National parks in America vegetation and animals. US national parks. Black Canyon of the Gunnison

floors 06.12.2020

Our planet is a unique place in space. It is a haven for millions of life forms, the main among which is considered to be a man. But the wonders of nature do not end with a rational being. How many wonderful corners can be found on Earth, and how many have not yet been explored! Each continent has its own attractions. North America is one of them. People are trying to protect such places from their own harmful influence and create protected areas. The national parks and reserves of North America are quite diverse. The traveler will also find deserts here.

Grand Canyon

There is a huge crevice 400 kilometers long. It was formed by the Walpie and Colorado rivers. They diligently carved the canyon for many millions of years, receiving support from the wind, which also actively participated in its creation. The reserves of North America can be proud of such an object. It was discovered in 1540 by settlers from Europe, but the indigenous population knew about it much earlier. The Indians lived inside caves, of which there are a lot in the canyon. It is interesting that this is the largest canyon on earth. He survived 3 geological eras, and given that there were only 4 of them, this is a great achievement. Tourists have long chosen the southern part of this place, but the northern part is not visited so often. The remaining parts of the canyon are difficult to reach, and a person wanders there very rarely.

Yellowstone National Park

The parks and reserves of North America can boast of another of the mysterious places - this is Yellowstone. It became the first in the world, which was founded in 1872. The park is located in three US states - Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. World fame brought him geysers and picturesque places that travelers from all over the world are not averse to seeing. The highest geyser in the world called "Steamboat" is located here. Also, tourists are attracted by Mammoth springs and a sleeping volcano - If this volcano decided to wake up, it would destroy the entire North America. In the meantime, this is one of the most beautiful places in the US that you must definitely visit.

Yosemite park

The nature reserves of North America have a special charm, as nature here is simply unique. Proof of this can be It is located in California, on the slope of the Sierra Nevada. It has many beautiful places that attract tourists so much. About 2,600 rivers carry their waters in this area, in addition, many very large waterfalls are formed on them, the largest of which are Yosemite (742 m) and Snow Creek (652 m). But the wonders of Mother Nature don't end there. The largest single granite cliff on earth is also located here - this is El Capitano. There is much more to see while traveling around Yosemite, but not to be missed as you will not find them anywhere else on our planet.

Carlsbad Caverns

The nature reserves of North America amaze the imagination not only with land-based attractions, but also underground ones. These include the Carlsbad Caverns. This park is located in the state of New Mexico, namely in the mountains of Guadalupe. It consists of a system of karst caves, which, thanks to mineral formations, are of extraordinary beauty. In total there are 80 caves, the total length of which is 12 km. The uniqueness of this place also lies in the fact that it has become home to many bats. There are about 1 million of them here. The park is open all year, so you can visit it at any time except Christmas. Tourists themselves can descend into the caves, or they can comfortably ride the elevator.

Banff - Canadian National Park

The reserves of North America are located throughout the continent, including Canada. Banff Park is the oldest in this country. It was founded in 1885. This is the third largest protected park in the world. This is a mountainous area, which has a large number of ice fields, glaciers and dense coniferous forests. The history of Banff's creation is very complex, as there was a constant struggle between the development of infrastructure and the conservation of nature. In the 90s, it was nevertheless recognized in court that the changes should not cause damage environment. This Canadian park is one of the most wonderful places for tourists to visit in all of North America. The unique nature of the Rocky Mountains attracts with its landscapes and many unforgettable entertainments.

wood buffalo

Wood Buffalo is the largest national park in Canada. Its area is about 44 thousand km2. Such dimensions allow it to be considered one of the largest parks in the world. It was founded in 1922 in the provinces of the Northwest Territory and Alberta. The popularity of the park was brought by the fact that the largest herd of wild bison in America lives here. They number about 2500 individuals. Of the rare birds, pelicans and American cranes live here. Another property of the reserve is the widest inland river delta in the world, which is formed by the Peace River and Athabasca rivers.

Xel-Ha Mexican Reserve

The national reserves of North America are designed to protect nature not only on the mainland itself, but also in coastal zones. The Xel-Ha Ecological Park in Mexico is a prominent example of coastal national parks. In the distant past, it was the seaport of the Maya Indians. In modern times, it has become a nature reserve with beautiful grottoes and bays, which are home to huge turtles, manatees and dolphins. This is a kind of natural aquarium, which will become a paradise for any tourist. It originated in a natural cave, which is fed by both sea and fresh waters. This gives extraordinary transparency to the bay without preventing nature lovers from viewing the underwater world in all its beauty. The park is very friendly to its visitors. Here you can go diving, swim with dolphins and turtles, lie on the beach and eat in one of the many cafes that serve a special dish - fried cactus.

Thus, the reserves of North America surprise us with their diversity and beauty. Of course, there are many more than those listed, but it takes a lot of time to explore them all. Having visited at least one of these parks, you will never be able to forget the beauty of this wild nature.

US national parks is, without exaggeration, one of the most beautiful places on the planet, where everyone can admire the picturesque landscapes of untouched wildlife in comfortable conditions, appreciate the amazing diversity of landscapes and flora and get acquainted with numerous wild animals in their natural habitat. Every year, more than 85 million people visit all of America's national parks. The total number of national parks in the United States is 58, not counting other natural parks, including national monuments, nature reserves, and various recreational areas. In our article, we will only talk about the most interesting parks in the States that have the status of National Park, which are worth seeing first of all during your trip to America.

