Sprouts: what are useful. Sprouts - the oldest health remedy Which sprouts are the most useful

Lime 26.08.2020

Perhaps the most famous raw material for microgreens is wheat, the benefits of its germinated have been known to many for a long time. According to a similar scheme, it is proposed to germinate other greens, tops, cereals. This is a unique source of fiber and vitamins that are synthesized in newly born seedlings. This is an indescribable, very interesting taste, and of course the widest range of benefits. Why should microgreens be a regular at your table?

The benefits of sprouts

Beautiful in appearance and pleasant in taste, sprouts are extremely beneficial for health. Each of them contains the nascent potential of a future vegetable or cereal. Microgreen is always a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, as well as the most delicate fiber. Since the plant is at the very beginning of its growth and development, the concentration of useful substances in it is the highest, since nature actively saturates it with forces. Microgreens are useful because:

  • participates in the detoxification of the body - this is one of the main functions,
  • rejuvenates cells and promotes skin rejuvenation - due to the high content of antioxidants, rutin, vitamins, and all of them are literally "sources of life";
  • promotes the growth of hair and nails, has regenerating qualities;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood counts - again, one of the functions of fiber is to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, normalize blood pressure;
  • provides strong immunity and overall body tone.

sprouts- this is the benefit of each plant culture, but multiplied at times. There are several reasons for this. First, a plant that has just erupted from a seed accumulates a maximum of natural potential that allows it to develop. Secondly, due to its “youth”, the plant does not accumulate even a fraction of harmful substances from environment. Unless of course you did not fertilize it with something synthetic in the process of cultivation. Since microgreens are usually home-sprouted from store-bought organic products seeds and grains, but it is logical to assume that it will not contain any chemicals in itself. Therefore, it is an excellent replacement, for example, in autumn or winter.

Types of seedlings

A great variety of seeds and grains are suitable for growing microgreens. It is most convenient to buy specially designed for this, they are sold in raw food, for example, stores or on the shelves of large supermarkets. There are many seeds from oriental cuisine among them, because it beats this ingredient more than ours. What sprouts can you diversify your diet? Here, for example, such!

  • P wheat and rye sprouts - sources of proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, F, biotinv. This whole range of vitamins ensures the normal functioning of the brain and heart, alleviates the effects of stress, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and slows down the aging process.
  • P buckwheat sprouts - also sources of magnesium and phosphorus, and with them cobalt, boron, iodine, nickel, rutin. Multiple servings seedlings buckwheat is the key to a stable level of hemoglobin and strong walls of blood vessels. These sprouts are very appropriate for coronary heart disease and hypertension, as well as for diabetes, anemia and chronic stress. They strengthen the immune system and should be included in the diet of people with chronic forms of bronchitis, tonsillitis.
  • Sunflower seedlings contain high-quality proteins and fats, lecithin, cobalt, biotin, carotene. They differ in that they contribute to the normalization of the acid-base balance of the body, strengthen the nervous system and help maintain good vision. At the same time, they improve the condition of the skin, slow down the aging process.
  • Sesame sprouts rich not only in high-quality proteins, but also. Contains a lot of calcium, as well as a moderate amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, carotene. The use of these seedlings positively affects the health of the skeleton, teeth and nails. Sesame sprouts are shown both in case of vision loss and fractures, they are useful for children during the period of tooth change and intensive growth, as well as for women after 45 years of age for the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • lentil sprouts promote hematopoiesis, are useful for weakened and often ill children and adults, as they form immunity and contribute to recovery. They should be included in the diet for anemia and blood loss, as they contain a lot of iron.
  • soybean sprouts contain a large number of amino acids, some of which are indispensable for human body. Sprouted soy normalizes metabolism and cholesterol concentration in the blood, contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and normalizes the functioning of the liver. If you use soy and its germinated sprouts regularly, the functioning of the brain will improve, the aging of the pancreas will slow down, and there will be no trace of irritability.
  • beet sprouts. They have a tonic effect, because they contain many trace elements and a whole complex of vitamins. Strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • Arugula sprouts. It's almost like fresh arugula, but not quite. Arugula is valued for its unique combination essential oils, vitamins, carotene and minerals. And arugula sprouts are also a natural source of iodine, as well as vitamin C. Consumption of just such seedlings will intensively affect the metabolism in the body, ensure the excretion of cholesterol and increase the level of hemoglobin. Arugula sprouts have a pleasant aroma and a delicate nut-mustard taste.
  • sprouted watercress. Watercress is always a source of B vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, rutin and mineral salts. It has a tonic effect, improves digestion, sleep and well-being, reduces arterial pressure. Both juicy greens and cress sprouts with a pleasant delicate spicy flavor are widely used in cooking.
  • sprouted radish. Very young radish leaves have a pleasantly burning taste, but they are also valued for the content of a complex of vitamins, mineral elements, thiamine, riboflavin and essential oils. Their positive effect on the digestive processes is noted, they have moderate choleretic and decongestant properties.
  • seedlings m itsuna . This is a leafy Japanese mustard. Its sprouts, of course, are distinguished by spice, taste and aroma resemble pepper. Contribute to the regulation of water metabolism in the body, cleanse the walls of blood vessels from plaques.
    Young leaves of Mitsuna are good in combination with other varieties of microgreens, as well as on their own. They will add a pleasant spiciness to sandwiches, enhance the brightness, flavor and nutritional value of the salad.
  • mustard sprouts. Mustard sprouts are dominated by ascorbic acid and rutin (this is a substance containing vitamins C and P), which means that the sprouts have an antiscorbutic effect and prevent the aging of blood vessel walls. Such a savory food supplement stimulates appetite and blood circulation.
  • basil sprouts. Basil sprouts with a pleasant aroma and slightly pungent taste are appropriate both in salads, fish and meat dishes, and in soups, they go well with cottage cheese, omelettes. Valued by gourmets and nutritionists for the content of sugars, carotene, vitamins C, B2, PP, essential oils. Great for stimulating digestion.
  • Germinated daikon. Young daikon leaves contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP and a number of minerals. A portion seedlings daikon will provide the body with protective forces, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and improve digestion. If daikon sprouts are steamed or boiled, they can be used in soup, and fresh sprouts can be supplemented vegetable salads and meat dishes.
  • cabbage sprouts, for example red. They are characterized by a high concentration of vitamins, carbohydrates, enzymes, phytoncides, minerals and other useful substances. In red cabbage, the amount of vitamin C is twice as high as in white cabbage, and the concentration of carotene is four times higher. Therefore, it provides invaluable benefits to general immunity, stimulates digestion and provides tone. digestive system. It has a general pronounced tonic effect. Red cabbage microgreens are best used fresh.

