Open the left menu baikal. I will present to your attention a review about the rest in the village of Bolshoye Goloustnoye on Lake Baikal Pribaikalsky National Park

Waterproofing 06.12.2020

The village of Gremyachinsk is a small settlement on east coast Lake Baikal, which is considered one of the most important tourist centers of the Baikal region. The village got its name from a small stream with a beautiful waterfall - Gremyachiy, which flows into Lake Dikoe not far from it. The village was founded by supporters of the Old Believers at the end of the 18th century.

The village of Gremyachinsk is located in the east of the Baikal region of the Republic of Buryatia, in the south-east of Russia. There you can visit several interesting places - sandy beaches, a picturesque bay, cafes, several recreation centers, Wild Lake and the Kiku River. Also in the village there are two powerful ships - "Grozny" and "Mirage". In the village of Gremyachinsk, everyone can enjoy the ozonized sea air and health improvement at its expense.

One of the most interesting periods in the life of the village is the time of festivals and mass competitions, when many people gather here. local residents and visitors. You can settle in Gremyachinsk in a boarding house, guest houses or at a recreation center.

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Lake Baikal is located on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia - in the center of the Asian continent. "Blue Eye of Siberia", "Sacred Sea", "Diamond of the Planet" - this is what Baikal is called. The deep-water lake stores the world's largest reserve of fresh water, unique in composition. It is not only pure and transparent, but also contains so little mineral salts that it is equated to distilled one.

In the shape of a nascent crescent, Baikal stretches from the southwest to the northeast. The length of the lake is 636 km, the maximum width in the central part is 81 km, the minimum width opposite the Selenga delta is 27 km. Baikal is located at an altitude of 455 m above sea level, the length of the coastline is about 2 thousand km. More than half of the lake's coastline is protected.

About 300 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, while the Selenga River brings half of the water flowing into the lake. The only river that flows out of Baikal is the Angara. There are about 20 islands on the lake, the largest of which is Olkhon.

Baikal is surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges and hills - the western coast is more rocky and steep than the eastern one. The picturesque surroundings with an exceptional diversity of flora and fauna attract tourists from all over the world. This region has received the status of a planetary nature reserve. By the number of rare plants growing only here, it surpasses Madagascar and the Galapagos Islands. The most favorable time for recreation on Lake Baikal - from May to October. In summer, in addition to excursions, hiking and fishing, tourists have access to beach holidays, and in winter - skiing.

How to get to Baikal

Search for air tickets to the city of Irkutsk (the nearest airport to Baikal)

The main resorts of Baikal

What to bring

From Baikal they bring branded delicacies - omul, grayling and cold-smoked whitefish, pine nuts, collections and teas on Baikal herbs - sagan-daila, ginseng, golden root. Ethnic souvenirs are popular - Buryat national clothes, smoking pipes, knives, tambourines, figurines of shamans, amulets, as well as handicrafts made of birch bark, jewelry made of bone and stones. Children will surely like souvenirs with the image of the most charming symbol of Lake Baikal - the seal.

What to try

The Baikal places are famous for the Buryat and Siberian cuisine, which are based on fish and meat dishes. The impression of a trip to Lake Baikal will be incomplete if you do not try a local gastronomic attraction - hot smoked omul. Another specific Baikal fish is golomyanka, it is delicious dried. In addition, whitefish and grayling are required for tasting in different cooking options, especially the way fishermen cook them on a fire - on rozhny. Split and zaguday - specialty fish dishes. Splitting is slices of freshly frozen fish with salt and pepper, and zaguday is freshly salted fish flavored with spices and oil. Among the Buryat dishes, it is recommended to taste poses reminiscent of large dumplings, lamb soup - bukhler, and green tea with milk in Buryat style. The Siberian Territory is rich in wild berries - stoneberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries and sea buckthorn. They can be bought from locals along the trails or at the grocery markets. The famous Siberian mushroom season begins in August.

The best photos of Baikal

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Guides on Baikal

Entertainment and attractions of Baikal

The flora and fauna of the Baikal region are unusually diverse and number up to 2.6 thousand species and varieties, three quarters of which are not found anywhere else in the world. The lake is home to 58 species of fish. The most famous are omul, whitefish, grayling, taimen, sturgeon, golomyanka, lenok. 200 species of birds nest on the shores. Baikal is home to a unique, typically marine mammal - the Baikal seal. In summer, they can be seen quite often in the central and northern parts of the lake. There are three national reserves and two natural national parks in the Baikal region, designed to protect its unique flora and fauna.

