What can a urinalysis show in men? What does the general analysis of urine say?

Carpet 29.06.2019

The doctor directed every person at least once in their life to general analysis urine. Such a study is one of the most common, carried out in a laboratory and is necessary for a more accurate diagnosis. Its results help to identify the presence of early symptoms of any disease or indicate pre-existing problems in the work. internal organs: urinary system, kidney, etc.

Urine is a biological fluid that helps remove metabolic products from the body. There is a correlation between its composition and the composition of the blood, since the filtration of blood plasma also takes part in the formation of urine. Per unit of time, a certain amount of urine is excreted - this is called diuresis. It can be daytime, daily and nighttime.

In order for the urinalysis to give correct results, you need to carry out the necessary preparation and collect everything in the correct way. For collection, use only morning material, since it is his indicators that are considered the most objective. Indeed, due to the fact that during the whole night there is an accumulation in the bladder, a decrease in natural daily fluctuations, the analysis indicators will be optimal for research.

Rinse the genitals well, carry out all the necessary hygiene. If you do not do this, then the indicators of the general analysis of urine will be replete with the presence of red blood cells and white blood cells, which will incorrectly affect your diagnosis. It is advised to collect the material in a special production container, it is sterile, and it can be bought in pharmacies. The general analysis of urine assumes the presence of not only its average portion. To do this, release a small amount of urine (1-2 seconds), and only then, without interrupting urination, collect the entire portion in your container. The volume required for general analysis is a minimum of 70 ml. Avoid body contact with the collection container.

After you have collected the material and before making its research, it should not take more than one and a half to two hours. It is possible to store and transport urine only when the temperature is above zero, because salts precipitated can make it difficult to carry out the study and affect the results in a negative way.

Clinical analysis of urine: how to prepare for it

On the eve of the test, you should refrain from eating certain foods. It is also worth listening to the recommendations for medical indicators. It is forbidden to take:

  • alcohol;
  • diuretic drugs;
  • fruits and vegetables that can change the color of urine;
  • medications, because they can change biochemical parameters.

In addition, it is advised to limit physical and emotional stress. The period of menstruation for women is an undesirable time for the study. Patients undergoing cystoscopy (about a week) are also advised to refrain from passing a general urine test.

What does urine analysis show?

OAM combines decryption various properties material: its color, quantity, transparency, reaction (pH), specific gravity (relative density). Are taken into account and Chemical properties(we are talking about the presence of glucose, bile pigments, protein, ketone bodies), and microscopic examination of the sediment (that is, the amount of epithelial cells, leukocytes, erythrocytes, casts and hemoglobin in the urine).

Decoding the general analysis by the amount of urine

The daily urine output rate is approximately 70-80 percent of what a person drinks, that is, about 1.5-2 liters. If these rates increase, then you are consuming an increased amount of fluids and foods that increase urine output. This condition is called polyuria and is characterized by nervous excitement, resorption of edema, and other symptoms.

The opposite is oliguria. This means that the daily rate has decreased. In this case, the person experiences increased sweating, limited fluid intake. Among the diseases that are accompanied by this condition are: heart disease, kidney disease, liver failure, fever, etc.

If the decryption shows that the amount of daily urine is critically low (less than 200 ml), then the presence of acute renal failure, blockage with stones is diagnosed urinary tract or their spasms, severe nephritis and poisoning.

Urination may be infrequent (olakizuria) or frequent (pollakiuria). The state of enuresis, that is, incontinence, is characterized by severe febrile symptoms, inflammation of the urinary tract, seizures, and diseases of the central nervous system. If going to the toilet is accompanied by painful sensations, then the results of the general analysis will indicate various inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. If the nightly norm is exceeded over the daytime, cystitis, cystopyelitis and so on are diagnosed.

Urine analysis - decoding by color

The color of the urine is influenced by various foods, liquids or medicines used. But at the same time, these changes can show the presence of certain diseases in a person. The accepted norm is the color spectrum of yellow, from saturated shade to light straw. The material may be completely pale or transparent, which indicates its low density and that the discharge is frequent and abundant. Saturation, on the other hand, indicates high rates of density and concentration of urine. The shade is influenced by urochromes - dyes, the presence of which affects the intensity of the color.

