Poems about winter (a large selection of poems). And the insidious enemy will not notice them in the snow And the insidious enemy will not notice them in the snow

Wood boards and products 28.12.2020


The morning snow sparkles outside the windows.
In a jacket and a hat, with fluff on the cheek,
With a traveling knapsack and a cane in hand,
The jacket flickers on his back,
Long tassels swing.
And the breeze stirs the light brown strand.
The pensive snow creaks underfoot,
A man is walking along a quiet road.
He becomes less and less in the distance,
And his cane is barely visible in his hand,
And here you can see nothing at all -
Neither his cane, nor himself -
Gone, as if a man had sunk into the distance.
Only a field around and shimmering snow ...



Lived-were in a cloud of a point:
dots-daughters and sons -
twenty thousand sons!
Twenty thousand daughters!
Forty thousand white dots -
sons and points-daughters -
immediately joined hands
And they rushed to the ground.

E. Moshkovskaya


Why, dear, does it snow in winter?
- Nature weaves a blanket out of it!
- A blanket, mom? And why is it?!
- Without him, the earth would become cold!
- And who, dear, should look for warmth in it ?!
- For those who have to spend the winter:
Baby seeds, grains of bread,
Roots of blades of grass, cereals and flowers.

A. Corinthian


got lost
At my sister's
Two fluffy mittens!
Tata complained:
- They galloped like rabbits!
galloped off
Right into the forest.
Even a trace of them

G. Novitskaya


One hope for spring
I live in winter...
I see a dark forest in a dream
Sun and grass...
He won't charm me
Gray-haired sorcerer Frost!
I dream of a family of lilies of the valley
I dream of the sound of birches...
Why diamonds and brocade
Did the old man bring it with him?
After all, I want some flowers,
Some flowers in spring!
And it will be under the window for a long time
Severe grandfather to threaten
Because he is in my heart
Can't kill dreams...

(1907) G. Galina

winter pictures

The sun warms the earth weakly,
Frost crackles at night.
In the snowman's yard
Whitened carrot nose.

Under a birch on a hill
The old hedgehog made a mink,
And under the leaves lie
Two little hedgehogs.

The squirrel hid in a hollow -
It is both dry and warm,
Stored mushrooms and berries
So much that you can't eat in a year.

Under a snag in a windbreak
The bear sleeps as if in a house.
He put his paw in his mouth
And how little sucks.

watchful fox
I went to the stream to drink.
Bent over and the water
Motionless and firm.

The oblique does not have a den,
He does not need a hole:
Legs save from enemies
From starvation - bark.

Partridge in the meadow
They dig snow without a shovel.
And an insidious enemy
Don't see them in the snow.

The tit wants grain,
New feeding trough is afraid to sit down.
"Be bold, don't be shy!" -
sparrow invites

Cat all day by the battery
Now the sides, then the paws warm.
He's out of the kitchen into the cold
Doesn't go anywhere.

Like a snow maiden, in a white fur coat
Masha rides boldly down the hill.
Vasya rolls a snowball -
He decided to build a house.

Under the window Tamara with Fedya
Sculpt a polar bear.
Their brother, little Oleg,
Teaspoon wears snow.

Lena is skiing
Leaving an even trail
And behind her is a red-haired Bobka,
Only Bobka has no skis.

There is a good ice rink on the pond,
Ice sparkles like glass.
Alyosha runs on skates,
And he's warm in the cold.

Where does winter live in summer?

In summer, winter climbs on the shelves,
Where the earflap
Sweater, sweatshirt,
Where are the mittens in the closet.
In summer, winter lodges in a closet
Along with the skates
Together with the sled
Sleeps next to the skis.
In the summer she lives in a kiosk,
where is the popsicle and ice cream.
Well, when the snowflakes flash,
From the shelves, she shakes herself off, climbs down,
Summer goes to the closet.
Maybe summer is hiding in a kiosk?
We won't be able to find out:
The kiosk is closed in winter.
Where does summer live in winter?

Oyar Vatsietis

Mum! look out the window
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently there is frost.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone tattered
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled, and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
"Well, hurry up for a walk!"

Waiting for warmth
In the middle of a winter day
Flowers have blossomed
On my window.
I went to the flowers
My cheek got wet
Because windows
I touched lightly.

