An approximate diet for a week for weight loss. How to make the right diet for weight loss for yourself? We combine the menu of proper nutrition for weight loss with sports

Heating 23.07.2020

The issue of dropping extra pounds is very relevant today. We will not consider the reasons for weight gain in detail, but it will not be superfluous to list them. Among the main reasons are:

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Unhealthy snacks
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Physical inactivity (violation of body functions)
  • Age
  • Diseases
  • Genetic predisposition

All these reasons together form a person's way of life. Of course, we are able to influence something on our own, but some of the above does not depend on us in any way. Therefore, there are problems with weight. Someone lets everything take its course, and does not bother too much, but for others this issue is vital. As a result, all kinds of diets, hopes of returning to the previous form, etc.

Of course, there are diets that help to lose weight, but a new question arises here: how to make sure that the result after losing weight remains for a long time, and the annoying diet is forgotten like a bad dream?

Next, we will tell you about how to eat right, and in order to lose weight, and in order not to gain extra pounds at all. But once again, we remind you that if you have any problems with weight, the first step should be to visit a nutritionist who will help identify the cause of excess kilograms and find better ways its elimination.

In this appendix, we will cover the following issues:

  • Weight Loss Nutrition Basics
  • What can you eat while losing weight
  • What not to eat while losing weight
  • Best Slimming Products
  • Recommendations for losing weight when playing sports

Based on the information received about proper nutrition, you can create your own menu for the week and for every day, but let's say right away that ready-made recipes for the dishes you are interested in will need to be looked for independently in third-party sources, because we will only point out the direction for work.

Weight Loss Nutrition Basics

The meaning of nutrition for weight loss is to prevent not only "evil and insidious" overweight, which terrifies most people, but also a wide range of intractable ailments. Based on this, to begin with, it is worth paying some attention. theoretical foundations:

  • to lose weight, you need to immediately discard canned food, mustard and your favorite sandwiches aside. This will set you up to think over your diet, and at the same time will help you forget about digestive problems: from heartburn to the deposition of sugar and fats that provoke diabetes, atherosclerosis and other ailments.
  • Take on board fractional meals: it will help avoid acute hunger and overeating. Small portions will never stretch the walls of the stomach and will not make it a "bottomless barrel". To always be full, active and not gain excess weight, you can eat not even 4-5, but 5-7 times a day, but little by little.
  • Studies have confirmed that even the most intense feeling of hunger goes away 15 minutes after starting a meal. Use a weight loss trick: in order to fill up and not eat much, eat for 15 minutes as little as possible.
  • To keep your weight normal, you need to have dinner with the lightest dishes and a few hours before bedtime. The break between breakfast and dinner should not exceed 12 hours.
  • Weight loss food is 40-50% of vegetables and fruits in the diet. The abundance of fruits will turn into a real vitamin and mineral bomb, not just burning fat, but exploding fat deposits. But when losing weight, it is better to eat fruits up to 15 hours.
  • In the menu of a losing weight person, there must be dishes from cereals and cereals. It is useful to eat porridge every day. Almost all cereals cleanse the body of toxins and debris, performing the function of sorbents much more efficiently than medicinal products.
  • The ideal breakfast is oatmeal with dried fruits, apples or bananas (even noble people in Great Britain indulge themselves with such dishes). And they contribute to rapid weight loss buckwheat with light carrot roast and rice porrige with pumpkin.
  • Sunflower seeds and nuts should be included in the daily diet for weight loss. They supply the body with the necessary dietary fiber, unsaturated acids and potassium.
  • Losing weight, you need to eat yoghurts, cheeses and cottage cheese, as well as drink milk. These products restore the intestinal microflora and supply the body with calcium.
  • If you are not on a diet, then provide yourself with at least 50-60 g of fish or meat per day so that the body does not experience a lack of protein.
  • Do not forget about the obligatory 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. It is recommended to drink pure non-carbonated water (mineral water is possible). For weight loss to be more effective, exclude strong teas and instant coffee from the menu. The best diet drinks are jelly, compotes, natural fruit drinks and green teas.
  • Study your usual diet, find high-calorie foods in it and replace them with low-calorie ones. Consuming more than 2,000 calories per day is unacceptable. It is also important to replace harmful products with useful ones, namely: sugar - honey, fatty pork - lean veal, sunflower oil - olive oil, fatty sour cream - low-fat yogurt, etc.
  • Try to monitor the acid-base balance, because it is responsible for oxygenation of cells and many other biochemical processes inside the body. To normalize the balance, you should eat nuts, vegetables, fruits, yoghurts and milk.
  • Semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, White bread, fatty and fried are the true enemies of beauty, health and normal weight. In addition, you should avoid the simple carbohydrates found in sweets, cakes, pastries, and other treats. However, once a week, pampering yourself is not forbidden.
  • Salt will not do any good for a person who is losing weight, and it is best if it is replaced with natural herbs and spices. By the way, we recommend seasoning salads with either sea salt or lemon juice.
  • Alcohol is one of the reasons for excess weight, and it is also advisable to give it up, and especially from beer and liqueurs. In addition to great content calories, they whet the appetite, which is not necessary at all in the case of losing weight. If you still want to "have fun" with alcohol, opt for a small amount of red wine, but without fanaticism.
  • Those who are used to eating a lot, but do not want to do this anymore, can engage in self-deception for a while: large plates are replaced with new ones, instead of a 200 g portion, a 150 g portion is eaten, etc.
  • To avoid getting tired of proper nutrition for weight loss, you need to make the diet as varied as possible. When shopping, buy fancy diet foods, do your own culinary experiments, combine different tastes and read more thematic literature. Healthy eating should be a pleasure, not a reminder of limitations.
  • If you are going to the store, eat well beforehand. A hungry man leaves the store in order more money than well-fed, and also buys all sorts of unnecessary things that could be dispensed with. And all this is due to hunger.
  • One of the most effective ways losing weight is getting up from the table a little hungry. Having reached a feeling of saturation, but thinking that it would be nice to throw something else, do not be tempted by this desire, but rather be distracted by some business.
  • One of the reasons people can't stop eating on time is stress. Try to be on the street more often, arrange small holidays for yourself and give gifts. In general, indulge yourself so as not to "bite" stress with another cake.

A slimming menu does not imply eating only unusual and unusual products - most of them have been on your menu for a long time, and many of them are true yummy! Naturally, at first you will have to limit yourself to your favorite chocolate or such appetizing hard cheese, but you don't need to shed tears of sadness over them. See for yourself.

