A simple recipe for beef liver pancakes. Recipe for liver pancakes: photo of the dish and cooking tricks. Recipe for liver pancakes with buckwheat porridge

Sewerage 17.09.2020

If you have never cooked liver pancakes, urgently correct yourself! Personally, I don’t always succeed in frying the liver in pieces so that it turns out soft and juicy, while liver pancakes from beef liver- a win-win. Of course, the recipe, as always, is not without secrets, but I will tell you all of them in order.

Every mother knows that feeding a child with liver dishes can be extremely problematic, but I have not yet met children who would not like delicious and soft beef liver pancakes.

Juicy, soft, with a sweetish taste of the liver, such liver pancakes from beef liver for a child fly away with a bang. mashed potatoes, pasta, or cereal porridge, and, of course, with vegetable salad. In addition, this is just a good culinary idea when you don’t know what to cook from offal or meat for every day.

For liver pancakes, young veal liver is best suited, it is small in size, so you can easily distinguish it from beef liver of an adult animal. If you are dealing with beef liver, then it needs to be soaked in milk for a longer time so that the bitterness and the specific taste of the liver are gone. Chicken liver, rabbit liver, and turkey liver are also suitable for this recipe for liver pancakes.

From the ingredients below, a fairly large amount of beef liver pancakes is obtained, and work for about 2 hours. If you have not changed your mind yet, let me tell you in detail how to cook beef liver pancakes - a recipe to be soft and juicy.


  • 1 kg beef liver
  • 250 grams (2-3 pieces) potatoes
  • 150 grams (1-2 pcs) onions
  • 500 ml milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of crackers
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook liver pancakes from beef liver:

You need to prepare the liver in advance. It is best to do this in the evening, if you are going to cook beef liver pancakes in the morning. My liver under running water cold water, cut out all the white veins, and cut into small pieces, about 4 * 4 cm.

We send the liver into a deep bowl, and fill it with milk. We send the liver to the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

We take the liver out of the refrigerator, drain the milk, and grind it in a way convenient for you. I twisted the liver in a blender, but you can use a meat grinder.

Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces 2 * 2 cm.

Onions are also peeled and cut like potatoes.

Put the potatoes and onions in a blender, add the eggs, and grind into a powder.

If there is no blender, then the potatoes and onions need to be rubbed on the smallest grater, like potato pancakes. You don't need to cut the vegetables beforehand.

In a deep bowl, combine liver puree with a mixture of onion potatoes and eggs. Add crackers, salt and pepper. As you may have guessed, we cook beef liver pancakes without flour. Instead of flour, the recipe uses breadcrumbs, making beef liver pancakes soft and juicy.

Thoroughly mix our dough for beef liver pancakes. It should turn out like thick sour cream, and it should be easy to pick up with a spoon.

If the dough turned out to be liquid, add more breadcrumbs 1 tablespoon at a time until the dough reaches the desired consistency.

I do not recommend adding flour to liver pancakes instead of crackers, then the pancakes will turn out not so airy. If there are no crackers, it is better to add the same amount of semolina. Flour should be added to the dough instead of crackers if you are going to cook according to this recipe.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove. Once the pan is hot, reduce the heat. Then spread the liver dough with a tablespoon into the pan.

The liver is a product that not everyone loves. And all because of its dryness and specific taste. In fact, from the liver you can cook the most delicate and juicy dish - pancakes.

They are great for various side dishes, for sandwiches, they can serve as a good snack, and most importantly - useful.

In addition, a big plus of beef liver fritters is the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients.

Beef liver pancakes - general principles of cooking

Beef liver has many films and veins that are difficult to remove, it takes a little skill. But it's okay if some remains.

The product is still crushed, and with it the veins.

The washed and cleaned liver is cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder, scrolled in a food processor or chopped with a blender.

What else is added to the pancakes:

Eggs. They bind the constituent ingredients, do not allow the pancakes to fall apart, and facilitate turning during frying.

