Naftogaz - latest news. NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine Naftogaz Company

Entrance doors 16.10.2020
Naftogaz of Ukraine on Wikipedia

GTS of Ukraine

Group "Naftogaz of Ukraine"- the largest national company in Ukraine. Providing support for the fuel and energy complex of the region.

The Naftogaz of Ukraine Group is a vertically integrated oil and gas company, which is running a new cycle of operations for exploration and development of genera, operational and development drilling, transportation and conservation of oil and gas, supply of natural and stored gas to survivors.

The group maintains uninterrupted transit of gas to European destinations, imports gas, and is also engaged in processing gas, oil and condensate at five gas processing plants (GPPs), which enter the group’s warehouse, vibrating gas, motor products and other types of oil on them. The company has a company line of filling stations.

The group is the largest payer of taxes in Ukraine. In 2018, the distribution of income from the group contributed 137 billion hryvnia in taxes and dividends, and about 15% of the total revenues of the state budget

History [ed. | ed. the code ]

Promissory vidobutok naphtha appeared in the 18th century. In 1909, in the Carpathian region, 2 million tons of naphtha were produced. Газова промисловість паливної промисловості України бере свій початок з введення в експлуатацію Дашавське газове родовище та побудови першого газопроводу Дашава-Стрий в 1924. Інтенсивному розвитку послужило наступні відкриття родовищ нафти і газу на території сучасних нафтогазоносних областях Дніпровсько-Донецької , Карпатської і Причорноморсько-Кримської .

From the territory of Ukraine itself, the first supplies of natural gas were made in the world: in 1945, deliveries from Dashavsky and Oparsky gas fields to Poland were continued.

In the middle of the 20th century, the natural gas of the Ukrainian migration was transported to Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria.

Ukraine reached the maximum level of crude oil production - 14.4 million tons (together with gas condensate), and natural gas - 68.7 billion m³. In 1945, first export supplies of natural gas from the territory of Ukraine to Poland began, from 1967 - to Czechoslovakia, and later - to Austria. Oil transit from Ukraine started in 1962 (near Czechoslovakia).

In 2011 Ukraine became a full member of the European Energy Partnership. Ukraine and Azerbaijan signed a Memorandum on cooperation in the organization of the supply of accumulated natural gas to the territory of Ukraine and Ugoda on the development of cooperation in the sphere of transportation of oil to the territory of Ukraine. Started National project "LNG - terminal". The Naftogaz Company has launched the implementation of the project to modernize the gas transportation system of Ukraine. At lime 2011, the first step of the reconstruction of the main gas pipeline "Urengoi - Pomari - Uzhgorod" was welded. Signed by the Naftogaz company and the American company Halliburton Ukraine to support, monitor, service, and operate Sverdlovin oil and gas.

In the fierce fate of 2018, the Stockholm Arbitration sued for the massive calls to Naftogaz and Gazprom: the Ukrainian company of goiters was ordered to pay 2.2 billion dollars, the Russian one - 4.7 billion. .6 milardi.

The Russian company tried to challenge the decision in the appellate court of the Svea district in Sweden, which acknowledged the hearing on the appeal of Gazprom on the date of 2019. "Naftogaz" seeks to arrest the lane of the Russian concern behind the cordon for a distant primus sale. Vidpovidnі processes to go in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Great Britain.

At the end of 2019, the Tribunal near Haazi confirmed that the Russian Federation is guilty of spending Naftogaz's assets on Krim. The Permanent Chamber of Arbitration in Haas found out that Russia had violated the favor of defending investments by expropriating the assets of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine and її subsidiaries in Crimea. The international tribunal praised the decision to retaliate against Naftogaz, and ruled that the Russian Federation, arbitrarily to bilateral interests, about the mutual defense of investments between Ukraine and Russia, and that the Russian Federation was guilty of illegally hoarding Naftogaz assets in Crimea.

We gave the decisions to the tribunal without deducting the amount of the cash flow from Naftogaz. Rozmir zbitkiv will be installed at the next stage of the process. Naftogaz experts estimate the variability of expropriation of assets in Crimea at least $5 billion.