What can you eat while losing weight

  • Turkey (without skin)
  • Chicken (skinless)
  • Rabbit
  • Veal
  • Seafood
  • Kefir, yogurt, milk (all - low-fat)
  • Eggs (instead of scrambled eggs, you need to steam an omelette)
  • Almost all vegetables and fruits (see below)
  • Legumes
  • Tofu cheese
  • Brown rice
  • Wholemeal bread

At the first stages of achieving the goal of losing excess weight, it is better not to go beyond this list, but you should cook only on steam, in the oven or during the cooking process.

What you can eat while losing weight in limited quantities

Recall that food for weight loss cannot be called a diet in the full sense of the word, which is why from time to time you can give a slight weakness. But in order not to frantically reflect on whether it is possible to eat this or that, check out the conditionally permitted foods (you can eat them only sometimes, for example, once a week):

  • Starchy foods: beets, carrots, corn, potatoes
  • Sweet fruits: grapes, persimmons, avocados, bananas
  • Black chocolate
  • Natural juices
  • Hard cheeses
  • Sour cream and cream
  • Olive oil (no more than 10 g)
  • Butter (no more than 10 g)

Here it makes sense to talk about desserts, because sometimes you just want to touch them. But is it worth doing when losing weight? The answer to this question will surely please you, tk. you can even eat desserts. The only condition: when choosing desserts, try to make them healthy too. These include:

  • Oatmeal cookies
  • Fruit mousses
  • Cottage cheese with fruit
  • Sorbet
  • Kissel
  • Curd soufflé
  • Dried fruit sweets

And the last in this part of the application - foods that are taboo when losing weight.

What not to eat while losing weight

Nutrition for weight loss is a rather tricky thing, and, of course, there are certain prohibitions in the corresponding diet. Harmful products adversely affect the general condition of the body, which is expressed in heaviness in the stomach, nausea or some other uncomfortable sensation. Also, their use affects the appearance: the skin and hair deteriorate, but the worst thing is that extra pounds appear.

Products taboo during weight loss (and not desirable in principle) are:

  • Wheat flour products
  • Most sweets
  • Sugar
  • Packaged and instant juices
  • Pork
  • Mayonnaise
  • Packaged sauces and dressings
  • Smoked products

It is easy to see that the list is quite small, and it is, in fact, as easy as shelling pears to abandon the one just named. Plus, your overall health will be much better. Well, when you achieve the desired result, and begin to weigh as much as you would like, you can sometimes indulge yourself with harm again. But is it worth it?

This concludes the first part of the material and move on to the second - more practical. And we will start by presenting recommendations for drawing up a weekly diet.

Slimming food for a week

To decide on the right diet for a week, you do not need to have in-depth knowledge of nutritional science. It is enough to know about two main nuances:

  • Watch your calorie intake. Its average daily rate should not exceed 2000 calories. And when you lose weight, you can cut 1600 calories.
  • All foods on the weight loss menu should be healthy and nutritious.

This also includes the need for a variety of dishes, because The same healthy oatmeal, albeit with fruit, may be pleasant for the first few days, and then you just get bored and want something new. And bored food can overnight cross out all plans - and on the table there will again be cakes, sausages and cutlets, which it was decided to abandon yesterday. But let's continue ...

It is very simple to compose a menu for losing weight for a week: you can, for example, alternate fish and meat, cook all kinds of salads, cook cereals and try to make sure that the dishes of the next day are at least somewhat different from the dishes of the past. Plus, it is important to ensure that fruits and drinking water are always available.

  • Breakfast: Foods rich in carbohydrates and fiber (such as porridge)
  • Snack between breakfast and lunch: Beck-rich foods (such as yogurt and cottage cheese with fruit)
  • Lunch: Foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins (such as chicken soup or broth)
  • Snack between lunch and dinner: a few fruits
  • Dinner: Protein-rich foods (such as meat or fish fillets)
  • A few hours before bedtime: cottage cheese or kefir

In addition to this, we have compiled a small list of foods best suited for weight loss. Take note of it.

Best Slimming Products

The foods in this cheat sheet can be the foundation of your daily diet:

  • Fish and poultry. An excellent source of protein for weight loss, and it is much healthier than red meat. Fatty fish is rich in iodine and omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for the body... We remind you that poultry and fish dishes should be steamed or in the oven.
  • Low-fat dairy products. They have always occupied and continue to occupy leading positions in the ranking of products for beauty and slimness.
  • Vegetable salads... Ideal for snacks or as a supplement to any meal. The benefits of low calorie content are complemented by the fact that the body receives a huge amount of vitamins.
  • Apples and pears. These fruits are rich in pectin, give a feeling of fullness and at the same time are low in calories.
  • Grapefruit. Perfectly burns fat, and also lowers the insulin content, which leads to decreased appetite.
  • Ginger. Recognized as one of better means for weight loss and preservation slim figure... Ginger contains substances that improve metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and stimulate digestion.
  • Fig. Another product that stimulates the digestive tract, satisfies hunger and contains a minimum of calories.
  • Pine nuts. They are called “the treasure of Siberia” for a reason, because they contain protein and linolenic acid, which reduces appetite.
  • Almond. If you eat 25 almonds a day, you can achieve rapid weight loss and significantly lower cholesterol levels.
  • Green tea. Its ingredients burn fat and promote weight loss.

Make up your dietary menu, including these products in it, and the result in the form of lost pounds will not keep you waiting long. And to make it easier for you to decide on dishes for weight loss, check out the sample menu for the week.

An example of a weekly weight loss menu

As you already know, healthy eating should include at least two snacks. But in the case of losing weight, you need to snack mainly on fruits, cottage cheese, yoghurts, oatmeal cookies and dried fruits. Naturally, don't forget about a lot of water.

Moving on to the menu (there are several dishes to choose from).