Many lovers of independent travel know that in addition to megacities and large cities in the States, there is something else interesting. According to Ryan Zinke, official head of the US Department of the Interior, which includes the National Park Service (NPS for short), Americans love their national parks to death. Do not lag behind them and tourists from different countries of the world, which we have personally seen during our visits and visits to the most interesting natural parks in America.

Our readers often ask us a question about which natural parks are worth seeing in the USA during a trip to America? We decided to tell you about the 10 most interesting US national parks, most of which we visited personally. So we share here with you not only basic information, but also our impressions, tips and recommendations.

Our trip through national park The Rocky Mountains gave us the opportunity to get acquainted with the beauty of the mountainous regions of the United States and see how conveniently roads are built in America. We visited there in autumn, and nature delighted us with a riot of colors and surprised us with its unpredictability. Stopping at beautiful viewpoints, we again and again admired the amazingly beautiful mountains, and then we stopped for a walk to three lakes - Medvezhye, Spraig and Nymph. Our impressions are truly unforgettable.

5. (Yosemite) in California was founded by US President Abraham Lincoln in 1864 (first as a nature reserve). This was the first time that the US government has established special rules for the use of scenic nature with the aim of preserving it intact for posterity. “No man-made temple can compare to Yosemite,” wrote John Muir, one of the pioneers of natural parks in America. About four and a half million visitors come to this temple of nature every year, most of whom spend their time in Yosemite Valley, which is a canyon 11 km long and about 1.5 km wide, originally cut by the Merced River and then expanded by a shedding glacier.

We really liked Yosemite Park, all parts of which are unique and do not look like one another. We came here by car several times, spent the night in a campsite located in the Yosemite Valley, and in hotels near the park, climbed Glacier Point, walked through groves of giant sequoias - and Toulumne, walked tens of kilometers of trails, admired waterfalls and lakes, drove along mountain road through the Tioga Pass and ascended the mountain peaks. We definitely recommend a trip to Yosemite Park to everyone who loves and appreciates nature and mountains!

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7. (Acadia) is located in Maine and is the first US national park located east of the Mississippi River. Acadia is the easternmost national park in America, so it is here that you can meet the dawn over the territory of the United States one of the very first. Chief among the more than 3.5 million tourists who visit the park each year is the incredible meeting of ocean and mountains on Mount Desert Island, a patchwork of forests and villages.

This is another park that we haven't had time to visit yet, as we haven't traveled by car along the East Coast of the United States. But still ahead!

8. (Olympic) Washington State receives more than 3.4 million tourists annually. This is one of the most interesting parks in America, but due to its geographical location and significant distance from it, it is not very popular among travelers from Russia. However, Olympic has literally everything that outdoor enthusiasts can imagine: over 100 kilometers of pristine Pacific coastline ending in the northwest, unique mountains with glaciers and subalpine forests, and incredible beauty.

In the Olympic Park, we especially remember a walk up the mountain, from where, in good weather, we were lucky to see an extended mountain range. And I was also impressed by spending the night in absolute solitude in a campsite on the territory, where we also fried potatoes on a gas burner. Among other things, it was the northernmost point of the route of our trip along, after visiting which we turned east and went deep into North America.

9. (Grand Teton), located in Wyoming, is closely adjacent to the southern border of another popular national park - Yellowstone. They complement each other so much that even a single ticket to both of these parks is sold, though fewer people look into Grand Teton - only 3.3 million people a year. But if in Yellowstone the protagonists were numerous geysers and thermal springs, then the most interesting thing here is the mountains. The park is surrounded by a high stretch of the Teton Mountain Range, which is part of a mountain range that rises more than 7,000 feet (2,134 m) above the valley at Jackson Hole. The highest mountain peak of this range, rushing into the sky at 4197 meters, is called Grand Teton. In addition to it, there are eight other mountain peaks in the park that exceed 12,000 feet (3658 m).

We were returning from Yellowstone just before sunset and drove through Grand Teton Park quite quickly, because in preparation for ours they underestimated it, but in vain. Having stopped several times at beautiful viewpoints along the road, at first we only clapped our eyes wide in surprise from the abundance of autumn colors, and then admired the beauty of its lakes and a stunningly picturesque mountain range with small caps of blue-white glaciers on sharp granite peaks in the rays of the sun setting beyond the horizon . It was one of the best sunsets we have seen in America.

10. (Glacier) in Montana completes the top ten most interesting natural parks in the United States, which are most often visited by tourists (more than 3 million people a year). It got its name due to the gradually disappearing glaciers lying on high mountains in the vast territory of the park. In 1850, there were about 150 massive glaciers within the boundaries of the park. As of February 2018, there are only 26 of them left, with most of them continuing to melt gradually. According to some estimates, they may disappear completely by 2030, so hurry to see them!

Glacier Park left us with a very pleasant impression of itself, and therefore our opinion about it is extremely positive. In addition to the glaciers, other attractions in Glacier National Park that we advise you to see are crystal clear, a mountain pass and one of the most beautiful and impressive mountain roads in the United States called, built here in the late 30s of the XX century (look at the video) .