At the fate of 2019, judges in the Netherlands and Luxembourg have decided to appeal to Gazprom within the framework of the Naftogaz of Ukraine super-price about the primus constriction of 2.6 billion dollars from the Russian company. Naftogaz clarifies that the Amsterdam court made such a decision on 8 April.

Kerivniki Naftogaz[ed. | ed. the code ]

Ivchenko and Timoshenko (2005-2006)[ed. | ed. the code ]

In 2005-2006, Oleksiy Ivchenko, the head of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, took the post of head of the NAC board. Ivchenko buv appointments to this post by the parliament - for the tribute of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko; Yushchenko having withdrawn Yvchenka in his settlement navit after the rest of the election to the Verkhovna Rada in 2006.

  • Collect intermediaries from gas trade between Ukraine and Russia, and divide equally “income gained from the transit of Turkmen gas to Ukraine by intermediary firms” (it was about the Swiss company RosUkrEnergo AG);
  • In addition, Naftogaz proposed to raise a transit tariff for Russian gas transported through Ukraine to Europe, to the market level; and draw up an agreement, for which Russia would pay for “the transit of its gas to Europe” not with “barter gas”, but a penny.

"Gazprom" waited a while, mind the transition to "commercial prices for Russian and Turkmen gas." A day later, Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko spoke out against such a scheme, saying that without "barter gas" the country would be important to ensure a low price for gas "for the population of that utility sector" take away gas, which is the power of the state: either “barter gas”, or gas, which is available in Ukraine and is more cheap; industry is taking away expensive imported Russian and Turkmen gas). barter gas" - led to an increase in "pay for the scorching and gas for the population"; moreover, the price of "Russian gas for industry" was not safe. feasible tariffs for the population”.

In mid-early 2005, Ivchenko announced that he had “experienced” Russian gas and asked to turn it back to the cob in 2006 with a 40% discount.

On March 28, Gazprom unilaterally adopted a decision on the storage of 7.8 billion m³ for payment for the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine and informed Ukraine about the supply of no more than 1.1 billion m³ of gas until the end of the year.

On the 18th linden between Gazprom and Naftogazo, a deal was reached for the barrage of 7.8 billion m³ of “acquired” gas for barter with transit. It was also decided that Gazprom would take $800 million for Naftogaz before RosUkrEnergo in the amount of 5250000000 m³.

Kobolev Andriy Volodymyrovich[ed. | ed. the code ]

The head of the government on March 25, 2014

Ocholiv Naftogaz has the best hour for a state-owned company. On the heels of the Revolution and the adoption of the previous management, the company had a chance to pay five eurobonds, Gazprom vimagav rozrahunkiv, spying on a contract that was enslaving for Ukraine, that Volodymyr Putin and Yuliya Timoshenko had been laid down for more than 6 billion UAH 2009 Kerіvnitstvo Rosії continued vikoristovuvaty smooch and supply of gas for the needs of Ukraine as an instrument of political pressure and transcendence of European integration processes in the middle of the country.

It’s an experienced one of the Roku new team to the management of the management of low reforms, the yaki allowed to get too long as the Rosiysky gas to Gaza, that is veneered by the Bagatomіlyarny gas -bonfly. companies did not supply more than 30% of the total amount of gas imported by Naftogaz.

Naftogaz successfully defends the interests of Ukraine in international courts. After several fates of the arbitration between Naftogaz and Gazprom, the Stockholm Arbitration praised two decisions at the expense of Naftogaz: first - on December 22, 2017, the date of the contract for the supply of gas on the principle of "take or pay", and the other - on June 28, 2018 of the transit contract For the results of two sales, Gazprom is guilty of paying Naftogaz 2.56 billion dollars. s urakhuvannya zalika at the expansion of 2.1 billion dollars, which Naftogaz has already taken away from the gas, which is the number of deliveries in 2014.

Under the leadership of Andriy Kobolyev, the state-owned company, from the black diri of the state budget, turned into the greatest power of the state.

Naftogaz has opened the market for the sale of gas to industrial enterprises: leading companies in the world compete for the Ukrainian market, hundreds of traders and private companies work.

