Prediction of World War III. US World War III prophecies: Senior source confirms covert movement of nuclear warheads to US East Coast

Ceramics, fireclay 29.03.2021
Ceramics, fireclay

Greek Prophecies Elder George about the seven wars conversation record - 2009.): “Each of the wars will be even more cruel than the previous one. More and more states will be involved in each of the wars, and thus the war will cover more and more space of the globe. Between wars there will be periods of peace. The inhabitants of states involved in wars will pray to God for help, but their prayers will not be heard. The inhabitants of states that do not participate in wars will not be enlightened by the misfortunes of their neighbors, but instead will seek war and destruction in order to take revenge on their enemies. In the end, the war will cover the whole world. Famine, devastation, misfortune, rebellion, robbery and disease will reign everywhere.

Greece will place her army in the power of the coming elected King.

Russia will withstand another provocation - an attack from Georgia, and this time will destroy Georgia completely. Unfortunately, the losses of the civilian population of Georgia will be horrendous.

While the Russians are fighting in Georgia, the Ukrainians, instigated by the Americans, will also begin to flagrantly provoke Russia. Turkey will allow American ships and aircraft to enter its straits and airspace to strike at Russia.

From this moment, the countdown for Turkey will begin. Very soon the Russians will defeat the Ukrainians (more precisely, few Ukrainians will agree to fight the Russians ) and will be welcomed by the residents of Ukrainian cities. Over Ukraine and the Black Sea for the first time there will be dogfights between the Russians and the Americans, and the Russians will win a CRUSHING victory.

A dictatorship will be established in Turkey, and at the same time, the Kurds will revolt.

There will be a global economic crisis. The economic systems of states will collapse one after another, payments will be stopped, there will be popular uprisings on the basis of the economy, and the inhabitants of Europe will refuse to serve in the army ...

The war will start from below, because of the blessing protecting Greece. But the war will go on in our immediate neighborhood: Albania, Croatia, Bosnia, America and NATO against Serbia and Russia.

In Greece, the government will fall within a few weeks, and we will go to the polls.

This is where the ruling junta of Turkey will attack us.

When these events take place, remember two things: never betray, never renounce CHRIST and MOTHERLAND...

The elder told me that the one who names the exact dates - for example, that this and that will happen on June 10, 2007 - is clearly in delusion, and we should not take such words for granted ...

The prophecies of the saints may speak of calamities and sufferings, but at the indicated times calmness and peace come. God loves His creation, gives it the opportunity to "rise" again. And the false prophecies only talk about successive disasters, but there is no question of the possibility of being saved.

And now I will continue to prophecy about military events and the world, what will happen to Greece and especially to us Greeks, and what needs to be done to be saved.

The Black Sea will become a Russian lake after Turkey is also conquered.

(Turkey will be the first country to test the Russian secret SUPER WEAPONS).

The Russians, having met resistance from the Turks and in a hurry to defeat them, until NATO had time to provide assistance to Turkey, will destroy this country entirely. Even earlier, the Russians will enter Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Azerbaijan, pushing back American troops.

In the north, the Russians will invade the Scandinavian countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway and conquer them. This will happen because, although these countries will formally remain neutral, it is from their territory that the first serious blow will be delivered to Russia, the victims of which will be civilians. The punishment that will befall these countries will terrify all mankind.

Then the Russians will enter Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova. The population of the Orthodox Balkan countries will revolt, overthrow their corrupt rulers and make an alliance with Russia. It will be Serbs and Romanians, but not Bulgarians. After that, the Russians will go south to help their Arab allies and especially the Iranians in the war with the Americans.

The Americans by this time, after a fierce struggle, will take possession of the entire coast of Iran, but will not be able to move inland, as the Persians will desperately resist.

The Russians will pass through all of Persia and defeat the US-NATO troops. Then they will invade Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait and finally Israel.

At this time, the US and Israel will make the first attempt to use nuclear weapons, but the Russians neutralize it. This will cause interruptions in energy and communications throughout the world.

Then the Russians will enter Egypt and seize the Suez Canal. During the offensive in the Middle East, Russian troops will also pass through Greece, but will not cause the slightest damage to the Greeks. In addition, troops will pass through Greece very quickly.

This ability to quickly move large troops over long distances will be a great advantage for the Russians. This will be possible thanks to a new unknown design of aircraft, similar to flying saucers.

The Russians would then enter the Balkans to help the Serbs against the attacking NATO, and the Muslim and Catholic Balkan states, and be victorious.

Only one thing will break the Russians and force them to divide their forces - the betrayal of the Chinese. Although at first China will be on the side of Russia, after a while, seduced by the biggest bribe in history - power over the territory of all of SIBERIA, the Chinese will withdraw their troops and, even worse, allow the allied troops to stab the Russians in the back.

Those NOTHINGS that did not send their troops to the aid of the Russians will now send them against the HEROIC GREEK ARMY, which, under the leadership of the God-given Tsar JOHN, will take part in the battle in ARMAGEDDON. But here they are waiting for a complete defeat from the heavenly angelic forces that will defeat them ...

