Pancakes on kefir on dukan attack. No strict restrictions. Pancakes on kefir for the Dukan diet. How to Bake Your Favorite Oatmeal Pancake by Dr. Dukan

Sewerage 23.07.2020

The most delicious pancakes according to Dukan! Real pancakes, indistinguishable from the real ones! Convenient to take with you, great option for breakfast. Eat with any filling, I offer you pancakes with meat.
Treat yourself!


For pancakes:

(this quantity makes 8 pancakes with a diameter of 24 cm)

2 tbsp cornstarch

100 ml. skimmed milk


1 tbsp soft curd

(with slide)

2-3 tbsp boiling water

soda on the tip of a knife

a pinch of salt

1 tab. sugarzama

For filling:

300 gr. ground beef or chicken

1 medium onion

salt, spices to taste

2-3 tbsp melted cheese to taste

The nutritional value per 100 gr:

208.4 kcal

7.2 Proteins

6.8 Fats

24.3 Carbohydrates

Pancakes according to Dukan


Let's start by baking pancakes according to Dukan. Beat milk with eggs and a pinch of salt until fluffy. Add cottage cheese, soda and sugar. Gently stir in the starch so that no lumps form. Whisk until smooth. At the very end, add boiling water and stir.

Drip a few drops of oil into the pan, smear with a napkin. We heat the pan well and bake pancakes as usual. Makes 8 large pancakes.

For the filling, finely chop the onion. Fry the onion and minced meat without oil until tender. Salt and add seasonings to taste.

Grease half of the pancake with cheese. We lay out the filling and fold the envelope.

We do the same with the rest of the pancakes.

Our pancakes according to Dukan ready!

We choose any filling to your liking, this is just the basis for your creativity.


And to quickly create a gallery of your masterpieces for this recipe:
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I talk about allowed foods, changes in diet stages, new recipes for main dishes and sweets, share my weight loss experience and answer questions. In mailings, there are also about discounts on my cakes.

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For many, the diet is all restrictions and no goodies. The French physician Pierre Dukan proves otherwise. Developing your weight loss program renowned nutritionist, I didn’t forget about those who can’t think of a day without pastries or desserts.

cook pancakes according to Dukan, not difficult. This will require a little patience and the presence of all necessary products on the kitchen.

To make the appetizer not only fragrant, tasty, but also healthy, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. To enhance the stickiness of the composition, so that the consistency is viscous, it is only necessary to dilute the bulk components hot water.
  2. The finished batch should be kept for 7-12 minutes, after which you can start frying.
  3. The bran mixture, during cooking, needs to be stirred periodically, as heavy components quickly settle to the bottom of the bowl.
  4. The amount of salt used for cooking should be kept to a minimum. Too salty food contributes to the retention of fluid in the body, causes swelling.
  5. Ingredients may vary depending on preference or the approved products on hand.

Pancakes with bran (a mixture of bran, starch, milk powder)

Part diet food includes the following ingredients:

  • corn starch - 25 g;
  • oat, wheat bran - 100 g;
  • dry milk - 50 g;
  • a raw egg;
  • kefir - 80 ml;
  • salt, sweetener;
  • baking powder - 10 g.
  • boiled water.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Take a deep bowl. Break one egg into a container, add spices to taste and beat thoroughly with a whisk.
  2. Pour warm kefir into the mixture.
  3. Whisking constantly, add all dry ingredients.
  4. Too thick mass, dilute with a little boiling water.

You will need a non-stick pan for baking. Pancakes are quite dense and ruddy. A hot appetizer can be decorated with fresh berries or herbs.

Any pastry according to Dukan, at first glance, is unthinkable without bran. However, the author pleasantly surprises his fans,.

For cooking, you need only a few ingredients:

  • starch - 0.5 cups;
  • soft cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • skimmed milk - a little less than half a glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • water.

How to cook:

  • beat eggs with sugar substitute and salt;
  • knead the curd with milk, pour into the composition;
  • then add a mixture of starch and soda;
  • gradually add boiling water to the contents until a creamy mass is obtained.

