List of foods that do not cause allergies. Food allergy in adults: everything you need to know about allergies. How food allergies are detected

Pipes 26.08.2020

Considering the process globally, any food can cause an allergic reaction, but mainly it is food with a high protein content. Medical scientists, on the basis of statistics, also identify a list of foods that most often provoke the development of food allergies.

Food allergy is understood as a pathological reaction on the part of the immune system in response to the intake of a particular food product. After the first hit of a potential allergen, the body is sensitized (increased sensitivity), specific immunoglobulins of class E are produced. Classic allergy manifests itself after repeated intake of the appropriate food.

In the vast majority of cases, food allergens are proteins with a complex or simple structure. They cause a pathological reaction in allergy-prone individuals. A slightly less important role in the development of the disease is played by the failure of the barrier function in the gastrointestinal tract, when immune cells come into contact with a large number of protein particles.

There is also an allergic cross-reaction, which is a sudden onset of allergy as a result of eating a product or inhaling particles that are similar in structure to the main food allergen for that particular person. One of the unusual cross-reactions is increased sensitivity to latex and peanuts due to the same set of amino acids in their composition.

General list of the most allergenic foods

High allergenicity Average allergenicity Low allergenicity
  • whole cow's milk;
  • white (less often - yolk) of a chicken egg;
  • nuts (peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts);
  • fish, seafood (mussels, crayfish, crabs, shrimps);
  • soybeans, wheat;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • citrus fruits (lemons, tangerines, oranges).
  • berries;
  • tomatoes;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • Garnet;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • bananas;
  • corn;
  • quail eggs;
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • spices, spices.
  • hard cheese;
  • plums;
  • pumpkin;
  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • buckwheat;
  • green apples;
  • lamb, horse meat.

In infants (children under one year old)

In most cases, food allergy manifests itself in infancy, after the introduction of complementary foods or food additives. The ideal product for feeding babies of the first year of life was and is mother's milk. It contains all the nutrients a baby needs, hormones, protective antibodies and lactobacilli.

The most common food allergy in breastfed, formula-fed, or formula-fed infants is protein allergy cow's milk... Almost every protein in milk is capable of sensitizing the baby's body. Help with the diagnosis should be the mother's complaints of frequent regurgitation, colic, bloating, poor appetite, constipation, or the appearance of streaks of blood in the stool.

Otherwise, food allergies in infants are caused by the introduction of such foods and dishes into complementary foods:

  • fruit juices (based on red apples, apricots, pomegranates, berries);
  • vegetable puree from carrots, zucchini, broccoli, etc.;
  • dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir);
  • rarely - egg yolks, which are gradually introduced after 7.5 months.

All pediatricians recommend introducing foods gradually, starting with small doses (half or a quarter teaspoon). Juices are given first from 5-6 months, after 4 weeks the introduction of monocomponent vegetable or fruit purees, cereals is allowed. Meat purees are given to children 7-8 months old, at the same time the child's diet expands with cottage cheese.

In young children

When the child reaches 12 months, he is transferred to a common table. This means that he is allowed to feed him the same cereals, vegetable purees, coarser meat foods (meatballs, cutlets, boiled chicken), etc. Unfortunately, many parents believe that if the baby is on a common table, then he can is on a par with them.

During this period of life, children often develop allergies to the following foods:

At this age, it is important that the child receives balanced diet... It is not recommended to feed children with fatty, especially fried, meat, red caviar, mussels, a lot of chocolate, fast food, mayonnaise or ketchup.

In school children and adolescents

Most children with a history of food allergies at this age often present with other allergic diseases. It can be bronchial asthma, atopic rhinitis or conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis.

In schoolchildren and adolescents, signs of PA often appear after consuming chocolate, seafood and citrus fruits uncharacteristic for their area of ​​residence.

Possible Allergenic Foods When Breastfeeding

If a woman is breastfeeding a child, then those products that are prohibited to children under 1-1.5 years old can provoke unwanted reactions from his immune system: eggs, citrus fruits, mussels, crabs, red fish or caviar, chocolate, exotic fruits.

In addition, breastfeeding may also be susceptible to increased sensitivity to cow's milk proteins (CMPA) if consumed by the mother of the child. Potential allergens easily penetrate into breast milk, and then into the baby's digestive tract.