The Baikal region is the territory near Lake Baikal, stretching along its eastern coast, crossed by the valleys of the Selenga, Turka, Itantsa, Kika, Khaim, Kotochik rivers, as well as a number of smaller rivers. Along the coast there are mountain spurs of the Golondinsky, Ulan-Burgasy and Morsky ranges. The Baikal region has long been inhabited by humans. Many ancient monuments have been preserved here, including sites of the Paleolithic, Neolithic, burial grounds of different times, rock paintings.

In total, there are about 30 springs on the lake, the most famous of them are in the Tunkinskaya valley (Arshan, Zhemchug) and in the north of Baikal (Khakusy, Dzelinda, Solnechny). "Singing sands" of the western coast, a 17th century monastery in the village of Posolskoye, Bystrinsky waterfalls, Uluntuiskaya cave, Circum-Baikal railway.

Cape Burkhan stands out among the Baikal attractions. It is one of the 9 shrines of Asia and a visiting card of Olkhon. Burkhan is the main deity of Lake Baikal for Buddhist Buryats, and Cape Burkhan with a through cave in the Shaman Rock is considered his abode.

Climbing the Chersky Peak (2090 m) is a popular route that does not require special equipment. The length of the trail, which starts from Slyudyanka, is 25 km. At the foot of this mountain there is a picturesque alpine lake Serdtse.

Slyudyanskie lakes are located 25 km from Severobaikalsk. The large lake reaches 2 km in diameter and is surrounded by sandy beaches, the water in it warms up well. The route along the serpentine path will lead to the mica adits, from where a breathtaking view of Lake Baikal and Cape Tonkiy opens.

Malocheremshanskaya cave. The largest cave grotto on the eastern coast of the northern part of Lake Baikal is located 50 m south of the mouth of the Malaya Cheremshana. Its depth - 15 m, height 10-15 m, width at the entrance - 2 m 8 m.

Baidinsky Caves - a popular excursion from Olkhon Island. The caves have several grottoes and halls that can be visited without special equipment. Dream Cave with huge stalactites and glass is the most famous and most beautiful cave of Lake Baikal. It is located 7 km from the village of Sakhyurta in the Tazheran steppes. It contains the Throne and Music Halls, where ice formations can emit melodious sounds. Shishkinsky Pisanitsy - drawings on the Lena rocks near Lake Baikal, dating back to the Paleolithic era.

Yehe Erdo is a mountain of ideal regular shape on the right bank of the Anga River, 10 km from the village of Elantsy. This is the place where in ancient times the Erdynsky Games were held - a cult holiday of Siberian peoples. Women are forbidden to climb the mountain, local men also try to avoid it, and only shamans can freely climb to perform their rituals. Suva Saxon Castle is a group of rocks that resemble the ruins of an ancient castle in their outlines. Here the ancient Evenks performed their shamanistic rituals.

Ivolginsky Datsan is the residence of the head of the Buddhists of Russia and one of the main Buddhist centers in Siberia and Far East... The temple complex is located in the foothills of Khamar-Daban, 29 km from Ulan-Ude. The monks of this Buddhist monastery are engaged in healing with the help of Tibetan medicine and make up astrological forecasts... Mount Barkhan-Uula is one of the 5 main Buryat shrines of Lake Baikal, a place where, according to Buryat mythology, the owner of the Barguzin Valley lives. Every year, pilgrimage ascents to it are made by those who received the permission of the lama in the Kurumkansky datsan. Barkhan-Uula took first place in the republican competition "7 wonders of nature in Buryatia".

Fishing on Baikal

There are about 50 species of fish in Lake Baikal, of which only 14 are commercial fish. These are whitefish, white grayling, black grayling, lenok, taimen, sturgeon, burbot, perch, pike, roach, dace, ide, Davatchan and crucian carp ...

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Hunting on Baikal

Hunting is a traditional occupation of the inhabitants of Eastern Siberia. There are many winter huts and places rich in animals in the taiga. The main game species of animals and birds: bighorn sheep, squirrel, wolf, ermine, white hare, red deer, wild boar, musk deer, mountain goat, Siberian roe deer, fox, elk, brown bear, seal, northern deer, wolverine, sable, wood grouse, black grouse, red duck.

Baikal cruises and rafting

Most water trips around Lake Baikal start from Listvyanka village and are possible from May to December.

The densest river network is in the mountain systems of the Eastern Sayan, Khamar-Daban. Even in the upper reaches, mountain rivers reach a width of 10-15 m and a depth of 0.5-1 m, which makes them suitable for rafting and kayaking.