10 Most Popular National Parks in the USA

In addition, I will give a table with the ten most popular US national parks *:

* Based on a count of all registered visits to US national parks in 2017.

National parks in the United States are often combined with protected and specially protected areas. In such cases, the territory is divided into sectors so as not to harm nature and allow tourists to spend time here.

This approach allows one part of the park to support another, while educating travelers. The rules of conduct in protected areas are fundamentally different from those in Russia. In, for example, all activities are prohibited; in the United States, you can engage in sport hunting in nature reserves. But in national parks, the opposite is true.

Reserves are needed to preserve unique types of terrain, as well as rare species. Tourism and related infrastructure are developed everywhere, but there are exceptions. Usually these include particularly remote corners or those located on the islands. Depending on the state, nature in America also varies greatly.

The most famous reserves in America, a list with names, photos and descriptions


It is the oldest national park in the world (1872). Its area of ​​898 thousand hectares is distributed over three states: Montana, Wyoming, Idaho. Subsequently, it received the status of a biosphere reserve and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Attractions: Yellowstone Caldera, half of all geysers on the planet, including Old Faithful, numerous hot springs, such as Emerald.


Located on 373 thousand hectares in the state of Washington. Founded in 1938, but later became a biosphere reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since it is located on a peninsula and has been little affected, unique ecosystems have formed here. Features: rainforests, alpine meadows, glaciers and more. It is open to tourists from July to September.

mammoth cave

It refers not only to national parks, but also to biosphere reserves, as well as to UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Founded in 1941 on a space of 21 thousand hectares in Kentucky. Named after the longest cave system on the planet. By its type, it is karst, has a length of 627 km, and a depth of 115 m. There are cave rivers and lakes. Excursion tours vary in duration and complexity of the route.

Hawaiian volcanoes

The national park covers an area of ​​130 thousand hectares. Located in the state of Hawaii since 1916. The status of a biosphere reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site has been assigned. The territory is a volcanic desert Cau, where volcanoes of varying degrees of activity are found everywhere. For example, Kilauea erupts continuously and slowly. Access to the park is sometimes blocked if it becomes unsafe to visit.

Great Smoky Mountains

National park, part of a biosphere reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Founded in 1934 on an area of ​​210 thousand hectares in North Carolina and Tennessee. The Appalachian Trail passes through it - the longest hiking route on the planet. Attractions: Cherokee reservation, observation deck at the highest point of the park, waterfalls. You can play golf, ride electric cars, arrange a horse ride.

Glacier Bay

The national park, which is part of the biosphere reserve, was founded in 1980. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Located in Alaska, occupying most of the coast of the state. Attractions: Icebergs and glaciers, including Lamplough and Margery. Tourists are offered regular cruises. Leisure activities are also varied: fishing, catamaran trips, rock climbing, rafting and more.


It is located in Montana on an area of ​​410 thousand hectares. Founded in 1910 as a national park, after 66 years it was recognized as a biosphere reserve, and in 1995 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The main tourist season is in the summer, the rest of the time there are restrictions. Hiking, water and auto routes have been laid, the latter include the "Valley of the Sun": it lasts two hours and allows you to see the main beauties of the park.


The time of the actual formation of the national park in Florida is 1947. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and in the number of biosphere reserves. The area is 610 thousand hectares. The land is cut by swamps, rivers, channels, lakes and streams. Thickets of grass reach the height of human growth. The only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist. Among the plants, orchids stand out, of which there are more than 25 species.


The national park was founded in 1890 on an area of ​​163 thousand hectares in California. It also has the status of a biosphere reserve. You can drive part of the way. The local museum has a height scale showing what huge sequoias are comparable to. For example, they are taller than the Statue of Liberty. In addition to souvenirs, shops sell tree sprouts. Picnic areas, campsites, and parking areas are found throughout the park.

rocky mountain

Two in one: national park and nature reserve. Location - Colorado, year of foundation - 1915, area - 107 thousand hectares. One of the features is the continental divide. The most beautiful lakes: Spraig, Bear, Nymph. The latter is covered with water lilies. The eastern part of the park is much drier than the western part. When planning a visit, you need to choose the time carefully, as heavy rains are frequent here.

Kings Canyon

The area of ​​the national park located in California is 186 thousand hectares. It borders Sequoia National Park and is also a biosphere reserve. Founded in 1940. The current appearance of the valley and its surroundings was due to ancient earthquakes. Notable objects: Panorama Point, Zumwalt Glade, Screaming River, which has a waterfall, Grant Grove, Hume Lake. You can stay in one of the lodges or camping.

Joshua Tree

The National Park and Biosphere Reserve covers an area of ​​319,000 hectares in California. Appeared on the maps in 1994. The area is partly desert, partly covered with rock formations. Attractions: Barker Dam - a kind of oasis, on the huge boulders of which you can see petroglyphs, Hall of Horrors - a site popular with rock climbers, Skull Rock, so named because of its shape.

Isle Royal

It occupies 231 thousand hectares from the Michigan area. It became a national park in 1940 and a biosphere reserve in 1980. The island location favorably affected the preservation of plant and animal species. Numerous lighthouses help to navigate among the small islands. You can get here by canoe or ferry. The populations of moose and wolves are especially closely monitored here, taking into account each individual.