Flour. It thickens the dough, absorbs the secreted juices, connects all the ingredients.

Vegetables. They dilute the liver taste, give the dish juiciness, tenderness.

Spices. In addition to salt, you can add pepper, seasonings for meat, paprika, nutmeg and much more to the dough.

Dairy products can also go into the dough: cream, sour cream, kefir. Mayonnaise is sometimes added. Often pancakes are prepared with cereals, mushrooms and other products that help diversify the taste.

Pancakes are served on their own or with side dishes. As a sauce, you can use sour cream or its mixture with herbs, garlic, pepper and salt. Sometimes pancakes are stewed in gravy after frying, which makes the products even more tender.

Recipe 1: Ordinary Beef Liver Pancakes

The most common recipe for beef liver fritters, many people know it and cook it that way. With all its simplicity, the dish turns out to be tender, juicy, the dryness of the main product is not felt at all.

Half a kilo of liver;

A spoonful of sour cream;

2-3 tablespoons of flour (you can put semolina);

A clove of garlic.

1. We wash the liver, remove visible films and cut into pieces that can easily pass through a meat grinder.

2. Peel the onion with garlic, cut into several pieces.

3. Pass the liver and vegetables through a meat grinder with a fine strainer. Add salt, flour, pepper, sour cream and break the eggs. If you put semolina, then you need to let the dough stand for half an hour so that the cereal swells. Mix the mass with a spoon.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan. For diet food you can use non-stick cookware and cook without fat or lightly grease the surface to form an appetizing crust.

5. We collect the dough with a spoon, put it in the pan in the form of pancakes and fry on both sides until cooked. Usually enough for 1-1.5 minutes for each side. Place cooked pancakes on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Recipe 2: Beef liver fritters with rice

The addition of rice gives the beef liver pancakes additional satiety, the cereal dilutes the taste and the dishes are much larger. You can serve it with side dishes or on its own.

500 grams of liver;

100 grams of dry rice;

2 onions;

A little flour.

1. Rice must be washed, then boiled in water until tender, but the grains must remain intact. We drain the water.

2. Pass the liver with onions through a meat grinder and mix with boiled rice.

3. Salt the mass, pepper, you can add any seasonings. We put 2-3 tablespoons of flour, bring the dough to the desired density. If you need thin pancakes, for example, for sandwiches, then do not put a lot of flour. For plump and lush products in the form of cutlets, you need to make the dough thicker.

4. Fry the pancakes in hot oil. Or grease a baking sheet with oil, spread the resulting dough and cook in the oven.

Recipe 3: Beef liver fritters with zucchini

Well, they cook pancakes from zucchini, and they do it from the liver. Why not combine these two recipes? The result is healthy, light and juicy beef liver pancakes with a squash flavor. A wonderful summer dish.

400 grams of zucchini;

400 grams of liver;

2 onions;

5 tablespoons of flour;

Parsley greens.

1. We clean the zucchini, three on a fine grater. If the vegetable is too juicy, then you can squeeze it out a little.

2. Peel onions and carrots, cut into pieces for grinding in a meat grinder. But if desired, you can just finely chop or grate.

3. We wash the liver, also cut it into arbitrary slices. Large and visible films can be removed immediately.

4. Pass all prepared ingredients through a meat grinder, mix with grated zucchini, add chopped parsley, eggs, flour. Don't forget to salt and pepper the dough.

5. Fry the pancakes in a pan, serve with sour cream.

Recipe 4: Beef liver pancakes with carrots

A feature of these beef liver fritters is a beautiful color and unusual taste. Before adding carrots, you need to fry in a pan. But if you want to cook a lower-calorie option, then you can simply simmer with a little water or bake vegetables in the oven.