Allergy detection and diagnosis methods

In order to diagnose food allergies, the doctor collects a family history and complaints, examines the child, and prescribes additional diagnostic methods.

Laboratory research

Food diary

Parents or the child himself are asked to start a notebook in which it will be necessary to indicate the product eaten, the time of its use. With the development of undesirable reactions (vomiting, stool upset, skin rash), they should also be entered into a diary indicating the date and time of occurrence, and how you feel.

In some cases, an elimination diet is used, when a potentially “problematic” product is temporarily excluded from the diet and the child's well-being and his objective status are monitored.

Hypoallergenic diet

If the diagnosis of allergy is proven by laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, then the child is prescribed a hypoallergenic diet with the complete or partial exclusion of those products that caused him hypersensitivity reactions or complaints from the gastrointestinal tract.

Basic nutritional principles

The child's diet should be varied and balanced. It is important to observe an adequate water regime.

Nutrition principles:

Small children should be introduced to complementary foods gradually, adhering to the basic rules. New baby food should be deliciously cooked, soft in texture, and free of salt.

Permitted products

An allergy provoking product is excluded from the diet. Children prone to hypersensitivity reactions or having exudative-catarrhal diathesis are best fed with the following dishes:

Allergy is one of the most common diseases in the world. Now every third child has food allergies. The blame for such an unpleasant pattern is the sharp development of the food industry. The massive use in the production of various flavors, dyes and preservatives prevents humanity from eating healthy and natural food.

Today, dear readers, I will tell you what fruits you can eat for allergies, if you or your child have it.

What is allergy and what to do about it?

With a disease such as allergies, your body or your child's body perceives an unsuitable product as a foreign body. Thus, in one form or another, it creates a reaction of irritation.

People suffering from allergies should see the slightest manifestations of allergies, be able to stop and prevent them. To do this, I advise you to be selective about foods and follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Allergy reasons and its features.

How can a delicious and healthy treat like fruit cause allergies?

The thing is that fruits contain special acids that cause strong allergic reactions.

In most cases, allergic reactions of this kind are manifested in people who are allergic to pollen - that is, with hay fever. Acute allergies can even appear from the aroma or touch of fruit fruits.

Allergy sufferers should especially beware of overripe fruits. It is in these fruits that a huge amount of specific acids accumulates - such fruits cause the maximum number of allergic reactions.

Tip: Always remove the skin and top layer of the fruit. The fact is that the skin contains much more irritating allergens than the center.

It should be remembered that the body can react not to the fruit itself, but to the chemical treatment of its surface, which is frequent in our time. This is another reason why it is advisable to peel the fruit before consuming it.

If the fruit is subjected to processing - boiling, drying, baking - the allergens will be destroyed and the fruit will become much safer.

Fruit allergy symptoms.

In our time, a rather large amount of irritating human body allergens. All of them can manifest themselves both in an adult and in a child.

The symptoms of this allergy are very diverse.

I will list the main symptoms of fruit food intolerance:

  1. Immediately after eating the fruit: burning sensation in the mouth, itching on the lips (in places of contact with the fetus), swelling or numbness.
  2. On the body: scabies, contact dermatitis or urticaria.
  3. V abdominal cavity: bloating or colic, diarrhea, severe nausea.
  4. In the nasopharyngeal cavity: runny nose (allergic rhinitis), sneezing.

In particular difficult cases complications occur: Quincke's edema, respiratory failure. Such syndromes require urgent specialist intervention.

So, "fruit" allergy, like all other forms of allergic reactions, tends to worsen. To avoid this, I recommend following a hypoallergenic diet.

Hypoallergenic diet. Which fruits are suitable for an allergic adult or child?

When an allergic reaction occurs, you should identify its causes - allergens that irritate your body. You can go to a specialist and do an allergen test. To prevent the development of a reaction, you need to follow the correct hypoallergenic diet.

I think all of us love to eat fruits and berries. But with allergies, you don't have to choose - the majority thinks - and they force themselves to give up this pleasant and healthy delicacy.

But it turns out that not all fruits are highly allergic. Some of them can be eaten, but carefully, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, because all fruits, without exception, can cause allergies.

