What can ulcers eat. Permissible and contraindicated foods for stomach ulcers. What is forbidden to eat during a diet with a stomach ulcer

Roofing materials 02.01.2022
Roofing materials

A stomach ulcer is a disease of part of the digestive system. Therefore, nutrition plays a huge role in such an ailment. The nutrition system for stomach ulcers is the key to successful treatment. You will learn about what products are allowed and prohibited for this disease in the article.

The biggest myth about stomach ulcers

For many years it has been believed that stomach ulcers occur due to an unbalanced diet, low-quality foods, bad habits, and frequent stress. But scientists have dispelled this myth: the appearance of this pathology in 90% of cases is provoked by bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori. And antibiotics are able to actively fight bacteria, so they are often prescribed to patients.

Why do I need a therapeutic diet for stomach ulcers?

Since antibiotics fight bacteria, why follow a diet when treating stomach ulcers? This is necessary because antibiotics can kill not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria.

Therefore, to maintain the body in the process of fighting the disease, it is recommended to adhere to a certain diet. In addition, some products contain substances that can fight Helicobacter Pylori no worse than drugs.

Such foods are included in the diet of any ulcer diet.

By the way, treating an ulcer at home is very dangerous. Without competent drug therapy, an attack of the disease will be difficult to suppress, so we strongly recommend that you visit a doctor.

Principles of this diet

The ulcer diet is based on some principles, the observance of which only contributes to a speedy recovery:

  • Food should be lightly salted, and preferably without salt at all.
  • Between meals, a person needs to drink plenty of water.
  • Food should be saturated with a sufficient amount of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins).
  • Meals should be fractional and regular.
  • Food should not be too hot or cold. When dieting, it is better to give preference to dishes at room temperature.
  • Choose foods that will not irritate the mucous membrane and provoke an active secretion of gastric juice.
  • It is better to use dishes in crushed or grated form.

Prohibited foods in the diet

With a diet for ulcers, as with any other, there is a list of strict taboos:

  • Fatty meat and fish broths of the first boiling.
  • Mushrooms and dishes from them.
  • Fatty meat, lard, caviar.
  • Various fish and meat preserves, pates.
  • Dishes with sour cabbage.
  • Smoked products, also sausage (except for some types of boiled sausage).
  • Dairy products (ayran, tan, kefir, etc.).
  • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat (cream, cheese, condensed milk).
  • Hard boiled eggs and scrambled eggs.
  • Sweet pastries, rye flour bread.
  • From cereals: pearl barley, wild rice.
  • Muesli and granulated bran.
  • Vegetables: radish, radish, garlic, beans and peas, white cabbage. Also some (sorrel, onion and garlic feathers).
  • Sour berries and fruits: tangerines, oranges, lime, lemon, grapes, gooseberries, currants, etc.
  • Nuts, dried fruits.
  • Any sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.).
  • Coffee, tea (strong).
  • Sweets, ice cream, chocolate.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol.

What can you eat?

If the list of prohibitions is so large, then what can you eat with a stomach ulcer? Are there any safe foods left?

In fact, the list of allowed dishes and products is quite extensive. The patient will not suffer from malnutrition or monotony in eating.

With an ulcer, you can eat:

  • Bread made from wheat flour. It is desirable that about a day pass from its preparation.
  • Crackers, lean cookies.
  • Baking on the basis of unleavened dough.
  • Meat soups based on secondary broth.
  • Milk soups with cereals or pasta.
  • Dishes from lean fish or minced fish.
  • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat: cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, cheese.
  • Soft-boiled eggs or omelettes.
  • Baked apples.
  • Fruit purees.
  • Boiled cereals and pasta.
  • As a dessert, you can use honey, jam, marshmallow, various mousses and creams, jelly.
  • Compotes, weak tea, rosehip decoction.

