Start stretching your legs. Stretching for beginners. Stretching secrets. Ballistic twine stretch

doors 09.10.2020

As you can see, all fitness gurus have a great stretch that allows them to perform the most incredible exercises and tricks, among which the twine is considered the most prominent representative. If you want to master this ability and make your body flexible, then this article on how to learn how to stretch at home is just for you. So, what is stretching at home and how quickly can you master it by doing it regularly?

Stretching (or stretching) is a special set of exercises aimed at stretching muscle and ligamentous fibers. Good stretching is the key to elastic, elastic muscles and strong joints, as well as high mobility and good posture.

Briefly about the most important

Although stretching is very beneficial for human body, not everyone is in a hurry to fulfill it. Especially beginners, because some of them do not understand how important stretching the whole body is (including at home). There are those who believe that a flexible body is the prerogative of professional gymnasts and athletes. There are also those who suggest that stretching the muscles does not benefit training.

But both are wrong. First of all, stretching is the most affordable and easiest way to keep your body in good shape. In addition, during such exercises, the muscles relax and strengthen, and the effectiveness of the previous workout increases (since stretching is usually performed after the main load).

The most important benefit of stretching, which few beginners are aware of, is working on posture. During the performance of special exercises, each muscle involved in the back area develops and becomes stronger, thanks to which they are able to form a reliable corset that supports the spine and aligns posture.
But, before a beginner begins to perform the complex, he should familiarize himself with all the nuances that will reduce the risk of injury and increase the effectiveness of training.

What types and exercises are there?

In sports, there are two types of stretching, which, in turn, have their own varieties and differences:

  • Static - these are the main exercises to increase the elasticity and flexibility of muscles, which are recommended for all beginners to start with. During the execution of such a set of exercises, all movements are reproduced slowly and smoothly. Having taken the necessary position, you need to linger in it so that the muscle stretches and you feel the tension.
  • Dynamic - a complex that includes mainly high-intensity exercises. These can be transitions from one position to another (for example, from longitudinal to transverse twine), swings, etc. Such exercises require some skill, and therefore they are not recommended for beginners.

Static stretching exercises can be performed without prior training, while to perform a dynamic stretching complex, you must have a certain amount of training experience. However, before performing any of these complexes, it is recommended to do exercises that will warm up the muscle fibers and prepare them for the upcoming load. This is especially true for those who are interested in stretching at home from scratch. And for you, we offer the following video lesson, in which gymnastics is demonstrated by a child, which allows you to warm up the muscles of the whole body before training.

Performing such a warm-up complex every time before training, the athlete will protect himself by reducing the risk of injury and sprains. Therefore, for those who are interested in how to do stretching correctly at home, first be sure to clarify all the nuances of not only the training itself, but also the preparatory stage.

In order for a beginner to be able to learn how to stretch in just a few weeks without risk to health, he needs to start with the simplest exercises. And below we will give the most effective of them, which will allow you to stretch your muscles almost painlessly and efficiently.

Leg stretch

If you are interested in how to stretch at home, you must first prioritize correctly, paying attention to the fact that the legs and spine are the most mobile. Therefore, training must necessarily include exercises that promote the development of muscle fibers in these areas of the body.

So, stretching for the legs and spine may include the following exercises:

This exercise, perhaps, is one of the main ones aimed at stretching the muscle fibers of the legs. Although it seems simple at first glance, at first it is better to perform it in front of a mirror or with a partner. When performing it, it is very important to monitor your own feelings in order to control muscle tension and not overdo it.

The starting position is to stand up straight, placing your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than this distance. Taking one leg back, squat, bending it so that the knee almost touches the floor. In this position, you should feel the muscles in your legs tighten and stretch. It is advisable to do 10-15 repetitions for each leg at the initial stage, and as you learn how to properly stretch, you can increase the load to 20 repetitions for each leg.