400 grams of liver;

250 grams of carrots;

40 grams of flour;


1. Peel the carrots, three finely and fry in a pan with butter. Strong frying is not necessary, lightly browned.

2. Grind the liver with the onion. You can pass through a meat grinder or just pierce with a blender.

3. Mix the liver mass with carrots, add flour, eggs, salt. You can put any spices for meat.

4. Fry carrot pancakes with liver on both sides until golden brown. You can also serve them with any side dishes, salads, fresh and pickled vegetables.

Recipe 5: Beef liver fritters with a surprise

Recipe for amazing stuffed beef liver fritters. Hard cheese is used as filling, but if desired, you can take any other processed product. Similarly, you can cook pancakes with other fillings: vegetables, mushrooms, herbs. But the filling should not be too much, put a little bit.

300 grams of liver;

60 grams of cheese;

garlic clove;

A little flour;

1. Finely rub the cheese, also garlic and just mix together. Set the filling aside. If desired, you can add hot pepper, chopped herbs to it.

2. Grind the liver with onions. We introduce all the remaining ingredients, knead the dough. It is very important that the mass is not too thick. Fritters should be thin.

3. Pour oil into the pan, spread thin pancakes with a spoon. Immediately put a little cheese filling in the center and pour the dough again on top. As soon as the product is fried on one side, turn over and blush on the second. The fire should not be too big so that the liver has time to cook inside and the cheese to melt.

4. Such pancakes can be served with any side dish, consumed as an independent dish or also put on a sandwich.

Recipe 6: Beef liver fritters with mushrooms

To prepare these pancakes, you will need mushrooms. You can use ordinary mushrooms, fresh or frozen. You can also take forest mushrooms, but they will first need to be boiled for 15 minutes in boiling water. You can add pickled mushrooms to the liver dough, but in this case, remember that they already contain salt, cut very finely.

Half a kilo of liver;

Half a glass of kefir;

300 grams of mushrooms;

A pinch of soda;

60 grams of flour.

1. We cut the mushrooms not very large, fry in a pan. If raw champignons are used, then about 5 minutes. If boiled mushrooms, then 2 minutes is enough. Pickled foods do not need to be fried, we decant the liquid well and cut it finely.

2. Finely chop the onion, send it to the mushrooms. We cook together for another two minutes, if desired, you can add a chopped clove of garlic at the end.

3. We twist the liver in a meat grinder.

4. Add a little soda to kefir, mix. As soon as the reaction passes, mix it with the liver. Pour the mushrooms into the total mass, break the eggs. Salt the dough and season with flour, pepper to taste. Let the mass stand for half an hour.

5. Fry the pancakes in the usual way, you can bake in the oven.

Recipe 7: Liver Pancakes with Cream Sauce

An option for making pancakes that just melt in your mouth. For the sauce you will need cream or sour cream, the fat content can be any. This gravy goes especially well with rice, buckwheat and pasta.

700 grams of liver;

2 onions;

4 tablespoons of flour;


300 ml of water;

300 ml cream;

garlic clove;

A spoonful of flour.

1. Remove the films from the liver, remove the ducts. Cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Grind the peeled onions in the same way.

2. Add eggs, flour, a pinch of nutmeg and salt, pour out the flour and knead the dough.

3. Fry the pancakes on both sides, set aside, we will prepare the sauce.

4. We clean the onion, cut into small cubes. We chop the garlic.

5. We put a frying pan on the stove, pour a little oil and fry the onion. At the end we throw garlic.

6. We dilute the flour with water, pour it into the pan, let the sauce boil, reduce the heat and boil for 2 minutes. Salt, pepper.

7. Pour the cream into the sauce, let it boil and immediately put all the liver pancakes into the pan, cover with a lid and turn it on. It is not necessary to extinguish, just let it stand for 15 minutes and you can take a sample.

Instead of wheat flour, you can put semolina in the dough for beef liver fritters, the products will turn out to be more lush and airy. You can also add cornmeal, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and even just bran. The dish will become much healthier and enriched with fiber. But panko with breadcrumbs is especially tasty.

