Philippines: history, population, government and political system. Philippines Philippines is the capital of which country

Marble 27.07.2020

- a state in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, lying on the Philippine Islands, which are part of the Malay Archipelago. In the east it is washed by the Philippine Sea, in the south - by the Celebes Sea, in the west - by the South China Sea. The state is located on more than 7100 islands, but most of them have an area of ​​less than 2.5 km2.

The country is named after King Philip II of Spain.

Official name: Republic of the Philippines (Pilipinas)


The area of ​​the land: 300 thousand sq. km

Total population: 92 million people

Administrative division: Divided into 74 provinces.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President elected for a term of 6 years.

Composition of the population: 80% - Filipinos, 10% - Chinese, Malays, Americans, Indians, Spaniards, as well as representatives of local peoples: Tagals, Ilocans, Moros, mestizos.

Official language: Filipino (Tagalog or Tagalog), English and Spanish are also used.

Religion: 83% of the population are Catholics, 9.5% are Protestants. The more traditional religions for this region: Islam and Buddhism account for 5 and 3% of the population, respectively.

Internet domain: .ph

Mains voltage: ~220 V, 50 Hz

Phone country code: +63

Country barcode: 480


In general, the climate of the Philippines is tropical, monsoonal, but due to the strong dissection of the relief, the different exposure of slopes in relation to wet monsoon flows and tropical cyclone routes, and the degree of remoteness of the area from the ocean, it is not uniform.

The air temperature in the Philippine Islands is stable all year round. The difference between the hottest and coolest months is 4°C in the north and even less in the south. The average annual temperature in the plains is approx. 27 ° N. Geographic latitude, unlike the absolute height factor, does not have a significant effect on temperature regime.

So, in the northern part of Luzon, the climate is slightly cooler than on the islands of the Sulu archipelago located 1600 km closer to the equator. Meanwhile, in the summer on the same island, a sharp contrast is expressed between the hot, humid climate of the Central Lowland and the cool, temperate climate of the Central Cordillera, where the city of Baguio, the former "summer capital" of the country, is located.

The annual rainfall in the Philippines usually exceeds 2000 mm. According to the conditions of moisture (the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation), four regions are distinguished. 1. In the eastern regions of the Philippine archipelago ( East Coast Luzon, Bohol and Leyte, central and western Mindanao, and the Sulu Archipelago) receive even rainfall throughout the year. 2.

In the western regions of the country (in the west of the islands of Luzon, Mindoro, Panay, Palawan, Negros) there are two seasons: winter-spring dry - 50-200 mm of precipitation (October - April) and summer-autumn wet (intensive rains from April to October caused by strong southwesterly winds). 3. In the north-east of Luzon, Samar Island, the east of the Leyte Islands and Mindanao, precipitation falls all year round, but their maximum occurs in November - January. During the summer and autumn months, typhoons periodically hit Luzon and the Visayas from the east and northeast.

Catastrophic floods are associated with prolonged heavy rains. The annual rainfall in this area is 2000–4000 mm. 4. The area, which includes the eastern regions of the islands of Mindoro, Panay, Negros, Cebu and the northwest of Minandao Island, is characterized by an average annual rainfall of 1300–1500 mm and a relatively short dry period.


A state in Southeast Asia, located on the Philippine Islands, stretching from north to south in the western Pacific Ocean. In the north it borders with Taiwan (Bashi Strait), in the south with Malaysia (Balabak and Alice Straits) and Indonesia, from the east it is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, from the west by the South China Sea. The entire territory between the Philippine Islands is occupied by numerous inland seas and straits. total area countries 300 thousand sq. km., the area of ​​​​inland water areas - more than 1.8 thousand square meters. km.

The country includes more than 7.1 thousand islands, of which about 1000 are permanently inhabited, and more than 2500 are not only not inhabited, but do not even have a name. The islands are located in three groups - the northern island of Luzon and adjacent islands, the central Visayan group (about 6 thousand islands) and southern Mindanao with the surrounding islands.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

In the Philippine Islands, the floristic composition is rich and diverse, with more than 10,000 species. It includes about 3 thousand trees, 1 thousand ferns and ferns, 900 species of orchids. About 60 tree species are of commercial value. Forests occupy more than 40% of the country's territory.