Sample menu for the week

Here is a sample menu for the week:

  1. Monday.
  • Breakfast - milk soup with noodles.
  • Snack - a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • Lunch - mashed potatoes, boiled chicken.
  • Snack - kefir and fruit.
  • Dinner - baked cod, boiled rice.
  • Before going to bed - milk jelly.
  1. Tuesday.
  • Breakfast - egg porridge, which is prepared from two eggs, milk and butter.
  • Snack - buckwheat porridge in milk in pureed form.
  • Lunch - squash soup-puree. Potato and beef casserole.
  • Snack - banana and yogurt.
  • Dinner - chicken meatballs and mashed potatoes.
  • Before going to bed - a glass of milk.
  1. Wednesday.
  • Breakfast - milk porridge with grated rice.
  • Snack - cottage cheese and oatmeal jelly.
  • Lunch - soup with noodles on vegetable broth. Buckwheat porridge and baked pike perch.
  • Snack - crackers and yogurt.
  • Dinner - boiled beef with rice.
  • Before going to bed - a mug of warm milk and fruit jelly.
  1. Thursday.
  • Breakfast - crackers, milk jelly.
  • Snack - snow.
  • Lunch - soup with rice and pumpkin. Meat soufflé from rabbit meat, boiled durum wheat pasta.
  • Snack - baked pears.
  • Dinner - boiled turkey, mashed pumpkin and zucchini.
  • Before going to bed - cottage cheese pudding. Ryazhenka.
  1. Friday.
  • Breakfast - milk porridge with grated buckwheat.
  • Snack - cottage cheese casserole.
  • Lunch - soup-puree on vegetable broth. Chicken meatballs.
  • Snack - an apple baked in the oven.
  • Dinner - boiled beef, mashed vegetables.
  • Before going to bed - a soft-boiled egg, a glass of milk.
  1. Saturday.
  • Breakfast - semolina porridge boiled in water and two soft-boiled eggs.
  • Snack - a baked apple and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch - chicken broth soup with rice, mashed potatoes and ground beef meatballs, for dessert - fruit jelly.
  • Snack - a mug of milk, crackers.
  • Dinner - low-fat fish, steamed with cauliflower, stewed or boiled.
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk.
  1. Sunday.
  • Breakfast - semolina.
  • Snack - lazy dumplings with low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - soup with dumplings, green salad, stuffed zucchini.
  • Snack - fruit salad.
  • Dinner - boiled beef tongue and mashed potatoes.
  • Before going to bed - a glass of milk.

Drink plenty of pure water and other drinks, such as weak tea, jelly, compotes and decoctions, diluted freshly squeezed juices.

Several recipes on the menu for stomach ulcers

The ulcer diet menu cannot be called monotonous. Even with the treatment of such a disease, you can eat really tasty and at the same time healthy dishes.

Here are some simple recipes for every day:

  • Jellied turkey. Boil the meat, cool it. Remove the skin, cut into small pieces. Boil carrots. At this time, pour the gelatin with water in a ratio of approximately 1 to 8 and let it brew for 30 minutes. Add soaked gelatin to boiling carrot broth, salt to your taste. After the broth is filtered, chopped parsley, turkey and boiled carrots are added to it. Infused in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • Pike perch in Polish. Boil the cleaned fish with carrots and parsley. Serve with a side dish of buckwheat, rice or mashed potatoes.

No matter how strict the diet is, you can always pick up interesting recipes for really tasty and at the same time healthy dishes. Take care of yourself and your health!

Videos diet for stomach ulcers

A stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer is a serious disease that requires treatment in order to avoid exacerbations. In addition to the medical recommendations of the doctor, adherence to a therapeutic diet aimed at sparing the stomach is shown. Proper nutrition will help relieve pain during an exacerbation, contribute to effective treatment and recovery.

Therapeutic diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers

A gastric and duodenal ulcer occurs as a result of damage to the spiral microbe Helicobacter pylori of the mucous membrane. The disease is accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn, nausea, and belching. Untimely treatment leads to complications that are life-threatening.

The therapeutic diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers is prescribed in combination with the drugs indicated by the doctor and is aimed at sparing the stomach by eating foods that do not stimulate the secretion of gastric juice in the menu. Healthy nutrition in the treatment of the disease is aimed at protecting the gastric mucosa from thermal and mechanical damage, and therefore food is consumed in processed form at room temperature.

Nutrition principles

The diet for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is recognized to reduce the use of foods in the menu that increase the secretion of gastric juice. The diet should be dominated by: cereals, soups, dairy products, steamed or boiled poultry, cooked vegetables. Appointed for a period of 10 to 12 days.