Naftogaz Group carried out a reform of corporate governance, the main method of which was the introduction of political involvement in the management company and the creation of brains equal to commercial companies in the market, which is in line with the principles of corporate governance of the Organization for Economic Development (OESR). Naftogaz has become the first Ukrainian company in the sovereign power, in such a profession, that independent visual council. She hasn’t yet taken away all the strengths of renewal, but even now she’s moving a bar’er on the path of corrupt political involvement in the work of Naftogaz. Naftogaz sits on the 7th month of the middle of the state-owned shoe enterprises of the world for the quality of management (RGI). The company has implemented the functions of internal audit, compliance and financial control.

In 2014, the management of the group had a chance to work for two years, 2012 and 2013. Zokrema, earlier in 2009, a reassessment of carbohydrate reserves and an assessment of the main incomes were carried out.

Since 2014, Naftogaz began to regularly audit the audited consolidated financial position.

During Kobolyev's tenure in Ukraine, a record volume of wet gas was recorded - 15.5 billion cubic meters, a large-scale modernization of the gas transmission system was carried out, Ukrainian industrialism took off significant new developments.

Indicators of activity[ed. | ed. the code ]

The Naftogaz Group is the largest company in Ukraine, accounting for 13.8% of Ukraine's GDP. The share of oil and natural gas in the overall balance of the first energy resources of Ukraine will be 61%. Priority energy resource - natural gas, one part in the energy balance - 41-43%. Ukraine is faced with a shortage of natural carbohydrate resources and satisfies the consumption of gas for a day of moisture by 23-25%, for oil - by 12-15%.

Starting in 2014, the state-owned company gradually turned into a state-sponsored donor from the black hole of the state budget. In 2014, a share of the budget spent on Naftogaz amounted to UAH 91 billion, and in 2016, a share of taxes from the group’s businesses already amounted to close to UAH 60 billion. And in 2017, Naftogaz paid UAH 23.2 billion in taxes to the budget, which is 45% more than in 2016. In 2018, the state budget took off UAH 137 billion in taxes and dividends from the Naftogaz group, and 15% of the total income of the state budget.

In 2016, the company’s rotation was ahead of the curve due to a significant decline in gas production in Ukrgazvydobuvanny, and in 2017, the rotation of gas production increased by 15.3 by 4% to a 24-fold maximum of 15.3 billion cubic meters. m.

Vidobottle intensification: 120 hydraulic fracturing operations = 875 million cubic meters m dodatkovy vidobutku; 800 Sverdlovin repair operations = 550 million cubic meters m dodatkovy vidobutku; Improvement in drilling operations by 21% = 335 million cubic meters m additional vidobutku.

The net income of the group in 2017 is UAH 39.4 billion.

The total amount of the group’s position for the period of 2015–2017 changed by UAH 12.5 billion or by 17.3% and accumulated UAH 59.3 billion by the end of 2017.

On April 1, 2019, Naftogaz will reduce the price of gas for industrial companies to buy gas on the basis of prepayment. The price will be lower regulated (not for the population) - 5990 UAH / yew. cube m (without MPE and vitrate for transportation by main and sub-pipelines).

Ukraine does not import gas from Russia for 1220 days. Naftogaz is the same to purchase gas on the Prozorich of the Non -Film Narbs at the dozen great Zakhid compans, the yaki is competing with the MIZH.Stan on the Kinets 2017 30 Dyuchny Ramkovikh, having agreed on the standard of the federal federal federals of the Energotreydin (єfet). Agreements are a globally accepted standard for gas trading in the European market. Private suppliers and great supporters freely import gas from Europe directly, supporting the energy security of Ukraine.

Zavdyaky rozirvannu contracts with negligent partners dodatkovyh 450 million cubic meters. m gas Ukrgazvydobuvannya was directed to the consumption of the population.

Over 500 gas traders are available on the Ukrainian market.

For 1000 days, traders can save gas in Ukrainian PSGs without any restrictions.

Modernization of the Shebelinsky Gas Processing Plant by launching the production of Euro-5 paliva under the new Shebel brand. Starting with the transition to the release of paliva under the Euro 5 standard, the oil processing margin at the Shebelinsky GPP increased from $2.18/bbl in 2015 to $5.71/bbl in 2017.

