Is it worth it to engage in the production of semi-finished products. How to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products. Search for commercial equipment

Wood materials and products 16.11.2021
Wood materials and products

Any business should start by studying the demand for the products that you plan to offer to customers. Find out what prices and work features of competitors are, think over a strategy, unique offers and write a real business plan, taking into account possible risks.

Choose direction:

  • What types of meat.
  • Only fresh or culinary.
  • Additional services.

Find a reliable supplier. A lot depends on this.

Main risks

High competition in this type of business is one of the main risks. Think of a pricing strategy that will allow you to reach a decent level of payback and attract customers.

The meat trade is marked by seasonality. In the summer, especially on hot days, the fall of millet cannot be avoided. Also, meat consumption is reduced during fasting. Prepare for these times. Buy smaller volumes of meat, change the assortment, reduce cutting, offer discounts, cooperate more actively with cafes and restaurants.

Fresh meat has a very short shelf life. It is strictly forbidden to sell an expired product. Try to establish additional production of semi-finished meat products that you do not have time to sell.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a business selling meat”


The standard option is a room in the agricultural market or near it. This is where the largest concentration of potential customers who come to purchase products. Look for an area that doesn't yet have a lot of butcher shops or a market that doesn't have a meat pavilion.

Sleeping areas are also suitable if there are no competitors nearby or the range of stores differs from the one you plan to offer. Look for places with a large flow of people, near car or subway stops. The premises must comply with sanitary standards, in working with food the rule is especially strict.

You can start by organizing a trading place in a grocery store. The minimum area for such an outlet is 6 m². When concluding a joint economic activity agreement with the administration of the store, it becomes possible to save on the purchase of equipment, but you are required to provide the administration with financial statements.

Rent of retail space depending on the circumstances

Before buying or renting a room, find out the sanitary requirements:

  • Check the proposed property for compliance with the regulations.
  • Find out how much remodeling will cost. It is highly likely that you will have to completely change the sewerage, electrical wiring.

As practice shows, the inhabitants of Russia are not particularly sensitive to the chic design of butcher shops. Expensive design is not a necessity. What really matters to the people of the country is the price of meat.

When choosing a room for a butcher shop, do not pursue prestige. Pay attention to sanitary aspects. Check drains and sewers. Stagnation of blood in the pipes will create an unbearable smell that will scare off buyers.


Minimum set of equipment:

  1. Refrigerators
  2. Freezer Counter ($2,000)
  3. Cash register (about $90)
  4. Quality scales ($50)
  5. Electric Meat Grinder ($450)
  6. Cutting table, chopping block, axes and knives made of stainless steel

In general, you can count on the amount of about 3,000 dollars. If the meat supplier does not deliver, add about $300 in shipping costs.

Try to organize the space so that there is a sink near the counter. If at the first stage there are not enough funds, you can refuse cutting equipment and tools, and agree on cutting with the supplier. You can also save on the purchase of used equipment.

Invest in a bright and beautiful sign. With the right location, it will become not only a decoration, but also an effective advertisement.


For starters, a seller and an experienced butcher are enough. If you plan to work in two shifts, hire four people.

Pay special attention to the choice of butcher. Improper cutting of meat leads to very large financial losses.

If the supplier cuts the meat, only two salesmen can be hired initially.

For a small butcher shop, it is not advisable to introduce cleaners, security guards, and an accountant into the staff. And in the future, with the expansion, it is more profitable to outsource related functions.

Documents and licenses

Having collected a standard package of documents for opening a food trade enterprise, you can register an LLC or IP. Working with a cash register involves its registration with the tax office.

If you plan to produce semi-finished products or other meat products and sell them at the place of manufacture, you will need a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. Scheduled inspections are carried out every 3 years or upon complaint.

Licenses are not required to trade in food products. The only exception is the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Assortment and purchase rules

Starting a business, do not chase large volumes and assortment. Unsold goods will bring significant losses. Limit yourself to 20-30 items. Consider selling related products: fish, bread, sauces, groceries, juices, oils, and other products. This will help to survive the seasonal downturns in consumer activity without much damage.