The detailed description of the troops and weapons that I am citing, perhaps because the priest himself took part in military operations in Korea with the rank of lieutenant, and therefore looks at military events with different eyes.

Tsar John, sitting on the throne, will continue to fight - this time against the Chinese.

The Greek army, together with several allies from among the Orthodox states, that is, 100-150 thousand people, against an army of 200 million? Could she have defeated her enemies if not for the clear intervention of the Lord?

The fire that will descend from heaven and "melt" the Chinese (as the elder described it to me) will be brought by the glorious servants of the Lord - holy angels.

Having defeated the Chinese, the Sovereign will fight against ALL Muslims, first in Asia, and then in North Africa.

But we haven't finished talking about the First Warrior yet.

The Russians will bring in troops and East Thrace (2) and the Asian lands opposite.

Western troops will land in Albania and along the Paraegnathia road (a significant part of which, however, will be destroyed by that time) will begin to move east. But since it will be difficult for them to move along the destroyed paths (bombed out roads, blown up bridges, constant attacks by the Russians), they will make a cunning decision.

The West will send MOST of its troops along the Via Egnatius here in Greece. This will happen, firstly, because Greece will be a neutral state and its roads will not be destroyed, and secondly, because Greece will be an informal ally of Russia. The Russians would not have dared to strike at an "allied" and friendly state.

And so it will happen. But the allies will hate the Greeks terribly because they did not fight against the Russians and therefore did not suffer any damage, while in their West their own countries will be practically destroyed and many of their loved ones will die.

Woe to the Greeks who fall into their hands. For the most insignificant reasons - for example, for answering the question whether the city is near or far, which they will ask every peasant or shepherd - the Greeks will be tortured to death. Western troops will deviate from their path and attack cities and towns.

All the abominations of the Crusade will be repeated. Western soldiers will rob houses, rape women of all ages, kill people, burn down TEMPLE. They will mock the priests, and disasters will follow one after another, because as soon as one western detachment leaves, the next one will follow it to the same place ...

The only salvation will be flight into the mountains or forests. Woe to the elderly, pregnant women, small children and the crippled. But the new crusaders will suffer a heavy and disastrous punishment at the walls of Constantinople.

(BROTHERS! I PLEASE! Do not consider the words of my elder untrustworthy.

In the following days, the world economic crisis will START (it will be artificially caused), as a result of which the LENDING SYSTEM will collapse.

NATO members, because there are traffic jams on the Egnatius Road! (the elder told me that the troops would number about 3 million people), send some of their troops through Thessaly.

Terrible disasters await the inhabitants of the regions through which they will pass. Villages in the valleys will be destroyed because they have no natural defenses. Only the villages at the foot of Mount Olympus and Kissavos will be saved.

The troops coming through Thessaly and along the Egnatian road will unite near Thessalonica. The city will be CAPTURED again. Heinous atrocities await its inhabitants, who, fortunately, will be few in the city by that time.

During a short (in time) Greco-Turkish clash, NOT A ONE Greek warrior will die. But some will be hurt.

The soldiers will constantly keep their finger on the trigger, there will be a firefight from guns and cannons (especially on the islands), but these will all be unorganized attacks.

From the information that will come to the Turks, they will understand that an attempt to master Greek islands will be tantamount to tragedy.

Then they will try to act suddenly by attacking mainland Greece. The Turks will load their troops onto ships and head for the landing sites, from Kavala to Athens! They will think that we have thrown all our troops into the defense of the islands and left the coast undefended. They will be two steps away from the goal. Six nautical miles from the coast. Here they will be overtaken by death.

Seeing that it is impossible to capture the islands, the Turks will attack Cyprus. There will be fierce battles, there will be heavy losses (both in the ranks of the troops and among civilians).

Fortunately, the imminent advance of the Russian troops will force the Turks to withdraw ALL their troops in order to defend their country. Then the Greek army of Cyprus will liberate the occupied territories. (Unfortunately, there will be ethnic cleansing).

When I asked the elder, how will the Lord allow one Russian people to advance there, invade there? He told me that all the wars in which the Russians will participate will be caused by provocations, to which the Russians will respond.

The same with the Turks. So that later they could not justify themselves before the Lord, saying: “what did we do wrong, why did you destroy us with your weapons - the Russian troops?”

The Lord will say to them: “You yourself, without any reason, attacked the Greeks. This is your punishment." From this answer of the elder, I understood that the Turks should attack Greece according to own will so that the law of the Lord's justice may come into force ... ".

The economic crisis, which will last until 2020, will eventually redraw the political map of the world and radically change the entire geopolitical balance of power. The United States is in for hard times, and Ukraine and the EU will cease to exist.

This forecast was made by the famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa in 2010.

He noted that the unenviable fate awaits the President of the United States, predicted by a medieval Russian astrologer. “Back in 1999, I said that the world would face an unprecedented crisis that would begin after the arrival of the 44th US president,” Globa stressed.

According to him, there are indications of this even in the works of the 16th century by the Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchin, who pointed to the upheavals that would come from across the ocean when the 44th ruler was in power in the overseas country. Nemchin called him "the black man".