Breakfasts *:

  • Scrambled eggs or soft-boiled eggs
  • Cottage cheese and biscuits or oatmeal cookies
  • Baked vegetables and cheese sandwich (durum wheat bread)
  • Oatmeal with chicken or steamed vegetables

* Suitable as drinks green tea or freshly brewed coffee

Snack between breakfast and lunch:

  • Baby fruit puree
  • Low fat yogurt
  • Several dried fruits or a handful of nuts
  • Cottage cheese with raisins
  • Several fruits
  • Chicken broth and vegetable salad
  • Boiled potatoes, stewed mushrooms and salad from white cabbage
  • Ukha, steamed meatballs and tomato-cucumber salad
  • Borscht (lean (with beans) or vegetarian), baked meat, and Chinese cabbage salad
  • Chicken soup, Vegetable Salad

* Natural juices or water are suitable as drinks

Snack between lunch and dinner *:

  • Oatmeal
  • Fruit salad
  • Several fruits
  • Yogurt
  • Cottage cheese with chopped herbs

* Natural juices or jelly are suitable as drinks

  • Cottage cheese and cucumber salad
  • Steamed chicken cutlets and cabbage salad
  • Omelet with vegetables
  • Vegetable grilled fish
  • Stewed rabbit with vegetables

The main thing to remember when drawing up a diet for weight loss is low calorie content, usefulness and variety. It is on the basis of this that modern dietitians have drawn up a daily diet for weight loss.

Brief diet plan for weight loss

We present only the most important elements of the diagram, where the portion sizes of different dishes and the proportions of some products are indicated:

  • A portion of porridge made from any whole grain cereal - visually the size of a fist
  • A portion of lean meat, including poultry and fish, is visually no more than the palm of your hand
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - no more than 200 g per day
  • Natural yogurt - no more than half a glass per day
  • Kefir and milk - no more than a glass per day
  • Still mineral water - at least 1.5 liters per day (when eating fruits and soups). The drinking component of the diet can be supplemented with natural juice, fruit drink, compote, green tea or rosehip decoction
  • Vegetables in any form - at least 300 g per day
  • Fresh fruits (preferably unsweetened) - at least 300 g per day
  • Any vegetable oil - no more than 2 tablespoons per day
  • Nuts, low-fat cheese and eggs - no more than 30 g of both per day

This scheme is suitable for any person, regardless of lifestyle and occupation. However, if you are involved in sports, there are a number of additional guidelines to consider.

Every athlete knows that exercise can help you lose weight. But in the same way, they can contribute to his recruitment. Based on this, in order to lose weight, not increase, exercise in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • The main meal should be 2-3 hours before training
  • If for some reason it is not possible to comply with the previous point, refuel with kefir, cottage cheese or yogurt 30-40 minutes before the load. Such food is digested very quickly and supplies the body with the protein needed by the muscles.
  • To recharge your batteries, drink a glass of natural juice or eat some fruit 20-30 minutes before your workout.
  • During the training process, you must definitely drink a little. mineral water without gas
  • 20-30 minutes after the end of the workout, you need to feed the body with something protein, for example, eat some cottage cheese or drink a protein shake. Fatty and fried foods are completely excluded
  • If you plan to go to bed 4-5 hours after training, it is allowed to have a full dinner, for example, fish and vegetables (but dinner should be no later than 19 hours)

Exercising and eating a healthy diet will help you reach your weight loss goal many times faster. But let's not argue: at the click of your fingers, it can be difficult to switch from your usual diet, which includes unhealthy foods, to a healthy one, especially one designed for weight loss. it is almost always difficult, although if you apply some tricks, the process will be almost painless.

How to stay on track

To make the transition to a new diet, and with it easier, try to adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Form the correct inner attitude by giving your mind a clear and clear order to eat healthy food and eat right. Do not allow yourself to relax and be soft - then your goal will motivate you much more than pasta and meat and all kinds of sweets.
  • Observe the principles of balance when composing your diet. If the menu is built correctly, your body will always be saturated with everything it needs, and you simply will not be drawn to junk food.
  • Be attentive to your psychological mood, because, as you know, all problems are in a person's head. Create in your mind an image of your best self - the way you want to see yourself, i.e. beautiful, healthy, fit. Set aside 5-10 minutes daily to relax and recreate this image in your imagination. “Look” at your new self, praise yourself, admire yourself, thank yourself for endurance and perseverance.
  • : Make a plan for a week, a month, and even a year. Decide how many kilograms you will lose by this or that date, how you see yourself by this time, what is your state of health and feelings, etc. Keep this plan in front of you, look into it more often - and everything will certainly turn out the way you want.

Be that as it may (that is, regardless of any psychological preparation and), the foundations of nutrition for weight loss are based on a varied and thoughtful menu made up of carefully selected products. It is the products that contribute to painless weight loss to a greater extent, but it is extremely important that the calorie content of the daily diet during weight loss is less than the calories lost per day. And this can be achieved by guided by the information provided in this application.

Currently, the overwhelming majority of overweight people are trying to lose it effectively and correctly, without causing absolutely any harm to their body and well-being, and at the same time achieving long-term results. Periodic food restrictions and painful diets will not lead to anything good. Instead, it is much better to opt for a permanent rational nutrition aimed at normalizing weight and improving health. And now you have everything you need to start eating the right way.

We wish you success and delicious but healthy meals!

There are few people who are happy with their reflection in the mirror. Diet helps to improve appearance and health. Literally from Greek, diet is translated as a diet, a way of life. Many diets have been developed to maintain beauty and health. But, it is optimal to make a menu for a week proper nutrition for weight loss yourself. To navigate in the selection of products, the organization of the diet and the regimen of food consumption will help sample menus with recipes.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: general rules

A person gains excess weight gradually, it should also be methodically getting rid of it. When losing weight, the body experiences stress. To reduce negativity, proper nutrition is needed.

  1. Compliance with the regime. Food is taken at certain hours with an interval of 3-4 hours between meals.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Water speeds up metabolism, elimination of toxins, and assists in the absorption of food.
  3. Eat varied. The diet includes foods containing proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and minerals.
  4. Balanced diet. When drawing up the menu, the proportions of the BJU are observed. Increase the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. Plant foods are rich in vitamins and fiber, which help cleanse the body without losing important trace elements.
  5. Calorie counting. For weight loss without harm, the recommended daily calorie intake for women is 1300, for men - 1600.
  6. Reducing the consumption of animal fats and fast carbohydrates. Abuse of these types of nutrients increases the risk of obesity and endocrine pathologies.
  7. Refusal of alcohol. Alcohol destroys physical and mental health.

Nutrition program: what to avoid

All diets are designed for weight loss and only a fraction of them are designed to maintain health. Proper nutrition is not just a selected menu for a week or a month. This is a change in lifestyle for a long period or forever.