UAH 13 billion secured on purchases. Through a major change in the system, the buyer Naftogaz helped to save billions of hryvnias. At ProZorro, the Naftogaz group’s assistants have spared close to UAH 15 billion, or 32% of the savings in the system.

Three gas battles[ed. | ed. the code ]

Persha. For tribute to Gazprom for the fierce fate of 1993, the borg of Ukraine in front of him outweighed 138 billion rubles. Russia voted about the suspension of gas supplies to Ukraine. The Ukrainian government threatened to cut off transit gas pipelines. It was just a short prelude to the first gas conflict. І in the birch, Gazprom signed an agreement with Warsaw about the operation of the transit gas pipeline "Yamal - Western Europe" bypassing Ukraine through the territory of Poland. At the red side, they talked about switching to light prices for naphtha and natural gas. Ale, already in the Serpni export of energy resources to Ukraine before the deadline for five days.

Vlasniki [ed. | ed. the code ]

The only ruler of NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" is the power in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Kerivniki [ed. | ed. the code ]

The activity of the company may be important for the economy of Ukraine, which is why the company’s core business depends on the most important sovereignty.

Rocky The head of the government (abo v.o.) Notes
9 April - 1 April Igor Bakai initiator of the creation of the NAC
1 April - 7 April
7 April - 20 blacks Igor Didenko in. about.
20 worms - 14 limes
14 lime - 5 fierce Vadim Kopilov
5 fierce - 2 birch Yuriy Boyko
2 birch - 30 May Oleksiy Ivchenko
30 grass - 30 worms
30 worms - 14 sickles Oleksiy Bolkisev
14 sickle - 21 fierce Volodymyr Sheludchenko Having left his post through incomprehension with the First Vice-Premier, Minister of Finance Mykola Azarov.
21 fierce - 1 birch
1 birch - 24 breasts Bakulin Evgen Mikolayovich To what extent I have stunned the subsidiary company NJSC - "Ukrgazdobuvannya".
24 breast - 2 birch Oleg Dubina
15 birch - 25 birch Bakulin Evgen Mikolayovich
s 25 Andriy Kobolev

See the activity [ed. | ed. the code ]

Type of business activities:

  • Exploration and exploration of genera.
  • Transportation and saving of oil and gas.
  • Supply gas to the people.
  • Gas import

Company structure[ed. | ed. the code ]

The warehouse of Naftogaz Ukrainy Group includes three subsidiaries (DK), five subsidiaries (DP), two state joint stock partnerships (DAT) and two joint stock partnerships (BAT).

  • Vidobotok and processing;
  • Transportation;
  • Rozpodіl and implementation;
  • Safe virobnitstva.

Subsidiaries[ed. | ed. the code ]

Vidobotok and processing:

  • PJSC "Ukrnafta" (volodya controlling stake: 50% + 1 share)
  • PJSC "Ukrspetstransgaz"

Safety of virobnitstva:

  • SE "Ukrnaftogazkomplekt"
  • SE "Naukanaftogaz"
  • DP "LIKVO"

The Ukrainian state-owned company Naftogaz is a big hole in the budget and one of the biggest sources of corruption.

Vіn calling to radically reform the company by raising the price of gas for households to the market level, setting up rents for heat and giving penny subsidies for the most important countries. Tse, for yoga words, could change the gas supply by households and eliminate the accumulation of Ukrainian gas in Russian.

Div. also [ed. | ed. the code ]

Notes [ed. | ed. the code ]

  1. Celebration of the company for 2017 (Ukrainian)
  2. Brought 137 billion to the budget: names are the largest payer of taxes in Ukraine. Economy(UK) . Cited on 2019-03-25.
  3. Naftogaz signed an agreement on the establishment of a joint venture with Rosukrenergo, Tymoshenko said
  4. Stavitsky: Naftogaz and Turkmengaz signed a memorandum on gas supplies - UNIAN, 13.02.2013 (ukr.)
  5. The Verkhovna Rada praised the law on the natural gas market. Look - novelties of Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region. Cited on 2019-03-25.
  6. Ukraine has signed for the sake of the gas market in the EU and the Energy Trade Association. . Cited on 2019-03-25.
  7. Golovna | ProZorro. . Cited on 2019-03-25.
  8. "Gazprom" announcing the termination of all contracts with Ukraine. . Cited 2019-03-27.
  9. Today's river is a victory for Naftogaz near Stockholm. What is far away to reach. Cited on 2019-03-22.