Nutrition in the treatment of the duodenum should be fractional (4-5 times a day) and low-calorie. All products during the diet are boiled, steamed, and then crushed, passed through a meat grinder, rubbed through a sieve. It is necessary to eat dishes in the consistency of soup or liquid porridge. Food should be at room temperature. Salt intake should be kept to a minimum.

Grocery list


  • How to follow a diet Table 1a and 1b for ulcers and gastritis - principles and menus
  • Diet for the intestines and stomach: principle, menu, recipes
  • Diet for chronic gastritis - menu examples
  • What can and cannot be eaten with the Table 1 diet?
  • Diet food for gastroduodenitis

Diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers - a list of foods that you can include in your diet:

  • Dried wheat bread, dry biscuits, crackers;
  • Chicken, dairy, cereal, vegetable soups;
  • Beef, veal, chicken;
  • Milk, yogurt, sour cream, cream;
  • Low-fat river fish: pike, perch, pike perch;
  • Potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, zucchini;
  • Buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice, barley;
  • Pasta;
  • Raspberry, strawberry, strawberry;
  • Butter and vegetable oil;
  • Compotes, jelly, jelly;

Of the drinks in the diet for the treatment of ulcers and duodenal ulcers, the use of mineral water without gas, decoctions of berries, vegetable and fruit juices (non-acidic) is shown.

It should be excluded from your diet with a therapeutic diet indicated for ulcers and duodenal ulcers:

  • Fatty meats;
  • Fatty varieties of fish (marine);
  • Mushrooms;
  • Fatty, fried, salty foods;
  • Fresh pastries, rye bread;
  • Sausages and canned food;
  • Salo, fats of animal origin;
  • Ice cream;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Menu for every day

Menu for every day for a diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Omelette for a couple;
  • Chicken soup;
  • Milk;
  • Buckwheat porridge with beef cutlets.


  • Butter sandwich. Jelly;
  • Milk soup;
  • Kissel;
  • Rice with boiled chicken breast.


  • Semolina. Strawberry;
  • Vegetable soup;
  • Compote;
  • Pasta. Veal medallions.


  • 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • Pike ear;
  • Milk. Cracker;
  • Spaghetti. Beef meatballs.


  • Buckwheat porridge. Raspberries;
  • Pike perch for a couple. Carrot salad;
  • Yogurt;
  • Vegetable puree. Steamed beef cutlets.


  • Pumpkin porridge;
  • Beef roll. beetroot salad;
  • Jelly;
  • Pearl barley. Steamed chicken meatballs.


  • Oatmeal. Strawberry;
  • Bouillon. Steamed chicken fillet;
  • Yogurt;
  • Perch fillet. Mashed potatoes.

The diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers during the period of exacerbation should be as gentle as possible. Its main goal is the healing of ulcers and erosions, reducing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Diet during an exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers helps to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, normalizes the processes of its repair.

With a diet, all chemical and mechanical irritants are excluded. All dishes are either steamed or boiled and ground to the consistency of soup or liquid porridge. Meals should be fractional ( 5-6 meals a day). Dishes are consumed warm from 15 to 65 degrees. During the period of exacerbation excluded from diets s for gastric and duodenal ulcers: bread and baked goods, raw vegetables, snacks, fresh fruits, spices and sauces.


Recipes for a therapeutic diet for duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer:
Steamed beef cutlets

Steamed beef cutlets


  • Beef;
  • Butter;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Chicken egg;
  • Milk;
  • Wheat bread;
  • Salt.

Grind beef in a meat grinder. Soak bread in milk until swelling, grind in a meat grinder, add to ground beef. Add egg, butter, salt. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We form cutlets. Roll each cutlet on all sides in breadcrumbs. Add a glass of water to the slow cooker, turn on the “Steam cooking” mode. Depending on the size, cutlets will be cooked in 30-50 minutes.
Healthy and tasty beef cutlets are perfect for lunch or dinner with a diet for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Steamed vegetable meatballs

Steamed vegetable meatballs


  • Potato;
  • Carrot;
  • Sour cream;
  • Wheat flour;
  • Salt.