“In 1999, I thought that “black man” was referred to in an allegorical sense, but it turned out that “black” was used in direct meaning. As a result, we were mistaken for several months, since the crisis began shortly before the arrival of Obama, but this is an acceptable error, ”said the astrologer.

“The states are facing a great depression. The country will be saved, but it will lose its leadership status. At the same time, the most hard times for the United States, it will come after the departure of Obama, who will not last more than one term in the presidency,” predicts Globa.
According to him, even more sad future awaits the European Union.

“Several associations will appear in place of the single European Union. The Scandinavian and Baltic countries form the Northern Union, which will become the heir to the "Hanseatic League". France, Italy and Spain will unite in the Southern European Union and so on. The EU may remain as an entity, but only on paper,” said Pavel Globa.

According to the astrologer's forecast, other military and political alliances will also fall apart. “The NATO bloc will not survive until the end of the crisis, which will strengthen somewhat in the near future, but then cease to exist,” Globa said.
The astrologer noted that this year will be for Russia "the year of recognition of its enemies."

“The Year of the Yellow Ox is traditionally difficult for Russia,” said Pavel Globa. - It was in this year that the most sworn enemies of Russia, Napoleon and Hitler, were born. It was in the year of the yellow Ox that the NATO bloc was created. This year, Russia will be able to recognize its true enemies by sight.”

Pavel Globa predicted the imminent disintegration of Ukraine into three parts, saying that two of them would become part of the new Russian Empire. “Ukraine will not survive the crisis, which is waiting for the collapse into three parts,” said Globa. - The collapse will not happen now, but by 2014 in Ukraine there will be de facto two administrations independent of each other, while maintaining the formal integrity of the territory, approximately in the same format as today in Moldova. The Eastern Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kyiv and will de facto become part of the Russian Empire, while Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya.”

According to the forecast of the astrologer, 2014 will be the year when humanity will come close to the beginning of the Third World War.

“2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very militant combination,” Pavel Globa explained. – I fear the beginning of a permanent war in the East. God forbid it will be connected with Iran, then in any case, we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrolled total terrorism. But until 2014 there will be no war in Russia. There will be an explosion of banditry, but nothing more.”

The decisive phase of the third world war.

USA and China: to full combat readiness.

18.01.2018. Xi Jinping addressed his army, saying that “the confrontation between the United States and North Korea has reached the point where there are military actions on a global scale. Therefore, the Chinese People's Liberation Army must be ready for any orders.... USA: A Delfi journalist directly asked General Hodges: Is the threat of war really great? "I hope I'm wrong, but it's getting closer big war, the general told the US military ..

On the likelihood of an early nuclear war.

5.05.2017. Paul Craig Roberts: The US is preparing for a nuclear war with Russia and China. Queen Elizabeth declared World War III. The Pope speaks in riddles about a new war and the apocalypse. Viktor Poznikhir: Response to a possible "global strike". Igor Korotchenko - about the likelihood of a nuclear war. Read all

Is China preparing for a nuclear war in North Korea?

Last update 2.05.2017. The Daily Express reports that the Chinese city of Dandong, located on the border with the DPRK, was ordered to urgently recruit Korean translators.... Read all

Mobilization has begun in the United States, aircraft carriers are entering strike positions.

7.06.2016. The military confrontation between the United States and Russia continues to grow, hysteria in the West continues to unwind, and against this background, American aircraft carriers leave their places of permanent deployment in connection with the announced mobilization. The Pentagon and NATO as a whole are on high alert, amid calls from US officials to "bridle" Russia...... Read all

Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 ... but in vain. Retribution has begun.

11/27/2015. Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova held a briefing for journalists on the downed Su-24. The area where the SU-24 pilot died was razed to the ground... The armed forces of Russia and Turkey cut ties... A special operation began in Syria to return the body of the killed Su-24 pilot... Russia deployed the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system in Syria "... The Turkish army has suspended flights over Syria after the incident with the Su-24 ... Moscow takes Turkey by the throat. The Russian authorities are preparing to give an unprecedented tough response to Turkey, which shot down a Russian Su-24 fighter jet in the sky over Syria. Russia will apply global sanctions to Turkey, depriving Ankara of a significant part of its GDP against the backdrop of a crisis in the Turkish economy... Read all

A Russian Su-24 bomber was shot down by the Turkish Air Force over Syrian territory.

11/25/2015. The Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian military aircraft. Shot down not by accident - shot down deliberately. Something like this was not just not just a long time ago - a very long time ago ... About why Ankara could make such a decision - in the "Facts" program. "Backstab". Chronicle of news about the downed Russian Su-24. Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said: “Ankara shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber in Syrian airspace. Moreover, a Turkish fighter violated the Syrian-Turkish border, attacking a Russian aircraft. Syria First,... Read all

In 20 days, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed about 750 IS facilities in Syria.

20.10.2015. The operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria continues for 20 days. During this time, Russian warplanes inflicted about 750 airstrikes on militant positions: first of all, command posts, training camps, weapons depots, communication centers and factories for the production of explosives are being destroyed. According to Syrian Minister Ali Haidar, Russia's participation in the fight against IS militants brings the Syrian army closer to victory over terrorism. Russia and the United States continue to hold consultations to avoid incidents in the airspace in Syria. Washington demands from Iraq to stop rapprochement with Russia. IS fighters are suffering heavy losses and have changed tactics, dispersing forces and hiding in settlements. Mass desertion continues among militants.... Read all

Russia shows the world who is who.

