Why does a sealed tooth turn black? What is important to know if caries has destroyed deep-lying internal tooth tissues .... Prevention of darkening of teeth

Engineering systems 16.08.2020
Engineering systems

Please do not criticize strongly, the first post. I express my personal opinion based on personal experience and university education

The following message sent me to this post:

“I didn’t understand 1 moment ... and still don’t understand ...
why, if there is not a big caries (according to the doctor), they clean it and put a filling? in fact, caries develops inside the tooth ... after a while, the filling falls out, and the tooth has already rotted !!! and just broke up ... Why do this? can't it be some other way?
I don't trust doctors anymore...
actually my story was...
PS: Don't blame me... my parents are also doctors, though not dentists...
I didn’t eat seeds and other rubbish and don’t eat it! ”

Often, patients come with questions: Why did everything turn black around my filling? (the border of the filling appeared) Or did the tooth begin to hurt under the filling?

1. The filling is to blame. Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly. There are such cases. I mean chemical curing fillings, outwardly yellow or grayish-yellow over time (the picture above characterizes what I'm talking about very well). Why does such an absurdity happen? Previously (10-12 years ago) there was not much choice, therefore, along with other “then” filling materials, chemically cured fillings had a number of advantages, the main one was “aesthetics” and its long stay in the carious cavity, simply in comparison with gray cements , they did not fall out, and in general they were the salvation of both patients and dentists. This "know-how" is still put in state institutions and some private clinics. So, the main problem of this filling is that it has a high percentage of “polymerization shrinkage”, that is, it simply “SUB-SETS”, that is, it becomes lower than the walls of the tooth, roughly “gaps” form between the walls and the filling, we are doctors We call this "violation of the marginal fit of the seal." It is there that microorganisms enter and cause carious processes. THEREFORE, MY ADVICE: IT IS MANDATORY TO CHANGE SUCH SEALS!!!

ANSWER No. 2 if, after all, the tooth is not changed outwardly (only a dentist can say this), but changing the fillings, the doctor says: Wow, what do we have here under the filling !!! This indicates a possible ingress of microorganisms before the filling is placed, i.e. perhaps saliva got into the carious cavity, or the method of filling the tooth was not fully observed. It is also possible that the pathological tissues were not completely removed.

ANSWER No. 3 Did the tooth start to hurt immediately after filling? This is possible in some cases. Here it is necessary to distinguish the intensity of pain. If some discomfort is felt, then we can talk about the so-called postoperative condition. This concept exists among dentists, i.e. when we prepare a tooth, we affect the dentinal tubules, in which there are pain receptors. With some of their injury, such discomfort is possible during the day, but it should not puzzle you or force you to drink pills! If, nevertheless, you feel pain directly (I am now writing about the treatment of caries), it has an aching tint and the ability to occur spontaneously - that means we are talking already about inflammation of the neurovascular bundle! This situation is possible if the doctor diagnosed "deep caries". And “deep caries” is, roughly speaking, often, but not always, undiagnosed pulpitis. With deep caries, the nerve is very close to the carious cavity, and the doctor and the patient have a joint question “try to save or immediately remove the nerve?” What is bad this or that situation, I will tell later. But if the doctor and YOU decided that it was worth trying to save and after that you felt such pain at home, then alas, most likely it was not possible to save ...

Option number 4 was suggested by a colleague AND my friend Zhanna. After reading the article. If it so happened that you decided to treat your teeth during pregnancy and breastfeeding, do not forget that in this moment tooth tissues are minimally saturated with calcium and other microelements, therefore the structure of the enamel is somewhat changed, + the protective functions of the body are extremely reduced and the risk of secondary caries after such treatment increases. Therefore, a follow-up examination after treatment at such a magical time is necessary after 3-6 months, I will add on my own that the control of any lomb and its polishing to prevent violation of the marginal fit and after the usual treatment is necessary at best once every half a year, at worst once a year during a scheduled visit to the dentist.

SO, how to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as "Secondary caries?"

