Thematic planning in the correctional school for physical therapy. Planning on the topic "LFK". General foundations of physiotherapy exercises

block houses 01.10.2021

At the first lesson in exercise therapy, the methodology for further classes is determined: general program(strengthening and healing of the body as a whole), or special program(in order to eliminate the disturbed functions of systems and organs).

Optimal, for the state of my health, are swimming, water aerobics, walking, country walks, tourism, therapeutic exercises, cycling,

With these types of loads, the heart muscle and blood vessels are trained, blood pressure is stabilized. A person better tolerates physical activity, the body's adaptation to the environment and external stimuli increases. Team sports are good if they are held outdoors, not for the result, but for the sake of pleasure. They contribute to psycho-emotional discharge, have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Among the simulators, it is best to use a bicycle ergometer, a treadmill, a stepper, a rowing machine.

Exercises on simulators are contraindicated, where the head is below the level of the chest and exercises are performed upside down due to the risk of developing fainting, worsening well-being.

In addition, during classes you can not experience discomfort, excessive fatigue, irritability. The main criterion for control is well-being. Physical education should deliver only positive emotions and pleasure from physical movement.

Classes are held according to the schedule, 2 times a week for 90 minutes. However, from a physiological point of view, it is better to conduct 3-5 sessions per week for 35-45 minutes.

Classes are preferably carried out in the open air - in a park, square, forest, on the shore of a lake, when two factors act simultaneously: training and hardening.

It is necessary to constantly monitor (pulse, respiratory rate, external signs fatigue, etc.) load tolerance by those involved. It is advisable to keep a diary of self-control, to record in it - pulse, respiratory rate and subjective indicators and exercise tolerance.

Physical therapy exercises

The cardiovascular system is one of the most important systems in the body. Autonomic disorders can be caused by various reasons, such as: lack of oxygen, mental stress, great physical or emotional stress, changes in atmospheric pressure. Constantly manifested under the influence of these factors, the compensatory reaction of the heart limits a person in many activities. The exercises outlined below eliminate and weaken the influence of some of the symptoms of VVD, if the disease is not severe.

Therapeutic exercise for VVD includes: general developmental and special exercises.

General developmental exercises

1. Lying on your back, arms to the sides, a tennis ball in your right hand. Connect your hands in front, shift the ball to your left hand. Return to starting position. Connect your hands in front, shift the ball to your right hand. Return to starting position. Look at the ball. Repeat 10-12 times.

2. Lying on your back, arms along the body, in the right hand the ball. Raise your hand up (behind your head) and, lowering it, transfer the ball to the other hand. Repeat the same with the other hand 5-6 times. Look at the ball. When raising the arms - inhale, when lowering - exhale.

3. Lying on your back, arms forward - to the sides. Perform surrounding movements with straight arms for 15-20 s. Follow the movement of the brush of one, then the other hand. Breathing is arbitrary.

4. Lying on your back, arms forward - to the sides. Mahi with one foot to the opposite hand. Repeat 6-8 times with each leg. Look at the toe. Max perform quickly. During the swing - exhale.

5. Lying on your back, hold a volleyball in your hands raised forward. Swinging the leg with a touch of the toe of the ball. Repeat 6-8 times with each leg. Look at the toe. During the swing - exhale.

6. Lying on your back, arms forward. Perform surrounding movements with your hands, lowering and raising them. Follow the brush of one, then the other hand. Run 15-20 s.

7. Lying on your back, in your right hand, raised forward, hold a tennis ball. Perform hand circular movements back and forth for 20 s. Look at the ball. Change direction of movement after 5 s.

8. Sitting on the floor, support with hands behind, straight legs slightly raised. Perform surrounding movements for 15-20 s. Look at the toe of one foot. Don't turn your head. Don't hold your breath.

9. Sitting on the floor, support with hands behind, straight legs. Alternately raise and lower your legs. Run 15-20 s. Look at the toe of one foot.

10. Sitting on the floor, emphasis with hands behind. Swing the right foot up - to the left, return to its original position. The same with the left foot up - to the right. Repeat 6-8 times with each leg. Look at the toe.

11. Sitting on the floor, emphasis with hands behind. Take the right leg to the right, return to its original position. Repeat the same with the other leg to the left 6-8 times with each leg. Look at the toe.

12. Sitting on the floor, emphasis with hands behind, straight leg slightly raised. Perform circular movements with the foot in one direction and the other. Repeat 10-15 with each leg. Look at the toe.

13. Sitting on the floor, emphasis with hands behind, but both legs are raised. Perform circular movements in one and the other direction for 10-15 s. Look at the toes.

14. Standing, keep the gymnastic stick below. Raise the stick up, bend - inhale, lower the stick - exhale. Look at the stick. Repeat 8-12 times.

15. Standing, keep the gymnastic stick down. Sit down and lift the gymnastic stick up, return to the starting position. Look at the stick. Repeat 8-12 times.

16. Standing, keep the dumbbells in front. Circular movements of the hands in one and the other direction - 15-20 s. Look at one or the other dumbbell. Perform circular movements for 5 s in one direction, then 5 s in the other.

17. Standing, keep the dumbbells in front. Raise one hand, lower the other, then vice versa - 15-20 s. Look at one or the other dumbbell.

18. Standing, dumbbells in lowered hands. Raise dumbbells up, then lower. Look first at the right dumbbell, then at the left. Again look at the right dumbbell. Perform eye movements in one and the other direction for 15-20 s. Change the direction of eye movement after 5 s.

19. Standing, hoop in outstretched hand. Rotate the hoop in one direction, then in the other direction for 20-30 s. Look at the brush. Perform with one and the other hand.

20. Standing, look only forward at any object. Turn your head to the right, then to the left. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.

21. Standing, look only forward at any object. Raise your head, then lower it without changing your gaze. Repeat 10 times. Look at some object.

Note. Exercises 3 and 4 can be performed with a 3-4 kg dumbbell. When performing exercises, it is recommended not to turn your head, to perform eye movements slowly.

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1 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW educational institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium 1506" AGREED" senior methodologist of the preschool department 665 Belova S.D. 2015 "APPROVED" acting director of GBOU "Gymnasium" 1506 Korotkikh V.P. 2015 WORKING PROGRAM on exercise therapy for children up to school age(3 7 years) Program implementation period Teacher: Ageikina L.V.

2 Explanatory note The activities of the health-improving group have a physical culture and health-improving and preventive focus and are developed as an additional program to the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education “Origins” Purpose: development of a mentally and physically healthy personality, formation and disclosure of the creative individuality of the child, strengthening his health. Tasks: 1. Prevention of violations of posture and flat feet in children 2. Education in children of the need for health; 3. Formation of the desire for a healthy lifestyle; 4. Support for children's health. Relevance of the program The problem of prevention of diseases in children is one of the most urgent. That is why the promotion of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation should be considered today in the practice of kindergartens, as one of the priority areas for the humanization of education, because. how successfully it is possible to form and consolidate the skills of a healthy lifestyle in early childhood, the real lifestyle and health of a person subsequently depends. An important pedagogical task should be to educate children in the need for health, to form the desire for a healthy lifestyle. This program is relevant for our kindergarten, as it: 1. Developed in accordance with the goals and objectives of the kindergarten: the education of a morally, spiritually and physically healthy person. 2. According to the annual medical examination, 50% of children in preschool educational institutions (DOE) in Russia have some kind of health pathology. 3. Parents are often incompetent in promoting the health of children. The program is designed taking into account the age of children, their intellectual and mental development, awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle and improve their health, as well as taking into account the knowledge of parents about improving the health of their children. Novelty There are many programs that have a physical culture and health-improving orientation.