The National Park and Biosphere Reserve belongs to the state of Hawaii. Since 1961, it has gained independence, having separated from the neighboring park. The area is approximately 12 thousand hectares of the island of Maui. According to legend, the demigod of the same name hid the sun here, wanting to lengthen the day. The main attraction is the Haleakala volcano, which went out more than 200 years ago. The observatory conducts research activities.

Dry Tortugas

It has existed since 1935 in the form of a national park, and it became a biosphere reserve even earlier. It is located on the archipelago and coral reefs off the coast of Florida. The area is 26 thousand hectares. Landmark - Fort Jefferson, built in the middle of the XIX century. It has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time and has become a tourist and historical site. Nearby is the resort of Key West.


It covers an area of ​​approximately 2.5 million hectares in the central part of Alaska. It has existed since 1917, but has changed geographically. Landmark: Denali is the highest mountain in North America. Peculiarity - Railway passing through the national park, which is not typical for protected areas. The flora also includes Asian species, since in the distant past the continents were connected by an isthmus.

Death Valley

Most of the national park and biosphere reserve is in California, the rest is in Nevada. Founded in 1994, area - 1.3 million hectares. The driest of the US parks, the temperature record is +56.7°C. One of the interesting phenomena is the movement of boulders, leaving a mark on the cracked earth. Notable Places: Devil's Hole, Ubheb Crater, Desert of Flowers.


The national park, also recognized as a biosphere reserve, was founded in 2003. Located in North Carolina, near the state capital. The area is swampy, wooden platforms are laid everywhere for the convenience of tourists. You can also explore the beauty of the park from a canoe or boat. Relic dark coniferous forests are a unique natural object that is no longer found in the district.

Channel Islands

The National Park and Biosphere Reserve is located in California on an area of ​​101 thousand hectares. Founded in 1980, although these lands were previously protected to varying degrees. It includes the water area of ​​the coast of the state and the island. At the same time, only a quarter of Santa Cruz is given over to the park. The main tourist flow comes in the summer, in other seasons people come here to watch migrating whales or go diving.

Big Bend

The location of the national park and biosphere reserve is the border with Mexico, Texas. It exists since 1944 and covers an area of ​​324 thousand hectares. Desert climate, cracked ground, cacti as the main vegetation are typical features of the park. Hiking, climbing, bird watching are popular. You can also cross the Rio Grande and end up in a Mexican village.


Established a national monument and preserve in 1978 in Alaska. The area is 243 thousand hectares. It is named after the active volcano, which has an impressive caldera diameter. The territory is divided into zones with different statuses: for example, sport hunting is allowed in some, and not in others. Depending on the weather conditions, the leisure of tourists also changes: rafting, fishing, rock climbing, hydroplane flights.

Bering Land Bridge

Alaska's 1 million hectare area was designated a National Wildlife Refuge in 1978. It includes the Seward Peninsula, as well as the islands around. Researchers suggest that here in the distant past there was an isthmus connecting North America with Asia. The terrain is heterogeneous: next to the tundra and swamps, frozen lava areas, lakes, meadows and hot springs coexist.

Big Cypress

Acquired the status of a national reserve in 1974. Located in Florida, covering 295 thousand hectares. It borders Everglades Park. Hunting is prohibited in some areas, in others, on the contrary, it is a tourist destination. The area is swampy, which is suitable for breeding alligators. There are also very rare species of animals, such as the Florida cougar. Maybe independent travel in the reserve (it is free), or with a guide.

lunar craters

The name of this Idaho National Monument and Preserve comes from the magma traps that look like lunar craters. It has the current status since 1924, the area is 289 thousand hectares. Attractions: A lava field, along which a hiking route was laid, the Devil's Garden - a place where plants made their way through solid soil, a volcanic cone towering above the valley.

Gates of the Arctic

The translation of the name of this national park and reserve is “Gates of the Arctic”. It occupies an area of ​​3.4 million hectares in Alaska. It has been in its current position since 1980. The wilderness area designated here is one of the largest in the United States. The population of bears is fixed up to the counting of each individual. There are no roads and no tourist infrastructure, which is the reason for the low attendance.

Great Sand Dunes

The National Park and Preserve was founded in Colorado in 2004 and has an area of ​​over 3.4 million hectares. The terrain is heterogeneous: sand dunes, mountain tundra, mountain peaks, mixed and coniferous forests, swamps. Medano Creek changes course periodically due to erosion and wind. An unusual entertainment is going down the sandy hills on special boards, they can be rented.


Located in Alaska on an area of ​​1.6 million hectares. The national park and reserve was established in 1980. The most curious object is the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. More than a hundred years ago, it was covered with ash, and the Lethe River formed canyons from the cooled rock. Now there is no smoke, but the name remains. There are more than 2000 bears. They are monitored through cameras installed in the park.

Lake Clark

Congress granted its current status to Alaska National Park and Preserve in 1980. The area is 1.6 million hectares. In part of the territory, sport hunting is allowed, and fishing is prohibited everywhere. Attractions include volcanoes, some are active, but there are no strong eruptions. Another interesting natural object is Lake Clark, declared a national monument.

Wrangell St. Elias

It is currently a national park and nature reserve. Location - Alaska, appeared in 1980, area - 5.3 million hectares, which makes it the largest in the United States. There are hot springs near volcanoes, including mud springs. A road runs through the park, and camping sites are laid out near it. In the past, minerals were mined here, now almost nothing reminds of this. UNESCO site.