Lunges from a kneeling position

Starting position - kneeling on the floor. From i.p. Stretch one leg forward so that it straightens completely, and the heel rests on the floor. Bending over, lower the palms of your hands to the floor in front of you and place them on the sides of the “working” leg. Spring in this position, stretching the muscle of the outstretched leg, for 5-10 seconds. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Hip stretch while lying on your stomach

Stretching the legs while lying on the floor on the stomach is a simple but very effective leg stretch at home. Such an exercise can be performed with equal success by both a woman and a man who decide to lead a healthy lifestyle. To reproduce such an exercise, you need to lie on the floor on your stomach and, bending right hand at the elbow, put it under the head. With the left hand, you need to pull the left leg, bent at the knee, to the buttocks. When doing such a stretch, you need to ensure that the pain is moderate, which would indicate high-quality stretching at home. The exercise should only take 3-5 minutes to complete.

How to do leg stretching at home using several effective exercises as an example, the instructor will tell you in the following entertaining video from YouTube.

Stretching for the spine

As a rule, after a warm-up and stretching for the legs at home, you can do it. Having warmed up your muscles enough, you can begin to stretch the fibers that represent the muscular atlas of the back. And the first lesson, which is suitable for beginners, may include the following exercises:

  • Back arch or "cat". This exercise is performed in a standing position on all fours, with an emphasis on the palms on the floor at approximately shoulder level. In this position, the back is first arched with a simultaneous tilting of the head up and a 10-second pause at the top point. After that, you need to smoothly return to the starting position, from which you will then need to arch your back, as shown in the photo below, and also make a 10-second pause.
  • Turns of the lumbar spine in the supine position. This is a good stretch for the spine, which is often used in rehabilitation programs, as well as as part of a complex to increase the flexibility of the whole body. I.p. - lying on your back with arms extended along the body. Tightly pressing the shoulder blades and the entire upper shoulder girdle to the floor, you need to throw one leg over the other and stretch the knee of this leg as far as possible, turning only lumbar. Upon reaching the maximum possible point, you need to linger for 15-30 seconds, after which you can return to the i.p. Repeat the same for the other side. Performing such exercises, after a month you will be able to notice the absence of lower back pain and improved well-being.
  • Stretching the spine in a chair. To perform it, you will need a chair, sitting on which you will need to press your buttocks tightly against the seat, and put your feet completely on the floor. From this position, turn to the side at the maximum possible angle and, holding the back of the chair with your hands, make a short pause, avoiding severe pain. Then return to the starting position and repeat the stretch for the other side in the same way.
  • Stretching the spine with a deflection in the lower back. To carry out stretching, the girl should lie on the floor on her stomach, and then raise the upper part of the body, leaning on her palms, as shown in the photo, to get a deflection in the back. Such an exercise, despite its simplicity, is very effective, but it must be performed with the utmost care to avoid back injury and sprains.


These are just a few examples of exercises that will help you improve your flexibility and achieve incredible workout results. Being interested in how to stretch at home, you should not forget about the main components of the success of classes: desire, regularity, a gradual increase in load and smoothness of the movements made. How good will your physical work, the effectiveness of training will directly depend. Under this condition, it will take you only a week to see the first shifts towards the desired goal.

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Regardless of the sport you choose, any workout begins with a warm-up and stretching.

However, stretching in itself is an independent and quite complete set of exercises. It develops flexibility and provides injury prevention.

But stretching should be done very carefully and gradually, as this is a rather traumatic type of exercise.

Dynamic twine stretch

There are several types of stretching exercises that are radically different in their implementation.

For a beginner, it is best to start with dynamic stretching. It represents the execution of swings.

But even before the start of the exercises, it is worth noting that the swings are done until the muscles feel tired. In fact, it is most often 10-15 repetitions.

Basic and very effective exercise for stretching on a twine - this is swinging your legs.

First you need to find a support that you will use when performing swings. It can be a Swedish wall or even an ordinary wall, near which there will be no foreign objects.

Leaning your hands against the wall, do 10-15 repetitions of swing movements with each leg, lifting it as high as possible from the side. To give the amplitude of movement, the fly leg goes to the other side in front of the supporting leg.