To prevent the liver from being bitter, the product can be cut into slices and poured with fresh milk. Soak for at least half an hour. The same technique allows you to make the liver juicier and more tender before frying the pieces.

In pancakes from the liver, you can put not only fresh vegetables, but also fried ones. This will only make them tastier. In addition to onions and carrots, you can also add cabbage, eggplant, bell pepper, pumpkin and even potatoes. Experiment and create new flavors in your kitchen!

If the liver pancake batter sits in the fridge for a bit, it will thicken. Consider this fact if you do not plan to fry the products immediately and put less flour.

Do pancakes break during frying, do not turn over and do not keep their shape well? Just add another egg to the dough, you can add a little flour.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I don’t know about anyone, but I really like to cook a variety of offal dishes. Despite the fact that offal, it seems to me, in culinary fashion trends unfairly relegated to the background, I still often use them in my daily meals.
Moreover, they make a lot of very delicious meals, for example, such tender, simply airy pancakes from beef liver. The recipe to make them soft will be one of your favorites.
And all because from half a kilogram of beef (possibly pork or chicken) liver, you can bake a whole mountain of delicious, ruddy pancakes, which your whole family will enjoy dinner with. The end result is quick, delicious, and inexpensive.
There are no special difficulties in cooking, because all that is needed at the preparatory stage is to twist the fresh washed liver along with the peeled onions in a meat grinder, and then, adding chicken eggs, sour cream, wheat flour, salt and spices, knead the liver dough.
Then it remains only to bake ruddy pancakes. This will require some patience, because this process is mechanical and monotonous, but it is very important not to overcook the pancakes, but to get them soft and tender. It is good to cook them in a Teflon-coated pan so that they do not burn.
Liver pancakes are good served with sour cream or tomato sauce.
And for a side dish, a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs is suitable for them.

Soft pancakes from beef liver - recipe with photo
The recipe is for 6 servings.

- fresh liver (beef) - 500 g,
- table chicken eggs - 1 pc.,
- turnip onion - 1 pc.,
- sour cream (low-fat) - 1 tbsp,
- flour (wheat) - 2 tablespoons,
- sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons,
- sea salt or table salt,
- spices.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We carefully clean the fresh beef liver for making fritters from blood clots and other contaminants. Wash well in warm water, if there is time, then soak for half an hour, and then dry and cut into small pieces (the size does not matter, since we will chop them further).
We clean the onion turnip and cut it into arbitrary cuts into several parts.
Now we grind the liver pieces together with the onion in a meat grinder into a homogeneous mass.

Add a loose chicken egg, sour cream, salt and spices, then add flour.

We heat the pan, pour in the oil and reduce the heat (we need a medium temperature regime for fritters). Spoon the liver mass into the pan

Fry the pancakes on both sides for about 4 minutes.

We do this until we have cooked all the pancakes from the beef liver, and then serve them still warm to the table.

Bon Appetit!

And for the holiday you can apply

To make liver dishes soft, housewives have a little trick: the liver needs to be soaked in milk for a couple of hours. There are many recipes for making beef liver fritters. Each hostess chooses for herself the most successful and convenient in cooking. We will now consider some of the most popular recipes.

To prepare quick beef liver fritters, you will need a minimum set of products, which, most often, every housewife has in the kitchen. And from household appliances you will need a food processor or meat grinder.

To fry pancakes for 4 servings (6 pieces each), you need to prepare the following set of products:

  • Beef liver 0.5 kg;
  • Starch (2 tablespoons with a slide);
  • Mayonnaise (1 tablespoon);
  • Vegetable oil.

For the softness of future fritters, it is better to grind the liver in a food processor, separately from the rest of the products, and then mix with the rest of the products, according to the recipe.

Grind the liver to the state of minced meat and put in a separate bowl, add salt, mayonnaise and starch there. Let stand 10 minutes. On a heated pan, using a tablespoon, spread the minced liver. Fry for 5-7 minutes on each side under a closed lid.

