The name of a beauty salon that makes a profit is real. How to name a group in "contact" and correctly promote it How to name a massage parlor

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Among the various ways of healing and relaxation, one of the best is massage. The massage procedure has been an integral part of human life for thousands of years.

People have long understood that with a mechanical effect on various parts of the body, a therapeutic effect is achieved. Massage has an effect on the skin and muscles, and its main purpose is to relieve tension.

Today, there are many massage techniques, and each has its own characteristics. LifSPA lists 23 of the world's most popular massage methods.

Russian massage

It is used to strengthen muscles, restore the nervous and respiratory systems, to combat sleep disorders.

Swedish massage

It is carried out strongly and deeply. Swedish massage is also called sports massage, as it is very useful for strong physical stress on muscles and joints.

When performing this type of massage, the therapist tries to penetrate deep into the tissues in order to rub the seals, stretch the neurovascular bundles and muscles.

Relaxing massage

Its feature is sparing, superficial, not disturbing the muscles of touch, kneading and stroking. Relaxing massage should be very gentle and relaxing.


At the moment of supplying water jets, there is a feeling of weightlessness, relaxation. The healing power of underwater massage and the impact of the aquatic environment will help you get rid of the burden of earthly burdens and troubles.

hot stone massage

Massage is performed with volcanic rocks, which were formed on the slopes of active volcanoes and slowly cooled down.

Esalen massage

The Esalen massage technique combines the techniques of Swedish, reflex and therapeutic massage, oriental methods, modern principles of deep breathing and physiology, the practice of Feldenkrais (soft fitness) and Gestalt therapy, head massage.

Esalen massage combines tapping and stroking, rocking, kneading and stretching techniques.

Endermological massage

Otherwise called LPG massage. The LPG massage technique is painless, very pleasant to the touch.

The LPG procedure consists in the treatment of the muscle layer and subcutaneous fat by vacuum action, by deep and intensive kneading with special roller maniples in various modes.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage cleanses the lymphatic vessels and ducts from toxins, speeds up the process of their removal from the body.

Reflexogenic massage

Although reflexologists sometimes refer to this treatment as a foot massage, it is more than just a foot massage.
Reflexology involves the impact on certain points on the foot, corresponding to the projections of various organs. Reflexology massage is very relaxing and is especially beneficial for people who spend a lot of time standing up.

Ayurvedic massage

This unique type of massage is based on deep work with soft tissues - skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs. As a result - the disappearance of muscle tension, improved blood circulation and lymph flow, increased energy flow.

Thai massage

A truly miraculous method that heals many ailments, permeated with the ancient spiritual traditions of Thailand. Massage balances the energy of the body, using gentle pressure on certain points.
Thai massage also includes compression and stretching. This treatment reduces stress, improves flexibility and range of motion.

Qigong massage

This oriental type of massage is aimed at restoring the energy balance, and after that - the physical health of a person.

It is a physiological massage that is carried out from the center to the periphery, including the practice of acupressure.

lomi lomi

This is a sacred Hawaiian massage using special oils. Combines deep muscle kneading and impact on subcutaneous fat, lymphatic drainage.
The massage is done all over the body, during the massage the master uses the palms, forearms, pads and phalanges of the fingers, elbows.


Using a special technique of influencing the body with hands and pressing certain acupuncture points, the master removes energy blocks and restores the flow of energy.

Aromatherapy massage

The massage therapist can choose oils that relax, activate, relieve stress, and restore the energy balance of the body. This type of massage is especially suitable for people whose lifestyle is inextricably linked with stressful situations and emotional overload.

Honey massage

Used honey of various varieties and exposure time. Mechanical effects are added to the healing properties of honey and a unique method of restoring the body after intense physical activity, after injuries and illnesses is obtained.
It is also used for lung diseases, and more recently - in anti-cellulite programs.

Spanish massage

The main difference of this massage is in the plasticity of movements. Receptions are performed with all surfaces of the hands. This is a very deep massage, after which complete muscle relaxation is achieved.


