Aven Peter Olegovich: biography, achievements and interesting facts. Aven Petr Olegovich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the banking group Alfa-Bank Alfa Bank petr aven Reception telephone

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Personal life


Parents: father - Aven Oleg Ivanovich - a specialist in computer technology, teacher of physics and mathematics at Moscow State University, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. There is little information about her mother, Pyotr Aven says about her: "A teacher, she worked at the institute all her life." Petr Aven's grandfather was a Latvian shooter, shot in the 30s of the XX century.

In 1972 Pyotr Aven graduated from a mathematical special school, where he studied with Yegor Gaidar.

In 1977 graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. From the materials of the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: “While studying at Moscow State University, Aven was the head of a musical student club and acquired numerous acquaintances in that youth environment (musical “party”, bohemia, etc.) where the consumer drug market was formed. Thanks to this, he attracted the attention of criminal elements, had contacts with "authorities". At the same time, he came to the attention of law enforcement agencies.”

In 1980 Graduated from Moscow State University. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In 1981-1988. - junior researcher, senior researcher of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1989-1991. - Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. At the same time he worked under the contract as a leader researcher in Austria at the Vienna International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. In autumn 1991. joined the "government of reforms" Yegor Gaidar as chairman of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (KVES) - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR. In January 1992. headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Russia. July 8, 1992. was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Monetary and Economic Commission of the Government of Russia.

Since December 25, 1992 to February 28, 1993 - Advisor to the President of LogoVAZ JSC Boris Berezovsky. In March 1993. created and headed the company Petr Aven Finance (FinPA). FinPA took up liquid state debt obligations, or rather, advised buyers of Russian debts on all aspects of preparing a deal, except for the issue of price. "FinPA" occupied a segment of the market in which it neither at that time, nor much later had any competitors at all. “We swapped internal debt for external debt,” says Petr Aven, “that is, the exchange of internal obligations for external ones. We bought up debts that are now being paid off: the state has a certain debt to enterprises and cannot repay it, because the country that should repay it does not pay. Now we buy these debts for enterprises, and then, when the state repays the debts, the money comes to us. No one did this type of deal - the niche was empty.

In 1994 Mikhail Fridman, chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank, met Aven. Then, specially "under Aven" and introduced the post of president in Alfa-Bank. Pyotr Aven knew his business: he quickly increased the client base of Alfa-Bank, brought it to a fundamentally new, imperious orbit. Having given Fridman a 50% stake in FinPA, Aven became the owner of a 10% stake in Alfa in return, and soon analysts started talking about the bank as reliable and far-sighted. Pyotr Aven is also deputy chairman of the board of Alfa Bank. - Member of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank OJSC.

December 12, 1993 was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of "Choice of Russia", but already on January 4, 1994. refused the mandate, since the Central Election Commission declared invalid the election to the State Duma of deputies who did not submit written commitments to stop activities incompatible with the status of a deputy (i.e., any paid activity, except for scientific and creative). Instead of the "refuseniks" of the "Choice of Russia" (P. Aven, E. Kuznetsov, A. Fedorov, S. Filatov) as deputies, the Central Election Commission registered M. Feigin, A. Minzhurenko, R. Ismagilov and A. Yushchenko following them on the list . Thus, Aven preferred to maintain high positions in Alfa and FinPA. In December 1994. was elected a member of the coordinating council of the Russian Business Roundtable.

May 1998 became a member of the board of directors of JSC Aviakor.

Since June 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the television holding ZAO Alfa-TV.

From November 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Network of Television Stations (STS).


Pyotr Aven does not like to talk about his capital: “I have practically no personal fortune, it is determined by the state of the company ... Therefore, the assessment of my personal fortune is somewhat vague. At the expense of the company, I can pay for everything I need. It is very difficult to assess the state, for this it is necessary to count all businesses, shares in capital, and so on ”(interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 1994). In 1998. the newspaper "Sovershenno sekretno" wrote about the acquisition by Peter Aven of the state dacha (once owned by Alexei Tolstoy) in the State Unitary Enterprise " Health complex"Zhukovka" for about $800 thousand. According to rumors, Petr Aven is the owner of two apartments abroad (in Vienna and Geneva).