3 The novelty of this program lies in the selection of materials for classes focused on the prevention of posture disorders and flat feet in our kindergarten children. The program consists of motor games, exercises, conversations about a healthy lifestyle, breathing exercises and other non-traditional forms of physical culture and sports and health work. ^ Forms and mode of employment. Classes are aimed at children who do not have contraindications to physical education, taking into account the desire of parents. The occupancy of a group of people. The leading form of organization of children is group. It is useful to use special individual tasks and exercises. It is allowed to limit the tasks set for children who experience difficulties. A differentiated approach supports the motivation to study and helps to keep the desire of children. The age of children involved in the implementation of this additional educational program is 4-7 years. The program is designed for 1-2 years, depending on the need for the child to study in this area. The duration of the classes is minutes, 2 times a week, 72 lessons per year. ^ Predicted (expected) result Raising a healthy person in all respects. Classes in the circle will temper and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, will contribute to the rallying of the children's team in the first place. Also, these classes will increase efficiency, create a good mood, contribute to communication between children, and reduce the number of children with health problems. ^ The dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities of children according to the Federal State Educational Standard Integrative qualities ^ The dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities Physically developed, mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills Physical culture Anthropometric indicators are normal or their positive dynamics is noted. Physiometric indicators correspond to age - gender standards.

4 The level of physical qualities and basic movements corresponds to the age and gender standards. Motor activity corresponds to age standards. No frequent morbidity. The biological age of the child corresponds to the passport. There are no signs of severe and pronounced fatigue. Independently performs hygiene procedures and rules of a healthy lifestyle, owns cultural and hygienic skills. ^ Forms for summing up the results of this program are: - Final examination is held in May - Open lesson for parents with demonstration by children various methods prevention of violations of posture and flat feet. ^ Methodological support of the program: 1. Kozyreva O.V. Physiotherapy exercises for preschoolers (with disorders of the musculoskeletal system): A guide for physiotherapy instructors, educators and parents / O.V. Kozyrev. - M .: Education, Prevention of flat feet and posture disorders in preschool educational institutions: From work experience / ed. - comp. HE. Morgunov. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", Loseva V.S. Flat feet in children aged 6-7 years: prevention and treatment. - M.: TC Sphere, Class structure Each lesson has its own health-improving focus and includes: 1. Cognitive conversations. 2. Exercises and outdoor games for the prevention and correction of flat feet and posture disorders. 3. Exercises for the development of balance and coordination. 4. Breathing exercises. 5. Relaxation exercises. For the successful solution of health problems, a gradual increase in difficulties is important. First you need to interest the child, show, explain, and then fix movement exercises. ^ The structure of the lesson. Each lesson has a certain structure: it starts with a preparatory part, then the main part follows, and at the end - the final part.

5 The preparatory part takes 5-10 minutes in duration and has its own tasks: Tasks of the biological aspect - preparing the body of children for the upcoming work (the mood of the central nervous system, preparation of the musculoskeletal system to perform the exercises of the main part of the lesson.) The tasks of the pedagogical aspect are the formation in children of the ability to perform motor actions at different tempos with different amplitudes and degrees of muscle tension. To solve these problems, various means are included in the preparatory part: conversations, combat exercises, types of movements, floor exercises with elements for coordination of movements, simple general developmental and corrective exercises that correspond to postural disorders and flat feet. The pace of execution is slow, moderate and medium. Dosage of repetition exercise repetitions. The main part of the lesson takes minutes and contains the following tasks: 1. Formation of vital and special motor skills. 2. Development of volitional and physical qualities of children. The main part includes exercises from the supine position, on the side and on the stomach. The dosage of exercises depends on the state of health, on average times. All exercises must be performed in both directions. Exercises, outdoor games and game exercises are performed. The final part takes 2-3 minutes. Its main tasks are to prepare the body of children for the upcoming activity, summing up the results of this lesson. In the final part of the lesson, relaxation exercises (relaxation) are usually used, performed in the initial position lying on the back, distracting (attention, coordination, calm games performed with musical accompaniment), breathing and special exercises to feel the correct posture, sedentary games. The program of physical rehabilitation of preschool children with posture disorders in terms of preschool Venue Target settings Means of exercise therapy Forms of exercise therapy Methodological recommendations Methods of functional control of preschool educational institution Comprehensive strengthening muscular system child. Treatment by position (correctional I.P. during exercises and Morning hygienic gymnastics 2-3 special exercises, 5-7 Special corrective exercises are performed, learned Motor tests to determine strength endurance

6 Creation of favorable conditions for the formation of the correct physiological curves of the spine. Balancing the muscle tone of the anteroposterior half of the body (with deviations in the sagittal plane), the right and left halves of the body (with changes in the frontal plane - scoliotic posture). relaxation). Physical exercises: general developmental exercises - 20% of the lesson time; special exercises - 60% of the class time; breathing exercises - 5% of the lesson time; relaxation exercises - 15% of the class time. Natural factors of nature: air, sun. min. Remedial gymnastics min. Self-study (under the supervision of educators, parents) special exercises. Dosed walking m at a speed of m/min. child. I.p. predominate. lying on your back, stomach, standing on all fours. The child performs in a group in an orthopedic (physical) corner or at home. Held on site. back and abdominal muscles. Performed 2 times a year - in September and May. The angle of ascent may be different. Games. ^ The program for the prevention of flat feet in preschool children in the conditions of the preschool educational institution ^ Venue Target settings Means of exercise therapy Forms of exercise therapy Methodological recommendations Methods of control functions of the preschool educational institution 1 course General strengthening of the muscular - ligamentous 1. Physical exercises (general developmental and special). Morning hygienic gymnastics. Mandatory conditions for conducting classes External about the starting position in walking.