The climate in Eastern Siberia is sharply continental, but the huge mass of water contained in Lake Baikal and its mountainous surroundings create an extraordinary microclimate. Baikal works as a large thermal stabilizer - it is warmer in winter and a little cooler in summer than, for example, in Irkutsk, located at a distance of 60 km from the lake. The temperature difference is usually around 10 degrees. A significant contribution to this effect is made by forests that grow on almost the entire coast.

A good time for traveling among the wild is the period from June to August. At this time of the year, Lake Baikal has the warmest days and nights and, as a rule, the weather is clear and sunny.

Late autumn and early spring are the most inappropriate times for recreation and tourism in the Baikal region due to rainy weather, strong winds and muddy roads.

Due to the fact that evaporation cold water from the surface of the lake it is very insignificant, clouds over Baikal cannot form. As a result, the sky over Baikal is clear most of the time. But one should not think that the sun always shines over the lake - if you are not lucky, then you can run into one, or even two weeks of disgusting rainy weather, even in the most sunny place Lake Baikal is on Olkhon, but this happens extremely rarely.

  • What is the weather in summer on Baikal

    In winter, travel in Siberia is hampered by the harsh climatic conditions, short daylight hours and the lack of places for comfortable living far from cities. In December, it starts to get light at 9:00 and after 17:00 it gets dark quickly. At severe frosts the atmosphere is filled with dense fog, through which the sky is barely visible. Until mid-January, Baikal does not freeze, the water soars, hiding the opposite shore in the fog. At the end of winter, a powerful movement of ice occurs, and some hummocks can exceed the height of a person. In March, skiing, ice boat trips and biking on the ice of the lake and ice fishing are especially popular.


    Those wishing to see the pristine beauty of Lake Baikal without the gathering of tourists on its shores are better off coming at the beginning of summer (from May 15 to June 10). At this time, Baikal is just beginning to free itself from ice. It is still cool on Lake Baikal until mid-June, and you often have to wear warm clothes to travel by boat on the lake. The ice on the lake is melting unevenly. In the southern part of Baikal - in early May, in the northern - at the end of the month. Accumulations of ice floes on which seals can be observed continue to swim in the north of the lake until June 5-10. At this time, you can see bears on the pebble beaches of the Barguzinsky and Baikal-Lensky reserves.


    The most favorable time for wildlife travel is from June 15 to August 15. At this time of the year, Baikal has the warmest days and nights, as a rule, there is good sunny weather. Regular passenger navigation starts after June 15th. In summer, crowded campgrounds appear in the favorite recreation areas on the coast of the Maloye More and Chivyrkuisky Bay, especially where you can get by car. On the coast, where there are no roads, tourists are less common. And in the northern part of Lake Baikal, on the territory of reserves, even at the peak of the tourist season, a meeting with a person is generally a rarity.


    The end of September, Indian summer, attracts with colorful autumn colors of the forest. The mixed forests of the coast near the Peschanaya Bay and in the Chivyrkuisky Bay are especially beautiful.

Listvyanka - the gateway to Lake Baikal! This village at the source of the Angara stretches along the coastline of Lake Baikal for five kilometers. For most tourists, the first acquaintance with the great lake begins here. Therefore, it is always crowded here, and a multilingual crowd walks along the shore of Lake Baikal.

In recent years, Listvyanka has acquired distinct features of a resort area with a high concentration of modern tourist services. There are hotels and restaurants for every taste, baths and saunas with Baikal water.

And, of course, this is an interesting excursion center, a concentration of museums and curious tourist attractions.


Listvyanka is located on the southwestern coast of Lake Baikal, at the source of the largest river Angara. Distance to the nearest airport / train station in Irkutsk: 60 kilometers.

Listvyanka climate

Weather in Listvyanka

The temperature in summer (July) here reaches + 24 ° С. In winter (in January): - 23-25 ​​° С. The water is cool (up to + 17 ° С), the beaches are rocky.

The best time to visit: January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September.

Listvyanka landmarks

Baikal Museum. The only lake museum in Russia is not only a scientific institution. Here you can see in the aquariums of all the underwater abodes of Lake Baikal, "dive" to the bottom of the lake in a special bathyscaphe and see the seals' beaches via video broadcast from the reserved Ushkany Islands.

Show of Baikal seals. Both children and adults like this unique show! Only in Listvyanka did they learn how to train these freshwater seals. They count, play musical instruments, play lifeguards and stick their charming little faces out of the water to the delight of the audience.