In the structures of the Russian government and in large private companies, people from Alfa-Bank and the Alfa Group are working today. In particular, Vladislav Surkov was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank, and currently holds the post of Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; Alexander Abramov was the head of department at Alfa, now he is the deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation; Andrey Popov in the 1990s worked at Alfa, then was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, currently heads the Main Regional Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation; Andrei Rappoport in 1991-1996 was the chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank, then worked in Yukos, and now - the first deputy of Anatoly Chubais in RAO UES of Russia. Gleb Fetisov, delegated from the Voronezh region, works in the Federation Council. Prior to that, he worked for a long time at Alfa-Eco. In 1998. Oleg Sysuev, who left the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, became the first deputy chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank.


The main partner is the co-owner of the Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman. The main partner of the Alfa Group is the Renova company, controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, Chairman of the Board of OAO Tyumen Oil Company and co-owner of SUAL-Holding. Partner of Alfa and its owners and the manager is also Dmitry Zimin, founder and president of OJSC VimpelCom, in which Alfa structures control 25% plus 1 share. In the early 1990s. Pyotr Aven maintained partnership relations with Boris Berezovsky. According to rumors, Aven’s circle of acquaintances included Otari Kvantrishvili and Iosif Kobzon. In interviews with various publications, Aven spoke about his excellent relationship with Anatoly Chubais, Sergei Glazyev, Alexander Shokhin, Oleg Davydov. According to Aven, the scale of personal hostility among the oligarchs is exaggerated - sworn enemies usually not among them. “For example,” he said in an interview with Business People magazine in 1997, “Recently Berezovsky was visiting me at my dacha. And the day before I was at Gusinsky's dacha. We have a normal personal relationship. They can even be called family. This summer I vacationed with Potanin, and last summer with Gusinsky and Berezovsky. Almost all major bankers know each other, periodically visit each other's houses and cross paths on vacation. ”Many important acquaintances also take place on vacation. For example, Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich met each other in the Caribbean during the celebration of the upcoming 1995. Aven called Berezovsky, and Fridman called Abramovich. Somewhat later, Pyotr Aven introduced Berezovsky to the then head of the presidential administration, Valentin Yumashev.


The main competing structure of Alfa Group is the MDM group. In particular, two oligarchic structures fought for a long time for control over Tagmet OJSC. Alfa-Bank fought with MDM-Bank for Konversbank. After the resignation of Alexander Rumyantsev (Minister of Atomic Energy, supporter of MDM) in the spring of 2001. nuclear scientists, with the support of Alfa-Bank, began to fight for the return of control over Converse, but MDM managed to bring its stake in Converse to 85% and emerge victorious. Observers have the impression that, having created a system of political lobbying, Aven uses it, before just to achieve personal goals, only hiding behind corporate interests. The disregard for corporate interests demonstrated by Aven evokes a natural response from the leaders of Alfa Group, provoking envy and mutual distrust. Leonard Vid, who lost his position due to the sharp decline in the influence of Viktor Chernomyrdin, tries not to delve into Aven's political projects, moreover, in July 2002. he left the post of chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank, leaving behind the position of adviser to Mikhail Fridman. German Khan, Executive Director of OAO TNK, and Semyon Kukes, President of TNK, "went headlong" into the oil business.

Area of ​​interest


Recently, the telecommunications sector has been highlighted among the priorities of Alfa. At the beginning of 2001 in Alfa-Eco, a telecommunications department was created, headed by Stanislav Shekshnia, a specialist in this field. During the year, a controlling stake in OJSC Golden Telecom and a blocking stake in OJSC VimpelCom were purchased. Alfa Telecom LLC (subdivision of Alfa Group) in the summer of 2002. gained control over 32.39% of shares in Kyivstar GSM by purchasing 50.1% of the shares of the Ukrainian company Storm, which owns a 32.39% stake in Kyivstar GSM.

