Stretching exercises for muscle groups. Stretching exercises, or grow a muscle big and very big. Stretching exercises for the front of the thigh

Logs 17.12.2021

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


No matter how busy the schedule of daily activities is, there should be a place for relaxation in it to put the mind and body in order. Stretching exercises for beginners - something that does not require much physical effort, while being effective tool to increase body tone, flexibility, elasticity. Office work, studying at the university lead to a decrease in activity, a sedentary lifestyle - to disruption of normal blood circulation. To prevent stoop, constant fatigue, nervous stress, perform a stretching complex for beginners.

Types of stretching

There are several options for stretching muscles. They differ from each other in the time spent, amplitude, are carried out before or after the main workout. Choose your stretching style that makes you feel comfortable. The list is from safe to risky. It is not necessary to try everything - beginners stop at the first three to figure out which method is more effective.

  1. The static type of stretching is most popular among athletes and yoga masters. Stretch the muscles little by little, reach the limit and stay in this position for 20 seconds. Do 3-4 sets. The only caveat is that you should not endure pain.
  2. Passive type - when a partner (professional trainer or instructor) makes gradual physical efforts. At this moment you need to take a deep breath, exhale and relax.
  3. Dynamic view - when you are in constant motion. A banal example: take a standing position, lunge with one foot forward and backward, then the other. The effect is enhanced along with the acceleration of the amplitude, increasing the distance from one foot to another. Arriving at fitness, you will notice throughout the session this type of stretching, alternating with strength exercises.
  4. Active view - you yourself apply force in order to stretch the muscle as much as possible. For example, holding on to a support, raise your leg and increase the action with your hand.
  5. The ballistic look is a risky option, popular among Japanese arts fighters. An inexperienced beginner can easily provoke an injury or sprain by applying this stretch right away. All movements are made quickly, sharply, sweepingly.

Aim for the result and stick to the elementary rules, then stretching exercises for beginners will do you good. The main advice from experienced sports coaches is to act carefully, smoothly, without jerks. Before stretching, determine the muscle groups that will be involved. They should be well warmed up with strength exercises, otherwise injuries are inevitable. First, pay attention to the large muscles, then the blood flow to the vulnerable small fibers will improve.

Whatever methods and sets of exercises you use, do not forget about your back. If it is kept in a bent position, the muscles will not be elastic. During stretching, you can not hold your breath, because your body must be saturated with oxygen. In the process, try to relax the muscles, and not strain. Every day, increase the stretching time, and then you will reach the ideal result of 60 seconds, or even more.

A set of stretching exercises for beginners

If you are going to attend a fitness club, dance training, yoga or other sport, then the trainers will conduct a mandatory warm-up with you at the beginning, a rich exercise program in the middle. At the end, you can safely proceed to stretching. But if you want to tone up your body at home, follow the basic rules mentioned above. Before stretching, warm up from top to bottom: from the head, shoulders, arms, chest, to the back, lower back, hips, legs.

For the back

If you spend a day at the office, the muscles of the back become stiff, salts accumulate in them, and even at a young age there are pains. To avoid disastrous consequences, do a simple stretch after a workout or a good warm-up. If you don't have the strength to physical exercises, take a bath, preparing the muscles for further stretching. Then start exercising.

  1. Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your knees, leaning them against your body, hold out for 30 seconds. Do it in sequence.
  2. Bend the knee at a right angle, placing it on the adjacent leg. Shoulders, shoulders, head remain pressed to the floor. Try to relax as much as possible.
  3. Return to the starting position, throw your straight legs up behind your head, trying to keep your hips pressed to the floor. When the legs feel supported in this position, lift the pelvis, holding it at a 90-degree angle to the surface. Try covering your ears with your knees.

For the following stretching exercises, you will need a fitness mat to avoid damaging your skin:

  1. Sit on the floor, grab your knees with your hands, lower yourself onto your back and roll back and forth.
  2. Get on all fours and perform the familiar "kitty" - bend your back down, up, make circular movements with your hips.
  3. Pull your pelvis back so that you sit on your feet, and leave your hands at the starting point. Stretch well - and your back will be delighted with such a stretch.