Preheat the skillet well before baking. If necessary, grease the bottom with a little oil. Eating a treat is allowed from the second stage of the diet.

Starting from the "Alternate" phase, the list eligible products, expands significantly. You can enjoy lush pancakes in the morning without violating the principles of proper nutrition.

You will need 5 components:

  • corn starch - 30 g;
  • natural yogurt - 80 g;
  • egg;
  • soda;
  • salt.

Cooking method: Rub the egg with salt. One by one, add the rest of the ingredients. Mix the mass with a whisk. Let stand for a while until bubbles appear. Furnace on hot surface. Serve ready-made pancakes with low-fat cheese.

For those who do not like to spend time looking for ideas for dietary culinary products, Dr. Dukan does not forbid sticking to the usual recipe for flour, only not ordinary, but bran.

Required components:

  • any ground bran - 0.5 cups;
  • egg;
  • kefir - 2 tablespoons;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • allowed spices;
  • boiling water.


  • Ø beat the egg in a deep bowl;
  • Ø pour in a fermented milk product;
  • Ø pour flour into the mass, add bulk components;
  • Ø mix the composition, dilute with hot water to the desired consistency.

Bake in a well-heated pan without oil. Ready product, it is desirable to use in the morning.

On milk (powdered milk, starch)

An easy quick snack option. Just a couple of minutes to prepare.

Would need:

  • dry milk - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • 3 eggs;
  • oatmeal - 1 teaspoon;
  • baking powder;
  • spices.

How to bake: Combine all ingredients, add spices to taste. Fry in a dry pan. Diet snack, can be used for a snack or as a dessert for tea.

A meat appetizer is an ideal option for a hearty addition to lunch. . It is best not to take store-bought minced meat, but to make it yourself from chicken breast or lean cuts of beef.

To prepare the dish, it will take quite a bit of time and a familiar list of products:

  • bran flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • water;
  • a little soda;
  • salt.

For filling:

  • twisted meat - 300 g;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Shake eggs with salt, add a pinch of soda.
  2. Pour in skim milk.
  3. In the resulting composition, pour flour in small portions, constantly stirring the mixture so that lumps do not form. If the dough is too thick, dilute the contents with boiled water.
  4. Put a couple of drops of vegetable oil in a frying pan, before baking, heat it up well.

Prepare the filling: stew the meat with onions in water, without adding any fats.

Put the fried minced meat into the cooled pancakes. Sprinkle finished tubes with fresh dill.

A sweet dessert prepared according to a special recipe is a good alternative to store-bought confectionery.

You will need the following components:

  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • one ripe banana;
  • 60 g almonds;
  • - 300 ml;
  • vanillin;
  • cinnamon;
  • nutmeg;
  • baking powder.


  • grind nuts, mash banana pulp;
  • transfer the prepared products into a deep bowl, pour in the soy composition;
  • slowly add flour, spices to the consistency;
  • knead the contents until smooth.

The dough should be quite dense. Fragrant banana panteikas will cheer you up and give you energy for the whole day. It is not worth it to abuse such a delicacy during the period of active weight loss. Daily rate - 2-3 pieces in the morning with tea.

Delicious and hearty dish, will be a real find for breakfast. Using step by step recipe, you can enjoy food and not worry about the figure.

For the test you will need:

  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • corn starch - 25 g;
  • a glass of milk;
  • vanillin - 5 g;
  • sweetener tablet;
  • a pinch of salt.

150 g of unsweetened curd is used as a filling.

Step by step cooking scheme:

  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer, pour in the milk.
  2. While stirring the composition, add starch and flavoring.
  3. Crush the sweetener tablet and add to the mass.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, salt.

The dough should be runny. Pour the consistency in a thin layer, fry on both sides. Wrap cottage cheese in warm pancakes. The finished dish can be supplemented with natural raspberry jam.

An affordable snack option consisting of simple ingredients:

  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • any bran - 45 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • soda;
  • spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  • pour bran into a deep container,
  • pour kefir, let stand for 10-15 minutes;
  • grind the eggs, pour into the swollen mixture;
  • add starch and soda, salt;
  • beat the mass with a whisk.