Alcohol production

In July 2002 Petr Aven joined the board of directors of the Riga plant Latvijas Balzams, which in 2001. Soyuzplodimport, which owns the plant, transferred the production of Stolichnaya vodka in order to retain the right to use this brand.

Oil and gas

Alfa, together with Renova, controls OAO TNK, which is actively expanding in the Russian and foreign markets, both in the production and sale of oil and oil products. In particular, in 2002-2003. TNK has fought and continues to fight for control over Slavneft. The TNK needs new refineries and gasoline distribution networks. The company also aims to become a major independent gas producer. TNK, together with Yukos, controls the gas producing company Rospan International and is considering plans to increase production and sale of gas, especially TNK is interested in exporting this fuel.

Financial services

Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Strakhovanie are among the leaders each in their respective sectors, actively capturing new market niches and regions.

Pipe and metallurgical industry

Versions about the purchase of the Ukrainian company Interpipe by Alfa structures have not yet been confirmed, but since the beginning of 2003. it was headed by the Russian manager Yevgeny Bernshtam, who before his new appointment worked as the first deputy chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank.

Consumer market, retail business, food

Structures of "Alpha" since 1994. owns a controlling stake in CJSC Trading House Perekrestok. United Food Company is an agricultural sub-holding of the Alfa Group consortium. The company controls eight sugar factories in the Krasnodar Territory, Oryol and Belgorod Regions and 10 elevators, which store about 30% of the grain grown in the Krasnodar Territory.

Personal life

“One of the most prominent politicians of the early 90s and a businessman who claims that he is fundamentally far from politics. Modest, extremely intelligent in appearance - and formidable in anger, and even capable of being frankly rude. Prudent - and explosive, cheerful and athletic - and prone to depression. A typical liberal intellectual - and an extremely tough leader. Petr Olegovich is a wonderful example of resilience and adaptability. He was perhaps the first to learn how to combine intelligence and pressure, calculation and risk, romanticism and cynicism, ”Profile magazine noted (January 29, 2001). He collects paintings by artists of the Silver Age. Good skier and tennis player. Fluent English language, reads and can speak Spanish. Married. Wife Irina, a graduate of the history department of Moscow State University, is currently a housewife. Two children - twins Dasha and Denis (born in 1993). Families are friends with Yegor Gaidar

Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABH Holdings S.A. from March 2015.
From 1994 to June 2011, he served as President of Alfa-Bank. He was responsible for the overall development strategy of the Bank and for maintaining relations with business and government circles in Russia and abroad.
Before moving to Alfa-Bank in 1991-1992. headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations Russian Federation and was the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with the industrial developed countries(G7).

In 1989-1991 worked at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, Austria). Prior to that, he held the position of senior researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute for System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. In 1980 he received the degree of candidate of economic sciences.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC.

Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; is a member of the Presidium of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Economic School; Member of the Board of Trustees of Moscow State University Lomonosov; member of the Presidential Council on Foreign Relations of Yale University (USA).

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts; member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society; Trustee of the Royal Academy of Arts (UK).

Professor of State University Higher School of Economics (State University - Higher School of Economics). Honorary Doctor of the University of Latvia. Author of numerous scientific papers and publications on issues of trade and economic development. He often gives lectures in Russia and abroad on the issues of the country's economic development.

He was awarded state awards of the Russian Federation - the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship, as well as the Latvian Order of Three Stars.

Actively supports art and theater in Russia, is the largest collector of Russian art of the early twentieth century.

Philanthropist, reformer, business tycoon with about $5.5 billion in assets. Head and co-owner "Alfa Bank”, a member of the bank’s management and a shareholder CTC Media, author of scientific papers on business and economics, honorary doctor of the University of Latvia, professor at the State University Higher School of Economics. One of the most famous collectors in the world in terms of Russian avant-garde.

Biography of Aven Peter Olegovich

The future financial tycoon was born in the capital, March sixteenth, 1955. Petr Olegovich appeared in the family of the former head of the laboratory of the research institute, who later became a doctor of science and a professor in computer science at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Peter's father was half Russian and half Latvian, but his mother was Jewish, who, together with her grandmother Aven, also Jewish, raised the boy.