7 2-3 months 2 course 2-3 months. 3 course 3-4 months. apparatus; creating a correct idea of ​​​​the normal installation of the feet in a sitting, standing, walking position; elimination of the existing type of flat feet. Strengthening the muscles of the ankle and foot; formation of the habit of correct gait; strengthening the correctly formed arch of the foot. Foot muscle training strengthening the skill of correct gait; maintaining the correct arch of the foot when performing exercises in various starting positions. 2. Massage: - classic massage of the lower extremities and feet with the inclusion of passive movements of the feet and fingers; - foot self-massage on massage mats, ribbed boards, orthopedic tracks. 3. Natural factor of nature. Remedial gymnastics session lasting min. Self-study: special exercises in the daily routine 4-5 exercises under the supervision of a teacher or parents. Dosed walking m with the speed of steps per minute. therapeutic gymnastics - bare feet of a child. Monitor the quality of performance, maintaining the amplitude and the specified axis of movement. When performing exercises in the initial sitting position, monitor the posture (the head “does not fall” into the shoulders), the shoulder blades are brought together. Alternate starting positions when performing exercises with the upper limbs and torso, exercises in static tension with relaxation. With parents: Terrenkur - on weekends 2-3 descents / ascents to

8 at the beginning of the year in steps, at the end of the year on the rise by running (in a game situation). Swimming (all styles) and exercises - running, jumping, kicking off, standing at the side, hands on the rail. ^ Perspective plan for the year in the exercise therapy group Month Topics of conversations Content of the lesson SEPTEMBER “What I know about myself” “Skeleton” “About the spine” 1. Complex 1 (posture disorder) 2. Complex 1 (flat feet) 1 lesson - “Cunning Fox”

9 “Muscles and their meaning” “On the prevention of postural disorders” Lesson 2 - “Firefighters on exercises” Lesson 3 - “Cat and Mice” Lesson 4 - “Sunbathing for the caterpillar” ^ Finger gymnastics: “Cabbage”, “Friendly guys” . OCTOBER "Skin" "Infection" "Injury" "Hand care" "Nail care" "Face care" "Hair care" 1. Complex 2 (strengthening the muscle corset) 2. Complex 3 (flat feet) 1 lesson - " Flight of birds "Lesson 2 -" Geese - swans "" Lesson 3 - "Goat" Lesson 4 - "Day - night" Finger gymnastics: "Handles looked in the mirror", "This finger of mine is dancing." NOVEMBER "Conversation about people with physical disabilities" "Eating" "Wash vegetables and fruits" "Useful advice" "Appetite" 1. Complex 3 "Princess of fairyland" (posture) 2. Complex 2 (flat feet) 1 lesson - "Shaggy dog" Lesson 2 - "Crows" Lesson 3 - "Talking with a ball" Lesson 4 - "Hunters and ducks" Breathing exercises and acupressure - complex 1

DECEMBER 10 "My heart" "On the importance of the heart in the body" "The Great Worker and magical speeches" "The rules of a healthy heart" "Good" and "evil" 1. Complex 10 (violation of posture) 2. Complex 7 (flat feet) 1 lesson - "Frogs and herons" Lesson 2 - "Fox and hares" Lesson 3 - "Wax in the ditch" Lesson 4 - "Cunning Fox" Respiratory gymnastics - complex 1 Finger gymnastics - "Boys and girls are friends" JANUARY "Nervous system" "Trembling" "Pain" 1. Complex 4 (violation of posture) 2. Complex 5 (flat feet) 1 lesson - "Two frosts" 2 lesson - "Sorcerer" Relaxation "Let's close our eyes" Finger gymnastics: "Let's go, let's go." Month Topics of conversations Lesson content FEBRUARY "Lungs and their importance in life" "Breathing through the nose" "Smell" 1. Complex 5 (posture disorder) 2. Complex 6 (flat feet) 1 lesson - "Shaggy dog"

11 "Protective properties" Lesson 2 - "Hares and the wolf" Lesson 3 - "Birds in the nests" Lesson 4 - "Traps with a ribbon" ^ Finger gymnastics: "We shared an orange" care for them "" Touch "" Dangerous - not dangerous " 1. Complex 6 (strengthening the muscle corset) 2. Complex 7 (flat feet) 1 lesson - "Frogs and mosquitoes" 2 lesson - "Cunning Fox" 3 lesson - "Shaggy dog » Lesson 4 - “Bird Flight” Finger gymnastics: “Friendly guys” Breathing exercises - complex 3 APRIL “Teeth” “Milk teeth” “Enamel” “Rinsing the mouth” “Teeth care” 1. Complex 7 (posture disorder) 2. Complex 8 (flat feet) 1 lesson - "Sun and rain" 2 lesson - "Hunters and monkeys" 3 lesson - "Crows" 4 lesson - "Bees in the hives" Breathing gymnastics - complex 3 Finger gymnastics - "Family" MAY "Sunburn" 1. Complex 8 (violation of posture)

12 "Sleep hygiene" "Hygiene of clothes and shoes" "Home hygiene" 2. Complex 9 (flat feet) 1 lesson - "Cat and mice" 2 lesson - "Talking with a ball" 3 lesson - "Hunters and ducks" 4 lesson - " The third extra "or" Homeless hare" ^ Breathing gymnastics - complex 3 Finger gymnastics - "Cabbage" APPENDIX Testing the strength endurance of the abdominal and back muscles To determine the strength endurance of the muscles of the body (N.A. Gusakova, 1996)

13 the following test tasks (motor tests) are recommended. ^ Test to determine the strength endurance of the abdominal muscles. The child lies on his back, on the couch or on the floor. Hands lie quietly along the body. It is necessary to slowly raise both legs to an angle of 45 0 (stopwatch starts) and hold them in this position for the maximum possible time. If a tremor is noted after lifting the legs, the stopwatch is switched off. This situation indicates the failure of the abdominal muscles in this child. In other cases, the stopwatch is turned off after touching the floor surface (couch) with the lower limbs. The norm for children 4-6 years old is within 30 seconds - 1 minute, for children 7-11 years old 1-1.5 minutes. To increase the motivation of preschoolers, it is necessary to introduce a game situation into testing (N.N. Efimenko). ^ Game situation for girls and boys: “Autumn, a strong wind is blowing, and there is only one leaf left on the tree - the only leaf, and all the animals in the forest come to look at it. Legs will fall, and this leaf will fall. Try to keep it as long as possible." During the test, the instructor monitors the child's breathing, it should be even, arbitrary, without delay. ^ Test to determine the strength endurance of the back muscles. The child lies on his stomach on the couch so that the upper body to the iliac crests is outside the edge of the couch. The instructor fixes the legs. The child puts his hands on his belt, bends (stopwatch turns on). Time stops when the body touches the conditional line. The norm for children 4-6 years old is 20 seconds - 1 minute, for children 7-11 years old 1-2 minutes. ^ Game situation for boys: “A little seal has leaned out of the water and is waiting for the trainer to give him another fish.” Game situation for girls: “The ladybug took off, flies smoothly and is looking for a flower on which to sit down and rest.” Breathing is arbitrary. ^ INDICATORS OF TESTING STRENGTH ENDURANCE Surname, name of the child ^ Test for back muscles Test for abdominal muscles

14 september may september may

15 REFERENCES 1. Galanov A.S. Games that heal (for children from 3 to 5 years old). - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, Efimenko N.N. Materials for the original author's program "Theater of physical education and health improvement of children of preschool and primary school age". - M.:

16 LINKA - PRESS, Correction - pedagogical work on physical education of preschoolers with mental retardation: A manual for practitioners of the preschool educational institution / Ed. ed. MD EAT. Mastyukova. - M.: ARKTI, Kudryavtsev V.T., Egorov B.B. Developmental pedagogy of health improvement (preschool age): Programming and methodological manual. - M.: LINKA - PRESS, Sulim E.V. Physical education classes in kindergarten: Game stretching. - M.: TC Sphere, Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old. Abstracts of non-traditional activities and entertainment in the gym; Handbook for educators and physical education instructors. - M.: "GNOM and D", Chistyakova M.I. Psychogymnastics / Ed. M.I. Buyanov. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment: VLADOS, 1995.