This is acupressure, during which rhythmic pressure is made with fingers, palms or elbows on skin areas in the projection of biologically active points or around them.
Such an impact not only physically strengthens the body, but also contributes to the correct redistribution of energy.

Thai massage with herbal bags

The unique pouches are filled with a mixture of dried Thai herbs such as mountain ginger, turmeric, kaffir lime, cryptolepsis, aromatic turmeric, patchouli, camphor. The massage consists in a gentle effect on the tissues of the body of warm bags of herbs. When exposed to acupressure points, endorphins are released, which block pain. The result is not only the disappearance of pain, but also an increase in blood flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

Turkish soap massage

This procedure is a wonderful combination of surprisingly pleasant and at the same time useful rejuvenating procedures, including a traditional Turkish bath - hammam, natural peeling and soapy massage.

Anticellulite massage

One of the "actual" types of body massage, aimed primarily at deep study of subcutaneous fat, ligaments and muscles. According to my feelings, this massage is more painful than usual. Its main function is to prevent the growth of connective tissue, which occurs in the death of fat cells.

Chinese massage

Traditional Chinese massage is performed in special clothes like pajamas and consists in stretching and kneading the limbs. Wushu gymnastics elements are used.


Traditional Indian four-hand massage. It is also called "third eye massage" because it uses heated oil, which is poured in a thin stream to the patient at a point on the forehead - the so-called third eye area.

Text: AlinaMkrtchyan

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On the one hand, there is a huge demand for massage services today. On the other hand, a large number of courses, a free work schedule, good pay and usefulness of the case create intense competition among private craftsmen. There is a lot of demand and a lot of supply in this market. Properly compiling sales texts for massage advertising is like building a springboard for a dizzying rise in sales of your office or studio.


Question price. There are only 2 possible answers, or " Yes", or " Not". To increase the likelihood of a correct answer, experienced copywriters write several packages of tariff plans.

  • The first service package is the cheapest. It has a number of shortcomings that a person has to put up with.
  • Second- the most optimal, brings 80% of the profit and is singled out as a bestseller.
  • The third- the most expensive, but comparable in value to the second. Its main task is to show the contrast that the optimal package is not so expensive.

An ad can be compared to a human seller. Who will you be more willing to buy massage services from: smiling charms or gloomy bores?

Let's look at how to write beautiful texts for a massage advertisement with examples taken from real advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. For clarity, I exaggerate a little. So,
  • Make a short text for a massage master without water. Otherwise, it loses its meaning.

Badly : Our qualified craftsmen will provide you with professional assistance. You will be pleased with the beneficial result.

Good : We specialize in anti-cellulite massage. The skin acquires tone, elasticity and rejuvenates, and the fat layer becomes thinner.

  • Don't talk about yourself, talk about the benefits. No one likes narcissism, but everyone likes the result. Here's a nice example:

Badly : Our masters constantly improve their skills and win regional competitions.

Good : Our therapeutic massage at home is excellent for diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica, paralysis of the limbs and recovery from injuries. And also with diseases of the intestines, respiratory tract and problems with blood circulation.

  • Empty words. Avoid clichés and clericalism without evidence: " you will receive the necessary highly qualified and professional assistance from us», « we are glad to offer you services», « we look forward to fruitful cooperation". Water is poured by stock exchange copywriters who write text for the sake of text for 30 rubles/kiloznak. Be natural. Here's a good example:

Badly : We do massage inexpensively. The price for a professional massage performed by our specialists depends on various factors.

Good : The cost of a general massage at home ...rubles for an hour session. The price of an express massage is…rubles for 10 minutes.

  • "Creative" design. I exaggerate for clarity.

Badly : UsL Oogie mA C soot is Ta .

Good : Masseur services.

  • header. This is a showcase of text. I wrote in more detail on this topic in an article about an article about.

Badly: Massage is a real panacea for stress, tension and the best armor against an unfavorable environment.

Good: Rejuvenating facial sculptural massage in a salon or at home in Moscow.