Peter studied at a special school number two with a physical and mathematical bias. As the businessman himself notes, this educational institution has become an important test for him. Inside the walls there was a fierce competition and a tense atmosphere, the guys were one better than the other and tried to reach an even higher level of knowledge. Together with his classmates, Peter, after graduating from school, entered the Moscow State University, the Faculty of Economics.

The beginning of the career of Peter Aven

The young Petr Aven began his career in the eighties, then he worked in a research institution. Then, he signed a two-year contract with the specialized institute of Laxenburg. At the same time, he served as an adviser in the domestic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Already in the nineties, Aven was in a leadership position in the executive branch State Duma Acting First Deputy Foreign Minister. After that, he left the post of public service.

In 1993, the businessman organized a consulting firm "Finances of Peter Aven".

"Alfa Bank"

Pyotr Aven began his cooperation with Alfa Bank JSCB, founded by his friend, back in 1993. At the same time, Aven became a deputy from the party Gaidar "Russia's Choice", but decided to abandon the mandate and preferred his usual entrepreneurial activity.

In 1994, Aven acquired ten percent of the securities of Alfa-Bank, for which he gave half of the shares of his own company. He became a member of the coordinating community of the all-Russian association "Round Table of Russian Business".


Since the 2000s, Aven has been named the best financial services manager nationwide by Institutional Investor magazine. And already in 2005 he was awarded the Order of Honor.

A year later, Petr Olegovich becomes a member of the board of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists. In 2007, he held the post of head of the Russian-Latvian Business Council.

In the fall of 2008, Petr Aven wrote a negative review of the novel Sankya by the famous writer Zakhar Prilepin for the Russian Pioneer publication. It caused a very heated discussion among the public. As Krokhova notes: “In his review, he literally smashed the novel to smithereens, and Prilepin, along with his party comrades, also accused them of calling on the people to revolution, rebellion.” The future businessman noted that the country does not need revolution. According to him, Russia's problem is not that the government is bad, but that the Russian people are lazy."

Since 2011, Petr Aven has become a member of the Presidium of the Council on International Affairs. A few years later, he, together with Alfred Koch, released a collection of interviews with political figures in the country called "The Gaidar Revolution: A First-hand History of Reforms." Critics noted his very frank and informal style. As a result, the book ended up on the long list of the Enlightener Prize.

Awards and charity

Petr Olegovich is a professor high school Economics and is a member of the All-Russian School of Economics trustees. In addition, he was accepted as a trustee of the Russian Olympians Support Fund. Aven himself is an ardent fan of the Spartak football club and has been on its board of directors since 2015.

In addition to being Aven honorable Sir The American state of Oklahoma, he has many awards and orders, including:

  • The Order of Honor, which he received for high achievements in state, research, socio-cultural, social and charitable activities. Thanks to which, the living conditions of people have improved significantly.
  • The Order of Friendship, which Aven received as a citizen of the Russian Federation, for his special merits in strengthening peace and friendship between countries, cooperation with other peoples.
  • Order of the Three Stars, which is the highest award of the entire state. Peter received it for services to the Fatherland in social, cultural and educational activities.

During his life, a businessman has been noted more than once for his active work aimed at preserving and popularizing Russian culture, labor successes in industry and other sectors, as well as huge contribution in the implementation of major economic projects important for the Russian Federation, and charity.

Peter, together with his wife, created the charitable organization "Generation", which provides for the development of youth and the maintenance of communication between Latvian and Russian youth for common causes. As well as receiving scholarships and grants for the development of science. Thanks to the support of the foundation, concerts of Russian musicians were even held in Riga.

Since 2012, the foundation has been supporting a hospital in northeastern Latvia.


Together with other politicians and businessmen, he finances the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow. On the this moment Petr Aven's fortune is estimated at about $5.5 billion.

Personal life of Peter Aven

The businessman has been married for more than thirty years to Elena Vladimirovna, who died in August 2015 due to a detached blood clot. During this time, the couple managed to raise two children, Daria and Denis, they are students at Yale University in the USA. The businessman took great care of his children, trying to convey to them his qualities, including anti-communism and moral values.

