I started exercising and put on weight. Why doesn't weight come off with regular exercise? What does weight gain mean

Wallpapering 01.09.2021

So you have chosen a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet, sleep and rest, sign up for a gym and actively load your body exercise. And all of you are so light, successful and purposeful. And then they decided to weigh themselves .... and oops ... and then the weight increases. It seems like, according to all the rules, training should reduce it, but the weight has increased. What is the reason?

Girls often complain about such a reaction of the body. Men also have this effect, but the fact is that in the bulk of men go to the gym in order to pick up this very muscle mass and they don't care. Girls, on the other hand, go to the gym mainly to lose weight, that is, to reduce weight due to additional energy consumption in training. And the weight is not reduced.

So, there are several reasons why the weight after training did not decrease, but rather increased.

1. Muscle swelling

The most likely cause of weight gain after exercise is muscle swelling. In the first 2-4 weeks after unusual loads, water begins to linger in the muscles, and they increase in volume, and, accordingly, in weight.

This phenomenon is often confused with muscle growth. It is very difficult for a girl, due to her genetic characteristics, to build even a kilogram of muscle. All the pumped athletes, whose photos are so fond of posting on social networks, take male hormones and use drugs that accelerate muscle growth. Their hormonal balance is shifted towards the male, and therefore it is very naive to believe that two or three beginner workouts will lead to muscle growth by a kilogram and a half. With normal training, there will be practically no muscle growth, so there is no need to worry about this. The maximum you will bring them into tone and make the body more embossed.

The weight of the human body is the sum total of the weight of all its components: muscles, fat, bones, brain, nerve fibers, connective tissue, blood, lymph, intestinal gases, urine, and the air we carry in our lungs.

Immediately after a regular workout, the ratio of all of the above components can change by as much as 15 percent! Intense workouts are bound to cause your scale readings to fluctuate. Factors such as hydration, inflammation of the muscles from fiber ruptures (krepatura), even the amount of byproduct or urine, and the volume of circulating blood will necessarily affect the change in total body weight.

What to do with it?

Doing nothing is a natural process in the body, there is no getting away from it. Wait 2-3 weeks, the muscles will adapt to the load, and the weight will automatically go down. The main thing here is not to be afraid of numbers and systematically continue training, not paying attention to the scales.

2. Excess caloric content of the daily diet

Compensatory nutrition is also a common cause of primary weight gain. An average workout burns 300-500 calories at best, which is just a piece of your favorite cake. If you eat more than the body will absorb, then this will not lead to weight loss, but to weight gain, even if you train hard.

The same applies to compensation under the motto, I need the strength to lift weights. This is a very popular excuse along with "I'll work off my morning sweets in my evening workout." Undoubtedly, strength is needed for training, but a balance must be maintained everywhere. If you want, the amount of food consumed should be less than the energy expended. It doesn't matter if you train or not. This is the rule of dogma. Despite the fact that we tend to underestimate the number of calories and overestimate the effort expended. I'm not afraid of this word, the error reaches 50%.

What to do with it?

Control your diet, or better yet, start counting calories. Successful weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% exercise. Lead, count calories, avoid fast carbohydrates and minimize fat. Unfortunately, one sport without nutrition correction will not lead you to the ideal body.

  • do not panic because of the numbers on the scales;
  • always control your diet;
  • do a good stretch after training;
  • do not be afraid to play sports: even if the weight increases the first time after training, your body will be getting closer to its ideal shape;
  • measure volumes and see changes in body quality by taking photos.

Did you have the effect of weight gain with the start of training? Tell!

Many ladies are sure that it is worth doing a week morning exercises, Go to proper nutrition and here it is, wasp waist. With such expectations, disappointment is inevitable.

Excess weight, sometimes accumulated over the years, cannot be easily and simply dissolved in a short time without harm to health. Therefore, diets that promise to make you a model in a couple of weeks should be avoided - it can turn into a hospital bed.