Judging by the color of urine analysis, we can talk about the following diseases (the color itself is not of diagnostic value, it should be taken into account only in combination with other indicators):

  • dark brown (the color of dark beer or strong tea) indicates problems with the gallbladder or liver;
  • pink-red or just red signals gross hematuria (that is, the presence of blood in the urine). In such cases, urolithiasis, cancer are diagnosed. Bladder, pyelonephritis, etc.;
  • with the color of meat slops with a brown-gray turbidity, the causes may be kidney stones, tuberculosis or kidney infarction, the use of various medications;
  • the fact that the patient is taking a number of medications is shown by a general analysis with a reddish-brown color;
  • a dark yellow tint will be characterized by dehydration of the body (vomiting, diarrhea, decreased fluid intake, heart failure may become the background for this);
  • constantly pale or colorless urine analysis speaks of kidney pathology, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, drinking plenty of fluids;
  • the presence of diseases Makiafava Micelli, Melanoma, Alkaptonuria are characterized by black color;
  • the presence of pus in the urine is indicated by a grayish-white tint;
  • blue or green color general analysis of urine indicate the processes of putrefaction in the intestine.

For additional material containing a detailed interpretation of the general analysis of urine, see.

General urine analysis - decoding transparency

If the urine is cloudy, then it contains salts, red blood cells, fat, cellular elements, mucus, bacteria. The norm is a transparent material. Various methods are used to find out the reasons that caused the turbidity. For example, if the urine test is heated or alkali is added to it, then the turbidity caused by urates will disappear. The fallout of phosphates, as the cause of cloudiness, is determined by adding acetic acid, and oxalates using hydrochloric acid. The presence of fat helps to establish alcohol and ether. If pus is present in the urine, then none of the above methods will eliminate the turbidity, the only thing that can form is a thick vitreous mass when alkali is added.

Smell and foamy urine - decoding indicators

If you shake the analysis, then foam will appear on its surface. The fact that there is protein in the urine will be evidenced by abundant and persistent foaming. The presence of jaundice will stain it yellow... The norm is when the foam is transparent, not abundant and unstable.

Smells also characterize the presence various diseases... For example, cystitis is indicated by the fact that urine smells like ammonia, and ketonuria - if acetone.

Specific gravity of general urine analysis

The relative indicator will depend on the concentration of substances dissolved in the urine. Density can be determined by salts, organic matter, it is promoted by the cells of erythrocytes, bacteria and leukocytes, which are present in the urine with pathologies. This figure also rises if the body is dehydrated (with diarrhea, vomiting, low fluid intake). Among other reasons, the presence of infectious processes in the urinary tract and kidneys, diabetes mellitus, toxicosis in pregnant women is determined.

If, on the contrary, the density is lowered, then this indicates diseases of renal failure, diabetes insipidus, drinking plenty of fluids, and the use of diuretics.

Acidity of general analysis

Deciphering this particular indicator is very problematic, because it is the most variable of all the others. In one day, the acidity of urine can fluctuate very significantly. A pH range of 4 to 7 is considered normal.

If the figure, which shows the general analysis, is more than 7 (low acidity), then this may mean:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • prolonged vomiting;
  • the presence of certain types of infections of the genitourinary system;
  • a diet in which plant foods predominate;
  • the fact that the level of parathyroid hormones is increased;
  • the fact that the level of potassium in the blood is increased;
  • cancers of the bladder or kidney.

With increased acidity (indicator below 4), we can talk about the following reasons:

  • the acid-base balance of the blood is disturbed;
  • the body is dehydrated (but not due to vomiting);
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • a diet in which meat foods are abundant;
  • the presence of a high temperature;
  • starvation.

And in either case, various medications can still affect the indicators.

Deciphering by biochemical data

The presence of protein in urine does not always indicate kidney disease. Normally, its concentration should not be higher than 0.033 g / l. Often, a general urine test can give increased protein levels even in a healthy person, but after some intense physical activity, cold water procedures, with heavy sweating. Protein also indicates inflammation in the ureters, urethra and bladder. Hypertension, heat the body can also affect its performance.

A clinical analysis for the determination of protein is a very important and necessary diagnostic test for pregnant women to make sure that there are no exacerbations of chronic diseases or to prevent them with the help of appropriate monitoring and treatment.

If glucose is present, your doctor will refer you to other tests for additional testing. If sugar is also found in the blood, then this can mean either kidney disease, or diabetes.