Change is not easy, to avoid disruption, the following situations should be avoided:

  1. Violation of the regime. Food is taken by the hour, the absence of lunch or its postponement for more than half an hour fails. The body does not have time to digest food before dinner.
  2. Lack of sleep. The first days a person experiences an acute feeling of hunger in the evening or at night. The urge to eat keeps you awake. Suppress appetite by drinking a glass of water.
  3. Lack of vitamins. Nobody can find the perfect menu right away. Compensate for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins with the help of pharmacy vitamin complexes.
  4. Monotony. The menu is updated regularly, new products are tried, new dishes are prepared. But with any changes, the balance of the BJU is observed.

In the early days, you should refuse visiting visits in order to avoid provocation.

Healthy eating: a list of foods for weight loss

A healthy diet includes only healthy foods... Do not get hung up on vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. The menu should contain all the nutrients necessary for normal life.

Correct product list:

  • water, they consume about 1.5 liters per day + liquid dishes (soups);
  • meat: diet poultry, beef, veal;
  • fish: sea bass, haddock, salmon;
  • seafood: squid, mussels;
  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • cereals: buckwheat, bulgur, rice;
  • legumes;
  • dairy products with the addition of lactic acid bacteria: fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir;
  • garden crops, root crops;
  • fruits of trees, shrubs;
  • greens;
  • nuts, seeds are limited.

The list is wide, it is a lot of people to cook a variety of dishes. Vegetable and animal food, vitamins are included in the diet every day.

For greater benefits, they try to consume vegetables and fruits according to the season.

5 foods you need to give up to lose weight

Healthy food menu planning

Diet revisions are lifestyle changes, and they require a plan to be followed.

  1. Daily regime. People do not get up and do not go to bed with the sun for a long time. A fairly high percentage of men and women work at night. There are also "owls" and "larks". These factors are fundamental in the breakfast and dinner schedule.
  2. Diet. Before you draw up a menu of proper nutrition, you need to decide on the goal. One diet is for weight correction, another is for maintaining health. If you need to lose more than 5 kg, the menu is limited, but not abruptly.
  3. A clear plan. The diet is scheduled for a week by the hour. It is more convenient to enter data into a table. This will allow you to keep track of quality and quantity. The easiest way is to download a dedicated app.
  4. Smooth transition. The changes are carried out smoothly. Severe calorie restrictions often give the opposite result. When there is a deficiency of nutrients, the body stores reserves in the form of fatty deposits. In the first week, it is enough to exclude harmful products.

Menu for a week for men: features

Most men play sports or walk in gym... Increased loads, anatomical features affect the diet.

The degree of physical activity is the first thing that should be taken into account when drawing up a men's menu for a week.

The compiled menu may contain different products, but the diet must meet the following requirements:

  1. Hearty breakfast. Energy expenditure for men is on average 1/3 more than for women. The morning meal "starts up" the body. Breakfast for men should be complete. Contain animal proteins, moly- and monosaccharides, lipids. The latter provide energies.
  2. Dinner is serious. Have dinner 2 hours before bedtime. The set of foods, calorie content depend on a number of factors. With enhanced evening workouts, the expended resource should be replenished - they eat protein and carbohydrate (mainly disaccharides and polysaccharides) in the right relationship.
  3. Rigorous calculation of protein intake. Protein is a building block of tissues. The stronger sex should consume more of it than women. But an excess of protein leads to an increased formation of uric acid and, as a result, pathologies of the kidneys and joints.
  4. Fats. Lipids play an important role in the formation of steroids. The daily allowance for men is 25-30% of all nutrients consumed. Moreover, the consumption of vegetable fats is minimized. They contain α-linoleic acid, which increases the risk of developing prostate adenoma.
  5. Vitamins and minerals. Zinc and iodine are important for men's health.

Approximate menu for weight loss for 1200 kcal per day

It is not known for certain who said the phrase: "You do not need any diets, you need to eat less", but the vast majority of methods of losing weight take it as a basis. Diet regimens that allow you to quickly lose weight involve limiting your calorie intake.

A diet with a calorie content of 1200 is tough, not suitable for everyone - the calorie deficit exceeds the permissible norm. But a well-chosen balanced diet will allow you to lose weight without harming the body.

An example of proper nutrition for a week at 1200 kcal

Day of week Morning Dinner Evening
Monday oatmeal, orange soup, marshmallow, tea vinaigrette, breast
Tuesday bran bread, cheese lean borscht stuffed peppers, tea
Wednesday buckwheat, soft-boiled egg baked breast with eggplant boiled pollock, fresh vegetables
Thursday oatmeal, prunes mushroom soup boiled rice with poultry
Friday cereal, banana rice soup, vegetables baked salmon with vegetables
Saturday wheat porridge, apple buckwheat with vegetables cottage cheese casserole
Sunday rice porridge, peaches pasta, boiled turkey cheesecakes, tea

Approximate menu for weight loss for a week at 1500 kcal

The organization of proper nutrition for a week for weight loss includes the selection of foods, taking into account their calorie content. The daily intake of 1500 kcal is suitable for men who want to lose weight or women who are in shape. The diet is not rigid, suitable for long-term use. With the correct calculation of calories in 7 days, you can lose up to 3 kg.

You should start eating right not from Monday, but from tomorrow!

Approximate diet for a week:

days breakfast dinner dinner
I omelet, rice porridge soup, baked breast steamed potatoes with salmon, kefir
II hercules, cheese, coffee mushroom soup, buckwheat, bread cottage cheese, yogurt
III cheese, yogurt, muesli baked trout with pepper asparagus with herbs, fermented baked milk
IV seaweed salad, tea lean pickle, spaghetti boiled breast, lettuce, juice
V boiled egg, buckwheat baked haddock with dried fruits, rice cottage cheese, apple
VI hercules, milk tea eggplant, tomato ragout yogurt, pineapple
Vii cottage cheese, orange soup with beans, boiled turkey vinaigrette, juice

Recipes for 1500 kcal dishes

One of the basic rules of proper nutrition is a balanced diet. Foods must contain all the necessary nutrients and be properly prepared. When choosing recipes, preference is given to baked, stewed, steamed dishes.

  • breast - 150 g;
  • bulgarian pepper - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 100 g;
  • leeks - 50 g;
  • greens.

The meat is cut into pieces, put in a frying pan, and poured with water. Add the tomatoes cut into rings, stew for 20 minutes. Spread chopped peppers, onions, cook for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and onions.