These pancakes can be served with sour cream or vegetables. This dish will appeal to all lovers of the liver.

Beef liver pancakes: a quick recipe

For beef fritters, you will need a simple grocery set, which can be found in any store or grocery market. Liver pancakes, a simple recipe that will surprise you with its result.

To prepare the dish, you need to take the following food set:

  • Beef liver;
  • chicken egg;
  • Starch;
  • Carrot;
  • Bulb;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

Before cooking minced liver, you need to make sure that the liver is not frozen inside. Excess moisture will not allow the stuffing to “grab”.

Grind in a meat grinder in turn: liver, onion and carrot. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients until a thick slurry is formed. Add starch gradually. For a pound of liver, 2 tablespoons is the maximum amount of starch.

Put the minced meat in the refrigerator, placing it in a container with a tight lid, for 30 minutes. You need to fry the pancakes in a well-heated pan, with the addition of vegetable oil for 10 minutes on each side under a closed lid.

How to cook beef liver pancakes without starch and flour

Not every housewife loves starch in cooking. A lot of people consider it a heavy ingredient, just like flour. But there is a recipe for how to cook beef liver pancakes without the use of starch and flour.

For stuffing you will need:

  • Beef liver (0.5 kg);
  • Semolina (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

Pass the beef liver through a meat grinder, add semolina, egg, salt, pepper and leave in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

If the dough ends up being very liquid, you can add more semolina to it and let it stand for a while.

You need to fry the pancakes in a heated pan with the addition of oil. Fry each side of the pancakes for 7-10 minutes. The pan must be covered with a lid.

Delicate pancakes from beef liver in a double boiler

Diet foods are good for health. By itself, beef liver is a healthy product. But not everyone is ready to afford fried food. In this case, a recipe is suitable according to which tender beef liver pancakes are cooked in a double boiler.

To prepare such a dish you need to take:

  • beef liver;
  • Egg white;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;

To make the pancakes light, you do not need to use the yolk of the egg, it is quite useful for other dishes.

Beat the liver well in a blender. Separately, beat the egg white, add salt and pepper to it. Gently combine with minced liver and stir.

To cook in a double boiler, you need to put the minced meat in silicone molds, place them in a hold to keep them there until fully cooked.

Diet meal is ready. For those who care about their health, this is the perfect lunch or dinner. Paired with green vegetables and lettuce.

Hearty pancakes from beef liver with carrots and onions

Pancakes with beef liver carrots are a hearty, tasty and high-calorie product. Perfect for lunch or early dinner, as a separate dish or with a side dish.

For carrot pancakes you will need:

  • Beef liver;
  • Carrot;
  • Onion;
  • Starch;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

For softness, you can add a tablespoon of mayonnaise to minced liver, but this is an optional ingredient.

Beat beef liver in a blender, put in a bowl, add starch and leave to "approach" for 20 minutes. Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion and overcook in a pan, with the addition of oil until half cooked.

When the onions and carrots have cooled, they need to be mixed with minced liver. Add salt and pepper. Fry pancakes on vegetable oil 10 minutes on each side in a pan with a closed lid. These pancakes can be served with vegetables, rice or buckwheat. The dish will please both adults and children with its taste.

Delicious beef liver pancakes: calorie content of a hearty meal

Beef liver, or rather beef liver pancakes, is a rather high-calorie dish. But it can be afforded once a week without harm to health and figure. To reduce calories, it is enough to exclude starch and flour from the traditional recipe.

For light fritters you will need:

  • Beef liver;
  • Egg;
  • Semolina;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

So that the calorie content does not increase during frying, you do not need to pour oil into the pan. It is enough just to lubricate it with a special brush or cloth soaked in oil.

Grind the liver in a blender and add a little semolina, no more than 1 tablespoon. Add the egg there and mix everything thoroughly. Let the minced meat stand and mix again with the already added pepper and salt.