How to germinate microgreens at home?

For seed germination, they need to provide a special microclimate. Although it sounds intricate, it is actually quite simple. As a container, either a simple glass jar, a saucepan, a baking dish in an oven cafe are suitable, and you need to supplement the design with a strainer or gauze. Or use a special container for germinating microgreens - it already has a twist-strainer, which makes it easier to wash the seeds.

As for the choice of grains and seeds, among them there should not be green, unripe specimens, they must certainly be whole, without black spots, not infected with fungi and other pests, not rotten, not overdried. It is better to give preference to the grain of a year's storage, it will germinate better than a two-year one.

So your next steps are:

  • In the evening, pour the seeds for germination into a container, pour water (approximately by eye, but the seeds should be completely covered with water) and leave overnight in a dark place. To prevent microgreens from becoming moldy or spoiled, you can add a teaspoon of citric acid to the water, soak it in activated silicon or silver water, but this is not at all necessary.
  • For the next three days, the seeds should be washed with cold running water in the morning and evening, and stored in the same place in a dark place. Washing seeds is extremely important as it is the only and natural way to get rid of mold spores and enzymatic poisons, which are bound to form during seed cultivation.
  • The capacity must be chosen such that on the third day seedlings opportunity to grow in width. If this is a tall bank, then you need to place it horizontally.
  • On the fourth day, a container with seedlings you need to get it out of a dark place and put it in the sun so that the leaves develop chlorophyll and turn a little green. It is important to understand that sunlight is not necessarily direct Sun rays, but just daylight, including in cloudy weather.
  • When microgreens have taken the form of leaves, tops, sprouts, it is all usable. Sprouts should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week. It is good that air penetrates into the container during all this time, and therefore either the same strainer or a loosely covered lid is used.

Growing microgreens is not as expensive as it might seem at first glance. A few tablespoons of seeds grow into a healthy serving of fresh herbs. It is not worth sprouting too many microgreens at a time, because the fresher it is, the more it is valued, and over time it can completely wilt. In limp seedlings, of course, many times less vitamins and minerals than fresh, juicy, freshly grown.

Microgreens are served with salads and second courses. This is a wonderful, sometimes very spicy side dish for meat, fish dishes, as an addition to sandwiches and salads from vegetables, fruits, cheese, seafood. sprouts very decorate the dish - both externally and in terms of taste.

Microgreens are great to add to shakes and smoothies.

From it, ground, you can make excellent face masks. The rejuvenating power of sprouts can be used not only from within the body, but also applied externally. Microgreens need to be thoroughly mashed with a wooden spatula or in a mortar so that the juice stands out from it. Then mix the resulting slurry with any other useful ingredients or use it in its pure form - apply on the face and cover with a gauze patch to keep the shape. After 15-20 minutes, the mask can be removed, but do not wash, so that the seedling juice continues its action. Over time (up to half an hour), you should wash yourself with warm running water.

Many people pass by sprouted grains, although they bring many benefits to the body:

  1. Strengthen immunity.
  2. Normalize metabolism.
  3. Calm the nervous system.
  4. Cleanse the body.
  5. Activate digestive activity.
  6. Helps with gastrointestinal ulcers.
  7. Improve blood quality.
  8. Reduce pressure.
  9. Reduce cholesterol.
  10. They have a positive effect on the heart, reducing the risk of seizures.
  11. Prolong the youth of the body.
  12. Promote active cell renewal.
  13. Charged with energy.
  14. Reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms.
  15. Positive effect on potency.


  • IN 1. It is characterized by calming qualities, improves digestion and assimilation of food.
  • IN 2. Positively affects the central nervous system. Important for the liver, protecting it from various ailments.
  • IN 3. It is a participant in various metabolic processes, is part of many enzymes. It is required for the normal functioning of the brain and the circulatory system.
  • AT 5. Important for hormone production and hair health.
  • AT 6. Supports metabolism and hormone production. It removes cholesterol, helps in the work of the liver.
  • AT 9. It has a positive effect on reproductive function. Participates in the construction of nerve cells. Necessary for the production of serotonin and red blood cells.
  • E. Helps to normalize hormonal levels, has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is considered a vitamin of beauty, since the condition of the epidermis, nails and hair largely depends on it.
  • F. Helps fight inflammation, participates in the construction of fats.

    Micro, macro elements:

  • Vanadium. One of the most useful elements for the heart and blood vessels. It prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and is the prevention of heart attacks.
  • Iron. Without it, hemoglobin is not produced. The element is required by the heart, nervous system and immunity.
  • Potassium. Normalizes blood pressure and pulse. Increases efficiency and promotes faster recovery of the body after serious stress.
  • Calcium. Important for bone tissue. Has antihistamine properties. Helps remove "bad" cholesterol. Activates metabolic processes.
  • Magnesium. Calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, calms the heartbeat. Required for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Required by the reproductive system.
  • Manganese. Involved in the work of most organs and systems of the body. It has the highest significance for the heart, digestive system and nervous system.
  • Copper. Helps the liver and spleen to work, helps to preserve memory.
  • Phosphorus. Present in bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Selenium. Helps cleanse the body of free radicals. Participates in metabolic processes.
  • Zinc. Activates the production of hormones. Strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on brain processes.

Roasted buckwheat, available in every store, is devoid of many useful components due to heat treatment. Green buckwheat is much healthier and can be used for sprouting. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3. The mineral complex includes iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper, phosphorus. In addition, buckwheat contains:

  • Vitamin P Activates the properties of other elements. Strengthens blood vessels, enhances immunity. Protects the body from free radicals.
  • Bor. Without it, vitamin D does not work, so the mineral plays an important role in maintaining the skeletal system. Reduces susceptibility to joint diseases. Normalizes and maintains hormonal balance.
  • Iodine. Important for the health and normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Its deficiency worsens health, leads to obesity and other diseases.
  • Cobalt. Provides an exchange of acids. Has calming properties. Required by the pancreas and vascular system.
  • Nickel. In combination with other minerals, it positively affects the composition of the blood and the production of red blood cells. Helps increase hemoglobin levels. Saturates the cells with oxygen. Promotes the development of the muscular system.

