What propolis consists of. Propolis - medicinal properties and contraindications, use in recipes of traditional and folk medicine. Treatment of gastroduodenitis with propolis

Ceramics, fireclay 26.08.2020
Ceramics, fireclay

Propolis is a resinous substance produced during the activity of bees. This product, like honey, is made on the basis of plant elements. It has a number of useful qualities, due to which it has found wide application in medicine.

What is propolis and what is the origin of the product?

Propolis is the second most popular product after honey, made by bees. This substance has a thick consistency with brown or in green... Propolis is used by bees for technical purposes.

For a long period, scientists could not determine chemical composition and the formula of the substance. For this reason, there was no consensus about the production of propolis. Experts in the field of bee studies have put forward three theories that answer the question of the origin of propolis:

  • according to the first theory, this substance is based on resin collected by bees, which appears on the bark and buds of poplar, birch, willow, chestnut, as well as a number of conifers and deciduous plants;
  • the second theory implies the production of propolis when pollen is treated by bees;
  • the third theory did not find many followers, and existed as an assumption that propolis is made by processing not pollen by bees, but other plant products.

German scientists held the theory that bees collect and bring propolis resin in the same way as pollen, but unload in a different way.

There is still no consensus on the origin of propolis. The theory linking the manufacture of this substance with the collection of resin secreted on the bark and buds of plants was rejected. This decision is due to the fact that bees produce propolis annually, and resin on the buds and bark remains for a short period.

But later, a number of experts proved that propolis cannot be formed from pollen. Also, studies were carried out, which showed that it contains birch, aspen and poplar elements. Thus, there is evidence that propolis is based on plant components.

You can learn more about the rules, features and conditions for self-collecting propolis by watching this video:

Propolis composition

Propolis does not have a single composition. It depends on:

  • what plants were used to collect resources;
  • what state the bees were in at the time of collection;
  • what time of year the substance was produced.

For a long time, it was believed that propolis is characterized by a fickle formula. But later 16 classes were installed organic matter contained in this product. The composition also includes active biological elements, among which more than 100 variations are known. The most important of these are: polyphenols, alcohols and aldehydes.

In percentage terms, propolis includes:

  • resin and pollen balm (50-60%);
  • beeswax (30%);
  • various variants of plant substances with individual properties (10%).

Despite the fact that propolis is not made from pollen, the content of this component in it reaches almost 5%.

Components in the first two categories are present in any propolis. It is they who are responsible for the viscous consistency of the product, thanks to which it got the name "bee glue". The components in the latter category are the least studied. Scientists are still discovering new substances in propolis that were not previously known. Many of them are natural antibiotics.

Bee glue has strong antibacterial properties, the action of which is ensured by the acids present in it:

  • ferulic (reducing the growth of bacteria);
  • benzoic (inhibition of the development of pathogenic microbes);
  • other phenolic acids that have an astringent, choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Most of the antibacterial properties of bee glue come from essential oils. Pinocembrin is responsible for antifungal functions. The caffeine ester has similar capabilities.

Almost the entire volume is present in propolis chemical elements needed by a person. There is a high percentage of calcium content. The product includes vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, E, H, P. It has one of the highest levels of flavonoids. Just like other products made by bees, propolis contains enzymes. These elements enter the substance in two ways: they are formed from the secretion of the bee glands, then they are added to the resin, and they are supplied with trees from which the resource was collected.

The number of amino acids in propolis varies from 8 to 17. Propolis, which contains large amounts of sugar, fatty acids and oils, is considered more useful for treatment.

For medicine, the properties of propolis are most important, allowing them to destroy harmful bacteria. This substance effectively fights microorganisms that are harmful to human health. Propolis helps with treatment:

  • tubercle bacillus;
  • influenza virus;
  • Trichomonas;
  • herpes virus;
  • candidiasis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • hepatitis A.

Propolis destroys and removes harmful bacteria from the body, but it does not have a negative effect on the human microflora. Propolis is one of the few substances with antibiotic properties that do not cause dysbiosis.

Among the useful functions of propolis stand out:

  • disinfection from bacteria, viruses and fungi in the treatment of chronic diseases;
  • stabilization of vascular walls and capillaries, which improves blood circulation;
  • elimination of inflammation, reduction of edema, decrease in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and painful sensations in places that have been affected by the infection;
  • supplying the body nutrients and vitamins;
  • reduction of pain;
  • supply of vitamins that provide an antioxidant effect;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving metabolism in the body;
  • prevention and treatment of tumors.