9.10.2015. ISIS is faced with the task of taking Syria, Iraq and rushing in the direction of the Russian Federation - to Central Asia and the Caucasus, and further to the Volga. This strategic plan had to be nipped in the bud… It took almost 15 years and tens of thousands of people were killed NATO war machine under the pretext of a war on terrorism, flows of refugees, so that V. Putin from the UN rostrum said: “Do you even understand what you have done?” After the first successes of Russia in the fight against terrorists in Syria, the United States faces an extremely uncomfortable question - how did you fight terrorism and bombed ISIS bandits all these years, so that they became more and more numerous and stronger? And in order to wriggle out, but not concede in the confrontation with Moscow, Washington will be forced to launch an open campaign to support the “right” terrorists. Read all

Russian special operation in Syria: results of the first week.

8.10.2015. Since September 30, according to the Ministry of Defense, Russian aviation has carried out 120 sorties, destroying 110 targets in territories controlled by terrorists. In addition, on October 7, the Caspian Flotilla joined the VKS, the ships fired 26 cruise missiles at IS positions, hitting all targets. The bombings undermined the morale of the terrorists, thousands of militants fled. A large-scale offensive by the Syrian army began on all fronts. The fights are fierce. The Syrian army is provided with air support. The militants of the "Islamic State" group, fleeing from Syria, are accumulating forces and massing in the north of Afghanistan, on the outskirts of the countries of Central Asia. Read all

NATO threatens Russia with a nuclear strike.

28.05.2015. The statements of the NATO leadership continue to amaze the world press - this time the official representative of the Alliance, General Petr Pavel, who from June 1, 2015 will become the chairman of the NATO military committee, including those responsible for declaring war on the alliance, said that the military bloc will use nuclear weapons against Russia . Read all

Technology of social change.

26.05.2015. The technology of social change is a replicated system of social actions, the implementation of which leads to the necessary changes in society for someone. What makes this technology especially valuable is its independence from the normal desires and real needs of the vast majority of people in the society in which this technology is used... Compared to ordinary "ideological propaganda", such technologies are like bacteriological weapons compared to throwing rotten eggs... Read all

The US and NATO have moved into "number one" combat readiness for a strike on Russia.

08.05.2015. The representative of the United States to NATO, Douglas Lewt, said that from now on, any incident will be interpreted as Russia’s armed aggression against NATO and NATO will immediately respond with a military strike, Lewis emphasizes .... Over the past year, NATO has been intensively pulling serious military reserves to its borders, conducting numerous military exercises right next to Russia .... Read all

The Russian "strike" is another failure of the US plans.

03/18/2015. ... As it turned out, Putin's intelligence worked ahead of the curve, and thanks to the well-known Mr. Edward Snowden, the entire Blitzkrieg-2 preparation package was sent to Russia, including a detailed plan for its launch and implementation. Thanks to this important information, Vladimir Putin began to carry out measures to neutralize the global threat... Read all

Cyberberkut posted compromising information on the government of Ukraine.

1.02.2015 . The CyberBerkut hacker group kept its word and published on its website a dossier on every member of the Ukrainian government. The documents presented on the site mention very curious facts from the political and personal life of such politicians as Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Avakov and many others.
Read all

2015: Russia will break out of the trap or perish.

12/30/2014. The deterioration of the economic situation in Russia is not a retribution for the events around Crimea, it is a necessary payment for the protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, which is under threat due to the policies of the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the final press conference in 2014. “This is not a retribution for Crimea, this is a payment for our natural desire to self-preserve as a nation, as a civilization, as a state,” TASS quotes Putin.
Read all

Possible scenario of war between NATO and Russia.

8.12.2014. An armed conflict between our country and the North Atlantic Alliance is possible in the near future if the parties do not urgently start looking for a compromise. Dennis Sandol, professor of conflictology and international relations at George Mason University (USA), writes about this in his article in the Financial Times. According to Sandol, the constant expansion of NATO to the east and plans to include Georgia and Ukraine in the bloc put Russia in a stalemate... Read all

The US and NATO are actively provoking the Third World War.

09.10.2014. The US is preparing for a nuclear war. According to many experts, the third World War already started in Ukraine. America cannot allow the situation to be resolved by negotiations. But is it possible to stop it at all?... having created the BRICS (an economic association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the East declared war on the dollar. Thus, he, in the first place, declared economic war on America. Unfortunately, America has no chance of winning in a clean fight. Therefore, she was forced to turn the economic war into a real war .... The leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, accused the North Atlantic Alliance of wanting to start a "war of annihilation" against Russia, noting the "hatred" with which, according to him, the Secretary General speaks about the Russian Federation this organization Jens Stoltenberg Read all

End of positional impasse

There will be no "plum" of Novorossiya. Putin finally decided to “cleanse” the Kremlin from pro-Western liberals

09/19/2014. Statements by the ex-Minister of Defense of the Donetsk People's Republic about his intention to fight the "fifth column" inside Russia and support for Vladimir Putin indicate that he himself Russian President stopped balancing between the two Kremlin factions: the “liberals”, who are forcing Putin to “merge” Novorossiya, and the “imperials”, who are ready to go all the way, choosing the side of the latter. This opinion was expressed by the philosopher, political scientist, leader of the "International Eurasian Movement" Alexander Dugin... Read all

State price. The continuation of the war may call into question the existence of Ukraine.