The Philippines is dominated by tropical evergreen rainforests in the north and equatorial rainforests in the south. In areas of constant moisture up to a height of 500–800 m, multi-layered dipterocarp forests are widespread, in which there are many valuable tree species (tanhile, mayapis, guizo, almon, white and red luan, large-flowered dipterocarpus, yakal, narra, erythrophleum).

There are numerous epiphytes - orchids and rafflesia (the diameter of its flower reaches 1 m). Palm trees grow in the lower tier and along the edges of forests, including sugar (or pinnate), fan, areca (or betel), rattan vines of economic importance. Where the winter-spring dry season is pronounced, monsoon deciduous forests are common.

In the upper part of the distinguished belt and slightly above it grow evergreen oak forests with an undergrowth of palm trees, giving way to oak-maple-myrtle forests entwined with lianas and with mosses, lichens and orchids on tree trunks.

At altitudes of 1000–2000 m, pure pine trees grow (with island pine and Merkuza), in which such a valuable tree species as white agatis is found.

In places in the coastal strip, mangrove forests are common, consisting of spiky rhizophora, small-flowered brugiera and soneratia. On the periphery of these forests grows the nipa palm. In the course of anthropogenic activities, significant areas of virgin forests have been destroyed, as a result, many soils have been severely eroded or overgrown with tough tropical grass alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica), which locals called "cogon".

Animal world

In general, the fauna of the Philippines is characterized by high endemism and a small number of mammal species. Of the large mammals in the Philippines, there are two subspecies of the Asian buffalo - carabao and tamarau (the latter - only in the central regions of Mindoro Island).

Smaller mammals are somewhat more widely represented. These include five species of macaques, tarsier (a representative of prosimians), rodents, numerous the bats(about 60 species, including fruit bats, causing great damage to gardens) and shrews, as well as Javan deer (or pygmy musk deer) and porcupine living on Palawan Island, Philippine woolly wing, pangolin lizard. Of the carnivores, there are such small animals as the short-legged mongoose, binturong (from viverrids), strange-tailed.

The abundance of reptiles (crocodiles, snakes, turtles, lizards, including geckos) is characteristic.

Several hundred bird species have been recorded in the Philippines. The avifauna is similar to Malaysian and Australian. More than 300 species of birds nest in the Philippine Islands, including a rare bird of prey from the hawk family - harpy (lives in forests on the island of Mindanao, feeds on macaques).

The species diversity of insects is huge, among which there are many carriers of diseases (for example, mosquitoes) and pests Agriculture(cicadas, etc.). The diversity and beauty of butterflies is striking.

More than 2 thousand species of fish are found in the seas, many of which are of commercial importance (sardines, mackerel, tuna, etc.). In shallow water near the Sulu Archipelago, large colonies of mollusks, including pearl mussels, are found.


  • Boracay
  • Villa Escudero
  • Miagao Church

Banks and currency

The monetary unit of the Philippines is the Philippine peso (PHP, code 608). 1 Philippine peso is equal to 100 centavos.

In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 pesos, as well as coins in denominations of 5, 10, 25 centavos; 1, 5 and 10 pesos.

In addition to the national currency, US dollars are widely used in the Philippines. Prices for goods and services are often quoted in both pesos and dollars.

You can exchange currency in the Philippines at banks, hotels and some shops. In addition, you can use the services of private money changers, which are easy to find in shopping centers and department stores. Money changers, as a rule, offer a more favorable exchange rate than in banks, however, when working with them, there is a risk of facing fraud.

The Philippines accepts mainly US dollars, euros and pounds sterling for currency exchange. It is difficult to exchange any other currency, especially outside large cities.

Banks in the country are open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 15.00/16.00.

Credit cards of the main systems are accepted in large cities in shops, restaurants and hotels. At the same time, credit cards are practically not used in the province.

Useful information for tourists

It would be useful to know that metropolitan taxi drivers never give change. Tips are accepted on the islands - 5-10% of the bill for a taxi, hotel and restaurant services. Large stores and hotels accept credit cards main world systems and traveler's checks, their use is unlikely in the province.

Having an unforgettable vacation, visiting new places, seeing the beauties of nature or unusual landscapes - people dream of all this at any time of the year, which is why the question arises where the Philippines is located - a resort paradise consisting of many beautiful island territories that offer excellent weather conditions and many different ways to have a good time.