Let's see what fruits can be eaten with no identified allergens.

So, all food allergies can be divided into three main color groups:

  1. Low level of allergens (GREEN).
  2. Medium level of allergens (YELLOW).
  3. High level of allergens (RED).

Food color RED allergy sufferers should not be consumed in their daily diet.

Colour YELLOW should be limited in consumption. It is not safe to eat products with this color, but it is allowed. Of course, only after consulting a doctor.

Color Products GREEN you can eat safely. Low-allergenic foods will not harm you. These foods are safe and can be eaten during the most severe exacerbations.

Fruit fruits are almost directly related to the colors of these categories.

Permitted fruits. Green color:

  • Apples are green
  • Pears of different varieties
  • Gooseberry
  • White cherry, white currant
  • Prunes
  • Dried pears and apples

Fruits, the consumption of which can be limited. Yellow color:

  • Peaches
  • Apricots
  • Currant red, black
  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Cowberry

Important! Bananas are on the yellow list, but bananas are strictly prohibited for people with latex allergies.

Consumption is prohibited. RED color:

  • Citrus
  • Dried apricots, figs, dates
  • Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries
  • Apples are red
  • Sea buckthorn
  • Blueberry
  • Grape
  • Garnet
  • Plum
  • A pineapple
  • Persimmon

Dishes from the listed fruits are also prohibited: jelly, compote.

Note: Pregnant women without allergy symptoms should also not eat the listed prohibited foods from the red list. In addition, you should follow a hypoallergenic diet in the first months of breastfeeding so as not to cause allergic reactions in your child in the form of diathesis.

Dear readers, remember that by following these recommendations and eating permitted foods, you can live a healthy and fulfilling life, despite allergies.

Doctors record a negative reaction to food in patients of different ages... Most adults with food intolerances have reported onset in childhood. It is at an early age, while the baby's body is still weak, that the first signs of negative reactions appear.

It is important to know which names doctors define as food allergens. A list of foods that are dangerous for patients with hypersensitivity to the body will help parents to compile correct menu for feeding the child. Adults also benefit from a list of names that increase the risk of adverse reactions.

Causes of occurrence

Intolerance to certain components is often genetic, for example. With a severe form of the disease, the child's body reacts violently not only to the use of oatmeal or cookies, but also to products where only traces of gluten are found. Even breaded cutlets or waffle bars are dangerous for allergy sufferers with this form of the disease.

With intolerance to cow's milk, children need lactose-free. Allergy sufferers should not use not only whole milk, but also cream, sour cream, any products where lactose is present.

Factors that increase the risk of allergic reactions to food:

  • dysbiosis;
  • decreased immunity after a serious illness, frequent stress, taking antibiotics;
  • unhealthy diet, excess of highly allergenic foods in the diet;
  • introduction of complementary foods ahead of schedule;
  • during pregnancy future mom consumed foods with high allergenicity;
  • disruption of the digestive tract.

Major allergens

Each person reacts in his own way to the use of certain products: even names with high allergenicity, in the absence of hypersensitivity of the body, do not cause negative reactions. In patients with a hereditary predisposition to food allergies under the action of provoking factors, on the contrary, the body's response to even a couple of orange slices or one egg is acute, with pronounced symptoms.

Potential allergens:

  • Nuts (especially peanuts, hazelnuts).
  • Dairy products: whole milk.
  • Honey and beekeeping products: propolis, pollen.
  • Cocoa, chocolate, sweets, cakes, pastries containing cocoa butter.
  • Citrus: orange, grapefruit, tangerine, clementine, lemon.
  • Gluten-free cereals: oats, rye, wheat.
  • Cheese. Hard and semi-hard varieties are not suitable for allergy sufferers, processed curds also cause a negative reaction of the body.
  • Meat. Fatty pork, strong meat broth, beef less dangerous for allergy sufferers.
  • Seafood: shellfish, mussels, lobster, lobster, squid.
  • Products in their original packaging: concentrates, semi-finished products, canned food, ready-made mayonnaise, packaged sauces.
  • Items with synthetic ingredients: products with artificial flavors, colors, harmful emulsifiers, sweeteners.
  • Caviar of sea and river fish.
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, beets, carrots, red salad peppers.
  • Fruits: red apples, less often apricots.
  • Exotic fruits: kiwi, persimmon, banana, pomegranate.
  • Berries: raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, black currant.
  • Eggs. The components of chicken eggs are the most allergenic. Goose, quail and duck eggs are less likely to provoke a negative reaction.
  • Melons and gourds: melons.
  • Other names: mushrooms of all kinds, mustard.