Change your starting position. Take a standing position:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly squat with a straight back. For more effective stretching, find either a support to grab on to, or lean your shoulders against a wall to stay in the same position during the stretch.
  2. Return to the starting position, close your hands in the lock, stretching up, then lower them in front of you, tilting your head and pressing your chin to your chest. Shoulders should be relaxed.

Arms and upper body

Stretch these parts of the body in a standing position:

  1. Put your hands behind your back, slowly raise and lower them. You should feel a stretch in your chest muscles.
  2. Next exercise. Close your hands in the castle in front of you, raise them with your palms up. Try to bend in a relaxed state.
  3. Take a starting position, bend your elbow, put your hand behind your head. With the other brush, press a little on the forearm area. By repeating this movement with the other arm, you will stretch the triceps.
  4. Extend a straight left arm to the right shoulder, while pressing a little from above with the right hand.

Legs and lower body

Stretching the lower body and legs is carried out in two positions: standing and sitting. Take the starting position - standing:

  1. Find support, lift your leg up, bending your knee, press with your hands. Repeat the stretch with the other limb.
  2. Take right hand left foot, put it gently in the buttocks area, stay in this position for 15-20 seconds. With the second leg, you need to do the same stretching exercise.

Change starting position - sit on the floor:

  1. Spread your legs along the gods and begin to reach first for one foot with your hands, then for the other, and then in the middle. At this moment of the stretch, connect your partner so that he strengthens the slope, but acts very carefully.
  2. Close your legs, stretch your arms to your feet, your stomach to your hips. The main condition for this exercise is a flat back! It is better to let your knees bent, but the posture should be like a string.
  3. Start the next exercise from the “Turkish” position, connecting the feet together. This pose is borrowed from yoga, but you will feel the effect immediately. Stand up, lunge forward with one foot as far as possible. You should end up with a 90 degree angle formed by the knee. Turn around to get a transverse stretch, bend the body forward a little. Repeat with the second leg.

Video: effective twine stretch

Many girls dream of doing splits in all positions. But with age, this task becomes more difficult to realize. By completing the simple exercises shown in the video below, you will prepare your body for a beginner stretch for the twine. Do this at the end of your workout. If you don't have the willpower to stay in this position longer, get a partner to supervise or help you stretch a little. Do not make any sudden movements in the exercise! Everything is very smooth! After a couple of weeks, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of your home stretching.

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Working muscles:

  • To a lesser degree: quadratus lumborum, psoas major, iliacus, rotator cuffs, and transverse muscles.


  1. Lie on your stomach. Rest your palms on the floor. The fingers are facing forward.
  2. Tighten your buttocks and slowly arch your back, lifting your head, chest, and then your stomach off the floor.

Remember that arching your back in the lower back can cause injury if you have weak abdominal muscles. Stretching can also result in compression of the vertebrae and compression of the spinal nerve roots in the lumbar region. Therefore, this exercise is recommended to be performed only in case of strong muscle stiffness. Doing it, try not to bend too much. Don't forget to tighten your buttocks. This will reduce the load on the lower spine.

Working muscles:

  • To a greater extent: the rectus abdominis, external oblique and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen.


Lie on your back, putting a rolled towel 2.5-5 cm thick under your lower back.

This exercise is great for people with weak abdominal muscles, as well as those who often have problems with the lower back. Since the lower back is supported in this exercise, unwanted pressure on the spine is reduced. However, the thickness of the support also matters. The larger it is, the higher the pressure on the spine. The upper back, shoulder blades and buttocks should fit snugly on the floor. The tension in the buttocks will also help relieve pressure on the lumbar region.

Working muscles:

  • To a greater extent: external oblique and internal oblique abdominal muscles, rotator muscles.
  • To a lesser extent: transverse and multifidus muscles, square muscle of the lower back.


  1. Sit on a chair. Bring your fingers behind your head into a "lock".
  2. Without moving your elbows forward, lean to the right from the lower back.
  3. Stay in this position for the required amount of time and lean to the other side.