When choosing tours or places to travel, some people want their vacation to be remembered not only for noisy parties, but also for unusual, romantic moments that can be spent in secluded and quiet places with a picturesque landscape.

In contact with

Philippines - position on the world map

Have you ever wondered - how many of them, the Philippine Islands? What part of the world is this? Can you show them on the world map? The state represents 7,000 island territories located in Southeast Asia. Philippines on the world map can be found in the west, neighboring territories are Taiwan and Indonesia.

The capital of the Philippines is Manila, the largest city is Quezon City

Largest islands Philippines:

  • Visayan;
  • Mindanao;
  • Luzon (makes up 66% of the entire territory of the country).

Resort areas, the most famous all over the world:

  • Boracay;
  • Bohol;
  • Cebu
  • Mindoro (the largest volcano in the state is located here - almost 3000 meters);
  • Palawan;
  • Negros;
  • Mactan;
  • Mindanao.

Here the tourist will be able to discover not only unusual nature, but also enjoy the beaches, which are among the most comfortable and clean in the world. In this country, there are hotels and hotels that provide services at the highest level. The local cuisine will delight you with a variety of seafood and fish dishes, which is explained by the geographical position of the islands.

The relief of the islands is made up mainly of mountains, the highest of which is the Apo volcano (2954 m) - located on the island of Mindanao

The Philippine Islands are part of the Malay Archipelago. The main part of the large island territories occurred due to the activity of volcanoes. For those wishing to admire a large mountain range, it is necessary to take a tour that involves visiting or staying on the island of Luzon.

Brief information about the islands

With an area of ​​only 38.55 km², Manila is considered the most populous city in the world.

Those who are going on vacation will not hurt to know the following:

  1. The capital of the Philippines is the city of Manila.
  2. The total area of ​​the Philippines, according to Wikipedia, is almost 300,000 km2.
  3. The population density is 306 people per km2.
  4. The form of government in the Philippines is a republic.
  5. In the ranking, the country ranks 72nd in terms of area.
  6. The territory of the Philippines is about 2000 km long from north to south and 900 km from west to east.
  7. The republic includes 81 provinces, which make up 18 regions or, as they are also called, states.
  8. The national currency of the republic is the peso (Philippine).
  9. The official languages ​​are English and Filipino.
  10. The majority of the population are Catholics (81%). Other religions are also found: Protestants (about 10-11.5%) and Muslims (4-5%). The rest adheres to traditional religions for the area.
  11. Time in the Philippines - +8 hours to Moscow.
  12. Electricity on the islands is carried out, the main types of sockets are designs A, in rare cases B.
  13. A visa for a tourist stay, not exceeding 30 days, is not required to enter the territory of the island republic. In the event that you need to stay in the Philippines for a long period of time (31 days or more), you will need to draw up documents. The visa application must be submitted in advance.
  14. The price for a visa ranges from 40 to 120 dollars.
  15. The archipelago is washed on the western side by the South China Sea, on the east by the Philippine Sea, and on the south by the sea called Sulawesi.
  16. The ocean near the country is the Pacific.
  17. Fresh water can be found in the Cagayan River (this is a large source), the country's largest lake is located on Luzon and is called Laguna de Bai.
  18. Despite the fact that there are from 120 to 175 languages ​​in the Philippines, Russian is not spoken here. Therefore, when you go on a trip, try to learn the most necessary phrases in Filipino.

Climate and weather

The Philippines is a special climatic place, which is located in the zone of a tropical monsoon climate, smoothly turning into a subequatorial temperature regime in the southern regions. The difference between these regions is the air temperature in winter.

The coldest month here is January and the hottest month is May.

The main features of the climate of the Philippines, which should be considered when choosing a time for a trip:

  • the average temperature, regardless of the time of year, is 26-27 degrees;
  • air humidity is relatively high and amounts to 77%;
  • precipitation averages 1200 mm/year;
  • seasonal typhoons occur several times a year and can be of different destructive power.

It is also customary to distinguish 3 main seasons in the Philippines:

  1. Dry and relatively cold - 28 degrees on average, with the minimum amount precipitation. The months are from October to February.
  2. Dry, hot - the average temperature is 33 degrees, there is little rainfall. The months are from March to May.
  3. Rainy - the average temperature is 30 degrees, there is a high probability of typhoons, precipitation of varying intensity occurs daily.