Note! Doctors distinguish two groups of products with high allergenicity. The classification is based on nutritional value, the possibility of replacement with other names.

First group

Products that are easy to refuse without compromising health. The absence of melons, nuts, mushrooms, chocolate, seafood in the diet of children does not cause dangerous complications and developmental delays. Useful components contained in highly allergenic products are easy to obtain when using safe names.

The second

High nutritional value, rich set useful vitamins and trace elements does not allow you to remove the product from the diet. Eggs and milk fall into this group.

If you are intolerant of cow's milk protein, you will have to completely abandon the use of all items containing a dangerous component. With a mild to moderate reaction, doctors allow a minimum amount of milk to be consumed, but before using it you need to boil it for 10-15 minutes.

The same situation with eggs:

  • cooking for half an hour is required;
  • replacing chicken eggs with a quail product, with a lower risk of allergic reactions;
  • the use of only yolk: the protein containing albumin, after penetration into the body, causes an increased production of immunoglobulin, which leads to a negative response, acute skin reactions.


Identifying a food allergen is difficult. With the right diet, which includes dozens of items, it is not always easy to understand after the use of which foods skin rashes, swelling and itching occurred.

On a note:

  • in some cases, with a high sensitization of the body, the reaction is acute, negative signs appear after half an hour - an hour after eating chocolate, citrus fruits, honey or other types of food;
  • in other cases, the allergen accumulates for two to three days, the delayed-type reaction puzzles patients who do not understand why blisters have appeared on the skin, the tissues are slightly swollen, and the body itches.

You will need the help of an allergist to identify unsuitable foods. The doctor will conduct skin tests, according to the reaction to small doses of the irritant, he will find out which types of food cause a negative response of the body. It is not advisable to take before skin tests, so as not to smear the picture. Skin tests are not done on children under 3 years of age. For an accurate diagnosis of the type of stimulus, a different, more progressive and safer method is used. It will be discussed in the next section.

Food Allergen Panel

To determine unsuitable food, a method is used in which the patient does not come into contact with irritants, there are no microdamages to the skin. For doctors, they take blood from a vein, compare the presence of antibodies with a special panel (list) of allergens.

The advantages of the method:

  • the study is suitable for young children, pregnant women;
  • integrity is preserved skin, there are not even the smallest scratches;
  • before the analysis, it is enough not to eat for a certain period (no more than 7-8 hours), do not take pills for allergies for 8-10 hours before taking blood (it is not necessary to cancel the drugs for a long time);
  • the allergens panel contains the main types of irritants that often cause negative reactions in adults and children;
  • at the request of the patient, the doctor will conduct additional studies of the reaction to specific food irritants that are not included in the main list.

Food Allergen Panel: Dangerous Food List:

