How to eat so that your nails become strong and beautiful. Products for nail growth: the most useful and effective Products for healthy nails

frame houses 17.12.2021
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The main trace elements responsible for the condition of the nails are iron, silicon, calcium, magnesium, selenium, fluorine, sulfur, zinc.
Vitamins A, B5, E and C are also vital for healthy nails.
We list the products that contain the maximum amount of necessary substances.

Foods richest in iron are peas, buckwheat, and beans. Regular inclusion of these foods in the diet will help prevent the development of iron deficiency and eliminate problems such as brittle nails.

Silicon is essential for healthy nails. Foods rich in silicon - horsetail, raspberries, honey.
The lack of silicon can be effectively replenished with the help of regular use of a decoction of horsetail. Horsetail grass also contains a lot of calcium.

As strange as it sounds, milk and dairy products do not contain much calcium. The main products-suppliers of calcium are poppy, sesame, sunflower halva, cabbage. Nuts that contain a lot of calcium are almonds and hazelnuts.
In order for calcium to be well absorbed from food, it is necessary to limit the intake of salt to a minimum, since table salt significantly interferes with the absorption of calcium.

Wheat bran is the product containing the highest amount of magnesium. Also here you can include such products: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts, soybeans. These healthy foods must be included in your daily diet.

Selenium plays a significant role in the formation of the nail plate.
Products that contain selenium in maximum quantities: first of all, pistachios, also garlic, lard, sea fish.

The main source of fluoride is all types of fish. Fish is a product recommended for frequent, almost daily use.

Cheese, eggs and meat, peas and oatmeal - these products are the main ones for providing the body with sulfur.

Oysters - this exotic product contains a phenomenal amount of zinc. If you can't eat oysters, eat other foods that aren't as rich in zinc as oysters, but still contain it. These include pumpkin seeds, sprouted wheat, blueberries, mushrooms.

Vitamin A
Beef liver and cod liver are champion foods for vitamin A. If you don't like liver, eat other foods high in vitamin A. Such foods include the familiar butter, cheese, and eggs.

Vitamin B5
In order to get enough vitamin B5 from food, it is necessary to include such foods in the diet - beef liver, eggs, green peas.

Vitamin E
A fat-soluble vitamin found in sunflower oil. The content of this vitamin is also high in cottonseed, soybean and corn oil. To get this vitamin from food, it will be enough to regularly eat vegetable salads seasoned with one of these oils.

Vitamin C
The most famous vitamin that we need for health every day.
Vitamin C in maximum quantities can be obtained from rose hips, bell peppers, black currants and greens.

If you do not forget about these products and try to use them constantly, the condition of the nails will become much better.

Strong nails indicate good health. If the nails become brittle, exfoliate, spots or stripes appear on them, it means that there are health problems or something is missing in the body. After all, nutrition is very important for nails. If you want your nails to be beautiful and strong, a healthy diet is the first thing you need to pay attention to.

Healthy eating involves the daily use of healthy foods. What do nails love? The menu must include:

  • nuts - any nuts are useful for the rapid growth of nails;
  • berries, fruits, vegetables - should make up more than half of the daily diet. They contain many useful substances;
  • meat and fish - they contain protein and iodine;
  • vegetable oils - if you want your nails to be shiny and elastic, make salads more often or just add oils to dishes. It is very good to combine oils with vegetables and herbs;
  • eggs - this product also contains a lot of protein, as well as vitamins;
  • dairy products - the use of butter, milk and cottage cheese helps to strengthen the structure of the nails;
  • dishes that contain gelatin - jelly, aspic, marmalade - all this strengthens the nails;
  • mineral water - will enrich the body with useful substances. But it must be used on the advice of a doctor.

And what can not be eaten if you follow a healthy diet and want to strengthen your nails? Harmful foods include:

  • sweets and fatty foods - these foods can disrupt the metabolism, and this is harmful to the whole body;
  • fried food - contains few nutrients;
  • smoked products and semi-finished products - contain a lot of sugar and salt, flavors, preservatives. Because of these substances, nails can crumble;
  • fat-free food - without fat, the nails will become brittle and dry. Therefore, you can not constantly eat low-fat foods. But fats should be healthy;
  • sweet carbonated water - constant use can disrupt metabolism due to the large amount of sugar, dyes can cause allergies. All this has a negative effect on the nails.