We peel potatoes and carrots. We rub the vegetables on a fine grater, squeeze out excess moisture. Add sour cream and flour. Salt to taste, mix until smooth. We form meatballs. We send them to the double boiler for 35-40 minutes until cooked.
Following a diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers, you can include vegetable meatballs in your diet as an independent dish or as a side dish.

Milk soup with vermicelli

Milk soup with vermicelli

A stomach and duodenal ulcer is a serious disease that requires a competent approach not only to treatment, but also to catering. Persons suffering from peptic ulcer should adhere to a special sparing diet No. 1. Diet during an exacerbation is especially important, when the load on the digestive organs should be minimal.

General principles of dietary nutrition

When organizing medical nutrition, it is important to follow the principles of the diet. Thanks to rational nutrition, you can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and speed up the process of entering a stable remission.

The diet for patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer No. 1 is divided into table No. 1A (with severe exacerbation) and table No. 1B (as the patient's condition improves). Diet 1B is prescribed after the completion of the course of treatment using diet 1A.

General principles of the diet:

  • balance and adequate calorie content - you can not feed ulcer patients with low-calorie, monotonous food; food should be nutritious (at least 2500-3000 kcal per day), contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, fats;
  • fractional nutrition involves eating food in small portions, the interval between them is at least 3 hours;
  • the correct temperature regime - cold or hot food is strictly prohibited, especially during exacerbation of gastric ulcer, when the mucous membrane is inflamed;
  • restriction in the use of salt, up to a complete refusal;
  • a complete ban on fried, fatty, smoked foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • refusal of products that can cause fermentation and increased gas formation;
  • compliance with the drinking regime - it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of pure water per day (if there are no problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland);
  • mechanical and chemical sparing - products must be selected carefully to avoid irritating effects on;
  • zigzag nutrition involves training the gastrointestinal tract and is used during remission; the essence of the principle is in the short-term introduction of forbidden food (in small volumes) into the patient's diet, followed by a return to dietary nutrition;
  • taking into account the time required to digest food is extremely important - following the principle will allow food to be better absorbed without undue stress on the stomach.

Nutrition for patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum should be selected individually, taking into account weight and age, general condition, taste preferences. Classic cooking options - boiling, stewing, steaming (slow cooker, double boiler). Dietary nutrition is important to observe not only during exacerbation, but also during remission.

Features of the diet during an exacerbation of the disease

Diet for exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers is an integral part of complex therapy. The ulcer worsens for various reasons - dietary errors, bad habits, stress and nervous shocks - as a result, inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa occurs, pain develops, and the general condition worsens.

Compliance with diet No. 1A is aimed at maximum sparing of the stomach and duodenum in terms of thermal, chemical, mechanical effects. The diet helps smooth out the reflex excitability of the stomach, accelerate the scarring of ulcerative defects.

Diet No. 1A during an exacerbation of the disease is based on the observance of the rules:

  1. calorie restriction, but not less than 2200 kcal per day;
  2. limiting salt intake to 6 g per day;
  3. the consistency of food is only liquid, puree-like, thoroughly rubbed;
  4. temperature mode of food supply - no more than 55 °, not less than 15 °.

The diet during an exacerbation of the disease is based on the use of mucous soups (ground), steam soufflés and omelettes, boiled eggs, jelly, steam cottage cheese casseroles. Of the drinks, sweet juices half-diluted with water, weak tea, infusion of wild rose berries are allowed.

Diet during remission

After achieving a stable remission, the diet is significantly expanded. You can eat more high-calorie foods, including pastries and sweets.

During the remission period, which lasts more than a year, nutrition gradually approaches the standard diet of a healthy person.

But a number of restrictions must be observed:

  • per day should be at least 4 meals;
  • overeating is unacceptable;
  • restriction in the daily dose of salt to 10 g;
  • alcohol, spicy and spicy food, coffee are prohibited.

In remission with duodenal ulcer 12, you can eat ripe bananas, strawberries, non-sour apples, cherries. From drinks, a variety of fruit and vegetable juices (with the exception of citrus fruits), compotes, jelly, tea are allowed. The total volume of liquid (excluding first courses) should be at least 1.5 liters.