The events of August 10-12 should be considered the next key point of the war in eastern Ukraine. It was during these days that the offensive operation of the Ukrainian security forces actually bogged down, which began in the first half of July with the aim of cutting off the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics from the border with Russia, and then blocking both capitals, splitting the republics into scattered pockets of resistance. Read all

NATO plans to deploy military bases near Russia's borders.

08/27/2014. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen admitted that the alliance plans to deploy new bases in Eastern Europe near the Russian borders. "You will see a visible presence in the east," he promised. Earlier, the new members of the organization came up with an even more radical proposal: "We will adopt what is called a plan of action, the purpose of which will be to be able to act quickly in the new security conditions in Europe ....." Read all

Washington challenges humanity to a final and decisive battle.

08/13/2014. The decision to start a third world war has already been made. This was stated yesterday by the leader of one of the largest political parties in Russia.
Until quite recently, the very possibility of a major war on the European continent seemed almost unbelievable. Today, many politicians and political scientists speak about the beginning of the third world war as one of several possible scenarios for the development of events ...
The State Duma asked to bring bomb shelters to a state of readiness ....
Kyiv is preparing an invasion of Crimea - The Pentagon believes that the Ukrainian army should be preparing today to organize a full-scale military invasion of Crimea.... Read all

That night Russia was on the verge of the third world war.

1.08.2014. On the air of the American television channel CNN, there was information that the Ukrainian military used ballistic missiles in shelling the cities of Donbass. The Americans have not yet advertised the targets and places for launching missiles. But they claim that last days Ukraine has fired these shells several times already. Internet observers put forward the version that the launches were carried out on the territory of Russia, and the Kremlin almost gave the order for military action - Washington was able to stop Moscow literally at the last moment... Read all

Junta offensive failed

07/30/2014. The junta's offensive has fizzled out in most areas. The ambitious plan to encircle Donetsk and Gorlovka failed. Geletey said that the junta had exhausted the possibilities for offensive operations, after which, today, the junta began to send contacts to Belarus so that Lukashenka would mediate for negotiations. The junta desperately needs a breather to regroup and build strength. In general, the situation, although difficult, is clearly in favor of the militia, which in almost all areas was able to repulse the large-scale offensive of the regular army. Read all

P. Poroshenko is preparing a Crimean blitzkrieg.

In parallel with the operation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Kyiv secretly began preparing for military operations in the Crimea. On the territory of the Kherson region, which is considered as the main springboard for an attack on the peninsula, a total mobilization of men under the age of 35 years old for military service has been announced. Read all

Ukraine pulls troops, Grad installations and Osa complexes to Crimea .

07/10/2014. According to a LifeNews source, armored personnel carriers, the Osa anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) and the Grad system are actively being drawn to the border with Crimea ... contract from the Zhytomyr mechanized unit.... Read all

Total losses of punishers in Donbass for the period: 2.05 – 6.07.2014.

8.07.2014. The total losses of punishers in the Donbass for May 2 - July 6, 2014 - 4230 people. The total strength of the punitive group (Ministry of Defense, National Guard, Kolomoisky's mercenary battalions, etc.) is just under 32,000 people. The percentage of losses is about 17%... Read all

The Second Great Patriotic War began with the Crimea and New Russia.

07/08/2014. OSCE: Crimea went to Russia in restitution. We are talking about why the OSCE refused to consider the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation as a violation of the integrity of Ukraine. The publication of Wprost has catastrophic consequences for the Ukrainian state... "You must not allow the resolution on Crimea to be announced," US Secretary of State John Kerry was hysterically addressing OSCE Chairman Didier Burkhalter...
Second Great Patriotic War: continuation in Novorossiya... There is main feature the fact that the West has declared a war on us precisely for destruction, that these "partners" have declared an open hunt for Russia and now they will not calm down until the complete liquidation of the Russian Federation .... Read all

Putin and the Rat King, or Operation Mousetrap

07/07/2014. Ukrainian events have come to the final stage. The denouement is close. I will not be mistaken if I say that it will manifest itself from day to day.
The hysteria of the oppositionists has reached a climax. The Kremlin gets worse from its own citizens than from the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War..... Read all

Latest news from Novorossiya. 07/05/2014.

5.07.2014 News summary of Novorossiya for 07/05/2014.
Donbass: grandiose ethnic cleansing of the Russian and Russian-speaking population.
Slavyansk militia arrived in Donetsk. The residents greeted them with applause.
The abandonment of Slavyansk by the militia: who lost in the end.
In the photo: the consequences of air strikes and shelling by the security forces in the village of Stanytsia Luhanska. Read all

Enemy at the gate!