St. Nicholas Church. This wooden architectural monument of the 19th century is the only historical building of Listvyanka. The temple is dedicated to Nicholas the Pleasant, the patron saint of navigation. How else? Baikal is a real sea!

Mountain Stone Chersky. Observation platform at a dominant height over the source of the Angara. You can climb it on foot, or you can use the year-round funicular.

Shaman-Stone. The legendary rock that divides the Angara stream in two. According to the Buryat legend, this stone was thrown after the obstinate daughter by an angry Baikal and locked her for many years, but the daughter leaked out and nevertheless rushed to her beloved Yenisei.

Fish markets. Listvyanka is famous for its fish markets. Here you can taste the famous hot smoked omul. Fresh fish is taken to small smokehouses and cooked in the smoke of alder branches for several hours. It is always served hot, like a shish kebab. The omul meat is tender, perfumed and low-fat. Two fish can provide a good meal. Also on the market you can buy smoked and salted whitefish, local caviar and many other tasty things.

Area guide

Port Baikal and the Circum-Baikal Railway is a giant engineering monument that has become a natural landmark. In terms of the saturation of engineering structures, the Circum-Baikal Railway occupies one of the first places in the world: tunnels, arches, retaining walls perfectly fit into the rocky landscape and therefore are perceived 100 years later as a natural phenomenon. You can get to the Circum-Baikal Railway by ferry from the "Slingshot" pier. In 3-4 hours you can inspect the tunnels, visit a tiny local museum and look at the lighthouse on a hill above Port Baikal. For 8-9 hours, you can explore the entire historical section of the road by train, in the summer - on an excursion boat, and in the winter - by jeep. In this case, you will see an old steam locomotive and tea bazaars and much more.

Architectural and ethnographic complex "Taltsy". An open-air museum 20 kilometers from Listvyanka towards Irkutsk. Here you can see the towers and stockade of the Ilimsky prison, a cascade of water mills, go to Siberian village houses and Buryat yurts. Here the life of ordinary people of Siberia is painstakingly recreated. The museum becomes more and more interesting every year. Now you can ride in a cart or sleigh, feed a white camel by a yurt, sweep with a breeze from an ice slide on a cow's skin, and also go to the workshop of a potter, blacksmith, glassblower, weaver and see how clay is kneaded or embroidered.

You can enter Taltsy on the way to Listvyanka (travel time - 40 minutes) or from Listvyanka (20 minutes) by bus or minibus.

Visit Listvyanka on tours

A prospector's orphanage in the Black Pad. Baikal had its own Klondike. 10 kilometers north of Listvyanka, on one of the rivers, a wooden dredge has been reconstructed. Here and now, you can wash the sand in a sieve to find grains of gold metal in it - in the simplest and most traditional way.

You can get there on foot along a fortified path - along the coast (5-6 hours) or across the pass (4-5 hours). By boat - to the village of Big cats (about an hour) and on foot (about 30 minutes).

Skriper Rock Caves. The picturesque cape stands out into a lake 20 kilometers north of Listvyanka. It is composed of Jurassic sandstone. The soft rock allowed ancient people to expand the caves. Therefore, numerous objects of the New Stone and Iron Ages were found here: stone scrapers, iron arrowheads, fragments of earthenware with various ornaments and, of course, fireplaces and bones of animals and birds.

The cave has two small halls with an area of ​​about 60 m2, their length is 6 and 8 m, width is up to 3.5 m and height is up to 4 m.

You can get there on foot along a fortified path - along the coast (about 8 hours) or across the pass (7 hours). By boat - to the village of Big cats (about an hour) and on foot (about an hour).

How to get there?

Listvyanka is accessible by road from Irkutsk (about an hour's drive) and by water from Irkutsk, from Olkhon, Bolshiye Kotov:

Depart Listvyanka:

On the Circum-Baikal Railway
make a wish in the tunnel and take pictures against the backdrop of picturesque arches

On Olkhon
meet a shaman, visit places of power

  • from Irkutsk - by regular motor ship "Barguzin" (travel time - 1 hour).
  • from Irkutsk - by car / bus (40 minutes - 1 hour)
  • from Olkhon - by motor boat (about 9 hours)
  • From Slyudyanka - by train on the Circum-Baikal railway and by ferry (about 9 hours)

Where to stay?

There are about 30 hotels, recreation centers and guest houses in Listvyanka. Listvyanka hotels are the most comfortable on Lake Baikal. Here you can choose between an Art Nouveau hotel or a small wooden chalet. At the same time, a high level of service is provided to you.

Things to do?