Berezovsky time

In January 2018, he was included in the "Kremlin list" of the US Treasury Department. Well, in the press he is mentioned as a connoisseur of art, since Pyotr Aven, the largest collector of paintings and graphics of the so-called "Silver Age", has a collection of more than a thousand copies of Soviet porcelain, the largest known collection of Vrubel's majolica.

In addition, it has a large collection of fine art gems from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Moreover, Peter selects each of the copies of his collection on his own, having carefully studied it, remembering the instructions of his Jewish grandmother “do not trust anyone.”

In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Petr Olegovich Aven

Russian statesman, businessman, collector. President of Alfa-Bank OJSC, President of the Alfa Group Consortium


A family

Petr Aven's grandfather was a Latvian shooter, shot in the 30s of the XX century.


In 1972 Pyotr Aven graduated from a mathematical special school, where he studied with Yegor Gaidar.


In 1981-1988. - junior researcher, senior researcher of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In autumn 1991 joined the "government of reforms" Yegor Gaidar as chairman of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (KVEC) - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR.

In January 1992 headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Russia. July 8, 1992 was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Monetary and Economic Commission of the Government of Russia.

In March 1993, he created and headed the Petr Aven Finance company (FinPA). FinPA took up liquid state debt obligations, or rather, advised buyers of Russian debts on all aspects of preparing a deal, except for the issue of price. "FinPA" occupied a segment of the market in which it neither at that time, nor much later had any competitors at all.

“We swapped internal debt for external debt,” says Petr Aven, “that is, the exchange of internal obligations for external ones. We bought up debts that are now being paid off: the state has a certain debt to enterprises and cannot repay it, because the country that should repay it does not pay. Now we buy these debts for enterprises, and then, when the state repays the debts, the money comes to us. No one did this type of deal - the niche was empty.”

In 1994 Mikhail Fridman, chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank, met Aven. Then, specially "under Aven" and introduced the post of president in Alfa-Bank. Pyotr Aven knew his business: he quickly increased the client base of Alfa-Bank, brought it to a fundamentally new, imperious orbit. Having given Fridman a 50% stake in FinPA, Aven became the owner of a 10% stake in Alfa in return, and soon analysts were talking about the bank as reliable and far-sighted. Petr Aven is also the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank. From November 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank OJSC.

In May 1998, he became a member of the Board of Directors of JSC Aviakor.
Since June 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the television holding ZAO Alfa-TV.
Since November 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Network of Television Stations (STS).

Aven's main partner is Mikhail Fridman, co-owner of the Alfa group.

Additional Information

Collects paintings by artists of the Silver Age.

Good skier and tennis player.

Fluent in English, reads and can communicate in Spanish.

Compromising evidence

While examining the strength of Alfa-Bank's structure, analysts pay attention to its unstable "foundation". Creating the design of this bank, the offshore company Mancroft Limited (Isle of Man) established five Russian LLCs (Hornet Invest, Gervet Finance, Romero Finance, P.V.V. Capital and Ronko Capital). In turn, these structures with "island tan" and a share of only 2% allowed its shadow founders - the head of SUAL - holding V. Vekselberg and his partner and colleague in the Renova company L. Blavatnik. Russian "banking diggers" do not rule out that further "excavations" in search of the real owners of "Alfa-Bank" may reveal other surprises. For example, it turns out that the real owners of the bank are Vekselberg and Blavatnik, while the "traditional" and "public" owners Aven, Khan and Friedman can only have a symbolic share.

The above five Russian LLCs, created by Mancroft Limited and connected by cross-founder ties, own an extensive network of various companies in Russia (there are about forty of them, including such well-known ones as Cobra-capital, Colossus-capital, Gangut-capital, Greenwald, Minuet, Bapom, Contest-Finance, Unitex, Stratus-Finance, Anons-Capital, Novolex-Capital, Ronis-Finance, Gamma-Film, Lexint-Finance, Agosta-Holding and others). Many of these firms, controlled and owned by Vekselberg, have been among Alfa-Bank's largest borrowers over the past two years.