The main and most dangerous enemies of the meat business are an unscrupulous supplier and stale meat. Regardless of the circumstances, always control purchases and check quality. Check certificates, the presence of a brand, learn to determine the quality of meat by other parameters. Buy fresh meat at least once a week.


For a grocery store, the most effective advertising methods are the old and well-known methods:

  1. Posting ads near the entrances works better than mailing. Do not dwell on general information, indicate prices, directions in ads
  2. Arrange promotions and actively inform potential customers about discounts.
  3. Stretching over the road in the immediate vicinity of the store, a signboard, signs, pavement signs are the main ways to attract customers.

Go beyond the standard assortment and offer exclusive meat products: turkey, rabbit meat, lamb. Regularly conduct customer surveys and consult with them on how to improve service. Be sure to take into account the wishes of customers, especially if they speak out in a disgruntled tone in the queue.

Organize incentive programs for regular customers. Offer accumulative cards, exchange bonuses for discounts or the opportunity to get goods for free. In grocery stores, this system works especially well.


Despite the seeming simplicity, the meat business is distinguished by the presence of an incredible number of professional secrets. To achieve success and expand the network of stores is possible only with the comprehension of all the intricacies. You will not be able to effectively manage this business if you do not thoroughly know the rules for carcass cutting, the entire processing chain, and methods to increase profitability.

Do not give up on innovative technologies and automation - they will allow you to avoid theft, identify unscrupulous employees and reward the best employees.

The competition in this area is very high, but upscale stores with exemplary service are still few. Try to provide customers with perfect service, offer new types of meat, products, create production according to unique recipes - and your business from a small butcher's shop will grow into a real empire with branches in every city of the country.


In the franchise market, we found a butcher shop franchise - ""

Many residents of large cities visit stores with semi-finished products, so the demand for these products is growing, as is the range of offers. Therefore, opening a convenience store can be a profitable business. A convenience store business plan will help you think through important organizational and financial aspects of the business, and our example will show a picture of the potential profitability of the business.

Project Summary

It is planned to open semi-finished products stores in a big city, because. it is in megacities that the rhythm of life does not allow much time to be spent in the kitchen. We will rent a small premise for the sale of semi-finished products in a residential area in an actively traveled place, close to the market and public transport stops.

Shop opening hours: from 09:00 to 20:00.

Assortment: weight semi-finished products.

Our buyers:

  • Men and women of middle age (80%).
  • Young people, students (15%).
  • The rest (5%).

Our competitors:

  • Similar convenience stores nearby.
  • Supermarkets.
  • Gastronomes with department of semi-finished products.

Main business risks:

  • Big competition.
  • Purchasing low-quality goods from a supplier.
  • Overpriced.
  • Poor choice of supplier.

Each of the above risks can lead to a decrease in the number of buyers.

To win your place in the market in this niche, you must initially choose a location with good traffic and a minimum of competition in at least one residential area. We can fight supermarkets with better quality goods, individual approach to each customer, competent advice to customers, because there is no personal communication in supermarkets.

In order to always have fresh and high-quality semi-finished products in our store, we will find a reliable supplier who will bring good products and be able to guarantee the quality.

It is important to make the right purchase of goods, the risk of the first unsuccessful purchase of semi-finished products is especially high. To understand what will be in demand, it is necessary to analyze the range of competitors, to observe buyers. The first purchase will be minimal, it turns out the demand and what else buyers want to see on the shelves.

In order to minimize risks, it is necessary to be prepared for changes in the external environment; for this, reserve money should be included in the budget. A convenience store business plan with calculations will allow us to analyze the main costs and take into account potential risks in the budget.


In order to operate legally, you must be registered. To do this, we go with an application to the local tax service, register as an individual entrepreneur, choose a simplified taxation system - 15%. We also need to register the OKVED code 47.29 "Retail trade in other food products in specialized stores."

We will also need to obtain permission to operate the premises from the fire department, Rospotrebnadzor and SES. It will take about 7 working days. We will need about 10 thousand rubles for registration and issuance of permits.

Room search

We will open a store in a residential area on the first floor of a basement apartment building. There will be enough retail space of 20 square meters. m. Indoors 10 sq. m. m we place an additional refrigerator and equip a place for the seller. The cost of renting such a room in a residential area of ​​a large city will be about 20 thousand rubles.