Listvyanka is an excursion center of Lake Baikal. All year round it is full of tourists, cafes and restaurants, as well as souvenir markets are always open. Not a single tour on Lake Baikal is complete without a visit to Listvyanka.

Lake Baikal has given rise to many legends, mysteries and myths. Some of his secrets were revealed, but many of them are still filled with mysticism, sometimes bordering on historical reality. Interest in the lake does not dry up; rather, on the contrary, every year it increasingly attracts travelers from all over the world. Many of them go directly to the tourist center of the Baikal region, which Listvyanka has been recognized for for many years. Baikal here at any time of the year reveals its charm and charm.

Tourist mecca

The village of Listvyanka was nicknamed the tourist mecca on Lake Baikal. This is the most popular vacation spot, located an hour's drive from Irkutsk. There is no better starting point for traveling around the legendary Baikal. It is from Listvyanka that they go on exciting cruises around the Pribaikalsky National Park, the famous Circum-Baikal Railway, the Baikal-Lensky Nature Reserve.

The ancient Siberian village is often called the key to the great lake. Excursions along it invariably include an unforgettable journey to the world's widest source to the Shaman-stone, surrounded by mysterious legends for a long time.

Rest in Listvyanka on Lake Baikal will allow you to see many wonders of the lake even in a short period of time, admire its endless views from a bird's eye view. You don't have to get bored here. Tourists are expected to travel on real dog sleds, the best show programs with trained seals, extreme ice diving, visits to unique museums telling about life in Siberian villages in the 17th-19th centuries.

The history of the village

The edges of the coast of the sacred lake at the source of the Angara began to inhabit more than three hundred years ago. Initially, it was the winter quarters of the Shamshurin brothers, the Natiaganovs, then a post station, and in 1726 a water crossing was established here across the lake. The first mention of the settlement is found in the notes of travelers of the 18th century. Numerous larch trees growing on the nearby Larch Cape gave the name to the settlement that arose here - Listvyanka. Baikal, from the moment the settlement was founded, became navigable, which was also facilitated by the merchants Sibiryakov, Shigaev, Shishelov, Dudorovsky, Potapov and others.

Gateway to Baikal

Listvyanka grew rapidly, new wharves, warehouses, offices, hotels appeared. She became the main pier on the great lake. It is often called the gateway to Lake Baikal.

During the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, serious difficulties emerged in the area of ​​the lake, which led to the decision to build the first ferry railway crossing in Russia. The icebreaker-ferries Baikal and Angara were ordered at the Armstrong & Co shipyard to transport trains in England. They continued to serve even after the construction of the Circum-Baikal Railway, until 1918. The ferry was destroyed during the civil war.

Nowadays, travels around Lake Baikal are carried out on comfortable luxury liners equipped with the latest navigation systems with high maneuverability, such as, for example, the two-deck motor ship Alexander Vampilov.

The magic of Baikal

Going on a trip on the lake is a dream of many. Few would refuse the most exciting adventures away from the gray haze of cities, endless affairs and eternal bustle. It will appear in the form of beautiful meadows, mountains, taiga, clean air, crystal clear water, bottomless blue sky. Majestic cliffs, amazing caves and grottoes, mysterious rock paintings, cozy coves and bays are mesmerizing. Having visited Baikal once, one cannot help but be imbued with the magic of the great lake.

The most visited place here is Listvyanka. Baikal has a lot of interesting sights that attract tourists from all over the world. The central pier offers a magnificent view of the natural wonder. Listvyanka and its environs are home to unique historical monuments, parks, entertainment complexes.

"Baikal Odyssey"

Baikal cruises are recognized as the most popular and exciting type of recreation. Traveling through the endless expanses of the lake in a special way allows you to feel all the power and unique energy of the Siberian land. This is a great chance to discover the most famous sights of the lake. And you can get to many islands, beautiful bays and bays only by water.

Holidays in Listvyanka on Lake Baikal will allow you to take advantage of one of these chances, since cruise routes usually begin and end in the village.During the trip, motor ships enter Sandy Bay, the islands of Olkhon, Ogoy, pass through the Chivyrkuisky Bay, and Kadilnaya pad. Organization of cruises is carried out and

V summer period for those wishing to travel around Lake Baikal in the circle of only close people, it is offered to rent boats and motor ships.