Green buckwheat sprouts are good for the eyes, as they can reduce intraocular pressure. They are recommended for diabetes, constant stress, a tendency to hypertension. Buckwheat strengthens the heart and vascular walls. Helps with bleeding gums.

Green buckwheat lowers cholesterol and takes care of the cleanliness of blood vessels. It is recommended for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Lentil composition

Lentil sprouts contain protein, fiber, B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B9). The mineral composition is no less diverse: iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium.

Lentil sprouts have a positive effect on blood quality and help in the work of hematopoietic systems.

Milk thistle composition

Sprouts have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. They are good for the liver and gallbladder. They have a therapeutic effect in colitis and gallstone disease. Milk thistle sprouts are recommended for people suffering from allergies.

These seeds take longer to germinate than wheat seeds. They have maximum value when the first 2 leaves appear.

Sprouted sunflower seeds contain a large amount of fatty acids and protein. They contain vitamins of groups B, E, F, P, D (a vitamin required for the absorption of calcium). The mineral composition is no less saturated: iron, calcium, copper, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, cobalt.

Sprouted sunflower seeds should be used for thickened blood, heart disease and disorders in the vascular system. Sunflower sprouts help restore damaged gastrointestinal mucosa. They are useful for women during menopause. In addition, essential for skin and hair. The product has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Oats for sprouting

For germination, only naked varieties without a hard shell can be used. Oats increase immunity, have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.

Oat sprouts are good for the digestive tract. They eliminate inflammation, remove toxins and toxins. Sprouted oat seeds are indicated for dysbacteriosis, as they help to improve the microflora.

The product is useful for kidney problems, thyroid dysfunction. It enhances the effectiveness of hepatitis therapy.


Flax seedlings contain fatty acids, mucus, carotenes. They are good for health, so they help strengthen bone tissue, normalize the tone of the vascular walls.

Flax energizes, improves memory and immunity. Sprouts have laxative properties, remove toxins. They restore the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, help with hemorrhoids.

It is one of the most convenient plants for sprouting. Sprouts are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. They contain inulin, which helps lower blood glucose.

Sprouted peas rid the body of toxins, improve bowel function due to the presence of fiber. It strengthens the immune system, allows you to rejuvenate the body.

Amaranth for sprouting

Sprouts contain a high concentration of squalene, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Due to this, the use of amaranth reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms. It is effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.

Sprouted amaranth seeds should be present in the diet of people after chemotherapy. As well as those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. The product is good for the heart, and also reduces the risk of diabetes. Amaranth sprouts contribute to the healing of ulcers of internal organs.

Amaranth normalizes the hormonal system. In addition, its sprouts are recommended for men to maintain sexual activity even in old age.


Pumpkin seed sprouts are distinguished by anthelmintic action. They allow you to normalize the water-salt balance, improve the functioning of the genitourinary system. Pumpkin helps men reduce the risk of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Germinated pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the brain and nervous system. They improve thought processes and allow you to treat insomnia. They help the body recover faster after increased stress (physical, mental, nervous).

Sprouts are an inexpensive dietary supplement that is very beneficial for health at any age. But so that the benefits do not turn into harm, they should not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

How to germinate grains video instruction

According to scientists, germinated seeds are the best tasty and healthy food rich in biocatalysts. If taken for some time seedlings, then you can significantly improve the condition of the body, namely the nervous system, circulatory, heart, respiratory, digestive tract. The absorption of seedlings completely rejuvenates the body, normalizes metabolic processes, reduces weight, apparently improves the condition of nails, teeth, and promotes hair growth. The content of the vitamin group in sprouts increases many times in accordance with the methods of healthy and vitamin-rich food. For example, just fifty grams of sprouts replace a glass of orange juice, which supplies the body with vitamin C.

Sprouted products can be taken without restrictions, during breakfast, lunch and dinner, and just as desired. People not so long ago learned how to make a healing drink from sprouting grains and called it rajivelak. But you need to take them without fanaticism, from twenty to seventy grams per day. Not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance, sprouts, along with benefits, can also cause harm. Integral part cereal sprouts have gluten, it is called gluten. It is found in wheat, rye, oats, barley. The enzyme components that process this gluten are in short supply in our body. Sprouted seeds are contraindicated in children under the age of twelve. For example, fiber, which is found in whole grains, negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system with an ulcer, using sprouts during the release of stones or sand from the kidneys, you can get flatulence.

What to germinate

For germination, they use something that germinates quickly, this is wheat, rye, oats, etc. And rice and flax make their way for a long time and require attention to themselves. Most of all, I would like to highlight the most delicious sprouts - these are oatmeal, sunflower and wheat, sesame and amaranth will give bitterness. If you touch, for example, buckwheat, it is useful for everyone, but milk thistle sprouts, which actively help the liver, do not need to be taken by people who have stones in gallbladder. You can germinate all seeds, here are just a few of them.

  • Wheat sprouts easily and quickly enough, has a cloying taste. It contains in its composition 26 percent of proteins, 10 percent of fats and more than thirty percent of carbohydrates, all these substances are quickly absorbed by our body. When seeds are germinated, the quantity and quality of vitamins increases. Sprouted wheat contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, folic acid. It is actively used in chronic diseases the large intestine and the digestive system as a whole. Wheat in this form has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous system, makes it easier to transfer stress, improves the quality of hair and nails.
  • Sprouted rye - the initial stage of healing the body. Rye, like wheat, contains all the essential vitamins and minerals. The intake of these sprouts completely or to a greater extent covers all the body's shortcomings in vitamins. Rye should be taken in the same cases as wheat, it is very beneficial for the intestinal flora.
  • During germination, buckwheat takes on a sweetish hue with an admixture of herbaceousness. For germination, it is necessary to select only immature, unroasted buckwheat, i.e. the one that does not have an outer scaly layer, during germination, like flax, it produces a slimy substance, which is washed off with water. Like the first two representatives, buckwheat has all the useful components, necessary for the body. Unlike wheat and rye, buckwheat for the most part significantly improves the condition of blood vessels, strengthens their walls. Buckwheat is advised to be taken in order to prevent vascular diseases, for diseases associated with infection, for eye diseases, hemorrhoids, which accompanies varicose veins. In addition to these diseases, there are a number of indications for the use of sprouted buckwheat.