And even if such a deplorable result does not follow, dropped on a low-calorie diet and exhausting workouts the weight will come back a hundredfold: with such nutrition, plumb lines are explained by the loss of water and muscle mass, and not at all fat. Sooner or later, the diet ends, the woman returns to her usual diet. Weight inevitably begins to grow, despite training, because the body, which has experienced a long one, seeks to store energy in case of another hunger strike. It's a vicious circle, diets do not work, remember.

Proper nutrition and moderate exercise will definitely help to achieve harmony, but the process can take a long time.

The main task is to create conditions for fat burning and not violate them. Gradually, the body will accept a new regime, the metabolism will accelerate, the hated fat will finally begin to burn.

The path to perfect figures it will most likely take not one month, during this time, proper nutrition will become a healthy habit, and training will begin to bring pleasure. Patience, just patience.

plateau effect

This unpleasant phenomenon is faced by the vast majority of those who are losing weight, and not so much beginners as “experienced fighters” who have already seen the first result. And everything seems to be as it should be: proper nutrition, adequate training, enough patience and motivation. What's the matter?

Do not get upset, and even more so quit what you started. is normal and may last from two weeks to several months. The main reason for weight loss is adaptation of the body to training, slowing down metabolism. Our body simply adapts to stress, being lazy to burn fat.

In this case, it is enough to change the training program: add new exercises, transfer the time of classes from evening to morning or vice versa. Power adjustments may not be required.

Another impetus for fat burning will be going to the bath or sauna immediately after strength training. This method is often used by athletes who want to lose a couple of kilos before the competition. Intense heating of the body increases the consumption of oxygen and nutrients, stimulating metabolic processes. The method is very effective, but is contraindicated in people suffering from heart disease.

Sometimes weight loss is caused too strict diet is a defense response to hunger. Proper nutrition comes first balanced menu and regular meals every 4-5 hours. No meal for a long time perceived as, metabolism slows down.

The best way out is a gradual increase in the daily calorie content of the diet, by 100 kcal per day maximum at the same level of training, then the body will have time to adapt.

Wrong calorie count

For a correct woman, a woman should receive 1300-2000 kcal per day with food, a nutritionist will help to calculate a more accurate figure based on the age of the client, lifestyle, the number of extra pounds and health indicators. At the same time, about 30% of the diet should occupy squirrels, 60% complex carbohydrates, 10% fats. Therefore, the decision to completely abandon fat-containing foods, so often taken by those who lose weight, is fundamentally wrong and very harmful. We need fats for the synthesis of hormones, the absorption of vitamins.

Often, wanting to consolidate the effect of training, ladies cut back on the already modest calorie content, limit yourself in food. This technique will help you lose weight quickly, but be sure will affect health. However, the dangers of a calorie deficit, we have already described above.

The second most common mistake of losing weight is constant breakdowns from proper nutrition. Noticing the first fruits of training, ladies relax - they begin to abuse sweets and buns, hoping for the miraculous power of physical activity. Such errors very quickly become a habit, an excess of calories appears, settling on the sides with a hated fat.

Do not forget about the need for systemic proper nutrition, and on the days of breakdowns, be sure to increase the intensity of your workout, otherwise you will not be able to lose weight.

A few words about proper nutrition for burning fat (video)

muscle gain

In the first month after the start of training, almost all girls notice weight gain instead of the desired decrease. The mood is hopelessly spoiled - is it really all in vain, why didn’t you manage to lose weight? Nothing terrible happens, everything is explained very simply.

With active training begins building heavy muscle tissue replacing lighter fat fibers. The body becomes stronger, more enduring, and the body spends much more energy on the full maintenance of the muscles than on maintaining the fat layer. Don't forget about good nutrition during this period and soon you will notice a pleasant change in the forms in the mirror.

Plus, our body must be able to recover after workout, relax. Muscle pain- the very first and clear signal that the loads did not go unnoticed, they did their job. The process of muscle recovery is always accompanied by water retention required by the fibers to perform all metabolic processes in cells. This explains the sharp weight gain 1-2 kg. After 3-5 weeks, the excess fluid will come out by itself - you will immediately see this by reducing the volume.

