Contraception for men: types of male contraceptives, methods of use and reliability. Contraceptives for men - which pills or means to choose Contraceptives for men

Pest control 06.11.2021

Contraceptives for men are now quite a hot topic of the XXI century. Today you will learn what types of contraception exist, tell you about the safest and most effective methods. Protection against unwanted pregnancy, PP diseases concerns not only women, but also men.


There are many types of contraceptives, we will talk about the most basic ones now.

1. Interrupted intercourse. A man needs to have time to remove his penis from a woman's vagina a few seconds before orgasm before ejaculation. If a man is confident in himself and knows that he will "find it in time", then it is quite possible to use this method.

Only it does not protect against genital infections PP. Therefore, it is advisable to practice this with a proven partner.

  • Without financial investments;
  • Neither you nor the woman need to take hormonal medications;
  • No harm to health (if a proven partner).
  • A man always needs to control himself;
  • Does not protect against STDs;
  • There may be problems in the genital area, due to the frequent use of this method, a decrease in sexual desire. Efficiency 76%.


2. Condoms (condom). The most common form of contraception. Most men prefer it, according to statistics 65%. The latex from which the condom is made does not allow dangerous infections and spermatozoa to pass through.

  • Efficiency 99%;
  • Protection against STDs and HIV;
  • Availability for sale;
  • Easy to use;
  • No harm to health.


  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • You have to stop to put it on (inconvenience);
  • In a fit of passion or in a casual relationship, it is not always in your pocket;
  • Allergic reaction to latex materials;
  • Incorrect dressing can slip and tear.

Having a number of disadvantages, condoms for men are popular, commercially available and easy to use.


1. Sterilization (vasectomy).

The most radical method for male contraception. This step must be taken consciously, realizing that there will never be children, even with all the desire in the future.

The operation lasts half an hour, where the spermatic cords are removed. The intervention does not affect libido and potency in any way. You can freely have sex after 3 months. The effectiveness of the method is 100%.

  • Reliability 100%;
  • There are no more indications for surgery, it is done once in a lifetime.


  • Surgical intervention (not all men love this phrase and can decide);
  • It's not cheap;
  • There is no going back;
  • By law, it is forbidden to do it to men under 35 years old, and who do not have children;
  • Does not protect against STIs.

This is a decisive and responsible step. If you are not Childfree (free from children), and in the future you want to have a child, then you should not do it.

Medicines that are not yet commercially available

2. Contraceptive drugs (pills). Not yet in use, but in the process of production, testing and release. An analogue of female pills only with a more powerful dosage of hormones and the effect of the remedy after 30 days of taking is enough for 3 months.

The action of the drug is based on an increase in the male hormone in the blood and the suppression of sperm production. Testosterone eventually returns to normal after the end of taking the pills. But in pharmacies now you will not find such medicines.

Hormonal medicines for men. Known drugs such as Gemendazole and Adzhedin are used to treat cancer and have side effects in the form of an effect on the maturation of live spermatozoa and, accordingly, on fertility.

  • Treatment of youthful acne and acne;
  • Protection against unwanted pregnancy.


  • prostate problems;
  • Focal alopecia of the head;
  • Loss of hair on the chest and body;
  • Gynecomastia (breast enlargement);
  • heart rhythm problems;
  • Excess weight.

Hormonal medicines for unwanted pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor. Do not take without diagnosis and examination for chronic diseases, so as not to aggravate them.

Rarely used

1.Male implant for contraception. A small device up to 3 cm is implanted under the skin, which contains so many hormones to suppress sperm production. The method is not fully implemented and tested by the stronger sex. Since the drug is based on hormones, it has a number of negative factors of influence like pills. Reliability 70%.

2. Injections for men. Testosterone undecanoate (500 mg) + solvent in tea tree seed oil. Efficiency 99%. The downside is that if a guy is afraid of injections, then this method will be a psychological barrier for him. Before the planned conception, it is necessary to abandon this procedure for 6 months.

3.Liquid condom for men. Modern contraception has gone as far as improving latex-based barriers. Available in the form of a spray, applied before copulation for 1.5 minutes, this is considered its only disadvantage.

But after drying, partners practically do not feel it, it is light and has the same 100% protection as a regular condom. Each representative of the stronger sex chooses the appropriate method of contraception for himself. But we can conclude that the most reliable and convenient for men is a condom.

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An attentive man must definitely take care of protecting his half from an unwanted pregnancy. To do this, he should choose a reliable means of contraception for himself.