So, in order for the nails to be strong, not to break, it is necessary to consume enough proteins, fats, trace elements and vitamins. What microelements and vitamins are necessary for nails?

As for trace elements, the daily menu must contain products containing:

  • zinc - if this element is not enough, white spots appear on the plates. You can find zinc in nuts, seafood, fish, cheese;
  • iron - delivers oxygen to all tissues. With a lack of this element, the nails become dull and pale. It is found in legumes, red meat, fresh fruits, rose hips, beets;
  • calcium - strengthens the plate. You can find calcium in cottage cheese, milk, cheese, broccoli, nuts, oatmeal, garlic;
  • magnesium - an element supports the growth of new cells. A lot of magnesium in spinach, rye bread, chocolate, buckwheat, legumes, nuts, carrots;
  • manganese - with its help, nails grow well. You can find it in the liver, apricots, mushrooms, garlic, herbs, beets;
  • silicon - needed in order to eliminate fragility. Found in whole grains, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.

And vitamins for nails require the following:

  • A - strengthens the nail plate. Contained in pumpkin, nuts, liver, carrots, dairy products;
  • E - with a deficiency of this vitamin, the nails will become brittle and brittle. You can find it in avocados, nuts, vegetable oils;
  • B vitamins - strengthen the plate. They are found in nuts, cabbage, porcini mushrooms, egg yolk, seeds;
  • C - improves blood circulation, removes toxins. Vitamin C prevents delamination and brittle nails. You can get this vitamin from citrus fruits, black currants, bell peppers, rose hips, berries;
  • H - with a deficiency of this vitamin, the nails exfoliate, darken, grooves form on them. You can find the vitamin in egg yolks, offal, tomatoes, apples, onions, melons, peanuts, cauliflower;
  • PP - promotes the regeneration of nails, ensures their plasticity. The vitamin is found in rose hips, parsley, chicken, fish, pork, milk, potatoes, dates.

So, the daily diet should be rich in healthy foods that contain trace elements and vitamins for nails.

There is also a special home diet. It is necessary to observe it for a month or even more than this period, only then you will be completely satisfied with the condition of the nails.

Here is a sample menu:

  • breakfast - any porridge on the water (you can add vegetable oil) or an omelette with vegetables. As for drinks, this is either tea with lemon and honey, or cocoa with milk;
  • second breakfast - oatmeal cookies, fruit, a few slices of dark chocolate, tea with lemon balm or mint;
  • lunch - chicken or vegetable soup, lean meat or stewed liver. A fresh vegetable salad is a must. From drinks, you can choose juice or compote from dried fruits;
  • afternoon snack - dried fruits, nuts, green tea;
  • dinner - fish and salad or cottage cheese casserole;
  • before going to bed - kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

If you want to achieve the beauty and health of nails, you will have to forget about tasty and harmful foods. The home diet, of course, excludes the use of soda, fast food, cakes and pastries. But the menu is quite varied and in general, a homemade diet is more of a healthy diet option.

If the nails exfoliate and break, then it is necessary to include cereals, dairy products, vegetable salads in the diet. The cause may be low-fat food and a deficiency of calcium and zinc. Poor growth is observed with a lack of vitamin A and iron, therefore, use pumpkin, turnips, melons, spinach, liver. White spots on the plates and yellowing causes metabolic disorders. To fix this, you need vegetable oils, avocados, nuts.

Even if you do not stick to a diet, include healthy foods in your diet and your legs will gradually change. Since a healthy diet heals not only the nails, but the whole body, it is worth a try.

On average, the growth rate of nails is from 0.1 to 0.15 mm per day, respectively 3 - 4 mm per month. The nail completely changes in about six months, growing by 4-5 cm per year. Fingernails grow much faster than toenails. So, with surgical removal, a new nail on the hands grows in 5 months, and on the legs in 14.