Proper nutrition and sufficient intake of pure water during training helps balance hormones, boost metabolism what will take not one month. But as a result, the body will be completely rebuilt, tissue regeneration will accelerate, and now it will not be difficult to lose weight.

Wrong workouts

Ideally, it is better to work out in the gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer who will select an individual training program. Those who practice on their own should take into account that far Not all physical activity helps you lose weight. So leisurely walking will not burn a lot of energy, even if it takes a decent amount of time.

Proper training will take no time at least an hour, and half of this time the body will spend calories received from food, and only then it will be taken for body fat. Be sure to include exercises in your workout. different muscle groups then the calorie consumption will be much higher. Gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises, you can achieve more noticeable results, but here it is important to listen carefully to your health.

It is categorically not recommended to go to extremes and overwork yourself with training, because with such loads it will be difficult to lose weight. Paradox? Well no. Constant fatigue, no good rest entails the allocation of g ormone - cortisol, which slows down digestion, reduces, negatively affects mood. But that's not the worst part. Cortisol destroys muscle tissue and provokes the deposition of fat in the waist area, that's the main danger. Try to calculate your workouts so that they take 5-6 hours per week, this time in the gym is enough to lose weight if you follow the basic aspects of proper nutrition.

You started exercising regularly and decided to weigh yourself to evaluate the results. And what do you see: after training, your weight has increased! Do not rush to get upset, this strange fact can have a completely logical and understandable explanation.

Before we begin to analyze weight gain, let's note important point. In the process of losing weight, there can be no permanent weight loss.. Periodically, the weight will stop for a couple of weeks (or even for a month!) and even rise - and this is absolutely normal. Even if you do everything correctly and competently, your weight will not melt before our eyes. With weight loss, the body gradually and rather slowly adapts to new conditions. Give him time to change biochemical processes and stabilize weight.

Possible reasons why weight could increase after training

1. Muscle swelling

The most likely cause of weight gain after exercise is muscle swelling. After unusual loads, water begins to linger in the muscles, and they increase in volume. This phenomenon is temporary and has nothing to do with muscle growth. After a couple of weeks, they will return to normal, and your weight will go down.

What to do with it?

Doing nothing is a natural process in the body, there is no getting away from it. Wait 2-3 weeks, the muscles will adapt to the load, and the weight will go down. The main thing here is not to be afraid of numbers and systematically continue training, not paying attention to the scales. Also, do not forget to do a good stretch after class: high-quality stretching workouts perfectly tone the muscles and help in creating a beautiful relief.

2. Excess caloric content of the daily diet

Do not think that if you play sports, then you can eat in unlimited quantities. This is not true. An average workout can burn 300 to 500 calories per hour, which is just a slice of your favorite layer cake. If you eat more than your body can absorb, then not only will you not lose weight, but you will gain weight after training.

What to do with it?

Stick to a moderate diet, or better yet, start counting calories. Successful weight loss is 70% adjusted diet and only 30% regular sports. Keep a food diary, count calories, avoid sweets and fast food. Sports will not lead you to the ideal body if you do not change your eating habits. Alas, but it is.

A popular misconception about why weight can increase after training

Many people believe that weight gain after exercise is the result of muscle growth. If we are not talking about strength training with heavy weights and protein nutrition, then this is an absolute delusion! Even if you really want to, it’s very difficult for girls to build muscle: at best, a monthly increase in muscle mass will be no more than 500 g. There will be no muscle growth during normal training, so you don’t need to worry about it. At most, you will bring them into tone and make the body more toned and embossed.

Four important advice how to make your workouts effective:

  • do not stand on the scale every day and do not panic because of the numbers;
  • control your diet;
  • do a good stretch after training;
  • do not be afraid to play sports: even if the weight increases for the first time after training, your body will be getting closer to its ideal shape;
  • measure volumes and see changes in body quality by taking photos.

Questions and answers why weight increases after training

1. I started exercising regularly to lose weight, but in 3 weeks the weight did not decrease at all. Does this mean I am not losing weight?

During physical activity muscles retain water, therefore, from training, weight can increase or stand still, while the fat layer will go away. Try to measure volumes and look at changes in the quality of the body (take photos), this is a much more visual way to follow the process of losing weight.