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Development of a health program for exercise therapy in a preschool institution

Explanatory note.

Information part programs:

View programs: wellness

Direction programs- physiotherapy

Implementation period programs - 1 year

The age of students is 6-7 years old

Form of implementation - physical culture wellness activities within the circle "Therapeutic exercise" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and educational program education and training in preschool educational institution"Childhood" edited by T. I. Babaev, A. G. Gogoberidze.

Teaching methods:

Verbal - explanation; valeological conversations;

Visual - showing exercises, illustrations;


Until recently, for the prevention of various diseases and maintaining the health of the child, mainly various physiotherapeutic agents, hardening elements were used. Healing Fitness (LFK) in preschool- a new form of rehabilitation of children 6-7 years old with various pathological and pre-pathological conditions.

Exercise therapy allows you to get a rehabilitation effect when various diseases. AT preschool it is indicated for all children with impaired posture and flat feet, as this is the only remedy that allows you to effectively strengthen the muscle corset and even out muscle tone. Contraindications can only be temporary. These include general malaise, high fever.

Reasons for the introduction of exercise therapy into practice preschool institutions, are diverse. Among the main ones are the following: a sharp deterioration in the quality of health of newborns and, as a result, children preschool age; deterioration of the ecological situation, which caused a decrease in the immunobiological reaction of the child. Along with the global social problems that affect the health of the child, more specific problems can be identified, which include increased professional employment of parents. The limited free time, the strict working hours of polyclinics and exercise therapy rooms, and sometimes their remoteness from their place of residence do not contribute to a decrease in the number of children in need of corrective therapy. Therefore, for children preschool age developed additional educational program"Therapeutic exercise", which is implemented on the basis of the preschool educational institution. It contains a large number exercise aimed at promoting the correct physical development of children with health problems, and exactly: violation of posture, flat feet. Educational material programs involves not only the correction of defects in physical development preschoolers but also to improve the health of children.

Additional educational program"Physiotherapy" developed for children 6 - 7 years old based on practical benefits: "Prevention of flat feet and postural disorders in the preschool educational institution" edited by O. N. Morgunova (2005, "Fitness dance. Therapeutic dance" Firileva Zh. E., Saikin E. G., and "Exemplary preschool programs general education in physical culture ". Its content includes a large number of physical exercises aimed at promoting the correct physical development of children with health problems, and exactly: violation of posture, flat feet.

To main content programs include:

Corrective exercises of various directions, developing physical abilities preschoolers;

Breathing exercises;

Muscle tension and relaxation exercises, relaxation;

Acrobatic exercises;

Compositions of therapeutic and prophylactic dance.

Teaching material presented in program, available preschoolers, corresponds to their age characteristics and, to a large extent, can compensate for the lack of movement, it will also help prevent mental fatigue and increase the efficiency of children during training.

Target programs: providing a general strengthening effect on the child's body, rehabilitation of children after illnesses and prevention of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a kindergarten.

Main goals programs:

Providing a general strengthening effect on the child's body;

Timely correction of the existing pathological condition of the musculoskeletal system;

Formation and consolidation of the skill of correct posture and setting of feet;

Improving the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems s;

Increased muscle strength and endurance;

Improved coordination of movements;

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle and educating the need for it.

Program therapeutic gymnastics builds on principles:

The principle of individual-personal orientation - control over the general condition of the child, over the dosage of exercises;

The principle of systematicity and consistency implies the relationship of knowledge, skills and abilities;

The principle of repetition of skills and abilities is one of the most important, since as a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed;

The principle of accessibility makes it possible to exclude harmful consequences for the body of children as a result of excessive demands and physical exertion;

The principle of cyclicality is the alternation of physical activity with rest, with relaxation exercises;

The principle of diversity and novelty - renewal of physical exercises after 2 - 3 weeks;

The principle of moderation is the duration of classes in accordance with the age of children with fractional physical activity.


It is assumed that the result of the introduction programs Exercise therapy will reduce the percentage of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, strengthen the muscular system, reduce the frequency of respiratory diseases, increase the child's muscle memory, reduce aggressiveness and increase emotional well-being.

Class structure:

Classes are held in the daytime or in the evening, once or twice a week, duration 25-30 minutes.

Venue: Sports Hall.

Groups are completed taking into account medical indications and wishes of parents (legal representatives). The group size is 10 - 15 people.

The lesson consists of three parts: introductory, main, final.

The task of the introductory part is to organize children for the upcoming classes. It consists of valeological conversations, short game tasks and exercises for correcting posture and flat feet, sketches of therapeutic and preventive dance. The duration of the introductory part is 5 - 7 minutes.

In the main part, the task is to strengthen the muscular corset and individual correction of spinal deformities. Exercises are performed both without objects and with objects (gymnastic sticks, massage and simple balls, hoops, large gymnastic balls, bags, etc.). The duration of the main part is 15-20 minutes.

The final part is the improvement of motor skills, the consolidation of posture skills and the correct setting of the feet, bringing the body to a calm state. Includes sedentary games, muscle relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, relaxation, foot self-massage. The duration of the final part is 3 minutes.


To determine the effectiveness of classes at the beginning and end of the year, available methods are used and tests: tests of physical fitness taking into account the age of the child and tests for identifying disorders in the development of the musculoskeletal system according to G. N. Serdyukovskaya, plantography. The level of physical performance and the assessment of the emotional well-being of the child are also determined. Control tests and medical control are carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year. Based on the results of the audit, the impact of the content of classes on health is determined. preschoolers. The indicators are positive if the students at the end of the academic year show an improvement in monitoring results.

Examination of the level of physical qualities:

The root cause of all posture defects is the weakness of certain muscle groups, their asymmetrical development.

Muscle Strength Test back:

It is necessary to lie on the edge of the bench and keep the upper body on the weight as long as possible. Only the lower part of the body is on the support. The adult holds the child by the legs. In the initial position, the child rests his hands on the floor, and at the signal of an adult (1,2,3) he puts his hands on his belt, and the countdown begins. Average rate for preschoolers 45 seconds.

Assessment of muscle strength and endurance belly:

Raise your legs 25 cm above the floor from a supine position, hands behind your head, hold your legs in this position for 15 seconds. Legs should be straight and toes pointed. A stretched cord can serve as a guideline for the height of raising the legs.

Determination of spinal mobility (flexibility):

When leaning forward, the child should reach the floor with his fingertips without bending his knees. The slope is performed from and. n. feet together. If this task is not completed, the distance from the floor to the fingers is measured. The resulting distance indicates a decrease in the mobility of the spine compared to the norm.

Diagnosis of flat feet:

Plantography is a footprint. Normally, the subcapital space is not stained, only the isthmus of the foot is stained. 1 degree of flat feet - 1/3 of the subvocal space is painted; 2 degree - 2/3 of the total space are painted; 3 degree - more than 2/3 of the underwater space.

When examining children, pay attention to the position of the feet in relation to the lower leg. In childhood, longitudinal flat feet are usually combined with abduction of the front edge of the foot, raising its outer edge and pronation of the heel - that is, with the valgus installation of the foot. If the angle between the lower leg and the foot is open inward, this is a varus deviation.

Expected development results programs.