The body must not turn around. The next exercise is leg swings, while supporting with one hand against the wall.

AT this case the leg goes as far back as possible and rises as high as possible in front. Make sure your back stays straight.

And you can complete the dynamic stretching exercises with forward bends. Put your feet together, and try to reach the floor with your hands.

First, touch it with your fingers, and then with your palms. The legs at the knees remain straight.

Ballistic twine stretch

The next stage of training is ballistic loading. In fact, these are springy movements and you may need a mat to perform them.

Such exercises should lead to pain, and with each movement the pain should increase. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible.

For an easier longitudinal split, lunge with one foot forward, with the other foot resting on your toes. Keep your back perpendicular to the floor.

The effect of this exercise is achieved through springy movements lasting 15-60 seconds, depending on the individual.

Rolls will help you sit on the transverse twine. To do this, the supporting leg is bent at the knee, and the second is taken to the side. The toe of the non-skating leg should be turned away from you, and it should be straight.

Springy movements continue for one minute, or depending on the sensations.

Slopes are also very effective in stretching the muscle groups we need. Spreading your legs apart, with springy movements, alternately bend over to each leg and fix the body in this position.

In this case, you can notice that different muscles are stretched if you pull your socks towards or away from you.

Back stretch

Get on all fours to stretch your back. Your knees and palms should be shoulder-width apart. Then alternately round and arch your back, lowering your head down or raising it up.

From the same position, leaving the hands in the same place, you can move on to the next exercise, when the legs are straightened at the knees, and the pelvis is pressed to the floor.

Trunk bends, familiar to us from school, also help to stretch the muscles of the back. To do this, put your feet shoulder-width apart and, resting one hand on your thigh, stretch the other in the opposite direction.

The same exercises can be done in a sitting position.

From this exercise in a standing position, you can smoothly move on to the next. To do this, place your right hand on your right foot, and stretch your left hand up, making a torso turn.

In this case, the eyes need to follow exactly the hand that is at the top. And repeat the same with the other hand.

Stretching for children

Children's muscles are more supple and elastic, so with the right approach, stretching with a child can turn into a game that gives amazing results.

In general, a children's set of stretching exercises practically does not differ from an adult.

Stretching is very useful for a growing body, especially considering that today's children spend a lot of time at their desks.

And when they come home, they are still sitting at the table, doing their homework. Therefore, special attention should be paid to stretching the back.

In the event that the exercises are carried out regularly, your child will not know what a violation of posture or scoliosis is.

In order not to overload the child, choose several exercises for classes that give the maximum result.

And so that the child does not have a reluctance to stretch, it is better to choose 4-5 effective exercises.

Photo how to do stretching?

Many people want 30 days of training, but not every person can achieve the desired result. After all, you don’t always want to perform these boring exercises, which not even everyone can do the first time. The article will tell you, for beginners and more experienced athletes, how much time it will take, and what needs to be done to achieve a positive result.

All scientists put forward only one opinion about twine - it is a useful practice for the human body. People who were able to sit on the twine in 30 days often notice some changes in their own body. Among them:

  • improvement of blood circulation and digestion;
  • normalization of the intestines, as well as other internal organs.

In addition, twine helps to quickly cope with varicose veins, which many people suffer from for many years, and also gives self-confidence and energizes and positive.

This gymnastic exercise is available to both the smallest athletes and teenagers, as well as older people who are full of energy and ready to train. In the event that training is carried out correctly and regularly, flexibility can be developed quite quickly.

The best time to exercise

By doing workouts regularly, you can do the splits in 30 days, but fitness trainers have not yet come to consensus When is the best time to do your own stretching: in the morning or in the evening. In the morning, as you know, the muscles are just starting to work and are in a more relaxed state. Gentle and gentle movements during stretching exercises guarantee excellent results. It is worth noting that it is morning classes that can show how flexible a person has.

An evening workout is much easier to perform, since its duration can be safely reduced by reducing the warm-up time. After all, for the whole day the muscles have already warmed up and developed, so you won’t need to pay special attention to the warm-up. In addition, in the evening, the muscles will react to stretching less painfully, which makes it possible to work out the most problematic areas without any extra effort. The ideal option would be to start exercising immediately after taking a warm shower.