Arching or arching your back will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. In addition, the buttocks and thighs should be firmly pressed against the chair during the entire exercise. The lower you lower your elbow, the more difficult it becomes to fulfill this condition. Get your feet behind the legs of the chair. This will make it easier for you to keep your buttocks and thighs off the seat.

Working muscles:

  • To a greater extent: the rectus abdominis, external oblique and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen.
  • To a lesser degree: quadratus lumborum, psoas major, iliacus.


  1. Stand up straight. Spread your legs to a distance of 60-90 cm. Place your hands on the back of your thighs.
  2. Slowly bend back, tensing your buttocks and bringing your hips forward.
  3. Lean your head back as you continue to bend, and slide your hands down your thighs.

This exercise can cause injury if you have weak abdominal muscles. It can aggravate your lower back problems and cause compression of the vertebrae and compression of the spinal nerves in the lumbar region. Therefore, this exercise is recommended to be performed only with strong muscle stiffness. It can also be done if all other lower back extensor stretches have failed. During the exercise, try not to bend too much. Don't forget to tighten your buttocks. This will reduce the load on the lower spine.

Name of the muscle bending Lateral flexion
External oblique abdominal muscle
Iliac muscle
Internal oblique abdominal muscle
rectus abdominis
psoas major

Video exercises for stretching the abdominal muscles

1. Stretching the press sitting on the floor

Sit up straight, back straight. Put your feet to each other and close them. Take your right hand back and rest on the floor. Bring your left hand behind your head and bend at the elbow. Start tilting your body to the right side by stretching your abs. Repeat the exercise with the other side.

It just so happened that all people leading, or just starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, pay very little attention to stretching exercises. Perhaps some people think that only professional athletes (gymnasts and acrobats) need flexible muscles, someone blames their laziness and lack of time, but someone has not heard about this type of exercise at all.

And, regardless of the reason, all these people are losing a lot. After all, stretching exercises, even for beginners, this is a wonderful, and most importantly, affordable way for everyone to always stay in good shape. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you played sports or not, stretching is for everyone. By training flexibility, you increase muscle elasticity, improve joint mobility. Besides, proper stretching improves blood circulation in the body, helps to relax and simply improve mood and well-being.

As you can see, stretching exercises have a huge number of advantages. Perhaps you are now waiting for us to talk about the cons. Of course, there are cons: you can damage your joints, get a sprain, and just hurt yourself. But all this can be avoided if you properly approach the training. First, you need to understand what types of stretching (stretch marks) exist.

In total there are 2 types of stretching: static and dynamic. They are subdivided into several more types, but we will not talk about them. So, static stretch- This is one of the main types of stretching exercises, beginners are recommended use it exactly. With static stretching, you should not make any sudden movements. Taking one position, you should be in it for several minutes, feeling how your muscles are stretched.

With dynamic stretch(which is not recommended for beginners to use), the trainee must perform all kinds of swings, rolls from longitudinal to transverse twine, and vice versa.

Next, we will look at the most effective exercises for stretching, suitable for beginners. All of them are static and do not require special training. It is very important that you warm up before starting your workout: do 2 sets of 25 squats, jump rope, or if you have an exercise bike lying around, work out for a few minutes on it, and then start training.

Leg stretching exercises

We hope you are warmed up and ready to start. leg stretching at home.

A set of exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs

Step your right foot forward and your left back. Rest your left knee on the floor (look at the illustration). Rest your hands either on the knee or on the floor. Now slowly lean forward. When you feel a stretch in your thigh muscles, hold this position for 30 seconds. Now inhale and as you exhale try to lean even lower, freeze in this position for another 30 seconds. Now slowly return to the starting position and switch legs.