If you stop cutting your nails, their growth will not continue indefinitely. At some point, upon reaching a certain length, their growth stops.

The longest nails were recorded in 1997 in the Guinness Book of Records. The record belongs to a resident of India Sridhar Chillal. Sridhar did not cut his nails for 45 years and their total length from the five fingers of his left hand reached 6m 12cm. At the same time, the length of the thumb nail was 1m 40cm, the length of the ring finger was 1m 28cm, the little finger was 1m 22cm, the middle finger was 1m 17cm and the little finger was 1m 9cm.

What determines nail growth

    In women, the growth rate of nails is higher than in men. It is believed that men cut off 4 meters of nails, and women - 4.5 meters.

    Nails grow faster in a right-hander on the right hand, and in a left-hander - on the left.

    In old age, the growth rate of nails decreases, which is associated with a decrease in the intensity of immunity and blood supply.

    On longer fingers (ring, index, middle) and people with long fingers, nails grow faster than people with short fingers.

    In summer, the growth rate is higher than in winter, higher during the day than at night, higher in the morning than in the middle of the day.

The rate of nail growth is reduced:

    with a constant lack of rest

    with poor nutrition, long or strict diets, and taking certain medications

    4. Olive oil. Heat the olive oil and place the tips with your finger in the bath for half an hour. A bath of olive oil can do wonders for both the skin of the hands and the structure of the nails.

    5. Lemon. Melt vegetable oil in a water bath, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply a hand bath for 15 minutes.

    Nail sealing technique

    After chemical damage to the nails, regular filings, extensions and corrections, as well as the constant use of washing powders and detergents, they make the nails brittle and rough, breaking their plate, which causes the nails to exfoliate intensively.

    This problem can be solved by modern nail sealing technique.
    1. Wax sealing. Wax is heated in a water bath, after which pre-prepared nails (cut and filed) are covered with it. Every nail processed with wax, after which it is covered with fortified oil using a sponge. Rub the oil into each nail for half an hour, with an interval of two minutes. This technology is called sealing the scales of the nail with wax.

    2. Sealing with biogel. Biogel for nails is widely available in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, so it is not difficult to purchase it. To begin with, process the nails, clean them of varnish, sharpen and file. After that, cover each nail with a thin layer of biogel, allow to dry and apply a second layer. Biogel sealing is a common and effective way to promote nail growth. It is actively used both in beauty salons, and in independent home use.

    Effective mask for nail growth at home

    Nail masks do not have to be bought in cosmetic stores, they can easily be prepared at home using natural ingredients.

    1. Blackcurrant. Mix blackcurrants, cream and a small amount of flour until smooth. Apply the mixture on your hands, generously covering the nail area. Wrap your hands in a cotton towel or put on gloves, keep the mask on for two hours. After that, wash off the mask with warm running water and wipe dry.

    2. Chamomile. Heat olive oil, add chamomile flowers to it, boil for five minutes over low heat. Cool to room temperature and distribute the resulting composition on the skin of the hands and nails. For a greater effect of the mask, warm your hands by covering them with a towel or wearing gloves. After two hours, wash off the mask with warm water and wipe dry.

    3. Mint. Pour mint with half a glass of boiling water, insist two hours. After that, strain the broth, mix the boiled mint leaves with vegetable oil and a small amount of flour. Apply the mask on your hands, keep for half an hour.

    Mint infusion can also be used to strengthen nails. To do this, put your hands in the infusion and hold for half an hour.

    4. Dandelion and nettle. Boil dandelion flowers and nettle leaves in a water bath, cool the resulting slurry mix with cottage cheese of maximum fat content. Apply the mask on your hands and keep for half an hour, wearing special gloves on your hands.

    nail wrap

    Wrapping nails in order to strengthen their plate and accelerate nail growth is used exclusively in nail salons.

    The wrapping technology is as follows:
    1. Nail preparation. The nails are cleaned of varnish, the shape is corrected, the nail plate is sawn off with a special sprayed file.