Diet menu for a week (table) with recipes

Diet food means limited consumption of animal products. For accelerated weight loss reduce the daily calorie intake by 100 kcal. You can calculate the exact energy value using an online calculator.

days of the week breakfast dinner dinner
Monday apple, 2 loaves vegetable puree soup, steamed potatoes ham, grapefruit
Tuesday yogurt, cheese ("Friendship"), tea lean beetroot, boiled rice steamed fish, vegetable juice
Wednesday muesli, banana barley porridge, boiled veal fresh vegetable salad, tea
Thursday yogurt, Dutch cheese vegetable soup, apples steamed cauliflower
Friday corn flakes, juice potato cutlets, crispbread kefir, strawberry
Saturday omelet with herbs, chicory tilapia cutlets, cucumbers, peppers fermented baked milk, oatmeal cookies
Sunday vegetable casserole, tea sorrel soup, turkey meatballs cheese, cucumbers

Diet meals are prepared quickly and easily. Potato cutlets will appeal to all family members.

Cutlet recipe

What you need:

  • ready mashed potatoes- 0.5 kg;
  • flour - st. spoon;
  • bread crumbs - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • salt.

Add flour, salt to the puree, mix. They make cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs. Fry for 3 minutes on each side.

Breakfast recipes for proper nutrition

The morning meal sets the rhythm of the body for the whole day. Special attention is paid to breakfast recipes.


  • rice - 100 g;
  • pumpkin (peeled pulp) - 100 g;
  • water - 150 g;
  • milk 100 g

Cut the pumpkin into cubes, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Cook over low heat until rice is cooked.

Rice porridge with pumpkin - video recipe


  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper 2 pcs.;
  • broccoli - 100 g;
  • green onions - 50 g;
  • cheese - 50 g.

Cut vegetables. Beat eggs, add to vegetables. The mixture is poured into a baking dish, sprinkled with chopped onions and cheese. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Cooking delicious fritata

Delicious and healthy weight loss meals from available products

Soups must be present in the diet. They help to normalize bowel function. The meals are prepared simply to include the available ingredients.


  • broccoli - 400 g;
  • spinach - 100 g;
  • medium-sized onion;
  • cream 10% - 200 g;
  • vegetable or chicken broth - 200 g;
  • salt to taste.

Broccoli, chop the onion, pour in hot broth, cook for 15 minutes. Take out the finished vegetables (do not pour out the broth!), Add spinach, grind in a blender. The resulting mass is poured back into the broth, cream and salt are added. Cook for 10 minutes.

Examples of recipes for delicious slimming dishes

Food should not only be healthy, but also tasty. Diet baked goods with the “right” ingredients will diversify your diet without the consequences of fatty deposits. With the help of simple recipes, the process of losing weight will turn into a pleasure.


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 2 medium bananas;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. l.

Peeled, chopped bananas are mixed with flakes until smooth. Washed raisins are added. Form round patties. Spread on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 180 ° C for 15 minutes.

Diet Banana Oatmeal Cookies: Flour, Oil, Egg and Sugar Free Recipe


  • oatmeal - 400 g;
  • cottage cheese 5% - 200 g;
  • applesauce - 200 g;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cinnamon - tsp

Dry the flakes in a pan for 5 minutes, pour cinnamon. Grind in a coffee grinder into flour. Puree is mixed with cottage cheese in a blender, cocoa is added. Ground flakes are gradually poured into the curd mass, stirring constantly. A spoonful of cereal is left for breading. Form cakes, put on a dish, sprinkle with oatmeal "breading". Put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

There are many menu options for the week of proper nutrition for weight loss. Finding the right one will not be difficult. The main thing is to find a diet, not just one that helps to get rid of the hated kilograms, but improves health.

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This tale is about how to compose a menu of proper nutrition, which is suitable not only for losing weight, but also for improving well-being, raising tone and Have a good mood... How to provide recipes for every snack so that you only eat healthy foods? Is it possible to make proper nutrition so attractive so as not to return to fast foods and "goodies", because of which we accumulate fat under the skin and cholesterol in the vessels?

Hello friends! We all know that our body needs a different ratio of ingredients at different stages of life. How to avoid standing in the kitchen for too long, but at the same time accommodating the needs of everyone, from toddlers to grandparents? What to do to make food healthy for the whole family? At first glance, the task seems daunting. But is it? It's time to figure out the proper nutrition menu.

Let's understand the concepts

Healthy nutrition menu

Healthy and unhealthy foods

Judging by the speed with which new fast food chains are emerging in big cities, we have not yet sufficiently realized the harm that these establishments cause to our health. And it's not just about the problem of being overweight. Eating improperly, you can upset digestion, get problems with the liver, heart, kidneys and other organs. Fast food factories (all these McDonald's and Burgers) pose the greatest danger to children. Everything is so tasty, pretty! How can a child not be tempted?

The nutritional menu shouldn't be less attractive. It simply has to remain tasty and healthy at the same time! But it is better to exclude a number of products. I will give a small table of the most common healthy and harmful products, without touching on exotic and expensive ingredients.

Table of products and dishes.

Many things can be easily and safely prepared at home using available products. For example, everyone's favorite mayonnaise. Here's the simplest recipe:

  • an egg or egg yolk;
  • 70-100 g. vegetable oil better than olive;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • spices to taste and as desired.

We put in a container a raw egg, sugar, salt and fill with butter. Grind with a blender. Add lemon juice and spices (for example, mustard powder, pepper) and grind some more. If the mayonnaise turned out to be liquid, it means that there is not enough oil.

You yourself understand that the menu of proper nutrition for a woman or a man, a child or a grandmother does not mean that you sit on it for 30 days or six months, and then you start eating whatever. You need to make a diet that you can adhere to all your life without burdening yourself with unnecessary inhibitions.

As a budget option, you can pick up recipes in which expensive products are replaced with cheaper ones. The most important thing is that the food remains varied and contains all the necessary and useful substances.

Another tip: try not to eat yesterday's hot food. If there is anything left, you better make a cold dish out of yesterday. Better yet, cook for the day.

By following simple recommendations, you can get rid of old sores, bring your weight back to normal. If you still have doubts - come to our Online Academy of Healthy Body ... You will see for yourself how important it is to eat well. The menu of proper nutrition will no longer seem like a whim or something unattainable to you. And in addition to everything, you will rid yourself of any chronic ailments and move back to the "Health" zone.

That's all for today.
Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
And they drove on!