Now straighten your right leg, resting fully on the knee of your left leg. Rest your hands on the floor. Now slowly tilt your torso down while keeping your back straight. Having descended as far as possible down, linger in this position for 30-40 seconds, and with an exhalation try to descend even lower. Feel how the muscles of the back of the thigh are stretched, as well as the knee ligaments. Now return, slowly, to the starting position and switch legs. Lie on the floor with your back, lift your right leg up, grab it with your hand in a place just above the knee. Now relax, take a very deep breath and, exhaling, slowly pull your leg towards you with your hands. At the peak point, hold again for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Do the same with the second leg. During the exercise, make sure that your leg is straight all the time, do not bend at the knee joint. Also try to keep your muscles relaxed all the time, excessive muscle tension can lead to injury. Sit on the floor, press your feet together, rest your elbows on your knees (see picture). Slowly press your elbows into your legs and tilt your torso forward. At the same time, make sure that your back is straight all the time. As in the previous exercises, bend over while exhaling, and, having reached the peak of the tension, linger in this position for 30 to 40 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat these inclinations a few more times. This exercise perfectly stretches the ligaments of the groin and the inner thigh muscles.

Spinal Stretching Exercises

Now let's look at what exercises for stretching the back are.

The well-known “dog pose”, or “cat pose”, everyone calls this exercise differently. Get on all fours, arch your back and look up. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, then return to position (B) shown in the figure below. To do this, slouch with all your might, directing the thoracic region upwards. Hold this position for 15 seconds as well. Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Now lie on your back on the floor, firmly press the shoulder belt to the floor. Now cross your right leg over your left (see photo). This will turn your torso into lumbar, while trying to take your shoulders off the floor as little as possible. Lie in this position for 30 seconds, and then do the same on the right side.

Get up off the floor and sit on a chair. Stretch your arms forward and stretch your spine behind your arms as hard as you can without tilting your torso forward. Head and also pull forward. This is the final exercise in our complex, do it for 60 - 90 seconds. Try to breathe as slowly as possible and feel your spine stretch.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say a little about the frequency of training. Do these exercises as often as possible, ideally daily. Spend 15 to 20 minutes stretching and your body will thank you so much. If you have any questions regarding the article or exercises for stretching the legs or spine, feel free to ask them in the comments below.

Many novice athletes and even professionals consider stretching to be pampering for idlers. However, fitness instructors relentlessly insist that full-body stretching is just as important as strength training and cardio. Effective proper stretching helps to avoid muscle tension, reduces recovery time and allows you not to feel like a clumsy elephant in a china shop after strength training. The usual stretching of the shoulders and arms, as well as the back and legs, restores blood and lymph circulation, allows you to freely control your body and even stimulates muscle growth. Let's figure out how to properly stretch the muscles and why such a hitch helps to set new records.

Untrained people gradually lose the plasticity of movements, they are overcome by pain in the joints, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Wrong postures become so comfortable that a person can no longer sit and walk with a straight back. To avoid pain syndromes, increase joint flexibility and reduce the risk of salt deposits, an easy stretch for beginners for all muscle groups will help, which can be performed even at home.

In addition, the constant viewing of mobile gadgets incredibly loads the neck and leads to changes in cervical region spine. Due to prolonged daily work at the computer, the chest is compressed, there is a burning sensation in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, and sometimes it even becomes difficult to breathe. The person assumes that he has problems with the lungs or heart, while eliminating the pain, oxygen starvation and fatigue can be a daily workout, yoga or stretching atrophied pectoral muscles and shoulders.

In the end, an inflexible body looks awkward and people in sedentary professions have a hard time in old age. Belated stretching of the back and shoulder girdle after years of inactivity will not cure. Wouldn't it be better to start regularly performing a set of simple exercises to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system?!

Strength Stretching: Ligaments vs. Muscles

Weight training increases muscle tone, shortens ligaments and makes them stiff. Ignoring stretching will lead to the fact that the power potential of the muscles will exceed the elastic capabilities of the tendons and ligaments. The load on the bone apparatus will increase significantly, and all subsequent workouts will take place with a high risk of injury. Sometimes it is the stoppage of progress that forces professional athletes to change their attitude towards stretching and visit the stretching class.