To make the pancakes more airy, leave the prepared dough in a warm place for another 20 minutes.

The first period of the weight loss program is the most difficult. The duration of the phase is from 2 to 10 days, depending on the excess weight of the person losing weight.

It is comfortable to withstand the stage of serious restrictions, the presence of baking in the diet allows. Dukan offers his version of the morning pancakes allowed during the Attack.

Classic composition:

  • oat bran - 35 g;
  • egg;
  • a glass of skim milk;
  • curd mass - 50 g;
  • baking powder;
  • salt.


  1. Grind the bran with a blender.
  2. Beat the egg, add grated salted cottage cheese.
  3. Pour bran and baking powder into the mass.
  4. Add milk, stir until smooth.

Spread the dough in small circles on a hot surface. Baking is hearty and low-calorie.


Even the right food, so that it does not do more harm than good, should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

The Dukan diet is one of the most popular diets today. It is based on the consumption of small amounts of carbohydrates and fats. In order to ensure the process of losing weight, the consumption rate of pure protein is increased to 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. But there are many protein diets, why is this one so popular? Due to the fact that the creator of the system offers many recipes for delicious and healthy meals, and also because the diet is expanding day by day.

Pancakes according to Dukan

This is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which is loved in every family. But when mom is on a diet, it can be pretty hard for her. This protein diet is divided into certain stages. And the first one is "attack". The most rigid and limited diet, which still does not forbid you to treat yourself to delicious pancakes. Well, isn't that wonderful? It is during the "attack" that the fastest weight loss is noted. And all this in tandem with a delicious delicacy. It remains only to learn how to bake real pancakes according to Dukan.

protein days

"Attack" is only the first 4-5 days of the diet. They are characterized by a complete rejection of carbohydrates. The diet should include only protein products: Lean meats, low-fat dairy products and eggs. But how are pancakes prepared according to Dukan, because flour should be included in the dough? Its role is replaced by oat bran. They, in principle, run like a red thread through the entire diet and are consumed every day. Sugar is also banned, so you can use stevia or another sweetener. In principle, you can do without it. True, the taste will change a little.

Classic recipe

Let's learn how to cook magic pancakes according to Dukan. To do this, you will need to prepare low-fat dairy products in advance. They should be at room temperature so that the dough turns out without lumps. You will need:

  • Milk - 200 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 100 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs. If small, then you can take 3.

In addition, you will need: a pinch of salt, a sweetener tablet and half a teaspoon of baking powder or soda mixed with citric acid.

Cooking method

You can eat them every day during the "attack" phase. Dukan pancakes are tasty dish with which you can pamper yourself without worrying about your figure. The cooking method is not too different from the one used by housewives, but it has its own characteristics:

  • To make the pancakes fluffy, beat the eggs with salt.
  • Cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve or chopped with a blender. This important point so that the dough does not feel its graininess.
  • Bran must be ground in a coffee grinder to a state of flour.
  • Place all ingredients, except bran, in a blender and blend well.
  • Add baking powder and bran and whisk again.

Your dough is ready. It remains to heat the pan and start baking. To prevent products from sticking, it can be slightly lubricated olive oil, because we did not add fats to the dough. With such a delicious breakfast, no "attack" is terrible. Pancakes according to Dukan are a godsend for all people who monitor their weight, because it is tasty and non-caloric. You can serve pancakes with fat-free yogurt without sugar. Judging by the reviews, they turn out no worse than ordinary pastries with flour and butter. Thin, with a crispy edge, porous and tender.

lush pastries

Pancakes with milk are thin and porous. Many people like to cook just such for tea. Pancakes on kefir (according to Dukan) are completely different. They are thicker, lush, but no less tasty. Many note that they are more satisfying. This is important, because a limited dietary intake leads to the fact that a person may experience hunger between meals. You will need:

  • Kefir - 200 g.
  • Oat bran - 3 tablespoons.
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Corn starch - 1 tablespoon.
  • Water - half a glass.
  • Salt and soda.