Texts for advertising massage pictures

And now let's move on to examples of texts for an invitation to a massage.

An example of a radio massage advertisement (running time 1 minute 20 seconds)

(relax music playing) To relax after a hard day's work, to put yourself in order for an important meeting, to relieve stress after an intense workout, to recover from an illness, the magic hands of Zebra masseurs will help you.

Gentle therapeutic and sports massages. Massage almost any part of the body:

From back pain, heaviness in the legs, aches in the neck, buzzing in the head. Thermal wrapping, cupping, vacuum, lymphatic drainage, edema, stiffness and hernia massage, hydromassage, anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks, thighs, barrels, abdomen, sculptural facial massage. Against salt deposits, osteochondrosis, scoliosis with elements of manual techniques. With nourishing oils and creams. Massage of the internal organs, with needles, stone massage, Chinese, traditional Thai massage…

Do not list everything! I can only say that there are deep hourly massages, and express programs for a few minutes for the busiest. For details and a personal selection of massage types, feel free to go to the girls and guys at the reception. The hardest thing is to relax. We are located at: Moscow, —–. Phone: 000 000, again 000-000.

10 secrets for writing the best texts for massage (based on the undying classics):

  1. Get to the most important first. The best advertisement for a massage parlor or a private master at home should be short. The first 3 paragraphs of the text should be loaded with interesting (profitable) information as much as possible. And if you want to create a competent advertisement for massage services in Direct or AdWords, then you need to fit everything into 70 characters. Isn't this art?
  2. Be Specific. Six faithful servants of Kipling will always work - What, Where, When, Who, How and Why. It is they who will help to close all the objections of the client and convince him of the need for a high-quality session of therapeutic therapy. That is why Q&A advertising is so popular. The more detail you can describe the service, the more you will sell.
  3. And God loves a trinity. Repeat the most important idea in the ad 3 times in different wordings. To make sure everyone understands.
  4. Write in present tense. It's like you're already having a session.
  5. Specify the price! A buyer who does not know the price tends to exaggerate it.
  6. Stock“Order a back massage and get a neck massage for free” will work much better than “half price back massage”. Since the largest attendance of lovers to improve their health is on weekends and in the evening, it is best to hold promotions on weekdays during the day. Even the wealthiest client is happy to hear about the discount. Although it is like a rug for him as a gift when buying an apartment.
  7. Gift certificates and promotional codes also increases the effectiveness of the ad by increasing the volume of word of mouth several times.
  8. Write about yourself only towards the end of the story. When you have already interested the person enough.
  9. It doesn't matter how long the ad ends up being. The main thing is to read simply, freely and clearly.
  10. Call to action. This is the culmination of the selling text. Give the visitor a clear set-up by answering the question, "What's next?"

Example: texts for advertising massage on the Internet and social networks

Sedentary work in one position? Muscles clogged after intense workouts? Or just back pain? Welcome to my table!

Therapeutic massage is the best means for a good mood, a positive attitude and well-being. Improve muscle tone, disperse lymph or lactic acid, straighten the joint, relieve spasms, remove salts, toxins, toxins and excess fluid, get rid of spasms, swelling, adhesions, scars and seals, improve ligament flexibility, recover from injuries.

Without bruises, stretch marks and ruptures of blood vessels (blood mesh). Book a back massage and get a free hand massage. Sign up for an appointment right now!

For reposts - from me personally, sincere gratitude and pluses in karma, and from my cat - affectionate murmurmur 🙂

The structure of a competent selling invitation is standard, and has not changed for centuries: introduction (client's pain), decision (offer, proposal), objection handling (proof), call to action. Only the names and interpretations of technologies change. Follow them and you will be happy with sales.

Order texts for massage advertising from a copywriter

Some pretty words are not enough. The main income is obtained from regular customers, and not one-time passers-by. Slightly exceed expectations - people feel when they are genuinely cared for. A hack is a validated coupon, and it's pretty stupid to ride on it a second time in a tram of successful sales. And to order texts for massage advertising from a copywriter means to talk about the service beautifully, briefly, honestly and clearly.