An important plus of stretching is an increase in the production of the hormone somatropin, which accelerates recovery processes and muscle growth. The body gets rid of toxins faster, more oxygen enters the tissues and nutrients. There is no stagnation in training, overvoltage and spasms are eliminated.

Types of stretching

Stretching is dynamic and fast. It is performed without pauses with a gradual increase in the range and speed of movements. So, for example, football players prepare for a match: they make sharp swings with their legs to the waist, and then to the chest. This type of load is suitable only for trained pros.

Static muscle stretching is performed smoothly with a pause at the end point. You can start with springy movements without jerks to maximize the amplitude. The position is held from 10 seconds to two minutes without holding the breath. Time is chosen depending on training experience and flexibility, but most often 30-45 seconds are in a stretched position.

It will take 1-1.5 hours for an independent stretching lesson. It is easier and more effective to combine a 10-30 minute stretch with a regular workout. As a rule, they stretch from top to bottom: they start with the muscles of the neck and stretch the legs last. You need to practice stretching constantly: as soon as you stop exercising, the result will immediately begin to deteriorate.

When to stretch your muscles: before, during or after a workout?

Stretching is always done after a good joint warm-up and 7-10 minutes of cardio (running, jumping, etc.). It is best to stretch your muscles at the end of your workout. If you do this before strength training, then lifting the weights will be harder and your strength will decrease.

For example, if you stretch the back of your thigh before squats, you will be able to do a deeper squat. But if you stretch the front surface of the thigh, then it will be much more difficult to lift with a barbell - a strongly stretched muscle is difficult to contract. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing stretching exercises between sets.

Safe complex for stretching the whole body

Neck muscle strain

Development of shoulder girdle flexibility

  1. Put your hands behind your back and grab the other by the wrist with one hand. Bending your arms, pull your hands up and stick your chest forward for a better stretch of the anterior deltoid muscles.
  2. Grasp the elbow of the right hand at the level of the solar plexus with your left hand and pull it down.
  3. Grab your left hand just above the elbow with your right hand. Keep your left hand straight, press it to chest and pull up.

Stretching the muscles of the hands

  1. Stand with your left side against the wall and stretch your left arm up. Bend it as much as possible at the elbow and lower the brush behind your back so that the palm is between the shoulder blades. Lean your left side against the wall and pull your triceps.
  2. Grasp the doorway with one hand and turn your back to it. For a better stretch, lean forward a little.
  3. Bring one hand behind your back from below (elbow pointing straight up), and the second - from above (elbow pointing down). Try to put your palms between your shoulder blades.

Stretching chest muscles

  1. Stand at the doorway with one foot forward. Rest your forearms on the jambs and push your chest forward.
  2. Standing facing the wall (as close as possible), place your straight arm outstretched to the side on the wall. Slowly turn sideways towards the wall and door frame.

Back and spine stretch

Stretching complex for abdominal muscles

  1. Lying on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders and lift your body up, leaning on straight arms. Bend at the chest and stretch up.
  2. Standing straight, join your fingers in a lock over your head with your palms up and bend alternately to the right and left.

Leg stretching exercises

Stretching the muscles of the buttocks

  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs bent 90 degrees at the knees. Place the ankle of the right leg on the front surface of the left thigh (slightly below the knee). Pull your right knee towards you, deepening the stretch.
  2. Sit on the floor. Bend your left leg at the knee and pull your lower leg to your chest with your hands. Turn the knee to the left so that the lower leg is parallel to the floor.
  3. Sitting on the floor, take back and straighten your left leg, and move your right leg forward and bend at the knee to right angle. You can rest your palms on the floor or lean forward with an emphasis on your forearms.

Videos on YouTube, photos, lessons in gif animations will help you learn how to do stretching at home correctly. Any visual presentation of the material allows you to quickly master everything on your own in front of a mirror. Consider your capabilities, choose an adequate amplitude and do not hope to lose weight with stretching: strength and aerobic training contributes to weight loss, the rejection of fast carbohydrates and harmful trans fats.