Indoors, we will make cosmetic repairs - paint the walls and ceiling. About 20 thousand rubles will come out.

We will spend about 5,000 rubles on utilities per month, mainly for the active consumption of electricity, because refrigeration equipment must work day and night.

It is planned to rent the premises for a long time, so an appropriate agreement will be concluded with the landlord. We immediately pay 2 months of rent.

Search for commercial equipment

For a convenience store, you need to purchase refrigeration equipment, supplies and a chair for the seller. To reduce investment in equipment, you can buy used refrigerators in good condition.

Estimate in the table:

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Refrigerator for p / f 20 000 3 60 000
electronic scales 5 000 1 5 000
Refrigerator for warehouse 30 000 1 30 000
Consumables (gloves, inventory, bags, containers) 10 000 10 000
Store cleaning equipment 2 000 2 000
Cash register 7 000 1 7 000
Salesman's chair 1 000 1 1 000
Total 115 000

Equipment must be kept in good condition, systematically unloaded, washed and temperature controlled. Each malfunction must be responded to quickly, since the safety of semi-finished products depends on refrigerators.


The owner himself can also sell in the store by shifting with a hired seller. With an increase in profitability, a second seller will be hired. The store will be open daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Employees are replaced according to the 3/3 scheme. The functions of the seller also include receiving goods and cleaning the store. The seller's salary is set at 20,000 rubles.

Suppliers and purchase of goods

When choosing suppliers, you should pay attention to live reviews on the Internet, the terms of cooperation (delivery time, pricing policy), the availability of product quality certificates. It is advisable to conduct spot tastings in order to understand what we are selling and to make it clear to manufacturers that the goods are under control.

First purchase:

Name Wholesale price, rub.
Pork and beef dumplings (manufacturer No. 1) 230
Pork and beef dumplings (manufacturer No. 2) 200
Pork and beef dumplings (manufacturer No. 3) 160
Rabbit dumplings 265
Chicken dumplings (manufacturer No. 1) 160
Chicken dumplings (manufacturer No. 2) 130
Vareniki with potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, cottage cheese 130
Vareniki with cherries, strawberries 160
Manti 200
Khinkali 200
Chebureki 230
Chicken cutlets 160
Pork cutlets 200
Lula kebab 200
Fish cutlets 160
chicken nuggets 160
Meat zrazy with mushrooms and cheese 200
Sausages, kupaty 335
cabbage rolls 160
chicken chops 200
Frozen strawberries, berries 230
Pork chops 300

The markup on goods is set at 150%. The purchase is small, with the calculation of the formation of the main assortment. As soon as one or another category of goods ends or there is a good demand for it, the seller promptly orders another delivery. In the table we have different numbers of semi-finished products, we mean different brands.

Marketing and Advertising

To attract customers to the store and increase sales, it is initially necessary to analyze competitors, take into account their strengths and weaknesses, assortment and pricing policy, promotions and offers. We will use promotional offers jointly with suppliers: for example, the promotion “Vareniki with potatoes 1 kg + 200 g for free” or 2 packs of dumplings with a 30% discount (wound together), etc.

We will attract buyers by distributing flyers near the store, installing a sign, branding the facade with the image of dumplings, khinkali and cutlets.

In addition, such a tool as tasting works great in this area.

Every month you will need to spend money on printing and distributing flyers. The estimate per month will be about 5 thousand rubles.

Expenses and income

Now we will analyze our starting and monthly costs, calculate the estimated profitability, profitability and, as a result, the payback period of the initial investment.

Starting costs

It is planned to allocate 235,000 rubles for the launch of the business, not including the cost of purchasing goods. We will subtract them from the estimated planned profit for the month.

Monthly expenses


The first two months will be trial, this is the period of attracting regular customers and the formation of the current range.