The presence of ketone bodies (acetone, hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids) means that metabolic processes are disturbed in the body or pathologies of various systems exist.

Microscopic examination of urine - transcript

At this stage, the sediment of the analysis is studied: its cylinders, cells, salt crystals. Sediment can be organized and disorganized.

In the first case, a general urinalysis detects the presence of erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells of various types:

  • if the urethra is inflamed, this means that the epithelium is cylindrical;
  • if the bladder (in the case of cystitis, urethritis), then there is a transitional epithelium;
  • squamous epithelium provokes cystitis and nephropathy.

Increased red blood cell counts indicate kidney disease, problems with the bladder, bleeding in the urinary system. The presence of leukocytes indicates various inflammatory processes.

With an unorganized sediment, the decoding of the analysis shows the presence of uric acid, sulphate lime, oxalates and urates in acidic urine. Whereas in an environment of an alkaline and neutral nature, phosphates and triple phosphates, ammonium urate, etc. are found.

Normal tests mean that there is no salt in the urine. You should definitely consult a doctor, because, in addition to the presence of certain diseases, these indicators are strongly influenced by diet and fluid intake.

The presence of cylinders, fungi and bacteria in the analysis is also excluded. All this testifies to various diseases, infections, pathologies, immunodeficiency states. The presence of diastasis makes it possible to diagnose pancreatitis.

There are several types of urine tests. It is worth considering in more detail why a urine test is needed, and also what disorders in the body can be detected by conducting one or another urine test?

General urine analysis

This type of analysis is very often used to diagnose the human body. For the delivery of a general analysis, morning urine is used, since it contains the most complete information. It should be noted that before passing a general urine test, it is advisable not to use drugs, since some of their components may distort the results. Let's see what other urine test is. What is it for?

Urine analysis for trace elements

In recent years, urinalysis for trace elements has become very popular. Its results make it possible to assess the state of the body from different angles. The results of this analysis help to control the content of trace elements in the body, thereby allowing it to function properly.

Biochemical analysis of urine allows:

  • determine how well the liver and kidneys are working;
  • identify various inflammatory processes;
  • diagnose rheumatic processes;
  • identify the balance of trace elements;
  • determine violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Study of urine for trace elements

What do urine trace elements show? It helps to identify imbalances in trace minerals in the body. In addition, such an analysis is complementary to the spectral analysis of blood and hair, and is also of great importance in toxicology.

  • li premature babies;
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • li elderly people;
  • lichildren during the period of intensive growth and maturation;
  • li people who work in large industrial enterprises;
  • li persons experiencing stress;
  • li athletes;
  • li patients suffering from chronic diseases.

In order to correctly evaluate the test results, you need to know what urine tests mean, what are their main physicochemical characteristics:

Urine color

Normally, the color of urine has a straw yellow tint of varying intensity. In healthy people, the color of urine is determined by the presence of substances that are formed from blood pigments. Various changes in the color of urine are allowed, which are not caused by the presence of any disease.

If pathologies or inflammations are present in the human body, then the color of urine can be of the following shades:

  • the color of strong tea means various pathologies of the gallbladder and liver;
  • a reddish tint is observed with glomerulonephritis;
  • colorless or slightly yellow urine may be a symptom of advanced kidney disease;
  • cloudy urine indicates inflammation of the urinary tract.


Fresh urine should normally be clear. Due to mucus and epithelial cells, a small cloud of turbidity may appear in it. Severe clouding of urine is caused by the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes, bacteria, fat, epithelium, as well as a significant amount of various salts.

Specific gravity (density)

This indicator allows you to judge the ability of the kidneys to dilute and concentrate urine. The kidneys are characterized by wide fluctuations in specific gravity during the day. It can be related to water intake, food intake and loss of body fluids. V different conditions the kidneys can excrete urine with a density of 1001-1040.

An increase in this indicator may indicate a large loss of fluid, oliguria, low fluid intake, toxicosis of pregnant women, nephrotic syndrome, heart failure, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, liver diseases.

A decrease in the indicator can be in chronic renal failure, diabetes insipidus, acute damage to the renal tubules.


Finding out what the urinalysis shows, special attention should be paid to this particular indicator.

Normally, protein is not found in urine, but small traces of it are acceptable. The appearance of protein in the urine can be pathological (associated with various kinds of diseases) or physiological (with hypothermia, increased physical activity).