Optimal exercise frequency

You can sit on the twine in 30 days, subject to all important rules, which includes the frequency of classes. Each person independently chooses the optimal time for training based on goals. If the main task is a good stretch for the minimum period, then you need to train daily for 40-45 minutes. It is forbidden to take breaks between, because, having missed just one lesson, the muscles will return to their original position, and all achievements will have to be returned, and only after that they will begin to “conquer new peaks” again.

It is not at all necessary to make training sessions long, since the most important thing in them is regularity. If it is not possible to complete the entire complex in one go, then you should simply divide it into several parts and perform them in your free time. By working according to this scheme, you can save time and achieve a good effect.

Before you start to sit on the twine, it is worth noting that in the first place it is important. At home, both beginners and more experienced athletes can also do the twine, but without a good stretch it will not be possible to achieve a good result. People who play sports have a good stretch, so these exercises will not be difficult for them, but beginners will have to spend a lot of effort and energy. Stretching is a good rest, during which the body is charged with energy after a hard day's work, so at least 10 minutes should be given to it.

and necessary equipment

Before you sit on the twine for 30 days, you need to deal with its varieties. So, the main types of twine:

  1. Transverse (legs spread apart).
  2. Longitudinal (one leg goes back, and the second forward).

With any twine, the following muscles function:

  • gastrocnemius;
  • buttocks;
  • long leading;
  • quadriceps femoris;
  • rectus femoris.

Fortunately, in order to sit on the twine from scratch, you do not need to purchase separate equipment or sign up for gym. For training you will need:

  • walls;
  • yoga mat.

Warming up the muscles

Before any workout for the main muscles working with the twine, there must be a 15-minute stretch. For beginners at home, twine will work, but you will have to spend a little more time to warm up the muscles (about 20-25 minutes). Thanks to this warm-up, the risk of overstretching or injury will be significantly reduced, and the exercises themselves will be much easier.

Even with excellent stretching, before sitting on the twine, the muscles must be warmed up. The following warm-up options will help with this:

  • running in place (up to 10 minutes);
  • (up to 15 for each leg);
  • dancing (10-15 minutes);
  • jumping rope (up to 5 minutes).

After the muscles are well warmed up, you can start stretching and flexibility exercises. All of them make up a single complex that will help you sit on the twine from scratch in a short time.


This exercise is the most common and favorite among many professional athletes. It involves the muscles of the inner thighs.

Sitting on the floor with straightened legs and a flat back, you need to gently and slowly stretch your hands to your feet, while lowering the body as low as possible. In this position, you should linger for no more than 15 seconds, and then return to the starting position. You need to repeat the exercise 3 times.

Longitudinal half twine

The exercise will be ideal for beginners. It stretches the muscles of the inner thighs and back.

Sitting on the floor, legs should be spread as much as possible to the sides, and hands rest on the floor. The hands must be in line with the shoulders. Then it is necessary to gradually lower the body of the body, reaching the floor with the forearms. You need to stay in the pose for about 15-20 seconds, and there should be 2 repetitions in total.

double twists

Both women and men like crunches of this type, because they work the muscles of the abs, legs and hips.

Sitting on the floor with legs wide apart, you need to bend one knee, pulling the foot to the inner surface of the thigh of the opposite leg. The hand opposite the bent leg should be placed on the bent knee and the other hand on the ear. Then you should lean towards the bent leg and stay in this position for no more than 15 seconds. You need to perform 2 repetitions, and then change sides.


When trying to sit on the twine, you should not make sudden movements. You should be aware that stretching through pain and jerking will lead to serious injuries. If during training, stabbing or cutting pain is felt, then the session must be stopped and ice should be applied to this area.

Contraindications for training:

  • muscle injuries;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammation in the body;
  • joint problems;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Trying to perform this gymnastic exercise, you need to distribute your own weight evenly on both legs. It is forbidden to bend your knees and back, and the main task when performing is not a large number of repetitions, but to achieve a result.