J. Marcinkevičius

In the winter forest

Through the hoarfrost forest lonely
Distant lights flicker.
Forty sleeps on a fragile branch -
Just hold out your hand.
In the den, between three pines,
The gullible bear snores.
And the month is so carelessly thin
Even scary to look at...



I'm skating like the wind
Along the forest edge...
Mittens on hands
Hat on top...
One-two! That's where I slipped...
One and two! Almost tumbled.
One-two! Hard on your toes!
Crunched, grunted ice,
The wind blows from the right.
Christmas trees-wolves! Full stroke -
From the pond to the ditch...
One-two! Down the slippery path..
One and two! Funny feet...
One-two! On and on...

Two people are talking: - Imagine, the deer are already flying out! - Got it? “Listen, they climb the oaks so high that I can’t reach them. - And you have wandered them

lure juice! The deer are terribly fond of him: they stick their trunk in and are thrilled, even take them with your hands. Do you know how many I brought that year? And, of course, you will never catch it on an oak tree ... A strange dialogue, isn't it? But maybe it's completely true? Who are the two talking about? And who could these two be? as soon as possible plz

please help answer questions

please 1) Largest number amphibians live in the tropics with their equal temperature and high humidity. There are few of them in temperate latitudes, but they are not in the Arctic and Antarctica. Why? How can you explain this phenomenon 3) Amphibians are well distributed on land, but why are they not found in sea water? 5) one of the frogs sitting on the shore, noticing the approaching enemy, jumped into the water. Other frogs followed her, although they could not see the danger. Explain the behavior of animals 6) Frogs can long time is at the bottom of the reservoir, without suffocating. Explain this phenomenon. Can't newts jump on land? 9) frogs are well adapted to life in water; when breeding, they lay eggs in strictly defined places. Explain why?
10) the frog's heart contracts more often than in fish (from 40 to 50 times per minute), but the metabolism in its body is slower. how can you explain this
11) 12 species of amphibians live in the Caucasus, and in Central Asia (in an area that is 6 times larger than the Caucasus) only 2 species (green toad and lake frog), Suggest an explanation for this phenomenon. 12) In autumn, at 0c, frogs jump 10-15 cm high, and in summer up to 100 cm, why? 13) There is a widespread belief among the population that
that frogs, toads, if picked up, can cause warts, why?

Ants of the species Adetomyrma venatrix living in Madagascar have been nicknamed "Dracula ants" for their specific way of feeding. Their adults

they cannot digest solid food - they bring food to the colony, but eat and digest the prey of the larva. The adult ants then bite through the skin of the larvae and drink their analogue of blood. What is the name of this analogue of blood?

These marine inhabitants swim in flocks, they are from two to thirty centimeters in size, do not have powerful claws and reliable armor, they prefer in case

danger of fleeing rather than fighting. They are able to swim both in front, with the help of legs on the abdomen, and backward - with the help of the tail, raking water under them. Their color is from transparent to scarlet. The eyes are rather large and black. People even breed them on "farms" About what marine organisms speech?

These marine life swim in flocks. They are from two to thirty centimeters in size, do not have powerful claws and reliable armor, they prefer in case

danger of fleeing rather than fighting. They are able to swim both forward, with the help of legs on the abdomen, and backward - with the help of the tail, raking water under them. Their color is from transparent to scarlet. The eyes are rather large and black. People breed them on the "farm". What marine organisms are we talking about?

N. Stozhkova

puts Father Frost to all the hares under the tree
On a soft toy - a fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.

And each chanterelle - a new comb
For trendy, shiny and red hair.
So that there was no time to offend bunnies -
You have to keep your hair in order.

A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
Alarm clock that wakes up the bear in the spring.

In defense of Santa Claus

A. Barto

My brother (he outgrew me)
Brings everyone to tears.
He told me that Santa Claus
Not Santa Claus at all!
He told me:
- Don't trust him! —
But here by myself
The door opened
And suddenly I see
Grandfather enters.
He has a beard
Dressed in a sheepskin coat
Toe loop to the very heels!
He says:
- Where is the tree?
Do the children sleep?
With a big silver bag
It stands, sprinkled with snow,
In a fluffy hat grandfather.
And the older brother keeps saying secretly:
- Yes, this is our neighbor!
How can you not see: the nose is similar!
Both arms and back! —
I answer: - Well, so what!
And you look like a grandmother
But you're not her!

Santa Claus

With a white shimmering veil,
Everything was covered in winter
And on your new path
Here she appeared.