Approved Products

Many are interested in the question: what is allowed to eat with a duodenal ulcer and stomach? The list of products allowed for use with such an ailment is extensive, the patient will not remain hungry.

  • Bread is allowed, but only wheat and not freshly baked. With an exacerbation, it is better to dry the bread in the oven and eat it in the form of crackers.
  • Dairy dishes(cereals, soups) can be eaten during an exacerbation and in remission. Such food is nutritious, contains a lot of protein, envelops the stomach, reducing the secretion of gastric juice.
  • broths. Useful during exacerbation, the main thing is that the broth should be secondary, and you can cook it from chicken, turkey, beef. On the basis of broths, it is allowed to cook soups (vegetable, cereal, with vermicelli).
  • Dairy and dairy products in the form of ordinary milk, fermented baked milk, low-fat sour cream and cream, cottage cheese and yogurt (without dyes and E-additives), unleavened cheese (only in the period of remission) are tasty, nutritious, have a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Turkey, chicken, rabbit, beef meat- ideal for preparing second courses. There are many options - meatballs, cutlets, dumplings, zrazy, meatballs, soufflés and casseroles. The main thing is to cook them only for a couple.
  • The fish is lean and boneless., for example zander. It is better to give preference to minced fish cooked in a double boiler or baked in foil.
  • Eggs allowed at any stage of the course of the disease. The ideal cooking option is soft-boiled or steamed scrambled eggs.
  • Grains in the form of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina are used to make cereals and soups, side dishes. The main thing is to boil them well or wipe them.
  • sweet fruits- bananas, soft pears and apples of non-acidic varieties diversify the diet. When aggravated, pears and apples should be peeled and baked.
  • Sweets in the form of marshmallows, jam, marshmallow, fruit marmalade, jelly and mousses from milk and fruits (berries) are allowed after the exacerbation is over (on the 7-8th day).
  • Oils needed in nutrition. It is allowed to add olive, sunflower, butter to food.
  • Drinks in the form of rosehip broth or wheat bran, direct-pressed juices (diluted with water by 50%), non-concentrated compotes, weak tea are tasty and healthy, they quench their thirst well without having a rough effect on the stomach.

Approximately 12% of the population are familiar with a stomach ulcer, it is a chronic form of the disease in which bleeding wounds (several or one) form on the walls of the stomach and duodenum.

A person with such a diagnosis often experiences a feeling of pain, unpleasant belching, heaviness, bloating, nausea, loss of appetite, if these symptoms are not given due importance in time, then you can soon get to the operating table.

Let's talk about the specifics of nutrition in case of an ulcer, what the diet should consist of, and which group of products is prohibited.

Proper nutrition for stomach ulcers

Important! Remember to pay due attention to what medications you are taking if you have a history of stomach ulcers. After all, with such a diagnosis, you need to be very vigilant in choosing a pill for a headache or, say, a toothache, since certain medicinal substances can irritate and exacerbate inflammation in the stomach very much, as a result of which internal bleeding may open, and all will end with surgical treatment. .

Nutrition for exacerbation of stomach ulcers

Exacerbations of chronic diseases always occur in the autumn, spring periods, when the body experiences the greatest stress, beriberi, as well as if there were repeated diet violations and nutritional errors.

In order not to bring the condition to the extreme, during an exacerbation, the most stringent diet No. 1A is prescribed, it lasts from five to seven days and it must be strictly observed, after which you should immediately switch to diet No. 1B, for another seven to ten days, and only in this way it is possible to muffle the formed focus of inflammation. Let's take a closer look at what these diets are.

Diet number 1A

The basis of the diet per day: up to two liters of liquid (water, tea, herbal infusions), 100 g of fat, 80 g of protein, 200 g of carbohydrates. According to the consistency, the food should be liquidish, puree-like, exclusively in the form of heat, cooking methods, as described above, food in portions with a fist 5-6 times a day.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • vegetables fruits;
  • any broths (meat, fish, mushrooms ...);
  • spices;
  • bread and pasta;
  • legumes;
  • alcohol, soda;
  • chocolate and cocoa - containing products.