Estimated sales plan for the 1st month of the store:

Name Retail price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Pelmeni pork and beef No. 1 350 20 7 000
Pelmeni pork and beef № 2 300 20 6 000
Pelmeni pork and beef № 3 250 30 7 500
Rabbit dumplings 400 15 6 000
Chicken dumplings No. 1 250 20 5 000
Chicken dumplings No. 2 200 20 4 000
Vareniki with potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, cottage cheese No. 2 250 30 7 500
Vareniki with potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, cottage cheese, cherries No. 2 200 40 8 000
Manti 300 20 6 000
Khinkali 300 20 6 000
Chebureki 350 20 7 000
Chicken cutlets 250 15 3 750
Pork cutlets 300 15 4 500
Lula kebab 300 20 6 000
Fish cutlets 250 20 5 000
chicken nuggets 250 20 5 000
Zrazy 300 15 4 500
Sausages, kupaty 500 10 5 000
cabbage rolls 250 20 5 000
chicken chops 300 20 6 000
Frozen strawberries, berries 400 20 8 000
Pork chops 450 10 4 500

We calculate the efficiency of work and profit as follows. The average purchase check in the store is 300 rubles. At least 35 customers are expected to be served daily. In total, this gives a revenue of 10,500 rubles. Minus the share of suppliers, 3,500 rubles of profit will remain.

Thus, the store will bring 105 thousand rubles per month.

We calculate the rate of return.

First, we calculate the difference between income and expenses:

105,000 - 50,000 \u003d 55,000 rubles.

Now we calculate the tax payment:

55,000 x 0.15 = 8,250 rubles.

Accordingly, the net profit will be:

55,000 - 8,250 = 44,750 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(44,750 / 260,000) x 100 = 17%.

This profitability for the starting period of the semi-finished products store is acceptable. By the 5-6th month, it is planned to achieve an indicator of 30%, which is considered excellent for this area.

235,000 / 44,750 = 5 months Payback period is acceptable. Thus, within six months, it is planned to fully recoup the initial investment and invest profits in expanding the range of products.


A grocery store is a profitable business. It is important to correctly form the assortment, select high-quality goods and reliable suppliers, as well as ensure the appropriate refrigeration regime for the entire purchase of semi-finished products. The plans are to increase the sales area by purchasing a greater variety of products. A year later, the opening of 2 more similar outlets is being considered.

Meat semi-finished products are a product that is in great demand among buyers. They take very little time to prepare, so they are a good alternative to "full" dishes. Semi-finished products have a number of specific advantages in production: they can simplify and facilitate the work of procurement shops, reduce the time needed to prepare meat snacks and increase the throughput of the enterprise. About what nuances should be taken into account when opening your own meat production, we will tell in this article.

general information

Statistics report that the production and consumption of meat and meat products in our country is increasing year by year. This market is expected to grow over the next few years. Experts note the highest growth rates in the segment of chilled semi-finished meat products.

What is a semi-finished product? This is a portioned product made from ground minced meat or other raw materials with various additives. Products are classified into several types:

  • according to the processing methods, chopped, natural semi-finished products, dumplings are distinguished;
  • by types of meat used: beef, lamb, pork products, as well as rabbit and poultry products;
  • thermal state - frozen and chilled.

In addition, the production of semi-finished products is divided into two separate segments - processed products and natural.

Organic products

This segment, in turn, consists of several subgroups. These are meat and bone, chopped, large-sized, small-sized, portioned, pickled and meat sets. For the preparation of chopped semi-finished products, scapular, cervical, and femoral muscles are used, which contain more rigid and coarse connective tissue. The meat is ground on special equipment, after which fat, eggs and spices are added.

Recycled products

This segment mainly includes cutlet products. These include cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, and other products of minced meat and meat processing.


Let us consider in more detail how the technology for the production of semi-finished meat products is carried out. Frozen raw meat is delivered to the enterprise in the form of blocks. It is crushed with a crusher. Often, mechanically deboned meat, prepared on a meat and bone separator, is used for minced meat.

After the meat is chopped, the minced meat is passed through the top. Then ground bacon, chilled water, salt, spices and other additives are added. The mass is thoroughly mixed on a meat mixer or using a cutter. This device is designed for grinding soft meat raw materials and turning it into a homogeneous mass.

Cooked minced meat is immersed in a machine for molding semi-finished products. At this stage, the product takes on a specific shape with a specific weight of each serving. Depending on the volume of production of semi-finished products, a rotary or auger product formation system is used.