Following her is
Our beloved Santa Claus,
And the little fry runs out:
“Grandfather, what did you bring us?”

How many pretty eyes
And flushed cheeks...
Hear the creaking of the sleigh,
Someone's horse tinkled.
Will there be dolls, toys?
Will there be piles of candy?
Candles on the Christmas trees, crackers?
Grandpa! Yes or no?

Grandfather smiled slyly
And he continues to walk.
Haven't you forgotten us, right?
Or doesn't want to say?
Fir branches are waving
Because of the wide back.
He keeps laughing: “Oh, kids!
Were you obedient?

Santa Claus is coming

G. Tukai

Now fields, then forests,
Between birch trunks
To us on a troika with bells
Santa Claus is coming.
Rides at a trot and gallop,
Knowing what's coming
Straight down the secret paths
To people New Year.
Snow wrapped in soft cotton wool
Birch branches...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Santa Claus is coming.

winter guest

N. Naydenova

We will not meet him in the spring,
He won't come in the summer
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.
He has a bright blush
Beard like white fur
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.
Happy New Year congratulations,
Light a magnificent Christmas tree,
amusing kids,
Get up with us in a round dance.
We welcome him together
We are great friends...
But drink hot tea
This guest is not allowed!


Everything covered with white snow:
And trees and houses
The light-winged wind whistles:
"Hello, winter-winter!"

An intricate trace winds
Down to the hill.
This hare typed:
"Hello, winter-winter!"

Again, bird feeders are placed,
Pour food into them.
And the pichugs sing in flocks:
"Hello, winter-winter!"

G. Ladonshchikov


White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...

I. Surikov

The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled, in tufts
Hung on the branches of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
Leprosy mother winter.

A. Pushkin

Here is the hostess
Winter is coming to us.
Dressed up...
In bright stars-earrings
Yes, silver boots!
And the boots creak
The braids are white to toe.
Waving his sleeve to the left -
And the meadow turned white.
Waving the right hand -
He will raise mountains of snow.
Slightly stomp the heel -
The river is covered with ice.
Dressed up the tree
She gave the rabbit a fur coat.
Whitewashed all the houses
Oh yes Zimushka-winter!

V. Tomilina


Freezing. The last leaves fell from the birch,
Frost quietly crept up to the window,
And for the night with your silver brush
He painted a magical country.

Now my morning never ends
And the winter cold comes to my house.
Blossom-blossom bushes mother-of-pearl,
And the firs are covered with thick silver.

What if this miracle melts in the sun?
Frost keeps him warm.
And even the firebird flies over the forest,
spreading two white radiant wings.

P. Kirichansky


Under the bridge the stream murmurs,
Knocks on the ice with a fist: -
Well, why are you, Santa Claus,
Close the door and take the key?

E. Kokhan


Bullfinches, bullfinches,
Like fragments of dawn
Ride on the track.
- You, frost, do not take them -
Burn your palms!

E. Kokhan

For a day in a row
The blizzards are whistling.
The trees are bare
They turned black from the cold.

And only oak to spite the winds
Cast-iron foliage rumbles,
He will only throw it off himself,
When he wants it.

A. Markov


Night... Do not sleep,
Sitting under the tree
Embroidered by Santa Claus.
He is by the tree
I took a needle
Vdel in a needle
Light from the stars.

Pulls the thread
Through a crack in the curtains
The whole window is already in patterns...

Tomorrow morning
Get up early
And we will see: on the window
The silver sleigh rides
Through the silver country.

V. Stepanov

Blizzard, snowstorm,
Spin us yarn
Whip the fluffy snows
Like swan fluff.
You nimble weavers -
Whirlwinds and blizzards
Give rainbow brocade
For shaggy firs.

S. Marshak


Does not go and does not go
Because ice.
Falls great!
Why is nobody
Not happy?

B. Berestov

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
He walks, shaking his white beard.
stomping foot,
There is only crackling.

C. Drozhzhin

Pours, pours snow in armfuls.
On the fields winter.
To the eyebrows covered with hats
In the courtyards of the house.
At night the blizzard played tricks,
Snow knocked on the glass
And now look
so funny
And white-white.

S. Marshak

Until March, the ponds are chained,
But how warm are the houses!
Wraps gardens in snowdrifts
Careful winter.
Snow falls from birches
In drowsy silence.
Summer frost paintings
Draws on the window.