DO NOT SAVE ON THE SEAL!!! Put on light-cured fillings! They do not have such shrinkage and are less noticeable externally. Also, if the doctor has restoration skills, you are unlikely to be able to see this very filling.

TIP 2 TRUST, BUT VERIFY. Ask your doctor to show you a carious cavity before filling: it must be clean! No stains or blemishes!!! That is, the fabrics should be clean yellowish white! Then you will be sure that "there" everything is clean!
that's about it! only here the enamel, the dentin is more yellowish.

TIP # 3 Carefully weigh the pros and cons when it comes to deep caries: trying to save a nerve does not always mean “saving it”, but thoughtlessly removing it right away is stupid.

And finally, don't worry! All questions in the comments!

Sincerely, your dentist)

Tooth filling is the most common therapeutic dental procedure. Filling helps to restore a partially lost area of ​​hard tooth tissue in case of various destructions. After installing the seal, the patient expects to get rid of problems. But under the influence of some factors, the tooth under the filling can turn black and cause a lot of inconvenience to the owner. To eliminate the defect, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Blackened tooth under a filling - secondary caries

Blackening of the tooth under the filling: causes and treatment. Causes of filling darkening

If you delay contacting a doctor, the situation will be aggravated by the appearance of pain syndrome. And sometimes darkening indicates the destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth. Often the attending physician, not the patient, is to blame for the appearance of darkening. Since before installing the seal, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning of the carious cavity from dead tissue. A carious cavity or a tooth destroyed in a non-carious way is cleaned with professional equipment. The channels are washed and thoroughly dried for better adhesion of the material.

Before installing a filling, a specialist must check the canals and dentin for the absence of cariogenic microorganisms; for this, a specialized liquid dye is used in dentistry. This procedure allows you to see even the smallest traces of pathogenic microorganisms and re-sweep.

Caries marker shows whether the tooth cavity is well cleaned

If the specialist missed this stage, then the cariogenic microorganisms under the filling will multiply and lead to the appearance of secondary caries.

Secondary caries - the main cause of darkening

Secondary caries develops under a properly installed filling. The reason for the formation of repeated caries is the shrinkage of the filling material. The size of the filling during polymerization decreases, microcavities are formed between the tissues of the tooth and the filling material. In such cavities, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply, the tooth darkens.

Shrinkage of the material during hardening occurs due to the use of low-quality materials. But even the most expensive polymeric materials shrink when installed incorrectly. If the dentist is unqualified and made mistakes, then this is the main reason why the tooth darkened.

Secondary caries on the front tooth

The most common specialist mistakes:

  • Insufficient drying of the tooth cavity before installing the material.
  • Bookmarking and polymerization of the material in a single thick layer, instead of gradual laying in small portions.
  • Insufficient cleaning of dead dentin.

Symptoms of secondary caries

The development of secondary caries in the crown of the tooth is diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • The presence of sensitivity to temperature changes in the sealed tooth. This symptom indicates a loose fit of the material to the tooth and the presence of access to the pulp.
  • Irritants enter the holes and the tooth can hurt.
  • Darkening of hard tissues of the tooth. If the tooth turned black under the filling, then such a change in the shade of the tooth indicates the presence of a cavity with pigmented dentin.
  • Such a darkening should alert and cause a visit to a specialist.
  • material mobility. If the filling material is easily moved by the tongue, then the dentin under it is destroyed. There is caries, a filling needs to be replaced.
  • The presence of bad breath. If the patient pays due attention to oral hygiene and monitors the condition of the teeth, but the putrid smell does not disappear, this is an occasion to be checked. Bacteria accumulate in the spaces between the defective filling and the tooth, and their waste products provoke the formation of a putrefactive odor.

The presence of darkening of the enamel and pain in the filled crown is the reason for a visit to the dentist. This situation requires re-treatment of the tooth and the installation of a new filling.