  • Berries. Strawberries, black currants, raspberries, blackberries. Allergic reactions after eating fragrant gifts of nature often occur in children: it is difficult to resist and eat just a couple of strawberries. Many toddlers and preschoolers consume handfuls of berries, which often causes dangerous species food allergies: or gigantic.
  • Nuts. Often, negative reactions are provoked by peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts. When confirming, parents should carefully study the composition of bars, cakes, sweets: even minimal amount nuts causes the appearance of redness, blisters, rashes, and itching.
  • Dairy products. When confirming this type of allergy, it will be necessary to exclude or significantly limit the consumption of not only whole milk, but also kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream. It is important to know that lactose intolerance is one of the most common types of allergies.
  • Chocolate. All types of chocolate products, desserts, bars, cakes, drinks containing cocoa powder are prohibited. Parents should be aware that pediatricians and allergists do not recommend giving chocolate to children until the age of three: violation of the rule increases the sensitization of the body, creates an excessive load on the liver, and provokes. It is often the parents' own fault that the baby has appeared after excessive consumption of sweets, chocolates, bars and sweets.
  • Citrus. Juicy fruits often provoke a negative response of the body, not only in children, but also in adults. In most cases, pseudo-allergy develops - a reaction to a large number of "sun fruits" eaten by the patient in one day. Dangerous for pregnant women: possible negative consequences for the fetus.
  • Eggs. Protein exhibits a higher allergenicity: this part contains albumin, under the influence of which the level of immunoglobulins sharply increases, followed by an active negative reaction to the stimulus. The yolk is less dangerous for allergy sufferers, but there are also cases of a negative response to this part of the egg. TO
    When the chicken product has to be replaced with quail eggs in a minimum amount.
  • Legumes. Severe swelling or blisters with intolerance to peas, beans, soy appears less often, the main symptom is indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, increased gas formation. In some patients, redness appears on the body, develops.
  • Nutritional supplements. Unfortunately, many ready-made items on supermarket shelves contain several types of flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, stabilizers, and other synthetic components. Confirmation of reaction to nutritional supplements imposes a ban on ready-made mayonnaise, sauces, concentrates, sweet soda, bars, ice cream, canned food, juices from packages, and other similar names in their original packaging.

In case of a negative reaction to food against the background of a genetic predisposition, it is important to remember about the severe consequences of advanced forms of diseases. The list of allergens is useful not only for patients with hypersensitivity of the body, but also for healthy people: for the prevention of negative symptoms.

Do not forget that excessive consumption of products from the "black list" often provokes a violent negative reaction: swelling, rash and blisters on the skin, hyperemia, disorders in the digestive tract, problems with blood pressure... If an immune response or false reaction is suspected, tests using a food allergen panel are needed.

How to recognize a food allergen and determine the cause of an allergy? Helpful hints specialist in the following video:

Unfortunately, the list of products that can catalyze an undesirable reaction is quite wide. First of all, you need to pay attention to the color and taste of the food. Bright red, orange, burgundy, as well as sour, sweet and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.

Forget industrial sweets, cookies, canned goods. It is best to cook all your meals at home so that you can always be sure of its quality and composition. A visual table listing unwanted products is as follows:

Bell pepper
Fruits and berries
Red apples
Tropical fruits
Dairy products
Processed cheese
Cheese with spices or mold
Fatty cheeses
Meat and fish
Smoked meats
Sausages and sausages
Canned fish
Cream cakes
Ice cream

Sweet soda
Strong tea

It is also necessary to completely eliminate all spices and sauces from the diet and try to reduce salt intake.

Especially dangerous and harmful products for allergies

Particular danger is posed by alcohol, caffeine, sour and bright fruits, all types of seafood, as well as pickles, canned food and all industrial products with dyes and preservatives in the composition. You should reduce as much as possible, and it is better to completely abandon their use.

Hypoallergenic products

White cabbage
Lettuce leaves
Fruits and berries
Green apples
White cherry
White currant
Dairy products
Low-fat cheeses without additives
Meat and fish
Chicken fillet
Turkey fillet
Lean beef

The diet of a child in the case of regular occurrence of food reactions does not differ much from that of an adult. Since the body is growing and developing, it is especially important to monitor the balance of the menu: must be consumed daily nutrients of all kinds, and proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates. Correct diet will make life easier for the baby and allow him to forget about serious unpleasant exacerbations.

How to alleviate the condition

There are several folk recipes natural antihistamines. These recipes include herbal and berry decoctions.

  • Chamomile infusion, prepared at the rate of 200 ml of water per 1 teaspoon of dry chamomile. Over the hot infusion, inhalations should be carried out for 10-15 minutes. When the infusion has cooled down, you should take it 1 tablespoon several times a day.
  • A decoction of viburnum inflorescences, prepared at the rate of 250 ml of water for 1-2 teaspoons of dry inflorescences. The second spoonful of viburnum can be replaced in succession. Divide the resulting broth into three parts and consume during the day in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • An infusion of nettle leaves, prepared in a proportion of 1 spoonful of dry crushed leaves in a glass of boiling water, also has antihistamine properties.

Features of the diet for allergies

The transition to hypoallergenic nutrition is carried out in several stages, each of which must be performed sequentially. If you know exactly what food is causing the reaction, then stop eating it right away. Also follow the steps indicated.