We often see information in the sports literature that stretching is very important. We are convinced that a good stretch of the athlete's muscles prevents many injuries, allows you to show better results in sports. In some disciplines, such as rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating, it is very important to be flexible to perform many elements. In martial arts, stretching is necessary to perform particularly difficult tricks and elements. You won't be able to swing your leg into a punch like Bruce Lee unless you have a certain level of flexibility. Is muscle stretching necessary in strength sports?

Why stretching is important for basic exercises

Many strength sports experts talk about the great importance of muscle flexibility in the training process. And their opinion is very reasonable! So why is muscle stretching so important?

You may be surprised, but almost every experienced powerlifter or bodybuilder has very good muscle flexibility, despite their sometimes rather big size. This is primarily due to the fact that there is some specificity of the correct execution technique. basic exercises. An athlete in the training process can benefit from fairly good muscle flexibility.

Let's take a barbell squat as an example:

  1. If you want to get deep into your squats, you will need more flexibility in your hips and knees. In addition, all adductor muscles must also be flexible. This will also save you from many injuries, including those associated with poor warming up of the muscles before the approach.
  2. The second point concerns the correct stabilization of the back. The fact is that in order to keep the back as straight as possible, it is necessary to transfer part of the load to the wrists and try to keep the elbows strictly vertical. This will require proper stretching in the wrists and shoulder joint.

Let's see what happens during the bench press:

  1. To significantly reduce the range of motion and connect many muscles to the maximum, you need to stand on the so-called bridge. What he really is? In fact, this is the deflection of the back in the thoracic and vertebral regions. We seem to be trying to bring the shoulder blades and the pelvis together. Of course, this requires a fairly serious flexibility of the spine.
  2. It will be useful for any athlete to learn how to bend back the wrists during the press. What does it give? It slightly reduces the range of motion and allows you to better connect the latissimus dorsi and shoulder muscles to work. Of course, for this you need very flexible wrists.

How to improve flexibility in the spine

We can recommend one extremely useful and very simple exercise. What is its essence? Approach an ordinary wall (or even better, a Swedish wall) and begin to gently slide down it, leaning on it with your hands. At the same time, we initially stand with our backs to the wall. The task is to slide lower and lower from time to time until the spine stretches. Be careful not to overdo the exercise, otherwise you may feel dizzy. Performing daily for 10-15 minutes will be more than enough.

It is useful during the bench press to freeze in the bridge position for at least half a minute or for a minute in a static position.

At the same time, it is very important to work on stretching the muscles of the hamstrings. You do not want them to be brought together at the most crucial moment.

How to Improve Flexibility in Your Legs

Stretching the legs at home is quite real. But how to stretch the legs efficiently and competently? We advise you to perform the following exercise, which is called "partial twine". Here it is important to find supports, for example, it can be a Swedish wall. We rest our hands on something and begin to very slowly and carefully spread our legs further and further to the sides. If you feel discomfort in the ligaments or joints, then you should not tear yourself. Let everything be gradual. At the peak point, it is important to linger for 10-15 seconds.

About training at home

As you can see, most flexibility exercises can be done both at home and in the gym. You don't need anything specific from the inventory. But how to properly stretch the muscles? The main thing - do not forget to warm up thoroughly, observe the measure in everything and feel your body. Don't break yourself. Recovery from sprains and ruptures is a very unpleasant thing! It is much easier to avoid these injuries.

What else needs to be considered in the training process besides the need to thoroughly warm up?

    • It is necessary to prepare the joints and ligaments.

We think that unnecessary comments are not needed here. If the joints and ligaments are weak, and you immediately overstrain them, then there is a high risk of injury - sprain or rupture. It is important to work on their elasticity, stretching. Don't forget to take your vitamins to make sure your joints get all the nutrients they need.

    • You must follow the regime of the day if you want to achieve growth results.