X-ray diagnosis of secondary caries

Treatment of secondary caries

Treatment of secondary caries and elimination of tooth darkening occurs according to the standard scheme:

  • Removal of defective filling material.
  • Cleaning the carious cavity from the altered dentin.
  • Treatment of the cavity after mechanical cleaning with an antiseptic solution.
  • Installation of a new filling material and its polymerization.

Treatment of secondary caries begins with the removal of the old filling.

If not all parts of the previously damaged filling are removed, then caries will develop again.

If it is impossible to completely remove the previous filling due to severe destruction of the dental crown, then the specialist decides to install an artificial crown.

Other causes of darkening of crowns under fillings

Darkening of the teeth is a common clinical case in dentistry. Often the problem is associated with the use of low-quality filling materials or when they are installed incorrectly. But there are reasons for discoloration of teeth.

External factors

Smoking causes damage to the human body, provokes the development of many dangerous diseases, and affects the color of tooth enamel. Drinking large amounts of coffee and black tea, and other coloring drinks provokes an aggravation of the situation.

Sometimes the cause of a blackened tooth under a filling is a disease - fluorosis. Fluorosis occurs with prolonged use of foods and water with elevated levels of fluoride. Dark areas form on the enamel, it gradually collapses.

Smoking stains fillings

Pathological processes in the oral cavity

Among the factors affecting the darkening of the hard tissues of the crown under the filling, pathological conditions of the oral cavity are distinguished:

  • The presence of a fungal infection. Candidiasis of the oral cavity is a dangerous fungal disease that provokes discoloration of dental crowns and the development of pathogens.
  • Rupture of the nerve bundle due to trauma to the dental crown. When the vascular bundle breaks, it fills the delicate tissues of the dentin with blood, which stains the tooth from the inside.

Death of tooth tissues under the filling due to improper treatment

Causes of filling darkening

In dental practice, there are cases when the filling has darkened, but the natural shade of the tooth has not changed. If darkening is detected, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist.

Coloring a filling in a coffee lover

Doctors identify the most common causes of discoloration of the filling:

  1. Lack of proper oral hygiene. Despite the inertness of the filling materials to external aggressive influences, pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate in its porous structure. If oral hygiene is not done in time, then there is a high risk of darkening not only of the filling material, but also of the hard tissues of the tooth under the filling.
  2. Some filling materials change color when colored foods and liquids are ingested. Therefore, after installing seals on the visible parts of the dentition, it is better to stop using them excessively. If you can not limit the intake of drinks, then you must use a straw when drinking.
  3. Whitening procedure after filling. Filling materials are selected taking into account the natural color of the tooth at the time of installation, and subsequent teeth whitening changes their tone. They look somewhat darker after bleaching, and most prefer to replace the material.

Discoloration of the surface of the teeth in adults and children is not uncommon. This is a long process that can take place over several years. If you do not do professional cleaning of the oral cavity, do not take preventive measures and neglect treatment, then dark spots will appear much faster.

Darkening of the enamel on the outside

The appearance of dark spots on the surface of the teeth is a signal of insufficient cleanliness of the oral cavity (we recommend reading: good remedies for stains on the teeth). Plaque, which is deposited on the surface of the enamel, tends to darken. Coloring drinks such as tea or coffee, bad habits cause deposits to stain, and malnutrition, hormonal disruptions and diseases internal organs can cause an accelerated accumulation of plaque, which together leads to a change in the color of the enamel.

Both adults and children know that teeth should be brushed twice a day, but both of them neglect this. simple rule, which should not be allowed, as this leads to the rapid formation of plaque on the surface of the enamel, especially at the base of the teeth. It may take less than 16 hours before the mineralization process begins, when the plaque hardens and cannot be brushed off.

Initially, the deposits are light, soft and easily removed with a toothbrush. Then their layer thickens, acquires a gray tint, and a hard mineralized plaque forms. Bacteria continue to develop under the deposits, damaging hard tissues and causing caries, causing irreparable harm to health not only to the crown, but also to the root.

smoker's teeth

Yellow, brown or black teeth are a characteristic sign of a smoker. Tobacco is the cause of tooth staining. There is no difference whether a person smokes cigars, cigarettes, cigarettes, it's all about the substances that are contained in the inhaled and exhaled smoke: tar, soot and tar. In contact with the enamel, these components create a rather aggressive sticky film, plaque and bacteria quickly accumulate on its surface. If hygiene is neglected at the same time, the enamel will soon lose its strength and natural color.