  • sprouts lentils have a sweet, sugary taste. Very delicious product. Contains a lot of protein, iron, calcium, copper, B vitamins, etc. , also a large amount of vitamin C, which allows you to take lentil sprouts for flu, and viral infections during periods of exacerbation. Its intake improves the condition of the blood and increases the number of red cells in the blood.
  • Pumpkin sprouts. The seeds of this product are almost the only useful and valuable ones. Consist of the entire line of the vitamin complex. Most often the data seedlings used to control worms. Pumpkin seeds improve the waste of bile, have a positive effect on the reproductive system, especially in the male population. They have a positive effect on brain activity, relieve irritation and fatigue, improve sleep. Pumpkin sprouts are recommended for younger children school age during breakfast, to avoid stressful situations.
  • Sprouted sunflower is the most valuable natural product in terms of the content of vegetable protein, acid and the whole set of vitamins. The use of sprouts of this product has a positive effect on the balance of acid and alkali in the body and almost completely covers the lack of vitamins. Sunflower is good for the stomach and intestines, memory and blood composition.
  • Sprouted sesame has a bitter taste of nuts. Carries in its composition the main complex of vitamins. Beneficial effect on bone tissue and musculoskeletal system. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver. It is actively used to strengthen teeth and restore enamel. It is advised to take it for diseases of the joints, spine, women during menopause and gestation.

  • Flax seedlings, a dietary product involved in the complex healing of the body, activates all its protective processes. Contains all vitamins and elements, the quantity and quality of which increases during germination. Flax seeds form mucus, which has a powerful enveloping effect, which is very beneficial for the stomach and intestines. Like sesame, it contains a lot of calcium, and therefore it should be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Very useful properties flax oil also contains linoleic acid, which is actively involved in the organization of the work of the whole organism. It is she who is responsible for all the membranes and structures, the strength of muscle tissue, the release of the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, and contributes to the work of the brain. Flax seedlings are recommended for heart disease, high blood pressure, varicose veins.
  • sprouts oats help with many ailments: tuberculosis, kidneys, liver, thyroid gland. Using oats, you can quickly bounce back after a serious illness, strengthen the immune system, develop muscle tissue, normalize digestion, and cleanse the blood.
  • Bean sprouts have a good diuretic effect, heal abrasions and cuts, improve skin and hair. For example, pea sprouts are good for those who want to lose weight, it has few calories. Sprouted beans - good remedy in the fight against viral seasonal diseases, improves the quality of blood and the tone of the whole organism. Soybean sprouts contribute to the removal of excess water and body fat from the body, which generally rejuvenates the body.
  • As for milk thistle sprouts, it has a positive effect on the liver. In its composition, it contains flavonoids, which protect the cells of the body and liver from infectious diseases and toxic substances. It maximizes the bile waste structure.

What to do to properly germinate seeds

First of all, you need to remember that it is better to do germination in a home kitchen, for this we take the selected grains and fill them with a solution of manganese, drain the water after five minutes and thoroughly wash the grains. Next, fill the grains with water and leave in the room for half a day, repeat the procedure with washing twice. After such manipulations, grains can be consumed for about five working days, stored in a loosely closed jar in temperature regime 5 degrees. Every morning, it is advisable to disinfect the grains, rinse with water and only then use them.

Much has been written in the literature about the germination of grains, but not everyone knows about disinfection, and this is extremely necessary.

Sprouts: benefits and harms

Sprouts: benefits and harms

Scientists believe that sprouts are the most enzyme-rich food on the planet. Regular nutrition with sprouts improves the general condition of the body, the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, the functioning of the heart, respiratory organs and the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating sprouts helps to rejuvenate the whole body, restore metabolism and reduce weight, improve the condition of hair, teeth, nails, etc.

Sprouts have no restrictions in compatibility with other products, they are useful to use with fruits and berries, vegetables, add to desserts, salads, etc. The healing drink Rajivelak is prepared from sprouted grains, and the equally popular Sprouts dish is green sprouts of legumes and cereals. The daily intake of sprouts is 20-70 g.

But together with the benefits of sprouts, one should also consider possible harm and complications of sprout consumption.

The composition of cereal sprouts contains gluten - the main representative of cereal proteins, commonly called "gluten". Its content especially falls on wheat, rye, oats, barley. The enzyme that processes gluten is in short supply, it is easy to “spend” it, which forces the non-digestible parts of the protein (acids) to be “extinguished” with alkali. Gluten is absent only in buckwheat, corn and rice.

Sprouts should not be included in the diet of children under 12 years of age. The fiber content in whole sprouts adversely affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in peptic ulcer disease. The use of sprouts can cause pain as a result of flatulence or therapeutic effect associated with the release of sand and stones.

The use in conjunction with dairy products causes profuse gas formation in the intestines (flatulence). The content of purine compounds in bean seed sprouts is contraindicated in gout, urolithiasis, they are also not recommended for acute gastritis, nephritis and inflammatory processes in the large intestine.

What is better to germinate

Wheat, rye, oats, mung bean and lentils are unpretentious and germinate very quickly. Flax and rice have a more complex character - they hatch longer and require constant attention. The most delicious are oat, sunflower and wheat sprouts. Slightly bitter sesame and amaranth.

There are seedlings that are useful to everyone without exception - the same buckwheat. But the powerful liver cleaner milk thistle is contraindicated in gallstones. Cereal sprouts should not be eaten with gluten intolerance.

1. Wheat germ

Taste: sweetish.

They germinate easily and quickly, but remain firm.

Proteins (26%), fats (10%), carbohydrates (34%) of wheat germ are easily absorbed by our body. The amount of trace elements and vitamins during germination increases significantly.