    2. Wrapping material. For wrapping nails, linen, silk or special paper are most often used. The tip of the finger is wrapped in material so that the nail is completely covered. Carefully straighten the material over the nail with a wooden stick. Before using the stick, it is abundantly moistened with nail polish remover. Remaining material is removed.

    3. Fixing the wrap. Each nail is covered with a special primer, then enamel. The final stage of nail wrapping is covered with nail polish fixative.

    The wrapping technique is completely safe and does not cause allergies and irritation. The disadvantage of this procedure is the fragility.

    Nail massage

    Massage is an important method in helping nails.

    An active but gentle massage of the hands and fingers promotes blood flow, and this in turn provides the nail plate with the necessary nutrients, as a result of which nail growth is activated.

    To get a massage, there is no need to go to a beauty salon, it can be do it yourself at home.

    Prevention for rapid nail growth

    In order not to face such a problem as short nails, you must follow a number of simple recommendations.
    1. Proper nutrition. What we eat is the basis of the state of our entire body. This also applies to nail growth. A prerequisite for acquiring and maintaining their ideal condition is to include in your diet foods rich in protein, calcium, iron and zinc. These elements are actively involved in the synthesis of keratin, which is based on the condition and growth of nails.

    2. Taking vitamins. The main vitamins for nails are A and E. It is possible to provide the body with their necessary content thanks to the Aevitu preparation.

    3. Protection. When cleaning the apartment and washing dishes, wear protective gloves on your hands. This will protect the delicate skin of the hands and the structure of the nails from the harmful effects of chemical components.

    4. Home use of creams, masks and infusions. Easy-to-prepare homemade recipes will nourish your nails, make them long, beautiful and strong.

    5. Correct. Proper care and correction of nails contribute to their active growth.

    Proper nail care consists in following a number of rules:

    use only for manicure quality tools;
    before starting the nail correction procedure, the tools must be disinfect;
    it is necessary to cut the nails slowly, carefully, in small steps, from the edge to the center of the nail;
    it is recommended to adjust the length of the nails at least once every 10 days;
    use sparing nail files, try avoid metal-based files;
    after the home manicure procedure, treat the cuticle and the surface of the nail with a special nourishing cream.

    Careful care of your nails, the use of various techniques, will strengthen the nails, make them beautiful, long and strong.

    On average, the growth rate of nails is from 0.1 to 0.15 mm per day, respectively, 3 - 4 mm per month. The nail completely changes in about six months, growing by 4-5 cm per year. Fingernails grow much faster than toenails. So, with surgical removal, a new nail on the hands grows in 5 months, and on the legs in 14.

    If you stop cutting your nails, their growth will stop forever. At some point, when they reach a certain length, their growth ends.

    longest nails

    The longest nails were recorded in 1997 in the Guinness Book of Records. The record belongs to the inhabitant of India Sridhar Chillal. Sridhar did not cut his nails for 45 years and their non-specialized length from the five fingers of his left hand reached 6m 12cm. Along with this, the length of the nail of the huge finger was 1m 40cm, the ring finger - 1m 28cm, the little finger - 1m 22cm, the middle finger - 1m 17cm and the little finger - 1m 9cm.

    What determines nail growth

    In women, the growth rate of nails is higher than in men. It is believed that men cut off 4 meters of nails, and ladies - 4.5 meters.

    Nails grow faster in a right-hander on the right hand, and in a left-hander - on the left.

    In old age, the growth rate of nails decreases, which is associated with a decrease in the intensity of immunity and blood supply.

    On longer fingers (ring, index, middle) and people with long fingers, nails grow faster than people with small fingers.

    In summer, the growth rate is higher than in winter, higher during the day than at night, higher in the morning than in the middle of the day.

    The rate of nail growth is reduced.

    with a constant lack of rest

    with poor nutrition, long or strict diets, and taking certain medications

    with kidney disease, diabetes, metabolic and blood supply disorders, and some other health disorders

    in case of injury to the base of the nail (matrix)

    Nails are growing faster

    Over the past 70 years, the rate of nail growth has increased by 25%.