It exists since 1978, but later the status of the national reserve was supplemented. Spread over 2.6 million hectares in Alaska. Animals and plants are characteristic of the taiga and tundra. The location beyond the Arctic Circle affects the climate, for example, in summer at a temperature of +20 ° C, it can snow sharply. Among the activities of the park: sport hunting and descent along the rapids, but rather calm river.

The first US national park is the famous Yellowstone National Park (founded on March 1, 1872, although officially Hot Springs National Park is 40 years older), located on the border of the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone is one of the largest national parks on the planet (an area of ​​almost 900 thousand hectares) and a unique geological phenomenon, on the territory of which there are 200 geysers, more than a thousand hot mineral springs, the most beautiful sinter forms of Mammoth springs, many tectonic valleys and gorges with an unusual landscape, several rivers with waterfalls up to a hundred meters high, many fossils and a rich living community.

To the south lies the beautiful Great Teton National Park, with its vast forests (approximately 310,000 acres) and picturesque rocky areas - a great place for hiking, horseback riding and cycling excursions. Here you can find 12 beautiful mountain peaks over 3,500 meters high, seven equally beautiful lakes in the valleys and about a hundred alpine lakes, almost 400 km of various hiking trails and routes, and many places for outdoor activities.

Nearly 20% of California is covered by various protected areas. In the southern part of the state, the lands of the vast Mojave Desert National Reserve are spread, including about a dozen protected areas of local importance that protect the natural natural complexes of this unique desert, as well as the northern spurs of the famous Death Valley.

On the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range is Yosemite National Park (area 3081 sq. Km). Located at altitudes from 600 to 4000 meters above sea level, it is famous for its cleanest rivers (about 2600) with huge waterfalls (Yosemite - 742 m, Snow Creek - 652 m and about two dozen more waterfalls over 90 m high), El - Capitano (900 m high and 1600 m across - the largest single granite rock on the planet), the monumental High Sierra ridges with an abundance of glacial landscapes, deep and narrow canyons, thickets of giant sequoia, Glacier Point glaciers, as well as unique flora and fauna (160 endemic plant species and 1400 local species grow here). Suffice it to say that the only distribution area of ​​the giant sequoia on Earth has been preserved only here, on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, therefore, specialized national parks are located near Yosemite - Sequoia (the largest representatives of this species), King Canyon National Park (King River Canyon). River - the second deepest in the United States), as well as the deserted Joshua Tree National Park, whose relict vegetation has no analogues on the planet.

Utah has perhaps the most beautiful and famous nature reserves in the United States. Zion National Park (593 sq. km) protects the unique erosional landforms of the Virgin River Canyon with its castle-like and tower-like rock formations, colorful canyons and cliffs, forests and waterfalls. Unlike the Mojave Desert surrounding the park, it is literally teeming with life - there are about 289 species of birds, 75 species of mammals (including 19 species of bats), 32 reptiles and about 450 plant species, which makes it possible to divide the park into four natural zones - the desert , coastal, mixed and coniferous forests.

Canyonlands National Park, located between the Green River and the Colorado southwest of the city of Moab, is the largest and most impressive of Utah's national parks. On an area of ​​almost 900 sq. km concentrated up to a thousand canyons of all shapes and sizes, dozens of beautiful plateaus, gorges, red limestone towers and lifeless rocks, as well as huge areas of completely wild terrain in the confluence of the Green River and Colorado, a whole labyrinth of virtually inaccessible Meise canyons, Needles rock towers, green areas of the Island of the Sky and many other unique natural sites.

Bryce Canyon National Park lies in the southwestern part of Utah (80 km northeast of Zion), on the 38-kilometer shelf of the eastern edge of the Ponsogunt plateau (about 2400 meters above sea level). This is a giant natural amphitheater with a total length of 443 km, created over millions of years by tectonic processes and winds. Thin "turrets" of remnant rocks of the most incredible shapes and most delicate colors up to 60 meters high, called "hoodoos", rise among sand dunes, rocky cornices and coniferous groves, forming an indescribable play of colors and shapes, especially picturesque in winter, when all this splendor is set off by snow-white cover, or at sunset. More than 400 species of plants, 160 species of birds and about 60 species of mammals grow in the park.

Arches National Park near Moab is a vast (area of ​​about 309 sq. Km) area of ​​weathered red and yellow rocks, forming a real natural gallery of more than 1800 natural arches of various shapes and sizes - from the 1723-meter Elephant Butte to 1245 -meter Center Butte. But the main decoration of the park is incomprehensibly how it fits on the edge of the canyon, Delicate Arch, whose thickness in some places does not exceed 70 cm. This is one of the largest accumulations of natural arches in the world.

In south-central Utah is Capitol Reef National Park (979 square kilometers), often referred to as Wayne's Wonderland. Really like a colossal reef wall of ocher, white and red rocks up to 300 meters high and deep canyons stretch for 120 km from Southend Lake Mountain in the north to Powell Lake in the south. The deepest and calmest Lake Powell, or Mead (the second largest artificial reservoir in the United States), seems to be a figment of fantasy against the backdrop of dry landscapes and weathered rocks.

