What to cook with rhubarb? Rhubarb in the kitchen: what to cook and whether it will be useful Rhubarb recipes

Blocks 28.02.2021

Another positive property is the improvement of metabolism, so this is a great helper for anyone who wants to lose extra pounds. It is harvested in the summer, dishes with it are classified as seasonal. This plant has an amazing quality. It cannot be fully consumed. You can cook food only from the stem, but its leaves are considered poisonous and not suitable for food. For cooking, you should choose a strong and elastic base.

Rhubarb is most commonly found in recipes with these five foods:

Its thickness should be about 2.5 cm. To improve the taste, rinse the stems thoroughly, cut off a couple of centimeters from the bottom, removing the fibers trailing behind the knife. Traditionally, rhubarb recipes can be found in the section with desserts and pastries. The thing is that the grass has a sour-spicy taste, somewhat reminiscent of a combination of apple and strawberry. It perfectly complements pastries with various berries and fruits. Feel free to add cinnamon, vanilla and other spices if desired. From this, the culinary creation will become more original and interesting.

We have no problem what to cook from rhubarb - there are more than three dozen recipes.

Friends, good time of the day! With you, Victor Dulin.

Rabarbaru is the name of rhubarb in Estonia, we brought one of the first in the country back in 1988.
It was a cultivation from seeds and rhizomes donated by familiar summer residents much older than us.
Or rather, in exchange for our science of vermicultivation, biohumus and technological earthworms themselves.
Since then, from early spring to late autumn, huge leaves, flowers and seeds of this plant adorn the garden with north side from the eco-house.
But the giant stems, amazing for us, reaching the thickness of my arm at the wrist, are not only highly decorative, but also immediately went as a filling for sweet pies - according to many popular Estonian and other recipes.

All year round, such pies can be purchased here in almost all cafes and shops, since pieces of stems are harvested for future use in freezers.
We do not do this, but use only fresh environmentally friendly stems and for the third day we have been indulging in pies already first and .

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 300 gr. butter,
  • 100 gr. cane sugar,
  • 1 tsp baking powder (soda and citric acid).
  • Pour 2/3 of all the crumbled ingredients into a slow cooker on baking paper.
  • Then evenly lay out 300 gr. rhubarb leaf stalk, cut into 2-3 cm pieces.
  • Sprinkle the remaining 1/3 of the crumbs on top.
  • We set the "Baking" mode - 1 hour.

About so many useful properties all parts of this amazing Tibetan plant, from the buckwheat family, and its history of appearance back in Peter the Great's time in Russia, were learned only with the advent of the Internet.
It turned out that this is a whole treasure, not only heaps vitamins: (who is not interested, like me - admire the photo of today's tulips)

Useful and dietary properties - only 16 kcal per 100 g of stems.

We have only two types of this grass, as we call them - "heroic" and "dwarf".

In total, there are more than 30 varieties:

From leaf petioles of rhubarb, you can cook not only our favorite pies, but also:

However, keep in mind:

Stems can only be harvested until mid-June - until they have accumulated an excess dose of oxalic acid.

The leaves must be torn off immediately from the bush, since this acid comes from them.

Besides, this valuable product should be avoided if you have:

Rhubarb leaves can also be washed or drive out the ants.

Blogger friends, even if you do not yet have the opportunity and desire to engage in vermicultivation in practice, you can provide invaluable assistance in promoting the topic of environmentally saving the planet from garbage with the help of the "Angels of the Earth" - for this you just need to click on the buttons of social networks.

Health to you and prosperity!

Sincerely, Victor Dulin.

Rhubarb is a perennial plant with large leaves, growing in the middle lane. Its edible part is greenish-red petioles, fleshy and juicy. Rhubarb leaves are not good for food, but a lot can be made from petioles. delicious meals. Do you already know how to cook or pie with it? Believe me, there are options that will surprise you.

From this plant, which is a vegetable from a botanical point of view, you can make marmalade, jelly, compote, jam, pie filling, puree soup, vinaigrette and sauces. The main thing is not to use brass or metal utensils while cooking, as rhubarb can lead to oxidative reaction. Now you know what you can cook with rhubarb. By the way, this vegetable appears when it is still impossible to think about other fresh fruits and berries, and becomes an excellent source of vitamins and beneficial acids and salt. As a remedy, rhubarb is used as a natural mild laxative. For people with problems gastrointestinal tract or adherents of diets this property is really valuable. Let's talk in more detail about what can be prepared from rhubarb.