Products with dyes

The color of the crown also changes from the frequent consumption of coloring foods. A harmless daily cup of natural coffee or a mug of strong tea can cause enamel discoloration. The dark coating that remains on your favorite cup just as quickly settles on your teeth. With insufficient oral hygiene, the situation is aggravated, and deposits accumulate layer by layer, hiding the natural white color of the enamel.

Coloring products also include:

The teeth of people working in metalworking or metallurgical enterprises and living in industrially polluted areas are also subject to darkening. Metal particles floating in the air, like cigarette tar, stick to the surface of the enamel, turning it black.

If the tooth is blackened from the inside

Teeth do not always blacken from external factors, the reason from which they have darkened may lie deep inside.

The most common darkening causes such problems:

  • past trauma to the tooth;
  • pulp death;
  • carious lesions;
  • poorly placed seal;
  • the ingress of particles of tin or silver;
  • installation of metal pins;
  • some diseases of the internal organs;
  • taking certain medications;
  • pathogenic microorganisms and fungus.

Development of caries

Carious lesions can form not only on the tooth surface, but also on the inside, under the filling. In this case, complete staining of the tissues from the inside occurs, and the outside of the tooth will look black with a slight blue.

Caries formed under the filling can long time remain invisible. If the nerve endings in the tooth are healthy, then the destructive process will be accompanied by pain, which will force the patient to visit the dental office. If the nerve has been removed, the unit can collapse under the filling completely painlessly.

Secondary caries can develop even after qualified treatment. There is such a problem as shrinkage of the seal. The material after polymerization decreases in size, forming microscopic cracks. Particles of food remain in them, and active reproduction of harmful microflora begins, this leads to the gradual destruction of the unit. The patient notes that the tooth is blackened.

Death of an injured tooth

A bruised tooth is one of the most common causes of discoloration of its tissues. It does not affect the bone or jaw structure. Upon impact, periodontal tissues can be severely damaged, causing ruptures and hemorrhages. A severe bruise is accompanied by staining of the walls of the tooth on the outer and back sides, vessels and nerve endings are torn in the injured part, staining the tooth from the inside in pink or black.

Influence on tooth tissues of drugs

Some medications can change the natural color of the tooth crown to gray or brown inside. External staining of the enamel occurs due to the intake and chewing of preparations containing iron. Such drugs are often prescribed for anemia.

It happens that the milk or permanent tooth blackens even in the process of formation of the rudiment. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group are often prescribed by doctors. Why? Because they have a wide spectrum of activity and a small amount side effects. One of side effects drug is the darkening of the enamel.

If the enamel has turned black for this reason, then it is impossible to whiten the tooth. This is usually associated with the mother taking an antibacterial drug during pregnancy or while breastfeeding a child. The teeth may become completely gray or have black stripes, spots and blotches.

Colored bone tissue often does not affect the health of the tooth, but needs additional strengthening with fluoride varnish to avoid excessive loss of trace elements. It is impossible to whiten such blackening; to make a smile whiter, dentists recommend other treatment methods, such as the installation of veneers.

Separately, the destructive effect of narcotic substances should be highlighted. They can cause blackening of the teeth, followed by their complete loss.

Non-dental diseases

When a front or molar tooth changes color inside and even turns black, this may indicate health problems.

Diseases of the internal organs of a person disrupt the metabolic processes in the body, which often leads to blackening of the teeth. These include:

  • kidney disease;
  • gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system;
  • viral infections;
  • liver damage;
  • anemia of various origins;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • spleen disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • HIV, AIDS, etc.