Typhoons often hit the northern regions of the country, tsunamis are possible

If we take into account the amount of precipitation, then 4 main zones can be distinguished:

  1. East coast of the islands - there are no heavy precipitations, in the rainy season the amount is not too large.
  2. The eastern part is characterized by heavy rains from June to November. In winter the climate is dry.
  3. In the west of the country, there is more rain in summer and autumn than in spring and winter.
  4. The northwest is characterized by dry weather from late autumn to mid-spring.
  5. Northeast coast and Mindanao with east side are distinguished by a large amount of precipitation at any time of the year; typhoons are recorded here more often than the rest of the territory of the republic.

Natural world on the islands

Visiting the territory of the island republic is necessary for those who want to see unusual flora and fauna, since more than 50% of the country is rainforests.

About half of the territory of the Philippines is covered with tropical rainforests, which are dominated by palm trees, rubber trees, banyan, apitong, mayapis, lauan

Accordingly, most of the trees are:

  • palm trees;
  • lauane;
  • banyan.

Bamboo, orchids, jasmine and cinnamon also grow on the territory of the islands. At an altitude of more than 1.2 km above sea level, various shrubs grow, as well as meadows.

The Philippine eagle lives exclusively in the local rainforests and is one of the national symbols of this country.

The animal world is no less interesting and diverse. Here tourists have the opportunity to see:

  • deer;
  • mongoose;
  • primates;
  • Philippine eagle;
  • many butterflies;
  • wild boar (wild species);
  • various birds;
  • variety of reptile species.

That is why tourists will be able to create photographs of unusual beauty and picturesqueness.

Philippines - attractions and amazing places

The main purpose of a tourist trip is a high-quality and interesting vacation, the opportunity to see with your own eyes interesting places and sights located on the territory of the state.

A beach called White on the island of Boracay is listed as one of the ten most the best beaches in the world

In the case of the Philippines, they can be divided into:

  • natural;
  • material (history and culture);
  • intangible (competitions, customs, national dances).

The numerous islands that form the country are the main pride and attraction, since each of them has a special natural area - volcanoes, mountains, forests, plains and lakes with magnificent waterfalls.

Take note: beaches are also a landmark of the archipelago, since many of them have not just golden sand, but pink and even snow-white unusual for most tourists.

On an area of ​​50 square kilometers in the province of Bohol, according to various sources, from 1260 to 1776 "chocolate" hills are located.

Feature of natural attractions are:

  • chocolate hills (Bohol island);
  • underground river (Palawan island).

Note: according to their unique data, they are included in the list of the main attractions of the planet.

The volcanoes in the country are very beautiful, in the crater of one of them a small lake was formed (Luzon Island). Mount Apo, which is located on the island of Mindanao, is considered the largest in the state.

Waterfalls are sights of both the whole country as a whole and each province where they are available. The magnificent coral reefs deserve special attention.

The architectural and cultural attractions of the Philippines cover a large historical period - from pre-colonial times to the present and obtaining the status of an independent republic.

Tourists should visit:

  • rice terraces (Banaue);
  • Intramuros (the old part of the country's capital);
  • Manila Cathedral (the largest in the state);
  • Luneta Park;
  • monument to Rizal;
  • Cebu city - oldest city Philippines;
  • grave and cross of Magellan;
  • colorful Chinese temple in Cebu.

The old buildings have been preserved in Vigan, a small town on the island of Luzon.

Various competitions, festivals and even cockfights held in the country also attract the attention of tourists.

National cuisine of the Philippine Islands

Tourists are interested not only in what to see, but also what to eat in the Philippines. Unusual for most vacationers, Filipino cuisine conquers with its dishes. She collected all the best from Asia, the East, China, Spain and America.

Lechon - a whole pig roasted on a spit. It used to be almost the main dish for everyone. big holidays or weddings

There are also simple dishes here, which include seafood, rice, fish, and complex ones - national, but adapted to local characteristics.

The most popular of them:

  • lechon;
  • adobo;
  • sinigang;
  • fish sauce.

At the same time, the local cuisine is not too spicy and spicy. The main product present in a large number of recipes is rice. It is used in first courses, side dishes, consumed with sauce and seafood. Also traditional sauces include sweet and sour, soy and vinegar, shrimp are also used to make gravy.

In cafes and restaurants, people use ordinary cutlery, but ordinary residents can eat with their hands. Desserts are prepared in most cases from a variety of fruits.