E. Rusakov


Everywhere snow, in the snow at home -
Winter brought him.
Hurry up to us
She brought us snowmen.

From dawn to dawn
Glory to the winter bullfinches.
Father Frost like a small
Dancing at the rubble.
And I can too
So dance in the snow.

A. Brodsky


At the entrance, a boy was crying:
"Someone bit my finger!"
And another kid yelled:
"Someone blew my ears!"
The third touched his nose and cheeks:
— Who clicked me so painfully?
It became clear to the children -
Invisible in the yard.

L. Sandler


The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On a decorated tree
The lanterns swing
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore.

I. Chernitskaya


- Who is in an elegant warm coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy, and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

I. Chernitskaya


On our Christmas tree
Funny toys:
funny hedgehogs
And funny frogs
funny deer,
funny walruses
And funny seals!
We are also a little
Funny masks.
We are funny
Santa Claus needs
To be joyful
To hear laughter
After all, today is a holiday
Cheerful for everyone!

Y. Kantov


Christmas tree lights up
Underneath, the shadows are blue.
prickly needles
As if in white frost.
She thawed out in warmth
Straightened out the needles.
And with funny songs
We came to our Christmas tree.

L. Nekrasova


Winter evening
In the blue sky
Light blue stars.
The branches are falling
Blue frost
On the blue snow.
Paint blue frost
In the windows of forget-me-nots.
And the blue dog yawns
Near the blue booth.

A. Fetisov


The tree looks proudly up,
You know the holidays are coming soon!
The lights on her lit up
Like traffic lights!

Snow is falling over the Christmas tree
The snow sparkles on her
And in its branches lives
Yellow tit.

Near the Christmas tree games, laughter,
The cat under the tree squints -
This tree is for everyone
Christmas tree on the street?

V. Viktorov


Didn't cut down the Christmas tree
We're under New Year.
Near our house
The tree is growing.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, green needles,
All you are in white frost,
Only the sky is blue!
Decorate the Christmas tree with stars and flags,
And miracle lights are burning on the Christmas tree.
Near the Christmas tree we lead a round dance.
Hello, hello tree!
Hello, New Year!

I. Vekshegonova


Look guys
Birds and animals go
They are coming from the forest, in a hurry,
And they chirp and squeak.
Animals crowded at the door:
- Open the doors, children!
We hurry to the tree to you,
Let's make everyone laugh!
We responded to our guests:
- We are all very happy to see you!
Let's have fun together
Spin around the Christmas tree!

V. Kudlachev


The sun warms the earth weakly,
Frost crackles at night.
In the snowman's yard
Whitened carrot nose.

Under a birch on a hill
The old hedgehog made a mink,
And under the leaves lie
Two little hedgehogs.

The squirrel hid in a hollow -
It is both dry and warm,
Stored mushrooms and berries
So much that you can't eat in a year.

Under a snag in a windbreak
The bear sleeps as if in a house.
He put his paw in his mouth
And, like a little one, sucks.

watchful fox
I went to the stream to drink.
Bent over and the water
Motionless and firm.

The oblique does not have a den,
He does not need a hole:
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Partridge in the meadow
They dig snow without a shovel.
And an insidious enemy
Don't see them in the snow.

Tit wants grain,
But he is afraid to sit in the feeder.
"Be bolder, don't be shy!" —
Sparrow invites.

Cat all day by the battery
Now the sides, then the paws warm.
He's out of the kitchen into the cold
Doesn't go anywhere.

Like a snow maiden, in a white fur coat
Masha rides boldly down the hill.
Vasya rolls a snowball -
He decided to build a house.

Under the window Tamara with Fedya
Sculpt a polar bear.
Their brother, little Oleg,
Teaspoon wears snow.

Lena is skiing
Leaving an even trail
And behind her is a red-haired Bobka,
Only Bobka has no skis.

There is a good ice rink on the pond,
Ice sparkles like glass.
Alyosha runs on skates,
And he's warm in the cold.

G. Ladonshchikov


In warm coats and earflaps
Snowy winter sometimes
Kids on a fast sled
A whirlwind rushes from the steep mountain.
Childish faces in the wind
They flared up with a flare.
Let the prickly snow gather dust
Let the angry frost get angry
All the guys do not care!

N. Belyakov


Hello guest- winter!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.
We have a space -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.
We can't get used to it,
Let your frost crackle:
Our Russian blood
Burning in the cold!