The molding machine gives the cutlets a predetermined shape, then the products are laid out on a conveyor belt. After that, depending on the recipe, the products are sent to the ice creaming machine, and then to the breading equipment. The next step is the transportation of the semi-finished product to the shock freezing chamber or to the spiral quick freezer.

Freezing varies in duration. For example, a cutlet weighing 85 grams in a shock freezing chamber should spend about 2 hours, and in spiral quick freezing equipment this time is reduced to 40 minutes. The production of semi-finished products is completed at the packaging stage. To do this, use plastic bags, cardboard boxes or other containers. Storage of finished products should be carried out in low-temperature refrigerators.

Business plan for the production of semi-finished products

Own production of semi-finished meat products must begin with the development of a detailed business plan. Calculations and forecasting should be based on marketing research data. It is necessary to carefully study the sales market, raw materials, offers from equipment suppliers.

Production capacity

The purchase of the necessary equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products is one of the important points in the development of a business plan. You will need:

  • meat grinder;
  • cutting press;
  • slicer for cutting semi-finished products;
  • band saw for cutting meat;
  • molding machine;
  • equipment for making dumplings and cutlets;
  • freezers;
  • packaging machines;
  • storage chambers (separately for finished products and raw materials);
  • scales;
  • equipment for laying;
  • meat mixers;
  • meat grinder-top;
  • washing bath;
  • sets of knives and cutting boards;
  • bactericidal lamps.

If you intend to start cooking dumplings, then you should purchase additional equipment for the production of semi-finished products:

Room and location

To open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products with a capacity per ton of finished products per shift, a room with an area of ​​​​approximately 16 square meters is required. m. In addition to the production area where the equipment will be located, it is necessary to have a room for staff, a room for storing raw materials, as well as toilet and shower rooms.

The production of semi-finished meat products is recommended to be located near farms and peasant farms engaged in animal breeding. They will be able to become suppliers of environmentally friendly raw materials and reduce transportation costs. Rental costs can be about 50 thousand rubles per month.

The meat processing workshop cannot be located in basements where there is no natural light, in residential buildings and next to them, in rooms with limited installation capacity. Also not suitable for the production of semi-finished products are premises where there is no input of gas networks and the ceiling height is limited (recommended - more than 3 meters).

Buildings with complex architectural and planning solutions, places where it is not possible to create flow-exhaust ventilation, where there is no relationship between any production facilities and waste disposal, should also not be considered as a workshop.


2-3 workers per shift are enough to service the equipment. In addition, you will need:

  • director;
  • deputy directors for financial and production issues;
  • Head of the household;
  • accountant;
  • Chef;
  • logistician;
  • chief technologist;
  • Human Resources Specialist;
  • quality inspector;
  • IT specialist;
  • cleaner;
  • sales and purchasing managers.

Of course, at the initial stage of the business, many of these employees will not be needed, or one person can combine their work. But with the successful development of the business, you will need additional staff to work effectively.


The production of semi-finished meat products has a profitability of about 30%. Some entrepreneurs increase this figure to 80%. This is achieved due to a good original recipe developed at the enterprise, as well as high-performance equipment and cheap raw materials. Meat semi-finished products, whose producers seek to maximize profits and save on the amount of minced meat in the finished product, may be of poor quality and can undermine the reputation of the enterprise.


Collecting documents is one of the problems that a novice entrepreneur may face. It is not easy to comply with all the requirements of the legislation provided for in this area of ​​business. If you do not have experience, it makes sense to contact equipment suppliers. They are ready to provide a complete set of documents and provide the enterprise with the necessary production facilities.

Starting a business should be with the registration of a legal entity. You can register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC. Considering the main points, it should be remembered that the production of semi-finished products requires a mandatory conclusion of the SES. In addition, it is necessary to develop a program of production control, in accordance with which the release of products will be carried out.

Do not forget also that it is necessary to make certificates of conformity for all types of products. The list of standards for starting a business is not small. It makes sense to involve specialists who will help you collect and prepare all the necessary documentation.


When planning this type of business, the main task is to find distribution channels. If this issue is not properly thought through, then in the end you can end up with a warehouse of finished products filled to capacity without the possibility of its sale. This can lead not only to damage to the goods, but also to the closure of the entire production.