Accommodation Features

The features of accommodation for tourists are the ability to choose between cozy bungalows, which are located on the coasts, in picturesque places, and accommodation in modern hotels or inns.

Tourists receive everything they need in each of the places chosen for living, including the Internet.

Experienced advice: in order to save time and money, it is recommended to make a reservation in advance or look for accommodation based on the reviews of tourists.

You should also take into account the peculiarities of climatic conditions - during the period of precipitation and typhoons, it is possible that the roads will be washed out and there is a possibility that tourists will be at the airport for 1-2 days.

It is worth noting: the staff working in hotels is slow, so vacationers should be prepared for this.

Entertainment and recreation

In order for tourists to have fun and interesting during their holidays, there is a varied cultural and entertainment program on the islands, which covers both adults and children. One of the most interesting ways to spend time usefully is diving, water activities and attractions.

Typical reefs in the Philippines are characterized by a shallow top covered with barrel sponges, sea fans, stony and soft corals, among which fish swim with might and main

Also, entertainment should include various national holidays. The main ones that will be of interest to tourists are:

  1. Christmas (December 25), New Year, Good Friday, All Saints Day, May 1st.
  2. The last day of Ramadan is a public holiday for the islands.
  3. Of particular interest will be the islands' traditional festive events - the Manila procession on the Day of the Black Nazarene, which takes place on January 9th.
  4. In Baguio, the Festival of Flowers is held throughout February.
  5. On May 15, Pahiyas is held - a holiday held in honor of St. Isidore, on this day, residents decorate their houses with fruit and vegetable compositions.


Large modern shopping centers attract the attention of tourists; shopping in the Philippines will be successful and varied. You can buy exclusive and expensive goods, or high-quality and reliable, but affordable copies.

Small retail shops offer vacationers artisan goods that reflect the local flavor or allow you to decorate your home with a souvenir that is fully adapted to Europeans, but made at local factories.

Inexpensive, but interesting, which is nice to receive a gift, souvenirs - jewelry with corals and natural pearls, silverware, tableware made of coconuts and wood, wicker rattan furniture - all this can also be purchased in various shops in the country.

Take into account: coconut oil is a product that is in special demand, as it is a natural cosmetic with excellent properties.


It is important to consider, especially when choosing a method of transportation in a rented car, that traffic in the country is right-handed. There are often difficulties and traffic jams on the roads, especially in large cities.

Jeepneys are a Philippine invention, the brainchild of local Kulibins.

Bus routes also help to get to various points. The Philippines has a national mode of transport - jeepney (a hybrid of a jeep and a small bus). Locals and visitors can only travel on this transport on some islands.

In tourist places, tricycles are actively used - compact motorcycles with a sidecar designed for 2-4 passengers. There are also numerous taxis. You can move from the island and to the island by water transport in the form of ships.


Large Russian telephone operators operate on the territory of the entire island state. Messages and calls are carried out in roaming, as well as the use of mobile Internet.


Like any foreign country, you should not trust the first person you meet, especially if you do not know the language well and are in the country for the first time.

All local fruits and vegetables must be washed before consumption.

Tourists should not forget that:

  • the country lies in the zone of frequent typhoons and tsunamis;
  • there are active volcanoes;
  • earthquakes happen;
  • cases of floods and multi-day rains are recorded;
  • street crime is high;
  • Not recommended long time to be in cities in the crowd and large gatherings of people;
  • all products that do not undergo heat treatment should be thoroughly washed;
  • You will also need to be vaccinated against hepatitis before traveling to the country.

Property in the Philippines

Any person has the right to buy real estate on the islands. Here are different kinds houses and apartments that can be rented or purchased.

An important feature is foreign citizen does not have rights to the land on which the house he bought is located. It is necessary to draw up a lease agreement (up to 50 years), after the expiration of this period it is possible to extend this period.

Many religious holidays are a rather unusual mixture of Christian norms and local pagan traditions, which gives them a special charm.

A few more interesting facts:

  • shops in the country do not work after 20.00, small shops may close if it is very hot outside;
  • Independence Day is celebrated on June 12;
  • despite the intense heat, you should not wear short shorts or skirts, open clothes, if you are going to visit religious places;
  • in each hotel there is an opportunity to deposit important or valuable things, as well as documents;
  • in restaurants, cafes, hotels, it is customary to leave a tip of 10-15% of the amount of the service;
  • It is prohibited to leave luggage at airports.