Cooking the dough in a custard way

Bran must be ground beforehand. You will get flour, which can be easily used to make dough. Dukan's pancake recipe attracts with its simplicity. Bran should be poured with kefir and left to swell a little. After about 15 minutes, you can beat the eggs with salt and mix with kefir. Add all other ingredients, and the density of the dough can be adjusted with water. The calorie content of ready-made pancakes is 94 kcal per 100 g of product. Judging by the reviews, they turn out to be plump and porous, lush and completely non-greasy.

Baking without bran

Be that as it may, they still add calories to the dish. Therefore, Dukan pancakes without bran were invented. A great option for the hostess, who ran out of them at the most inopportune moment. Of course, a thickener is still required. IN this case starch is used instead. This recipe can be used starting from the second stage of the diet. That is, delicious pancakes will be on your table throughout the diet.

Cooking features

Since from now on there are already certain indulgences in the diet, you can take low-fat milk (1.5%) and the same cottage cheese. This adds nutrition to the finished dish.


  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Corn starch - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sweetener, salt and soda - at the tip of a knife.
  • Boiling water - a few tablespoons.

Dukan pancakes with cornstarch are even more similar to the ones we are used to, which are cooked with flour. The first step is to beat the milk, eggs and salt until a fluffy foam appears. Now you can do the cottage cheese, it needs to be rubbed through a sieve several times to get a delicate structure. Put cottage cheese, sweetener and soda into the egg mass. Gradually add starch and beat with a blender. It remains to add boiling water and mix well again. Dukan pancakes on starch are very elastic and do not tear when the filling is added to them. Even those who do not follow a diet will be happy with such a dish.


There are several Dukan pancake recipes, and the choice depends on what stage you are at now. During the "attack" many products are prohibited, so for the filling you can choose only low-fat cottage cheese, chicken meat, low-fat fish. Starting from the alternation stage, you can add vegetables to the filling, except for potatoes. The consolidation stage pleases with the possibility of adding fruits to the diet, but no more than one per day. In addition, potatoes and cheese are allowed in limited quantities. And a nice innovation in the form of “holidays of the stomach” allows you to make one meal a day once a week the way you want. You can dip pancakes in cream or pour over chocolate.

An ideal filling for pancakes can be considered an egg with green onions. It is healthy, very tasty and not too high in calories. If at the first stage such a filling is impossible, since all carbohydrates are excluded, then at the subsequent stages it will be an excellent option.

Taste features

Many are interested in whether it is possible to cook them for the whole family? Won't finicky dads and kids frown that today's pastries didn't turn out the same as usual? Of course, these pancakes are different from the classic ones. They are less oily, creamy in taste, which, of course, is not for everyone. Such pancakes will be an excellent choice for those who suffer from cholecystitis and other diseases of the digestive tract, which implies a restriction in fatty foods or a complete rejection of it. And during the diet, they will become a guaranteed protection against a breakdown. How can you worry about having to endure hardships when you have ruddy pastries on the table?

In order for pancakes to please with an excellent look and taste, you need to follow the recommendations of experienced bakers:

  • Most often, cold milk and water are used to prepare the dough. In this case, all products should be at room temperature, and it is better to take hot water.
  • The dough should not be fried immediately. Let it stand, then the pancakes will turn out more beautiful.
  • In order for the starch to dissolve without lumps, prepare a little salted water and then pour it into the total mass.
  • Bran always settles to the bottom. Therefore, constantly stir the dough.
  • When choosing a pan for baking, it is best to take a crepe maker, as it has a thick bottom, which is what you need. But you can get by with ordinary Teflon.

Cooking diet pancakes according to Dukan is not difficult at all. Try it!

There are many nutritional systems for weight loss, but not all of them have such a long list of allowed dishes as the Dukan diet. The nutritionist himself and his followers have come up with thousands of recipes for hot and cold appetizers, pastries and desserts that can be included in the diet even at the toughest stage of the Dukan diet. These include pancakes, with or without filling. Cooked by traditional recipes, they may contain foods that should not be eaten during the diet. Pancakes according to Dukan have a special recipe, but they turn out to be no less tasty and appetizing than the classic ones.