Under the regime of the day is meant a certain life routine. Most simple rules lie in the fact that we go to bed and eat at the same time, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, eat right. In addition, it is useful to get into the habit of exercising at the same time, because in this case the body will accustom itself to activate certain processes by the start of the workout. Training will become a kind of life cycle, its integral part.

What equipment can you buy home to stretching at home was of high quality. You can get a Swedish wall, a gymnastic rug and supports (for example, those that are usually wrung out in the gym). It is useful to practice in special non-slip shoes. Clothing should be elastic and not tear at the most crucial moment, should not hamper your movements. High-quality leggings and ballet flats / Czechs are well suited.

Let's sum up all of the above in a nutshell. So, stretching is very important if you want to exercise seriously enough. In some disciplines, such as rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating, being flexible is essential for many elements. In martial arts, stretching is necessary to perform particularly difficult tricks and elements. You will not be able to reproduce the movements of professional athletes if you do not have a certain level of flexibility. Is muscle stretching necessary in strength sports? Yes, it's needed. During the execution of the complex, you simply will not be able to do the exercises fully without proper stretching. To become flexible, do simple and uncomplicated exercises, but do it steadily.

Finally, we wish readers to be friends with sports and always take care of their health! Movement is life. If you are at least not at full strength, but consistently playing sports, then believe me, you are in a better position than those who try, tear their veins, exercise intensively for several months, and then give up, disappointed in training and a healthy lifestyle. Remember that consistency and planning are the main principles of any training!

Hi Hi! Well, do you close your eyes before stepping on the scales? Horror, what they show after so many festive feasts! But now I don’t want to talk about graceful forms - a complete disorder ... I propose first to stretch and stretch the muscles and ligaments that have become stiff from idleness.

After all, it only sounds simple, but in fact - a whole science. Stretching for beginners at home should be very careful and accurate, otherwise it will do more harm than good. And in general, it is important to approach this process wisely, having previously armed with some knowledge.

What is stretching

Stretching or stretching is usually called a set of exercises aimed at physiological stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the whole body.

Stretching for beginners at home is not only a way to sit on the splits, but also a warm-up of the limbs, back, neck, even hands and feet. At first glance, this activity seems boring and useless ... But do not believe your eyes! Everyone needs to stretch.

  • those who are engaged in to remove the stomach;
  • those who set records on the treadmill;
  • those who pump muscles;
  • but for those who lead an inactive lifestyle - especially!

Each person is unique and stretching clearly demonstrates this. Someone never wondered how to sit on the twine, because it freely “rides” up and down at any time and without warming up. The other jumps with difficulty through a small puddle. This does not mean pathologies, but with age, these small problems are aggravated, and the range of motion is gradually reduced.

By the way! For men, stretching is much more torment than for women - why not a reason for slight gloating?

Alas, we usually underestimate the importance of stretching. We constantly think about beautiful forms - we draw in our stomachs, wear push-up bras, starve, sweat in the gym ... And then such beautiful ones are forced to squat to pick up something from the floor, and shamelessly crunch our ankles, taking out a hat from the top shelf. Beauty, what can I say.

What is stretching for?

But why do you need to stretch your muscles at all?

  1. Firstly, pre-stretching before each strength and aerobic training prevents muscle fiber breaks.
  2. Secondly, short “pulls” between sets help “let go” of strained muscles.
  3. Thirdly, five-minute stretching is an excellent end to any training, be it simple or simple. Relaxes, relieves tension from working muscles, prevents krepatura.
  4. Fourth, a full hour stretch is an indispensable tool for improving the flexibility of the whole body.

Already at the first lesson, you will find completely “wooden” parts of the body that you did not even suspect about. The hips, shoulder blades, lower back will seem alien - naughty and ossified. But regular workouts Unleash your amazing potential! Stretching in this regard is much more pleasant than strength training - you see the result much faster.

Interesting! The benefits of stretching have been noted since ancient times. In one form or another, it is present in yoga, wushu, danhak, Thai massage and other systems. They are based on special practices that increase the flexibility of the joints and the elasticity of the ligaments.