Monument Valley is a unique geological formation, which is an elevated plain that is part of the Colorado Plateau. Like other parks in Utah, this unique geological formation in the heart of the desert is a collection of remnants of red sandstone and harder rocks. But unlike the "neighbors", most of which are classic "canyon lands", in Monument Valley the distance between the remnants is greater, and the valleys between them are wider, which turns its easily recognizable view into one of the "calling cards" of the United States, captured on thousands of postcards and in dozens of films.

The state of New Mexico is famous for its desert landscapes, a number of unique geological formations. Many are designated national parks - Carlsbad Caverns, Rio Grande Canyon, Taos Ridge and more. Against the backdrop of wonderful nature, it is worth highlighting two unique museums, one of a kind. These are the Los Alamos Atomic Weapons Museum ( and the Roswell UFO Museum ( In the first case we are talking about a unique museum operating at one of the most secret scientific laboratories in the United States, and in the second case, about a UFO museum operating near the alleged crash site of an alien spacecraft in 1946.

The main natural decoration of the state of Washington is Olympic National Park (area 3734 sq. Km), stretching around the ancient volcanic massif Olympus (2424 m). This green coastal zone, surrounded on three sides by the waters of the ocean and bays, has extensive relict forests, lakes, alpine meadows and glaciers. Often referred to as "three parks in one," Olympic National Park supports three different ecosystems at once (about 95% of the park has forest reserve status), including the northernmost rainforest on the planet, Hoh and Kinault (the wettest area in the continental United States) . In addition, Mount Rainier National Park (Mount Rainier, 4393 m) with its alpine landscapes and glaciers, as well as Mount St. Helens Volcanic Park are located in the state.

Colorado is another place where a large number of unique natural objects are concentrated. The Rocky Mountains and the entire Cordillera system provide unique conditions for outdoor activities and nature observation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most "democratic" Rocky Mountain National Park (area 1075 sq. Km) is located here - a favorite place summer holidays Americans. Here you can find dozens of untouched territories, primarily alpine meadows and high-mountain tundra, and routes clogged with tourists of all categories of complexity (total length - more than 640 km!) To the most picturesque lakes, waterfalls, forests and peaks (this is one of the few places in the world , where you can get stuck in a traffic jam at an altitude of more than 3000 meters - the park is visited annually by more than 3 million people), as well as in the habitats of numerous animals, including such rare ones as the mountain cougar.

Also very popular are the red "turrets" of the weathered sandstone of the Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs, the Mesa Verde Historical Reserve (an area of ​​​​21 thousand hectares), Black Canyon in the Gunnison National Park with its the 85-kilometer gorge of the river of the same name, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fantastic red canyons, pillars and cliffs of the Colorado Dinosaur National Monument (one of the largest deposits of fossilized remains of these reptiles), as well as the Great Sands Dunes National Park with the highest sand dunes on the continent and the ruins of an ancient Indian Civilizations of the Hovenweep Reserve.

The main decoration of Montana is glaciers (however, only 15 of the 150 once vast mountain ice fields remain, the rest are rapidly melting), but there are several truly unique conservation areas - the Beason Range near Missoula (the population of black bison that has almost disappeared today is protected here ), Glacier International Park in the Lewis Mountains (part of the park lies on the territory of Canada), the northern part of Yellowstone Park, as well as the reserves of Bob Marshall and Charles Russell.

In Texas, the most famous Big Bend National Park (3241 sq. Km) south of El Paso is one of the famous "canyon parks" of the southern part of the USA. The "Great Bend" of the Rio Grande here cuts through soft rocks a whole network of canyons and gorges surrounded by desert, dry forests and steppes. The Santa Helen and Boquillas Canyons are the state's best rafting destinations, and the unique arid (dry) flora attracts many hikers and horseback riders. Also popular are the Palo Duro Canyon State Park near Amarillo, the Santa Ana Sanctuary - one of the best bird sanctuaries in the United States, and the Padre Island Sanctuary.

The original nature of Florida is also under the scrutiny of many environmental organizations and the state. One of the most famous here is the Everglades National Park (Everglades), created with public donations on May 30, 1934 to protect a subtropical wetland located in the heart of agricultural and tourist areas. The territory of the park is 6105 sq. km and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, because only here you can observe in one place the almost untouched life of the unique ecosystem of ancient tropical swamps. There are 25 species of orchids and more than 2,000 species of other plants, more than 36 species of animals, including the American alligator and crocodile, the Florida panther or cougar (Puma concolor), and the manatee, more than 300 species of birds have been recorded, seven of which are rare. types.

Also on the territory of Florida are Biscayne National Park (protects mangrove forests and coastal coral reefs), Dry Tortugas Reserve with its coral reefs and the country's largest coastal fort - Jefferson (1846), Key Deer, Great White Heron reserves and Big Cypress, as well as Key Largo National Park - the first underwater reserve in the United States and the location of the first underwater hotel on the planet.

Alaska is one of the most diverse natural regions in the United States. The main decoration of the state is the huge (area of ​​2.5 million hectares - more than the state of Massachusetts) Denali National Park, covering almost half of the territory of the Alaska Range. Here you can see the highest point of the continent - Mount McKinley (6194 m), unique natural communities of mountain forests, tundra and alpine wastelands, a unique tectonic Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, many wide rivers and glacial valleys, pristine lakes and other areas almost untouched by civilization nature. Also unique in their parameters are the national parks Glacier Bay, Gates-of-the-Arctic, Yukon-Charlie and Wrangell-St. Elias, uniting all the natural zones of Alaska, the Katmai and Kenai Fjords parks, the fjords of the Alexander archipelago and the Tongass Forest.