  1. It is necessary to spend 1-2 days of fasting on the water. Drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water at room temperature daily. This "entrance" will prepare the body for the gradual intake of foods from the diet. health food... Be sure to consult your doctor before starting fasting!
  2. On the third day, include porridge on the water in the food, vegetable soups without browning and butter, as well as durum flour crispbread. You should eat only these products for about 3-4 days. If there is no reaction to the skin or mucous membranes, then feel free to proceed to the next stage.
  3. At the final stage, introduce into the diet low-fat meats and poultry, permitted vegetables and fruits, weak green or white tea, unsweetened crackers and dryers. You should adhere to such a list of products for at least 2-3 weeks, and only then you can diversify the diet with permitted berries and fermented milk products.

Yes, such a diet, especially its beginning, is difficult to sustain, however, you will feel light and look better, getting rid of a couple of extra pounds.

What to eat with exacerbations

In case of an exacerbation, it is necessary to adhere to the minimum meager diet, it is desirable that all products from the permitted list are white. These foods include rice, cauliflower, apples and pears without peels, oats, chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese. In some cases, a two-day fast on water helps, but this technique is prohibited if you suffer from chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.


A hypoallergenic diet is not a whim, but a vital necessity. The individual characteristics of the organism dictate their own conditions; often the ideal diet can be selected only with the participation of a professional specialist, a nutritionist. Nobody knows your body better than you, watch its reactions and be responsive, as well as attentive to what you eat.

It is becoming an increasingly common disease. Probably, many factors are to blame for this - the deterioration of the environment, and the change in the technology of food production, and the use of too many drugs and all kinds of chemistry. Allergy tendencies are genetically transmitted. This means that there will be more and more allergy sufferers.

Foods are considered one of the most common allergens. Some of them are especially allergenic and pose a danger to children and adults prone to allergies.

List of the most allergenic foods

It should be clear right away: allergies and food intolerances are not the same thing. Intolerance is associated with the lack of enzymes necessary for the assimilation of a particular substance, their lack or with a change in the enzyme structure. Allergy it develops when the body perceives safe substances as hostile and begins to fight them. The most common lactose intolerance to dairy products and grain gluten. True allergies to milk and grains also occur. Only a specialist can figure out what exactly is happening to your body.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the information below is not an axiom, but just statistical data on what foods cause allergies more often than others. Even the most low-allergenic foods can occasionally cause an inadequate reaction.

  • Fish and fish caviar, black and red. Seafood is also on this list.
  • Meat. The most allergenic variety is considered to be beef, chicken, goose, mutton and turkey meat the least allergenic.
  • Chicken eggs, especially protein.
  • Cow's milk and products from it. Fermented milk products are less allergenic than whole or condensed milk.
  • Grains: wheat and flour, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and barley are the least allergens.
  • Yeast and all foods that contain them.
  • Chocolate and cocoa.
  • Nuts, especially peanuts. Strictly speaking, peanuts are legumes, therefore peanut allergy can lead to an expansion of the list due to peas, beans, soybeans, lentils.
  • Vegetables: beets, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, horseradish.
  • Berries and fruits: strawberries and strawberries are in the lead, followed by citrus fruits, led by lemon. The list also found a place for raspberries and black currants, sea buckthorn, cherries, grapes, figs. In general, allergies are often caused by exotic fruits that do not grow in the region of residence of the allergic person.

Sugar and alcohol have been found to increase the likelihood of allergies. If you limit your intake of carbohydrates and alcohol, then allergies develop much less often.

The likelihood of a reaction depends on the amount of food consumed. A heel of strawberries may not give a reaction, and if you eat 2 kg at once, then an allergy will appear even in a healthy person.

In addition, sometimes unwanted food components cause allergies:

  • antibiotics and hormones fed to cows or chickens;
  • chemicals used to treat plants from pests;
  • spices, preservatives, dyes and other chemicals included in the composition;
  • mold lurking in the product.

It must be remembered that during an allergy attack, the body comes to full alert and can respond with an allergic reaction to almost any product, even if the same product did not cause any particular reaction before. Therefore, during an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet and not introduce new foods into the diet, especially in large quantities at once.

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