Listvyanka landmarks

Often, sights are surrounded by mysterious legends and myths. The same can be said about the St. Nicholas Church, located in the valley of the Cross, which is popularly nicknamed the "Traveler Church". Everyone in Listvyanka knows the history of its creation. Baikal is famous for such monuments of nature and history. The church, according to legend, was erected with the money of the Siberian merchant Xenophon Serebryakov. At the beginning of the 19th century, he suffered a disaster while sailing across a lake. He desperately prayed to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of seafarers, for salvation, promising that if he managed to survive the storm, in gratitude he would build a temple on the shore of Lake Baikal. And the miracle happened! At the source of the Angara, Serebryakov erected a chapel, and after the death of the merchant, his wife built a temple in the village of Nikola. In 1848 the church was moved to Listvyanka. In 1956, the temple was returned to Krestovaya Pad due to the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station.

The legend about old man Baikal and his meek daughter Angara is one of the most popular legends that can be heard in Listvyanka. Its sights, which must be visited, include the so-called Shaman-stone. This is the very piece of rock that was thrown in a fit of rage by Baikal after his beloved daughter Angara. Once, dancing between the mountains, she saw the mighty handsome Yenisei and fled from her father to her lover. The shaman-stone is still considered sacred, and the adherents of shamanism claimed that the spirits of the lake lived on the rock.

While sightseeing, you should not ignore the Baikal Museum, which stores unique expositions representing the flora and fauna of the lake, as well as the private art gallery of Vladimir Plamenevsky, which is at the same time a creative dacha for artists who work here in the summer. Listvyanka also has a zoo and an aquarium with seals.

The observation deck, located on the Kamen Chersky mountain, offers a beautiful view of the lake and the village. A cable car leads to the top. In winter, snowboarding and alpine skiing fans gather on the mountain.

Pribaikalsky National Park

The village of Listvyanka on Lake Baikal is located on the territory of the Pribaikalsky Park. It covers a significant part of the western shore of the lake, including Olkhon Island, and is one of the five largest national reserves in the country. The Visitor Information Center of the park is concentrated in Listvyanka. Its animal and plant worlds are extremely rich and represented by rare species, as well as endemics.

On the territory of the park there are more than 700 ethnographic monuments dating back to both the Paleolithic era and the present. 52 objects have been assigned the status of natural monuments. The most famous are the rock paintings of the Sagan-Zaba cliff.

A special attraction of the park is the Circum-Baikal Railway, which surpasses all other tracks in the world in terms of saturation of engineering structures. Interesting not only its architectural sights, but also natural objects - amazing rocks with outcrops of rare rocks and capes with nesting birds. In order to see them, you just need to go on a trip around the Circum-Baikal Railway on a tourist train.

Sandy Bay

A peculiar attraction of the park is the Peschanaya Bay, which amazes with its unusual landscapes. It is here that you can see a natural phenomenon created by the force of the wind. These are the famous stilted trees standing on their roots up to 3 meters above the ground. Their exposure occurs as a result of the blowing of sandy soils by winds. However, it still feels like the trees are resting and will soon continue their long journey again.

The so-called outlier rocks Shlyapa, Buddha and others, rising above the taiga cover of the Primorsky ridge, give an unusual picturesqueness to the amazing natural ensemble of Peschanaya Bay.

Recreation centers and hotels

In Listvyanka, which stretches for 5 kilometers along the coast of Lake Baikal, there are many hotels and entertainment complexes. Every year tourists come here from all over the world who want to see the natural miracle. It will not be difficult to find a place to stay here, since the comfortable hotel rooms are designed for various categories of visitors. In Listvyanka, you can endlessly enjoy solitude in the bosom of the magnificent Siberian nature, but here it is absolutely impossible to get bored. At recreation centers and hotels, everyone will find everything they need for the soul and relaxation.

To create the necessary comfort so that vacationers strive to return to the village again and again, hotels of any level are ready, regardless of their type. And a lot of them are provided in such a form as a guest house, chalet, private hotel or recreation center, Listvyanka. Baikal and recreation have long become similar concepts for many Russians. A visit to the sacred lake gives a charge of vivacity and vivid impressions for the whole year. Therefore, often, if they want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, tourists return to the village of Listvyanka. Baikal (hotels, the prices in which are quite democratic, are well promoted to this) attracts all categories of vacationers. Rest at a high level here is guaranteed to everyone. At the same time, the hotels of Baikal are characterized by a special originality, individuality, the presence of any of their own special "chips".

It is important that almost all recreation centers are open for tourists all year round, such as the Baikal hotel. Listvyanka is interesting at any time of the year. Highly qualified staff will always help with the organization and selection of exciting excursions, both walking and water. Tourists here can hunt and fish to their fullest, in winter they can ride snowmobiles, snowboards, skis and sledges. Many routes have been developed for amateurs active rest allowing you to merge with nature and fully enjoy the romance of travel.

