat-free dairy products;
  • lean (without visible layers of fat) meat.

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