When opening your business, be prepared for the fact that there is a lot of competition in the production of semi-finished products. One of the main ones are retail chains with their own processing shops. If you want to sell products through them, then there can be no question of promising cooperation. After all, they themselves are producers.

But in addition to the "giants" there are smaller trading enterprises that will be ready to work with you. Attention should be paid to small towns and settlements in which network companies did not have time to open their branches. There are also specialized butcher shops where people purposefully purchase meat products.

The production of semi-finished products is one of the priority areas in the state program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. To open a workshop, you can get government support and provide funding for the project.

The demand for fresh meat products is constantly growing. The main competition is developing between the segments of chilled and frozen products. There is a place in this niche for everyone, because different types of semi-finished products are clearly separated by purpose, distribution channels.


The volume of meat consumption in Russia has been constantly increasing over the past 10 years. Even according to the results of the depressive 2015, there is an increase (3%) compared to the previous period. At the same time, the production of semi-finished products is growing most actively, as well as their consumption. This is due to the employment of the population, the accelerated dynamics of modern life. To understand whether this direction is promising for small businesses, we briefly characterize:

  • features of the Russian market of meat products;
  • types of products, preferences, distribution network;
  • technologies and equipment for meat processing;
  • regulation of this type of business.

Supply and demand for semi-finished products

About 50% of the total volume of meat (Russian and imported) is sold raw. Approximately 30% - goes to sausage products, 5% - canned food, about 15% - the production of semi-finished meat products and supplemented with other ingredients. In recent years, their consumption has increased by 10-15% annually, while sausages - by only 5% (Fig. 1).

Almost a tenfold increase is a response to ever-increasing demand. But production is distributed unevenly across regions (Fig. 2). Traditionally, over 60% falls on the Central and North-Western districts, where large meat processing plants are concentrated. According to experts' forecasts, consumption of these products will grow in the next 3 years, the highest rates are expected in the periphery.

Increased demand has changed the strategy of large meat holdings (Fig. 3). If earlier they focused on the production of sausages, sausages, and other delicacies, then in the last two years they have been actively re-profiled into raw semi-finished products. This, of course, will lead to increased competition. The developed capacities of giant enterprises, their own raw material base, the possibility of acquiring imported equipment and new technologies put small business in obviously unfavorable conditions.

Most large meat processing plants produce frozen products. The transition from sausage production to products for cooking, the purchase of new technologies - increases its cost. Standard packages are also inconvenient: small ones are expensive for the manufacturer, large ones do not suit the buyer. Goods by weight are now in high demand.

Small businesses find a place in this niche for several reasons. Proximity to sales outlets saves transport costs. And the price in times of crisis is the main regulator of consumer demand. In addition, more and more buyers are choosing chilled meat over freezing; even if the cost is higher by 10 - 15%. Since the shelf life of such products is up to 7 days, retailers take them from local producers. However, they often complain about the poor assortment, low quality of goods.

Varieties of products, sales directions

Meat semi-finished products are produced from all types of meat: beef, pork, poultry, including offal. Currently, their range includes about 40 units. Products are usually divided into two broad categories: chilled and frozen. According to the manufacturing technology, they are:

  1. natural. Large, small-sized products, mainly from chilled meat: brass beef and pork, steaks, natural cutlets, shish kebab, stew, soup sets.
  2. Breaded. Ready-to-cook dishes from fresh and thawed meat in liquid (with egg) crumb crumbs: offal, chops, rump steaks.
  3. Chopped. Products from low-grade raw materials, often with the addition of bread, spices: cutlets, steaks, meatballs. This group also includes packaged and loose minced meat.

Mixed semi-finished products with the addition of dough and, to a lesser extent, vegetables are widespread on the Russian market (Fig. 4). The undisputed leader is dumplings, they even came up with a special vending machine for them.