The choice of a hotel largely depends on its location, pricing policy, level of comfort, personal preferences. At the very source of the Angara there is the Baikal hotel. Listvyanka in this place is the most picturesque. The Eastland Ski Complex and the Baikal Museum are just a 10-minute walk away. Prices for hotel accommodation - from 950 rubles. in low season and from 1550 rubles. in high.

Not far from the Holy Cross Church of St. Nicholas the Pleasant is the "Cross Pad". This tourist base is located off the main road. Its comfortable comfortable rooms, cozy wooden interiors allow you to take a break from the bustle of the city and have a wonderful time riding horses, going on excursions or just simple walks.

The largest hotel on Lake Baikal - "Mayak" will be a good option for recreation. The hotel and tourist complex is located in Listvyanka, directly opposite the main pier. Here you can rent a room for 1250 rubles per day or more.

Excellent location, beautiful panorama combined with comfort and high-class services attract vacationers to the walls of the Legend of Baikal hotel. Listvyanka has recently boasted of modern luxury hotel complexes. Situated in picturesque surroundings, combined with all kinds of services and entertainment, they provide the ideal holiday destination.

Baikal port

Water routes are especially popular on vacation. The pier of the village is the starting point of almost most of the waterways on the lake, the shortest of which is by ferry. Listvyanka and the port of Baikal are separated only by the source of the Angara, which is about a kilometer wide. Excursions to a small cozy village near Cape Baranchik are of increasing interest among tourists. It is very different from the usual classic ports. Modest and inconspicuous in appearance, the village is a narrow strip of houses and railroad along the coast of the lake. The port is the final destination of the Circum-Baikal Railway, which is one of its attractions along with the old railway station complex with service, production and passenger buildings. There is also a lighthouse and a pier for icebreaker ferries.

The port has recently been attracting more and more tourists seeking a peaceful and quiet holiday. The isolation from civilization is a unique advantage over many places on the coast of the lake. However, comfort and high-quality service can be found here too, staying at the base of "Circum-Baikal". The staff of the complex helps to organize trips around the lake area, including Listvyanka, natural parks and

Diving on Baikal

Listvyanka is well known to diving enthusiasts. Baikal (the map is presented in the article) in the vicinity of the village, especially in its northeastern and western sides, is simply replete with diving sites. They are protected from strong currents and are distinguished by an interesting relief, rich underwater flora and fauna. In the vicinity of Listvyanka, there are 10 dive sites, concentrated mainly in the source of the Angara. Their depth can reach 40 m, the water temperature is from 3 to 12 degrees above zero. You can go to Khomuts, Bolshie Koty and some other dive sites by boat from Listvyanka.

In the area of ​​the Circum-Baikal Railway, if you wish, you can go on a fascinating adventure, doing wreck diving in the area of ​​the sunken barge and the remnants of the superstructure of a large ship.

During the dives, the amazing underwater world of Lake Baikal is revealed: canyons, vertical walls, stepped slopes. In May, when the ice begins to melt, there is a unique opportunity to observe the accumulations of seals. They allow people to come close enough to them, which gives a lot of pleasure to fans of underwater photography. Ice diving on Lake Baikal leaves an incredibly vivid impression. It seems to lift the veil over the secret of a completely different world with its intricate underwater ice formations, caves, grottoes and hummocks up to 8 m thick.

Baikal City

Tourism is the backbone of the economy in Listvyanka. Its further development is planned with the attraction of foreign investments. A tourist center corresponding to the international level may appear in the village. As conceived by the authors, the Baikal City project includes a cable car connecting Listvyanka and the Baikal port, fashionable hotels, ski resorts, a water park, restaurants, a congress hall, casinos, entertainment centers, and nightclubs. Listvyanka has the prospect of becoming a resort of world importance.

How to get to Listvyanka

The village is closest to Irkutsk. They are connected by a waterway and a land route along the Baikal tract (highway R-258). Motor ships in Irkutsk depart from the Raketa pier, where they get from the city's bus station by route taxis and regular buses.

Seeing Baikal is my old dream. I dreamed about 15 years, and this year I realized that it was time to go. The preparation began with the choice of a place of rest.

I was not going to swim there and the place needed to be quiet, with the least number of tourists and so that it was easy to get there without a car.

I read a lot of information and decided that the village of Bolshoye Goloustnoye is ideal for going and just seeing what Baikal is like.
A little information:

Bolshoye Goloustnoye is a village on the western shore of Lake Baikal, founded in the 17th century. Its history is connected with the water trade route between Russia and China.
Ships from Irkutsk reached the delta of the Idin-Gol River along the Angara and Baikal, and from there they crossed Lake Baikal to get to the delta of the Selenga River.
A special berth was built for the ships, near which a village was eventually built.