Compote with rhubarb

Take a kilogram of petioles, wash them thoroughly and cut into pieces a couple of centimeters long. Pour a liter of water and boil for five to seven minutes. To taste, you can add no more than one and a half glasses of sugar, after which you should cook until the petioles soften. If desired, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar, as well as cinnamon. The taste will be more spicy. This easy-to-make and tasty compote will make you think no more about what you can make with rhubarb.

Kissel with rhubarb

Unlike compote, jelly is thicker and more nutritious. Didn't know that jelly can also be made from rhubarb? It really is. For cooking, you need a kilogram of petioles, cut into small pieces, a liter of water, sugar, or cinnamon. Boil the roots for five minutes, rub through a sieve or puree with a blender, add sugar, vanilla and zest or cinnamon. In cold water, stir five tablespoons of starch and, stirring slowly, pour in the rhubarb puree. Heat the mixture to a boil and turn off the heat. Let the jelly cool and serve as a dessert.

Sauce with rhubarb

What can be cooked from rhubarb even more unusual? This is the sauce. Take the petioles cut into pieces and boil them until soft. Grind through a sieve or in a blender. Fry a little flour in butter, add sour cream, salt, sugar and mashed potatoes, heat to a boil. This sauce goes well with meat dishes instead of tomato paste. The ratio of products is as follows: for one and a half kilograms of petioles, you need to take two teaspoons of flour, one hundred or two hundred grams of sour cream to taste, a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Rhubarb is also good as a dressing. For example, an ordinary vegetable vinaigrette will become more piquant and unusual if you fill it with juice from boiled petioles. Boiled rhubarb can be added to soups instead of spinach or sorrel.

H unpretentious and unpretentious rhubarb is the very first "live" vegetable not from a greenhouse or basement, its crops begin to be harvested and added to the menu 3-4 weeks after the snow melts. Seeing a plant sprouting from the ground, we do not think about what to cook from rhubarb. It is enough to peel hard petioles with shiny skin, sugar, wait a little and get a real dessert filled with vitamins and minerals, fiber and antioxidants, with a minimum of calories (21 per 100 g) and no fat. Rhubarb will push metabolic processes and stimulate the body to bounce back after the winter and the “poor” spring for fresh vegetables and fruits.

From the culinary literature about rhubarb and cooking recipes, it can be seen that stems (petioles) with a diameter of 1.5–2 cm are used, and for blanks up to 2.5 cm. For any processing, they must be cleaned. Leaves are used rarely and with caution, only young ones, because they contain harmful substances.


In petioles, sour taste dominates against the background of tart and slightly sweet notes. This determines the partners of rhubarb in recipes for cold dishes.

Salad with cauliflower. Boil and divide a small head of cabbage into small heads. Chop an apple and 3-4 rhubarb stalks, pick a few leaves of any lettuce, chop the dill. Mix all products, salt, sprinkle with sugar, season with salad oil and sour cream.

Salad with carrots. Recipe with rhubarb from Russian cuisine. Cut across 200 g of young stems, lightly sprinkle with sugar, pour 1-2 tablespoons of honey, mix, let stand for 30 minutes. Coarsely grate 200 g of carrots or rutabagas. Mix vegetables with a chopped bunch of green onions, salt and season with mayonnaise, if desired, can be mixed with sour cream.

Salad with beets. The same amount by weight of boiled beets and fresh rhubarb stalks cut into cubes and sprinkle with sugar to taste. Thicken 2-4 tablespoons of sour cream with a pinch of flour, salt, heat to a boil and immediately pour the hot dressing into the salad. Stir, serve warm.

Rhubarb in vinaigrette recipe. Cut a few petioles into cubes, pour into a small saucepan, pour over their level hot water and heat for a few minutes, without bringing to a boil, over low heat. Cut traditional products for vinaigrette, reducing the amount of pickles, mix with rhubarb. Salt, pepper, sugar, season with oil and cooled rhubarb broth.

beet caviar. 5-7 stems are cut into small pieces, blanched, mixed with chopped boiled / baked beets, chopped with a meat grinder or mixer. Season vegetable puree with salt, sugar, sour cream or butter, preferably creamy, and hold for 7-10 minutes on the stove with low heat, cool, transfer to a vase, sprinkle with raisins and nuts.