June 24, 2014. The enemy is closer than you think. He's already killing Russians. And won't stop. It didn't stop yesterday - it won't stop either tomorrow or in a month... Washington has realized that time is playing on Russia's side. Therefore, an event is planned for the next two or three days, which can make a radical change in the development of the Ukrainian conflict..... Read all

McCain was going to democratize Russia.

The United States decided to start a “Maidan” in Russia, for which they are actively discussing in Congress the initiative to allocate as much as thirty million dollars for the democratization of the Volga, Siberian, Far Eastern and other expanses. With this money, America is going to build democracy in Russia by 2017, that is, before the end of Mr. Putin's rule.
"Vesti" directly states that Washington "started preparing the Russian Maidan"... Read all

Denis Klimov: "Apocalypse yesterday". On the night of May 9, the United States planned to launch a nuclear strike on Russia.

24.05.2014. On the night of May 9, the United States planned to resolve the issue with Russia and China once and for all, wiping both countries off the face of the earth. However ... the exercises of Russia's strategic nuclear forces May 8 showed overseas scumbags that Russia knows and is ready to answer ....
Read all

Ukraine: Development of the crisis.

20.05.2014. In order to understand what the Kremlin will do next, we formulate goals:
- Prevent Ukraine from joining NATO - Prevent the establishment and stabilization of a Russophobic regime in Ukraine, which implies denazification
- Prevent the genocide of the Russian population of the South-East
Ideally, all three goals must be achieved and at the same time it is necessary not to break the Russian economy in the process of reorienting to Asia and at the same time not to let the Americans delay their economic end at the expense of the EU... Read all

Events in Ukraine on May 19, 2014.

Heavy fighting is going on in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, the cities are under attack by artillery.
The National Guard of Ukraine stormed the Stankostroy area in Kramatorsk. The militia detachments retreated from the airfield and took up positions in the entrances of residential buildings.
In an interview with the RT television channel, the head of the Odessa Republic, Valery Kaurov, accused the Kyiv authorities of the deaths of people in the south-east of Ukraine. Kaurov also noted that, according to his calculations, 272 people died in Odessa on May 2. Read all

Events in Ukraine on May 2, 2014.

Punitive operation in Slavyansk. Chronicle of events. Slavyansk. We are dying, but we will stand to the end! Appeal of the Crimean militia to the inhabitants of the South-East on May 2, 2014.... Read all

Events in Ukraine April 16, 2014.

What is happening in Ukraine and Russia. Events in Ukraine on April 16. Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Nikolaev, Slavyansk, Krasny Lyman, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Odessa in breaking news Ukraine and Russia. "Anti-Maidan" of Odessa announced the creation of the Odessa Republic. Read all

Recent events in Ukraine.

04/07/2014. "Berkut" in Kharkov went over to the side of the people. Appeal to Putin from Donetsk People's Republic April 7th. The protesters in Donetsk announced the creation of a republic and promised a referendum. The protesters announced the creation of the Kharkov People's Republic. In Dnepropetrovsk, the "Left Sector" announced a general mobilization. In Donetsk, the date of the referendum on the creation of the republic was set. In Kyiv, Berkut officers seized the police department and barricaded themselves. Crimea and Russia promise to support their like-minded people in Donbas.... Read all

The signing of an agreement on the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation took place in the Kremlin. Crimea was admitted to the Russian Federation on March 18.

18.03.2014. A truly historic event has taken place today. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Crimea Sergei Aksenov and member of the Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, authorized representative of the city of Sevastopol Alexei Chaly signed an agreement on the admission of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation. Watch the video broadcast of Putin's address following the results of the referendum in Crimea and the signing of an agreement on the admission of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation.

Recent events around Ukraine.

The Crimean Supreme Council adopted a fundamental decision on the entry of autonomy into the Russian Federation. The US Armada heads to the Black Sea. China threatened to demand debts from the US if the Americans put pressure on Russia.
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Russia will send troops and marines to Crimea, but support for motorized rifles and the Air Force is not ruled out

Aviation in the west of Russia is brought to the highest degree of combat readiness.

Moscow, 27.02.2014. Aviation patrols the border areas in the west of Russia in an enhanced mode. Fighter aircraft of the Western Military District are on combat duty in the border areas in an enhanced mode as part of the combat readiness check, which is carried out by order of the President of the country. This is stated in the message of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense. The fighters are constantly patrolling the airspace in the border areas, the country's military department noted.
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Ukraine is turning into a Gulyai-Polye. The country is on the verge of civil war.

20.02.2014. Maidan is spreading to the regions. Under the control of the radicals were city administrations in the Volyn, Rivne, Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk and Transcarpathian regions. The media and social networks spread footage of how unbridled thugs are torturing the governor of the Volyn region Alexander Bashkalenko - during the storming of the regional police building, his head was broken, and then handcuffed to the stage. In Lvov on Thursday, radicals rolled out anti-tank guns captured the day before into the streets... Read all

"Team of jackals of Ukraine".