Propolis can be used in the absence of health problems for the purpose of prevention. It prevents the occurrence viral infections in humans. The advantage of propolis over other drugs is that microorganisms do not develop resistance to it with prolonged use. This feature is associated with the chemical composition of the substance with the content of elements of various plants, each of which has its own protective qualities.

If propolis is used in conjunction with antibiotics, it enhances their capabilities.

Scope of application

Propolis is effective for:

  • stomach ulcer- taking oils and alcoholic tinctures enhances the effect of other drugs, relieves inflammation, reduces pain, accelerates healing;
  • helicobacter- the use of aqueous and alcoholic tincture based on propolis helps to destroy bacteria that provoke the development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • gastritis - the use of pure propolis, or as a tincture, helps to reduce the manifestation of symptoms of the disease;
  • nail fungus- use of infusions externally eliminates itching and inflammation, inhibits the development of fungus, due to which the diseased nail is gradually replaced with a healthy one;
  • pancreatitis - the combined use of alcohol tincture with medicines helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and relieve inflammation of the pancreas;
  • hemorrhoids- candles, ointments and microclysters, which include propolis, help to eliminate the disease;
  • sinusitis- tinctures, drops and inhalations with propolis treat the disease due to the antibiotic effect;
  • gastroduodenitis- the use of tincture eliminates inflammation, prevents the development of irritation, ensuring healing;
  • liver diseases- accelerates cell regeneration without harming the body (treatment is carried out only in conjunction with other medicines);
  • gum disease- chewing and applying pure propolis eliminates bleeding, unpleasant odor, inflammation, harmful bacteria;
  • bronchitis- the use of tinctures, inhalations and chewing of pure propolis relieves inflammation of the respiratory system, alleviates the symptoms of the disease, accelerates treatment;
  • prostatitis - the use of suppositories that contain propolis helps to eliminate the disease;
  • endometriosis- the use of tinctures and special candles is recommended.
  • bowel diseases- propolis relieves inflammation, restores damaged tissues, accelerates treatment when used together with other medicines;
  • sore throat- alcohol tincture or rinse solution with propolis relieves irritation in the throat, improves immunity;
  • pimples- the use of special plates soaked in propolis tincture to the affected areas, or the use of ointments reduces the manifestation of symptoms.

How to use propolis correctly?

Propolis is widespread both in traditional medicine and in official medicine. In the pharmacy, you can buy a number of drugs that include propolis. Despite this, it is believed that folk remedies more effective for treatment.

Forms of issue

Propolis is contained in 11 medicines available for purchase in pharmacies:

  • Propolis (alcohol solution) with 20% content active ingredient for disinfection of the oral cavity, treatment of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.

  • - aerosol for the treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity.

  • - ointment intended for treatment and prevention vascular diseases, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis.

  • - cream for the treatment of skin diseases and injuries (including burns and frostbite).

  • - a drug for the treatment of mucous membranes, eliminating pain and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

  • - means for external use with the aim of eliminating inflammation and treating skin diseases (including chronic).

Despite the absence of toxic effects on the body, the listed drugs should be used strictly on the recommendation of doctors.

Homemade propolis treatment recipes

Pure propolis is considered the most beneficial. This method of use involves chewing the product. If you just swallow it, the effect is much lower. For treatment, it is necessary to chew or dissolve propolis for a quarter of an hour. This method of application helps to treat infections of the oral cavity, colds.

Propolis is ingested in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by inflammatory processes. In this case, the substance is taken three times a day. The volume of the product for one dose is 5 grams.

In the presence of rheumatic pains, pure, unprepared propolis can be applied to the sore spot.

As a preventive measure, propolis is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1 to 4, and taken once a day before bedtime. The volume of one dose is 1 teaspoon. This procedure strengthens the immune system, therefore it is recommended in the autumn and spring seasons.

As an analogue for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, rinsing can be performed. To do this, propolis is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, and warmed up a little. The resulting substance poses no risk if accidentally swallowed.

Alcoholic propolis tincture can be used both internally and externally. It removes toxins, relieves inflammation, and improves overall health. The medicine is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • 1 liter of 95 percent alcohol and 200 grams of crushed propolis are mixed in a glass container;
  • the substance is placed in a dark and warm place;
  • the tincture can be applied after two weeks.