    Back in the thirties of the last century, scientists from Oxford University, according to circumstances known only to them, began to measure the growth rate of nails. The first measurements were made in 1938, the next - in 1950. Almost 60 years later, their colleagues from the University of North Carolina decided to continue their studies.

    It became known that the growth rate increased, but in different ways on different fingers. For example, on huge fingers, in the 30s, nails grew by 3mm per month, in 1950 - by 3.05mm, in 2009 - by 3.55mm. On average, fingernails began to grow by 3.47 per month.

    The growth rate of toenails also increased, but not so significantly. So, in 1938, the nails on huge toes grew by 1.65 mm per month, Now - by 2 mm.

    Scientists are sure that such an increase is due to the fact that the general condition of the human body has improved significantly over a 70-year period, and the growth rate of nails depends on the general condition of the body.

    Nails (nail plates) are horny, hard, plastic formations of pale pink color, located on the skin of the tips of the fingers and toes. Their formation occurs in the root (matrix), the site of which is attached to the nail bed. The dorsal section of the epidermis, which is located between the tip of the toe or hand and the nail bed, is called the hypochinium. Areas of the skin foldthat cover the nail proximally and laterally are called the roller. If we talk about the epithelial skin, freely adjacent to the nail, then it is called the cuticle.


    The growth rate of the nail plate (NP), as a rule, depends on the rate of formation of new cells in the root. These cells are horny lamellar structures containing remnants of the nucleus.

    Throughout life, toenails and fingernails grow incessantly. Only painful and traumatic effects can interfere with this process. With age, the growth rate of NP decreases. Toenails grow at a rate of 1 mm per month. NP fully grows in about a year and a half. Fingernails grow about four times faster. In young women and children, these horn formations grow much faster than in young boys and men, but after forty years this ratio changes.

    According to anatomists, fingernails grow faster during daylight hours than at night. In addition, the growth of the analyzed horny plates is accelerated during pregnancy, trauma, and also after surgical removal. As for general diseases and poor nutrition, they, on the contrary, slow down the growth of nails.


    Human nails suffer from many different diseases, the most common of which are:

    • onychomycosis (nail fungus);
    • onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail);
    • onychomadesis (falling off of NG);
    • onychoshisis (transverse splitting of the horny plate);
    • hyperkeratosis (thickening) of the nail bed;
    • onychogryphosis (change in color and thickness of the NP, as well as bending it in the form of a beak);
    • leukonychia (white coloration of the nail);
    • onycholysis (detachment of the NP from the bed);
    • pachyonychia (thickening of the nail);
    • hapalonychia (thinning of the NP);
    • onychorrhexis (longitudinal splitting of the horn formation on the fingers or toes);
    • koilonychia (change of the nail in the form of a spoon).

    Of all the above diseases, onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail) and onychomycosis (nail fungus) are the most common.

    Onychomycosis is a very tenacious infection that can be picked up in public places (pools, gyms, saunas, baths) and through infected shoes. The fungus begins, as a rule, in the interdigital folds. It is accompanied by skin peeling, burning and itching. If the treatment of nail fungus in the early stages is ignored, then the disease can turn into a more serious form, which is characterized by vesicles, ulcers and cracks in the skin. After that, the disease spreads to the nail plate. A nail affected by a fungus changes - it becomes opaque and begins to crumble. Treatment of nail fungus consists in the use of medications (tablets, special ointments, gels and sprays).

    Onychocryptosis is a very unpleasant disease caused by the ingrowth of NP into the lateral region of the nail fold. This disease is characterized by swelling, redness and soreness of the roller. The progression of the disease is accompanied by purulent discharge and hypergranulation. Most often, this disease appears on the legs. The main causes of the above disease are: hormonal changes in the body, improper pedicure, fungal effects, nail deformity and heredity. Very often, an ingrown toenail occurs in people of puberty and pregnant women.

Did you know that the consumption of 7 grams of gelatin dissolved in yogurt or natural fruit juice gives a good therapeutic effect on brittle nails?!

What is the nail plate made of?