The main feature of rhubarb and recipes for hot dishes with it is the short heating time of the petioles so that they do not turn into porridge ahead of time.

Red meat sauce. Randomly cut a small bunch of cuttings, simmer in 2 cups of meat / chicken broth. Take out the pieces with a slotted spoon. Saute a chopped onion with grated carrots and a slice of celery. In a saucepan, fry a spoonful of flour in a spoonful of oil until dark brown, pour in tomato paste, dilute everything with rhubarb broth. Put the fried vegetables in a saucepan and simmer on a medium flame for about half an hour, before turning off, throw in the rhubarb, salt, pour sugar to taste, chop with a blender.

cabbage rolls. Blanch young leaves without petioles in salted boiling water, like cabbage. Chop a few petioles and mix with chopped onion and prepared minced meat, 500 g. Wrap the filling in leaves, roll in breadcrumbs, lightly fry. Brown the ribs in a large roasting pan and season with ginger, oregano, pepper and salt. Thickly put slices of tomatoes on them, then fried cabbage rolls. Simmer covered until tender, generously season with sour cream and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Borscht with rhubarb, recipe for lean and vegetarian cuisine. Cut 6-7 stems into cubes. pour hot water into a saucepan for borscht and boil the cubes for 1 minute, remove with a slotted spoon. Saute a large onion and 2 carrots in oil, add 2 grated beets to them, simmer for 15 minutes. Put a small finely chopped piece of cabbage in a saucepan, after a couple of minutes - 2-3 chopped potatoes and, if desired, boiled beans along with broth, after 10 minutes - stewed vegetables. Boil 20 min. To taste, without saving, add tomato paste. Salt, pour 1-2 tsp. sugar, season with herbs. After 10 minutes put the rhubarb and after 2 minutes remove from heat. Soup is useful to insist in a textile heating pad. In bowls, season with sour cream and sprinkle with fresh garden herbs grated with garlic.

Rhubarb Drinks

Raw young rhubarb stalks are very good at quenching thirst. But if you use the recipes for making drinks from rhubarb and work a little, you can get an unexpected taste experience and enjoyment.

refreshing drink. Cut 300 g of stems, pour a liter of water, cook in a closed saucepan for 20 minutes. Mash with a crush, cool gradually, filter, put 5-6 tablespoons of sugar and squeeze the juice of half an orange or lemon.

Kvass. Pour 2.5 liters of water with 500 g of rhubarb, cook until soft, mash and, when it starts to cool, filter. Combine a cold broth with a glass of sugar, put 15 g of yeast. Keep the day in a warm place. Pour kvass into bottles, close, put horizontally in the cold for a couple of days. For color, fruit or aged beetroot juice can be added.

Kvass "Podmoskovny". Dip 300 g of chopped rhubarb in 1.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 7 minutes, filter and squeeze through a sieve or gauze. Pour 150 g of sugar and 6 g of yeast, leave warm for 8-10 hours. Pour into glass containers, place in the refrigerator.

Compote. Dip 300 g of vegetable cut into cubes into 1.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 3-4 minutes together with a glass of sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar, avoiding boiling.

Kissel. 500 g of chopped petioles pour 2 liters of water, cook for 10 minutes, knead the pieces. Filter the broth, to separate the fibers, wipe the strained pulp through a sieve and mix with the broth. Add an incomplete glass of sugar and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon. Shake in a glass of cold water 3 tbsp. l starch, pour, stirring, in a thin stream into a thick broth. Bring the jelly to a boil and turn it off immediately.

You can “ennoble” rhubarb and recipes for making compote and jelly with early honeysuckle, which will significantly increase the benefits, or with wild strawberries and strawberries, which will create a unique taste.


This direction of culinary use of rhubarb is perhaps the most popular. It seems surprising to many, but being a botanical vegetable, in cooking the plant is more used as a fruit. Use the "sweet" rhubarb recipes below to help you understand why rhubarb is not a vegetable.