When exposed to external influences, the substance heals skin diseases and festering wounds. Internal use is recommended in the treatment of colds. 1 teaspoon of tincture is diluted with 3-4 tablespoons of water, and taken 1 hour before meals.


Inhalation with propolis helps to treat sore throat, runny nose, flu, bronchitis, and other colds. To prepare inhalation you will need:

  • mix in a container with an enamel coating 300 milliliters of water, 50 grams of propolis, 40 grams of wax;
  • put the mixture in a water bath;
  • breathe in vapors from the substance for no longer than a quarter of an hour.

To obtain the effect, the duration of the course of treatment is 10 days. This method also improves the condition of tuberculosis.

The advantage of propolis is that after an hour of boiling, it retains the beneficial elements.


Propolis ointment is used exclusively externally. To prepare this medicine, the following recipe is used:

  • 70 grams of petroleum jelly, 20 grams of lanolin, and 15 grams of propolis are placed in a container with an enamel surface;
  • the container is lowered into water with boiling water, where a steam bath is arranged for it for 10 minutes;
  • the mixture is filtered with a two-layer gauze, after which it is left to harden.

The ointment is applied to sore areas in case of skin and mucous membrane diseases, heals wounds and cuts, reduces pain and accelerates recovery from burns and frostbite.

In ancient times, healers and shamans treated patients with only natural ingredients. Many medicines were made from herbs and natural raw materials, including honey and propolis. Nowadays, propolis is also an excellent assistant in the fight against a variety of diseases.

In this article you will find answers to most of the questions related to the concept of "propolis": origin, scope, medicinal properties and a lot of other interesting information.

Description of properties

Propolis is a dark colored product produced by bees. The word is of Greek origin and is translated as "bee glue". Many of you have heard about it and, perhaps, even applied it, but few know what it really is.

The name itself simply characterizes this substance - sticky, viscous to the touch, but, at the same time, plastic, reminiscent of plasticine. People call this unusual bee substance "uza". As a rule, the color of the bond is not uniform, as beekeepers collect it from different hives and mix it together.

In nature, its color palette is diverse:

  • yellow;
  • brownish yellow;
  • red brown;
  • brownish green;
  • Brown;
  • black;
  • dark green.

Such a variety of shades is due to the habitat of the bees, as well as the storage conditions of the bee glue.

Propolis tastes bitter, with pronounced hints of honey. It has a peculiar and unique aroma of pine needles, buds and, of course, honey.

If speak about physical properties, then the consistency of the bond depends on the temperature and time of collection. During the collection period, it is soft and very pliable, but then gradually becomes hard. At temperatures below 15 degrees, plasticity is lost, and when heated, it becomes soft again.

No one can give an exact answer to the question of the origin of bee glue. Most scientists and beekeeping experts believe that propolis is a plant product. Experts came to this conclusion after the discovery in its composition of the same resinous substances as in plants.

Where does propolis come from?

Why did nature endow bees with this amazing quality? It's all about the composition of bee glue. It allows bees to solve several problems at once:

  • elimination of cracks to protect against drafts and uninvited guests;
  • wall insulation;
  • disinfection of honeycomb cells during the egg-laying period;
  • decrease in the lumen of the taphole;
  • mummification of foreign insects, small animals and elimination of decomposition products.

In other words, propolis for bees is an irreplaceable universal construction, antibacterial and antiviral agent. For collection, use grates or cut it off the walls of the frame. After the crushed propolis is melted in a water bath, so that it does not lose its medicinal qualities. For a season, one hive can collect 50–150 grams of bee glue.

The highest quality is considered to be a bond with a 70% content of a mixture of resinous substances and secretions produced by the glands. It is his bees that use as a disinfectant. In such a bond, there are significantly fewer impurities.

Composition and chemical properties

To understand what propolis is useful for, to realize the full breadth of its scope, consider what it is made of. First of all, you should pay attention to its chemical composition:

  1. flavones;
  2. resin;
  3. minerals;
  4. oils;
  5. aromatic substances;
  6. wax;
  7. tannins;
  8. antibiotics;
  9. alcohols.

This amazing substance includes 16 classes of organic components and more than 200 compounds. Propolis is made up of elements of flora and fauna.