Then there was a choice for accommodation, since the place is not very popular, then there are few reviews about the recreation centers. I chose the private estate "Kedrovaya", about which in one of the reviews they wrote that this is the quietest base. Just what you need)

You can get to the village by bus from Irkutsk. Moreover, the municipal route was closed due to unprofitability. And people are driven by a private trader, for which many thanks to him. If not for him, then Bolshoye Goloustnoye and others settlements on the way to it, they would have remained simply without any transport links.
Bus schedule:

The bus (45 seats) runs from the bus station at 16-00 on weekdays and Saturdays,
and at 17-00 on Sundays.
From B. Goloustnoye to Irkutsk this bus leaves at 8-00
(weekdays and Saturday) and at 13-00 on Sunday.

The bus stop is next to the Volkonskikh square, opposite the bus station. In this park, in the shade on the benches, we were waiting for the bus.

Getting from the railway station to the bus station turned out to be problematic. Double Gis showed me route 64, which was supposed to take you directly from place to place, but we never got to wait for such a bus, so we took bus number 80 to the central market, and from there we reached the bus station on foot.

I booked a seat on the bus in advance, called the driver.

There are only 110 kilometers to Bolshoy Goloustnoye from Irkutsk, but it is not easy to overcome them, since there is no normal road. The first 40 km. asphalt and the remaining 70 are gravel. The bus traveled for 3 hours and 20 minutes.

From the bus stop to our base 700 meters. I liked the recreation center.

View of Baikal from the house:

In such a seemingly unpopular place, to which there is no good road, there are unexpectedly many new recreation centers. This is explained by the fact that in 2007 they decided to make Baikal a tourist center in Bolshoye Goloustnoye and create an all-season international resort there. Therefore, people in the hope of profit and built bases. But the authorities realized that they were mistaken with the place of choice, since from B. Goloustnoye by road to get to any other place on Lake Baikal
impossible, this is a dead end. The project, on which a lot of money was spent, was curtailed. And the bases remained.

When choosing a base, I looked only at the fact that it was next to Lake Baikal. The new bases were built on the lake shore. They have a cafe, but the prices are slightly higher than in the village. There are shops only in the village, it's a long way to go.

There is no infrastructure and entertainment. But an information and excursion center has been created in the village, where you can order an excursion.

There are not so many attractions, but they are. Hunter's Cave - there are excursions every day. I did not go.

There is a Dry Lake near the village. I will dwell on it in more detail. At first I wanted to get there as part of an excursion, but the group was still not recruited, and there was no way to wait. as I arrived only for 4 days. Let's go yourself. The lake is 4 km away. from the village. Our base was the very last, we go a little closer from it.

The way to the lake is easy, along a gravel road along the shore of Lake Baikal. It is impossible to get lost and the road is quite busy and it is a pleasure to walk along it - the views are beautiful:

The artist paints a view of the village:

On the road along the shore of Lake Baikal, different flowers grow and many butterflies fly.

We follow the road and reach the Semyonovka tourist center, and on the left is the Uliger base. We reach the end of the fence that surrounds "Semyonovka" and turn right into the forest. There, along the forest path, we reach the lake.

The lake is not filled with water every year and is an ordinary meadow) There are two stones, male and female, where you can make a wish. The desire must be made intangible.

There is also a church in Bolshoy Goloustnoye, which I did not manage to get into.

There is Observation Mountain - the road to it starts behind the cemetery opposite the church:

Another attraction is a relict poplar grove, but I didn't have enough time for it.

We went to the river Goloustnaya. The river is beautiful, shallow, warmer than Baikal, children swim there.

There horses unexpectedly came out on us. It's beautiful, but I'm a city dweller I'm afraid of all animals, and since this is a village, there are cows, goats and horses walking around calmly.

We dined in a cafe. Prices are higher than in Adler's cafe, for example, keep in mind. Poses 45-60 rubles apiece. Solyanka 170-200 rubles, a small pork chop - 170 rubles.

Delicious omul sagudai - 220 rubles in the Talisman cafe. There is also an omul ear, I don't remember exactly the price, like 200 rubles.

I don’t like any fish, but Baikal omul is very good.

And of course Baikal itself is beautiful. This is an open Baikal, without bays, you can see how magnificent it is. I recommend this place to those who are tired of the bustle of the city and want at least a little peace, tranquility and beautiful nature.

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