If a protein was found in the urine, then this can be caused by: acute and chronic pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, diseases with elevated temperature body, severe heart failure, hypertension, tumors of the urinary tract, various specific diseases.


Normally, there should be no sugar in the urine. The appearance of glucose can be caused by the intake of a sufficiently large amount of carbohydrates with food, severe injuries, burns, pregnancy, myocardial infarction, renal diabetes, acute pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus.


Erythrocytes in the urinary sediment can be either unchanged (containing hemoglobin) or altered (devoid of hemoglobin, leached). The appearance in the urine of the latter is extremely important for establishing the correct diagnosis of the disease.

The causes of the appearance of erythrocytes in the urine can be tumors of the genitourinary system, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, infectious diseases of the urinary tract, hemorrhagic diathesis, kidney injury, arterial hypertension, poisoning.


Understanding why urine analysis is necessary, it should be noted that it can be used to identify various inflammatory processes in the kidneys or urinary tract. This is evidenced by the increased content of leukocytes in the urine. An increase in the number of leukocytes (leukocyturia) often indicates various inflammatory processes in the kidneys or urinary tract. Timely detection of these diseases helps to prescribe the correct treatment and prevent the occurrence of all sorts of serious consequences.

The causes of leukocyturia can be urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, stones in the ureter, systemic lupus erythematosus.


It is secreted by the epithelium of the mucous membranes and may or may not be present in an insignificant amount in the urine. Both cases are considered the norm. However, the content of mucus in the urine can increase due to various kinds of inflammatory processes in the lower urinary tract.

Now you know what urine tests mean! Remember that if you find any irregularities in the work of the body, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A general urine test (OAM) is definitely the easiest and most painless way for a patient to get information about a person's health. Along with a clinical blood test, it is often prescribed for preventive purposes, but in some cases, urine analysis becomes an important diagnostic tool: for example, if necessary, monitor the development of kidney disease or control the course of diabetes mellitus.

Even with the development of technologies for laboratory diagnostics, OAM has not lost its significance - all because the normal parameters of urine are well known to any doctor. To familiarize yourself with them, as well as learn how to properly donate urine for analysis, is useful for each of us.

Indications for the appointment of a general urinalysis and its role in diagnosis

Urine is the final product of the excretory system of the human body. Urine consists of "excess" fluid, which our body got rid of in order to maintain the balance of water, salts and other chemical compounds... With some health problems, the composition of urine changes, and with infections of the genitourinary system, microorganisms are found in the fluid. All identified deviations from the norm are entered into the form with the results of OAM, which the patient receives after analysis.

In itself, a referral for a general urine test is not a cause for concern. It is useful for both children and adults to undergo this procedure at least once a year, just to make sure that there are no health problems. If the doctor suspects you have a malfunction of the kidneys or bladder, as well as some systemic diseases - diabetes, hepatitis, intoxication after taking medications or toxic substances, metabolic diseases - OAM will help to confirm or refute the hypothesis. And several urine tests, prescribed at short intervals in time, will show how effective the prescribed treatment is.

How to properly collect urine for a general analysis?

Most people have had to collect urine repeatedly for tests prescribed at the clinic. Meanwhile, even doctors do not always correctly outline the rules for preparing for this procedure. There is nothing complicated in them, but the accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the fulfillment of the conditions, because if impurities enter the sample, even the best laboratory will not be able to obtain an objective result.

  • The day before the analysis, you should not eat foods that can change the color of urine: carrots, beets, carbonated water containing dyes.
  • It is also worth refusing to take multivitamins, salty foods and food diuretics - beer and coffee. They affect the concentration of morning urine and its properties.
  • If you constantly take certain medications - notify your doctor about this, perhaps he will recommend to cancel them on the eve of a general urine test.
  • Reschedule the urinalysis to another date if you had a cystoscopy or urethroscopy (examination of the bladder or urethra with a special device) a few days before, or if OAM coincided with menstruation, this will distort the study results.
  • It is better not to visit the bathhouse or sauna on the eve of the analysis: during these health procedures, a lot of fluid is secreted through the skin, so the next day the urine becomes more concentrated than normal.