Resinous substances in it are about 50%. The wax accounts for about 30%. Essential oils affecting taste and aroma - 10%. The concentration of chemical elements in different collections may vary.

Propolis structure.

It is poorly soluble in water, but well soluble in alcohol and oil. The melting point is 65 degrees, and the benefits of heating (unlike honey) are not reduced at all. Such a variety of elements has made it possible to widely use propolis in the treatment of many diseases.

What diseases does propolis treat?

It carries a variety of medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-thrombotic;
  • astringent;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

It is used to slow down the aging of the body, prevent oncology, destroy cancer cells, improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, and remove cholesterol. Relieves vasospasm, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the body. And this is not the whole spectrum. healing characteristics propolis.

As a medicine, it is used for diseases: chronic bronchitis, asthma, joints, hypertension, neuralgia, hemorrhoids, mastitis, burns, oral mucosa, migraines and headaches, viral infections, skin, colds, sinuses, prostate adenomas, kidneys, atherosclerosis, hair loss, chronic bronchitis, sciatica, pneumonia and urinary tract, eyes, ears, thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, osteomyelitis, heart, tuberculosis, ears, gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis, gynecological.

Due to the fact that uza has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, it is successfully used to treat mucous membranes in otolaryngology and gynecology. Antimicrobial and antiviral qualities allow to heal wounds on the skin and gastrointestinal tract, as well as to be used in the treatment of colds. The analgesic component of this substance is able to eliminate headaches and toothaches.

Propolis acts as a kind of biostimulant. Increases the body's immunity and resistance to various factors affecting health. Serves as a barrier against the penetration of fungi, bacteria and viruses.

What is very important in the use of propolis as a medicinal and prophylactic- lack of addiction, which distinguishes him from many drugs... In addition, it enhances the effect of antibiotics, neutralizes poisons and toxins.

Harm and contraindications

Why propolis, which has extraordinary medicinal power, can be harmful? It turns out that the danger is not propolis itself, but uncontrolled self-medication, incorrect or inaccurate self-diagnosis of the disease. People begin to be treated with the wrong methods and medicines and, what is worse, to treat their loved ones.

Propolis, being a beekeeping product, can be a strong allergen for people who cannot tolerate honey, bee venom and pollen. Therefore, taking propolis-containing products can lead to allergic reactions, which are manifested:

  • skin rashes;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness;
  • swelling.

People with kidney and liver problems should not take tinctures containing alcohol. Beekeeping products are contraindicated for children under one year old, since the child's organs are not sufficiently formed, they are not tuned in to digest heavy foods.

In order for the treatment to bring only benefit and recovery, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Areas of use

Propolis is used depending on the type of disease, as well as therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Throat ailments. For angina, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, propolis tincture and applications are used. The beneficial effect is obtained by lubricating or gargling the mucous membrane of the throat. Inhalation helps well.

The extract is prepared from crushed propolis. To cleanse it from impurities, it is lowered into a container with cold water... All unnecessary pops up, and the desired ingredient sinks to the bottom. Dried propolis (30 g) is poured with 96% alcohol (100 g). Insist for a week, then filter and mix with glycerin in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Cough. Inhalation of aerosol with bee glue helps to cope with cough. Inhalation is also a great treatment. respiratory tract... For this procedure, a 15% aqueous-alcoholic solution is prepared. If there is no solution, then you can do a little differently. To do this, put in a bowl 60 g of bonds and 40 g of wax and put it in a water bath. When the water boils, you should inhale the vapors released by the medicinal mixture.

Stomach. For the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, take a 30% alcohol solution of propolis, washed down with water. Take it after eating for 20 days, 2 times a day.

Burns. For the treatment of burns, propolis ointments on a fat basis are suitable.

Haemorrhoids. The medicine is prepared from five parts of cocoa and three parts bonds. It must be simmered in a water bath for 1.5 hours, and then strain and pour onto a flat dish. When the mixture hardens, cut into thin strips and lay in the anus for a week.

Fungus and calluses. When fighting fungi, you need to prepare an ointment from bonds and bergamot oil in a water bath, and a solution of beeswax, propolis and lemon juice will help to eliminate calluses. Apply the mixture overnight, and the next day it will be enough to simply steam and remove the corn.