The National Joint Stock Company (NAC) Naftogaz of Ukraine is a vertically integrated oil and gas company that carries out prospecting and exploration, drilling of production wells, development of oil and gas fields, transportation of hydrocarbons through the systems of main oil and gas pipelines (including the transit of Russian natural gas, and also Russian and Kazakh oil to third countries), processing gas and condensate at five gas processing plants, supplying gas to consumers in Ukraine, selling compressed and liquefied gas and petroleum products through a network of gas stations and CNG filling compressor stations, and also provides scientific support for the oil and gas industry. The company also takes an active part in international projects for the development of hydrocarbon resources and projects to develop and improve the efficiency of oil and gas transportation systems.

The enterprises of Naftogaz of Ukraine produce over 97% of oil and gas in Ukraine. NAK is the leading enterprise of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, one of the largest companies in the country. The total number of employees of NAC enterprises by the beginning of 2006 was 170 thousand people.

The NJSC includes three subsidiaries (DK Ukrgasdobycha, Ukrtransgaz, Gas of Ukraine), 2 open joint-stock companies (OJSC Ukrnafta, Ukrtransneft), two state joint-stock companies (SJSC Chernomorneftegaz, Ukrspetstransgaz) and five subsidiaries (DP Ukrneftegazkomplekt, Gaz-teplo, VZP Neftegaz, LIKVO, Naukaneftegaz).

DK Ukrgasdobycha- the main company for the extraction of natural gas and gas condensate. The subsidiary includes 4 gas production enterprises, a well drilling enterprise, a gas and gas condensate processing department (2 gas processing plants).

DK Ukrtransgaz carries out the entire volume of transportation and storage of natural gas on the territory of Ukraine (with the exception of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea), its supply to consumers, transit deliveries of Russian gas to European countries, operational maintenance and construction of gas transmission system facilities. The subsidiary includes 18 main production and service divisions, including 6 enterprises operating high-pressure gas pipelines.

DK Gas of Ukraine sells natural and liquefied gas on the territory of Ukraine to the population, public utilities, budgetary organizations, as well as industrial consumers, power generating companies and other entities entrepreneurial activity; coordinates the activities of gas supply and gasification enterprises, as well as organizes the development and operation of gas distribution networks.

OJSC Ukrnafta- the main enterprise for oil production. The company includes 25 production and service divisions, including 6 well drilling enterprises, 6 oil and gas production departments, 3 gas processing plants.

OAO Ukrtransneft supplies oil to Ukrainian refineries, as well as the transit of Russian and Kazakh oil for export to European countries. The company has two branches - Pridneprovsky oil trunk pipelines and Druzhba oil pipelines, as well as the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline and the Yuzhny offshore oil terminal.

GAO Chernomorneftegaz carries out exploration and development drilling, oil and gas production in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, gas transportation and storage in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

GAO Ukrspetstransgaz provides services for the transportation of liquefied gas in special gas tanks from manufacturing plants to consumers within Ukraine and abroad.

DP Ukrneftegazkomplekt carries out the supply of equipment, components and consumables with further after-sales service for the enterprises of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine.

DP Gas-heat organizes the operation, management and development of energy generating enterprises that provide the production of electrical and thermal energy and heat supply to consumers.

DP VZP Neftegaz trades in liquefied petroleum gas.

DP LIKVO(military emergency rescue (gas rescue) service) develops and implements a set of engineering measures to prevent the occurrence, as well as emergency work to eliminate gas, oil and water manifestations and open fountains.

DP Naukaneftegaz provides scientific support to the industry. The structure of the enterprise as branches includes the institutes UkrNIIGaz, NIPIASUtransgaz, the Information and Analytical Center for Geological and Geophysical Research in the Oil and Gas Industry and the Metrological Center.