Simple pie. Beat an egg with 100 g of fat sour cream and 120–150 g of sugar, mix with finely chopped rhubarb, 0.4–0.5 kg. Divide the package of puff pastry in half and roll it into 2 layers. Put one on a greased baking sheet, spread the filling on it in an even layer, sprinkle it with sugar on top. Close with a second sheet, pinch the edges, apply a mesh with the tip of a knife. Hold for 10–15 minutes, coat the top with a beaten egg, bake for 25–30 minutes, 180–200 0C, remove from the oven, cover with towels so that the cake “sweats” and the crust remains soft.

Mousse. 2 tbsp. l. soak gelatin in water. Cut 350-400 g of cuttings, pour a liter of cold water and boil until completely soft, wipe with the liquid through a sieve. Squeeze juice from a medium lemon, add a glass with a slide of sugar, a spoonful of butter and swollen gelatin, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool the thick mass a little and beat until a homogeneous dense foam is obtained, pour into vases, refrigerate.

Rhubarb Five Minute, recipe for now. At the stems, remove the lower part, 2-3 cm, young ones can not be peeled, chopped, combined with an orange crushed together with a peel or grated fresh ginger to taste. Pour in sugar, 1–1.5 kg per 1 kg of vegetables, leave until morning. Boil in your own syrup, stirring occasionally, 12-15 minutes. Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Jam. Boil young petioles in a small amount of water to a mushy mass and mix with sugar, at the rate of kg per kg, simmer, stirring, until the consistency of thick sour cream. Divide into jars and seal tightly.

Compote with rhubarb winter recipe. Scrap petioles and remove thick veins, finely chop, soak in water for 12 hours, drain, blanch for 2 minutes, pour over cold water, let drain and arrange in jars, pour boiling syrup (400–500 g of sugar / liter of water), sterilize and roll up.

Jam. Pour 1 kg of stems cut into cubes with 0.7 kg of sugar, leave overnight. Drain the secreted juice, add 0.6-0.8 kg of sugar and 50 g of young cherry leaves to it, boil the syrup, throw rhubarb slices and a handful of leaves into the intensely boiling. Boil quickly, turn off. After 2 hours, cook for 5 minutes from the beginning of the boil, remove the leaves, transfer to jars, cork, wrap in a blanket. To prepare candied fruits from rhubarb, boil the syrup thicker, remove the pieces from it immediately after the first cooking, dry well on a sieve or sieve, then drown in thick syrup or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Many people love and grow rhubarb, the recipes for which are quite simple. Unfortunately, oxalic acid, which is part of the plant, prevents pregnant women, young children and sick people with kidney and gastrointestinal problems from filling their spring diet with it. The rest - good luck in the kitchen and bon appetit!

When the last snow falls after a long winter, sprouts of vitamin-enriched rhubarb rush out of the ground. This plant is convenient in that you can cook dishes from it in early spring, in addition, there are a huge number of recipes. Rhubarb, along with sorrel and spinach, is saturated with trace elements.

About rhubarb

Petioles of this early spring plant are especially in demand throughout spring and in the first weeks of summer, since it is during this period that the body lacks vitamins after cold weather. There are a number of conditions, subject to which you can get the maximum benefit. Rhubarb stalks contain many organic acids, which in a certain period (in early spring) great content citric acid, a little later - malic acid, in the middle of summer they are already oversaturated with oxalic acid. Recommended collection time: May - mid-June, shoot length - 20-30 cm.

"Easier than simple" - salad

There are more than 100 recipes for making rhubarb, the most common and simple is rhubarb salad, which is called "Easier than Simple". A telling name, isn't it?


  • Rhubarb - 300 grams.
  • Sugar (can be replaced with powdered sugar) - 1 tablespoon
  • Cinnamon or vanilla - a pinch.
  1. Take rhubarb stalks, wash them well and peel off the hard top layer. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Season with sugar and vanilla (rhubarb tastes like apples, so cinnamon will be appropriate instead of vanilla).
  3. Wait a little for the salad to infuse, and the plant was able to secrete juice. After 10-15 minutes you can put on the table. Enjoy your meal!

You can turn on your imagination and diversify this recipe. You can add various ingredients to rhubarb, like apples, oranges, cucumbers, carrots, pineapple, cheese, beets, and even chicken or meat. You can fill the salad with any sauce, sour cream or just vegetable oil.