Criteria for choosing a method of contraception for men

It is better to entrust the selection of male contraceptives to a urologist. A man can come to him alone or with his partner to discuss the issue together. When choosing a protection method, the specialist will take into account:

  • the desire of a man to restore reproductive function in the future;
  • availability and ease of use of the contraceptive;
  • age and chronic diseases of a man;
  • opinion of sexual partners;
  • reliability and absence of side effects, influence on future offspring.

Means and methods of contraception

The issue of reliable male contraception is relevant for modern scientific medicine. It is rather difficult to develop means that could block the action of a large number of germ cells and not harm the health of a man. At present, barrier methods for preventing conception, hormonal preparations, and surgical procedures are relevant.

Condoms: their advantages and disadvantages

Condoms are the most common method of male contraception. They are able to protect against genital infections and unwanted entry of sperm into the vagina. Barrier products are made mainly from latex. They are classified according to the type of lubricant used, thickness and strength, the presence of flavoring, texture (smooth or with spikes, pimples).

Among the advantages of condoms:

  • availability - products are easy to buy at a pharmacy or supermarket, convenient to carry;
  • protection against HIV and STIs;
  • the ability to combine with other methods of contraception;
  • efficiency during protection from conception - 98%;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse;
  • a minimum of contraindications (except for an allergic reaction, which is individual).

However, this method of contraception also has significant disadvantages:

  • a poorly made product can tear, slip off the penis during intercourse;
  • decreased sensitivity, inability to get the full range of sexual sensations;
  • it is impossible to reuse the same product;
  • Proper use of condoms requires experience.

Under what conditions can a condom break? First of all, with excessive tension during putting it on or when using a product that does not fit. Often this leads to the use of male contraceptives with an expired expiration date or models of cheap brands that are damaged initially.

Innovative development - liquid condoms in the form of balloons with liquid latex under pressure. The spray is evenly applied to the erect penis, where it hardens. The effectiveness of this method of contraception is up to 98%. However, it takes time to apply and harden the product (up to 2.5 minutes). It is more difficult to remove such a condom than a regular one.

Oral contraceptives

Along with female oral contraceptives, there are hormonal pills for the stronger sex. Their action is aimed at suppressing the activity of male germ cells. For this purpose, the tablets contain testosterone. This is a unique hormone that, in small amounts, helps fight infertility. In high doses, testosterone inhibits the ability of sperm to fertilize.

The effectiveness of male birth control pills is up to 99%. At the same time, the sensitivity during sexual intercourse remains as high as possible (an important advantage over condoms).

Drugs can cause serious side effects:

  • pathological enlargement of the prostate gland;
  • thrombosis due to abnormally increased blood clotting;
  • excessive growth of hair on the body;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • negative impact on libido;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • the term for restoring the ability to conceive is from 1 year.

The theory that long-term use of oral contraceptives further leads to infertility in the stronger sex has not yet been confirmed. However, it is important to discuss the use of hormonal drugs based on testosterone with a doctor.

A high contraceptive effect is provided by preparations based on cyproterone acetate. Their intake leads to temporary sterilization and a decrease in sperm volume. After the abolition of contraceptives, the ability to conceive and the amount of sperm are restored.

The effect of male contraceptive pills does not appear immediately. They need to be taken regularly for 3 months before unprotected sex. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa mature for about 70 days. In addition, while taking the pills, you need to take breaks for 1-2 months.

Contraceptive gels (which are under development) may soon become an alternative to pills. They need to be applied daily to intimate areas of the body. The effectiveness of the method reaches 89%, side effects have not yet been detected.

Subdermal implants

Sewing implants under the skin is a little-known variant of male protection related to surgical methods. The doctor sews an implant with androgen under the skin. Within 4 weeks, it resolves, constantly releasing testosterone into the body, which blocks the process of spermatogenesis and negatively affects the quality of the protein component of germ cells. The technique is distinguished by reliability and efficiency. However, as in the case of taking hormonal drugs, it has side effects that are dangerous for men's health.

Contraceptive injections

Injectable solutions given to men also contain testosterone. The method has the same side effects as oral contraceptives based on this hormone. Restoration of the ability to conceive will occur six months after the refusal of injections.

Surgical operations

Cutting the vas deferens (vasectomy) is one of the radical options for protection against pregnancy. Its effectiveness reaches 98%, while the man retains potency at the same level. The operation is performed surgically, but a man should consider such a decisive step. There will be no turning back, and he may forever lose the opportunity to become a father.