But why do you need a flexible body at all? What difference does it make if you reach the floor with your palms or not? I always say that motivation is half the battle. No one will stretch just because everyone talks about the benefits of this activity. So what does stretching really do?

  1. Accelerates the excretion of lactic acid, which relieves pain and promotes muscle gain.
  2. Stops chronic pain (in particular, caused by sedentary work).
  3. Flexibility exercises prolong the life of joint mobility.
  4. Make movements more relaxed and easy.
  5. They lengthen the muscles, giving them a smoother outline, which is especially important for actively swinging.

Stretching for pregnant women deserves a separate discussion, the main task of which is to facilitate the course of childbirth, prevent ruptures of the perineum and return the joy of intimacy to the young mother as soon as possible. Stretching is also useful for girls, because it allows you to shape good posture and develop grace.

Types of stretching

So, what are the stretching methods according to the principle of action?

  1. Active. It involves the application of the athlete's efforts to stretch the target part of the body (for example, on the Swedish wall).
  2. Passive. With the maximum relaxation of the experimental athlete, the coach in the gym (masseur, rehabilitator) is engaged in stretching.
  3. Dynamic. The exercise is performed until the first slight tension in the stretched part of the body and smoothly passes into the next.
  4. Static. The practitioner gradually takes the given postures and stays in them for a while (from 15 seconds to a minute).
  5. Ballistic. The athlete performs springy movements, jerkily trying to pull the preheated part of the body.

One can argue about the benefits and harms of a particular method. Only one thing is indisputable - the most traumatic stretching method, of course, is ballistic. Were greedy with a warm-up or made an excessive jerk and the rupture of muscle fibers is ready. And they tend to heal for a very long time, even being at rest.

After training and in between sets, short dynamic stretching is indispensable - it relaxes contracted muscles, stretches them and allows you to quickly recover. It is not necessary to do it on the whole body, on the contrary, stretching those muscles that were involved in training will bring maximum benefit.

It is better to pay attention to static stretching for those who are determined to fully stretch in all directions and with all limbs. For this, yoga or an hour of group classes in the gym with a trainer is suitable. Honestly, only under his strict guidance can you stretch effectively, especially if you are not yet familiar with the correct and, most importantly, safe exercise technique.

Proper Stretching Technique

In general, technique is extremely important in stretching. Since stretching is somewhat painful, it makes perfect sense that everyone who stretches unconsciously tries to assume a position that does not cause pain. And almost always this posture is wrong. The statement is absolutely true that if a novice athlete does not hurt during stretching, then he suffers from nonsense.

Important! Pain is a natural part of stretching exercises for every unprepared person. But it should be only moderate, tolerable and in no case tearing and burning.

Perhaps it's time to move on to how to make a good stretch and not remain disabled at the same time. Jokes are jokes, but anything can happen ... Therefore, take care of yourself and be sure to listen to your feelings.

  1. Be sure to do a short warm-up before stretching. Your goal is just to disperse the blood through the muscles, so run, wave your arms and legs, do joint exercises.
  2. When choosing where to start a lesson, give preference to warming up small muscles. Finish the workout with twine, "butterfly" and "frog" after you warm up the whole body well.
  3. Breathe evenly. Muscles at the moment of stretching must be saturated with oxygen.
  4. Relax. Perform the next stretch as you exhale. Freeze at the bottom point and, after a while, on the next exhale, continue stretching. Learn this principle - master even a ballet stretch.
  5. The pain of stretching muscles makes you sweat, but even pleasant. Another thing, pain in the joints - it can not be tolerated for a second.
  6. "Collect" the flattened yourself slowly and in parts. No jerks or jumps.

After stretching to all muscle groups, the body needs time to recover. Therefore, it is not necessary and even harmful to drive yourself with daily workouts. It is ideal to stretch every 2-3 days, but not less often. And, most importantly, regularly!

But morning stretching is good right after waking up - it accelerates the blood, improves mood and helps to wake up. For those who cannot run or do full-fledged gymnastics in the morning, yoga and just good “sips”, as in this video, are an excellent tonic complex for every day.