The main mistake of many losing weight is that they perceive the menu of proper nutrition as another diet - a stage through which you need to go. Then, having got rid of excess weight, they completely forget about the recommendations of a nutritionist, and get better again. And having decided, they start all over again.

Good nutrition isn't just about special menus and portion sizes, but rather good habit which has become a way of life. The decision to say goodbye to fast food and convenience foods should not be a temporary measure, but a firm categorical "no" forever.

Then the menu, competently compiled by a nutritionist for every day, will help you lose weight, plus stay slim for many years, prevent the development of many related overweight diseases. The main provisions of the healthy nutrition menu need to be learned by heart:

  • To speed up the metabolism, the menu dictates to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions. Fractional nutrition allows the body to fully assimilate the incoming nutrients, spend energy from them on vital processes and not feel hungry. Nutritionists warn: the absence of food for more than 4 hours is subconsciously perceived as a signal to accumulate fat, so do not reduce the menu to a minimum, skipping meals;
  • Half of the dishes on the menu are fresh vegetable salads and fruits. The daily intake of complex carbohydrates is mandatory, because cereals cleanse the body, normalize work digestive system... Meat will also become a source of protein, and dairy products will provide you with calcium and support the microflora. Do not forget about, a handful a day is enough. As you can see, the menu for every day is varied;
  • The correct way of cooking is essential. Avoid fried foods in favor of steamed or foil-baked foods. Keep the menu as light as possible - salads without mayonnaise, a minimum of salt, oil. Dinner should be no later than 20 hours, and the evening meal is the lowest-calorie of all;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day, starting with two glasses in the morning on an empty stomach. Water is necessary for the breakdown of fats, the removal of harmful substances from the body. Tea, coffee, compotes, juices diversify the menu, but these are liquids, they cannot replace water;
  • Be sure to count calories when making a menu for each day. At first, this activity will seem boring and inconvenient to you, but soon you will remember the calorie content of frequently consumed foods and will automatically control portions. On average, in order to maintain the current weight, a woman needs to make a menu for 2000 kcal per day, and to lose weight, necessary reduce the diet to about 1200-1500 kcal.

Perhaps in the early days, menu restrictions will seem rather harsh to you, but only against the background of previous food freedom. Proper nutrition very quickly becomes a habit, and a leaner silhouette will become additional motivation.

Allowed and prohibited menu products

It will be much easier to compose a healthy nutrition menu for every day, having a list of useful and undesirable ingredients in front of your eyes. So, the green light in the daily diet is on for the following foods:

  • Diet meat, lean poultry- veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken;
  • Shrimps, mussels, squids, all types of fish(of course, salmon or halibut should be rarely included in the menu)
  • Chicken eggs hard-boiled or as a steam omelet;
  • Everything not starchy vegetables, not very sweet fruits;
  • Dark rice;
  • Tofu cheese;
  • Milk, fermented milk products fat content no more than 2%... Sweet yoghurts, even low-calorie ones, are excluded from the menu;
  • Bread made from wholemeal flour and bran with the addition of whole grains;
  • Legumes- peas, beans, lentils.

Provided that it is cooked correctly and in small portions, all items on the list should become the basis of the menu for every day. Nutritionists bring food into a separate group, allowed conditionally, that is, infrequently, once a week:

  • High starch vegetables- potatoes, beets, corn. They are added to the menu only boiled;
  • Sweet hearty fruits- bananas, persimmon;
  • Honey, dark chocolate it is permissible to use it as a dessert;
  • Cream, sour cream, butter (10 g) will make the menu richer, but here it is important not to get carried away;
  • Occasionally in the morning treat yourself to a bite hard cheese, a glass of natural juice.

You should not completely exclude these products, let the menu remain varied. The alternation of high and low calorie meals creates the so-called metabolic swing, stimulating fat burning.

Finally, let's examine the list categorical food taboos of the new menu:

  • Any smoked meats and pork. Very satisfying, they contain heavy fats that are not absorbed, but settle on the waist;
  • Bread and rolls from wheat flour;
  • Mayonnaise, all shop sauces must leave the daily menu forever;
  • Milk chocolate, packaged juices... They are of no use, and the sugar content is terrifying;
  • Sweets, salt, sugar, carbonated drinks. Refusing only from them, you can significantly lose weight in a month;
  • Alcohol. Will nullify all efforts, due to the high calorie content and negative effects on the body.

The number of prohibitions on the correct menu turned out to be not that great. The only difficulty is that all the products from the last list are addictive, it is hard to refuse them. But there is nothing to do, to lose weight and be healthy is much more important than eating a salad with mayonnaise, right?

Alternating foods throughout the day

One week is enough to fall in love with healthy light food forever. The main thing is to observe the principle of alternation in the menu, otherwise boring oatmeal will get bored on the third day, longing for cutlets will reappear. We'll have to slightly adjust the daily routine to accommodate five meals from the updated menu:

Time List of Recommended Products
7:30 breakfastFiber and complex carbohydrates provide energy for the entire long day. It can be any porridge boiled in water and a cup of tea with lemon;
10:00 second breakfast.Light protein food- the basis of the menu, it will support all life processes at the maximum level - a slice of lean poultry with steamed vegetables, cottage cheese... If desired, it is permissible to replace the protein with fruits or cookies;
13:00 lunchA full, hearty meal that must include first and second course. Correct low-fat soup, with minimum amount potatoes, and preferably without it at all. The side dish is cooked without salt accompanied by vegetable salad;
16:00 afternoon snackTime for a little treat: If you didn't have a sweet tooth for lunch, indulge yourself. Or replace dessert low-fat yogurt on days when they relaxed a little in the morning;
19:00 dinnerCarbohydrates eaten at this time no longer have time to be absorbed before bedtime, so give preference proteins.

If you really want to eat in the evening, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt, the menu is not forbidden. It is not worth seizing kefir with cookies: having decided to eat just one, it is very difficult to refrain from supplementation, and then the process risks becoming uncontrollable.

So-called "Nocturnal zhor" is enemy number one, very difficult to lose weight. And do not forget to drink clean water, now it is your best friend.

The menu of most modern people cannot be called healthy: semi-finished products, various snacks, confectionery, alcohol, etc.

All of these foods can lead to obesity and health problems (gastrointestinal diseases, hormonal imbalances, anorexia, bulimia).

In addition, more than 60% of people eat on the go, not observing the regime.