Naftogaz and Gazprom agreed to withdraw and settle litigation. Yury Vitrenko, executive director of Naftogaz, spoke about this on Facebook. “When I signed the settlement agreement, which provides for the withdrawal of all pending lawsuits and Ukraine 58 minutes ago 0

Naftogaz launched an open-ended online broadcast about transit

Naftogaz launched an online broadcast on the issues of Russian gas transit from 2020. This was reported on the Facebook page of Naftogaz. “To receive official reliable first-hand information about the current state of transit and the actions of all Ukraine 15 hours ago 5

The Cabinet allowed Naftogaz to sign a 5-year transit contract with Gazprom

Naftogaz received the right to sign an agreement with Gazprom. This is stated in the order of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1405-r dated December 30. Naftogaz can conclude agreements “on the settlement of existing gas disputes and on the main conditions for further relations Ukraine 16 hours ago 2

Ukraine gave approval to Naftogaz for agreements with Gazprom on gas transportation

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allowed NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine to sign agreements with PJSC Gazprom on the provision of services for organizing gas transportation through the country for 2020-2024.

Interfax 16 hours ago 3

Naftogaz and Gazprom signed a settlement agreement

Naftogaz and Gazprom have signed a settlement agreement on a $7.4 billion fine from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. This was announced on Facebook by Deputy Minister of Justice Ivan Lishchina. “I cannot disclose the details of the deal, ... but it is important that Russia withdraws from Ukraine 19 hours ago 8

Naftogaz completed the "negotiation marathon" with Gazprom

Negotiations between Naftogaz and Gazprom on gas transit, which started on December 26, ended in Vienna. Sergey Makogon, CEO of the GTS Operator of Ukraine, wrote about this on Facebook. “Today at 5:28 a.m., we ended an almost round-the-clock 4-day negotiation Ukraine 22 hours ago 6

The head of Naftogaz, Andrei Kobolev, said that the parties have not yet been able to agree on the texts of agreements on the transit of fuel from Russia through Ukraine. Now, according to him, three documents are being discussed - the inter-operator agreement between OGTSU and Gazprom

The first deputy chairman of the Federation Council committee on international affairs, Vladimir Dzhabarov, commented on RT the statement of the head of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine Andrey Kobolev that the texts of agreements between Russia and Ukraine were not agreed upon at the negotiations in Vienna

Interfax 2 days ago 2

The head of Naftogaz spoke about the fight against Gazprom "for every comma"

NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy, the new operator of the Ukrainian GTS (OGTSU) and Gazprom continue to work on agreeing on the texts of agreements in pursuance of the intergovernmental protocol signed in Minsk on maintaining gas transit after January 1, 2020, reported

Interfax 2 days ago 3

Interfax 3 days ago 1

Zelensky calls Naftogaz receiving $2.9 billion from Gazprom "another victory"

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called the receipt of $2.9 billion in compensation by NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy from Gazprom by decision of the Stockholm Arbitration a big victory for the Ukrainian state.

Interfax 3 days ago 0

Vladimir Dzhabarov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, commented on RT the payment by Gazprom to the Ukrainian Naftogaz of $ 2.9 billion following the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration as part of the settlement of the gas transit dispute. Read more

Gazprom transferred $2.9 billion to Naftogaz by arbitration decision

Russian public joint-stock company Gazprom paid the Ukrainian national joint-stock company Naftogaz Ukrainy $2.9 billion in accordance with the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration. This was announced today, December 27, by the press service of the company. Gazprom said

IA REGNUM 3 days ago 1

Gazprom paid $2.9 billion to Naftogaz by court decision

Gazprom paid $2.9 billion to Ukraine by decision of the Stockholm Arbitration. The payment of this amount was agreed in advance when the protocol of the agreement on the continuation of gas transit and the settlement of mutual claims was signed

Russian newspaper 3 days ago 0

Naftogaz Ukrainy received $2.918 billion in compensation from Gazprom in pursuance of the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration Court in 2018. Thus, in total, according to the results of the transit arbitration, Naftogaz received $ 5 billion from Gazprom. This was reported by the Ukrainian company

Finam.RU 3 days ago 0

The Russian gas holding "Gazprom" paid the Ukrainian "Naftogaz" $ 2.9 billion according to the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration. This was reported to journalists by a representative of Gazprom, RIA Novosti reports.