As a result of the development preschool programs:

Will know: rules of conduct in exercise therapy classes, what is therapeutic gymnastics, its role and effect on the body. What is correct posture. Hygienic requirements for physical therapy classes.

Will be able: perform physical therapy exercises not only in the classroom in kindergarten, but also independently at home.

Will have: increase in indicators of development of basic physical qualities, good skills in performing exercises from different initial positions.

Name of sections and topics

Number of hours

the date

Exercises for correct posture

Stretching exercises. The game "Quietly you go, you will continue!".

Exercise while standing against a wall. Freeze game.

Exercises at the gymnastic wall. Game "Ball to the neighbor"

Hanging on the gymnastic wall. The game "Do this, do that."

Basic starting points. Ball in a circle game.

Balance exercises. The game "Hit the ball in the mace."

Walking on the gymnastic bench. The game "Fifteen Christmas Tree".

Walking with an object on the head. The game "Chinese Fifteen".

Passing the ball in pairs. Game "Trap"

Walking on landmarks. The game "Snake on all fours".

Corrective exercises for the development of spatio-temporal differentiation and accuracy of movement.

Opening, closing into a square according to landmarks.

Walking to various landmarks. Turns to the right, to the left without visual control.

High jump up to a certain landmark.

Acceptance of i.p. hands with closed eyes.

Hitting the ball on the floor at a given height: to the knees, to the waist, to the shoulders.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Lifting the torso while sitting on a bench.

Gymnastic exercise "Bridge".

Exercises for the development of abdominal muscles. Game "Relay with balls".

Lifting the body with the help of a partner.

Exercises lying on your back. Owl game.

Exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

Exercises for the prevention and correction of flat feet.

Rolling balls with your feet.

Walking on heels, socks.

Riding gymnastic sticks.

Training on simulators.

Awkward motor skills exercises.

Throwing stuffed balls. Relays with balls.

Pair exercises. Game "Brook"

Throwing the ball up and then catching it. Game "Dog"

Throwing the ball from one hand to the other. The game "Cat and Mouse".

Dribbling the ball on the spot, on the move. Game "Brook"

Massage of hands, legs, head. The game "Hit the ball in the mace."

Hoop exercises. The game "The ball to the neighbor."

Folding geometric shapes from caps. The game "Who will collect faster."

Exercises with gymnastic sticks. Relays with running.


Explanatory note.
The work program of the subject of therapeutic physical culture in the 3rd grade was developed and compiled on the basis of the curriculum of the MBOU Kamensk School for the 2014-2015 academic year.
This program contains material for the 3rd grade of a special (correctional) school of the 8th type.
Special classes in physical therapy (LFK) are an integral part of the system of measures for physical development in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type.
The method of physical therapy, depending on the disease of the child, contains exemplary complexes of health-improving physical exercises, recommended types of motor activity, special exercises for various diseases.
This program is based on the "Physical Education Program for students of grades 1-4 of general education schools assigned to a special medical group for health reasons", approved by the Ministry of Education and exercise therapy classes for children with disabilities.
The appointment of schoolchildren to a special medical group is carried out after an in-depth examination, annually carried out in accordance with the current instruction on medical control of students.
Physical therapy classes are aimed at:
- for the correction of the most common defects (violation of posture, gait, weakness of the abdominal muscles, torso, limbs);
- on the development of students' coordination abilities, their level of fitness, ways of performing exercises (actively, with help, passively);
- for correction and compensation of shortcomings of physical development (violation of posture, flat feet, stunting, in body weight, dysplasia, etc.);
- to correct violations in movements (impaired coordination, orientation in space, accuracy in movement, balance, etc.);
- to eliminate shortcomings in the development of motor and other qualities (strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility, jumping ability, etc.);
- on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and further socialization.
Physiotherapy classes enable students to compensate for shortcomings in physical development. In the process of recovery, students need to form a conscious attitude towards their health, teach them to understand the importance and advantage of well-being, which allows them to participate in common games, entertainment, excursions. It is also important to constantly stimulate the development of personal hygiene skills in children.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of complex impacts aimed at improving the health of students is carried out on the basis of generally accepted criteria:
- improvement of the functions of the leading physiological systems of the body;
-improvement of physical development;
- increased resistance to fatigue, increased efficiency;
- the totality of positive changes in the state of health and development of the child will allow us to consider that the complex used is corrective - health products was quite effective.

Students should know:
- safety rules for physical therapy classes;
- the concept of correct posture;
- names of projectiles;
- terminology (what is running, jumping, climbing, climbing)
students should be able to:
- head tilts;
-transfer and carrying of objects;
- climbing and climbing;
- adopting a correct posture;
- walking on toes, on heels;
- squats;
-exercises with a gymnastic stick, with a ball, with a hoop.

Means of education:
- skipping ropes;
- balls;
- gymnastic sticks;
- maces;
- gymnastic benches

Section name

Number of hours

Introductory lesson

In the course of the lesson

A set of exercises for the formation
correct posture

Corrective exercises for the development of spatio-temporal differentiation and accuracy of movement.

A set of exercises for the abdominal muscles.

A set of exercises for prevention
flat feet

Exercises for motor awkwardness



General foundations of physiotherapy exercises

1. The concept of exercise therapy

2. Exercise therapy in the system of physical rehabilitation

3. Classification of physical exercises

4. Periods therapeutic use exercise

5. Approximate set of physical exercises
Physical therapy exercises provide healing effect only with proper, regular, long-term use of physical exercises. For these purposes, a methodology for conducting classes, indications and contraindications for their use, accounting for effectiveness, and hygienic requirements for places of employment have been developed. There are general and private methods of exercise therapy. The general methodology of exercise therapy provides for the rules for conducting classes (procedures), the classification of physical exercises, the dosage of physical activity, the scheme for conducting classes at different periods of the course of treatment, the rules for constructing a separate lesson (procedure), forms of using exercise therapy, and schemes of movement modes.

Private methods of exercise therapy are designed for a specific nosological form of the disease, injury and are individualized taking into account the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, age, and physical fitness of the patient. Special exercises for influencing the affected systems, organs must be combined with general strengthening, which provides general and special training. Physical exercises are performed after they are explained or shown. In elderly patients with organic lesions of the central nervous system, a demonstration and a verbal explanation of the exercises should be combined. During classes, there should be a calm environment, the patient should not be distracted by extraneous conversations and other irritants. Physical exercises should not increase pain, as pain reflexively causes vasospasm, stiffness of movements. Exercises that cause pain should be carried out after preliminary relaxation of the muscles, at the time of exhalation, in optimal starting positions. From the first days of training, the patient should be taught proper breathing and the ability to relax muscles. Relaxation is more easily achieved after vigorous muscular tension. With unilateral lesions of the limbs, relaxation training begins with a healthy limb. Musical accompaniment of classes increases their effectiveness. The main means of exercise therapy are physical exercises and natural factors of nature. There are many physical exercises, and they affect the body in different ways.
Classification of physical exercises

Physical exercises in exercise therapy are divided into three groups: gymnastic, sports and applied and games.
Gymnastic exercises

Consists of combined movements. With their help, you can influence various body systems and individual muscle groups, joints, developing and restoring muscle strength, speed, coordination, etc. All exercises are divided into general developmental (general strengthening), special and respiratory (static and dynamic).
General strengthening exercises

It is used to improve and strengthen the body, increase physical performance and psycho-emotional tone, activate blood circulation, respiration. These exercises facilitate the therapeutic effect of special ones.
Special exercises

Selectively act on the musculoskeletal system. For example, on the spine - with its curvature, on the foot - with flat feet and trauma. For a healthy person, exercises for the body are general strengthening; with osteochondrosis, scoliosis, they are classified as special, since their action is aimed at solving the problems of treatment - increasing the mobility of the spine, correcting the spine, strengthening the muscles surrounding it. Leg exercises are general strengthening for healthy people, and after surgery on the lower extremities, trauma, paresis, joint diseases, these same exercises are classified as special. The same exercises, depending on the method of their application, can solve different problems. For example, extension and flexion in the knee or other joint in some cases is aimed at developing mobility, in others to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint (exercises with weights, resistance), in order to develop muscle-articular feeling (accurate reproduction of movement without visual control). Usually, special exercises are used in combination with general developmental ones.