2. I have been training for a month now, but the weight is increasing. I measure volumes, look at the “before and after” photos - almost unchanged. What could be wrong?

For weight loss, it is not enough just to exercise, you need keep track of nutrition. As we said, 70% of success in losing weight depends on nutrition. Training helps to tighten the body, improve its tone, get rid of flabbiness, but the process of losing weight and getting rid of excess fat is possible only with a calorie deficit. If you are not losing weight (regardless of whether you have training or not), then you need to reconsider your diet.

3. I try to eat right and exercise for a long time, but the weight does not decrease. Why?

If you are eating right, this does not mean that you are eating With calorie deficit . Even useful products you can go over your allowance. In addition, very often during sports activities increased appetite, the body thus tries to replenish the spent energy. Therefore, you can quietly start eating more: snack more often, eat larger portions, choose more high-calorie foods. Without control and clear numbers, we cannot always correctly form a weight loss menu.

4. I count calories and exercise regularly. The first 2 weeks the weight fell, and now for 2 weeks it has not decreased. What to do?

At the very beginning of the process of losing weight, there is usually the most intensive weight loss. Usually, 2-3 kg in the first week and many expect the same rapid results in the future. But such a pace of getting rid of extra pounds will be only at the beginning. These 2-3 kg, which are gone in the first week, are not a decrease in body fat, but a change water balance in the body. Due to the reduction in the amount of carbohydrates and fast food, water leaves the body, so a good “plumb line” occurs.

The normal rate of weight loss is 0.5 kg in 1-2 weeks, and this is not always the case. It must be understood that the process of weight loss can't be permanent and unchanged. The weight can rise and fall a little, and this dynamics within a week or a month may defy any explanation. For example, here is a typical weight loss chart with daily weighing:

As you can see, the weight is in constant dynamics, it does not fall systematically. But if you look at the picture entirely, you can see that the weight goes down. Although on some days it does not change or even, on the contrary, grows. Also, remember that the lower your initial weight, the slower the weight loss will be. For example, in this example, in 4 months, the weight fell only 4 kg. (even slightly less). And this is absolutely normal and healthy pace. So keep eating in a calorie deficit and exercising, and your goal will be reached.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


People with overweight stubbornly and regularly go in for sports, exposing your body to heavy loads. This often raises the question: why does weight not go away with regular training, even if you do heavy exercise - in this case, this or that muscle begins to grow, but the number of calories burned does not increase. The end result can be somewhat discouraging as a result. instead of losing a few kilograms, you, on the contrary, gained them due to the fact that this or that muscle increased its volume under the influence of intense training.

What is the plateau effect

To answer the question why weight does not decrease when playing sports, it is necessary to consider the so-called. plateau effect in training. It refers to the period when body weight during weight loss ceases to decrease. This effect is justified by the fact that the human body, which at first actively burned fat, stops doing this, having adapted to the changed diet and load. In other words, you went on a diet and started exercising in a fitness room, as a result of which the weight began to gradually decrease, but in the end you reached a point where the arrows on the floor scales just froze.

Reasons to stop weight loss

Weight loss and reduced energy expenditure are two interrelated parameters. If the weight is not coming off, then one of the problems is that when you go to the gym you use the same exercises without increasing the intensity or load of the training. If you want to achieve an ideal body, then start training in a variety of ways, increasing the load from time to time, otherwise your body will simply adapt, as a result of which the volume of muscle mass will stop growing and body weight will stop at one mark plus or minus a couple of kilograms.

Another common reason for the problem described is that you violated your diet, for example, could not resist and ate a chocolate bar. Another reason is rapid weight loss in the first weeks of diets and exercise. The fact is that, in addition to fat, you also lost muscle tissue. If the muscles decrease, then the energy expenditure will decrease. This is very bad for those who are trying hard to achieve the perfect body, because. in order to return the muscles to their previous volumes again, you will have to play sports for a very long time.

Why Doesn't Weight Loss When Exercising?