Exercises - descriptions and best videos

I want to repeat that it is still better for beginners to take lessons from a professional. He will see the mistakes, turn the joints, and focus on the right points.

If this is not possible, I offer some of the simplest, safest and most effective poses for stretching large muscles. I don’t promise that with their help you will sit on the splits or stand in the Dog Pose in 30 days, but you will definitely feel the progress.

Attention! Many exercises are most effectively performed with a coach or an experienced (!!!) athlete. Very often, the strength of your muscles is simply not enough, and then the confident hands of a knowledgeable person come to the rescue.

Back of the thigh and buttocks

Lie on your back on a mat or just on the floor. Pull the knee of one leg to the chest, press and relax, feeling how the buttock stretches. Then grab your ankle with your hands and straighten your leg as far as you can. Repeat for the other leg. Perform the exercise with both legs at once and spread them as far as possible to the sides before the end.

Opening of the hip joints

Help here best exercise of all times - a butterfly. Sit up straight, straighten your legs in front of you. Then pull your knees to your chest and open your wings like a butterfly. Muscle strength is probably not enough, so feel free to press your knees with your weight.

Now spread your straight legs to the sides and bend alternately to the right and left. First chest, then sideways. For advanced people, it’s good to grab the foot with the opposite hand and bend under it, looking at the ceiling.

For those who want to sit on the twine

I devoted a whole article and you can get acquainted with it by clicking on the link. Here I will not dwell separately on this beloved topic, but I offer an excellent video for beginners:

For the back

To relax a tired lower back, chest and shoulder, master the already mentioned Dog Pose. Stand up straight and begin a slow forward bend. It's good if you can put your palms on the floor. If not, put them as close to your feet as possible. Then “stomp” your palms forward until you can keep your heels on the floor. At the extreme point, relax your back and stretch your pelvis up and back.

Such spinal stretching exercises are excellent for curing back pain, preventing salt deposits, and are even practiced to increase height.

To relax the abdominal muscles

In yoga, this asana is called Cobra Pose or Snake Pose. Lie on your stomach on the floor, put your hands near your chest. Squeeze the body up, straightening your arms and arching your back well. An unforgettable feeling...

Spinal twist

This exercise can not be done for people with osteochondrosis and scoliosis. But the rest, who spent a working day at the computer, it will be very useful. Lie on your stomach and spread your arms out to the sides. Raise your right leg, bending it at the knee, and try to touch the tips of the fingers of your left hand with your toe. Repeat on the other side.

In principle, such a set of exercises is quite enough for losing weight, and just to keep yourself in shape. But if you want to complete a full-fledged one, get acquainted with a good training from Ekaterina Firsova in this video:


The most common misconception about stretching is that it is out of reach for the elderly. This is completely wrong and age in itself is not a contraindication for stretching. Although, of course, for children, this process is easier and more efficient.

At any age, you should be more careful with stretching if you are aware of the following problems:

  • osteoporosis;
  • hypertension;
  • thrombosis and vascular disease;
  • arthritis;
  • hematomas;
  • heart disease;
  • fractures;
  • hernia.

You can not do stretching after sprains and damage to muscles and joints. Obviously, it is necessary to withstand the recovery period after surgical interventions. If you feel unwell and even more so with a fever, stretching will not do any good.

As for diseases of the spine, it all depends on their nature. So, with scoliosis, displacement of the vertebrae, pinched nerves, stretching is usually contraindicated. But the manifestations of osteochondrosis, on the contrary, can be significantly stopped by competent training.

If you have no contraindications, still do not try to stretch everything now. Sit on the transverse twine, maybe it will work out right away ... The only question is whether you can then get up.

So, in general terms, you now have an idea of ​​​​what stretching for beginners is and how to do it at home. However, this is only a small part useful information and, of course, there are still a lot of subtleties in this difficult science.

But I hope the above is helpful. Share the article with your friends if you liked it, and ask questions - I will be happy to help! Until then, good luck everyone! See you soon!

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