It is also important to consider the rules for collecting urine in the morning, on the day of your visit to the laboratory:

  • For the analysis, it is the morning urine that is needed: it is pointless to store the one that was collected the day before in the refrigerator, unless in the laboratory you were given a special preservative for this purpose.
  • It is important to use a disposable container for adults and a sterile urine bag for collecting urine from newborns, not plastic or glass jars for drugs or food. Do not wring out diapers or diapers to collect the baby's urine, as tissue fibers will get into it, which will also damage the analysis.
  • Before collecting urine - shower and rinse your genitals.

It's important to know!
There are two options for collecting urine for general analysis. According to one of them - the most common - the first portion of morning urine must be released into the toilet, after which, without delaying urination, substitute the container, fill it by 2/3 and remove the container. The second option implies that all morning urine is collected in clean dishes for analysis, after which the liquid must be mixed and 50-100 ml poured into a plastic container for the laboratory. This method allows you to get a more complete picture of the state of the genitourinary system, but it is laborious, so doctors almost always advise you to donate exactly the middle portion of urine.

Based on the results of the study, the laboratory gives you a form where your name, the date of the analysis, the signature of the physician who conducted the study, and the seal of the institution must be indicated. You provide this document to the attending physician, but it is better to make a photocopy of the form for yourself or keep an electronic version just in case.

General urine analysis: normal indicators and interpretation of results

OAM takes into account four groups of indicators: organoleptic (appearance), physicochemical parameters, content in the sample of various substances (biochemical characteristics) and microbes (microscopic indicators). All this should be reflected in the results of the analysis.

Organoleptic indicators

This group includes the color, odor, foaminess and clarity of urine. Normally, the sample has a light yellow color, almost no smell, when shaken, a light foam forms, which disappears in a few minutes. Healthy urine is clear.

The changed color of urine indirectly indicates the presence of pathologies. Thus, red urine may indicate bleeding, urine of the color of "meat slops" - of glomerulonephritis, urine of beer color - of jaundice, and black urine - of metabolic diseases. If the urine smells sharply with acetone - this is a sign of advanced diabetes mellitus, a musty smell in newborns is observed with phenylketonuria, and a pungent smell of ammonia - with cystitis. Cloudy urine indicates an infection of the excretory system, and the sample is foaming due to a high protein concentration.

physical and chemical indicators

Additionally, the laboratory evaluates the relative density and acidity (pH level) of urine.

The density of urine is an extremely important parameter in the diagnosis of renal failure. The fact is that due to the disruption of the kidneys with fluid, salts and other chemicals cease to be excreted from the body, so the density decreases. If, for some reason, urine contains protein or sugar, its density, on the contrary, increases. The normal density for people of all ages is 1010–1024 g / l.

It's important to know!
The morning urine portion is normally the densest because it concentrates during the night. Evening urine should be thinner. If the density parameters in your general urine analysis differ from the norm, the doctor will additionally prescribe a daily urine analysis, which will allow you to compare the density in different portions.

The acidity of urine changes with the pathology of the renal tubules, with the inflammatory process of the excretory system and with some peculiarities of the diet (meat food makes urine more acidic, and vegetable food - alkaline). Normal pH in OAM is 5.0–7.0 in newborns and 5.0–8.0 in children and adults.

Biochemical characteristics

Normally, urine does not contain glucose, bilirubin, hemoglobin and nitrates, and protein, urobilinogen and ketone bodies are determined only in trace amounts.

Glucose in urine is observed in people with diabetes mellitus, as well as in acute pancreatitis, heart attack and eating a large amount of carbohydrates shortly before analysis. Hemoglobin (or a similar protein, myoglobin) may appear in the sample due to intoxication, after blood transfusion, or as a result of muscle damage during extremely intense physical exertion. Nitrates are often found in OAM in the elderly with infections of the excretory system.

Urobilinogen in urine, as a rule, signals serious liver problems, and ketone bodies are a sign of advanced diabetes mellitus: sometimes it is their presence in the urine that gives rise to a diagnosis.

Protein in urine in adults and children is a cause for concern. This situation happens when the kidney membrane is damaged, which normally should not allow large molecules to pass through. This is typical for diseases such as glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, multiple myeloma, chronic renal failure, etc. Also, the protein in the urine can increase for a short time due to the breakdown of tissues in the body - with extensive injuries, burns and myocardial infarction.

It is interesting!
In rare cases, the protein in the urine is due to physiological proteinuria. It is most commonly diagnosed in soldiers (marching proteinuria), adolescents (orthostatic proteinuria), and survivors. severe stress or hypothermia. If on the eve of taking the OAM you spent the whole day on your feet, it is better to postpone the analysis to another date.