The Philippines is a fabulous place to good rest but require more attention.

The nature here is very beautiful, but the climatic conditions can bring unpleasant surprises to vacationers in the form of rains and typhoons. In general, a visit to the country is recommended for those who love hot weather, the sea and water activities.

Watch the video in which the user shares his impressions and gives practical advice Holidays in the Philippines:

The Republic of the Philippines is a large state located in Southeast Asia. It consists of a large number of islands located in the area Pacific Ocean between Taiwan and Indonesia.

There is an opinion that the Philippines is lost among the oceans and seas and even a little fabulous " nation of seven thousand islands". By the way, this is not an epithet at all, but a real figure. The Philippines occupies 7107 islands, each of which is distinguished by its tourist character and exotic atmosphere. Here, huge skyscrapers are adjacent to palm groves.

The only negative, perhaps, is a tiring flight. But there's nothing you can do about it.



101,833,938 people

Population density

306 people/km²

Pilipino, English, Spanish


Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam

Form of government

unitary presidential constitutional republic

peso, centavo


International dialing code

Internet domain zone


socket types - A, less often - B

Climate and weather

The climate here is monsoonal, tropical, gradually turning into subequatorial in the south. The temperature on the coast is most often +24…+28 °С and slightly cooler in mountainous areas. The rainy season in the Philippines begins in May and lasts until November, while the monsoon blows from the southwest. In the remaining months, the dry season is pronounced in the west of Palawan, Lusson and the Visayas. Precipitation on the islands falls 1000 to 4000 mm.


Most of the territory of the islands is covered with tropical rainforests with palm trees, rubber trees, banyan trees, apitongs, mayapis and lauans. Often you can find bamboo, orchid and cinnamon in them. Shrubs and many meadows grow at an altitude of about 1200 meters above sea level.

In the Philippines, you can find deer, mongoose and even wild boar. There are a lot of birds and various reptiles here. In coastal waters, you can find pearl mussels - mollusks that can form pearls.


The largest city in the Philippines is Manila. The city is on Luzon island. It is not only the capital of the state, but also its main economic and cultural center. The city is part of the Big Manila conurbation, which has a population of 10 million people. It also includes Caloocan, Quezon City and Pasay.

In Manila are:

  • National Museum of the Philippines;
  • Museum of Anthropology and Natural History of Santo Tomas;
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art.

In the historical center, which is called Intramuros, there are fortifications, houses and churches of the XVI-XVII centuries. There is a big one in the city Botanical Garden.

Guides offer tourists excursions not only in Manila, but also to Lake Taal where air safaris and numerous folklore shows are held.


Perhaps the most popular dish in the Philippine Islands is rice. It is often served as a side dish to a main course. You can also try various seafood here.

It is interesting that you can choose the seafood you like in the store yourself, buy it and bring it to any cafe where it will be prepared for you. But for this you will need to order a drink in this cafe.

The most unusual dish in the Philippines is " baluot". This is a boiled duck egg with an embryo inside. Initially, the eggs are kept in special incubators at the right temperatures, and then the seller travels around the city and sells them.

Fresh juices, various wines, coconut milk, local beer, which is made on the basis of coconut milk - these are the most popular drinks of the islands.


Basically all hotels in the Philippines bungalow type You can also stay in guesthouses. There are very few high-rise hotels on the islands. This is due to the fact that the state cares about the preservation of the natural landscape. Recently, hotels with a world-famous name have appeared on the islands. But the number of stars on them does not always correspond to the level of the attendants: many of them are very slow.

The standard voltage for the Philippines is 220V, 60Hz. Sockets here are found with two (American-style) pins and three. It is better to ask for an adapter as soon as you arrive at the hotel.

Entertainment and recreation

The Philippines is known for its picturesque coral reefs and beaches. The best tourist resorts are located in the southern part of the Cebu islands, Boracay, Palawan And bohol. Tourists are offered not only a beach holiday, but also a more active one: diving, cruises, surfing.

There are many national parks on the islands. The largest and most interesting places for tourists will be Mount Apo, Mayon, Taal, Kanlaon located on the islands Mindanao And Luzon.