Naftogaz transferred UAH 13 billion to the state budget ahead of schedule

On December 26, 2019, NJSC Naftogaz transferred UAH 8.5 billion to the state budget of Ukraine. dividends and UAH 4.5 billion. other taxes and payments. This was announced by the chairman of the board of the company Andrey Kobolev in his Facebook. "The Cabinet of Ministers, Ukraine 4 days ago 6

Kozak called the payment of $ 2.9 billion to Naftogaz "a drop in the ocean"

The payment by Gazprom of $2.9 billion to Ukraine as part of the execution of the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration is a "drop in the ocean" compared to the potential risks for Russia. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak

Russian newspaper 5 days ago 0

Experts: agreement with Naftogaz will support Gazprom's exports and reduce legal risks

Moody`s also believes that the extension of the transit agreement will support the volume of Russian gas exports and will allow diversifying its supply routes to Europe.

ITAR-TASS 6 days ago 2

Representatives of Naftogaz and Gazprom will meet on December 26

Representatives of Naftogaz Ukrainy and Gazprom will meet on December 26 to finalize gas transit agreements, Naftogaz executive director Yuriy Vitrenko said.

Interfax 6 days ago 1


Heads of Naftogaz of Ukraine

The activity of the company is of extreme importance for the economy of Ukraine, therefore, the issues of the company management are resolved at the highest state level.

  • 1998-2000 - Chairman of the Board Igor Bakai, initiator of the creation of the NAC;
  • March - June 2000 - Acting Chairman of the Board Igor Didenko;
  • 2000-2002 - Chairman of the Board Alexei Kopylov;
  • 2002-2005 - Chairman of the Board Yuriy Boyko;
  • 2005-2006 - Chairman of the Board Alexei Ivchenko;
  • May - August 2006 - Chairman of the Board Alexei Bolkisev;
  • August 2006 - January 2007 - Chairman of the Board Vladimir Sheludchenko. He left his post due to disagreements with First Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister Mykola Azarov.
  • Since March 1, 2007, the Chairman of the Board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine has been Yevgeny Bakulin, who previously headed the subsidiary of NJSC Ukrgasdobycha.
  • Since December 24, 2007 Oleg Dubina.

Ivchenko and Tymoshenko (2005-2006)

In 2005-2006, Oleksiy Ivchenko, chairman of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, served as chairman of the board of the NAC. Ivchenko was appointed to this post personally by Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and left him in connection with his election to the Verkhovna Rada.

Yushchenko and Miller

Ivchenko, as the head of Naftogaz, had to solve two problems that could potentially worsen relations between Ukraine and Russia:

  • to stop the reverse movement of Russian oil through the Odessa-Brody to Odessa oil pipeline - according to the new Ukrainian authorities, the oil pipeline should pump Kazakh oil in the direction from Odessa to Brody, where the oil pipeline connects to the Druzhba pipeline (this was not done during 2005 due to the lack of sufficient volumes of oil for pumping to Europe);
  • significantly change the conditions for the operation of the Russian-Ukrainian gas transportation consortium - or liquidate it.

Agreements between Gazprom and Naftogaz on the creation of an International Consortium for the Creation and Development of the Gas Transportation System of Ukraine, which was supposed to become the operator of Russian and Central Asian gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine, were reached under Leonid Kuchma, in the summer, on the eve of presidential elections in Ukraine. However, with the election of Viktor Yushchenko as president, the new Ukrainian authorities considered it inappropriate to transfer a share of the republic's main gas pipelines to the ownership of a Russian company.

In mid-June 2005, Ivchenko announced that the "missing" Russian gas had been found and offered to return it before the beginning of 2006 with a 40% discount.

On June 28, Gazprom unilaterally decided to credit 7.8 billion m³ as payment for the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine and notified Ukraine of deliveries by the end of the year in the amount of no more than 1.1 billion m³ of gas.

On July 18, an agreement was reached between Gazprom and Naftogaz on the inclusion of the “missing” 7.8 billion m³ in transit barter. It was also decided that for the debt of Naftogaz to RosUkrEnergo in the amount of 5.25 billion m³, Gazprom will receive $800 million.

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