Wheat germ contains:

potassium (850mg/100g), calcium (70mg/100g), phosphorus (1100mg/100g), magnesium (400mg/100g), iron (10mg/100g), zinc (20mg/100g) 100 g), vitamins B1 (2 mg/100 g), B2 (0.7 mg/100 g), B3 (4.5 mg/100 g), B6 ​​(3.0 mg/100 g), E (21 .0 mg/100 g) and folic acid(0.35 mg/100 g). The amount of vitamin C increases during sprouting from 1.07 to 10.36 mg/100g.

Recommended in the treatment of chronic colitis, gastritis and gastroduodenitis, in the complex treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers (contraindicated in exacerbations). Fiber (grain shell) normalizes the work gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. Wheat sprouts improve the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems, alleviate the effects of stress. Indicated in the treatment of allergies, diabetes and obesity. Improve the condition of the skin and nails.

2. Sprouted rye seeds (rye)

An excellent health product is germinated rye seeds.

Grains contain:

proteins (13%), fats (2%), carbohydrates (69%) and fiber. They are rich in potassium (425 mg/100 g), calcium (58 mg/100 g), phosphorus (292 mg/100 g), magnesium (120 mg/100 g), manganese (2.7 mg/100 g), iron (4.2 mg / 100 g), zinc (2.5 mg / 100 g), there is also fluorine, silicon, sulfur, vanadium, chromium, copper, selenium, molybdenum. Contain more vitamin E than wheat grains (10 mg/100 g), as well as vitamins B1 (0.45 mg/100 g), B2 (0.26 mg/100 g), B3 (1.3 mg/100 g ), B5 (1.5 mg / 100 g), B6 ​​(0.41 mg / 100 g), folic acid (0.04 mg / 100 g), vitamins K, P. The amount of vitamin C increases during germination from 0, 58 to 14.68 mg/100g.

In their action, they are similar to wheat germ: they compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, stimulate bowel function, increase peristalsis, normalize microflora, have a slight laxative effect, help cleanse the body of toxins. Rye seedlings are shown in the same cases as wheat seedlings.

3. Buckwheat sprouts

Taste: sweetish, with a slight herbal aftertaste.

Only green (not fried) buckwheat gives sprouts. The top layer of the husk is removed from it, while the embryo is not damaged. During germination, buckwheat, like flax, secretes mucus - it must be washed off with running water.

In buckwheat seeds:

10-18% protein, 2.4-3% fat, 59-82% carbohydrates, 12-16% fiber. Contains phosphorus (up to 330 mg/100 g), potassium (380 mg/100 g), calcium, magnesium (up to 200 mg/100 g), manganese (1.56 mg/100 g), cobalt (3 mg/100 g) ), boron, silicon, vanadium, iron (8 mg/100 g), copper, zinc (2.05 mg/100 g), molybdenum. Rich in vitamins B1 (up to 0.58 mg / 100 g), B2, B3 (4.19 mg / 100 g), B6 ​​(0.4 mg / 100 g), E (0.2-6.7 mg / 100 d) also contain vitamin K and carotene. The amount of vitamin C increases during sprouting from 1.49 to 26.4 mg/100g.

Buckwheat seeds surpass the seeds of all other crops in the concentration of rutin - a bioflavonoid that has the ability to improve the condition of blood vessels, especially capillaries, strengthening their thin walls.

Germinated buckwheat seeds are recommended for the prevention and treatment of various vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart, hypertension) and infectious diseases occurring with lesions vascular system(measles, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, typhoid), to reduce intraocular pressure in simple glaucoma, with varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids.

It is useful to add them to the diet in the treatment of radiation sickness, liver and kidney diseases, obesity, diabetes, bleeding from the nose and gums, and blood loss.

4. Sprouted lentil seeds (lentils)

Taste: sweetish, juicy, with a spicy aftertaste.

Seeds germinate easily and quickly.

Lentil sprouts are a very healthy and tasty product.

Lentil seeds are a good source of:

protein (35 mg / 100 g), carbohydrates, fiber. Contain potassium (1500 mg/100 g), calcium (83 mg/100 g), magnesium (up to 380 mg/100 g), iron (7 mg/100 g), zinc (up to 5 mg/100 g), selenium (0 06 mg/100 g), boron, fluorine, silicon, sulfur, manganese (1.3 mg/100 g), copper, molybdenum. The seeds contain vitamins B1, B3, B5, biotin, B6, folic acid. When lentil seeds germinate, the content of vitamins B1, B6, biotin, and folic acid increases significantly. The amount of vitamin C increases during sprouting from 2.83 to 64.41 mg/100g.

5. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are one of the most valuable items for sprouting.

Contain a wide range of nutrients and trace elements:

The seeds contain up to 28% of valuable vegetable proteins, up to 46.7% of fats, tender fiber. They are rich in phosphorus (1174 mg/100 g), magnesium (535 mg/100 g), manganese (3 mg/100 g), iron (14.9 mg/100 g), zinc (10 mg/100 g), selenium (5.6 mg / 100 g), as well as calcium, silicon, chromium, cobalt, copper, vitamins B1, B2, E, folic acid (0.06 mg / 100 g), carotene. The amount of vitamin C increases during sprouting from 2.65 to 31.29 mg/100g.

Pumpkin sprouts have an active anthelmintic effect, they are successfully used for the prevention and treatment of giardiasis and various helminth infections, they are especially effective against tapeworms and pinworms. Preferably non-herbal anthelmintics are recommended for children, pregnant women and people over 60 years of age.

With regular use, pumpkin sprouts normalize the separation of bile, activate water and salt metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of men and women, stimulate the functions of the sex glands, improve the functioning of the genitourinary tract, strengthen the muscles Bladder, in men they increase potency, provide excellent support for the prostate gland. Useful for men over 45 for the prevention of prostatitis in the complex treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

The zinc contained in pumpkin sprouts, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, has a positive effect on human mental activity, strengthens memory, reduces fatigue and irritability, and normalizes sleep. Pumpkin sprouts are a valuable product for the prevention and treatment of ailments caused by prolonged physical and neuropsychic overload.

Extremely useful for schoolchildren, especially elementary grades, to overcome stressful situations and better assimilate the material.

6. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seedlings are the most valuable natural concentrate of high-quality vegetable proteins, essential fatty acids, a wide range of microelements and vitamins.

Sunflower seeds contain up to:

59% fat, valuable vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, lecithin. Contains potassium (647 mg/100 g), calcium (57 mg/100 g), phosphorus (860 mg/100 g), magnesium (420 mg/100 g), iron (7.1 mg/100 g), zinc ( 5.1 mg/100 g), selenium (0.07 mg/100 g), iodine (0.7 mg/100 g), fluorine, silicon, chromium, manganese, cobalt, copper, molybdenum. They are one of the richest sources of vitamin E (21.8 mg / 100 g), vitamins B1 (up to 2.2 mg / 100 g), B2 (0.25 mg / 100 g), B3 (up to 5.6 mg / 100 g), B5 (up to 2.2 mg/100 g), B6 ​​(up to 1.1 mg/100 g), biotin (0.67 mg/100 g), folic acid (1 mg/100 g), contain vitamins D and F. The amount of vitamin C increases during sprouting from 1.64 to 14.48 mg/100g.

Sunflower seedlings normalize the acid-base balance of the body, compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Strengthen the nervous system, alleviate the consequences of stressful situations, prevent the formation of blood clots, improve the condition of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recommended in the complex treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers in remission, atherosclerosis and related diseases of the heart and brain, with pathological menopause. Contribute to the preservation of memory, good vision, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

7. Sesame sprouts (sesame)

Taste: nutty with bitterness.

In sesame seeds contained before:

40% high quality proteins, up to 65% oil. Sesame seedlings strengthen bone tissue, which is associated with the amount of macro- and microelements included in it. In terms of calcium content (up to 1474 mg / 100 g), sesame is superior to all food products, even many varieties of cheese. The seeds also contain potassium (497 mg/100 g), phosphorus (616 mg/100 g), magnesium (540 mg/100 g), iron (up to 10.5 mg/100 g), zinc, vitamins B1 (0.98 mg/100 g), B2 (0.25 mg/100 g), B3 (5.4 mg/100 g). The amount of vitamin C increases during sprouting from 2.15 to 34.67 mg/100g.

The microelements that are part of sesame are necessary for a person for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, the work of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines. Sesame seedlings strengthen the skeleton, teeth and nails, regular intake helps to restore tooth enamel.

Reception of sesame seedlings is recommended for acute and chronic arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoporosis, especially in women over 45 years of age. Indicated in the treatment of fractures and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Absolutely necessary for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children during the period of intensive growth and teething.

Sesame seeds germinate, like amaranth seeds, capriciously. In order for them to grow, they need the following conditions: spread the washed seeds on a flat surface, fill with water by 1-2 mm and cover with another flat object on top. Once or twice a day, if the seeds dry out, moisten with water (but do not fill).

8. Flax seedlings (flax seeds)

Flax sprouts are a wonderful product with a wide range of healing effects. Actively increase the body's resistance, give strength and vigor, support the work of each cell.

In flax seeds:

oil (up to 52%), proteins, carbohydrates, a lot of phosphorus (700 mg / 100 g), magnesium (380 mg / 100 g), iron (7.7 mg / 100 g), zinc (5.7 mg / 100 g), and the amount of calcium (1400 mg/100 g) is comparable to that of sesame seeds. Contain vitamins E, K, F, B1, folic acid, carotene. The amount of vitamin C increases during sprouting from 1.35 to 22.47 mg/100g.

Flax sprouts, like seeds, have a unique mucus and effectively cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Accelerate digestion, increase peristalsis, absorb toxic substances, have a mild laxative effect, help with hemorrhoids.

Due to the high calcium content, it is indicated, like sesame sprouts, for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children during the period of intensive growth and tooth change. Recommended for strengthening bone tissue, with osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoporosis, in the treatment of fractures.

Flax oil ranks first among all vegetable fats in terms of the content of the most valuable a-linolenic acid (60%), it also contains linoleic acid. Their complex is necessary for the growth and development of the body, because. they are involved in the construction of membranes - cell membranes. These fatty acids strengthen the structure of the mucous membranes, restore the elasticity and strength of muscles and blood vessels, and break down cholesterol deposits. Support the work of the brain, nervous system and endocrine glands.

Flax seedlings are indicated in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. Improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. The intake of flax sprouts is ideally combined with the intake of milk thistle sprouts.

9. Soybean sprouts (soy)

Soybean sprouts contain fiber, essential amino acids, vitamin C, B vitamins, vegetable proteins, macro- and microelements.

Sprouts in the diet activate protein metabolism, promote the removal of water and fat from the body.

The use of soybean sprouts stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue and rejuvenates the body. Choline in soy restores cells of nerve tissues and improves brain function, has a beneficial effect on the processes of thinking, attention and memory. Due to the content of lecithin, they are useful for cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the liver and pancreas.

The pectins contained in the sprouts slow down the development of oncological neoplasms.

The taste of sprouted soy is similar to the taste of pickled asparagus, it harmonizes well with cottage cheese and soft cheeses.

10. Bean sprouts (beans)

Sprouted golden beans are called mung beans, and angular beans are called adzuki. This product is rich in potassium, iron, vitamin C and amino acids, and therefore it is actively used to prevent viral colds and flu. By increasing hemoglobin, bean sprouts help to increase the overall tone of the body and performance, normalize metabolism and are used to prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes.

In terms of taste, sprouted beans go well with sea ​​kale, it can also be added to any salads.

11. Oat sprouts (oats)

Taste: milky-nutty, juicy.

Oat seeds germinate easily and quickly. Only oats called "naked" are suitable for germination.

Oat sprouts are rich in:

vitamins C, E and K, calcium, iron, magnesium, silicon, chromium, zinc. They restore immunity, renew the composition of the blood, exhibit a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. Effective in kidney disease, tuberculosis and thyroid disorders. With their help, they normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of dysbacteriosis. Regular use of oat sprouts contributes to the treatment and prevention of gallstone disease, hepatitis and thrombosis. Consumption of oat sprouts promotes healing of the body after injuries.

12. Pea sprouts (peas)

Barley sprouts are very valuable - they increase the body's endurance and normalize the acid-base balance. Them healing properties are explained by the activity of vitamins B12, K and C, provitamin A, zinc, copper, manganese, and iron contained in them.