You need to fry the pancakes in a heated frying pan, greased with oil or bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

But if you cook a little, it turns out that a simple dish can be transformed. And all you need is to add vegetables or fruits to the offal: they will add splendor, juiciness, softness and a subtle (or clearly visible) vegetable (fruit) taste.

On this page you see a recipe for fun fritters with pumpkin. If you do not like this vegetable, then later in the tips I will tell you how to replace it. If any supplement seems excessive to you, just do not use it, cross out fruits and vegetables from the list of products, and that's it. will remain classic recipe liver fritters.

Liver fritters with vegetables

To prepare liver fritters with pumpkin, you will need:


  • beef liver - 400 grams
  • egg - 1
  • garlic - a couple of cloves
  • onion - 1 medium
  • pumpkin puree - 150 (if you like a vegetable, then you can do all 200-250) grams
  • soda - a little
  • flour - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil for frying

Advice. To remove the liver taste (as you know, not everyone likes it), soak the liver in milk or wine for twenty minutes, and then drain the liquid. There will be no trace of the smell.


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You can make pancakes not only from beef, but also from pork or chicken liver. If you cook for a child, feel free to give preference to chicken, it is more dietary and is best absorbed. As for adults, especially pregnant or debilitated, beef liver is recommended for them, as it is very valuable in iron and other benefits.

If you take 150 grams of pumpkin, then it is practically inaudible in pancakes, so you can safely put it.
But if the pumpkin is still undesirable or unloved, replace it with zucchini (mash them fresh and squeeze them lightly before putting them in the liver), colored or Brussels sprouts or apples, preferably sour. One of the most common recipes for liver fritters is with carrots.

From the products you can add seasonings to the recipe to taste. Very suitable, for example, dry coriander (to taste), chopped ginger (it turns out a very interesting "oriental" taste), finely chopped fresh herbs. And you can not add greens, but serve with pancakes. The parsley is especially good.

You might like the idea of ​​using not just flour, but flour with semolina: take, for example, 2 tbsp. l. flour and 3 tbsp. l. semolina, this will give the pancakes more nutrition.

By the way, for a completely dietary option, you can fry pancakes without oil if you have a pan with a non-stick coating.

Liver pancakes are cooked very quickly. Fry them over high heat, 2-3 minutes on each side. Be careful, it is important not to overdo it here.

How else can you cook liver pancakes?

Recipe with potatoes

When experimenting with cooking recipes, let's remember that pancakes are just another way to cook liver. Well, potatoes are traditionally suitable for meat. Let's cook with him.

Ingredients and preparation: Coarsely grate 1 small potato. Cut half a kilo of liver and combine in a blender with chopped onion. Beat the egg, mix it with a couple of cloves of garlic squeezed out by a press, add salt and seasonings to the mixture. Combine everything together and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture. Then fry as described above. Serve with tomatoes and fresh herbs.

Recipe for pork liver fritters with buckwheat and parmesan

It has long been noticed: buckwheat and parmesan are very suitable for pork. Pork liver is no exception. The recipe is very simple and satiety is a real champion. This is a recipe for athletes and people who need to quickly strengthen their immunity and raise energy level. It is especially good in times of stress and endurance-demanding activities.

The cooking method differs little from that described above; cheese and buckwheat are added from the products, which must first be boiled. For half a kilo of pork offal, you will need about half a glass of buckwheat and half a bag of grated parmesan (30 grams). You can use soy sauce instead of salt.
All these products must be mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream. Spread on a hot pan with a spoon, quickly fry on both sides until cooked.

Recipe for pancakes with mushrooms

A very interesting version of liver pancakes - both in taste and in idea. The idea is to fry the pancakes along with the ingredient that we "imprint" into one of the sides just before cooking. First knead the "dough" for pancakes in one of the described ways. In parallel, cut the large mushrooms across. Put the pancakes from the liver with a spoon on a hot frying pan, and on top, pressing a little, the champignon blanks. After 2-3 minutes, turn the pancakes over and fry the second side along with the mushroom.

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