The nail plate consists of fibrillar protein and keratin. Keratin, which is responsible for the hardness of the nail, is made up of cystine. In addition to proteins, the nail plate also contains lipids, water and minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and copper.

What is hair made of

Hair is also made up of keratin as well as various minerals such as sulfur, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, and calcium. Diseases associated with abnormal absorption of vitamins, bulb damage, or poor skin condition can have a negative impact on hair growth and quality.

Nutritional deficiencies can adversely affect the condition of hair and nails. Therefore, a properly balanced menu and consumption of 1.5-2 liters of water has a positive effect on the processes that occur with the participation of minerals and vitamins.

It is important to balance the daily diet in terms of energy, as a long-term lack of energy contributes to hair loss and weakening of the nail plate.

Amino acids stimulate hair and nail growth

Protein as the main ingredient should not exceed 15% of total energy. L-cysteine ​​and L-methionine (amino acids), involved in the synthesis of keratin, stimulate the growth of hair and nails and prevent hair loss and fragility of the nail plate. Our body cannot synthesize methionine alone, the amino acid is an exogen and is supplied with food. Eggs, fish, cereal products, brazil nuts, sesame seeds will help to cover the daily requirement, so there is no need for additional supplements.

As for cysteine, supplements are also needed, provided that vitamin B6, B12, methionine and folic acid are added to the diet. Thanks to them, it is possible to synthesize the same relative amounts of amino acids.

Good sources of B6 are:

  • green leafy vegetables,
  • wheat germ,
  • yeast,
  • avocado,
  • peas,
  • beans,
  • walnuts and peanuts,
  • bananas,
  • starchy vegetables (parsnips, pumpkin)
  • wholemeal flour,
  • milk products,
  • meat, poultry,
  • eggs and fish.

Alcohol adversely affects the absorption of this vitamin. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products (meat and dairy products): fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. A rich source of folic acid (folate) is green vegetables, whole grain cereals, legume seeds, and fruits. You should always consume them in the form of salads, since the smallest loss of folate is in this case (about 5%), and about 50-80% is lost during heat treatment.

What vitamins strengthen hair nails

A vitamin that has a great impact on the condition of the skin, hair and nails - biotin. It exists in food of animal and vegetable origin. These include organ meats, legumes, baker's yeast, milk and eggs. Its deficiency can lead to loss of appetite, nausea, hair loss, skin inflammation.

Vitamin H and zinc used to treat baldness. Deficiency of this element can contribute to changes and hair loss. Foods rich in zinc - whole grain bread, rennet cheese, meat, liver, buckwheat, eggs. Zinc, like iron, is best obtained by eating animal products.

It should also be noted that magnesium deficiency can affect the fragility of the nail plate. Foods rich in this element: cereals, legumes, nuts, cocoa, dark chocolate, rennet cheese, fish, potatoes.

Iron - high content in offal, parsley, dry legumes, meat, eggs, black bread. Iron deficiency causes dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Iron is well absorbed when eating animal products.

Calcium helps strengthen hair and nails

It is also important to provide enough calcium in the body, its deficiency can cause brittle hair and nails. The richest source of calcium is milk and dairy products, fish products and canned food are eaten with bones (for example, fish is mixed with bones).

The role of fats is very significant. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are acids not synthesized by the body and must be supplied through food. These include all types of omega. Omega-3 and omega-6 are a group of polyunsaturated fats.

Among the omega-3 stand out:

  • EPA. Sources are sea fish (sprats, tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines, cod, herring), as well as caviar and seafood.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid DHA, sources are the same.
  • ALA. Sources are flaxseed and flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil and soybean oil, green leafy vegetables.

After three weeks of regular consumption of these fats, you can see positive changes in the skin, which becomes firmer and more elastic, does not dry out, and its color will even out. After three months of consumption, hair and nails are strengthened, they clearly look healthier.

Lifestyle affects the occurrence of a number of diseases, including diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Disproportions in habits can lead to a deficiency of various trace elements and vitamins.