Toothache. To get rid of a toothache, 25 g of crushed propolis is placed in a glass vessel (the glass should be dark), 100 ml of alcohol is poured into it and mixed well so that it dissolves. Next, 5 tbsp is added to the alcohol solution. St. John's wort herbs and infused for 2 weeks. At the end of the specified period, filter and dilute 20 drops of infusion into half a glass of water. Rinse several times a day. A piece of propolis applied to a tooth is also good at relieving pain.

Acne. Since propolis successfully fights various inflammations, it is successfully used for various skin diseases and to get rid of acne. They are burned with alcohol tincture. Masks with propolis tincture give a good effect. Clay, lemon juice is added to the masks, olive oil and aloe. To do this, apply it on the face and keep it for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with cool water.

Pancreatitis Pancreatitis is treated with half a teaspoon of 1.5 tbsp. water half an hour before meals. You need to take 2 times a day. Drink in small sips. Over time, the process of restoring the mucous membrane of the pancreas will begin.

Myoma. To treat this disease, take 20 drops of propolis extract 2 times a day for 10 days or inject tampons moistened with 10% aqueous solution.

Rules for the use of propolis

Below we will briefly talk about the ways to use it correctly:

  1. It is necessary to take propolis tincture inside, starting with one drop. Add no more than one drop each day. After the first month of taking, when you have reached 30 drops a day, the dosage must be reduced. Now, on the contrary, every day you take one drop less. The tincture must be diluted in liquid. It can be milk or plain water, as it is very concentrated and cannot be taken undiluted. Side effect is expressed by drowsiness or excessive vigor. Therefore, the time of admission must be determined by the state of health.
  2. For external use, it is necessary to moisten a tampon with propolis tincture and treat the diseased area. It is necessary to lubricate 3 times a day. When treating otitis media: Moisten a swab and place it in your ear for 2 minutes. You can also drip the infusion into the ear 3 times a day, 2 drops.
  3. As an ointment, propolis is used by rubbing the affected area: usually the chest or back. To eliminate colds, such an ointment is smeared around the nose. The ointment also serves as a wound healing and antipruritic agent.
  4. To chew, take a small piece of 5 mm in size and chew. To test for allergy sensitivity, chew it for only a few minutes the first times, gradually increasing the time.

How to store at home?

Propolis must be stored in a dry and dark place. The optimum storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. It is desirable that there are no foreign odors in the storage area.

Storage of propolis in sachets.

It is best to put it in a tightly closed container. For these purposes, glass dark dishes are perfect, since the uza has a negative attitude towards bright light. Before storing, wrap it with cellophane or parchment.

Uza is stored for quite a long time, without losing its useful properties for more than 10 years, but it is better to use it earlier. Experts do not recommend using the uzu after a five-year shelf life. The best place to store it at home is in the refrigerator.

Propolis has always helped people for centuries and will be faithful helper in solving many health problems.

Another name for propolis is bee glue. It is a plastic substance that bees use to seal the cracks in the hive and isolate foreign objects that somehow get into the hive. It is classified as a traditional beekeeping product, as well as honey, bee bread, caps and royal jelly. it is contained in small amounts in the lining and lining honey. It is made by the bees themselves. They mix a sticky substance extracted from tree leaves, plant juices, pollen and their own saliva. The result is a black plastic substance with fantastic medicinal properties. Most bees make propolis around the end of summer. This is how they prepare for winter. The fact is that propolis is a powerful natural antibiotic... Therefore, by gluing the cracks in the hive, the bees also disinfect the air inside it. Thus, cleanliness and sterility are maintained throughout the winter.

The amazing properties of propolis have been known to people for a very long time.... In ancient times, people discovered that this substance has anti-putrefactive, embalming and mummifying effects. Avicenna, the great scientist of the Middle Ages, called it black wax. He wrote in his writings that propolis pulls pieces of arrows and thorns from wounds, cleanses the blood and softens wounds.

This product has long been known to people, propolis treatment was actively used by our ancestors. The first mentions of him can be found in the writings that were created many years BC. NS.

There are two variants of the origin of the name: the first variant is propolis from "PRO" - in front of and "POLIS" - a city, translated from Greek they form a phrase in front of a city, protection in front of a dwelling. Bees use it to build and strengthen the hive, thus protecting the hive from external factors. The second variant of the origin of the term is "PROPOLISO", in Latin it means to gloss over, to smooth over. Which also corresponds to the true purpose of the substance.