The diet includes:

  • porridge on water (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina), a larger variety of porridge must be ground or beaten with a blender, you can add a tablespoon of milk per serving of porridge or a small piece of butter, cream;
  • puree or soufflé from white meat, low-fat fish;
  • milk or low-fat cream for drinks or dishes, less often butter;
  • fresh cottage cheese, pudding or steamed casserole;
  • cottage cheese with the addition of milk and sugar;
  • soft-boiled egg or steamed omelet;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • puree from pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, potatoes (1-3 times during the diet period).

Diet number 1B

A little more extended than the first option, and requires the amount of protein per day to be increased to 100 g, carbohydrates to 300, fats in the same amount as in the previous version.

The diet includes:

Such nutrition, taking into account both diets, is designed for 2-3 weeks, can help to more easily endure the period of exacerbation of the disease, as well as prevent deterioration of the condition and will not start the development of the disease further.

What foods can you eat with a stomach ulcer

This disease worsens and aggravates the work of the entire digestive system, gives some kind of malfunction, the esophagus has to be rebuilt for a certain diet and daily routine, therefore, eating right, he feels good and comfortable, but as soon as you eat a harmful product, the mucous walls of the organ are instantly irritated and begin to secrete excess juice, this entails a number of other problems and poor health.

For people with a disease such as a stomach ulcer, it is very important to adhere to a peculiar diet without breaking the diet, so we will provide a list of foods that your day and diet should consist of:

  1. Bread after 1-3 days after baking, crackers, unsweetened, biscuit cookies.
  2. Soups without fatty fat on vegetables, chicken meat without skin and bones, cereals.
  3. Egg omelettes, soft-boiled eggs up to 4 times a week.
  4. Low-fat and non-acidic dairy products.
  5. Cottage cheese, butter.
  6. Meals containing meat (chicken, rabbit, veal), without tendons, skins, veins and any fatty parts.
  7. Banana, sweet pear, avocado, baked apple (possible with cottage cheese).
  8. Dairy cereals with sugar or fruit, or with vegetable oil in small quantities.
  9. Sometimes pasta.
  10. Olive, sunflower, linseed, butter.
  11. Jelly, mousse, jelly from fruits, berries, marshmallows, low-fat milk cream, marmalade, sweet jam.
  12. Pure and alkaline water, rosehip tea.
  13. Lean fish.
  14. Wheat bran.
  15. Hard, unsalted cheese.
  16. Berries and fruits are sweet, without peel, because it contains the most acid.
  17. Honey, in a small amount, about a teaspoon for daily use.
  18. Freshly prepared juice from cauliflower every other day, diluted with water 1:1, especially in the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria in parallel.
  19. Warm milk two hours before bedtime will create a protective shell on the walls of the stomach, calm the general emotional state, and have a healing effect, you can drink it with the addition of honey.

What not to eat with a stomach ulcer

The list of prohibited foods is quite large, any of them negatively affects the epithelium of the stomach and esophagus, so it’s better not to risk your health, thinking that nothing will happen from one serving of “harmful” food, in fact, at certain stages of an ulcer, every piece fatty treats can be decisive.

Prohibited list:

  1. Unrefined sunflower oil.
  2. Salo, caviar, fatty meats, fish.
  3. Mushrooms (any kind)
  4. Smoked products, sausages, meat, fish and other pastes.
  5. Canned, pickled, pickled products.
  6. The primary broth from fish meat, immediately after boiling, that is, the first broth must be drained and the boiled product rinsed well, then cook the second broth from the same product.
  7. Fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs.
  8. Rye bread, pastries, especially fresh ones.
  9. Barley, corn, muesli (hard to digest foods).
  10. Condensed milk, homemade milk and other milk with a high percentage of fat.
  11. Peas, white cabbage, beans, apricots, radishes.
  12. Fresh onion, sorrel, garlic, mustard, horseradish.
  13. Tomatoes, tomato sauces, pastas.
  14. Citruses, cranberries, pineapple, gooseberries, currants.
  15. Nuts, dried fruits, especially raisins, seeds, chips.
  16. Chocolate, fatty ice cream.
  17. Vinegar, salt black pepper, spices.
  18. Coffee, cocoa, strong, black tea, carbonated drinks.
  19. Alcohol.