Today, the islands offer all types of tourism: extreme, beach, ecological, sports and educational. Political conflicts and the unstable situation in the country have a negative impact on tourism.


Shopping in the Philippines pleases with the possibility of useful and inexpensive purchases. Manila is considered the cheapest city for shopping. Mall of Asia is the largest shopping center in Southeast Asia. This shopping complex occupies four buildings at once, and trams that carry customers run through its vast territory.

Of the souvenirs, South Sea pearls, dishes made of terracotta, mother-of-pearl, fabric lanterns, shell jewelry, various T-shirts, wooden figurines and clothes made from local chintz are very popular.

In the Philippines, cheap coconut oil is sold everywhere. It, according to the assurances of the sellers, will perfectly protect against sunburn.


For travel around the country, it is better to choose domestic flights. Each resort island has its own airport. It is better to book tickets in advance if you plan to fly on holidays, because if you realize it is too late, then there may not be any tickets. The price of the fuel surcharge will need to be added to the ticket price: for international flights - 15 $ , domestic flights - 3-4 $ . Remember that on domestic flights you are allowed to carry no more than 10 kilograms of luggage.

The second convenient way to move around the islands is ferries. The prices for them are much lower than for the plane, but the journey takes much longer.

You can travel around the island on an interesting form of transport - " jeepney". This is a local minibus, which is made from a military jeep. Each Jeepney is unique and tuned to suit the owner's preferences.

Buses in the Philippines are also common. Here, an air-conditioned bus will cost almost twice as much as a bus without air conditioning.

Taxi in the Philippines is quite a cheap mode of transport. Do not forget to ask the driver to reset the counter before the trip. If suddenly the meter works too fast, be sure to pay the taxi driver's attention to this. Near the airport you will see yellow taxis with electronic scoreboards. They cost more than regular cars.


Since the Philippines is a country that occupies more than seven thousand islands, mobile connection is well developed and Mobile Internet is also quite accessible.
According to statistics, almost one in three Filipinos has access to the Internet, and one in four has their own Facebook account. However, most of the traffic in the country goes through browsers for mobile devices, but not everyone has computers.


In the Philippine Islands, natural hazards may lie in wait for you. Thus, according to a study by the Brussels Center, the Philippines is the most dangerous country in the world in terms of natural disasters. Earthquakes, typhoons, landslides, volcanic eruptions have already become familiar to local residents.

In addition to natural disasters, various religious and political conflicts occur on the islands, when marches of demonstrators block the streets and transport stops running. There are even sea pirates here!

If we take tourism as a whole, then the crime rate here is very low, Filipinos are very friendly with foreigners and behave respectfully.

Business climate

The advantage of the Philippines is its openness to any foreign investors. Often the savings of citizens depend on foreign financial resources.

The Philippines is primarily an agro-industrial country. The productivity of agriculture is growing, the export of bananas and pineapples. The textile, electronic, food, chemical, pharmaceutical and woodworking industries are well developed.

The monetary unit of the islands is Philippine peso.

Real estate

The most interesting properties for sale in the Philippines will be houses and villas that are located on the ocean. Here you can also buy an apartment from a developer company, for example, in the capital. It is Manila that is more often interesting for buyers, primarily for those who do business in the country, or work in a sales office, since Manila is the economic, cultural and political center of the country.

Many investors buy real estate in the Philippines to rent it out later, because the property here brings in a good rental income. Many foreign pensioners, primarily from European and Asian countries, buy housing here. After all, life here is inexpensive and calm.

Filipinos are actually very shy and slow, so don't be surprised.

Do not forget to take a Russian-English phrase book with you. Thanks to the country's colonial past, almost everyone here speaks English.

Remember that in the Philippines better not to drink tap water and don't brush your teeth. Better to use bottled water.

There are a lot of police on the streets, both in uniform and in civilian clothes, especially in the capital. Therefore, do not be surprised if an ordinary-looking passer-by comes up to you and asks for your documents. The police treat tourists very carefully and respectfully.

Visa Information

Citizens of Russia in order to visit the Philippine Islands do not need a visa, provided that the period of stay in this country does not exceed twenty-one days. When crossing the Philippine border, you will need to present a passport (its validity must be at least six months at the time of entry), as well as evidence of the necessary funds for this trip and return tickets.

Recently, you can also get a visa for a period of 59 days of stay. Such a visa will cost $ 50 + 510 Philippine pesos (about $ 12).