I. Nikitin

Went out into the open
Walk frost.
white patterns
In braids near birches.
snow paths,
Bare bushes.
Falling snowflakes
Quiet from above.
In white blizzards
Morning until dawn
They flew into the grove
A flock of bullfinches.

E. Avdienko

Sprinkle, sprinkle
White snow.
Quiet, quiet
As in a dream.
And thick.
We tell him:
Everything is already white
Around -
white forest
And the white house
The field is white
We blind
In the sled
Let's roll down the mountain...
For kids.

X. Gabitov

snowflakes fly,
Snowflakes are flying.
covered with snow
Forest paths.
From the cold of the jackdaw
Hiding in pipes.
And the hares got on
White coats.
hung on naked
Fluffy trees...
snowflakes fly,
Snowflakes are flying.

A. Tetivkin


It's cold, so cold!
The moon has frozen to the cloud!
Smoke stuck to the chimney
Someone's sled - to the river,
Even felt boots in the hut
They bask in the oven.

V. Shulzhik

Blizzard in the yard
Covered with white snow.
Looks very proud
The snow woman is standing.
In festive attire
Silver, fabulous
She stands in the snow
By our window.
important, angry,
She threatens everyone with a broom.
Black eyes burn
“Go away,” they say.

O. Maruni


Frost crackles. The rivers are frozen.
Birch trees tremble by the river.
It is warm here. In a hot oven
Coals crackle.
They will burn, and soon, soon
In cozy room warmth
Fine patterns melt
On painted glass.

P. Obraztsov


Santa Claus slept in bed
I got up, ringing icicles: -
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why don't you wake me up?
Disorder in the yard
Mud and puddles in December!
And from grandfather in fright
Blizzards swept across the fields.
And the blizzards flew
They moaned, whistled,
All the scratches of the earth
Covered with white snow.

N. Artyukhova


The creak of footsteps along the white streets,
Lights away;
On the icy walls
Crystals sparkle.
From eyelashes hung in the eyes
silver fluff,
Silence of the cold night
Takes the spirit.
The wind sleeps and everything goes numb
Just to sleep;
The clear air itself is shy
Breathe in the cold.

A. Fet


Today white blizzards
Wanted to loosen up
And the snowdrifts turned white -
Hundreds of polar bear cubs.
And they ring from the cold of spruce,
People put on felt boots
The stars turned blue in the sky
And shiver from the cold.

N. Kekhlibareva (translated by M. Sergeev)

Everywhere the frost is silver,
Each thread is glittering.
Jumping, jumping titmouse
And he does not sit still:
Like blue feathers
Not covered with frost.

E. Chumicheva


The winter vacation!
It has been raining since morning.
cringed, drooped
Snow mountain.
The sparrows are chirping
The warm wind is circling.
During the winter holidays
I stomp through the puddles.
The streams jumped.
The birch is alive.
The winter vacation...
At Santa Claus.

Ladonshchikov Georgy Afanasyevich - Russian Soviet poet.
Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1976). Born into a peasant family. He graduated from the Higher Literary Courses (1960). Member of the Great Patriotic War. Published since 1934. In 1951 he published a book of poems for children, Little Masters. The topic of labor, moral, ethical and patriotic education of the younger generation are devoted to the book "Who is faster?" (1945), "Grinder" (1958), "With Your Own Hands" (1960), "Summer in the Heat" (1963), "Scarecrowed Pea" (1966), "Scooter" (1969), "About big and small" ( 1979), "Dispute in the birdhouse" (1972), Sat. humorous poems "... And they joke with love" (1972), Sat. poems "Tea with jam" (1976).
Translates poetry and prose from the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR.


Horrible dream

Once Upon a Dirty Piglet
What was urine squealed awake.
He had a terrible dream horrible dream:
As if he washed himself with soap ...
And in reality I get dirty sometimes
Soap and water scare.


Misha repairs the sockets himself,
Misha is known to all the neighbors,
Often asked:
— Help!
- If we can
We'll help,
He always answers...

In our house, the tiles are heated,
No sagging wires.
All calls at our entrance
They make a nice sound...
Misha is a real master:
He knows the matter well.


bright sunny weather
Happy, happy kids.
Only Zina walks something
Sad in the morning:
Asks the sun to close
Remove the rays from the clouds.
The cloud asks to appear
Wet everything in the world.
Looks at the blue sky
And on the blue horizon...
What is the matter with the girl?
Mom bought her an umbrella!