20.02.2014. Of course, Yanukovych will be blamed for hundreds of wounded, dozens of dead, a thousand maimed in Kyiv. And Berkut. And also those with whose tacit consent this massacre took place, which has not yet been equaled in independent Ukraine. They will become the new "damned", without which, it seems, it is impossible. Their atrocities will be written about, thousands of materials will be filmed. So I'm talking about others. And about something else.... Read all

War is inevitable! Will have to fight with the Islamists, their own nationalists and Ukrainian Bandera

15.02.2014. Interview gives ex-Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Major General Alexander Vladimirov. Today this is especially important to know. " It is now necessary to proceed from the fact that war is inevitable, and it is really inevitable. ... And this is the main thing for all the media and our public figures - to convey this simple idea to our guys - war is inevitable on the territory of Russia, they will inevitably have to fight. If some parts of the army remain, they will help the population fight, but no one will be left behind. "... Read all

Gulyai-pole 2014. "Special report" TVC 12. 02. 2014. about the events in Ukraine.

02/15/2014. Barbed wire has not been seen in the center of Kyiv, probably since the German occupation. Today it exists again, and the country is gradually turning into one huge, uncontrolled, "walking field" ... However, no one in Ukraine, perhaps, can give a clear answer to the question: "Well, let's say ... And what later, after the so-called revolution?

Ukraine. Euromaidan: chronicle and meaning of events.

28.01.2014. An analytical program in which Sergey Kurginyan, political scientist, gives a complete chronology of the development of the situation in Ukraine and comments in detail on recent events in Kyiv.
S. Kurginyan is engaged in the analysis of political processes in Russia and the world, studies of post-capitalist ideologies, problems of political philosophy and decision-making strategies.
Watch the video of the analytics program

From the war in Syria to the third Caucasian war - one step.

10.12.2013. Marat Mazipovich Musin, The vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, a professor who has just arrived from Syria, in his interview talks about how the Syrian army knocks out militants from all their fortified areas and where rather large groups of militants are relocated. O the outbreak of the third Caucasian war and where the main fronts of battles will take place. When will they talk about it on official TV? Where are the Caucasians who fought in Syria now? Who and what can our army protect? What should civilians prepare for? About this and much more, very important and relevant... See the video interview

Russia, Syria and the collapse of American dominance.

10/10/2013. First, good news. American hegemony is over. The hooligan was restrained. With the Syrian crisis, the world has crossed a key fork in modern history. It was as risky as the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The chances of a full-scale war were very high when in the Eastern Mediterranean clashed steel will America and Eurasia. It will take some time before we realize what we have been through.... Read all

In Moscow, it was decided to create a defense center in case of war.

29.09.2013. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu decided to organize in Moscow the headquarters of the supreme command of the armed forces, which will begin to perform its functions in the event of war. According to Interfax on September 27, for this the head of the Defense Ministry is preparing to create a state defense center in the capital.
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The document on Syria, which has binding force, was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council.

09/29/2013. This binding UN Security Council resolution first of all requires the disclosure and destruction of the Syrian chemical arsenals. The document also calls for the "Geneva-2" peace talks and supports the creation of a transitional government structure with full executive power. Details in the video by RT correspondent Marina Portnoy. FROM m. footage

Breaking news: Israel may have tried to start a war.

09.09.2013. An urgent report prepared by the Russian Defense Ministry informed President Putin that two Israeli ballistic cruise missiles fired by an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine in the Eastern Mediterranean near Syrian waters on September 3 had been destroyed by the US Navy. But this may well mean that Tel Aviv was going to start a war with Syria that day. Read all

The troops of Syria, Hezbollah and Iran have created a single command for a counterattack on the United States.

08.09. 2013. Syrian government forces, the Iranian Ayatollah in Iran and the Lebanese organization Hezbollah have set up a single operations control center for a counterattack in the event of an American attack on Damascus, Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star reports, citing diplomatic sources......

Ayatollah Khamenei Ali-Reza Forgani, adviser to Iran's spiritual leader, published a series of threats against the United States and the country's president personally. For example, he threatens that in the event of a US strike on Syria, the president's daughter Natasha will be kidnapped and raped.
Ferghani writes that in the event of a strike on Syria, relatives and children of American high-ranking officials will be kidnapped around the world within 21 hours. In another 18 hours, the US government will receive footage of their limbs being amputated, adviser to Ayatollah Khamenei promises.
"Obama, if you attack Syria, you will go to hell. So please attack," Ferghani urged. Read all

USA: A senior source has confirmed the covert movement of nuclear warheads to the US East Coast.

6.09.2013. A senior military source has confirmed to us that the transfer of nuclear warheads from Dyess Air Force Base to the East Coast of the United States is in full swing. Transportation is carried out secretly and is not documented in any way.
According to a high-ranking Army source, who has proven himself to have proved the truth of the information he provided about military covert operations more than once, the commander of the Air Force at Dyes Base allowed the transfer of nuclear weapons by unknown persons to an unknown location, which is reportedly located in South Carolina, where they will be picked up and possibly used. This is of particular interest not only because of the escalation of the situation in Syria to the point where the scenario of a hot war becomes very real, but also because Dice has repeatedly denied the presence of nuclear warheads at the facility... Read all

Syrian question.