Beginners who engage in regular exercise in combination with a certain diet often wonder why they do not lose weight when playing sports. The reason for this common phenomenon is that under the influence of regular physical activity in the body, muscle mass is built, which can spread throughout the body. It replaces the gradually burning fatty tissue and because. muscles are heavier than fat, then at first you are unlikely to lose weight.

Muscle growth

The appearance of additional body weight with regular sports is more often associated with an increase in muscle mass, rather than fat, the abundance of which has various negative effects on human health. This will help you make your body stronger and healthier than before. Therefore, you should not worry too much if you notice that the weight does not want to go away in any way, because. you have muscle instead of fat. But at the same time, it is necessary to adjust your diet, diversifying it with healthy and rich in various substances food.

Calorie deficiency

When using a low-calorie diet to get rid of excess fat, often people begin to consume much fewer calories than is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This is a very serious mistake, as the appearance of a deficit of the required number of calories will lead to a slowdown in the metabolic rate. It turns out that a low calorie diet will affect the increase in fat stores in your body, because. the body will try hard to conserve energy. At the same time, you will feel tired and lethargic.

Violation of the basic metabolism

The human body needs a constant supply of energy. Its sources are the food consumed and fat stores with very few carbohydrates. When a person reduces the amount of food eaten by volitional efforts, the body begins to draw energy from internal reserves. But when he cannot or does not want to extract the right amount of energy from them, the body begins to reduce its costs. An obligatory harbinger of this is the appearance of hunger, so the appetite after training may increase. As a result, the basic metabolism is disturbed.

Monotonous workouts

Why doesn't weight go off with regular hourly workouts? If you are faced with this problem, even if you go to classes 4-5 times a week, then this is due to the fact that you are doing monotonous exercises. To solve it, use the following recommendations:

  • If you like to walk in the garden or somewhere in the park, you can walk briskly for about 1 hour, 4-5 times a week. Results may appear in about 3 weeks.
  • You definitely need a cardio load after strength training, which will help you consolidate the result by burning some excess fat.
  • As you improve your fitness, be sure to increase the intensity of your workouts. To do this, use forms of exercise such as dancing and aerobics.

Hormonal disorders

Some people who regularly perform all the necessary physical activities, overcoming pain with fatigue, and take only healthy food, are facing a lack of any significant results. Causes may be related to health:

Why the weight does not go away, but the volumes decrease

Some of those who are losing weight are faced with the question of why the weight is worth it, and the volumes are decreasing. In general, in this case, you can not worry much, because. a similar reaction of the body is observed in the first 2-3 months of intensive sports. This is due to the fact that at this time excess water leaves the intercellular space, which allows you to lose a lot of centimeters in the buttocks, waist, etc.

Why Weight Doesn't Lose With Intense Workouts

Getting rid of excess fat involves a combination of proper nutrition with exercise. But why doesn't the weight come off with intensive training? The answer to this question lies in the following reasons.

We'll tell you why it happens!

Weight loss is certainly the hottest topic in fitness! Most of those who come to the fitness club set themselves this most difficult task, but not everyone achieves it.

In the beginning, is it worth determining that the weight is really not going away? The norm for weight loss is the loss of 4-5 kg ​​per month. The more weight, the more actively a person dumps it. For example, with a weight of 130-140 kg, losses of up to 2 kg per day are possible. However, it is very important to track the overall dynamics within 1-2 weeks, and it is not necessary to know the weight loss in grams. That is why it is better to weigh yourself once every 7-10 days at the same time (not necessarily in the morning) and use the same scales (preferably electronic). When it comes to losing weight, the “slowly but surely” rule applies. Getting rid of unnecessary kilograms more quickly can lead to serious health problems (for example, to the omission of the kidneys).

Remember: if you lose 0.5-1 kg per week (or 2-4 kg per month) - you lose weight!
If the weight really stopped in place, then there may be several reasons for this. It is worth paying attention to 3 main points: nutrition, training and health.

1) Nutrition

1) often skip lunch or breakfast;

2) oversaturate dinner;

3) do not eat after 18 hours;

4) go on a diet.