Moscow Philippine Embassy: 121099, Russia, Karmanitsky per., 6/8.

Phone: (+7 495) 241-0563.

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Republic of the Philippines a state in Asia. Consists of many islands located in the Pacific Ocean between Indonesia and Taiwan.

The country includes more than 7.1 thousand islands, of which about 1000 are permanently inhabited, and more than 2500 are not only not inhabited, but do not even have a name. The islands are located in three groups - the northern island of Luzon and adjacent islands, the central Visayan group (about 6 thousand islands) and southern Mindanao with the surrounding islands. The Philippines is a predominantly mountainous country.

Philippines Airport

Davao Francisco Bangoy International Airport

Diosdado Macapagal International Airport

Zamboanga International Airport

Caticlan Godofredo P. Ramos Airport

Mactan Cebu International Airport

Manila Ninoy Aquino International Airport

Olongapo City Subic Bay International Airport

Puerto Princesa International Airport

Philippines hotels 1 - 5 stars

Philippines weather

Tropical marine and subequatorial, monsoon. The rainy season is from June to September. From June to October - destructive typhoons. best time to visit the country - the period from late September to mid-May.

Average air temperature in Manila t°C

Language of the Philippines

Official language: Filipino

English, Chinese and Spanish are used.

Currency of the Philippines

International name: PHP

The Philippine peso is equal to 100 centavs. In circulation are denominations of 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 pesos, coins of 5 and 1 pesos, as well as 25 and 10 centavos.

In banks in Manila and other major cities, you can usually change pounds sterling and euros. Outside the capital, servicing other foreign currencies is quite problematic; only branches of the Central Bank of the Philippines offer an exchange rate close to the official one.

The American dollar is widely accepted throughout the Philippines and is often more convenient to use than traveler's checks. Prices are often quoted in both Philippine pesos and dollars.

Banks, shops and hotels in large cities of the country accept credit cards of the main world systems and traveler's checks, in the provinces their use is unlikely. To avoid additional conversion costs, it is recommended to take traveler's checks in US dollars with you.

Customs restrictions

Duty-free can be imported: alcoholic beverages - 2 bottles, cigarettes - 400 pcs, or cigars - 50 pcs, or tobacco - 250 g, food, household items and items - within the limits of personal needs. It is forbidden to import firearms, objects that imitate them, explosives, ammunition; written or printed materials of an anti-state or inhuman nature; materials, photographs, engravings and other images of a pornographic nature; any drugs and their components. The export of antiques, paintings, products made of gold, wood, ivory is prohibited. The export of cigarettes is allowed - 200 pcs, or cigars - 50 pcs, or tobacco - 500 g; alcoholic beverages - 0.95 l.

The import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is required if the amount exceeds 3,000 US dollars. The export of imported foreign currency is allowed. The export and import of national currency is prohibited.

Mains voltage


Tipping in most establishments is 5-10% of the bill (including in a taxi, for hotel and restaurant services), but usually service personnel are added for service in excess of this percentage.

Office Hours

Banks are open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Some popular resorts (Davao, etc.) introduced strict ban on smoking in public places, for the violation of which a large fine is due, and if the offender is caught three times, then he will be sent to prison for several days.


Travelers are advised to avoid visiting most areas of Mindanao, the Zamboanga Peninsula and the Sulu Archipelago, where ethnic and religious conflicts occur almost constantly. The safety of maritime transport is also not ensured throughout the country - dozens of gangs of sea pirates have found shelter in the countless bays and bays of the archipelago.

Code of the country: +63

First level geographic domain

The medicine

Vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended. In case of arrival from yellow fever areas (within 6 days after departure or transit from such areas), a vaccination certificate is required (children under 1 year of age are exempted). Prophylaxis against malaria is recommended. The risk of contracting Japanese encephalitis exists from April to January in the western regions of Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan. There are also natural foci of rabies and dengue fever. Penicillin-resistant gonorrhea and syphilis are common in certain areas of Cebu and Manila.

Water used for drinking, brushing teeth or making ice had to be boiled without fail. Milk is usually not pasteurized and must be heat treated. Meat and fish should only be consumed thoroughly fried, preferably hot (freshly cooked dishes). Vegetables must be pre-cooked, and fruits must be washed and peeled.

Emergency Phones

Police and rescue service - 166.

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