Nutrition for stomach ulcer menu for every day

First day

Breakfast: boiled rice mashed with milk, 1 soft-boiled egg, tea.
Snack: baked apple puree in the oven, with sugar or honey.
Dinner: vegetable soup - mashed potatoes, mashed buckwheat with a steamed cutlet, rosehip broth.
Snack: two biscuit cookies with compote.
Dinner: semolina (on water) without salt, a small piece of fish baked in foil with egg and sour cream sauce.

Second day

Breakfast: milk, buckwheat porridge, two soft-boiled eggs, tea with milk.
Snack: baked apple with cottage cheese and sugar.
Dinner: soup - mashed rice, carrot milk, butter; mashed potatoes with steam meatballs, compote.
Snack: cracker, jelly from fresh, non-acidic fruits.
Dinner: fish stewed with carrots, 70 grams of durum vermicelli, tea.

Third day

Breakfast: semolina on milk and water (1:1), 100 g of cottage cheese with honey, tea.
Snack: yogurt without dyes, cracker.
Dinner: soup with vegetables and semolina, mashed, jelly, a piece of yesterday's bread.
Snack: a glass of compote with three pieces of biscuit cookies.
Dinner: pumpkin puree with olive oil and sugar (optional), a piece of boiled chicken breast, without salt.

Fourth day

Breakfast: oatmeal on water with butter, cottage cheese up to 5% fat, unsweetened tea.
Snack: hard cheese up to 30 grams, banana.
Dinner: soup with grated buckwheat, vegetables and meatballs, bread, compote.
Snack: baked sweet pear.
Dinner: mashed zucchini and potatoes, steamed fish meatballs.

Fifth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk.
Snack: juice from fresh plums, dry gingerbread or cookies.
Lunch: boiled buckwheat, grated, veal cutlets.
Snack: fermented baked milk 2% 250 ml.
Dinner: zucchini puree soup and pumpkin with sour cream, cream, bread, compote.

Sixth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese and oatmeal casserole, sweet tea.
Snack: compote, dry biscuit.
Dinner: boiled rice, steamed cutlets with sour cream sauce, cabbage juice.
Snack: two cheesecakes.
Dinner: zander baked with sour cream, cauliflower and carrot puree, tea with milk.

Seventh day

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk butter, tea with biscuits.
Snack: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and sugar.
Dinner: soup with a spoonful of cream, potatoes and dill, 150 g of boiled meat, bread, jelly.
Snack: compote, crackers.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat porridge, steamed fish fillet, bread.

Every day, an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of warm milk, in the absence of excess weight, milk with honey.

Products allow you to diversify your menu with various dishes, techniques and cooking methods. Such a diet is prescribed for a long time, or for life, adhering to general recommendations in terms of nutrition, you will forget that there is such a disease as a stomach ulcer in your life, since it will proceed in a mild form, asymptomatically with noticeable progress.

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Proper nutrition for stomach ulcers is an indispensable attribute of the correct therapeutic effect, a preventive measure aimed at counteracting the appearance of recurrences of the ulcer.

A diet for a stomach ulcer, compiled correctly and without violations, adopted by the patient for guidance, allows you to speed up recovery, stimulate the rapid healing of an ulcer in the stomach. Below are the main patterns that are mandatory for a patient suffering from a stomach ulcer, with chronic gastritis, which can later develop into a chronic peptic ulcer.

If it comes to the duration of the diet, you will need to adhere to the menu for a year after the end of the exacerbation of the ulcerative process. The main purpose of dietary nutrition is to help the regenerative processes of epithelial tissues.

Prohibited Products

Below is a list of products that are prohibited for use in case of peptic ulcer. It is supposed to exclude from the diet foods that have an irritating effect on the wall of the digestive tube, enhance the formation of gases in the intestines, filled with an excess of sodium and chlorine ions.

Veins and cartilage will need to be removed from meat products. A nutritionist, gastroenterologist will provide other recommendations for proper nutrition for an ulcer.

Approved Products

The list of dishes and products allowed under diet number 1 is given. The list of products is extensive, the food for the patient will not seem limited and boring.

Weekly diet of a patient with an ulcer

The patient's diet is shown below. Menu for the week - an approximate scheme.