To lose weight and maintain health, you need to eat right. To do this, you need to control calories, take into account the daily amount of nutrients, and exclude unhealthy foods from the diet. Also, those wishing to lose weight are recommended to take vitamins in accordance with age norms, which are necessary for the complete assimilation of food.

Proper nutrition for weight loss, in addition to a well-chosen menu for a week, provides for the need to follow the food intake regimen, as well as to correctly combine products with each other.

By following these rules, you can lose those extra pounds and improve your health.

Is it possible to eat right and lose weight

Proper nutrition, unlike short-term diets, guarantees long-term results. The human diet contains a balanced amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The body is saturated with useful substances, the metabolism is accelerated, fats are burned faster.

As a result, the body becomes slim, the condition of the skin and hair improves, and lightness and energy appear. The work of organs is normalized gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Proper nutrition (PP) will not bring results as quickly as diet, but its effect persists for a long time. Express methods allow you to lose weight in 1-2 weeks, but then the excess weight quickly returns.

Expert opinion

Evgeny Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

In addition to quickly returning to the previous weight, after express diets or rigid diets, even more excess fat is often observed. This is due to the fact that the body, after fasting, which is stressful for it, is trying with all its might to prepare for a possible repetition of such a stressful situation (fasting) by storing fat reserves. After all, fat is a universal substance that contains the necessary reserves of energy and nutrients, which will be consumed to maintain the body's vital functions in case of starvation. Therefore, there is a quick return to lost weight or gaining even more mass. Such a mechanism is determined at the genetic level and takes its origin from the times when the threat of death from hunger constantly hung over a person. Today, when food has become more accessible and high-calorie for the majority of the population, such a mechanism does more harm than good to modern man.

It is interesting! To lose weight faster, you need to change your eating habits, be physically active and follow the daily regimen.

Be sure to see:

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Basics and rules of the diet of women and men

In order to reduce weight, improve health and appearance, you need to follow the basic principles. Here's a detailed list of what you need to follow for a healthy diet:

  1. Reduce the calorie content of the diet gradually (by 100-150 kcal per week). It is recommended in this way to reduce the calorie content to the level of 80-75% of the initial one, thus it is possible to achieve long-term weight loss using this principle even if the process of losing weight is stopped. Severe dietary restrictions can lead to serious problems with the organs of the digestive tract and endocrine system, and can also provoke a breakdown from an already established diet, which does more harm than good.
  2. Include healthy fats in your diet. They are found in fish, nuts, olive oil. Recommended to use sea ​​fish because it is more dietary and contains more beneficial unsaturated fatty acids than freshwater.
  3. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones. Eat buckwheat, oatmeal, vegetables.
  4. Add protein to the menu. The body spends a lot of calories on the breakdown of protein foods. Proteins stimulate metabolism, enhance muscle growth, and prevent muscle breakdown in a calorie deficit.
  5. Eat more often (5-6 times), but in small portions. Such nutrition accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates intestinal peristalsis (rhythmic contractions of its wall), allows you to maximize the absorption of nutrients from food.

Simple principles of weight loss

The level of adipose tissue depends on the lifestyle of the person. To change it, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Lose weight slowly. Try not to lose more than 200 grams of fat in a week.
  2. Reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet and increase the amount of unsaturated fat.
  3. Avoid express diets. This is a restrictive, haphazard type of diet that is often replaced by overeating. The body suffers from a deficiency of nutrients, metabolism and general well-being are disturbed. The risk of developing diseases of the digestive tract or exacerbation of diseases already present increases significantly.
  4. For more effective and fast weight loss, you can use fat burners, for example, L-carnitine. This substance promotes weight loss and is the safest form of fat burning supplements. However, even in spite of this, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before taking any fat burners.
  5. Maintain the amount of chromium in your body. This trace element is necessary for the normal course of the processes of production and assimilation of insulin, increasing the volume of muscle tissue, and accelerating fat burning.

Important! To get rid of extra pounds, you need to combine foods correctly, observe a meal regimen, take into account hormonal levels, and physiological characteristics of the body. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of chronic diseases, for which you should consult a doctor.

Food combination to lose weight

In order for healthy foods to be absorbed and digested faster, you need to create:

  1. Proteins (meat, fish, legumes) with vegetables.
  2. Carbohydrates (potatoes, brown rice, buckwheat), vegetables. However, you need to be careful with potatoes, as this product is rich in starch, a high-calorie carbohydrate.
  3. Fruits and fruits. They are digested faster, so it is better to eat them half an hour before a meal or 2 hours after it.
  4. Fats and Proteins. For example, nuts with yogurt, meat with avocado.
  5. Dried fruits, nuts can be used as a snack.

Such combinations do not burden the digestive organs, allow maintaining the glucose concentration at a constant level, relieve hunger for a long time, accelerate fat burning and prevent muscle breakdown.

The given concept of combining food is ambiguously perceived by doctors, however, those who are trying to lose excess weight should adhere to it, since it does not burden the digestive tract.


If you want to lose weight, then you need to observe food discipline. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a regimen of food intake taking into account the biological rhythm. What it is? This is an even distribution.

Interesting! This concept of nutrition is based on the biorhythms of the human body, which, in turn, are based on the cyclical processes of secretion of hormones and their release into the blood. Since certain hormones have a specific effect on the body, based on this, it is possible to accelerate the processes of weight loss and metabolism.

An approximate hourly regimen for girls and men switching to proper nutrition may look like this:

  1. If you wake up at 6 a.m. and go to bed at 21:00, then have breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 13:00, dinner at 19:00. Schedule snacks at 10:00 and 16:00.
  2. If a person wakes up at 9:00 and falls asleep at 00:00, then plan your morning meal at 10:00, lunch at 15:00, and dinner at 20:00. A good time for a second breakfast is 13:00 and an afternoon snack is 17:00.

Make sure that no more than 2-3 hours pass between meals.

In the morning you need to eat an hour after you woke up, and in the evening - 2 hours before bedtime.

Features of diets for girls, women and men

During the preparation of the diet, gender and age must be taken into account.

The main feature of the male body is the presence of testosterone, which burns fat. Also, it is testosterone that is responsible for the growth of muscles and the formation of a male-type appearance. The menu should be replenished with animal proteins (meat, fish, milk), zinc, selenium. Men spend more energy, and the need for it for their body is higher, so the calorie intake of an average man should be about 3500 kcal, and depending on the type of physique and body weight, the daily calorie intake may vary.