Pie: rhubarb, almonds and cinnamon

From rhubarb you can make not only salads and side dishes, but also delicious pies. For example, an exquisite cake with sour cream and almond filling and a delicate aroma of cinnamon throughout the house is a very tasty and spicy dessert that will appeal to all households. Airy pastries with a savory filling that combines sour and sweet notes. In addition, the recipe for rhubarb pie is very simple.

We will need:

  • Rhubarb stems - 500 grams.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Flour - 250 grams.
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sugar - 300 grams.
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.
  • Almonds - 50 grams.
  • Sour cream - 250 grams.
  1. Remove the thick skin of the rhubarb and finely chop it.
  2. We fill the small cubes of the plant with sugar and while we remove it, allowing it to soak in sugar and let the juice flow.
  3. Let's do the test: butter should be at room temperature, mix with 60 grams of sugar.
  4. In this mixture we drive in 1 chicken egg, mix with a mixer;
  5. Sift the flour and add the baking powder to it, pour it into the oil mixture - knead the dough.
  6. Lubricate the form (preferably with a diameter of 24 centimeters) with butter (butter), sprinkle with breadcrumbs and add the dough.
  7. The time has come for the prepared rhubarb - put it on top and pour the juice from the plate there.
  8. We set the temperature in the oven to 185-190 ° C, wait until it warms up, and place the cake in it for 35 minutes.
  9. We switch to the filling: beat two chicken eggs with a mixer and gradually add sour cream to the beaten eggs. Then add cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
  10. Finely chop the almonds and add them to the filling.
  11. We take out the cake after 35 minutes, pour the prepared filling on top and put it back in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Take it out of the oven, let it cool down and, if desired, sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Is it true that rhubarb recipes are not particularly complicated? Enjoy your meal!


The successful preparation of jam from this plant is 50% dependent on the proper preparation of rhubarb. Petioles must be carefully peeled from a thin peel, if this is not done, the slices in the finished jam will be harsh. Cut the stems into small pieces. You can cook jam from this plant only in enamelware, because it contains a lot of acids. The recipe for rhubarb jam is very simple.

We will need:

  • Rhubarb - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram.
  1. We cut the rhubarb into cubes, place it in a container and sprinkle it with plenty of sugar and do not touch it for a day, allowing the plant to release the juice.
  2. After 24 hours, put the rhubarb on the fire and stir occasionally. When the jam boils, cook it for another 15 minutes.

Pour the finished jam into jars.

plant benefits

fiber, pectin, folic acid, carotene - no, this is not a list of prohibited drugs, these are those useful material, which are contained in the petioles of rhubarb. This plant significantly outperforms other garden crops, such as cucumbers, in terms of vitamin content. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium are contained in this, so to speak, storehouse of macro- and microelements. Rhubarb, the recipes for cooking dishes from which are very diverse, occupies a large place in folk medicine: cold, constipation.

Contraindications to the use of rhubarb

Rhubarb is useful to many people. But there are exceptions to everything, so rhubarb is contraindicated in certain diseases: diabetes, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory processes in bladder and kidneys, hemorrhoids and urolithiasis.

Sweet rhubarb soup

Rhubarb can be cooked not only in spring, but also in summer, so here is another recipe. Rhubarb (with a photo of the dish can be found below) is also used for making soups.


  • Rhubarb - 600 grams.
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece.
  • Kefir (can be replaced with curdled milk) - 1 cup.
  • Rusks - 150 grams.
  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • Clove, cinnamon, vanillin.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  1. Remove skin from rhubarb, cut into small cubes.
  2. Boil water, place 2 cloves and cinnamon on the tip of a knife there, add sugar.
  3. Place crackers and rhubarb. Boil for no more than two minutes, then remove from heat. The resulting mixture can be beaten with a blender, you get a puree soup.
  4. We're getting ready to ship. Separate the yolk from the protein, beat it with kefir (or yogurt) until smooth, pour it all into the soup while stirring without stopping.
  5. Beat the protein with a mixer until foam appears, add a pinch of vanilla. Add a teaspoon of the resulting foam to the finished soup.

If there are berries, then you can add them as a decoration, for example, strawberries, cherries, etc.

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