Gymnastic exercises are divided into groups:

According to the anatomical sign;

By the nature of the exercise;

By type;

On the basis of activity;

On the basis of the objects and shells used.

According to the anatomical feature, the following exercises are distinguished:

For small muscle groups (hands, feet, face);

For medium muscle groups (neck, forearms, shoulder, lower leg, thigh);

For large muscle groups (upper and lower limbs, torso),


According to the nature of muscle contraction, exercises are divided into two groups:

Dynamic (isotonic);

Static (isometric).

Muscle contraction, in which it develops tension, but does not change its length, is called isometric (static). For example, when actively lifting the leg up from the initial position lying on the back, the patient performs dynamic work (lifting); while holding the leg raised up for some time, the work of the muscles is carried out in isometric mode (static work). Isometric exercises are effective for injuries during the period of immobilization. The most commonly used dynamic exercises. In this case, periods of contraction alternate with periods of relaxation. Other groups of exercises are also distinguished by their nature. For example, stretching exercises are used for joint stiffness.

By type, exercises are divided into exercises:

in throwing,

for coordination,

For balance

In resistance

Hangs and stops,






Balance exercises are used to improve coordination of movements, improve posture, and also to restore this function in diseases of the central nervous system and the vestibular apparatus. Coordination exercises restore overall coordination of movements or individual segments of the body. Corrective exercises are aimed at restoring the correct position of the spine, chest and lower extremities. They are used from different PIs with a different combination of movements of the arms and legs in different planes. Necessary for diseases and injuries of the central nervous system and after prolonged bed rest.

On the basis of activity, dynamic exercises are divided into the following:



For relaxation.

To facilitate the work of the flexor and extensor muscles of the arm and leg, exercises are carried out in the IP lying on the side opposite to the limb being exercised. To facilitate the work of the muscles of the foot, exercises are carried out in the PI on the side on the side of the exercised limb. To facilitate the work of the adductor and abductor muscles of the arms and legs, exercises are carried out in the PI on the back, abdomen. To complicate the work of the flexor and extensor muscles of the arms and legs, exercises are performed in the IP lying on the back, stomach. To complicate the work of the adductor and abductor muscles of the arms and legs, exercises are carried out in the IP lying on the side opposite to the exercised limb. To perform exercises with effort, the resistance provided by the instructor or a healthy limb is used. Mentally imaginary (phantom), ideomotor exercises or exercises “in sending impulses to contraction” are performed mentally, used for injuries during the period of immobilization, peripheral paralysis, paresis. Reflex exercises consist in influencing muscles that are distant from the trainees. For example, to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic girdle and thigh, exercises that strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle are used. Passive exercises are called exercises performed with the help of an instructor, without the patient's willpower, in the absence of active muscle contraction. Passive exercises are used when the patient cannot perform an active movement, to prevent stiffness in the joints, to recreate the correct motor act (with paresis or paralysis of the limbs). Relaxation exercises reduce muscle tone, create conditions for rest. Patients are taught "volitional" muscle relaxation using swing movements, shaking. Relaxation is alternated with dynamic and static exercises. Depending on the gymnastic objects and apparatus used, the exercises are divided into the following: - exercises without objects and apparatus; - exercises with objects and equipment (gymnastic sticks, dumbbells, maces, medical balls, jump ropes, expanders, etc.); - exercises on shells, simulators, mechanical devices.
Breathing exercises

All exercises are related to breathing.

Breathing exercises are divided into the following:



Dynamic breathing exercises are combined with the movements of the arms, shoulder girdle, torso; static (conditionally) are carried out with the participation of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles and are not combined with the movements of the limbs and torso. When using breathing exercises, exhalation should be activated. With a static full type of breathing, all respiratory muscles (diaphragm, abdominal, intercostal muscles) participate in the process of inhalation and exhalation. Full breathing is the most physiological; during inhalation, the ribcage expands in the vertical direction due to the lowering of the diaphragm and in the anteroposterior and lateral directions as a result of the movement of the ribs up, forward and sideways.

Static breathing exercises include:

Breathing exercises:

The above described complete type of breathing;

Thoracic type of breathing;

Diaphragmatic breathing;

Exercises with dosed resistance:

Diaphragmatic breathing with resistance - the instructor's hands are located in the edge of the costal arch (closer to the middle of the chest);

Diaphragmatic breathing with a bag of sand (from 0.5 to 1 kg) placed on the area of ​​​​the upper square of the abdomen;

Upper thoracic bilateral breathing with overcoming resistance, which is carried out by the instructor, pressed with his hands in the subclavian region;

Lower thoracic breathing involving the diaphragm with resistance from the pressure of the instructor's hands in the area of ​​the lower ribs;

Upper thoracic breathing on the right with resistance when pressed by the hands of the instructor in the upper part of the chest; use of inflatable toys, balls.

There are general and special breathing exercises. General breathing exercises improve lung ventilation and strengthen the major respiratory muscles. Special breathing exercises are used for lung diseases, paresis and paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Drainage breathing exercises are called exercises that promote the outflow of discharge from the bronchi into the trachea, followed by sputum during coughing. For a better outflow of discharge from the affected area, static and dynamic breathing exercises are used. Drainage exercises are carried out in initial positions lying on the stomach, on the back, on the side with the raised foot end of the bed, sitting, standing. The choice of starting position depends on the location of the lesion.
Sports and applied exercises

Applied sports exercises include walking, running, crawling and climbing, throwing and catching a ball, rowing, skiing, skating, cycling, health path (metered climbing), and hiking. Walking is most widely used - for a variety of diseases and almost all types and forms of exercise. The amount of physical activity during walking depends on the length of the path, the size of the steps, the pace of walking, the terrain and the complexity. Walking is used before the start of classes as a preparatory and organizing exercise. Walking can be complicated - on toes, on heels, walking in a cross step, in a semi-squat, with high knees. Special walking - on crutches, with a stick, on prostheses is used for lesions of the lower extremities. Walking speed is divided into: slow - 60-80 steps per minute,

medium - 80-100 steps per minute,

fast - 100-120 steps per minute

and very fast - 120-140 steps per minute.
Games are divided into four groups of increasing load:

On the spot;