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The VKontakte website has become not only the most popular place for people from all over the planet to communicate, but also a good platform for promoting yourself or your business. Here they buy, sell, exchange experiences and learn. The creation of communities and their promotion should not be underestimated in the issue of promoting your brand. The only problem is that in connection with the question of how to promote a group in "Contact", not only legal methods of promotion, but also "black" methods have appeared. This article will help you competently develop your business without resorting to deliberately failed methods.

Promotion of groups in "Contact"

We declare right away that any offers to instantly fill the group with people and promises that it will become wildly popular refer to the fraud that the VKontakte website pursues, punishing for this. If you were promised that the community will be replenished by 1000 people per day for a modest fee, then you should know that, most likely, it will be filled with “bots” - accounts of non-existent individuals through a special program.

How to name a group in "Contact"

In fact, the successful promotion of the community begins with its name and type of activity. By type of activity, 2 categories of communities are distinguished:

  1. A community that redirects to the company's website.
  2. Community within the network.


The first option is suitable when the group is filled with a large number of people who follow links to pages with products or services of the company. The second option of communities gathers people with common interests close to the topic that you intend to promote. Here there is a discussion and exchange of information about issues related to the “product”. Accordingly, the name of the community should reflect the topic and be in the ranking of popular keywords according to search engines.

Examples of how to name a group in "Contact"

Here you can use the Yandex.Direct service "Selecting words", the search engine of the VKontakte site itself, or your imagination. There is such a simple algorithm for promoting communities on this site: write the estimated name of your group in the community search engine "VKontakte" and see what it will give out according to your request. If there are no such groups, or there are very few people in them, then this means that the keyword that you have chosen for the name of your community is not popular among users.

How to name a group in "Contact": a tricky move

Continue testing group names in the VKontakte search engine and see how many users are in them. The most popular queries are "girls", "cars", "business", "photography", "cinema". For the initial promotion of the group, it is advised to attribute one of these popular words to the beginning of your name. You may get not "Massage in Ufa", but "Only for girls! Massage in Ufa. Beauty saloon"Martian".

Secrets of community promotion on VKontakte

After deciding how to name the group in "Contact", proceed to its promotion. Of course, you can fill the community with bot profiles through the program, but they will only create the appearance of popularity and will not be able to bring you profit. Fill the community with real people every day, invite new friends to your page, communicate personally with participants, create interesting topics for discussion, so that the community is "alive". This is what is valued by the search engines of the VKontakte site, and they themselves will begin to push you to the first lines in the search for the My Groups section.

How to make a group popular

To gain popularity, you need helpers and patience, as well as copywriting skills (writing advertising texts) and knowledge of SEO techniques. However, if you have a good team of like-minded people, then after a month of work you will feel an excellent result. The main thing is daily actions, increasing the level of knowledge and quality of service to our customers. Success comes to the persistent, remember this, friends!

Low costs and high profits are the dream of every novice businessman. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the masseur's business: work with your hands, rake in money. However, newcomers to this field of activity expect a lot of difficulties. True, there are many positive aspects.

Pros and cons of the massage business

Why are experienced people in this business skeptical about the prospect of those who only think about it? First, the art of massage should be learned. Or you need to find someone who owns it well, which means paying a lot of money. Secondly, it is also important to be able to sell this service. Thirdly, the problem of positioning a massage parlor or salon will be relevant: what it will be like, what to include in the services and what equipment to stock up.

Important: Naturally, the prospects for good earnings are only in medium and large cities. And one more thing: you should be careful about the services of therapeutic massage, manual therapy, etc.

Of course, these are solvable problems. If you are a cool specialist, have a good room, as well as a team of assistants, you can try. Among the advantages of the idea of ​​​​opening a massage parlor are the following:

  • relatively low operating costs to maintain the business;
  • constant demand;
  • high profitability;
  • demand and, as a rule, low competition in a niche.