The medicinal properties of propolis are described by many researchers in different eras life. There are still discussions about the origin of bee glue, and there is no single answer. So Dr. Kustenmacher, who lived in the 19th century, promoted the theory of the internal origin of matter. He argued that propolis is formed from the digestion of collected pollen and various resins by the bee.

Dr. Resch's research is different from Küstenmacher's theory. In his writings, the scientist describes the process of creation, as a bee collecting various resins and secretions of trees without processing gastric tract... The bee collects resin, processes it with salivary secretions, and then places it in special bags on its hind legs. In this form, the material is used to build and protect the hive.

Taking into account the fact that bees collect substances for the manufacture of a miracle product at the end of summer and in autumn, when the plants practically do not bloom, it is more correct to assume the origin of the component from the resin of trees with a certain treatment with bee salivary glands. The beneficial properties of propolis and the chemical composition confirm this.

The chemical composition is similar to the composition of plant resin and contains unique acids that bees produce when chewing. The composition of the substance is ambiguous, at different times of the year and in different territories, it can be very different.

The usefulness of propolis, you will understand by studying the material below. Bee glue contains various resins, balms, essential oils, natural dyes, pollen.

What is propolis that people use for treatment?

It includes the following vitamins and minerals:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • amino acids;
  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • silicon;
  • cobalt;
  • silicon;
  • titanium;
  • strontium;
  • vanadium;
  • tin;
  • flavones;
  • vitamins (groups B, E, H, P);

The unprocessed beekeeping product has a pronounced bitter taste.

What does propolis look like in its original form?

The color of the bee product ranges from yellow to dark brown. Its consistency resembles a resin, viscous and viscous when freshly harvested, which after some time hardens and turns into a fragile substance comparable to dark rosin. In order to melt a substance, it must be heated to 80–105 ° C. If the external temperature is -15 ° C, propolis from such conditions becomes very brittle and easily destroyed under the influence of physical force.

When collecting bee glue, beekeepers heat it in a water bath to remove mechanical impurities. However, all beneficial features are preserved during prolonged heat treatment, which is a huge plus! In a season, approximately 50–150 g of substance can be obtained from one hive.

Store the bee product in a cool, dark place. It is recommended to pack bee propolis in white paper or a plastic bag. It is unacceptable to store a beekeeping product with substances with pronounced aromas. The optimum storage temperature is 10–20 ° C above zero, the room should be well ventilated.

The benefits of propolis for the body when proper storage is priceless. It is not recommended to keep the drug in the refrigerator, as it loses all its beneficial properties.

The shelf life of propolis when stored properly is 10 years.

How does it work on the body?

Bee glue can be classified as an antibiotic agent.

What does propolis on alcohol help the human body from?

Bee glue is an excellent antiseptic, it protects well against microbes, viruses and fungi of various etiologies. It is used in the manufacture of ointments for tissue restoration after lacerated, purulent wounds.

What does propolis treat?

The bee product has a positive trend in the treatment of the following diseases: diabetes, stomatitis and other diseases of the oral mucosa, including tonsillitis. It helps in relieving pain in otitis media, sinusitis, urological diseases, and is effective during the recovery period after surgery. The beekeeping product is actively used to treat young children.

Before taking propolis inside, you should consult your doctor.

Essential oils and natural antibiotics that make up propolis successfully fight against many pathogens: viruses, mycoses, bacteria, fungi, various infections. The use of a bee product in the treatment of tuberculosis has a positive effect on the dynamics of the disease. Bee glue is a unique natural medicine.

How to use propolis, in what dosage and duration of the course depends on the disease and general physical condition.

Its use is due to the following effects:

  • relieves, reduces pain syndrome, more effective than aspirin, paracetamol and even novocaine;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • neutralizes heavy metals in the body, and tarry products in the lungs;
  • activates the thymus gland in the brain, which is responsible for immunity;
  • promotes the restoration of joints;
  • prevents the growth of viral cells;
  • improves venous blood flow;
  • effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • fights migraines;
  • reduces the negative impact on the body in case of thyroid disease;
  • fights fungal diseases, including thrush.


Like any other product used by humans, propolis has contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to bee products;
  • acute, last stage of liver disease;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • asthma;
  • long-term use of the drug.

To prevent side effects from applying this medicinal product, you should start with a low dosage. Before drinking propolis, make sure there is no allergic reaction.

The main thing in any treatment is not to harm your health.