Also world famous are Acadia National Park (Maine), the Badlands Moonscape (South and North Dakota), the Ile Royale Archipelago on Lake Superior, the pristine landscapes of Voyagers Park (Minnesota), Channel Island Park and Lassen Walkenix Volcano Park (California). ), the ancient volcanic lake of the Crater Lake Park (Oregon), the severe natural and climatic conditions of the Mojave and Death Valley parks (Nevada, California), the unique species composition of the inhabitants of the Great Smoky Mountains (North Carolina), Guadeloupe Mountains ( Texas), Hawaii Walkinos and Haleakala Volcanic Parks (Hawaii), Kobuk Valley Boreal Forest Park and Lake Clark Lake Park (Alaska), picturesque river valleys and caves of Mammoth Cave Park, waterfalls of Cumberland Gap Park (Kentucky), the petrified forest and colorful landscapes of Petrified Forest, the cactus thickets of Saguaro Park and the fantastic landscapes of Pinted Desert (Arizona), as well as dozens of other equally interesting protected areas.

Summer's soon. Time for holidays, warm evenings, walks in the fresh air. Have you already decided where to go on vacation - at least for a couple of days? In America, there are places where you want to return again and again, being there once.

We are talking about national parks, about these treasures of nature and history that you can finally see with your own eyes! The only difficulty is choosing which park to go to. There is only one vacation, but there are a great many nature reserves.

websiteselected for you the 12 most interesting national parks that will visit you this summer!

The Teton Ridge towers majestically over Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Grand Teton ranks at the top of rankings such as "Best Park in the United States" and "Best National Park in the World." Professional photographers and amateurs come here from all over the world to capture the mountains rising to 4 thousand meters and the reflection of their peaks in the mirror surface of the lakes Jenny And Jackson.

In the hottest time, in summer, tens of thousands of tourists come to the park with the sole purpose of feeling like a part of this grandiose creation of nature. Do you think that here you can only click the camera and walk in the mountains? Here and no! Spend a few days camping - and each new day will be different from the previous one. Walking through the park, visitors make discoveries every now and then: either they will find a full-flowing waterfall, or a clearing strewn with wildflowers, which seem to be created for picnics with elves and naiads.

River Snake Riverideal for both kayaking and rafting (inflatable boats), as well as for simple boat trips. History buffs are advised to visit areas such as menors ferry And Mormon Row. Here you will learn a lot of interesting things from the history of the region in the 19th century. What about nature lovers? More than 800 km2 of the park are inhabited by grizzlies, antelopes, bison. Meeting with them is not such a rarity! Just a few kilometers from Teton is Yellowstone National Park. A nice bonus for passionate travelers will be the opportunity to visit 2 of the most famous reserves at once, saving $10.

This park can rightly be considered a champion. It's hard to imagine, but every year it passes through its paths more than 11 millionvisitors from all over the world! For comparison, the Grand Canyon is visited by half as many tourists. Great Smoky Mountains is the largest protected area in the United States. His total area - more than 200 thousand hectares. You can get here from two states: from Gatlinburg (Tennessee) and from Cherokee (North Carolina). The Blue Ridge Mountains cross the park, making it even more impressive. Almost 1.7 thousand trees grow here. various kinds plants - no other natural area in the USA can boast of such a variety!

When you come here, be sure to go up to the observation deck Klingman House- the highest point of the reserve. He will appear before you in all his glory. Just for the sake of this spectacle, it is worth spending several hours in the car!

The secret of the park's success is that it is good at any time of the year. In winter, for example, when the skeleton of the park is exposed, one can clearly see the sheer cliffs, their foothills and traces of former civilizations. When nature comes to life, the mountains are covered with a motley carpet of the most bizarre patterns and shapes. In early autumn, a romantic atmosphere reigns here. The exhausting heat is no longer there, and the piercing winds have not yet come - at this time lovers of long walks come here.

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous and most visited attractions in the country. Its unique views are often used in video clips and films. What caused such interest in the reserve? A truly grandiose mountain range 446 km long and 29 km wide was formed in Arizona 5-6 million years ago. And what a combination of the most unimaginable colors and shapes - there is nothing like it anywhere in the world! The Grand Canyon is a must visit at least once in your life!

Walking here is a real pleasure: with every step, unique landscapes open up to the eye. Or you can do something more extreme. What do you think of the idea of ​​taking a helicopter flight over the reserve? Or a ride in an open jeep? Whatever entertainment you choose, the Grand Canyon will forever remain in your memory and on your Instagram page!

Do you want to experience truly memorable moments? Then urgently add a visit to your plans Hawaiian Volcanic National Park. Where else can you feel the power of the planet like this, if not on these 200 hectares, next to two (!!!) active volcanoes? Light haze, barely noticeable ripples swaying over the fields of solidified lava, gives the area an aura of mystery.

Hawai'i Volcanoes is a world-class biosphere reserve recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Here you can endlessly walk along the paths of the "lunar" valleys, explore the tropical forests, spy on the life of volcanoes! You shouldn't be afraid. In case of the slightest threat, the park management takes all necessary measures.