Sales channels for products:

  1. Retail chains- their share is about 50%. Dumplings, cutlets sell well in outlets of all kinds. Sliced ​​​​(shish kebab, goulash), minced meat, pancakes, pasties, manti - prevail in the markets, supermarkets. Both frozen and chilled products are sold.
  2. Specialized Culinary occupy approximately 10%. These are ordinary stores selling goods from the counter. Own culinary workshops allow us to prepare a diverse range of ready-made dishes, quickly respond to seasonal changes, changing tastes and needs. They sell finely chopped meat in marinades, kebabs, goulash, khinkali, cabbage rolls.
  3. HoReCa segment- about 14% of semi-finished meat products are sold through it. It is developing faster than anyone, thanks to the spread of fast food. Buyers - restaurants, bars, canteens, fast food cafes. Frozen products are supplied to public catering establishments more often; large-scale high-tech production wins here.

Main trends for 2016 - 2019:

  1. Increasing demand for chilled products; increase in the proportion of poultry meat: chicken and turkey.
  2. Expansion of the range of dishes in sauces, marinades of the original recipe; with vegetable ingredients.
  3. The replacement of traditional products with new, original dishes of the national cuisine of the peoples of the world.
  4. Growth in the consumption of expensive semi-finished products, ready-to-eat meals.

How to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products

If an entrepreneur decides to open a meat business, first you need:

  • determine in which market segment to work, select an assortment;
  • find, master, develop recipes taking into account modern technologies;
  • purchase professional equipment, transport for delivery.

The technological process, for example, for natural semi-finished products includes:

  • defrosting carcasses, half carcasses (defrosting) in the amount of daily processing - if necessary, if the workshop is located separately from the place of slaughter;
  • washing, drying, cutting into large cuts, trimming, stripping;
  • preparation of portioned, small-sized, chopped products on special machines;
  • packing of goods in functional containers, sealed bags, labeling;
  • cooling (freezing), storage, transportation to a warehouse.

As for the recipe, buyers prefer semi-finished meat products with a minimum degree of processing. For example, if these are chickens, then they are simply cut into half carcasses, breasts, wings, etc. However, there is a growing demand for "convenient" products, balanced in composition, with different ingredients, allowing you to prepare a dish in quick culinary ways. For this, modern packaging such as "protective atmosphere", "gaseous environment" is used. Experts believe that owning them will soon become a pass to the natural chilled food segment.

Inexpensive equipment for all types of processing is produced by Russian factories. It can be picked up separately, or you can purchase a ready-made modular workshop for the production of semi-finished products. The set depends on the future assortment. As a rule, the equipment of the workshop is formed by: band saws, cutting presses, meat grinders of various capacities, machines for applying breadcrumbs, cutlet or dumpling machines. If there is no work experience, it is advisable to find a supplier providing comprehensive services, including training, information support. Often such equipment is purchased on lease. The main selection criteria: an integrated approach (multifunctional lines) and rationality - the ability to ensure the sale of the entire volume of products.

Organizational and legal issues

Production of meat, other food products with it (semi-finished products, canned food, sausages); rules for storage, transportation, packaging, labeling are regulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products" (TR CU 034/2013). This document contains all the requirements, manufacturing conditions and classification of products with different meat content, for example:

  • meat - (> 60%) with the addition of other ingredients;
  • meat-containing - (5 - 60%), with the inclusion of flour, eggs, cereals, water;
  • meat and vegetable - (30 - 60%) using herbal ingredients.

Only the main groups are listed, in fact there are many more. After the development of the relevant GOSTs, their name will be indicated when marking. In accordance with the Regulation, manufacturers are required to issue one of three documents:

  • veterinary certificate- fresh unprocessed meat (veterinary organization of the Ministry of Agriculture);
  • state registration certificate— meat products for baby food (Rospotrebnadzor);
  • declaration of conformity(DoS) - processed meat, including semi-finished products (certification body).

Declaration is carried out according to three schemes: for the period of storage, 3 and 5 years (Fig. 5). The accredited laboratory of the Customs Union has the right to conduct tests, draw up and register DoS.

Each manufacturer must have a package of documents, including technical documentation, laboratory test reports and DoS. As for the sale of meat products, it does not have any special differences, and is regulated by general rules for retail trade.

Summing up. For small enterprises, it is unprofitable to manufacture finished products, since it is difficult for them to compete in terms of quality with sausages, sausages of large meat processing plants. It is more practical to produce fresh products that do not require deep processing of meat and do not duplicate common well-known brands. It is cheaper, does not require the development of complex processes, the involvement of qualified specialists.

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