In particular, until October 2004, Alfa's largest borrowers were Ronis-Finance LLC and Bapom LLC (established by Mancroft Limited through P.V.V. Capital LLC and Magura-Invest LLC) . These two entities had loans totaling $400 million. Since October 2004, Minuet LLC (established by Mancroft Limited through P.V.V. Capital LLC) has also been among the largest borrowers in the same group. and Kornet Invest LLC), Avelina LLC and Ansilas LLC (owned by Mancroft Limited). They were behind a debt on a loan from Alfa Bank for a total of $520 million. It is estimated that over the past year and a half, several firms controlled in the final link by Vekselberg and Blavatnik have received loans from Alfa Bank in excess of $900 million. USD

It is indicative that the firms included in the list of Alfa-Bank's major borrowers do not carry out significant financial activities (their average monthly turnover on accounts in 2004 was no more than 10,000 rubles). Notable financial activity was also not observed in 2004 on the part of other founders of Alfa-Bank (offshore Alfa Capital Holdings Ltd - Bezelyansky LLC, Financier's House LLC, Open Company LLC, Monna Firm LLC , Firma Khan LLC, Firma Alfa Om LLC, Dendar Limited LLC, Caldera LLC, Owner LLC.

Illustration: Alfa-Bank

Aven Petr Olegovich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank Banking Group. Born March 16, 1955 in Moscow. His father was a specialist in computer technology, led the Laboratory automated systems Administration of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, taught at Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. This partially predetermined the future of Petr Aven, since from the sixth grade he studied at the Physics and Mathematics School No. 2, which he graduated in 1972. Aven says that studying at this school influenced his life priorities, in particular, the further choice of profession. Five years later he received higher education at Moscow State University with a degree in economic cybernetics, and in 1980 he defended his dissertation, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

In the 1980s, Aven worked as a researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute for System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1989 he left to work at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria, while holding the position of adviser to the USSR Foreign Ministry.

In the fall of 1991, Yegor Gaidar, who not only studied at Moscow State University at the same faculty with Pyotr Aven, but also worked with him in the same research group at VNIISI, invited him to the post of First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR, and in early 1992 Aven stepped up the career ladder to head of the newly created Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Aven became the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with industrialized countries (G7), and it was he who began negotiations on our country's accession to the WTO, which, as you know, have not yet been completed. However, already in December 1992, following Gaidar, he resigned. Aven still calls the period of work in the government of Yegor Gaidar one of the most interesting and difficult in his life, while declaring that he has no desire to return to civil service.

After his resignation, Aven worked for several months as an adviser to the president of LogoVAZ, Boris Berezovsky, and then organized and headed the consulting company Petr Aven Finance (abbreviated as FinPA). At the end of 1993, Aven was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but he preferred to continue his career as a civil servant to work in his own company. In the same 1993, FinPA repeatedly advised Mikhail Fridman's Alfa-Bank. This cooperation brought Aven to the governing bodies and shareholders credit institution. For a 50% stake in FinPA, he received 10% in the capital of Alfa-Bank, currently Petr Aven owns 13.76% of the shares.

In addition to working in the bank, Petr Olegovich also heads the board of directors of AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC, co-chairs the board of directors of CTC Media. Since 2007 - Head of the Russian-Latvian Business Council.

In February 2009, there were reports in the press about Petr Aven's readiness to take the post of Prime Minister of Latvia and help the country get out of the economic crisis. As it turned out later, this statement turned out to be the personal opinion of the adviser to the chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank Alexander Gafin, who also worked in a credit institution since 1994, was not agreed with anyone.

Peter Aven's personal life is not as public as his career. Petr Olegovich is married and has two twin children born in 1993, Denis and Daria, who live and study in the UK. Aven is an agnostic and a staunch anti-communist, is fond of hunting and hockey, actively supports art and theater in Russia (quote from the bank's website), collects paintings and porcelain of the Silver Age and the Soviet period, is an honorary citizen of the US state of Oklahoma, is fluent in English, can explain in Spanish. In addition, together with Alfred Koch, he collects material and prepares a book about activities in the "Gaidar era" under the working title "Egor".

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