Microscopic indicators

At the end of the analysis, the urine is examined under a microscope. Shaped elements can be found in it - erythrocytes and leukocytes, as well as epithelial cells from the urinary tract, sediment and cylinders - altered cells that appear in certain pathological conditions.

Erythrocytes in the general analysis of urine indicate urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis, tumors of the excretory system, hypertension, poisoning and other dangerous health disorders. A high white blood cell count implies an inflammatory response. Squamous epithelial cells (up to 5 in the field of view) are normal, but a significant amount of transitional or renal epithelium indicates a malfunction in the kidneys or bladder.

The cylinders - casts of the renal tubules - contain various substances, and according to their composition, the doctor will determine what caused the appearance of such abnormal inclusions. As a rule, cylinders appear in the general analysis of urine for kidney disease, increased blood pressure, fever and amyloidosis. Salt crystals in the urine indicate kidney stones, kidney stones, or gout. There should be no bacteria and yeast in the OAM. Their identification is a reason for consulting with a therapist or nephrologist.

It is easy to see that the general analysis of urine allows you to draw conclusions not only about the state of the kidneys, bladder and other organs of the excretory system, but also provides valuable information about other possible deviations in the work of the body. Therefore, pay attention to the results of such a study - even without any symptoms of the disease, it will allow you to start treatment of latent pathology on time.

Where can i donate urine for general analysis?

A general urine test is performed in most public therapeutic medical institutions and in private laboratories. Analyzes in the clinic are taken in the direction of a doctor - he will write it out if you are sick or if you are undergoing examination as part of a medical examination. But if you are unable to adjust your schedule to the working hours of the hospital laboratory, try to take OAM at a private organization at least once a year - during a professional examination or on your own initiative.

For example, one of the most famous and reliable laboratories in Russia and the CIS countries is. Here they treat the lifestyle of business people with understanding, therefore, special conditions have been created for those patients who are unable to bring tests for research in the morning. By contacting the network of independent laboratories "INVITRO", you can count on the high quality of the reagents used and the reliability of the results. For regular customers the company has a system of discounts.

General (clinical) urinalysis refers to mandatory laboratory tests for all patients requiring a diagnostic examination.
The study of the micronutrient composition of urine is effective tool to detect intoxication of the body or metabolic disorders.
An increase in the level of leukocytes in the urine is a sign of an inflammatory process.
Urine analysis, including the assessment of physicochemical characteristics and microscopy of sediment, is one of the most effective methods diagnostics of abnormalities in the work of the kidneys.

A person in his entire life has to take some tests more than once. So, the most popular type of research is the study of urine. This is what will be discussed in this article. You will learn what a urine test can show and how to decipher the results obtained. It is also worth mentioning those pathologies that are most often detected by this examination.

Analysis of urine

For starters, it should be said that there are several ways to research this material. The most common is general. If the result obtained does not satisfy the doctor, then additional studies can be prescribed: bacteriological examination, daily examination, Zimnitsky test and others.

Urine test results: decoding

How to recognize the obtained data after research? Of course, it is worth considering the norms of the laboratory. It doesn't matter what kind of research was done. Normal values ​​should always be quoted. It is worth noting that different laboratories have different standards. If your results are within the suggested range, then the health of the body is normal. In the event that received bad analysis urine (result), then it is necessary to conduct additional research on this material.

Consider what should be the results of urine analysis (decoding) in a normal state.

Urine volume

This indicator should be in the range from 500 to 2000 milliliters. It should be noted that the study of the daily volume is rarely carried out. There are direct indications for this (most often kidney disease).

For a standard analysis, it is necessary to pass from 100 to 200 milliliters. This is considered the normal amount of material.

Material color

First, transparency is defined. In the event that the material is cloudy or has impurities in the form of flakes, you will most likely have a poor urinalysis.

The color is also determined. It should normally be light yellow or amber.


This indicator should be unremarkable. Most often, urine has an aromatic, mild odor. In this case, the word "norm" is indicated in the form. Various unpleasant impurities indicate the presence of pathology.

Urine pH

The urinalysis table indicates that this indicator should be in the range from 5 to 8. A decrease or increase in acidity may indicate a pathology of the urinary tract.