Now let's explain why:

You can not give the body hints of starvation! Since in this case he begins to prepare for " hard times and store fat in reserve. Dieting is one of the main mistakes of losing weight. At the time of the diet, we deprive the body of vitamins, trace elements, vital enzymes, in some cases essential amino acids, which as a result leads to metabolic disorders, nervous exhaustion, loss of concentration, and also to a stop in weight loss. And then there is a breakdown and return of extra pounds.

We will give advice on what to do in this case:

Eat at least 3 times a day, preferably 4-5. Eliminate foods with a high glycemic index - this is an indicator of food that affects the increase in blood sugar levels. Refined rice, beer, sugar, flour products, chocolate, etc. should be abandoned;

Breakfast should be plentiful: cereals, bran, muesli with grain bread or fitness cereal with a piece of cheese or butter.

Before strength training, it is advisable to eat 2-3 hours, but loosely, with an emphasis on carbohydrate foods (cereals, salads, durum wheat pasta, brown rice).

If you are planning a light cardio workout, then eating before it is not necessary. But it should be remembered that the multiplicity of power should not be violated. Be sure to eat after your workout! There should not be any two hours of fasting after. It is important that you give your body the building block it needs to recover - protein. You can safely lean on seafood, dairy or meat products with vegetables.

In the evening, eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. Dinner should be light - vegetables, cottage cheese.

Monitor the quality of the products on your table. No fast foods, sausages, sausages and similar semi-finished products with soy!

2) Workouts

Possible reasons why the weight is not coming off:

1) Monotonous workouts;

2) Incorrectly selected training program;

3) A set of muscle mass.

Let's explain why:

If you are actively involved in gym, then it is quite possible that the scales will not show the expected numbers. Most likely, you are just gaining muscle mass. Turn on fat burning mode.

As for monotonous workouts, it should be remembered that our body always adapts to the same type of exercises and the same working weights. Therefore, in order for the training process to have a result (whether it be weight loss, weight gain or the development of any physical qualities), it is impossible to give the muscles and central nervous system get used to the workout. He should always be "surprised".

Incorrect training programs include: irregular training, training that leads to an overload of the body (may discourage the desire to train), too intense strength training for very obese or physically weak people.

To achieve the best result, change distances, pace, weights, number of sets, exercises, rest intervals, etc. Vary the load.

Include in the program of cardio training from 40 minutes (gradually bringing up to an hour or more). It may not necessarily be classes in the cardio zone, but also running, swimming, dancing, brisk walking - they will help with fat burning.

In strength training, use light weights and do high reps. Large weights can be used if you consider yourself a trained practitioner. Focus on large muscle groups.

Consult with an experienced trainer about exercise technique and the intensity of your workouts in the gym.

3) Health

Possible reasons why the weight is not coming off:

1) Strong stress;

2) Violation of the sleep pattern;

3) Health problems;

4) Taking medication.


Stress and lack of sleep bring down the metabolism, which leads not only to a halt in weight loss, but can also start the reverse process. However, sometimes getting rid of extra pounds is hindered by an elementary misunderstanding of the problem. Often overweight is a disease caused by certain changes in the body. Therefore, for effective weight loss it is necessary to identify the causes of overweight (trauma, metabolic disorders, hormonal failure) and take actions aimed at eliminating this cause. Massage, fitness, proper nutrition and supplements in this case become just an additional tool.

In addition, taking certain medications (such as birth control pills) can be a cause of being overweight. In this case, it is also better to seek advice from your doctor.

Rest more, get enough sleep, follow the regime of training, work and rest.

Do not self-medicate, contact a qualified specialist. What has helped others (friends, neighbors, family) may not necessarily help you.

Extra pounds are a deviation from the norm and often they indicate any diseases of the body. Therefore, there can be many reasons why the weight does not go away. Well, if the reason is only that you are not eating right, then for weight loss you only need to adjust the training and nutrition program. However, it is often necessary to consult a doctor.

In any case, do not force yourself with excessive training, do it with pleasure, get enough sleep and do not starve, and soon the result will not be long in coming!

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