How to open a massage parlor from scratch?

Before we discuss how to open a massage parlor from scratch, we note the following. Although theoretically without honey. education can be engaged in the sale of such services, you must understand that people with high incomes are not ready to entrust their backs to just anyone. But they will be your main target audience. It is permissible to count on people with an average income, although they also need to be convinced of their professionalism.

Advice: if you plan to provide a massage service yourself, but do not have experience, invest in obtaining a qualification first. Do a massage at home and fill your client base. If you want to use hired specialists, think in advance what requirements you will place on their skills, experience and education. Sometimes you can just hire a familiar person, after sending him to the appropriate courses.

And further. The very first thing to do is to formulate an idea for yourself. This means answering the following questions:

  • What type of massage will be offered?
  • Who is expected to be the user of the service?
  • What legal form to choose?

If the answers are ready, proceed to registration.

Business registration

For this business, you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur. Opening a whole LLC is hardly advisable. Among all the possible taxation systems in our case, it is best to choose the "simplified". A simplified taxation system is implied, in which you can pay either up to 6% of income, or up to 15% from the “income minus expenses” item. Why is it said "to" and not 6 and 15 respectively? In certain cases, in the regions, the rate may be reduced to 1 and 5 percent. Experience shows that it is more profitable to choose a rate of 6% on income.

Room search

At the initial stage, many decide to do without an office at all. Such massage masters simply offer sessions at home or in the office. This helps build a customer base. But still, at some point, the need to create an office is brewing. And then it is useful to know that it is best to open it in already existing sports clubs, bath complexes, medical centers or beauty salons.

The owners already have a sanitary and fire certificate. If we are talking about medical (medical or health) institutions, then they obviously have a license. All you have to do is draw up a proper lease agreement. It is also important that people already know the place well. They will notice something new, and some of the visitors will be interested in the new service.

In any case, the location is very important. Sometimes, for the sake of high traffic, it is worth finding a room next to residential areas. Do not forget also about the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station:

  • Location on the 1st floor.
  • The room for waiting patients should be separate.
  • The total area cannot be less than 12 sq. m (previously called the figure 20 sq. m). And it is important to calculate it depending on the number of working staff: in such a way that for one massage therapist there is at least 8 square meters. m.

Some more rules will be discussed below.

Purchase of equipment

What should be the equipment for a massage room? It is directly related to its positioning and the direction you came up with in the first place. But there are also universal items:

  • a massage table;
  • an additional folding table in case you need to go to the client's house;
  • locker for things;
  • screen for visitors;
  • racks;
  • several chairs;
  • sofa;
  • equipment for the room where the reception of visitors will take place;
  • washing machine and bathroom.

These are the largest pieces of equipment. However, the little things are important:

  • oils, creams and lotions,
  • disposable slippers,
  • towels,
  • bathrobes.

For specialized massage techniques, additional equipment will be required.


The minimum number of working staff is 3-4 people. We need at least 2 massage therapists. It also requires an administrator and an accountant. If you work as an administrator yourself at first, you will save money. As for massage therapists, you can immediately set the criteria for professionalism for yourself, and then adhere to them when selecting personnel.

Important: if a person suits you and agrees to the proposed conditions, further stimulate and appreciate him. In order not to increase through your own fault, try to show employees the benefits of working for you.

If you prefer people with a medical education, then partly immediately solve the issue of image. In addition, such people usually know how to quickly serve people, which will save time and earn more. You can do it the other way: post job advertisements for massage therapists on a competitive basis. Compose a questionnaire in which there will be important questions for you about the qualifications of candidates. Choose ones that are easy to check answers for. To do this, you need to master the art, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Massage parlor business plan

Requirements for a massage room according to SanPiN

To understand the requirements of SanPiN, you need to sort of get into the shoes of your customers. For quality service, you will need to put in order the following areas:

  1. Area. We spoke about the norms of this paragraph above in the section “Choice of premises”. They are evaluated even before the conclusion of a lease or purchase of premises, and the rest of the points can be influenced.
  2. Ventilation and heating. Need supply and exhaust ventilation, which provides ventilation of the workplace. In the cold season, the temperature should be maintained from 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. A bathroom with a washbasin: in addition to cold water in the tap, hot water must be provided without fail. Shower cabin - if possible.
  4. Lighting. The bottom line is that the office should be light, natural light is taken into account. At hours when it is dark, artificial light should be directed at the person being massaged at an angle.
  5. The walls of the massage parlor can be covered with tiles or washable wallpaper. It is recommended to use linoleum for the floor. This will facilitate regular wet cleaning.
  6. Availability of a first aid kit in case of need for first aid. It is desirable to put a thermometer and a tonometer, bandages, gauze, cotton wool, valerian drops, an alcohol solution of iodine, hydrogen peroxide and a 3% aqueous solution of ammonia into it.
  7. Specialized furniture. It was discussed above in the section “Procurement of equipment”. SanPiN allows some freedom, but regulates the minimum amount of special equipment that will ensure your customers comfort and safety.

Massage advertisement - text (example)

  • The headline draws attention.
  • The first words stir up interest.
  • A person receives in a compressed form all the information of interest to him at first.
  • The result encourages action.

Specific advice will be related to the characteristics of your target audience. If these are people with medium and high incomes who want to maintain a high standard of living, they have a need for a place where all conditions are created in order to relax:

  • It is important to evoke pleasant and relaxing associations.
  • The design of a sign or leaflet should be related to the direction of the salon.
  • You can even use humor.
  • Stick to a sophisticated, almost aristocratic style.

Here is an example of a fairly effective text on a billboard or pillar:

And the layout of the leaflet ideally looks something like this:

Massage room - interior photo

As for the interior and possible design features, there are many options, and look at the photo for good examples.


Let's take a look at a few more important questions for starting a business.

What is the name of the massage parlor?

It is important that the name is not too hackneyed, original, ideally unique. Even the approach to choosing a name matters. For example, if even the name of the owner goes for a store, then for a massage parlor, as a rule, something more impressive is needed.

The key point will not be the ability to “encrypt” the direction of activity or the name of the co-owners, but the ability to evoke the necessary associations:

  • You can directly use the words "massage" or "body" (body). Such a name will not be catchy, but it will directly indicate the type of activity.
  • Alternatively, include words in Russian or English that mean beauty (beauty), health (health) or relaxation (relax).
  • If there are special services, hint at them. So, if Thai massage is supposed, then it is usually impossible to avoid the direct use of the word "Thai" or part of it.
  • If you use names, then at least choose a beautiful and sophisticated one. It may be possible to use the well-known name of a person who has helped others maintain or improve their health.
  • You can use other original, but beautiful words, including well-known, but slightly modified.

Examples of names that are already taken:"ProstoMassage", "Byutikl", "Doctor of the Body", "Asia relax", "Wai Tai", "Avicenna", "Laguna", "Eden", "Exodus".

How to find massage clients?

To find clients, it is useful to work on your own even before opening an office. You can look for them among friends, former colleagues, and so on. It is better for them, as well as any new customers, to immediately offer discounts. This will help to effectively overcome the first stage - acquaintance with the service performed by certain specialists. In the future, such people, if they like it, will want to pay the regular price.

Advice: come up with an affiliate program for colleagues from related fields of activity. For example, offer a hairdresser or doctor you know to recommend you in exchange for recommending him.

Do I need a license to open a massage parlor?

Restorative and cosmetic massage does not require a license. But if you plan to perform manual therapy or provide other therapeutic services, as well as therapeutic massage, you need to take care of getting it.

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This type of business is good for massage specialists or those who know how to promote wellness services in a quality manner. It is better if you manage to occupy a new niche in your city or come up with a significant competitive advantage. Starting investments will not be so great, but you cannot save on equipment and salaries of employees. If you win the recognition of your target audience, then in the future it will remain to keep the bar taken and make a profit.

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