Better by yourself, at home. Seeds need to be sorted out and poured into a glass jar, filling it 1/4 of the volume. Pour them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate prepared in a separate container, mix and leave for 3-5 minutes.

Disinfection is a must. Then drain the potassium permanganate solution, rinse the seeds three times with water.

Pour the washed seeds with water up to 2/3 of the volume of the jar and leave them at room temperature, but not in direct sunlight. Use water either passed through a filter or spring water.

After 10-12 hours, when the seeds swell, repeat the disinfection and washing procedure, drain the last water, cover the jar with a lid so that there is no active evaporation.

After 10-12 hours, when the seeds peck, disinfect and rinse them again, carefully drain the last water.

The sprouts are ready to eat. I recommend using them within 5 days, store at a temperature of 2-5 ° C. The container in which they are stored should not be closed too tightly (the seedlings must breathe). Every morning, the entire portion received must be disinfected and washed, then used. Sprouts will grow in the refrigerator, but their quality will improve.

Use and storage

Any germinated seeds are best eaten for breakfast. You can eat them whole raw, chewing thoroughly, or you can add them to salads. Sprouts can be put whole, or you can grind them in a meat grinder and combine with grated carrots, honey, nuts, dried fruits, lemon juice, fresh herbs and other products.

You need to get used to this food gradually, starting with 1-2 teaspoons a day. Within 2-3 months, you can increase the daily portion to 60-70 g. The sprouts should be chewed well, if you have problems with your teeth, it is recommended to use a blender - add some water and fruit to the sprouts.

Better to mix two different types seedlings (say, buckwheat and oats, sesame or amaranth and wheat) and change this set every two months.

Plant seedlings must be stored in a cold place for no more than two days, so it is better to grow them yourself at home.

Myths about sprouts

Many publications devoted to healthy eating describe various methods for obtaining germinated seeds, but nowhere is it mentioned about their disinfection. Disinfection of seeds and seedlings is an absolutely necessary procedure.

It is widely believed that after the seed has hatched and the length of the root has reached 2-3 mm, the seedlings cannot be used. This opinion is erroneous.


They have everything we need: 1. vitamins2. trace elements 3. antioxidants 4. probiotics5. the strongest immunostimulants

They are able to be easily digested, saturate the body with active substances, contributing to the speedy recovery during various diseases.

This is a 100% living natural product that improves all vital functions and systems. Sprouts are recognized as the strongest rejuvenating and healing agent for the body.

Sprouts are the most enzyme-rich food. Eating sprouts improves the general condition of the body, the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, the functioning of the heart, respiratory organs and the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating sprouts helps to rejuvenate the body, restore metabolism and reduce weight, improve the condition of hair, teeth, and nails.

Sprouts have no restrictions in compatibility with other products, they are useful to use with fruits and berries, vegetables, add to desserts, salads, etc. The healing drink Rejuvelac is prepared from sprouted grains, and the no less popular Sprouts dish is green sprouts of legumes and cereals.

The daily intake of sprouts is 20-70 gr.


Lentil sprouts are a huge source of vitamin C. Per 100 g, about 65 mg of ascorbic acid (versus 50 g in an orange). Therefore, sprouted lentils are a wonderful tool for the prevention of influenza and SARS. In addition, lentil sprouts increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which means they increase our vitality, activity and efficiency.

Like the sprouts of other legumes, they are high in protein. In addition, lentil sprouts contain: copper. zinc. phosphorus. B group vitamin.Vitamin FLentil Sprouts Help Athletes Build muscle mass. These seedlings are useful for high physical exertion, after operations or serious illnesses.

FROMcontain lecithin, fluorine, iodine, vitamin H, D, E and F, group B. Their benefit is to strengthen the nervous system. Recommended for high mental stress, stress, to improve memory. Sunflower sprouts improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Flaxseeds are very rich in essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and linoleic, which are involved in the construction of cell membranes. They perfectly strengthen blood vessels, so they are very useful for various diseases heart, and also maintain the elasticity of our skin and muscles. Flax sprouts contain a lot of mucus, which has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. IN traditional medicine For many hundreds of years, flax seeds have been used to treat ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Sprouted flax seeds also have a mild laxative effect.

You can germinate legumes (peas, chickpeas, black, mnu, pinto, adzuki beans, beans). These are excellent sources of live fiber and protein, they are low in calories, but very satisfying.

Pea and bean sprouts contain vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium and potassium. They are very rich in protein, so they quickly create a feeling of satiety. Bean sprouts are recommended for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, sprouted bean grains lower blood sugar levels.

Soy sprouts are rich in lecithin and B vitamins. Soy protein contains almost all the essential amino acids that a person can get only with food. Lecithin from soy sprouts improves memory, helps to cope with stress. However, eating very large amounts of soy is considered hazardous to health. It was found that the hormone-like substances of the plant can cause an increase in the mammary glands in men. Soybeans are recommended to be scalded with boiling water before soaking. Boiling water will soften the hard seed coat, speeding up germination time.

Sprouts of various legumes (peas, mung beans, chickpeas, beans, lentils) are very often used in sports nutrition.

Pumpkin seed sprouts are very rich in zinc, which we need for normal vision, strengthening memory, increasing efficiency, and the good functioning of our nervous system and reproductive system. Pumpkin seeds are record holders for zinc content. Nutritionists especially recommend them to men for the prevention of sexual disorders, prostate diseases. In addition, zinc has a positive effect on the condition of nails and skin. It is used to treat acne.

Almond sprouts are a very expensive pleasure, but if your ability allows you to germinate almonds, then you can consider that you provide your body with a good dose of vitamin E, a vitamin of youth and an excellent antioxidant.

Sprouted sesame seeds are champions in calcium content: about 1500 mg per 100 g. This is much more than in dairy products. These seedlings strengthen bones, nails, restore tooth enamel, and are very useful for arthritis and osteochondrosis.

They contain the largest concentration of rutin, which perfectly improves the condition of blood vessels and capillaries. They are recommended to be taken for the prevention of atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.