During training, pull the muscles, not the ligaments, and be very careful with the vulnerable shoulder girdle. Do not strain your muscles, because in a relaxed state they stretch much better. Avoid severe pain and for stretching after training, choose 1-2 exercises for each muscle group from the complex. Give equal attention and equal time to each leg, arm and half of the body. To achieve good results (, increase working weight, etc.), do not stretch when the desire arises, but regularly, and preferably daily.

Who does not dream of a firm and flat stomach? One of the ways to fulfill this desire and an integral part of the workout is stretching the abdominal muscles. Exercises for this muscle group help to form beautiful figure, get rid of excess fat on the abdomen, and also contributes to faster muscle recovery and improved blood supply to the abdomen. Exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles. Stretching the abdominal muscles also helps to fight adhesions. An adhesion is a pathological fusion of tissues that is formed by fragments of scar tissue on the walls abdominal cavity. Thus, stretching can be used to prevent its occurrence. When a spike appears, it is difficult to get rid of it without resorting to, for example, myofascial relaxation.

We have prepared for you a set of exercises for stretching the abdominal muscles, which will help you get rid of seals on the walls of the abdominal cavity, and you can also do them even at home.

Stretching the abdominal muscles in a standing position

Exercise #1

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Tilt your body to the right, while stretching your right hand down, and slide your left side up. At the lowest point, hold for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Make a tilt to the left. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise #2

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Place your hands on top of your buttocks. Slowly bend back, while slightly forward and tighten your buttocks to reduce the load on the lower spine. Tilt your head back and keep bending. Repeat the exercise several times.

Stretching the lateral muscles of the press in a sitting position

Exercise #3

Sit on a chair, put your hands behind your head and bring your fingers into the "lock". Keep your back straight, do not push your elbows forward and lean alternately to the right and left. At the point of maximum tension in the abdominal muscles, linger for 10 seconds. Do several approaches. For the greatest effect press your buttocks firmly into the chair and do not arch your back. To make it easier to perform the exercise, you can put your feet behind the legs of a chair. So we stretch the external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen and the rotator muscles.

Exercise number 4

Sit "Turkish" with your legs crossed in front of you. Put one hand on your knee, lift the other up. Stretch to the opposite side of the raised arm. At the lowest point, when you feel the maximum tension in the press, hold for 15 seconds. Then switch sides. Do several approaches. Remember to keep your back straight!

Watch the video - stretching the abdominal muscles

Stretching the abdominal muscles in the prone position

Exercise number 5

Take a position lying on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor at shoulder level. Tighten your buttocks to relieve stress on your lower spine and slowly lift your back, first your head, then your chest and belly. Arch your back gently and not too much so as not to get injured. In this exercise, we stretch the rectus, external, internal oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Proper stretching is as follows:

  • From a position lying on your stomach, face down, lift your torso up;
  • Hold in this position for 20 to 40 seconds;
  • Then lower yourself down again. Repeat 2-3 times;
  • Get up. Feel your stomach stretch and lower yourself down again.

Stretching the abdominal muscles in the supine position

Exercise number 6

Lie on your back, stretch your arms on the floor above your head, pull your socks towards you. Stretch in this way: stretch your fingers up, and your heels in the opposite direction (down). At the same time, draw in your stomach, do not bend at the waist, breathe evenly. Hold the stretched position for 15 seconds. Do several approaches.

Abs stretching video from personal trainer Brian Francis

Exercise number 7

Take a position lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides, bend your legs at the knee joint and put them on your right side. Move your feet smoothly right side to the left and vice versa. Don't take your hands off the floor. Perform 10 turns on each side.

Avon Fitness Challenge Abs Stretch Video

Exercise number 8

Take the position of emphasis on hands lying on your back: bend your legs at the knees, rest your palms on the floor. Raise the body up to a comfortable tension in the abdominal muscles. AT highest point hold on for 15 seconds. Repeat the stretching exercise for the rectus abdominis muscle several times.

During abdominal stretching exercises, do not make sudden movements, do not bend too much in the lower back, and come out of the poses slowly, without jerking. For maximum effectiveness, perform the complex regularly.

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