Alyonka's pictures

Inserting color film
into the camera,
Alyonka has arrived
Once upon a time at the zoo.
Alyonka learned
Shoot in a photo booth...
Click - and it turned out
Squirrel in a jump.
Filmed how he wakes up
In the bushes, a family of boars,
How does a hippo bathe?
In a big concrete bath
How to eat fresh clover
Mother kangaroo.
I managed to remove and the hedgehog,
Though he was in a hurry to go to the hole.
Then to the fence of the lioness
Alyonka came up
But take off, adjust
I couldn't for a long time.
The lioness looked proudly
On a black photo box
Covered her muzzle with her paw
And pretended to be asleep...
To the elephant house Alyonka
From the lioness came up:
Elephant with baby elephant
Took it off at breakfast.
I took off an owl on a branch,
By the tree - a donkey,
An evil hyena in a cage
On a boulder - a goat,
And How Guinea pigs
Meet the wolves...

And the rest of the pictures
Not yet printed.


- Cornflower, cornflower,
Tell me frankly
Why do you love so much
Grow among the rye?
In the meadow would you be
Not the last flower
And in the field they count
You are a weed.

— Among the bright colors
I fade in the meadow.
Only in the rye I am so
I can be beautiful.
Here I am, really
Like a guest
But still
In my good days
Loves rye.

My friends from A to Z

I love our Kindergarten.
It's full of guys.
They are all my friends.
Everything, everything, everything - from A to Z!
They are in the yard now
Let me introduce you to them:
Allah is watering the flower bed,
Borya supplies water,
Vera plants a cherry
Galya sings a song;
Dima inflates the balloon
Eva plays with the Hedgehog
Zhenya makes pies,
Zoya cuts out letters
Ira walks with a short Y;
Kolya is building a house with a chimney,
Lenya is repairing a dump truck,
Masha waves her hand to me,
Nadia is cleaning the samovar;
Olya dresses up the doll
Petya spins around
Raya embroiders an apron,
Sasha boasts of a net;
Tanya throws the ball into the net,
Ulya looks at the sky
Fedya gives her candy,
Haritosha, sitting, sleeping;
Caesar walks on the bench
Charlie dances on the board
Shura Shchukin with a ruler
Y displays on the sand.
B and b knows the girl and so.
Emma picks up the hoop
Yura feeds the pigeons
Yasha looks and counts
How many friends I have named.


Clouds are floating somewhere
Silence over the river.
Vovka with his younger brother
Here she is!
The float dived under the shore.
The fisherman pulled the line.
How so?
Doesn't believe his eyes
On the hook is his worm.
“It was a good bite!
Why didn't the fish take it?
Know smart -
Vovka thought. —
Or experienced.
And the little brother praises Vovka:
- Well done, did not miss!
How cool are you
How clever
I caught a worm in the river!

Bird talk

Somehow Petya met Borya.
Borya Petya began to boast:
— Wow, I know a lot of nests!
I know where the goldfinch is, where the thrush is,
I know where the owls live!..
- If you know - shut up!
Do not chat! —
Petya noticed. —
Be helpful to them though!

native nest

song swallows
Above my window
They sculpt, sculpt a nest ...
I know, soon in it
The chicks will appear
They will start to vote
They will be parents
Moscara to wear.
Little ones flutter
From the nest in summer
Fly over the world
But they always
They will know and remember
What is in the native land
The nest will greet them
Above my window.

About myself and about the guys

The sun hid behind the houses
Leaving kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
As we sang songs in unison,
How they played leapfrog
What did we drink
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I'm being honest
And everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

winter pictures

The sun warms the earth weakly,
Frost crackles at night.
In the snowman's yard
Whitened carrot nose.

Under a birch on a hill
The old hedgehog made a mink,
And under the leaves lie
Two young hedgehogs.

The squirrel hid in a hollow -
It is both dry and warm,
Stored mushrooms and berries
So much that you can't eat in a year.

Under a snag in a windbreak
The bear sleeps as if in a house.
He put his paw in his mouth
And, like a little one, sucks.

watchful fox
Went to the stream to drink
Bent over and the water
Motionless and firm.

The oblique does not have a den,
He does not need a hole:
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Partridge in the meadow
They dig snow without a shovel.
And an insidious enemy
Don't see them in the snow.

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