Cooking features

When choosing a recipe for pancakes and when preparing them, you must be guided by some rules that will allow you not to break the diet and prepare truly tasty and pleasant-looking culinary products.

  • The Dukan Diet consists of 4 stages, the toughest of which is "Attack". At this stage, the list of products allowed for consumption is rather small, it contains mainly low-fat protein products, including eggs, as well as oat bran. With each new stage, the list of permitted products expands, and at the third stage, corn starch enters it. When choosing a pancake recipe, you need to check the list of products allowed at a particular stage of the Dukan diet.
  • The Dukan Diet does not allow the use of flour and sugar for cooking at any stage. Instead of flour, bran or starch is used. For sweetening, a low-calorie sweetener is added. Before adding to the dough, bran is ground to a state of flour using a pusher, blender or coffee grinder. The sweetener should also be ground into powder or dissolved in a teaspoon of warm water.
  • To prepare the dough, it is convenient to use kitchen appliances, a mixer or a blender. Then it will turn out homogeneous, without lumps.
  • For baking pancakes, it is recommended to use a pan with a high-quality non-stick coating, as vegetable oil during the Dukan diet can be used in minimum quantity. It is not added to the dough. The pan is greased with a thin layer, using a culinary brush for this.
  • In order for the pancakes to bake without burning, it is desirable to make them thin. For this, a dough with the consistency of liquid sour cream is suitable. If it turned out to be thicker, it can be diluted with skim milk or kefir - depending on which of these products the dough is prepared on.
  • You can pour the dough only on a hot pan, in its center, gently tilting and turning it so that the dough is evenly distributed.
  • If you are not going to make pancakes with filling, it is better to bake them in a small diameter frying pan - such pancakes are easier to turn over and remove.
  • Use for the filling only products that are allowed at a particular stage of the diet. Low-fat meat and cottage cheese are allowed at any phase. At any time, onion or garlic can be used as a seasoning, although other vegetables can be included in the diet only from the second stage.

Pancakes can be served with fat-free yogurt or sour cream. It is possible to use condensed milk prepared without sugar as a sauce, based on a permitted sweetener.

Pancakes according to Dukan from oat bran in milk

  • skimmed milk - 150 ml;
  • oat bran - 50 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil (for lubrication) - how much will it take;
  • sweetener - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grind bran to a state of flour in any way convenient for you.
  • Pound the sweetener into powder, mix it with bran.
  • Break an egg into a clean bowl, beat it with a fork, adding a pinch of salt.
  • Add milk to the egg. Beat the products until a homogeneous composition is obtained, using a whisk or mixer.
  • Pour the egg-milk mass into a container with bran, mix thoroughly. The consistency of the dough should be homogeneous.
  • Preheat the pan, drop oil on it, spread with a brush.
  • Pour batter into skillet.
  • Cover the pan with a lid for a minute.
  • Turn the pancake over, fry it on the other side for 30-40 seconds, remove from the pan.
  • Repeat until you run out of dough.

Serve pancakes preferably hot with sour cream, yogurt or sauce prepared according to a special recipe. Such a treat will appeal not only to those who are on a diet. This Dukan pancake recipe is considered a classic. It can be used at any stage of the diet.

Pancakes according to Dukan on kefir

  • fat-free kefir - 80-100 ml;
  • oat bran - 50 g;
  • boiled water - 20 ml;
  • corn starch - 5 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar substitute - to taste;
  • baking powder for dough - 3 g;
  • salt - 1 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the bran with a coffee grinder or blender.
  • Combine with starch, baking powder and salt, mix.
  • Dissolve the sugar substitute in a spoonful of warm boiled water.
  • Break an egg into a bowl, add 80 ml of kefir, sweetener, beat.
  • Combine the kefir-egg mixture with the prepared dry mass. Whisk until smooth.
  • Bring to the density of sour cream, adding kefir or boiled water.
  • Fry, greasing the pan with a thin layer of oil.

Pancakes according to this recipe are even more tender and appetizing than the previous one.