Fact! Testosterone is also produced in the female body, but in much smaller quantities than in the male. Also, its effects are suppressed by female sex hormones. For these reasons, the physiological characteristics in a woman's body proceed precisely according to the female type.

It is necessary to exclude from the menu confectionery, alcohol in any form, smoked, fried, dried and rich in synthetic additives food, sweet carbonated drinks.

In the female body, estrogen dominates, which, with the slightest stress, provokes an increase in adipose tissue. Therefore, girls should reduce the calorie content of the diet and take more vitamins, collagen, calcium. The menu needs to be replenished with milk and products from it, plant foods, dietary meat and fish.

Important! Girls should eat more fruits, and women after 30-35 years old supplement the diet with foods rich in calcium. At any age, they need vitamins B9 and E. It is important to avoid alcohol and sugar. You also need to limit the consumption of table salt to 2 g per day, otherwise there is a high risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Acceleration of the process during physical exertion

If a person reduces the daily amount of calories and goes in for sports, then he is guaranteed success. To speed up the process of burning fat, you need to combine aerobic (running, exercise bike, aerobics, swimming) and anaerobic (lifting weights 1-6 times with breaks) load with proper nutrition.

In the anaerobic load mode, you can perform strength exercises for 3-4 sets of 4-8 repetitions each. This training regime actively stimulates muscle growth.

Strength training accelerates muscle growth, and aerobic training burns excess calories and trains the cardiovascular system.

Important! After exercising, your appetite increases, which can lead to overeating. To avoid this, you need to control the daily calorie intake.

Fat Burning Supplements

Proper nutrition, regular exercise and sports supplements help speed up weight loss.

Weight Loss Supplements:

  • fat burners speed up metabolism, fat burning, preserve muscles, increase energy reserves. These include thermogenics (thermogenics), anoretics, calorie blockers, L-carnitine, complex fat burning supplements;

Attention! Some supplements contain ingredients that are hazardous to health, so you should consult your doctor before taking them.

  • BCAA amino acids contribute to the burning of adipose tissue, preserving muscle mass;
  • thermogenics increase heat production, calorie consumption, stimulate the central nervous system, accelerate metabolic processes;
  • anorestics suppress appetite. They are recommended to be combined with fat burners;
  • L-carnitine accelerates the burning of body fat, increases stress resistance, brain and physical activity.

Of all the fat burning supplements above, only thermogenics and complex remedies have a scientifically proven effect. The effectiveness of other fat burners is based on an empirical approach and statements from the manufacturers of dietary supplements..

You can also use yohimbine and protein supplements for weight loss. For example, protein powder (an isolate is better because it is lower in calories and contains more protein than protein concentrate), pasta, or bars.

What You Can Eat: List of Foods

For a truly healthy diet, it is recommended to buy fresh, natural products. Here is a detailed list of the main ones:

  1. Wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, corn, rice, millet, quinoa, crushed barley.
  2. Soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas.
  3. Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, paprika, onions.
  4. Cauliflower, potatoes, beets, zucchini, eggplant.
  5. Apples, peaches, plums, pears, citrus fruits.
  6. Currants, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, mountain ash.
  7. Peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pine nuts.
  8. Champignons, honey mushrooms, truffles.
  9. Sunflower, olive, flax, corn oil.

In addition, the diet needs to be replenished with meat, fish (low-fat varieties), seafood, class A pasta, honey, seeds, herbs, seaweed... The amount of spices and spices should be limited.

Before resorting to a dietary diet, consult a doctor, since a number of products may be prohibited for use in the presence of certain diseases of the digestive, excretory, nervous system, metabolic pathologies.

  • peel and chop potatoes, celery, paprika, onions, mushrooms, cauliflower;
  • put water on the stove (the volume is equal to the number of vegetables);
  • when it boils, add the potatoes, after 10 minutes - celery, carrots, cabbage, after another 5 minutes - onions, paprika, mushrooms;
  • beat in a blender, salt, add dill, parsley, crackers.

2. Baked meat with vegetables:

  • cut the chicken fillet into cubes, send to the oven;
  • peel, cut into 300 g pumpkin, broccoli, paprika;
  • after 15 minutes, put vegetables to the meat, salt;
  • bake until tender (about 5 minutes).

3. Cottage cheese casserole:

  • mix 600 g of cottage cheese, 2 yolks, 20 g of cow butter;
  • add 120 g each sugar and semolina, 20 g baking powder, 1 pack of vanilla, a handful of raisins and nuts;
  • beat the whites separately, add them to the curd mass;
  • pour the dough onto a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with semolina, pour a lot of sour cream on top;
  • bake at 180 ° C for 35 minutes.

4. Ice cream:

  • peel 8 kiwis, chop in a blender;
  • pour in 25 ml of lemon juice and white rum, add 25 g of cane sugar;
  • whisk, send the mass to the freezer.

As you can see, you can cook delicious and varied, and most importantly, simple dishes from the permitted products that are suitable for the diet of both women and men. With them, it is easy to eat right and lose weight. You can also prepare food according to your own recipes, taking into account the requirements for calorie content and food balance.

How to eat right to lose weight at home: advice for women from nutritionists

To achieve their goal and accelerate fat burning, women should follow the following dietitian recommendations:

  1. Replenish the menu with foods rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
  2. Give up fast food, semi-finished products, fried, fatty foods, smoked meats, confectionery, soda, alcohol.
  3. Nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg recommends including in the menu a variety of recipes decorating dishes.
  4. Eat more plant foods in summer and protein in winter.
  5. Nutritionist Andrei Bobrovsky advises to give up frying food, boil them, bake, stew, steam.
  6. Use homemade sauces to enhance the flavor of your meals.
  7. Drink filtered water, green tea without sugar.
  8. Drink water half an hour before a meal and 2 hours after it. This will reduce appetite and speed up food saturation, and if you add the juice of half a lemon to the water, the effect will be more pronounced.
  9. Include physical exercises in the regime of the day.

Before planning a weight loss program, consult your doctor and professional trainer.

Useful video

Watch a lecture by nutritionist Zabolotny on how to eat right:

Main conclusions

Thus, if you want to eat right and lose extra pounds, then remember the following rules:

  1. Make a weight loss program that includes diet, physical activity.
  2. Replenish the menu with proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day (the indicator is averaged).
  4. Consider gender when making menus.
  5. Follow your food intake regimen.
  6. Learn to determine the right portion of food for you.
  7. Take sports supplements to burn fat.

By adhering to these rules, you can lose weight, improve your health and appearance.

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