In exercise therapy, croquet, bowling alley, towns, relay races, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, tennis and elements of other sports games (basketball, football, handball, water polo) are used. Sports games are widely used in the conditions of sanatorium treatment and are carried out according to general lightweight rules with the selection of partners with the same physical fitness. Gymnastic exercises with specially selected musical accompaniment should be used in group morning and therapeutic exercises. This favorably affects the state of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and metabolism. Dance elements and dance steps should also be included in the procedures. Physical exercises in the water and swimming in the pool at a water temperature of 25-27 ° C are effective in the treatment of diseases of the vascular system, respiratory organs, metabolism, nervous system, damage to the musculoskeletal system during the period of persistent remission of a chronic disease. Exercises at a water temperature of 34-36 ° C are appropriate for patients with spastic paresis. In exercise therapy, mechanical devices and simulators of local (local) and general action are used. To develop joints with limited movements in them and strengthen weakened muscles in patients with diseases and consequences of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, exercises on local action mechanical devices are prescribed - as an addition to therapeutic exercises. Simulators and mechanical devices of general action - exercise bikes, a rowing machine, a treadmill and others - are prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, exogenous constitutional obesity and other diseases in the compensation stage. Dosage of physical activity Dosage in exercise therapy is the total amount of physical activity that the patient receives during the procedure). The load must be optimal and correspond to functionality sick.

For the dosage of the load, a number of factors should be taken into account that affect the magnitude of the load, increasing or decreasing it:

1. Starting positions lying, sitting - lighten the load, standing - increase.

2. Size and number of muscle groups. The inclusion of small groups (feet, hands) - reduces the load; exercises for large muscles - increase.

3. Range of motion: the larger, the greater the load.

4. The number of repetitions of the same exercise: increasing it increases the load.

5. The pace of execution: slow, medium, fast.

6. Rhythmic execution of exercises facilitates the load.

7. The requirement for accuracy in performing exercises: first increases the load, later, when automatism is developed, it decreases.

8. Exercises that are difficult for coordination - increase the load, so they are not included in the first days.

9. Relaxation exercises and static breathing exercises - reduce the load: the more breathing exercises, the less the load. Their ratio to general strengthening and special can be 1:1; 1:2; 1:3; 1:4; 1:5.

10. Positive emotions in class at game form help to carry the load more easily.

11. Different degree of effort of the patient during exercise: changes the load.

12. The principle of load dispersion with alternation of different muscle groups: allows you to choose the optimal load.

13. The use of items and shells affects not only the increase, but also the decrease in the load.

The total physical load in the lesson depends on the intensity, duration, density and volume of it. The intensity corresponds to a certain level of its threshold value: from 30-40% at the beginning and 80-90% at the end of treatment. To determine the intensity threshold, the performance of loads on a bicycle ergometer with increasing power from 50 to 500 kg/m and more up to the tolerance limit is used. The duration of the load corresponds to the time of classes. The concept of load density refers to the time spent on the actual exercise, and is expressed as a percentage of the total time of the session. The volume of workload is the total work that is done in the lesson. Uniform performance of exercises without interruptions in a lesson is designated as a streaming method, while the total physical load is determined by the intensity and duration of classes. With the interval (separate) method with pauses between exercises, the load depends on the density of classes.
Movement mode(activity mode) is a system of those physical activities that the patient performs during the day and throughout the course of treatment. Strict bed rest is prescribed for seriously ill patients. To prevent complications, exercises in static, breathing, passive exercises and light massage are used. Extended bed rest is prescribed for general satisfactory condition. Allow transitions to a sitting position in bed from 5 to 40 minutes several times a day. Apply therapeutic exercises with a small dosage of physical activity with an allowable increase in heart rate by 12 beats / min.
Ward mode includes a sitting position up to 50% during the day, movement around the department with a walking pace of 60 steps per minute for a distance of up to 100-150 m, therapeutic exercises for up to 20-25 minutes, with an increase in heart rate after training by 18-24 beats. min.
On free mode in addition to the ward, they include moving up the stairs from the 1st to the 3rd floor, walking around the territory at a pace of 60-80 steps per minute for a distance of up to 1 km, with rest every 150-200 m. Therapeutic exercises are prescribed 1 time per a day in the gym, the duration of the lesson is 25-30 minutes, with an increase in heart rate after it by 30-32 bpm.

The pulse rate in the classroom should be no more than 108 beats / min for adults and 120 beats / min for children. In sanatorium-resort conditions, sparing, sparing-training and training modes are used.
gentle mode corresponds basically to a free mode in a hospital, with the permission to walk up to 3 km with a rest every 20-30 minutes, games, bathing (if prepared and hardened).
Gentle-training mode allows for medium physical activity: walking up to 4 km in 1 hour is widely used, walking, skiing at an air temperature of at least 10-12 ° C, boating in combination with rowing 20-30 m, sports games with facilitated conditions for their conduct .
training mode used in cases where there are no pronounced deviations in the functions of various organs and systems. Running, sports games are allowed general rules.
Forms and methods of physical therapy

The system of certain physical exercises is a form of exercise therapy; these are therapeutic exercises, morning hygienic exercises, self-study of patients on the recommendation of a doctor, instructor; dosed walking, health path, physical exercises in the water and swimming, skiing, rowing, exercises on simulators, mechanical devices, games (volleyball, badminton, tennis), towns. in addition to physical exercises, exercise therapy includes massage, hardening with air and water, occupational therapy, ray therapy (horseback riding). Hygienic gymnastics is intended for sick and healthy people. Carrying it out in the morning after a night's sleep is called morning hygienic gymnastics, it helps to remove the processes of inhibition, the appearance of cheerfulness.

Therapeutic gymnastics is the most common form of using physical exercises for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation. The ability to purposefully influence the restoration of damaged organs and systems with the help of various exercises determines the role of this form in the exercise therapy system. Classes (procedures) are carried out individually for seriously ill patients, by small group (3-5 people) and group (8-15 people) methods. The groups unite patients according to nosology, i.e. with the same disease on the localization of the injury. It is wrong to combine patients with different diseases into one group.

Each lesson is built according to a specific plan and consists of three sections: preparatory (introductory), main and final.

The introductory section provides for preparation for the implementation of special exercises, gradually includes in the load. The duration of the section takes 10-20% of the time of the entire lesson. In the main section of the lesson, they solve the problems of treatment and rehabilitation and use special exercises in alternation with restorative ones. Duration of the section: - 60-80% of the total time of the lesson.

In the final section, the load is gradually reduced. Physical activity is controlled and regulated by observing the body's responses. Heart rate control is simple and affordable. A graphic representation of the change in its frequency during an exercise is called the physiological load curve. The greatest rise in heart rate and maximum load is usually achieved in the middle of the session - this is a one-peak curve. In a number of diseases, after an increased load, it is necessary to apply a decrease in it, and then increase it again; in these cases, the curve may have several vertices. You should also count the pulse 3-5 minutes after class. The density of classes is very important, i.e. the time of the actual exercise, expressed as a percentage of the total time of the lesson. In inpatients, the density gradually increases from 20-25 to 50%.