Detailed data

Also during the study, additional data are revealed. The results in this case are as follows:

  • leukocytes are in the range from 1 to 4 units;
  • erythrocytes are determined by no more than two;
  • cylinders may not be detected at all or be in a minimum number;
  • protein, bacteria and impurities are absent.

Detailed analysis is carried out using a microscope. The lab technician takes one milliliter of urine and examines it.

What can a urine test show (pathology)?

After getting the result, there are two options. The indicators may be completely normal. In this case, the person is considered healthy. Deviations from the norm can also be detected, which indicate various pathologies. So what can a urine test show? Most often, deviations from normal indicators indicate kidney and urinary tract diseases.


A large number of leukocytes and erythrocytes testifies to infection. Also in this case, nitrites and cylinders are found, which in a normal state should not be at all.

A decrease in the level of urine excreted per day may indicate an infection. In this case, most often we are talking about dehydration of the body, which occurred due to a certain ailment. Such pathologies include influenza, a viral disease accompanied by fever, alcohol abuse and other diseases.

What can a urinalysis show if there is an unusual color or cloudiness of the material? Most often, this phenomenon indicates inflammation of the bladder or urinary tract. Also, the material can acquire a cloudy shade if it is kept in a container for a long time.

The bright red color of the material indicates bleeding from the urinary tract. In this case, cystitis is most often diagnosed. A bluish tint indicates joining bacterial infection... However, such an indicator can be identified in the case of the use of some medicines... That is why it is worth giving up medications two days before the test.

What can a urine test show in case of an unpleasant odor? Most often, this phenomenon indicates a urinary tract infection. Also, a foreign smell may appear in the case of long-term storage of the material.

Kidney disease

This pathology is evidenced by the presence.Also, with various pathologies of the kidneys, the number of leukocytes increases, many cylinders and erythrocytes are found.

A dark red or burgundy hue of urine can be observed with inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis). Sometimes a certain food gives such a shade: beets or carrots.

A bacterial study can also tell about kidney disease, as a result of which a large growth of microorganisms is detected.


When found in the test material, as well as nitrites and glucose, diabetes mellitus is suspected. However, this diagnosis cannot be made only on the basis of the results of one urine test.

Suspicion of such a disease also arises when an excess of daily urine is detected. In this case, the kidneys do a lot of work, distilling huge volumes of material every day.


So, now you know what is the decoding for urine analysis in adults. It should be noted that the results of the study of the child's material may differ significantly. What is normal for a baby can be a pathology for an adult.

If you get a bad test result, do not panic and immediately begin serious treatment. You may need to retake the test. Often there are cases when the result is influenced by a person's diet and lifestyle. Also, improper collection of material can give false information about the state of health.


Take a urine test as recommended by your doctor. This study is very simple and quick, but it can tell about many deviations in the body. If necessary, you will be assigned additional, more detailed studies. Keep your health under control and don't get sick!

Urine is a biological fluid, which is a saturated solution that forms in the kidneys. With urine, end products of metabolism, salts, excess water, some hormones, enzymes, vitamins are excreted from the body. Clinical analysis is prescribed for primary diagnosis when examining a patient with any diagnosis, with diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), with infectious diseases, metabolic disorders. It is performed on suspicion of diabetes mellitus to monitor the ongoing treatment. Healthy people it is recommended to do this analysis once or twice a year.

Since some foods (eg carrots, beets) can stain the urine, they should not be eaten within 24 hours prior to sampling.

Morning urine is used for analysis. You need to stop taking diuretics (diuretics) that change the amount, specific gravity and the pH of the excreted urine. The menstrual period is a relative limitation. Before collecting the material, it is necessary to perform a hygienic toilet of the external genital organs. The first portion of urine must not get into the material container. A small amount of it should be released into the toilet, after which, without interrupting urination, it is necessary to collect the material.

The desired volume of urine for analysis is 100-150 ml. The dishes for collecting the material must be dry and clean, if it is not washed well, the urine becomes cloudy and acquires alkaline reaction... You need to wash the jar well, and then boil or hold it over steam for 15 minutes. You can purchase a special container for collecting urine for this purpose at the pharmacy. The collected material must be delivered to the laboratory within one to two hours and stored in a cool place.

The norm of indicators of clinical analysis of urine

Erythrocytes may be present in urine - 0-1 (in the field of view) for

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