A natural gift for children

This waste product of bees is unique. Its composition surpasses the composition of honey in terms of the saturation of useful components. Therefore, before using this drug for the treatment and prevention of diseases in children, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Treatment with propolis tincture is not recommended for young children, especially before the first year of life. Diluted product is used for processing skin and mucous membranes of the body. Product-based throat spray, ointment and cream have proven to be good. Preference should be given to oily solutions. By concentration essential oils and amino acids, they are not inferior to alcohol tincture, but for a child it is much safer than an alcohol-containing preparation.

Children from 4 years old can be given alcoholic tincture in the treatment of colds. Before use, it must be diluted with water or other liquid (milk, herbal decoctions). It should be borne in mind that for each year of the child's life, one drop of the drug is used.

How is propolis useful in treating children?

Treatment with a beekeeping product helps with angina, eliminates inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, relieves fever. For otitis media, cotton swabs are used in the ears moistened with medicine. A significant improvement in the patient's condition is characterized by the action of the drug on the immune system and a local effect on the affected mucosa. It is an excellent natural component for maintaining and restoring a child's body.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, bee glue can be used as a medicine in the absence of allergies. Propolis renders positive effect with a number of diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • herpes;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • ARVI.

The use of bee glue will definitely benefit any woman, and even more so during pregnancy. Asking the question of how propolis is useful for pregnant women, you should pay attention to the natural origin of the component and its uniqueness.

During pregnancy, the immune system weakens, the body needs an increased amount of vitamins, during this period, important for expectant mothers, propolis can only bring great benefits to a weakened body. Especially important is the use of bee glue during seasonal colds - this will help to raise the protective functions of the body and reduce the risk of illness.

Can I chew pure propolis during pregnancy? Given the bitter taste of a beekeeping product, not every girl in a position will be able to use it in its pure form. However, there are alternative options for using the medicine: alcohol and water infusions, creams. will improve the taste of the bee product, and the woman will be able to eat it.

Propolis tincture has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. The main factor in its use is the absence of allergies, because this can affect the unborn child.

Before starting treatment with a beekeeping product for a future mother, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.

Use in cosmetology

Various cosmetics for problem skin are made on the basis of propolis. Applying propolis, its beneficial properties will surprise you. Bee-based creams and ointments have antibacterial, antifungal and healing effects. Their use contributes to the treatment of acne, is an excellent prevention for the emergence of new pathological formations on problem skin.

Regular use of masks with bee glue helps smooth out wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. It perfectly regenerates the skin and nourishes it with nutrients.

The propolis tincture has proven itself to be excellent in hair care. Regular use of alcohol tincture on the scalp helps to get rid of dandruff and restore hair structure.

Adding a little medicine to a cream or body milk can help relieve the soreness and redness of the skin after sunburn.

Propolis tincture is actively used in the manufacture of various foot sprays. Healing properties tinctures are aimed at softening the hardened skin of the foot, healing cracks in the feet, it effectively fights the fungus.

For men

The waste product of bees is also useful for a strong half of humanity. Talking about propolis, the benefits and harms for men, one can definitely lean towards a positive conclusion. Topical application of infusions and creams will give the skin softness and relieve irritation after shaving. The bee product is actively used in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

The substance can be used in various forms: in pure form, in alcohol and water tinctures, in candles. In the absence of contraindications and allergies to beekeeping products, the product should be consumed in its pure form no more than 15 g per day. It relieves and relieves pain, prevents recurrence of the infectious process, increases potency.

Bee glue has a number of advantages in relation to drugs that are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. It is a wonderful natural gift, it heals diseases and prevents them. but side effects propolis are very insidious. You should not use it for more than one month, your own immunity will weaken and stop blocking the pathogenic effects of the external environment. Everything is good in moderation!

Things to keep in mind: Before starting treatment with bee products, consult your doctor.

Bees are hardworking suppliers of more than just honey. They supply us with other products that people use for good. Royal jelly, bee bread (bee bread), bee venom and, of course, propolis. Its medicinal properties will be discussed.

What is bee propolis?

Propolis is a scented natural glue. His hard workers-bees are produced from the resins of various plants in order to fasten different parts of the hive, to cover up the cracks in their house, to repair and strengthen the honeycomb.