With sanatorium-and-spa treatment on a training regime in groups of general physical training, a density of classes of 80-90% is acceptable. Individual self-study supplements the therapeutic exercises conducted by the instructor, and can subsequently be carried out only independently with periodic visits to the instructor for instructions.

Gymnastic Method, carried out in therapeutic gymnastics, is most widespread.

game method complements it when working with children.

sports method are used to a limited extent and mainly in sanatorium practice.
When using exercise therapy, one should follow the principles of training, taking into account the therapeutic and educational objectives of the method.

1. Individualization in the method and dosage, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

2. Systematic and consistent use of physical exercises. They start with simple exercises and move on to complex exercises, including 2 simple and 1 difficult new exercises in each lesson.

3. Regularity of exposure.

4. Duration of classes ensures the effectiveness of treatment.

5. The gradual increase in physical activity during treatment to provide a training effect.

6. Variety and novelty in the selection of exercises - are achieved by updating them by 10-15% with the repetition of 85-90% of the previous ones to consolidate the results of treatment.

7. Moderate, continuous or fractional loads - it is more expedient to use than reinforced ones.

8. Compliance with the cyclical alternation of exercises with rest.

9. The principle of comprehensiveness - provides for the impact not only on the affected organ or system, but on the whole organism.

10. Visibility and accessibility of exercises - it is especially necessary in classes with CNS lesions, with children, the elderly.

11. Conscious and active participation of the patient - is achieved by skillful explanation and selection of exercises.

To conduct exercise therapy, a lesson plan (procedure) is drawn up, which indicates the sections, the content of the sections, dosage, target setting (section tasks) and guidelines (table).

Scheme of the procedure of therapeutic exercises for circulatory failure of the 1st degree

Section and content of the procedure

Dosage, min

Target setting

Introductory section of the procedure.

I Elementary exercises for limbs in sitting IP

2 - 5

Gradual retraction of the cardiovascular system into an increased load

II Exercises for the body, combined movements of the arms and legs, arms and body alternately with breathing exercises in sitting SP

5 - 6

Cardiovascular training by targeting the larger muscle groups of the body, combined with proper movement. Contribute to the reduction of congestion in the liver, spleen and large venous vessels abdominal cavity by movement of the body and periodic changes in intra-abdominal pressure, both upward and downward

III Elementary limb exercises and breathing exercises


Reducing the overall physiological load. Create conditions for the relative rest of the heart muscle. Strengthen the suction activity of the chest with deep breathing exercises

IV Seated Limited Resistance Exercises or Exercises with Dumbbells


Training the heart muscle by applying movements with increasing effort

V Final elementary and breathing exercises

2 - 3

Reducing the overall physical load on the body


15 - 20

The scheme does not list the exercises, but indicates which of the existing ones in the classification should be used. In accordance with the scheme, they make up a set of exercises - indicating the starting positions, a description of the exercise, its dosage (number of repetitions or duration in minutes) and guidelines (if necessary for individual exercises).

The course of application of exercise therapy is divided into periods: introductory, main and final (or the beginning, middle and end of the course of treatment). Accordingly, for each period, schemes and sets of exercises are made.

An approximate set of physical exercises for circulatory insufficiency of the 1st degree

1. IP - sitting on a chair, hands on hips. Calm breathing of a static character (3-4 times).

2. IP - sitting, hands on knees. Extension of the arms g of the wrist joint (6-8 times).

3. IP - sitting. Dorsiflexion of the feet in the ankle joint (6-8 times).

4. IP - sitting, hands down. Hands to the sides - inhale, lower - exhale (4-5 times).

5. IP - the same. Throwing straight arms forward, to the sides, lower (5-6 times).

6. IP - sitting. Alternately lifting the hips. Draw in the stomach while adducting the hips (5-6 times).

7. IP - sitting. Take your hands to the sides - inhale, lower - exhale (4-5 times).

8. IP - sitting, hands are fixed on the back of the chair. Bending the back without taking your hands off. When bending - inhale, when bending - exhale.

9. IP - sitting, hold on to the seat with your hands, legs extended. Breeding and bringing straight legs with sliding feet on the floor (6-8 times).

10. IP - sitting, hands on the chin. Spread your elbows to the side - inhale, bring your shoulders, squeeze your chest and slightly tilt your body - exhale (4-5 times).

11. IP - sitting, hands on hips, legs apart shoulder width apart. Tilts of the body alternately to the right - to the left on the exhale. When straightening - inhale (3-4 times).

12. IP - sitting, arms down, raising arms to the sides up - inhale, lowering - exhale (3-4 times).

13. IP - sitting on a chair, hands on hips. Exercise in raising, lowering, retracting back and bringing forward the shoulder girdle (6-8 times).

14. IP - sitting on the edge of a chair, hold on to the seat with your hands. Imitation of the movements of a cyclist with sliding feet on the floor (10-12 times).

15. IP - sitting. Calm breathing of a static character (3-4 times).

16. IP - sitting. Raising the arms to the sides, up - inhale, lower - exhale (3-5 times).

17. IP - sitting. Circular movements in the wrist joints (5-6 times in both directions).

18. IP - sitting. Rolling feet from toes to heel (5-6 times).
Indications, contraindications and risk factors in physiotherapy exercises

Physiotherapy exercises are indicated at any age for almost all diseases, injuries and their consequences,

It finds wide application:

In the clinic of internal diseases;

In neurology and neurosurgery;

In traumatology and orthopedics;

After surgical treatment of diseases internal organs;

In pediatrics;

in obstetrics and gynecology;

in phthisiology;

In psychiatry;

In ophthalmology - with uncomplicated myopia;

In oncology - in patients without metastases after radical treatment.

The list of contraindications is very small and mainly concerns the initial period of the acute stage of the disease or exacerbation of chronic diseases, the acute period of injury, with indications for surgical intervention, and with bleeding.

General contraindications to the appointment of exercise therapy:

Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases with high temperature body and general intoxication;

Acute period of the disease and its progressive course;

Malignant neoplasms before their radical treatment; malignant neoplasms with metastases;

Severe oligophrenia (dementia) and mental illness with a sharply impaired intellect;

The presence of a foreign body near large vessels and nerve trunks;

Acute violations of the coronary and cerebral circulation;

Acute thrombosis and embolism;

Increase in cardiovascular insufficiency with decompensation of blood circulation and respiration;


The general serious condition of the patient;

Significantly pronounced pain syndrome;

Negative ECG dynamics, indicating a deterioration in coronary circulation;

Atrioventricular block.
Temporary contraindications to the appointment of exercise therapy:

Exacerbation of chronic diseases;

Complication during the course of the disease;

Intercurrent diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature;

Acute injury;

The appearance of signs indicating the progression of the disease and the deterioration of the patient's condition;

Vascular crisis (hypertonic, hypotonic or normal blood pressure);

Violation of the rhythm of heart contractions: sinus tachycardia (over 100 beats / min), bradycardia (less than 50 beats / min), an attack of paroxysmal or atrial fibrillation, extrasystoles with a frequency of more than 1:10.

Risk factors that can cause damage to the osteoarticular apparatus include:

Severe osteoporosis in the elderly, especially in women;

Significant effort on the part of the patient with fragile callus after fractures of the bones of the extremities, in patients with spastic paralysis with impaired pain sensitivity.

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