If the darkening of the teeth occurred suddenly in a child, this may indicate the presence of dysbacteriosis. This condition in babies under the age of three, goes away on its own or when milk teeth fall out.

genetic predisposition

Genetics is responsible for the natural whiteness of a human smile. People of different races differ not only in skin color, but also in the shade of tooth enamel. Some get a snow-white smile from their parents, while others are less lucky, and along with a set of chromosomes, they get unsightly yellow teeth.

In such cases, only very dark shades of enamel serve as an indication for whitening the surface of the tooth, which interfere with the normal life of a person and his position in society. In other cases, treatment is contraindicated, as it can lead to tissue depletion. Perhaps it is not in vain that there is an opinion that yellow teeth are more durable than snow-white ones.

Unbalanced diet and deficiency of certain substances

People who prefer quick snacks full reception food, are more prone to blackening of the teeth. The lack of useful microelements and the excess of carbohydrates in sandwiches and sweets affect the health of dental units, and preservatives and dyes contribute to the formation of plaque, which blackens over time.

Fluorosis is a dental disease that causes spots on the surface of units. A disease occurs due to the ingestion of a large amount of fluorine from the human body. environment. This can happen from poor-quality drinking water or polluted air. Also, the disease can occur with excessive enthusiasm for therapeutic toothpastes with fluoride, which is certainly good for teeth, but in reasonable quantities.

The deposition of bacterial plaque and a change in its color on the outside is an indication for dental cleaning and teeth whitening. Among the methods of treatment, the most popular are ultrasonic treatment, professional cleaning pastes, an abrasive solution using an irrigator or a laser.

If the wisdom tooth has darkened, it is not worth whitening it. Such a cosmetic problem does not pose a threat to a radiant smile, but if it hurts, you should think about removing it.

Tooth blackening due to a filling

Darkening of the enamel and discoloration of the tooth after filling can occur for several reasons. The most common of these are:

  • darkening of the filling from the ingress of dyes with food, especially for the front incisors;
  • staining of a sealed tooth with tobacco smoke;
  • the tooth darkened under the filling after poor-quality treatment inside;
  • installation of metal amalgams having a dark color.

Almost any process of enamel darkening can be stopped, prevented or cured. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat more useful products, keep your mouth clean and be sure to visit the dentist - and a dazzling smile is guaranteed to you.

White, healthy teeth are more than the Hollywood beauty standard. This is an indicator of the health of the oral cavity of a person and his body as a whole. That is why teeth whitening services are gaining more and more popularity. The fact that the color of the teeth is influenced by the foods we eat (coffee and tea darken, apples and carrots whiten) seems obvious.

However, it often happens that among the white row of teeth on the gum, one suddenly begins to darken sharply. This is not only unaesthetic, but is also considered a sign of the unhealthy of this very tooth and, of course, a reason for an immediate visit to the dentist.

If a baby tooth has turned black in a child, this is not a cause for concern. Most often, the tooth is already loose, which means that its natural necrosis has already occurred, and it is ready to fall out, giving way to a new, molar tooth. If the tooth does not fall out on its own and causes pain and inconvenience to the child, you should take the child to the dentist to help with the removal.

Of course, the front and back teeth sometimes darken due to smoking, or when coloring pigments penetrate the enamel. For example, there is no point in worrying if the tooth has darkened after eating blueberries. But if the color of the tooth is radically different from the rest, this is most often a signal of problems inside the tooth. A tooth can darken after an impact, or after a nerve is removed.
It is worth remembering that not only enamel is responsible for the color of the tooth, but also dentin - the next layer under it. If the color of the dentin has changed, then the blackness or blueness of the tooth will still show through the enamel. By themselves, teeth turn black for the following reasons:

  • advanced caries (including secondary);
  • staining of the pulp with materials used for filling;
  • translucence of pins under the seal;
  • pulp necrosis;
  • wrong treatment.

It is important to know whether any intervention caused the darkening of the tooth or whether it happened on its own. For example, if this was preceded by trauma, removal of a nerve or filling, this may be the reason. If a tooth without a nerve has darkened after the canals were filled, this may indicate that the removal of the nerve did not go well. If at the same time the tooth still hurts, contact your dentist immediately, and in no case go to the clinic where you underwent the wrong endodontic intervention.