In the morning it is useful to boil oatmeal in water, drink a glass of tea. Second breakfast may consist of baked apples, low-fat yogurt. For lunch, it is good to eat soup in vegetable broth with hercules. As a second course, a meatball with a potato side dish or veal is suitable. For dessert, fruit jelly is allowed. Wash down with a decoction of wild rose.

For an afternoon snack, the diet after an ulcer is milk with crackers. For dinner, it is allowed to cook steam pike perch with stewed cauliflower from a double boiler. Drink weak tea.


For breakfast, prepare diet meals - a mixture of 2 eggs, butter and milk. Wash down with strawberry jelly, the diet will become complete, tasty and nutritious. The second breakfast with an ulcer with high acidity is buckwheat porridge in milk, thoroughly rubbed. You should drink tea.

For lunch, zucchini soup is prepared. The second course is served with pâté from any sort of low-fat fish, potato casserole in foil with beef meat. For dessert, offer the patient an apple mousse. For an afternoon snack, a banana washed down with a glass of fresh kefir will not hurt. Such a diet after removing part of the stomach is considered as sparing as possible.

For dinner, after removing the stomach, chicken meatballs with vegetable puree are prepared. For dessert - cream of sour cream and yesterday's bread. Drink compote or tea. Before going to bed - a glass of milk. It is important to follow the rule prescribed by diet therapy.


Breakfast consists of rice porridge mashed and boiled in milk and apple compote. A similar diet after gastric resection is timely. The second breakfast is cottage cheese and oatmeal kissel.

Lunch, if you need a diet for stomach ulcers, is presented on the menu with vermicelli soup in vegetable broth. The dish is served boiled beets with vegetable oil. For the second, serve the patient buckwheat porridge, pike perch. Washed down with a glass of tea.

For an afternoon snack, the patient can eat a glass of yogurt, crackers. Evening meal consists of rice pilaf with beef and jelly. Try adding vegetable risotto.


As a breakfast, the diet after the operation provides for a decoction of barley, boiled to a slimy state with milk, milk jelly with carrots. A glass of tea with cookies is allowed for a snack after duodenal ulcer surgery.

The patient's lunch consists of rice soup with the addition of pumpkin, followed by a rabbit meat soufflé with boiled vermicelli. Dessert in the form of apples, pears and grape jelly.

Dinner - beetroot salad with potatoes, pumpkin and zucchini puree, jellied turkey. Drink milk jelly. As an evening snack - cottage cheese pudding and fermented baked milk.


Breakfast - semolina porridge with jam and tea. The second breakfast is lazy dumplings and a strawberry smoothie.

For lunch, they offer a salad with vegetables and herbs with sour cream, soup with dumplings, and for the second - a zucchini stuffed with chicken, baked in the oven. An afternoon snack for peptic ulcer consists of fruit salad and strawberry jelly.

For dinner, tongue and potatoes are served. For dessert - oatmeal pudding with an apple and drink tea. Evening meal - a glass of warm milk.


Breakfast - milk soup and warm tea. Second breakfast - a glass of fermented baked milk and boiled beetroot puree.

For lunch, prepare a soup of prunes and apples and herring soaked in water for the patient. Snack - protein biscuit. For an afternoon snack, kefir cocktail with strawberries.

Dinner is allowed baked cod and barley porridge. For dessert - jelly and fruit. Such a menu will not increase the acidity of the stomach.

In the evening before going to bed - milk with crackers. Replace with yogurt if needed. The wrong diet, which increases acidity, leads to deterioration.


The morning menu includes boiled macaroni and cheese and tea in the diet. For a snack - cottage cheese casserole, jelly from fruits and berries.

Lunch is represented by boiled meat and potatoes. For the first - soup with cauliflower, curd mass with the addition of carrots, plus compote.

Snack - a baked apple with honey. Dinner - kefir, meatballs and vegetable puree and berry juice or compote. Before going to bed, it is allowed to drink milk, eat a soft-boiled egg.

Such a diet for a week can be changed, improvements are made to the list, taking into account the tastes of the patient. The diet for a week with a stomach ulcer should be based on the described principles.

Today, in the media and the Internet, you can find a lot of recipes on how to cook delicious and nutritious meals with a stomach ulcer. They determine proper nutrition, become the key to a healthy lifestyle. Dietary nutrition is an important condition for proper treatment.

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