The law allows men over the age of 35 to have a vasectomy if they have two or more children of their own. Its benefits for a couple who are sexually active on a regular basis are obvious:

  • extremely low chance of conception;
  • no need to use other methods of contraception (if the sexual partner is alone and you do not need to take care of protection against STIs).

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • high price;
  • vasectomy - a surgical intervention that often stops men;
  • Vasectomy does not protect against STIs.

A surgical option in which the ability to become a father will not be lost is vasoresection. The spermatic cord is tied up, creating an obstacle for the exit of male germ cells.

The technique is used in the treatment of impotence and in order to prevent tissue inflammation after prostate surgery. If in the future a man has a desire to have offspring, the cord is untied during a surgical operation.

An innovative development, little known to Russian men, is the male spiral. This is a small umbrella that microsurgery inserts into the scrotum through the head of the penis. The substance that is in it kills sperm.

Polyurethane plugs also have a contraceptive effect. The technique consists in introducing a substance based on liquid polyurethane into the vas deferens. After it hardens, plugs form that block the exit of spermatozoa.

In all the cases described above, medical assistance is required. At the same time, the efficiency of the methods is very high (up to 99%).

The issue of couple protection is a delicate and serious one. It is necessary to solve it at the stage of the beginning of the relationship and make a choice in favor of a more convenient way. Currently, pharmaceutical concerns are actively working on the manufacture of new drugs for male contraception. Most of them will soon appear in pharmacies.

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy is a concern not only for women, but also for men. To protect and protect yourself and your partner, you need to know about male contraception and choose the right one.

Methods and means of contraception for men

Means of male contraception are less diverse than female ones. The main reason is the complexity of their development. The fact is that the action of contraceptives produced for women is aimed at protecting the egg from the penetration of sperm. Theoretically, this probability is possible 1 time per cycle, which lasts about 28 days. In men, contraceptives must neutralize the millions of sperm that are produced every day, which complicates the task.

Protective agents against unwanted pregnancy for men can be divided into barrier, medical and surgical. All methods have their own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

Interruption of sexual intercourse

The oldest and most real method of contraception in the male arsenal is the interruption of sexual intercourse before ejaculation. This method has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which can be found in more detail in the article:. In addition, there is an opinion about before ejaculation.

In order to avoid the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as:, and others, interruption of sexual intercourse as a protection against pregnancy is only appropriate with a proven partner. In all other cases it is recommended to use condoms.

Condom use

The advantages of this method:

  • efficiency up to 97%;
  • availability - can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy or supermarket at relatively low prices;
  • is a protection against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • prolongs sexual intercourse.


in some cases, there is an allergy to the components used in the manufacture of condoms.
possible decreased sensitivity and discomfort during intercourse
there is a possibility of damage to the condom if used incorrectly or of poor quality.
it is necessary to choose the right size and acquire certain skills for using the product.

liquid condom

In addition to the usual condoms, condoms were invented in the original liquid form. Liquid latex is in a spray can and is applied with a special sprayer immediately before sexual intercourse on an erect penis. After hardening, it is at least 30 seconds, you can proceed directly to sexual intercourse. In our country, liquid condoms mainly come from China and some European countries. By the way, the German invented the liquid condom.

The main advantage of such a condom is that it is suitable for any penis size.

There are more disadvantages:

  • inconvenient procedure for applying to the genitals - before use, be sure to shake the can and evenly treat the penis. Moreover, keep a distance of 50 -70 cm, which is not always possible under conditions of sexual arousal;
  • it takes time to solidify the product;
  • with uneven application of the spray, the protective properties of the product are significantly reduced;
  • A used frozen condom is more difficult to remove than a regular condom.

Vasectomy (vasoresection)

A surgical operation in which fragments of the vas deferens are tied or removed. After the operation, the man retains all sexual functions and sexual behavior. That is, he has sexual attraction to the opposite sex, erection, orgasm and ejaculation. Due to the obstruction of the vas deferens, normal-looking sperm does not contain spermatozoa, and the man is sterile - incapable of conceiving children.

This is a radical method of contraception that can be recommended for men over 35 who have children.