Buckwheat sprouts are recommended for diabetes, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, and obesity. Buckwheat seedlings normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Buckwheat sprouts are rich in proteins, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, rutin, vitamins B1, B2 and B3.

Probably the healthiest sprouts are broccoli sprouts. Broccoli is generally one of the most anti-carcinogenic vegetables, and its sprouts contain many times more useful substances. Thus, the concentration of glucoraphanin, which has a powerful anti-cancer effect, is 50 times higher in sprouts than in cabbage itself.

oat seedlings
Helps to avoid problems associated with dysbacteriosis.

The best source of calcium is needed by children during the period of intensive growth and tooth change, as well as by the elderly. AMARANTH SEEDS contain squalene, a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Milk thistle sprouts (ten-day plants, taken by the piece) - effective remedy for cleansing and healing the liver. Recommended for hepatitis, including hepatitis C, fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver, after prolonged use medicines, courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

They help with hepatitis C. Doctors recommend including milk thistle sprouts in the diet of patients with chronic liver diseases.

Most of the rest are rich in fiber. In addition to fiber, they boast a high content of: manganese, vanadium, iron, vitamins B, E and F. Wheat and rye sprouts are good for hair, skin and nails due to the high content of vitamins E and F.

Reception of sprouts of various crops, including sesame, flax, lentils, buckwheat, is necessary for pregnant women and nursing mothers. At the same time, the manifestations of toxicosis are removed, the pregnancy passes without complications, and the delivery is timely. CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR SPRINGS This product should not be taken in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Grain sprouts are strictly prohibited in case of celiac disease, milk thistle sprouts in the presence of gallstones. Any sprouts are contraindicated in all cases where a large amount of fiber is not recommended. For example, it is undesirable to eat sprouts in case of acute inflammation of the stomach or intestines, gallbladder, exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines, ulcerative lesions of the esophagus.

Sprouted seeds and grains are an unusual food for most of us. Therefore, introduce them into the diet gradually. Start adding them to salads or soups. Sprouted grains or seeds ground into flour can be added to flour, cereals. And you can mix them with muesli, cereal or dried fruit - you get a healthy breakfast.

Sprouted seeds can be used in diet food for weight loss, for example by adding them to smoothies.

It is best to use sprouts in salads and other cold dishes - this will help preserve the maximum amount of vitamins. Although you can add them to flour and hot dishes. Vitamins are lost, but valuable proteins, fatty acids and trace elements are preserved.

You can make a vitamin salad with sprouts.
For example:
. 2 fresh medium tomatoes
1 fresh small cucumber
1 sweet pepper
2-3 tablespoons sprouted seeds
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Wash vegetables and sprouts. Bell pepper remove seeds, cut into strips. Cut tomatoes and cucumber. Add sprouts, mix. Season with lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Let your imagination run wild and you'll invent a lot delicious meals with useful seedlings.

In 100 g of germinated grains or seeds from 230 to 620 kcal.

Better by yourself, at home. Quality seeds can be purchased at stores healthy eating. Seeds need to be sorted out and poured into a glass jar, filling it 1/4 of the volume. Pour them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate prepared in a separate container, mix and leave for 3-5 minutes.Disinfection is a must.

Then drain the potassium permanganate solution, rinse the seeds three times with water.

Pour the washed seeds with water up to 2/3 of the volume of the jar and leave them at room temperature, but not in direct sunlight. Use water either passed through a filter or spring water.

After 10-12 hours, when the seeds swell, repeat the disinfection and washing procedure, drain the last water, cover the jar with a lid so that there is no active evaporation.

After 10-12 hours, when the seeds peck, disinfect and rinse them again, carefully drain the last water. The sprouts are ready to eat.

Every morning, the entire portion received must be disinfected and washed, then used. Sprouts will grow in the refrigerator, but their quality will improve.

How do you feel about sprouts? Have you ever tried sprouting grains and including sprouts in your diet?

REJUVELAC- a healthy raw food drink made from sprouted wheat of natural fermentation (Rejuvelac)

Rejuvelac is considered very useful, and this is worth believing, since as a result of the fermentation process of sprouted wheat, it contains beneficial bacteria for the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, lactobacilli, many enzymes for digestion, not to mention vitamins.

Rejuvelac should taste sour and strong, like kvass, carbonated. In general, this is a real probiotic, which is why it is called the drink of youth or vegan bifidok.

Rejuvelac is so rich in vitamins, enzymes, various nutrients and lactobacilli, that it can be considered an independent dish.

It is very pleasant to drink just like that in the summer heat. You can add honey to the finished rejuvelac or dilute it with freshly squeezed juices. Especially useful carrot and beetroot. Soups and vegan cheese are made on its basis. You can store the drink for several days, some store up to a month.

- Soak wheat in 1 liter of water for 24 hours.
- Drain the wheat through a sieve and rinse. Leave at room temperature for 24-48 hours.
- Once during this time, the wheat should be washed. When the wheat has small roots and sprouts, we will continue to prepare the drink.
- Put the germinated wheat in a blender with a little water and grind well. This is important, because it is in the ground form that the wheat will ferment much faster, and the drink will turn out to be more concentrated!
- Put the resulting pepenny gruel in a clean glass jar and pour 2 liters of water. Close the neck tightly with gauze or cloth, you can even hermetically. The jar does not need to be filled completely - leave a place in it, 5-6 centimeters. During fermentation, the mass will float to the top.
- Leave at room temperature for 48 hours. (In a kvass fermenter for 36 hours in hot weather, it will completely ferment) During this time, the slurry from the bottom will rise to the top, and then sink to the bottom again. Periodically fermenting contents can be stirred with a wooden or plastic spoon (bacteria do not like metal!).

As a result, the contents of the jar will delaminate into more or less large fragments, a white layer and an almost transparent liquid.
- Drain the transparent layer through a tube, filter the rest through a filter or three layers of gauze. Or we just filter everything without bothering. Store in the refrigerator. Drink to increase immunity, improve housing and communal services, or use to prepare other healthy dishes.

Rejuvelac recipe from "Soak Your Nuts" by Caryn Calabris.
You can cook from any grain - naked oats, rye.
It is advised to wipe their face for rejuvenation.
The squeezes, of course, should not be thrown away, they can and should be used when baking homemade bread.

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