Therefore, a properly balanced diet can favorably affect the condition of our hair and nails. At the same time, it contributes to the improvement of our well-being, as well as many other processes in our body. However, keep in mind that self-construction of a specialized nutrition plan can lead to a deficiency of some minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist in this field, he will make an individual, balanced menu for you.

Interesting, good therapeutic effects for brittle nails are given by the consumption of 7 grams of gelatin dissolved in natural yoghurts or fruit juices!

In contact with

Fragile, white spots, deformed and dull ... This is a very serious problem that cannot be solved in a nail salon.

It needs to be solved "from the inside", introducing microelements and vitamins necessary for nails into the diet. Such substances affect not only the health of the nails, but also the entire body as a whole, and problems with the nails are often a signal that the body gives if it feels a lack of the necessary substances.

Important! Often, nail problems reflect improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that with problems with digestion, useful substances may not be absorbed. So carefully study your diet, you may need to adjust it.

Vitamins and trace elements necessary for healthy nails:

  • Vitamin A. When white dots appear on the nails and they exfoliate, this is a signal of a lack of vitamin A and zinc. The daily requirement is 1-2 mg.
  • Vitamin B5. Dull and uneven nails are due to a lack of B vitamins, as well as selenium. The daily requirement is 2-5 mg.
  • Vitamin C. It will prevent nail fungus. Daily requirement 70 - 150 mg.
  • Vitamin E. This is nutrition for nails. Without him - nowhere. The daily requirement is 30-60 mg.
  • Vitamin RR. If there is enough nicotinic acid in the body, then yellow spots will not appear on the nails. The daily requirement is 20-50 mg.
  • Iron. If there is enough iron in the body, then this will prevent brittle nails. The daily requirement is 100 - 200 mg.
  • Calcium. An essential element for bones, teeth and nails. Responsible for their strength and resistance to external influences. By the way, the absorption of calcium prevents salt. Moreover, it is able to flush it out of the body. Therefore, it is important to exclude (or at least reduce) "oversalting", as well as spicy and fried foods. Daily requirement 800-1200 mg
  • Zinc. Responsible for the growth of nails, as it regulates the formation of proteins. daily requirement
  • Silicon. With its lack, the nails lose their elasticity. Daily requirement 20-30 mg
  • Selenium. The lack of selenium in the body can cause serious changes in the nail plate, up to dystrophy. Daily requirement 0.020-0.15 mg
  • Sulfur. Lack of sulfur causes deformation of the nails, ugly bumps. The daily requirement is 500-3000 mg.
  • Fluorine. Important for teeth, bones, hair and of course nails. With him, they become stronger. The daily requirement is 2-3 mcg.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Without them, vitamins A and E, as well as calcium and vitamin D, will not be absorbed. The daily requirement is 1000-2500 mg.

14 foods for nail health | Photo gallery

Foods to include in your diet to prevent nail disease:

  • Sesame. 100 g of sesame seeds contain the daily requirement of calcium. It contains phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, vitamins of groups B, A, E, PP.
  • Nettle. Contains calcium, selenium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, copper, chlorine, as well as vitamins B, C, E, K.
  • Raspberries. It has a lot of silicon in it.
  • Honey. Contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, vitamins A and group B.
  • Coconut. Compensates for the lack of selenium, and is also rich in iron and zinc, vitamins C and E.
  • White mushrooms. Contains selenium and sulfur. As well as a large amount of riboflavin - a vitamin of group B, necessary for the beauty of the skin and nails.
  • Cheese. Well compensates for the deficiency of sulfur. Also contains vitamins A and B5, zinc.
  • Cod liver. It contains a lot of vitamin A, polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Blueberry. The good content of zinc allows this berry not only to support the eyes, but also to strengthen the nails.
  • Pumpkin seeds. In addition to B vitamins and vitamin PP, they contain a lot of iron and calcium.
  • Red pepper. It has a lot of vitamin C, much more than oranges and black currants.
  • Coffee beans. Rich in nicotinic acid, also known as vitamin PP.
  • Sunflower oil. Rich in vitamin E.
  • Fresh sea fish. Polyunsaturated fatty acids - without them, nowhere.

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