In 1 out of 100 cases, after a vasectomy, the function of the vas deferens is restored in a natural way, which leads to the appearance of sperm in the seminal fluid and the possibility of having children again. In addition, with the help of the same surgical intervention, it is possible to restore the spermatic cords and in 40 - 90% of cases after that the man restores his fertility. It is believed that such a recovery must be done within the first 5 years after vasectomy, since at a later date the body stops producing spermatozoa due to their lack of demand.

Vastcomia was made by such famous men as Pele, Ronaldo, Ozy Osbourne.

Advantages: an effective method after which a man can perform an unlimited number of sexual intercourses without fear for the pregnancy of his partner.


  • does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases
  • it is not always possible to restore the lost function

Injections and pills

The most important thing to know about male contraceptive drugs, injections and pills is that they are all under development and testing at the moment. Just go to the pharmacy and buy a male pill or potion to prevent female pregnancy does not work. How can you not find the name of such drugs. They simply do not exist for wide application. Doctors have been assuring for many years that this or that drug is undergoing the latest tests and will soon be on sale, but so far nothing of the kind has appeared in the public domain. Scientists have not yet been able to cope with the incredible number of side effects from such drugs.

Male spiral, polyurethane plugs, contraceptive gel - contraceptives that are at the stages of development and experimentation. They are not on official sale, and the use of such funds can harm the body of a man.

Samurai egg

Even in ancient Japan, a method was practiced that temporarily sterilized men by raising the temperature in the scrotum. To do this, it was necessary to take hot baths every day with a temperature of about 40 - 46 C for 30 - 45 minutes. This method is called the "Samurai Egg". It was believed that after such procedures, a man could not fertilize a woman for 6 months. Over time, the functionality of the testicles was restored. A similar effect is obtained when driving a car for more than 4 hours during the day, when wearing too warm and tight clothes.

Despite the fact that at testicular temperatures above 37 ° C, sperm production is indeed disrupted and reduced, the effectiveness of this method is rather controversial, and the risk of cancer of the genital organ increases significantly.

Multiple ejaculation

Quite a lot of men believe that after 2-4 sexual intercourses in a row, the viability of spermatozoa decreases and the possibility of fertilization is “zero”. This logic is not entirely correct. Even in a small amount of seminal fluid released after repeated sexual intercourse, there may be a sufficient amount of live spermatozoa that can fertilize an egg. In addition, both the sensitivity and the brightness of the sensation of orgasm decrease by 3-5 times of sexual intercourse, and not everyone is able to withstand such a marathon.

What to choose?

After analyzing all the existing methods of male contraception, we can conclude that today only 3 methods are really effective:

  • Interruption of sexual intercourse
  • Vasectomy
  • Condom use

Of these, it is the condom, despite some shortcomings, that is considered the main means of contraception, which can also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

It is generally accepted that the only type of contraceptive for men is condoms. However, in fact, there are much more means of protection against unwanted pregnancy for men. These are hormonal drugs, contraceptives for men, and various surgical methods. To find the right remedy, you need to study the pros and cons of all contraceptives.

Any modern man should discuss the possibility of pregnancy with his partner in advance. If both partners in a couple are not yet ready to become parents, you need to decide which method of protection to choose, and who exactly will take drugs or use other means.

What are the contraceptives for men?

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about male contraceptives is condoms. This is the most affordable way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, however, not the most reliable. There are a wide variety of condoms on the market today. There are ultra-thin, and, conversely, the most durable. However, the problem that absolutely all couples face, namely, the breaking of a condom, occurs to this day. That is why men are beginning to consider other methods of protection.

In addition to the common and well-known condoms, there are less popular methods of protection:

  • Contraceptive pills and capsules.
  • Contraceptive injections.
  • contraceptive gels.
  • surgical methods.
  • subcutaneous implants.

For a quick and reliable improvement in potency, our readers advise M16 spray. This is a natural remedy that comprehensively affects the causes of erectile dysfunction. The composition of "M16" includes only natural ingredients with maximum efficiency. Due to its composition, the drug is absolutely safe, has no contraindications and side effects.

Are birth control pills for men legal?

The type of contraception that is gaining popularity is hormonal drugs. In this case, the man takes a special hormone that reduces the activity and motility of spermatozoa. Contraceptives for men include a large amount of testosterone, which at this dosage acts as a fuse against unwanted pregnancy.

In addition to the usual pills, there are also contraceptive injections for men. In addition, drugs of this kind are now available in the form of capsules, gels, and even subcutaneous implants. A man can only choose the most suitable form of release of funds.