Lush pancakes according to Dukan from cottage cheese

  • fat-free cottage cheese (without fat) - 40 g;
  • fat-free yogurt - 60 ml;
  • oat bran - 50 g;
  • corn starch - 10 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder for dough - 3 g;
  • salt, sweetener - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the eggs with a whisk, rub with cottage cheese, add yogurt, mix thoroughly so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • Mix the crushed bran with baking powder, starch, salt and powdered sweetener.
  • Combine both parts of the dough, beat with a mixer.
  • Bake pancakes in an oiled pan.

According to this recipe, pancakes are lush, it takes a little more time to bake them, the amount of oil will also have to be slightly increased, but for the “Fixation” stage, which allows the use of the ingredients included in the dough itself, this is not critical. You can add pancakes with berries or fruits.

Pancakes according to Dukan are no less tasty and attractive in appearance than those prepared using traditional technology. You can use them at any stage of the diet, you just need to choose the right recipe.





daily amount of gluten

1/2 norm oat bran

Oh, how happy I was when I baked my first diet pancakes: “Oh! No pain! Got it!!! Bake!”

Now I understand how terrible and tasteless they were! A random recipe from the Internet could only impress a person who has never tried diet pancakes.

Over time, and with the advent of experience, pancakes turned out better and better. They really, without any exaggeration, were similar to traditional ones.

The more pancakes I baked, the more clearly I noticed one wonderful proportion.

Now I will tell you about it.

We divide the ingredients for pancakes into three conditional parts - eggs, liquid part, dry part.

Now more about each.

Eggs- I always take large or very large ones - 2 pcs.

liquid part- milk, kefir, liquid yogurt, thick yogurt + milk, yogurt, milk + cottage cheese ... Take two eggs 200 g.

dry part- starch, gluten (I stopped doing it with isolate - I don’t like its taste in pancakes). To get easy-to-bake pancakes, you need 30 g. Here are some clarifications. If you are baking pancakes on more viscous liquids, such as kefir or liquid yogurt, then just take 30 g of starch or gluten. If you use milk strengthen the dough. How? add either 10 g of oat bran flour to it, or take milk, for example, in half with cottage cheese (100 g of milk + 100 g of soft curd or 100 g of milk and 100 g of thick yogurt). Thus, the consistency of the dough will be pleasant, and the pancakes will be easy to bake.

I tried different proportions, you can bake pancakes with less starch in the dough, for example, 20 g, but sometimes such pancakes can be capricious, and a beginner will quit this business altogether, thinking that the recipe is not suitable.

It is important that the ingredients in all pancake recipes are calculated so that the product norms do not exceed the allowed for 1 day, or are less, allowing you to cook, for example, dessert sauce on starch. It is very convenient. You can, of course, bake a double norm at once and eat it in two days.

I try not to use a lot of bran for baking pancakes, they are needed in other recipes as well. I save :)

Also worth mentioning is the frying pan. A small frying pan with a good (not necessarily expensive, just new, not scratched) Teflon coating (15-17 cm bottom diameter) will greatly contribute to your success. I bake pancakes at the same time in two pans. Top diameter 24 cm, bottom diameter approx. 17. Together with kneading the dough, it takes me 20 minutes to make pancakes.

Well, now, in fact, the recipe for thin pancakes in milk with oat bran flour.

I use factory flour, fine grinding gives a uniform dough. If you have the opportunity to buy it, do it, do not suffer from grinding bran.


  • Milk - 200 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Gluten - 30 g
  • Oat bran (flour from them) - 10 g
  • Sahzam - to taste
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp


Output - 11-13 pcs.

To avoid the formation of lumps in the dough, knead in this sequence.

Mix gluten, bran flour, salt.

Add milk, stir with a whisk.

Add eggs, stir.

The dough is pouring, like very thin kefir.

Let him rest a little.

We bake traditionally, in a well-heated pan.

Before the first pancake, it must be lubricated with oil.

Subsequently lubricate as needed. In a good frying pan, usually one more time or not even needed.

Before turning the pancake should be well baked to get stronger. We make the fire quiet.

Bake on one (if for spring rolls) or two sides.

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