Another place of tourist pilgrimage is the Yellowstone Nature Reserve, which is spread across 3 states at once. Here you can live your whole life, marveling at the fantasy of nature every day. It's no joke - more than 800 thousand hectares! Already one geyser Old Faithful, throwing hot jets into the air every hour, it's worth it to pack a backpack, fill in the route in the navigator and hit the road! Yellowstone is also home to the largest thermal spring in the United States - Grand Prismatic. And how is the nature here... To meet a buffalo or a bear in the park is the most common thing!

The Yellowstone Preserve has stunning sunsets. Going for a walk or in the mountains, set aside at least 15 minutes in the evening to calmly admire this beauty, rare in its naturalness. Biking, boating, visiting Old Faithful or a stunning waterfall Lower Fallsattract millions of tourists to Yellowstone seeking to relax and recharge.

california Sequoia -one of the oldest national parks in America with the tallest and oldest trees not only in the country, but in the world. The height of some giants reaches 83 m! Next to them you feel like a midget from a fairy tale about Gulliver. Studying all this beauty, you will become a real tracker - access to 82% of the park is possible only on horseback or on foot. No bikes or jeeps for you!

For its grandiose size, the sequoia was nicknamed the "skyscraper of nature." Every year, more than 1 million visitors come to the park of the same name to see with their own eyes 5 of the 10 tallest trees in the world, walk along the snow-covered slopes of the mountains and admire the diversity of forest fauna.

rocky mountain


national park rocky mountain, or Rocky Mountains, is one of the most visited biosphere reserves under the protection of UNESCO. Why are people so eager to spend their holidays here?

Therefore, for the inhabitants of the stone jungle, this is a real paradise: almost 600 km of picturesque trails, along which tourists like to ride on horseback or in jeeps, overlooking the endless virgin valleys, pristine forests, bizarre mountainous terrain.

What about climbing trips? Climbers love this place. And not only professionals who conquer the most difficult peaks, but also just lovers of simple ascents. So, a walk near the lake can be planned even for families with kids.

Here is the highest paved road in the United States - Trail Ridge Road.

Giant sequoias in Yosemite National Park seem even taller against the backdrop of bright blue lakes that reflect gray-white rocks. In the most beautiful state of the country, it is difficult to give the palm to any particular place. And Yosemite is beyond competition! It is impossible to compete with such a riot of nature, with an incredible combination of rocks, lakes, forests, fields and valleys that the inventor of nature has created here.

Meets tourists El Capitan- the largest granite formation in the world. A great opportunity to test your imagination and see the face of the "rock"!

There are more than 20 waterfalls in the park, including such famous ones as Yosemite at 740 m and Snow Creek (650 m). And here are the real glaciers!

Yosemite has been a national treasure for over 125 years. Explore hundreds of kilometers of trails - on foot or on horseback, wander between gigantic sequoias. And don't forget to capture this day in one of the most photographed places - Half Dome. This rock is the symbol of the park.

IN Mount Rainier , which was recognized in 1899 as the 5th national park in the United States, attracts nature lovers from all over America. The most high point park - top of the mountain Rainierrises more than 4.4 thousand meters above sea level. 6 major rivers of the park also originate here and the largest accumulation of glaciers in the United States is located.

What awaits the traveler in this park? Alpine and subalpine meadows and coniferous forests have formed on the slopes of Rainier. Glaciers surrounded the mountain in a dense ring. On the Pacific Northwest coast, this combination of ecosystems is no longer found - that's why an inexhaustible stream of people who want to see this miracle is striving here.

Does size always matter? For the reserve hot springs- not the slightest! The smallest national park in the US is visited annually 1.5 milliongrateful tourists. What attracts them here, what encourages them to overcome many kilometers? The answer is simple: water complexes located on the territory of the park bathhouse row: baths, residential buildings and gardens. This place was created for outdoor recreation and healing in hot springs.

However, not only swim all day long. Climb the mountain tower - mountain range view washita, opening from the highest point, will turn the head of any aesthete.

Once upon a time about impenetrable swamps covered most of this place, in which alligators swarmed among the roots of mangrove trees. People bypassed these swamps. Now here, just 45 minutes from Miami, is a state-protected park. Everglades, also recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Today, rare animals still live in the reserve, in particular manatees and the already mentioned alligators. Great luck to meet a panther. True, this requires caution and patience.

The park offers a huge amount of entertainment for every taste: hiking, kayaking, cycling, fishing ... What do you think about treasure hunting? Be sure to visit one of the most popular national parks on east coast United States - what if you find a treasure?

Strictly speaking, brycenot a canyon at all, but a huge natural amphitheater. However, the name stuck, and now this unique reserve is known as Bryce Canyon.

The park annually hosts a multi-day astronomy festival - the star cover is so unusual in these parts. For millions of years, water and wind have destroyed the local mountains, "carving" the most bizarre relief that you can imagine. The colors of the canyon are pink, red, orange. How does nature manage to be so unpredictable?

A trip to Bryce Canyon must be included in the summer travel program of every self-respecting traveler. More than 100 species of birds and animals live in the park, and the flora is represented by more than a thousand names.

Updated: August 20, 2019 by: Anna Kazakova

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