Composition and medicinal properties of propolis

Bee glue contains many disinfectants, thanks to which natural cleanliness and even sterility is maintained in insect hives. The powerful bactericidal properties of propolis have long been noticed by people. Only this beekeeping product, and no other, is capable of quickly destroying billions of hordes of harmful microorganisms.

If we talk about the composition of the fragrant glue, then it is quite complex, it is still being studied by scientists, regularly discovering more and more new possibilities of the product. To date, dozens of essential and balsamic compounds, flavones and flavonones, cinnamic acid products, the most valuable propolis phytoncides, vegetable resins, and wax have been found in propolis. Many trace elements have been found - such as potassium, manganese, silicon, iron, copper, chlorine, sodium, sulfur and others.

Natural pain reliever

Since ancient times, propolis has been famous as a local anesthetic. Already in modern times, substances have been found in it that are superior in pain relief to novocaine - almost 5 times, and marijuana (hemp) - 3.5 times. The analgesic property of propolis occurs at the enzymatic level, and the bee product also reduces fever.

Propolis is an antibacterial and antiviral agent

The powerful antiseptic effect of propolis protects the body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Interestingly, unlike synthetic antibiotics, bacteria do not develop resistance to propolis. Needless to say, how useful it is in therapy infectious diseases? In addition, the medicinal properties of propolis include boosting the production of immune cells.

Accelerates wound healing, relieves inflammation

Since propolis promotes rapid regeneration, preparations from it are successfully used in the treatment of trophic ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds, eczema, and dermatoses. Epithelialization of mucous membranes is accelerated under the influence of medicinal substances of propolis, tissue inflammation is replaced by recovery.

Who benefits from taking propolis

Healing bee gift helps fight the most severe ailments. It quickly recovers strength, provides normal cell nutrition, is useful for anemia, and also has a radioprotective property. In anticancer therapy, propolis is used after chemotherapy and radiation therapy - it makes it easier to endure rehabilitation. Effective propolis treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers during remission. There are many recipes with bee glue, here are a few popular ones.

Propolis recipes

For colds, flu, sore tonsils, coughs, sores in the mouth. A piece of solid propolis (the size of a bean) slowly dissolve and chew in your mouth, rolling from one side to the other. Slowly swallow the secreted saliva so that it moistens the mucous membrane of the throat.

To soothe a sore tooth, moisten a cotton swab in 50% alcohol tincture - apply to the aching hollow until the condition relieves.

In the treatment of peptic ulcer, an aqueous tincture or a 10% extract should be used. One of their treatment regimens: dilute 10-12 drops of the extract with a tablespoon of water and drink it 40 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of bronchitis with cough, a 10 or 30 percent extract is taken 3-4 times a day. Dissolve 10 drops in 1/3 cup of boiled water and drink in tiny sips. Course - until the cough disappears completely.

For those suffering from weeping eczema of the hands, such a recipe is very effective: prepare a weak decoction from dried oak bark (1 part of raw material for 5 parts of water). After boiling for 10 minutes, leave for a quarter of an hour. Then strain a glass of warm broth through a strainer, pour a tablespoon of 30% (or dessert 50%) propolis tincture (for alcohol) into it. With this liquid, wash and lubricate areas affected by eczema.

For female ailments - bacterial vaginitis, thrush, chlamydia, polyps, erosion of the cervix - place shallow tampons soaked in an aqueous solution of propolis at night. The course of treatment is 14-20 days. Wash female nipples that crack during feeding with the same solution.

You need to know that for the preparation of water extract of propolis, it cannot be heated above 70 degrees, so as not to destroy the biologically active substances of the product.

Pharmacy products from propolis

The pharmacy propolis tincture, which is produced by many pharmaceuticals, remains extremely popular. manufacturers. Numerous rinses for angina, stomatitis and gingivitis, instillation in the ear for otitis media, many patients simply cannot imagine without the use of the medicinal properties of propolis tincture.

The drug proposol based on bee glue copes with many dental ailments of the oral cavity, has a convenient spray.

Purified, molded propolis is available over the counter. The properties of propolis are used in the manufacture of ointments, creams, shampoos, masks and toothpastes. Propolis suppositories (suppositories) are successfully used for hemorrhoids.

Propolis rarely causes allergies, which makes it possible to use it even in the treatment of allergic skin diseases. However, the likelihood of the appearance of high sensitivity is still there. For persons with allergies, it is recommended to carry out skin tests before use, keeping on hand means for stopping the exacerbation of the disease.

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