According to statistics, the effectiveness of birth control pills or other means for men is almost 99%. This allows us to say that using such drugs is better than any other method of contraception. One of the advantages of contraceptives is the absence of discomfort and discomfort during intercourse, which can occur when using a condom.

Side effects

Despite the positive aspects, hormonal drugs also have a number of side effects, which sometimes become an obstacle to the use of oral contraceptives:

There is also an opinion that long-term use of contraceptives can lead to male infertility. This theory has not been scientifically confirmed, however, it must be understood that hormonal agents affect the male reproductive system, therefore, before using contraceptives, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Vasectomy or birth control?

The most effective include the technique of surgical intervention -. This is a special operation in which a man's vas deferens are blocked. The advantage of this technique is 100% efficiency. In addition, after the vasectomy procedure, a man may not worry and not use any contraceptives, since there will simply be no sperm in his seminal fluid. Despite such serious changes, in general, vasectomy does not affect the body of a man.

Surgical sterilization has its drawbacks.

  • This procedure is not suitable for young people who plan to have children in the future.
  • The operation can only be performed by men who have reached the age of 35 and have two children. The reason for this limitation lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to reverse the operation.
  • During the first five years, doctors can return the vas deferens to their original state, but the chance of conceiving a child is reduced to almost zero.

Thus, if a man wants to protect himself and his partner from pregnancy temporarily, which usually happens at a young age, then he is strictly forbidden to use surgical methods. In this case, oral contraceptives are best suited. The advantage of contraceptives is that immediately after the end of their intake, the possibility of fertilization returns to the man.

Contraceptives for men are not only pills and injections. Today, contraceptive gels for men are widely used, which, like other means, belong to the category of oral contraceptives.

The advantage of contraceptives is that a man, along with a pill, injection, capsule or gel, receives a large amount of the sex hormone - testosterone, which affects the production of spermatozoa, stopping it. There are also drugs that are aimed at reducing the activity of male gametes, but such drugs are less effective.

It is worth noting that any oral contraceptives are suitable only for those men who have a permanent partner, otherwise such funds will simply be ineffective. To achieve the effect, contraceptive injections for men or other means must be taken for three months. This is how long it takes the body to renew the seminal fluid. During these three months, the man must use other means of protection, since spermatozoa will still be present in his ejaculate.

Contraceptive gels are perfect for men who need protection not after three months, but at any convenient time.

  • These funds work by reducing the activity of spermatozoa.
  • It is enough just to anoint the gel on the penis area, after which the special components will act on the sperm, reducing their mobility.
  • As a result, male gametes simply cannot reach the egg and fertilize it.

There are no contraindications to the use of gels, except for individual intolerance to the drug. However, experts do not recommend the frequent use of such a remedy, since the chemicals in the gel can adversely affect the microflora in a woman's vagina with prolonged use of the drug.

Contraceptive implants for men

According to the mechanism of action, the contraceptive implant is no different from conventional oral contraceptives. This tool is a small object containing hormones. This item is placed under the skin of a man. Further, the hormones in the implant are gradually absorbed into the bloodstream and stop the production of spermatozoa.

The advantage of a contraceptive implant is that there is no need to constantly take drugs or give injections. This tool is installed under the skin for a fairly long time. The downside of implants is that their effect has not yet been tested, there have been no clinical studies confirming their effectiveness.

What contraceptive drugs to choose?

What contraceptives to use - only a man decides. Here the main role is played by comfort in use, so male contraceptives have almost the same degree of effectiveness. Among contraceptives for men, pills with the name are especially popular:

  • Gamendazole
  • and Ajudin.

Initially, these drugs were used in the treatment of cancer. However, subsequently doctors also began to prescribe them as contraceptives due to the fact that a side effect of such drugs is the cessation of sperm production.

It is worth noting that hormonal pills have a strong effect, so they should be taken only as directed by a doctor and under his strict control. Otherwise, the body may react negatively to such funds.

A safer option is to use birth control gels. The most popular remedy in this area is Nestorone gel.. It contains the hormones testosterone and progesterone. As a result of its use, the number of healthy spermatozoa is sharply reduced, and the sperm becomes infertile.

The price of contraceptives for men depends on the drug chosen. On average, the cost of male contraception is several times higher than that of women. Therefore, these drugs are not very popular. Couples approaching the choice together prefer to use pills for women, as they work faster and cost much less. New contraceptive drugs are currently being developed, so it is possible that new drugs with greater effectiveness will soon appear.

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