When there is no more nerve in the tooth, it is considered dead. Its pulp is devoid of nutrition, respectively, there is no self-healing. Such teeth most often crumble and become brittle. A tooth can darken after improper cleaning of the root canals, if the doctor missed the remnants of organic matter there. The organics begin to decompose, the dentin darkens and, accordingly, stains the dead tooth. Re-cleaning required.
A more serious cause is pulp necrosis. The help of a specialist is needed immediately. Pulp necrosis (or death) is most commonly caused by dental infections (treated with antibiotics) that tend to spread to the gums and adjacent, healthy teeth.

Treatment of darkening of the tooth at home and folk remedies

In no case. Not a single attempt to cure bad teeth on their own with “grandmother's methods” has led to success. Rather, in this way you can only bring the problem to an extreme case, when an innocently darkened tooth can cause infection of the whole organism and even hospitalization.

Rinsing with herbs, applying propolis to the affected tooth, various homemade ointments - all this can be considered as part of prevention, but not as the main method of treatment.
It is strictly forbidden to warm up a diseased tooth with a compress, as sympathetic neighbors advise. If the cause of the darkening is an infection, then in the heat it will completely bloom in a violent color.

One way or another, if the tooth has darkened and hurts, you can’t do without a visit to the dentist.

The dental specialist, in turn, must find out the cause of the darkening based on the history and clinical picture patient, after which he will establish the correct treatment tactics.

If the cause of darkening is just caries, then the treatment will be the easiest. The dentist will remove the affected tissues, select the restoration material of the correct shade and treat the tooth. With the most favorable development of events, the tooth will remain alive, and will no longer cause either aesthetic or physical problems.

If the tooth is declared dead (for example, the nerve died on its own or had to be removed), the treatment will require an individual approach. It is no longer as strong as living teeth, which means that other methods of treatment must be selected.

And although modern dentistry already knows a lot of techniques in which you can restore the original appearance of a smile, The best way avoid problems with teeth - their prevention, that is, compliance with oral hygiene, proper diet and avoidance of traumatic situations.

When darkening the tooth, the following treatment options are possible:

  • intracanal bleaching;
  • restoration;
  • veneers;
  • crown.

Cigarettes and brightly colored foods can cause individual tooth discoloration if there are cracks in the enamel. Then the pigment penetrates into the inner layer of dentin and changes its shade.

If the tooth has darkened, the dentist will suggest a way to lighten the enamel, depending on the cause.

In babies, a change in the shade of the teeth occurs due to dysbacteriosis, the use of fluoridated toothpaste and reduced immunity. Tooth decay can also lead to unsightly stains on teeth in children and adults. But most often you can notice that the tooth has darkened after treatment.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • internal tissues of the tooth are stained with filling composites;
  • crown pins show through the enamel;
  • pulp necrosis developed.

The shade of the enamel changes when the nerves are removed. The tooth becomes dead: nutrients to his tissues do not come. Color change is also possible due to improper treatment. If the root canals are not completely cleaned, organic residues will decompose and stain the surrounding dentin.

What to do if the tooth has darkened?

First you need to determine the reasons for the change in shade. Only an experienced dentist can do this. He will suggest treatment options. Perhaps it will be enough to remove traces of caries and put a filling from a material that is close in tone to the natural color of the teeth.

If the enamel of the tooth has darkened for other reasons, there are several techniques that restore the radiance to the smile. These include:

Endodontic whitening;

Direct restoration;

A veneer is a thin ceramic plate that is bonded to the surface of the tooth.

IN difficult case the doctor will offer to hide an ugly tooth behind a crown.

Whitening is the easiest option, but the tooth will become more fragile. And it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that the enamel will not differ from the rest of the teeth.

Composite material easily absorbs dyes. For those who love coffee and smoke, it makes no sense to choose this method.

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