04.09. 2013.
Throughout the past week, the world has been somewhat nervously waiting (and continues to wait) for the start of American strikes on Syria. In the last couple of days, there has been some detente, but the risk of hostilities remains ....
The US authorities, when discussing in Congress the issue of the use of force in Syria, lie when they say that American strikes will not lead to the strengthening of the positions of Al-Qaeda in this country, and also when they claim that Al-Qaeda in Syria in general no, said Russian President Vladimir Putin .....
The senators decided to give B. Obama 60 days for an operation against Syria. However, with the start of the military operation, Washington may in absentia face another adversary, in addition to Bashar al-Assad, Moscow. At least, this is the opinion in the States. According to Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), a strike on Syria could push Russia to increase military assistance to Bashar al-Assad.... Read all

The world is preparing for the decisive phase of the world war.

19.11. 2012. WASHINGTON, DC November 18, 2012 “Now that we have chosen our commander-in-chief for our upcoming war, let’s take a look at how we got here…

The prediction discussed in this interview concerns our lives from 2013 onwards. D. Celente believes that within the next four years the Third World War will begin and its cause will be what is happening in the economy now. We offer you an excerpt from an interview in 2012, where possible scenarios for the development of events in Iran, China, Russia, etc. were discussed. Invest in gold and silver, stock up on food and other vital supplies to be ready for anything.difficulties.
How do you see the world over the next four years?
- I am very afraid of a world war. And I've been talking about this for a long time. We know that history repeats itself. Crash of 1921, Great Depression, currency wars, trade wars, world war. Panic. Is there depression now? In our country, everything depends on what numbers you operate with. As my late father said, “stop listening to what everyone is saying and think with your head.” So I'm talking about how I personally see what's going on.

The Internet is actively discussing world events of recent times, which hypothetically could provoke the start of the Third World War. On the conspiracy forum, users have collected all the possible facts and guesses that, in their opinion, prove the fact that the world is in danger.

According to the participants in the discussion, the Third World War may begin with nuclear strike North Korea. For clarity, the interlocutors use the mark "4/26", referring to April 26, 2017. Observant members of the forum have noticed several significant events that suggest that the world is one step away from the apocalypse.

In the largest American cities - New York and New Jersey - the other day, large-scale exercises were held in case of a nuclear attack. True, representative federal agency The U.S. Emergency Management Commission said the online conspiracy speculation should not be taken seriously, and the exercise plan was approved last year.

In mid-April, it became known that the number of Google searches about World War III reached an all-time high. The reasons for the increased attention to this topic were the US missile strike on an air base in Syria, the growing tension in relations between Washington and Pyongyang, the overflight of Alaska by Russian strategic bombers, the frequent flights of the so-called "doomsday" aircraft in the United States, and the active movement of Chinese and Russian troops near the border. with North Korea.

A few days ago, the Portuguese clairvoyant Horatio Villegas named the start date for World War III. He told the British media that he had a prophetic dream. In it, "balls of fire fell from the sky to the ground, and people ran and tried to hide from the destruction." According to the psychic, these balls symbolized nuclear missiles that attack cities around the world.

The clairvoyant is sure that the Third World War will begin on May 13, 2017, on the 100th anniversary of the last appearance of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima. And the hostilities will end on October 13, but "for many it will be too late." Villegas warned that destruction threatened entire nations.

According to the psychic, all his predictions are correct. In 2015, he declared that Donald Trump would become the President of the United States, who would bring war to the world. Villegas also predicted that the American leader would attack Syria, and eventually ruin relations with Russia, North Korea and China.

Regarding the Third World War, other forecasts were also made earlier. The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga said that the war would begin after Syria fell. The Matrona of Moscow also left her prophecy about a possible world war, but, according to her, a catastrophe will not happen - Russia will act as a peacemaker, which will not allow a big war to be unleashed.

The events taking place in the world make us think more and more about the future. We do this, admittedly, with great apprehension. Everything is changing at such a speed that we are afraid to make plans, to look into tomorrow. Does the terrible word "" sound no longer so abstract?

Many world experts have repeatedly expressed their opinion about the possibility or impossibility of starting the Third World War. , political scientists, historians - everyone puts forward their own assumptions and versions.

Today we decided to turn to sources of a different plan and bring together the most famous psychics and clairvoyants. Is it worth it to thicken the colors?! Are all visionaries so unwavering World War III?! Stock up on valerian, patience - and get started.

French astrologer, physician, pharmacist and alchemist Nostradamus (1503 - 1566):

Will there be a third world war? Yes.

. Not marked.

Scenario. At the beginning of the 21st century, a terrible destructive war will take place in the world. Its beginning will be laid on the territory of ancient Babylon (today Iraq is located there). The war will last 27 years and will have catastrophic consequences, including world hunger and climate change.

American clairvoyant and healer Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945):

Will there be a third world war? No.

The special historical role of Russia. Russia will lead a resurgent civilization centered on Western Siberia.

Optimistic/pessimistic scenario. The earth will be engulfed by something no less catastrophic than the Third World War - natural disasters. According to the forecast, climatic and seismic disasters will affect the entire planet.

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